You were so the Master of the EMX-1... I remember the sadness that befell me upon learning the demise of your EMX-1... and I do, however enjoy your use of the Roland...
thats some good bass and the way the song changes from one pattern to another. how did you made that bass sound? what kind of ocilator and wich wave? if you can make a video explaing your mettod will very nice
top track man real nice. as a fellow emx user could you give me some hints about your kick/snare samples and effects aswell how you make that fat warm bassline? im a real beginner so haha
One of the best KORG EMX-1
DUDE!! Paralysed by the infectious grooive!
You were so the Master of the EMX-1... I remember the sadness that befell me upon learning the demise of your EMX-1... and I do, however enjoy your use of the Roland...
Thanks you so much.. 😊
Mensch Maschine
Just great. I also will be able to play. Great!
the song has a nice solid base line. good job
Sweet! Could almost pass off as Talking Heads.
nice job bro,,,
Good, very good job!
Excellent as always - you NEVER fail to impress!
Nice one. Lovin those stabs!
sick beat man ! love it !
I like it !
!!!!!!!THE BASS!!!!!
Very New Order-ish. Sounds very cool!
thats some good bass and the way the song changes from one pattern to another. how did you made that bass sound? what kind of ocilator and wich wave? if you can make a video explaing your mettod will very nice
Would like to know this also :D
@AllanSKN they sure do the job !!
top track man real nice. as a fellow emx user could you give me some hints about your kick/snare samples and effects aswell how you make that fat warm bassline? im a real beginner so haha
Thank you so much... The bassline I have made with the ocilator Unison 6SAW...
you may just help me decide to buy one of these....