Political Policing In Northern Ireland

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Here we have the PSNI stopping a Peaceful Protest from getting back to the East of Belfast City.
    By making the Protesters go another route, they in fact pushed them in the direction of Violent Nationalist Extremists.
    Then Mr Baggot has the cheek to come on & say his police were in control & that it was in fact the PUL people who were to blame for the violence.
    How is saying sorry to one side of the community, yet nothing to the other, equal policing Mr Baggott? The Under Siege Protestant area, Cluan Place is attacked on a daily basis by Nationalist Extremists, yet you don't condemn those who attack it, or say sorry to the residents for letting it happen.
    Mr Baggott carries out, to the last detail, all that SF asks, even if it means oppressing Protestants. This is part of a Republican Appeasement Policy to keep Sectarian Nationalist Extremists on board this sham of a Peace Process. A Process that sees PUL communities Oppressed. That sees Republican Murder Gangs kill Soldiers, Policemen & Prison Officers. That sees PUL Culture & Parades attacked at every opportunity.
    This is not policing. This is oppression.
    Matt Baggot is a Puppet & SF pull his strings.
    Then Gerry, Luther King, Adams comes on like the Messiah, with his words of Wisdom & has reporters hang on his every uttering.Disgusting.
    He has more Blood on his hands than anyone else in the country, Constables Cunningham & Haslett, Jean McConville, La Mon House & Directing terror for over 40 yrs, yet Baggott helps bolster his words.
    Tell us Mr Baggott. Whose Weapons Killed the 2 Soldiers, 2 Policemen & Prison Officer?
    Would they be Decommissioned PIRA Weapons Mr Baggott? Would they have been murdered by Ceasefire PIRA men Mr Baggott?
    Would it be Adams PIRA Mr Baggot, who killed 100,s of RUC members?
    Just why has Adams not been arrested for Constables Cunningham & Haslett Mr Baggott? Surely the HET has enough to at least arrest him.
    You & others can try to hide what is happening Mr Baggott, but the PUL community will be heard.
    This is my video & should not be taken off & used by anyone else without my consent.