Thank you all for watching! 💛 If you'd be so kind, please subscribe and turn on notifications. It makes a big difference to my channel - currently, 93% of my loyal viewers haven't subscribed. I'm truly appreciative of you all, and I hope you like this episode 🙏
FALSE finger pointing. Hong Kong, Japan, S korea, have longest life expectancies in the world 2024 and they eat lots of instant noodles. Momofuku Ando 吳百福 inventor of INSTANT NOODLES and founder of Nissin Food Products lived healthily till 96yo eating Nissin chicken ramen almost every day until he died. He wasn't poisoned by Nissin instant noodles = an example of Ultra-Processed Foods.
@@rachelcoleman4693 lots of vegetables, some low gi fruit, fish meat or chicken, chia seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts, cheese, salads, pulses, Greek yogurt no sugar, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, no pre made or ultra processed foods just home cooked foods. Low carbs though to be transparent, but some wild rice, barley, black rice, new potatoes in moderation. No bread unfortunately! My blood sugar is normal hbaic down to a third of diabetes level in 6 months, off all meds.
Another tip which has been scientifically proven to instantly lower sugar levels is when having a meal - lets say, with protein, vegetables, carbs and a fruit or dessert - always eat the vegetables first The vegetables serve as a fibre lining in the stomach before food enters the colon, slowing down any insulin spikes from anything else you eat after that. For instance, if you go out for a meal, the restaurant may put bread on the table. If you eat the bread first this will immediately spike your insulin and make you hungrier. Your blood sugar will also crash sooner, just in time for the dessert menu! So always eat in this order. 1. Vegetables 2. Protein 3. Carbs 4. Anything sweet If you're having a meal that doesn't include vegetables, you can eat 15 olives for instance instead or a small salad with a healthy dressing.
I have found how ultra-processed food affects health on my own body. Got type 2 diabetes at 62 yo. Due to your podcasts and other's, I have managed to get it into remission and changed my life style. Thank you so much !❤
I'm so glad that more of these videos are coming out, yet sad that people I care about who have health problems and poor diets refuse to join the dots. I share these videos to no avail
I just read Dr. Van Tulleken's book, and he connected the dots for me. This is the reason that even when I went on a totally vegan diet for a month, I didn't lose any significant weight. I was still eating ultra-processed food! I've been learning about food and health for decades, and this is the last piece of the puzzle for me. Now I just have to re-learn how to eat - a huge project for sure!
Thank you for promoting Dr. Van Tulleken's message. Any effort to change our food landscape and inform consumers is a push in the right direction. Cheers.
That's science mixed with capitalism, baby. Frankenfood engineered with the latest science and knowledge of human biology (including hormones and neurology) to maximize profits!
This guest is so much better in his anger and indignation! I used not to bother with listening to him as i found him a bit flimflam and watered down (like the mainstream TV doc he is. BBC...worse than a waste of time IMO). This is a fantastically heartfelt presentation from him in which he shows his own vulnerability whist giving very pertinent information. It's quite unbelievable what is being presented to us as food. Our young are so at risk but they arent aware of it! Thank you (ive been reading about this travesty of UPFs since 1995).
Dr.Chris Van Tulleken explained in other podcasts that he chooses his words carefully because he doesn't want to say anything wrong and the important message and research be ripped apart because poor choice of words
I agree. Bless him and his message, I am very impressed with his courage and growth in unravelling himself from the powers-that-were as he turns back to Mother Nature.
I work in a supermarket and after watching a few of chris podcast, I'm scared, I got obsessed looking at ingredients, its not just bad, its scary bad cause you can escape it
When i read that guys book i started to see supermarkets in a different way. I started to notice the overwhelming amount of UPF products on the shelves. It made me angry to see how food companies made health claims or manipulated the traffic-light system to make their "stuff" look healthier than it actually was (e.g. green or orange lights for a 1/4 portion... but who eats a 1/4 portion??) His book opened my eyes and changed my shopping habits. It takes more effort to hunt around for real food, but I would prefer that to chronic illnesses as I age
@@pinkifloyd7867 like many people, I'm saving to buy a small place to live off grid and grow my own. I try to buy organic when i can afford it. I search the internet for tips on how to wash fruit and veg from supermarkets.... and i have cut down my consumption of UPFs (ultra processed foods) as much as humanly possible 👍
I think a big part of the problem is that no-one cooks anymore. It's so easy to make delicious cookies or protein bars with natural ingredients and pop them in the oven or fridge for half an hour. The same with meat dishes or even home-made pasta. People either don't have the time or couldn't be bothered anymore when it's so much easier to buy cheap food off the shelf. I think a lot of people are also unaware that frozen fruit and veg can be much healthier than fresh fruit and veg, because it's picked when it's ripe unlike 'fresh' produce, which is picked when green.
I'm carnivore 6 years ago. It's cheaper and easier to be carnivore as cooking a steak takes few min and no preparation. Pressure cooker makes it so easy for hard cuts that are cheaper. If you don't want to be too radical add a salad and that's it. No hassle
There are Very little nutrients left out when you eat meat. Then is not difficult to get one side that contains it. Priorities nutrition over variety works well. And it's cheaper because you stop buying sweets, sides, sauces, drinks, etc plus some things are free if you speak to your butcher like the half of the animal they had to throw because people don't know they are delicious and nutritious. Just think of chicken liver or any liver. Read the list of nutrients for very little money. A few mins cooking, done! Our grandparents used to know this intuitively, we forgot their wisdom
@sararaqueldelapenajones1810 my god daughter's mother was told not to feed her liver because it's the clearing house for all the junk captive animals are fed.
Just make sure to buy pasture and grass FINISHED liver and liver from free range chickens. If one eats meat, liver is a power house for good health. Grass FED means the animal may have started off eating grass but was finished off eating grains so make sure the label says Grass FINISHED. Cows were never meant to eat grains. It causes huge digestive disturbances and affects the liver very negatively (liver abscesses).
@@ritawing1064 people need to make sure to buy grass Finished meat and organs as opposed to grass Fed. Grass fed can mean it started off eating grass but later was changed over to grain fed. Grain is indigestible to cows and causes many health problems, including how it affects the liver.
Absolutely right, after going vegan in 2018 and later adopting mcDougall's starch based diet, i pretty much go through a supermarket that has a whole bunch of "non food" items for me, they might just aswell be colored packaging only. Not eating it and seeing them for what they are makes it SO easy to not be tempted. I say tempted, but i'm at the point where they have to pay me good money to even eat that stuff again.
@@happyapple4269that would depend on the person. For a t2d person, it would be really bad. But for a healthy person it could be fine. Potatoes, whole wheats, rice, legumes. Not much wrong with that.
Love this podcast, very well broken down into digestible information. As a person who did spoon sugar, honey by 2 kilo pw, plus lollies sweets all day every day... finally got to stop all, I substitute eg olives, nuts, fruit, protein, spices, evoo, sourdough tea coffee ...
Couldn't agree more!. Nutrition should be included in the school curriculum along with easy good food prep lessons and make it fun!!Kids would love this.
We were talking about this as young mums in the 70s and there are millions more upfs on the shelves, and even longer ingredient lists on the packets than I was railing against then. Nothing has changed in 50 years. Nothing.
@@samanthamccarthy325 We are the change we wish to see. Share these podcast to all your family, friends and frenemies. Soon you will see your not-tribe fall back as is their choice...though I do believe on occasion in the name of humanity we need to track back to make sure they are still on the path and are ok. After all we too are on the path others have tread before us. Try. Try. And try again. Much love.
Great book. It is so sneaky. I stopped buying generic store brand cream cheese --- contains the gum emulsifiers, but Philly brand does not. More expensive, but I buy when on sale. Hagaan Daz ice cream is the only one I can find still made with egg yolks!
Great podcast - I used to pride myself on choosing Pret sandwiches and while I’ve moved to real food / whole food over the last few years, this podcast has shattered my view that my earlier choices were good and driven by me alone. Well done both of you and good luck with improving the regulation of food.
Good interview. A person living in a western country with type 2 diabetes, has made a lifestyle choice - they are not a victim chained up, without any choice. Yes the food industry lies and is corrupt, but that is no longer an excuse for eating junk, with the avalanche of information available (like this video) exposing the dangers of eating refined foods containing added sugar. For those who are heavily addicted it takes mental discipline and strong determination. I was a massive sugar addict many years ago but I quit cold turkey. It was hard, but that decision to quit junk and starting to eat a strict whole food diet, cured my sleep apnea that was literally destroying my life. It also fixed my skin issues - tinea and skin blemishes that plagued me for years.
Just remember that health and food is a process of discovery. None of us just switched to healthy magically. We somehow had something introduced to us and then we opened up a whole new world of knowledge. No one could possibly know how bad or corrupt it is. Just because the knowledge is out there doesn’t mean we all rapidly discover it. It took me 50 years and I’m a scientist. But when you see something, you don’t forget it.
So just because you can do it, everyone can do it? Don't be ridiculous. People have varying degrees of difficulty resisting temptations. If quitting an addiction was that simple there would be no alcoholics. And I doubt there would be many smokers either.
Good for you. You had the determination within you. Many don’t. They may simply not have the time, resources, energy, will, intellect or information available to them. Don’t deride them please. Try and help them..or at least someone..instead.
@@CJ-lj9fb Curing addiction is about taking responsibility for personal choices, and every human who takes responsibility can quit eating processed food. There is plenty of information and community support out there to help them get through the addiction. I did it as have many others.
Sorry, dude, but you are wrong. They had no choice. If you do not believe that then you may consider trusting the recent work and books from Robert Sapolsky and Sam Harris.
Just finished listening to Chris’s book. It’s absolutely brilliant and has the usual entertaining approach that I grew to love when I watched him and Xand on Operation Ouch with my kids. Highly recommended!
As a second comment if I may, after a year on a keto diet and now on carnivore and having covered every diet I’ve heard of in 70 years, I remember hearing this; everything I love is either illegal, immoral or fattening! Never a truer word….🤭
@@softballbryan I am conflicted about bacon. Is not what 'they' are saying about bacon now similar to what they said about eggs, butter, saturated fat, cholesterol, LDL, sunshine, etc. then. How long has bacon been part of the human diet...much longer than the pills and the ills we have now I would think. Anything that is good for us 'they' demonise, anything not so good, natural or upf they are evangelical about. Don't look to God and nature anymore look to us. Scientisism: The often dogmatic belief that science is the only source of knowledge.
I still eat UPF after reading the book, but, but i just do it much more mindfully, like no where near as often. It makes up maybe 20 percent of my diet now rather than like 40/50 percent
Thanks you for the video! I watch it from Bulgaria. Its help me to keep be motivated to follow restrictions on food. Its hard to find higth quality food in market. If you want to eat high quality (nutrition density food - like no till grown food, no pesticides ...) its easier just to make it or grow it.
2 and a half months ago I started on this journey of reading his book and learning about my food. I’ve now eliminated even more (through trial and error) and I’m eating a carnivore diet. I still have a few sauces with a few nasties (try to avoid where possible) but mostly eat meat and dairy. I’m feeling so much healthier, I have better energy and digestion. So grateful for his book and interviews as it helped me stabilise my weight for the first time in many years and get off Ozempic. I wish I’d known how UPF’s affected me years ago.
Min. 4-9: exactly, it’s “NOT FOOD.” One of my grandfathers was a farmer. One by full choice…first in his family to do so, and got a PhD in agriculture of some subform plus a spouse who could help but the land (or had it already, in fact). Farmers could be new to it back then. Main point he’d make: *”If it doesn’t rot, it isn’t food.”*
You know that there is simply nothing better than eating meals made from scratch. Nothing too fancy or time consuming but simple things such as a jacket potato or nice simple risotto.
It is much easier and enjoyable to go for a run, provided that you aren’t struggling to breathe, embarrassed by your jiggling fat and worried that your joints might collapse at any moment! Starting a running regime as a “normal” build might be fine but heavier people do not find it so easy!
We discover that food is way more important than exercise. My son lost 30 lbs in 3 months with no exercise just by going low carb/keto. It was incredible.
Yes walking is the best exercise for me. Low impact but has made my bones and joints strong and gets oxygen, blood and all the good things moving, especially my brain!
If you can't run, jog. If you can't jog, walk. If you can't walk fast, walk slowly. The point is to get moving. Fact: Just because you are at a normal weight range does not mean that you can run. I've weighed around 56-58 kgs all my life (62-64 post pandemic) but I could not run to save my life. I can walk very easily for hours though!!!
Do not run if your joints are sore you are overweight or you have any breathing problems first of all running especially on concrete is extremely jarring on the body and unless you are fit it’s a terrible exercise. I am a certified personal trainer and I have certifications in human nutrition and cognitive behaviour therapy. if you are heavy, the thing to do is go on UA-cam and start with find 50+ or for seniors I don’t care if you’re 22. If you are very out of shape you start with gentle seniors stretches sitting or standing Pilates but modified for people who are 50 or 60+. As you gain strength you can start resuming normal activities. There is so much misinformation especially by actual MDs out there That I have all but given up but two or three of them and the worst one to avoid is Dr Berg is a nightmare of misinformation.
I've had Ulcerative colitis for 18 year's and the carnivore diet has put my Ulcerative colitis into remission for over 3 years and I'm off all medications
Be careful about that because Dr Adkins who started this whole extremely dangerous carnivore craze when he died he had a fall where he hit his head and died and the family fought like it was the hunger games to keep his autopsy private. Why? Because within months he would’ve died from congestive heart failure 98% of all of his valves and and a order was blocked with plaque from animal food animal products are not only for us. It’s bad for the planet and it’s bad for animals and whatever temporary relief you might be getting you’re gonna end up with a host more problems and probably worse. The healthiest people on earth that live the longest eat little or no meat and if they eat any animal products at all it’s small amounts of fresh codfish otherwise meat is a once or twice a month if they have it at all and these people are 95 years old running up mountains . Read about The and diet. Read about the Loma Linda diet in California where this particular part of California rivals Okinawa for the longest living people it’s basically plant-based.
I think it is a bit sad that exercise plays a much smaller part of weight loss than diet than we thought. Thinking of all those time I started a gym membership along with thousands of others around New Years based on a false assumption :( Our education on this really has failed us. I left school thinking it was 50/50 diet vs exercise. Always heard "move more, eat less"
But you're right. It's just that people have become very sedentary since the advent of smartphones and so it's one small step at a time. Hopefully once people start eating the right foods exercise will follow? I tended to do it the other way round - always kept fit but never really ate properly because I looked fit. Now I know better!
People have forgotten what real foods look like. Think ingredients that you make meals with. Beef. Pork. Poultry. Fish. Eggs. Vegetables if you like them. Occasional fruit or berries in season. Nothing with added sugars, vegetable oils, or artificial ingredients, or created in a factory.
You’re absolutely right there! Let’s hope things will change for the better, even if some people & cultures will continue to rely more on pulses, grains and other plants. That’s not me. I prefer that list you made! At least let’s try and rid ourselves of ultra-processed fodder.
Are you joking.. vegetables are most important for your health, the majority of people in the UK and the US lack fibre, which is hugely important for your health, and you don't get it from animal products. Olive oil is healthy, and we need salt too, when it's added in small amounts to homecooked food.
@stevelanghorn1407 exactly, we've evolved as omnivores, so not many people will do well on just animal products. Not even talking about the planet, which just can't sustain everyone eating so much meat. Eating mostly plants is the best way for your health, for most people.
@@DainaBeck Agreed. Except perhaps for those struggling with difficult auto-immune complaints such as Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, Rheumatoid Arthiritis etc.who have found much relief & metabolic improvements from a mostly meat / fish diet. Also those who have struggled with carb addiction, obesity and Diabetes. But otherwise yes; we are Omnivores.
I wish Dr. Chris looks more at fruits, grains and veggies as well as seed oils, not just hyper processed foods. I'm a T2 diabetic and was told those three thing where what I should eat.... and my blood sugars went through the boody roof! I wasn't eating any junk food either! The only way to get them stable was to do high meat based Keto. I lost some weight in the process too. If I stuck with the recommended Diabetic diet here in Australia I'd have been dead in few more years from Hyperglycaemia. Why is no one looking into this? Why do us Diabetics who see our own blood sugars every 2 hours every damn day need to be the ones to have to take the proactive because doctors can't be bothered to SEE what the Glucose Meter shows them? I DARE doctors to wear a continuous one and eat the 'recommended diet' for 2 weeks and find out how BAD the suger intake we're recommended is first hand. Might learn something. I used myself as my own test subject because I could see it with my own eyes everything I was being told to eat I was hyper sensitive to. 13.5 after eating 5 strawberries is a warning sign you can't egnore. Plus side I feel and look better than anyone I know who had the gut surgery & those around me who went vegetarian & vegan. I don't have any pain, no more bloating or feeling I want to vomit water at the time of the month. I have have retained all my muscle I had when I used to bake in my mid 20s and I'm alot more active than those others too, all within weeks of giving up the fruit and high carb grains and root veggies.
absolutely 100 percent. we make our own bread (I don't eat it but my family does), we make our own pasta - four EGGS and olive oil not flour and seed oil. We make our own pizza, our baked beans without added sugar etc... its not hard! My daughter eats salmon, brown rice and quinoa for breakfast with fruit before school. Her friends have shop bought white bread and cereal with 'plant milk' which is low in protein and has seed oils in it. When you make your own food, the omega 6 is lower, omega 3 higher if you choose well. Seems silly to eat rubbish then take supplements.
@@Petunia-fl9lu hallelujah. Bit like plucking your eyebrows, then drawing them back on 😅 we all have a time issue, so just prioritise. Myself? After work on a Sunday, kids at their dads, I have a good few hours where I’ll batch cook, freeze and fill the fridge for the week ahead. I listen to people who say they can’t afford decent food. Open their cupboards you’ll find packs and packs of biscuits, chocolate, sweet cereals, all manner of ‘things’ that cost a lot to the wallet and health. So the funds are there, maybe choose more wisely instead of blaming the cost of food. Rant over
In Britain you can buy sourdough bread at M&S, and if you have a Polish shop nearby you may find sourdough bread there, just read the label, because there are some imposters being sold too. It should contain flour, water, sourdough, salt and nothing else. Alternatively you can bake your own bread. I don't attempt to bake sourdough bread, but one with yeast is pretty easy to make and delicious 😋
I think so. I have started making my own bread using sourdough and taking whole grains which I soak (since I don't have a grain mill) then put through a blender to make a dough. This I started after learning that most of our store-bought flour has very little nutrition compared to grinding and baking whole grains. Amazing stuff! 🙂
suffering with frontal lobe dementia along with type 2 diabetes and lung disease I absolutely struggle with understanding and practicing eating healthy I am gueniely addicted too chocolate and fast foods which is killing me slowly -doctors don't take my addition seriously and I am wanting to change but can't seem to keep my must stop thought . I hate myself for being so weak which then brings more stress which in turn sends me to the sugar drug which for a short time makes me feel better but then the opposite and I am down again - its really making me miserable and hate myself - i am thin built and always have been but my tummy is large and horrible and adds to my depression and bad eating -dont drink I try to keep active with small walks (my breathing and health in general is very limited ) I am hitting 60 and want to 100% change
In the US you can buy a bottomless drink. I know you can't do that in Australia, can you do that in Britain? If you're given the opportunity of buying a drink that you can continuously refill, you are quite likely to do just that until you're near bursting point.
Although I’m personally 100% committed to whole food healthy eating, and have been for some time, the sad truth is all the fruits and vegetables available to me and the average low income UK citizen are caked with harmful pesticides and undesirable chemicals - even washing them with contaminated British tap water doesn’t help any of us either. Therefore the poorest people of the UK we have no healthy food options. It’s near impossible to find an assortment of 30+ affordable whole food products (that are recommended we eat weekly), which are produced organically in the UK and those that are cost above and beyond a many basic salaries. I would be very interested to know if Chris or any of his many business partners / sponsors have plans to invest in regenerative sustainable organic agriculture and farming initiatives for production of real healthy food for the masses, thus ensure we all have freedom of food choice and not just the elite.
SAD diet indeed. I used to think thin crust papa Murphy's pizzas were ok - No. I was a single dad, with a demanding job. Preparing a healthy wholesome meal after 14 hours work-commute was just too much to ask for. I suffered the consequences.
You'll be lucky if we're not all forced to be vegans. Atm the standard diet even without processed food is highly vegetarian and not great for the majority of the population (carbs being the most recommended and yet the biggest culprit to high insulin resistance)
It is SO EASY to avoid all these health disasters. You just do what your parents or grandparents did and cook real food from scratch. Real food isn't more expensive if you know how to shop and cook (think beans, pulses, root vegetables, and whatever's in season) and you'll have time to cook if you stop scrolling through social media. The alternative is increasingly bad health. No-brainer. If you don't know how to cook, learn. There are a gazillion videos online to help, or ask someone to teach you.
No all the Pacific islands eat from their land BUT IF YOU PUT MACDONALDS THEIR THIS IS WHEN THEY PUT WEIGHT ON. Yes the island people are bigger build but if you visit the islands they not overweight. I know the islands quite well
@@leonieduplessis4467 there was a recent documentary on it. And it was medically proven that it is a status thing to eat at McD and drink Coca Cola. Check it out?
Just a suggestion. The content was good. However, hearing a host make affirmative grunts or murmurs, such as Mmhmm, Uh-huh, etc, over-and-over, really makes it difficult to listen to. I really enjoy Mark Hyman, MD's UA-cam content as well, but he's another example of this annoyance. Sadly, I can only listen for a short while because of this. Yes, perhaps I'm a bit hyper- sensitive, but I thought I'd just throw it out there.
OMG - Wow, I notice this, too! I also notice it with Mark Hyman! It makes it very difficult to listen to - I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing this.
I don’t find eating whole unprocessed food,that much more expensive if more expensive at all because I am not buying extra junk. On a whole food diet you don’t need to eat nearly as much. I don’t go to the market nearly as much as I used to and my food bill is lower.Also cooking at home I find cheaper than it could possibly be buying take out fast food or sodas and alcohol. People need to cook their own food and be cognitive of what is happening with these food industries. Again, educstion. I heard another doctor say…if it has a label ..don’t eat it. Eating Whole Foods takes more work…it’s not as convenient, but I don’t find it more expensive. Getting people to understand and do it is another story. Education is the most important step. It’s hard with governments that push this garbage on their populations. Parents need to be made aware and feed and teach their children well.
Chris, you say you have no time to exercise, due to being busy with your family. Try exercise snacks (look at the studies showing how effective short bursts of exercise are if you do them several times a day). If i can't do my usual cycling or resistance training, i run up and down the stairs 10 times, several times across the day. It's entirely possible.
Dr. Tulleken, it is good that you are optimistic, but I cannot see regulation coming any time soon. It took 50 years to take lead out of petrol for example.
How the hell can you call ham and bacon ultra processed foods. They've been around for thousands of years. That's how we kept meat safe to survive, long before refrigeration.
Just a question, the ad about bedding, the person highlights going to there showroom, nothing about where it came from, I'd rather see somebody at the start, not laying on a bed
What are your thoughts on radical low-carb diets such as “Ketogenic” and “Carnivore”? Some apparently highly qualified experts like Drs Unwin, Westham, Mason & Chaffee seem to be advocating these …with very positive results…in terms of reversing Diabetes, auto-immune diseases…arthiritis, rheumatism & related inflammatory conditions such as (various) bowel diseases etc. Some even claim they are highly beneficial in terms of treating mental health conditions. But they all seem to face one big barrier…CHOLESTEROL.
carnivore is the ultimate human diet. Red meat. every cell in your body is made from cholesterol, your brain is made from cholesterol, your hormones are produced from cholesterol. cholesterol repairs the body, the docs are either lying or a bit slow to come around to the truth.
@@happyapple4269 I’m sure you may very well be right, but goodness knows how the hell we’re going to feed our sky-rocketing world population on red meat, given the huge land pressures animal rearing involves and the massive areas of this planet devoted to growing fodder crops to keep all those fattened animals supplying us with our delicious, “natural” meat. And I’m speaking as one who absolutely adores a delicious juicy steak!
@@CJ-lj9fb Well, that’s still open for debate unfortunately. Top “influencers” from both extremes of the diet health / nutrition world will always pick science data (so very easily available to all now) to back-up their “beliefs”.
Absolutely love this episode and Dr Chris! His book on ultra processed food is so interesting. Highly recommend a listen to this one if you liked this episode:
Just finishing 14 day course of Clarithromycin antibiotics wiping out all the beneficial bacteria as well as the bad bacteria, plus any benefits of 6 months building up my gut biohome discuss
I have a vivid memory of sneaking spoonfuls of honey under the kitchen table when I was 4 years old because it was the only sweet thing in the house - LOL
I don't understand at all the kind of thinking that "I eat ultraprocessed foods cause everyone around me does.. Cause I would feel a weirdo and different if I did not.." I most definitely will never put anything into my mouth just to please other people. I also would NEVER force or push anyone to eat something "just because I will get offendend if you don't.." It is purely sick thinking to force anyone to put something into their mouth just out of politeness, if they in reality do not want to do it. 🤪
80% of people are far too lazy to do anything about this epidemic of obesity. In America, Chipotle is a popular chain seen as a healthy option. At home I make my own cilantro lime rice, cumin seasoned black beans, grilled chicken, and veggie toppings and what I make lasts 3 days so it ends up being cheaper too. If I tell that to a friend, they look at me like I’m insane and say “who has the time?!?”. You do! You have the time, but you choose to use that time on other stupid things instead of feeding your family nutrition dense natural foods. It’s infuriating and honestly quite sad. People would rather just blame the food industry and expect the government to fix it cuz again, ITS EASIER. Sad.
Yes, but you were likely taught, either deliberately or by osmosis to do that. I've been vegan 34yrs, since the age of 12. My grandfather wasn't at all vegan, but would come home, so happy, from the market with boxes of fruits and vegetables. He always had a large vegetable garden, and he always made his own food. He used to tell me "terrible" stories about the war - mainly that there was no fruit! He taught me how to eat. Not by sitting me down and teaching me, but by just doing his thing. Generationally, we're getting further away from what he did, being the norm
Thank you all for watching! 💛 If you'd be so kind, please subscribe and turn on notifications. It makes a big difference to my channel - currently, 93% of my loyal viewers haven't subscribed. I'm truly appreciative of you all, and I hope you like this episode 🙏
FALSE finger pointing.
Hong Kong, Japan, S korea, have longest life expectancies in the world 2024 and they eat lots of instant noodles.
Momofuku Ando 吳百福 inventor of INSTANT NOODLES and founder of Nissin Food Products lived healthily till 96yo eating Nissin chicken ramen almost every day until he died. He wasn't poisoned by Nissin instant noodles = an example of Ultra-Processed Foods.
I’m 😊😊
I reversed my diabetes with one rule. I buy ingredients only, not products. If you follow this simple process it is transformative and miraculous.
Are you on any medications? What does a day of eating look like for you?
@@rachelcoleman4693 lots of vegetables, some low gi fruit, fish meat or chicken, chia seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts, cheese, salads, pulses, Greek yogurt no sugar, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, no pre made or ultra processed foods just home cooked foods. Low carbs though to be transparent, but some wild rice, barley, black rice, new potatoes in moderation. No bread unfortunately! My blood sugar is normal hbaic down to a third of diabetes level in 6 months, off all meds.
@@davidlewis1787congratulations 🎉🙌🏻👌🏻
Another tip which has been scientifically proven to instantly lower sugar levels is when having a meal - lets say, with protein, vegetables, carbs and a fruit or dessert
- always eat the vegetables first
The vegetables serve as a fibre lining in the stomach before food enters the colon, slowing down any insulin spikes from anything else you eat after that.
For instance, if you go out for a meal, the restaurant may put bread on the table. If you eat the bread first this will immediately spike your insulin and make you hungrier.
Your blood sugar will also crash sooner, just in time for the dessert menu!
So always eat in this order.
1. Vegetables
2. Protein
3. Carbs
4. Anything sweet
If you're having a meal that doesn't include vegetables, you can eat 15 olives for instance instead or a small salad with a healthy dressing.
@@davidlewis1787wow thanks 😊
Dr Chris Van Tulleken should receive a knighthood for his work, bringing truth to the public ❤
Chris VT for prime minister!
I have found how ultra-processed food affects health on my own body. Got type 2 diabetes at 62 yo. Due to your podcasts and other's, I have managed to get it into remission and changed my life style. Thank you so much !❤
Wow - thank you so much for sharing!!! I’m so pleased this show has helped support you on that journey ❤
I'm so glad that more of these videos are coming out, yet sad that people I care about who have health problems and poor diets refuse to join the dots. I share these videos to no avail
Thank you 🙏
Yes. I experience the same sadness
Me too. I sound like some crazy evangelist trying to spread the word! It makes me so sad.
I just read Dr. Van Tulleken's book, and he connected the dots for me. This is the reason that even when I went on a totally vegan diet for a month, I didn't lose any significant weight. I was still eating ultra-processed food! I've been learning about food and health for decades, and this is the last piece of the puzzle for me. Now I just have to re-learn how to eat - a huge project for sure!
Same here. I just wrote a similar comment. I hope more influential people speak out about this.
If wholefood plant based vegan is something you want to do, Dr Michael Greger's daily dozen (free app) is amazing.
If you’re interested in veganism and health, you should check out some content from Neal Barnard and Will Bulsiewicz 😊🎉
Thank you for promoting Dr. Van Tulleken's message. Any effort to change our food landscape and inform consumers is a push in the right direction. Cheers.
It's the poorest people in the wealthiest nations who are dying of what has historically been known as "diseases of wealth."
That's crazy to me.
That's science mixed with capitalism, baby. Frankenfood engineered with the latest science and knowledge of human biology (including hormones and neurology) to maximize profits!
I would enjoy a discussion between Chris and Robert Lustig. They have changed my life by pushing me on UPF elimination path.
"You can't solve a problem at the same time as you profit from creating it." 👏👏👏👏
True... it's called witchcraft...
This guest is so much better in his anger and indignation! I used not to bother with listening to him as i found him a bit flimflam and watered down (like the mainstream TV doc he is. BBC...worse than a waste of time IMO). This is a fantastically heartfelt presentation from him in which he shows his own vulnerability whist giving very pertinent information. It's quite unbelievable what is being presented to us as food. Our young are so at risk but they arent aware of it!
Thank you (ive been reading about this travesty of UPFs since 1995).
So pleased you loved this conversation! Agree Chris showed so much passion and venerability in this episode 🙏
Dr.Chris Van Tulleken explained in other podcasts that he chooses his words carefully because he doesn't want to say anything wrong and the important message and research be ripped apart because poor choice of words
I agree. Bless him and his message, I am very impressed with his courage and growth in unravelling himself from the powers-that-were as he turns back to Mother Nature.
@@lizuca0199 Thank you for explaining that. Very Jordan Peterson-esque. That explains why I could watch this podcast in full with all my attention.
I work in a supermarket and after watching a few of chris podcast, I'm scared, I got obsessed looking at ingredients, its not just bad, its scary bad cause you can escape it
Good to recognise it!
When i read that guys book i started to see supermarkets in a different way. I started to notice the overwhelming amount of UPF products on the shelves. It made me angry to see how food companies made health claims or manipulated the traffic-light system to make their "stuff" look healthier than it actually was (e.g. green or orange lights for a 1/4 portion... but who eats a 1/4 portion??)
His book opened my eyes and changed my shopping habits. It takes more effort to hunt around for real food, but I would prefer that to chronic illnesses as I age
@@robertmorgan000 Whatchu gonna do about the arn jabbed fruits and veggies ???😢
@@pinkifloyd7867 like many people, I'm saving to buy a small place to live off grid and grow my own. I try to buy organic when i can afford it.
I search the internet for tips on how to wash fruit and veg from supermarkets.... and i have cut down my consumption of UPFs (ultra processed foods) as much as humanly possible 👍
So happy that you and your guests are sounding this alarm!
I think a big part of the problem is that no-one cooks anymore. It's so easy to make delicious cookies or protein bars with natural ingredients and pop them in the oven or fridge for half an hour.
The same with meat dishes or even home-made pasta. People either don't have the time or couldn't be bothered anymore when it's so much easier to buy cheap food off the shelf.
I think a lot of people are also unaware that frozen fruit and veg can be much healthier than fresh fruit and veg, because it's picked when it's ripe unlike 'fresh' produce, which is picked when green.
I'm carnivore 6 years ago. It's cheaper and easier to be carnivore as cooking a steak takes few min and no preparation. Pressure cooker makes it so easy for hard cuts that are cheaper. If you don't want to be too radical add a salad and that's it. No hassle
There are Very little nutrients left out when you eat meat. Then is not difficult to get one side that contains it. Priorities nutrition over variety works well. And it's cheaper because you stop buying sweets, sides, sauces, drinks, etc plus some things are free if you speak to your butcher like the half of the animal they had to throw because people don't know they are delicious and nutritious. Just think of chicken liver or any liver. Read the list of nutrients for very little money. A few mins cooking, done! Our grandparents used to know this intuitively, we forgot their wisdom
@sararaqueldelapenajones1810 my god daughter's mother was told not to feed her liver because it's the clearing house for all the junk captive animals are fed.
Just make sure to buy pasture and grass FINISHED liver and liver from free range chickens. If one eats meat, liver is a power house for good health.
Grass FED means the animal may have started off eating grass but was finished off eating grains so make sure the label says Grass FINISHED.
Cows were never meant to eat grains. It causes huge digestive disturbances and affects the liver very negatively (liver abscesses).
@@ritawing1064 people need to make sure to buy grass Finished meat and organs as opposed to grass Fed.
Grass fed can mean it started off eating grass but later was changed over to grain fed. Grain is indigestible to cows and causes many health problems, including how it affects the liver.
Absolutely right, after going vegan in 2018 and later adopting mcDougall's starch based diet, i pretty much go through a supermarket that has a whole bunch of "non food" items for me, they might just aswell be colored packaging only. Not eating it and seeing them for what they are makes it SO easy to not be tempted. I say tempted, but i'm at the point where they have to pay me good money to even eat that stuff again.
a starch based diet? thats no good.
@@happyapple4269that would depend on the person. For a t2d person, it would be really bad. But for a healthy person it could be fine. Potatoes, whole wheats, rice, legumes. Not much wrong with that.
Fruit and veg are included in the starch diet.
People underestimate how liberating veganism is: you automatically see through so much marketing, so many lies, plus you do your nutrition homework!
Love this podcast, very well broken down into digestible information. As a person who did spoon sugar, honey by 2 kilo pw, plus lollies sweets all day every day... finally got to stop all, I substitute eg olives, nuts, fruit, protein, spices, evoo, sourdough tea coffee ...
Thank you so much Angela! 😘
Couldn't agree more!. Nutrition should be included in the school curriculum along with easy good food prep lessons and make it fun!!Kids would love this.
Thanks Wendy!
It is. But not this. The curriculum is the eatwell plate. Some acknowledgement of allergies and food choices but not upf per se.
Dear Sarah, you do such a wonderful job with your channel 🌟🌞⭐
Your guests are very knowledgeable & good teachers; I have learned sooo much!!!
Thank you so much - so pleased you are enjoying them :)
We were talking about this as young mums in the 70s and there are millions more upfs on the shelves, and even longer ingredient lists on the packets than I was railing against then.
Nothing has changed in 50 years. Nothing.
Let’s hope these podcasts are going to get us to a critical mass of awareness so that change finally comes…
@@samanthamccarthy325 We are the change we wish to see. Share these podcast to all your family, friends and frenemies. Soon you will see your not-tribe fall back as is their choice...though I do believe on occasion in the name of humanity we need to track back to make sure they are still on the path and are ok. After all we too are on the path others have tread before us.
Try. Try. And try again. Much love.
Great book. It is so sneaky. I stopped buying generic store brand cream cheese --- contains the gum emulsifiers, but Philly brand does not. More expensive, but I buy when on sale. Hagaan Daz ice cream is the only one I can find still made with egg yolks!
Thank you both Sarah and Chris.
Great podcast - I used to pride myself on choosing Pret sandwiches and while I’ve moved to real food / whole food over the last few years, this podcast has shattered my view that my earlier choices were good and driven by me alone. Well done both of you and good luck with improving the regulation of food.
Thanks Stuart - so pleased you found it helpful!
Thank you so much❤️
@@livewellbewellsarah you're welcome !
Exercise keeps you fit, diet keeps you healthy :)
Good interview. A person living in a western country with type 2 diabetes, has made a lifestyle choice - they are not a victim chained up, without any choice. Yes the food industry lies and is corrupt, but that is no longer an excuse for eating junk, with the avalanche of information available (like this video) exposing the dangers of eating refined foods containing added sugar. For those who are heavily addicted it takes mental discipline and strong determination. I was a massive sugar addict many years ago but I quit cold turkey. It was hard, but that decision to quit junk and starting to eat a strict whole food diet, cured my sleep apnea that was literally destroying my life. It also fixed my skin issues - tinea and skin blemishes that plagued me for years.
Just remember that health and food is a process of discovery. None of us just switched to healthy magically. We somehow had something introduced to us and then we opened up a whole new world of knowledge. No one could possibly know how bad or corrupt it is. Just because the knowledge is out there doesn’t mean we all rapidly discover it. It took me 50 years and I’m a scientist. But when you see something, you don’t forget it.
So just because you can do it, everyone can do it?
Don't be ridiculous. People have varying degrees of difficulty resisting temptations. If quitting an addiction was that simple there would be no alcoholics. And I doubt there would be many smokers either.
Good for you. You had the determination within you. Many don’t. They may simply not have the time, resources, energy, will, intellect or information available to them. Don’t deride them please. Try and help them..or at least someone..instead.
@@CJ-lj9fb Curing addiction is about taking responsibility for personal choices, and every human who takes responsibility can quit eating processed food. There is plenty of information and community support out there to help them get through the addiction. I did it as have many others.
Sorry, dude, but you are wrong. They had no choice. If you do not believe that then you may consider trusting the recent work and books from Robert Sapolsky and Sam Harris.
Just finished listening to Chris’s book. It’s absolutely brilliant and has the usual entertaining approach that I grew to love when I watched him and Xand on Operation Ouch with my kids. Highly recommended!
Totally agree!
The world needs more wise people like these two, keep spreading the warnings about processed (fake foods).
Thank you!
As a second comment if I may, after a year on a keto diet and now on carnivore and having covered every diet I’ve heard of in 70 years, I remember hearing this; everything I love is either illegal, immoral or fattening! Never a truer word….🤭
Big congrats, keto or carnivore is the best!
The keto diet has saved my life. They say bacon is upf on this video but I’ve found it to be wonderful compared to the other upf foods they mention.
@@softballbryan I am conflicted about bacon.
Is not what 'they' are saying about bacon now similar to what they said about eggs, butter, saturated fat, cholesterol, LDL, sunshine, etc. then.
How long has bacon been part of the human diet...much longer than the pills and the ills we have now I would think.
Anything that is good for us 'they' demonise, anything not so good, natural or upf they are evangelical about.
Don't look to God and nature anymore look to us.
Scientisism: The often dogmatic belief that science is the only source of knowledge.
Thank you for this video. Terrific work.
I still eat UPF after reading the book, but, but i just do it much more mindfully, like no where near as often. It makes up maybe 20 percent of my diet now rather than like 40/50 percent
Thanks you for the video! I watch it from Bulgaria. Its help me to keep be motivated to follow restrictions on food. Its hard to find higth quality food in market. If you want to eat high quality (nutrition density food - like no till grown food, no pesticides ...) its easier just to make it or grow it.
2 and a half months ago I started on this journey of reading his book and learning about my food. I’ve now eliminated even more (through trial and error) and I’m eating a carnivore diet. I still have a few sauces with a few nasties (try to avoid where possible) but mostly eat meat and dairy. I’m feeling so much healthier, I have better energy and digestion. So grateful for his book and interviews as it helped me stabilise my weight for the first time in many years and get off Ozempic. I wish I’d known how UPF’s affected me years ago.
I heard whispers that the carnivore diet acts like natural ozempec...
@@jo-annel.wright2975hopefully the momentum takes it from a whisper to a chorus song loudly.
To me, the definition of ultra processed food should be- if it's in a packet and isn't a whole food, it's ultra-processed.
Min. 4-9: exactly, it’s “NOT FOOD.” One of my grandfathers was a farmer. One by full choice…first in his family to do so, and got a PhD in agriculture of some subform plus a spouse who could help but the land (or had it already, in fact). Farmers could be new to it back then. Main point he’d make: *”If it doesn’t rot, it isn’t food.”*
You know that there is simply nothing better than eating meals made from scratch. Nothing too fancy or time consuming but simple things such as a jacket potato or nice simple risotto.
It is much easier and enjoyable to go for a run, provided that you aren’t struggling to breathe, embarrassed by your jiggling fat and worried that your joints might collapse at any moment! Starting a running regime as a “normal” build might be fine but heavier people do not find it so easy!
We discover that food is way more important than exercise. My son lost 30 lbs in 3 months with no exercise just by going low carb/keto. It was incredible.
It’s tough on your joints if you are heavy. Brisk walking though is a much underrated exercise.
Yes walking is the best exercise for me. Low impact but has made my bones and joints strong and gets oxygen, blood and all the good things moving, especially my brain!
If you can't run, jog. If you can't jog, walk. If you can't walk fast, walk slowly. The point is to get moving. Fact: Just because you are at a normal weight range does not mean that you can run. I've weighed around 56-58 kgs all my life (62-64 post pandemic) but I could not run to save my life. I can walk very easily for hours though!!!
Do not run if your joints are sore you are overweight or you have any breathing problems first of all running especially on concrete is extremely jarring on the body and unless you are fit it’s a terrible exercise. I am a certified personal trainer and I have certifications in human nutrition and cognitive behaviour therapy. if you are heavy, the thing to do is go on UA-cam and start with find 50+ or for seniors I don’t care if you’re 22. If you are very out of shape you start with gentle seniors stretches sitting or standing Pilates but modified for people who are 50 or 60+. As you gain strength you can start resuming normal activities. There is so much misinformation especially by actual MDs out there That I have all but given up but two or three of them and the worst one to avoid is Dr Berg is a nightmare of misinformation.
I've had Ulcerative colitis for 18 year's and the carnivore diet has put my Ulcerative colitis into remission for over 3 years and I'm off all medications
Well done - that is incredible!
Be careful about that because Dr Adkins who started this whole extremely dangerous carnivore craze when he died he had a fall where he hit his head and died and the family fought like it was the hunger games to keep his autopsy private. Why? Because within months he would’ve died from congestive heart failure 98% of all of his valves and and a order was blocked with plaque from animal food animal products are not only for us. It’s bad for the planet and it’s bad for animals and whatever temporary relief you might be getting you’re gonna end up with a host more problems and probably worse. The healthiest people on earth that live the longest eat little or no meat and if they eat any animal products at all it’s small amounts of fresh codfish otherwise meat is a once or twice a month if they have it at all and these people are 95 years old running up mountains . Read about The and diet. Read about the Loma Linda diet in California where this particular part of California rivals Okinawa for the longest living people it’s basically plant-based.
My aunt had her big toe eaten right off by her dog and didn't feel it due to untreated T2 diabetes.
Five years later, her diet hasn't changed at all
I think it is a bit sad that exercise plays a much smaller part of weight loss than diet than we thought. Thinking of all those time I started a gym membership along with thousands of others around New Years based on a false assumption :(
Our education on this really has failed us. I left school thinking it was 50/50 diet vs exercise. Always heard "move more, eat less"
But you're right. It's just that people have become very sedentary since the advent of smartphones and so it's one small step at a time. Hopefully once people start eating the right foods exercise will follow? I tended to do it the other way round - always kept fit but never really ate properly because I looked fit. Now I know better!
I finally both the book 🥳 and I am so excited to read it! Here is Anca from Romania and I follow Dr. Chris Van Tulleken in all the podcast's
People have forgotten what real foods look like. Think ingredients that you make meals with.
Beef. Pork. Poultry. Fish. Eggs. Vegetables if you like them. Occasional fruit or berries in season.
Nothing with added sugars, vegetable oils, or artificial ingredients, or created in a factory.
You’re absolutely right there! Let’s hope things will change for the better, even if some people & cultures will continue to rely more on pulses, grains and other plants. That’s not me. I prefer that list you made! At least let’s try and rid ourselves of ultra-processed fodder.
Are you joking.. vegetables are most important for your health, the majority of people in the UK and the US lack fibre, which is hugely important for your health, and you don't get it from animal products. Olive oil is healthy, and we need salt too, when it's added in small amounts to homecooked food.
@@DainaBeck What about a combination…like the majority of this planet always consumed?
@stevelanghorn1407 exactly, we've evolved as omnivores, so not many people will do well on just animal products. Not even talking about the planet, which just can't sustain everyone eating so much meat. Eating mostly plants is the best way for your health, for most people.
@@DainaBeck Agreed. Except perhaps for those struggling with difficult auto-immune complaints such as Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, Rheumatoid Arthiritis etc.who have found much relief & metabolic improvements from a mostly meat / fish diet. Also those who have struggled with carb addiction, obesity and Diabetes. But otherwise yes; we are Omnivores.
Bite Back - a must follow of young British activists who are on a mission to get the big food manufacturers to change their ways!
20:25 Nauru is the island. They also destroyed all their means to grow fresh produce
not for those who don't want the ads
I wish Dr. Chris looks more at fruits, grains and veggies as well as seed oils, not just hyper processed foods. I'm a T2 diabetic and was told those three thing where what I should eat.... and my blood sugars went through the boody roof! I wasn't eating any junk food either! The only way to get them stable was to do high meat based Keto. I lost some weight in the process too. If I stuck with the recommended Diabetic diet here in Australia I'd have been dead in few more years from Hyperglycaemia. Why is no one looking into this? Why do us Diabetics who see our own blood sugars every 2 hours every damn day need to be the ones to have to take the proactive because doctors can't be bothered to SEE what the Glucose Meter shows them? I DARE doctors to wear a continuous one and eat the 'recommended diet' for 2 weeks and find out how BAD the suger intake we're recommended is first hand. Might learn something. I used myself as my own test subject because I could see it with my own eyes everything I was being told to eat I was hyper sensitive to. 13.5 after eating 5 strawberries is a warning sign you can't egnore.
Plus side I feel and look better than anyone I know who had the gut surgery & those around me who went vegetarian & vegan. I don't have any pain, no more bloating or feeling I want to vomit water at the time of the month. I have have retained all my muscle I had when I used to bake in my mid 20s and I'm alot more active than those others too, all within weeks of giving up the fruit and high carb grains and root veggies.
Keto for the win, imo. Lost 35 kg in 8 months, and ofc a lot of walking helps ;)
Will buy the book but can someone tell me how the ‘80%’ is calculated. Was the maths based on the total calories consumed?
Yes. Other times I've heard Chris mention the 80% figure he said it was 80% of calories consumed.
Love cake? make some Bread? make some! nestle still have a stranglehold all over the world(babymilk)
absolutely 100 percent. we make our own bread (I don't eat it but my family does), we make our own pasta - four EGGS and olive oil not flour and seed oil. We make our own pizza, our baked beans without added sugar etc... its not hard! My daughter eats salmon, brown rice and quinoa for breakfast with fruit before school. Her friends have shop bought white bread and cereal with 'plant milk' which is low in protein and has seed oils in it. When you make your own food, the omega 6 is lower, omega 3 higher if you choose well. Seems silly to eat rubbish then take supplements.
@@Petunia-fl9lu hallelujah. Bit like plucking your eyebrows, then drawing them back on 😅 we all have a time issue, so just prioritise. Myself? After work on a Sunday, kids at their dads, I have a good few hours where I’ll batch cook, freeze and fill the fridge for the week ahead. I listen to people who say they can’t afford decent food. Open their cupboards you’ll find packs and packs of biscuits, chocolate, sweet cereals, all manner of ‘things’ that cost a lot to the wallet and health. So the funds are there, maybe choose more wisely instead of blaming the cost of food. Rant over
Is there a healthy bread that we can eat?
In Britain you can buy sourdough bread at M&S, and if you have a Polish shop nearby you may find sourdough bread there, just read the label, because there are some imposters being sold too. It should contain flour, water, sourdough, salt and nothing else. Alternatively you can bake your own bread. I don't attempt to bake sourdough bread, but one with yeast is pretty easy to make and delicious 😋
I think so. I have started making my own bread using sourdough and taking whole grains which I soak (since I don't have a grain mill) then put through a blender to make a dough. This I started after learning that most of our store-bought flour has very little nutrition compared to grinding and baking whole grains. Amazing stuff! 🙂
sourdough and rye bread is very nice-even homemade soda bread-just not the supermarket high additive stuff
My knee jerk answer is no - bread is so addictive, took me months to get myself off bread and the best way to stay off it is not to eat it
@@thespiritualistosloI am going to try that... I don’t have a mile either. Thank you
so informative
suffering with frontal lobe dementia along with type 2 diabetes and lung disease I absolutely struggle with understanding and practicing eating healthy I am gueniely addicted too chocolate and fast foods which is killing me slowly -doctors don't take my addition seriously and I am wanting to change but can't seem to keep my must stop thought . I hate myself for being so weak which then brings more stress which in turn sends me to the sugar drug which for a short time makes me feel better but then the opposite and I am down again - its really making me miserable and hate myself - i am thin built and always have been but my tummy is large and horrible and adds to my depression and bad eating -dont drink I try to keep active with small walks (my breathing and health in general is very limited ) I am hitting 60 and want to 100% change
please dont talk about calories talk about nourishment. People that are nourished dont overeat becuase they have satiety
Quite right, calories are units of energy.
In the US you can buy a bottomless drink. I know you can't do that in Australia, can you do that in Britain? If you're given the opportunity of buying a drink that you can continuously refill, you are quite likely to do just that until you're near bursting point.
Flour is ultra processed. I'm not sure why it's not being called such.
Thankyou. i stopped eating it and my flatulance has gone.🎉 i can now go out in public
Although I’m personally 100% committed to whole food healthy eating, and have been for some time, the sad truth is all the fruits and vegetables available to me and the average low income UK citizen are caked with harmful pesticides and undesirable chemicals - even washing them with contaminated British tap water doesn’t help any of us either. Therefore the poorest people of the UK we have no healthy food options. It’s near impossible to find an assortment of 30+ affordable whole food products (that are recommended we eat weekly), which are produced organically in the UK and those that are cost above and beyond a many basic salaries.
I would be very interested to know if Chris or any of his many business partners / sponsors have plans to invest in regenerative sustainable organic agriculture and farming initiatives for production of real healthy food for the masses, thus ensure we all have freedom of food choice and not just the elite.
SAD diet indeed. I used to think thin crust papa Murphy's pizzas were ok - No. I was a single dad, with a demanding job. Preparing a healthy wholesome meal after 14 hours work-commute was just too much to ask for. I suffered the consequences.
Given the political climate I'm afraid soon processed foods will be thr only foods available to We minions.
Luckily we'll probably still have the humble starch.
You'll be lucky if we're not all forced to be vegans. Atm the standard diet even without processed food is highly vegetarian and not great for the majority of the population (carbs being the most recommended and yet the biggest culprit to high insulin resistance)
@@meikahidenori Fat causes insulin resistance, not carbs.
For me, it's a political decision NOT to eat them.
Carnivore lifestyle is what brings me optimal well being❤
Buyer beware. In all things. Always.
If it is free you are the product. If it is cheap you are the victim.
It is SO EASY to avoid all these health disasters. You just do what your parents or grandparents did and cook real food from scratch. Real food isn't more expensive if you know how to shop and cook (think beans, pulses, root vegetables, and whatever's in season) and you'll have time to cook if you stop scrolling through social media. The alternative is increasingly bad health. No-brainer. If you don't know how to cook, learn. There are a gazillion videos online to help, or ask someone to teach you.
Id sign that, except its so bad that there are generations with the same problem. Sometimes the grantparents started what we continue.
Its absolutely absolutely disgusting engineering of our natural naturopathy
Why not hold up the book so the viewers can see its cover?
Nestle is the Devil. Their marketing campaigns in Africa in the 70s, regarding infant formula vs breastmilk were simply unethical.
Interesting! I have bought the book and have yet to read it. I think the name of the island you're looking for is Samoa!
No all the Pacific islands eat from their land BUT IF YOU PUT MACDONALDS THEIR THIS IS WHEN THEY PUT WEIGHT ON. Yes the island people are bigger build but if you visit the islands they not overweight. I know the islands quite well
@@leonieduplessis4467 there was a recent documentary on it. And it was medically proven that it is a status thing to eat at McD and drink Coca Cola. Check it out?
Just a suggestion.
The content was good. However, hearing a host make affirmative grunts or murmurs, such as Mmhmm, Uh-huh, etc, over-and-over, really makes it difficult to listen to.
I really enjoy Mark Hyman, MD's UA-cam content as well, but he's another example of this annoyance. Sadly, I can only listen for a short while because of this.
Yes, perhaps I'm a bit hyper- sensitive, but I thought I'd just throw it out there.
OMG - Wow, I notice this, too! I also notice it with Mark Hyman! It makes it very difficult to listen to - I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing this.
Thank you for Tough Love feedback to a YT host who has great content…! 👍 ❤ 😘
I don’t find eating whole unprocessed food,that much more expensive if more expensive at all because I am not buying extra junk. On a whole food diet you don’t need to eat nearly as much. I don’t go to the market nearly as much as I used to and my food bill is lower.Also cooking at home I find cheaper than it could possibly be buying take out fast food or sodas and alcohol. People need to cook their own food and be cognitive of what is happening with these food industries. Again, educstion. I heard another doctor say…if it has a label ..don’t eat it. Eating Whole Foods takes more work…it’s not as convenient, but I don’t find it more expensive. Getting people to understand and do it is another story. Education is the most important step. It’s hard with governments that push this garbage on their populations. Parents need to be made aware and feed and teach their children well.
Hurrah an english doc for our health , DONT eat rubbish xc
Chris, you say you have no time to exercise, due to being busy with your family. Try exercise snacks (look at the studies showing how effective short bursts of exercise are if you do them several times a day). If i can't do my usual cycling or resistance training, i run up and down the stairs 10 times, several times across the day.
It's entirely possible.
And what in your traffic light system is saturated fat set at?
I wish we could read made by date or picked date not sell by date.
Dr. Tulleken, it is good that you are optimistic, but I cannot see regulation coming any time soon. It took 50 years to take lead out of petrol for example.
Just read my cottage cheese label to find out it in a UPF !
All cheese is processed but not additive laden-natural process
All dairy products got hormones in and ingredients thats not good for your body
How the hell can you call ham and bacon ultra processed foods. They've been around for thousands of years. That's how we kept meat safe to survive, long before refrigeration.
Just a question, the ad about bedding, the person highlights going to there showroom, nothing about where it came from, I'd rather see somebody at the start, not laying on a bed
They are all handcrafted in Devon :)
Learning proper diet is key. The bedding not so much. 😂
What are your thoughts on radical low-carb diets such as “Ketogenic” and “Carnivore”? Some apparently highly qualified experts like Drs Unwin, Westham, Mason & Chaffee seem to be advocating these …with very positive results…in terms of reversing Diabetes, auto-immune diseases…arthiritis, rheumatism & related inflammatory conditions such as (various) bowel diseases etc. Some even claim they are highly beneficial in terms of treating mental health conditions. But they all seem to face one big barrier…CHOLESTEROL.
carnivore is the ultimate human diet. Red meat. every cell in your body is made from cholesterol, your brain is made from cholesterol, your hormones are produced from cholesterol. cholesterol repairs the body, the docs are either lying or a bit slow to come around to the truth.
carnivore is the ultimate human diet and cholesterol is essential to the body, so essential in fact that your body makes it on its own.
@@happyapple4269 I’m sure you may very well be right, but goodness knows how the hell we’re going to feed our sky-rocketing world population on red meat, given the huge land pressures animal rearing involves and the massive areas of this planet devoted to growing fodder crops to keep all those fattened animals supplying us with our delicious, “natural” meat. And I’m speaking as one who absolutely adores a delicious juicy steak!
Which is wonderful because the people with the highest cholesterol live the longest.
@@CJ-lj9fb Well, that’s still open for debate unfortunately. Top “influencers” from both extremes of the diet health / nutrition world will always pick science data (so very easily available to all now) to back-up their “beliefs”.
If only you could do something like this program without advertising. Do you have any decency.
Absolutely love this episode and Dr Chris! His book on ultra processed food is so interesting. Highly recommend a listen to this one if you liked this episode:
Everyone needs to try eating real food for a month they won’t believe how much better they feal 👍
The interviewers “u-huh, mhm” noises are so distracting I had to turn it off after a few minutes.
Calling out @pret lovely !!
I don’t ever eat processed food now not while eating out or parties or eating out and don’t care what anyone thinks now I feel physically sick
Sadly you can’t take the horse to water ….. don’t then stress yourself if others don’t want to know. Their bodies, their responsibility.
But what about the children?
Others, that do not need to know, can just skip this video. There are buttons for that.
I can also eat alot of food that is not upf. Plenty of home cooked food 😅 basically the portion control I would say that is more important....
Throw in "German" for extra impact
Just finishing 14 day course of Clarithromycin antibiotics wiping out all the beneficial bacteria as well as the bad bacteria, plus any benefits of 6 months building up my gut biohome discuss
Don’t buy processed foods!
Real food doesn't need a product description of the ingredients
‘Nobody eats honey straight from the jar’? Really??
I have a vivid memory of sneaking spoonfuls of honey under the kitchen table when I was 4 years old because it was the only sweet thing in the house - LOL
Have look at hospital cafeterias and vending machines! Chock full of this rubbish.
Sarah Ann “Mmm” Macklin
Please skip the intro’s, we already decided to watch
I don't understand at all the kind of thinking that "I eat ultraprocessed foods cause everyone around me does.. Cause I would feel a weirdo and different if I did not.."
I most definitely will never put anything into my mouth just to please other people. I also would NEVER force or push anyone to eat something "just because I will get offendend if you don't.."
It is purely sick thinking to force anyone to put something into their mouth just out of politeness, if they in reality do not want to do it. 🤪
U know what, a vegetarian diet & coffee ☕️ & a bicycle can get you smaller, but u can't sneak around & pig out somewhere ! & it will work , 🚴♀️
We got stress , we struggle with something else, but it's natural & green & works ! Whallah 💝
80% of people are far too lazy to do anything about this epidemic of obesity. In America, Chipotle is a popular chain seen as a healthy option. At home I make my own cilantro lime rice, cumin seasoned black beans, grilled chicken, and veggie toppings and what I make lasts 3 days so it ends up being cheaper too. If I tell that to a friend, they look at me like I’m insane and say “who has the time?!?”. You do! You have the time, but you choose to use that time on other stupid things instead of feeding your family nutrition dense natural foods. It’s infuriating and honestly quite sad. People would rather just blame the food industry and expect the government to fix it cuz again, ITS EASIER. Sad.
Yes, but you were likely taught, either deliberately or by osmosis to do that. I've been vegan 34yrs, since the age of 12. My grandfather wasn't at all vegan, but would come home, so happy, from the market with boxes of fruits and vegetables. He always had a large vegetable garden, and he always made his own food. He used to tell me "terrible" stories about the war - mainly that there was no fruit! He taught me how to eat. Not by sitting me down and teaching me, but by just doing his thing.
Generationally, we're getting further away from what he did, being the norm
It blows my mind that the thing which gives us life life is now killing us,
It is not killing me
Money money money
Carnivore diet carnivore diet carnivore diet ❤
Couldn’t watch after the mattress ad
Did you fall asleep?
This dr seems to think saturated fat is a problem. He is the problem not knowing saturated fat is perfectly healthy.