There is something about sandbags that just builds what I call “brutal strength.” Nothing else seems to do the same thing to you as what a heavy sand bag does. Be strong and courageous!
@@bobdole7292 that’s pretty respectable, really. Once your bags are heavier than your body weight, I personally think you’re handling very a reasonable amount of weight.
@@ClassicPhysique27 Lol ! would agree there...I weigh 75 kg and the max (max ! ) sandbag I can lift & carry is 40 kg . Love the workout though :-) The hardest part is the lifting off the ground.
Man I just bought a 175 lbs sandbag yesterday after watching your other sandbag video and I'm so excited to try all of these workouts. You are an awesome man Brian. I can't even begin to tell you how much of a difference you have made in my life. Thank you so much !!
I haven’t been on utube last couple years, but glad to see your looking and sounding healthy again brother! Over 200,000 now wow awesome man! Btw all of those looked brutal!
I've worked out on traditional heavy bags a spherical stuffed "wrecking ball" bag, and now this thing. What I like about it is that it has the heft to stay largely in place so I'm not chasing it around. It's tall enough to allow for headshots and body shots, but it's short enough to give an uppercut somewhere to land. I'm very happy so far. Filling it was a bit of a cluster. For top-offs, I've learned that you can screw the supplied nozzle onto any basic plastic water bottle. I can't speak to durability as I've only had it a week.
I was just telling my son that if I could only do one exercise it would be a heavy sandbag OHP from the floor… requires a DL, a squat, a clean and a push press in one lift.
Only problem with that is the strength curve. If you're challenging your hammies and quads you aren't pressing it. I love the idea, I definitely prefer sandbag to shoulder though.
Have been doing 1 of your programs for the last couple off weeks with some friends, now i know why you are sweeting so much haha. you are an absolute beast brain. keep it up
Thank you Brian for everything you have done for us. No matter when I lift, I always go back to one of your do and do nots, Clarence vidéos, Jeff nippards, omar's or Alan's. You guys help us newbie or experienced lifters more than you can imagine. I am definetly getting a shirt and a program just to support you and learn from you. For now I will pursue your advices here and better myself. Good luck on your recovery and health, Lots of love from France brother.
Just getting into sandbag training. Cant say as I will be using any of these workouts specifically, but you have given me some really goo ideas, thank you. I am starting light, I will have a 25lb and 50lb bag, just wailing on them to get delivered.
Perfect timing! I've been meaning to up my sandbag work at home. We just got a 265 lbs sandbag at work and we got a little friendly competition for the first person to get it up and over their shoulder. So far I'm the only one to lift it up all the way, just couldn't get it over my shoulder yet. 2 other people can only lap it.
Thanks man! There’s an old video on here something like ‘mark felix outdoor strength training’ where he does loads of old workouts….. one he has a heavy sandbag , lies next to it….. then grabs it rolls it over his body till it’s on the ground the other side of his body(all while lying down)…..then do these like 10x as fast as possible…. Great for fighters and core!!! Just thought I’d share as I never saw it before!! But appreciate everything Brian, keep it up brother!!
Great video, thank you Brian! My friend's lightest sandbag is slightly more than my bodyweight. Been using it for your powerbuilder program, and my loading has gone up using the heavier bag. Just gotta stick with it week over week so it continues to improve!
When I own my own garage, Ima pick up a sandbag. Then Ima try and get a tire plus a sledgehammer. THEN a barbell and some weights. All thanks to Brian who keeps me pushing; glad to have these brutal moves man thank you
I’m not very strong yet, very out of shape. I am going to start with a 75lb sandbag and see what damage can be done with that. I wanted to be all aesthetic and ripped and my goals have switched to completely functionality focused. Looking forward to checking out more of your content.
Brian, I've been using bags filled with stuff a lot since the pandemic began. I find that unilateral work with heavy bags fills in a lot of the gap left without access to a barbell. Keep up the good work.
Man! I'm building a home gym and was searching for ways to use sandbags and boom! Like this channel was not a goldmine already! Thanks for all this amazing content Brian!
I appreciate this video, it’s very informative and helps a lot. And I like how you said there’s a difference between gym lifts and the sandbag .. I hate working out inside, so the sandbag has been something I look forward to outside. Thanks again mate.
Man I’m just glad to see you doing better and got your medical issues figured out. Heard the news yesterday about John Meadows and he was so wholesome and reminded me of you and how far you have come on your journey and it continues to inspire me to do better!
Just purchased a Titan 100 and 150 pounder. Humbling is definitely the word. Now i am not a person genetically inclined to strength training…built for distance stuff. At 5’10, 160 and built skinny, i do middlin but always try to hit it “harder than last time” as Greg Doucette puts it. The bags definitely Make that happen.
Wow perfect timing, my brother and I just bought a couple sandbags so we can workout together on Saturdays, and I was trying to put together a few workout ideas! Thanks Brian!
I love these videos! I have a Home Depot bucket for rice and now can have a bag for sand. Great supplemental training from them at a fraction of the cost of my weight lifting equipment.
I'm 260 lb and 6'3. I bought a 150 lb this year. I get a good workout with it, but it is getting a little easy. I'm on a budget, and live in the middle of nowhere, so I use stones and logs too. Great video man. Cant wait to do this.
Still on the look out for a gym that has actual sandbags, but I really like using the heavy bag to mimic the same hip pop I would use on a wrestling mat return. Those work great as an explosive primer before my deadlifts
You'd love my gym; has Rogue sandbags (and others) up to 300lbs. Also has a Yoke, car deadlift, stones up to 200lbs, a Viking Press platform, Farmer's implements, kettlebells, 2 deadlift stations, a rock climbing wall, rope, 4 massive tires + sledgehammers AND your run-of-the-mill isolation machines. Its in Eastern Ontario, Canada. "Quest PTS" come on by. (Been going there 2+ years despite 4 other gyms in town)
@@BrianAlsruheOfficial if anyone would know, it'd be you. I'll keep looking, in the meantime I'm trying to get my college coaches to see the value of strongman training
I'm making a strongman gym for my grp and these are the first things I'm getting. Always awesome knowledge. Ive done a lot of programs but I always come back to Neversate!
This looks amazing and completely awful at the same time. I just started into strongman and bought a 125-200 lb sandbag to help simulate carry and log press. I want to incorporate more conditioning work and this looks like it will definitely help! Thank you again.
Btw, dunno if anyone doesn't know this but if you can find a programmable tabata timer it can be really good for emoms. My visions trash so not having to look at things is helpful
Hey bro I love this type of training i train as well as a trainer an I want to add this type of training to my clients shud do this as a finisher after my workout or just as a stand alone workout also where can I get some sandbags at for reasonable price love u bro u living ur dream an thats my goal to do wt u do its a slow start I hv a few clients but u hv motivated me dreams can happen
Did sandbag carries at the end of my deadlift workout this morning. Have to make a new 200lbs bag. It exploded when I dropped it at the end of my third set.
I am watching this again and now i know why the thought if benching today is just not a good thought…yesterday was squat day and i closed it with over the bar and front carries fof 50 feet with a 100 pound bag. It is literally the second time in my life (at 67 years old) that i have touched these bastards and they are everything Brian says they are. I feel it everywhere and that is GOOD. The Titan bags i purchased were on sale so total was about 160. Play sand from Lowes eas 18 bucks for 5x50 pound bags so really, these two bags fully set up arr comparitively inexpensive. Also, the bags are well constructed, pretty easy to fill snd secure and require no plastic bags or anything else. Added to my farmers walks these are great variables to throw into any program.
Hi Brian and thank you so much for your content ! I recently bought your EDC workout program and it is great. I am in law enforcment and practice mma. I LOVE training with sandbag and would like to workout almost only with this equipment, how would you set a program like that. That would be awesome if you would want to give me an example. Thank you Mr. !
This is truly bad ass. Thank u and your awesome video. New to channel. I'm 59yr old and want to get stronger And back into shape. Back to jiu-jitsu training. But i want and need to be stronger. Please help. Also brother a safe way to cut weight. You know you've done the too.😂😂 need ya man. Thank brother.
I’m 56 yrs old and 160LB. I’m not a strongman competitor, and find that 60% - 100% BodyWt sand bags with the reps is still very effective for strength and conditioning.
In lockdown last year all I had was a couple of sandbags to train with. My coach and I did some heinous stuff, like 20s on back squats with a 2 second pause and 15 back squats superset with 15 front squats, but I ended up taking my high bar squat from 185kg to 200kg and my deadlift from 220kg to 240kg for a double. Can't recommend sandbags enough. They are brutal but effective
I could be wrong, but I think something as simple and effective as this is useful for all types of athletes - sport athletes (football, basketball, etc), calisthenis athletes, martial artists (MMA people need to do this!!) etc etc.
Dude your youtube channel is like lifting library. Thanks man
@Michael Harris devil rules idiot
@Michael Harris We no care bro go lift
There is something about sandbags that just builds what I call “brutal strength.” Nothing else seems to do the same thing to you as what a heavy sand bag does.
Be strong and courageous!
What is considered strong for sandbag carries ?
I feel pretty weak being about 170 and my 180 lb sandbag gives me all I can handle
@@bobdole7292 that’s pretty respectable, really. Once your bags are heavier than your body weight, I personally think you’re handling very a reasonable amount of weight.
@@bobdole7292 trust me many guys cannot manhandle their own BW, including me haha. I will soon though.
@@ClassicPhysique27 Lol ! would agree there...I weigh 75 kg and the max (max ! ) sandbag I can lift & carry is 40 kg . Love the workout though :-) The hardest part is the lifting off the ground.
@@Simpleburger1968 I could almost manhandle my body weight. Took a month to get really used with the movement haha
Man I just bought a 175 lbs sandbag yesterday after watching your other sandbag video and I'm so excited to try all of these workouts. You are an awesome man Brian. I can't even begin to tell you how much of a difference you have made in my life. Thank you so much !!
sandbags were one of my best gym investments so far, my legdays are actually fun, and I look forward to them
Leg days fun? This is very foreign to me. You ain’t suppose to like it lol
I haven’t been on utube last couple years, but glad to see your looking and sounding healthy again brother! Over 200,000 now wow awesome man! Btw all of those looked brutal!
I've worked out on traditional heavy bags a spherical stuffed "wrecking ball" bag, and now this thing. What I like about it is that it has the heft to stay largely in place so I'm not chasing it around. It's tall enough to allow for headshots and body shots, but it's short enough to give an uppercut somewhere to land. I'm very happy so far. Filling it was a bit of a cluster. For top-offs, I've learned that you can screw the supplied nozzle onto any basic plastic water bottle. I can't speak to durability as I've only had it a week.
Thank you very much, my friend
I was just telling my son that if I could only do one exercise it would be a heavy sandbag OHP from the floor… requires a DL, a squat, a clean and a push press in one lift.
What about a barbell clean and press?
Only problem with that is the strength curve. If you're challenging your hammies and quads you aren't pressing it. I love the idea, I definitely prefer sandbag to shoulder though.
I used sandbags for the first time this weekend, and loved it. This is exactly the kind of information I was looking for to get started. Thank you!
This workout is awesome for wrestlers grapplers and judokas. Be blessed Warrior !
Yes it is, I hope you will find it useful!
Have been doing 1 of your programs for the last couple off weeks with some friends, now i know why you are sweeting so much haha. you are an absolute beast brain. keep it up
Thank you Brian for everything you have done for us. No matter when I lift, I always go back to one of your do and do nots, Clarence vidéos, Jeff nippards, omar's or Alan's. You guys help us newbie or experienced lifters more than you can imagine. I am definetly getting a shirt and a program just to support you and learn from you. For now I will pursue your advices here and better myself. Good luck on your recovery and health, Lots of love from France brother.
Loving the profile picture brother 🙏
Explained it better than most sir. Especially on the timing aspects. Looks gruelling but honest.
Just getting into sandbag training. Cant say as I will be using any of these workouts specifically, but you have given me some really goo ideas, thank you. I am starting light, I will have a 25lb and 50lb bag, just wailing on them to get delivered.
Perfect timing! I've been meaning to up my sandbag work at home. We just got a 265 lbs sandbag at work and we got a little friendly competition for the first person to get it up and over their shoulder. So far I'm the only one to lift it up all the way, just couldn't get it over my shoulder yet. 2 other people can only lap it.
@Michael Harris relax bro
Thanks man! There’s an old video on here something like ‘mark felix outdoor strength training’ where he does loads of old workouts….. one he has a heavy sandbag , lies next to it….. then grabs it rolls it over his body till it’s on the ground the other side of his body(all while lying down)…..then do these like 10x as fast as possible…. Great for fighters and core!!! Just thought I’d share as I never saw it before!! But appreciate everything Brian, keep it up brother!!
Brian, you are the man. This is exactly what I was looking for. Definitely going to be giving these a try. Thank you!
Been waiting for this one. Can't wait to get started with my sandbags
Great tool for general strength that doesn't require a ton of equipment. Going to have to add some of this in. Thanks Brian for the great content!
Great video, thank you Brian! My friend's lightest sandbag is slightly more than my bodyweight. Been using it for your powerbuilder program, and my loading has gone up using the heavier bag. Just gotta stick with it week over week so it continues to improve!
I never thought about doing get-ups with my sandbag. Thank you!
Great information good sir, just located your channel. Keep up the great work 💪👍.
When I own my own garage, Ima pick up a sandbag. Then Ima try and get a tire plus a sledgehammer. THEN a barbell and some weights. All thanks to Brian who keeps me pushing; glad to have these brutal moves man thank you
Brutal. Un gran video. Me encanta la manera de comunicar que tienes. Gracias a tus vídeos empeze con los sandbag.
I’m not very strong yet, very out of shape. I am going to start with a 75lb sandbag and see what damage can be done with that. I wanted to be all aesthetic and ripped and my goals have switched to completely functionality focused. Looking forward to checking out more of your content.
I've been using bags filled with stuff a lot since the pandemic began. I find that unilateral work with heavy bags fills in a lot of the gap left without access to a barbell. Keep up the good work.
I love my DIY sandbag. Time to use it more often
Man! I'm building a home gym and was searching for ways to use sandbags and boom! Like this channel was not a goldmine already!
Thanks for all this amazing content Brian!
I appreciate this video, it’s very informative and helps a lot. And I like how you said there’s a difference between gym lifts and the sandbag .. I hate working out inside, so the sandbag has been something I look forward to outside. Thanks again mate.
I too truly truly appreciate your content.
a new super fan of yours from Morocco
Man I’m just glad to see you doing better and got your medical issues figured out. Heard the news yesterday about John Meadows and he was so wholesome and reminded me of you and how far you have come on your journey and it continues to inspire me to do better!
Just purchased a Titan 100 and 150 pounder. Humbling is definitely the word. Now i am not a person genetically inclined to strength training…built for distance stuff. At 5’10, 160 and built skinny, i do middlin but always try to hit it “harder than last time” as Greg Doucette puts it. The bags definitely
Make that happen.
Wow perfect timing, my brother and I just bought a couple sandbags so we can workout together on Saturdays, and I was trying to put together a few workout ideas! Thanks Brian!
I love these videos! I have a Home Depot bucket for rice and now can have a bag for sand. Great supplemental training from them at a fraction of the cost of my weight lifting equipment.
This is great for my MMA, much love to you brother
I bought a 100kg sandbag as my first sandbag(im 95-97kg)
I havent tried the over the shoulder throw, but it workd for other things very well
Just started watching your UA-camsast month. Enjoying every one. Glad you're doing well.
I'm 260 lb and 6'3. I bought a 150 lb this year. I get a good workout with it, but it is getting a little easy. I'm on a budget, and live in the middle of nowhere, so I use stones and logs too.
Great video man. Cant wait to do this.
Check out iron mine or Cerberus.
They have bags for around 90-100$ that are adjustable up to 225+ pounds depending on which you get
@@bobdole7292 thanks man!
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for thank you
hellyeah another sandbag video!
Still on the look out for a gym that has actual sandbags, but I really like using the heavy bag to mimic the same hip pop I would use on a wrestling mat return. Those work great as an explosive primer before my deadlifts
You'd love my gym; has Rogue sandbags (and others) up to 300lbs. Also has a Yoke, car deadlift, stones up to 200lbs, a Viking Press platform, Farmer's implements, kettlebells, 2 deadlift stations, a rock climbing wall, rope, 4 massive tires + sledgehammers AND your run-of-the-mill isolation machines. Its in Eastern Ontario, Canada. "Quest PTS" come on by. (Been going there 2+ years despite 4 other gyms in town)
@@lullsbaby9321 dang man that's really cool. Not nearly that much strongman stuff in Ohio
@@geoffkaminski Dang thats rough. Sorry man. Hope you find what you're looking for though
There are TONS of strongman gyms in Ohio brother. Just need to know where to look!
@@BrianAlsruheOfficial if anyone would know, it'd be you. I'll keep looking, in the meantime I'm trying to get my college coaches to see the value of strongman training
I'm making a strongman gym for my grp and these are the first things I'm getting. Always awesome knowledge. Ive done a lot of programs but I always come back to Neversate!
Mate I’ll never reach your level but you’re helping me get back into some kind of shape
What do you use for liners if you're making your own sandbags? Regular bin liners or something else?
Love my sandbags, this is the vid for me!
This looks amazing and completely awful at the same time. I just started into strongman and bought a 125-200 lb sandbag to help simulate carry and log press. I want to incorporate more conditioning work and this looks like it will definitely help! Thank you again.
"Dirt" cheap, haha good one. I have a gravel pit I've been using instead of sand.
Btw, dunno if anyone doesn't know this but if you can find a programmable tabata timer it can be really good for emoms. My visions trash so not having to look at things is helpful
love your way of training brother
ty for the sandbags video link btw it spared me some time lol
At last! I was waiting for this two years)
My new gym has a couple of sandbags & farmer's implements too. Glad I came across your video, will try the sandbag workout tomorrow. Thanks Brian. 👍
Hey Brian, would you make videos talking about your experiences working over seas? Like Lessons learned, funny stories, bad times, or good times?
1.7 k likes to 0 dislikes. I think that's the highest count without a single dislike I've ever seen on UA-cam.
Seriously. I went to like and thought it was a glitch. Well deserved.
They stopped showing dislike counts on the videos, you have to dig into the analytics to see the count these days
Brian is the MAN!!
I love the analog clock references!
Just found your video, awesome!
I'm dusting off my sandbags, thank you! Also the looks I get for doing burpie pull-ups are priceless!
I call those "burp ups".
Awesome info Brain! Thank you!
Yep, adding this to my cardio/active rest days.
These are badass would like more please
I should look into this. Looking for things I can fill my new homegym with.
Best one I’ve seen
Thank you!
Brian, any chance you launch a program for people who train/compete in martial arts?
Just brought my first sandbag from Cerberus. Being delivered today I believe 💪🏻💪🏻
Hey bro I love this type of training i train as well as a trainer an I want to add this type of training to my clients shud do this as a finisher after my workout or just as a stand alone workout also where can I get some sandbags at for reasonable price love u bro u living ur dream an thats my goal to do wt u do its a slow start I hv a few clients but u hv motivated me dreams can happen
That workout is so intense, I got stronger sitting on the can watching this...
I needed this so badd
Thanks man! Quality as usual! Really appreciate your channel
Did sandbag carries at the end of my deadlift workout this morning. Have to make a new 200lbs bag. It exploded when I dropped it at the end of my third set.
I can imagine the mess it made
Nice video, love the merch 🔥
Thank you 🙏
Thanks for the support my friend!
I am watching this again and now i know why the thought if benching today is just not a good thought…yesterday was squat day and i closed it with over the bar and front carries fof 50 feet with a 100 pound bag. It is literally the second time in my life (at 67 years old) that i have touched these bastards and they are everything Brian says they are. I feel it everywhere and that is GOOD. The Titan bags i purchased were on sale so total was about 160. Play sand from Lowes eas 18 bucks for 5x50 pound bags so really, these two bags fully set up arr comparitively inexpensive. Also, the bags are well constructed, pretty easy to fill snd secure and require no plastic bags or anything else. Added to my farmers walks these are great variables to throw into any program.
Love the video will be trying these. Thank you
Awesome video. So glad to see you are still doing well. My prayers continue to be with you.
Amazing video! Thank you!
I’m so glad you liked it
Looking beasty as always man. Keep it up brotha. I'm 3 weeks into your Mass prg and sheesh....I'm pooooped just thinking about it
Freakin LOVE this!!! Can't wait to try these out (um, i think...) - thanks man - NEW SUBSCRIBER here!
Thank you a lot for sharing this!
@ Brian Alsruhe, thank you for the content. The banner behind you in this video is it part of your merchandise and if I may ask what does it say?
Bro Juan is crazy man
There are few men on the planet strong enough to get me off the couch!
Great video !
yea gonna start a few of these best I can
Thank u for these,Sir
Awesome info as always Brian👍🏼
Appreciate ya brother!
@Michael Harris Absolutely my brother!
Hope His return is soon 🙏🏼
Bro. I’m 260lbs and I just started with a 100lb sound bag and it feels heavy AF. Need to get stronger!
There are two simple but brutal and effective things I love - sandbag training, and hill sprints. They just work.
If that’s all you did you could be in amazing shape and strong as hell
Hi Brian and thank you so much for your content ! I recently bought your EDC workout program and it is great. I am in law enforcment and practice mma. I LOVE training with sandbag and would like to workout almost only with this equipment, how would you set a program like that. That would be awesome if you would want to give me an example. Thank you Mr. !
This is gold. 🥇
Thanks man, I hope it helps!
This is truly bad ass. Thank u and your awesome video. New to channel. I'm 59yr old and want to get stronger And back into shape. Back to jiu-jitsu training. But i want and need to be stronger. Please help. Also brother a safe way to cut weight. You know you've done the too.😂😂 need ya man. Thank brother.
Thank you so much for watching it my friend
I’m 56 yrs old and 160LB. I’m not a strongman competitor, and find that 60% - 100% BodyWt sand bags with the reps is still very effective for strength and conditioning.
Dope! Need me a sandbag now :D
Sandbags are hands down the most useful bit of equipment you could ever own.
I’m getting ready to throw everything else out or sell it. Been thinking about just going with sand bags and shit because it’s actually fun
Been looking forward to this one, very helpful Brian
I completely changed my training style thanks to your videos and programs, Any chance of a $25 conjugate program coming out?
Love the ideas!
Truly brutal. Thanks.
Good God man , well done
In lockdown last year all I had was a couple of sandbags to train with. My coach and I did some heinous stuff, like 20s on back squats with a 2 second pause and 15 back squats superset with 15 front squats, but I ended up taking my high bar squat from 185kg to 200kg and my deadlift from 220kg to 240kg for a double. Can't recommend sandbags enough. They are brutal but effective
I could be wrong, but I think something as simple and effective as this is useful for all types of athletes - sport athletes (football, basketball, etc), calisthenis athletes, martial artists (MMA people need to do this!!) etc etc.
For the tosses over the shoulder : should you alternate which shoulder you throw over ?