Genesis - The True Biblical Cosmology - Torah Portion Bereshit

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @AlmondHouseFellowship
    @AlmondHouseFellowship  Рік тому +7

    At 49:30 Jakkie ment to say "its the same Hebrew word sarap" not nakash. What is presented on the screen is correct.
    *Matthew 10:16*
    “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. *Therefore be wise as serpents* and harmless as doves.

  • @sammurray12912
    @sammurray12912 Рік тому +15

    Shabbat Shalom! I would totally buy an audio bible of Tommy reading, I really enjoy when he reads. Great torah portion.

    • @Charl20
      @Charl20 Рік тому +3

      I was thinking the same thing while watching lol.👍🏻

  • @heathernicole8702
    @heathernicole8702 Рік тому +1


  • @kdidmsksh7677
    @kdidmsksh7677 Рік тому +1

    I think the understanding on circumcision that they had was circumcision was not for salvation. But it is a sign of the covenant. So abraham was saved through faith. Then later on he got circumcised as a sign. This is and I believe was always the biblical perspective on it. The first century judaizers seemed to be saying that one has to be circumcised to be saved. This is what paul I think was combating. Because if the Torah is relevant today then as we believe then isnt all of it?
    But also as paul says circumcision of the heart seems to be of more importance which is self explanatory. So through faith we are saved in love we obey in truth and spirit and try to live according to the spirit and when the heart is circumcised then maybe circumcision of the foreskin is an outward sign of an inward reality and not a salvation issue.
    I think this is the right interpretation and I know 119 ministries and Hoshana Rabbah seem to hold this view backed up by biblical evidence. And it seems to be the only understanding where faith is the key to salvation but that the whole bible is relevant and applicable today. If I am wrong I will happily be corrected.

    • @AlmondHouseFellowship
      @AlmondHouseFellowship  Рік тому +1

      Shalom Jakkie wrote something similar on our forum at under "Passover and circumcision" post. Check it out if led

  • @markato74
    @markato74 Рік тому

    I love the teachings! I shave my head totally because of baldness, is that breaking a commandment…?

    • @AlmondHouseFellowship
      @AlmondHouseFellowship  Рік тому +1

      Shalom! Praise Yah brother 🙌 No, definitely not! The law you are referring too in Leviticus 19:27 is to do with a pagan ritual in the surrounding nations. If it was breaking the commandments then when a Nazarite completes his vow he would be committing a sin.

  • @colinspeake..8889
    @colinspeake..8889 Рік тому +1

    Why do you use G!o;d ?? = D!o;g ..This is a title that is used by many many many different religions but the true faith and the Torah tell us that our Heavenly Father is set apart..So why not HIS name instead of a title?

  • @chiararealini
    @chiararealini Рік тому +10

    Mind-blowingly beautiful, brother, thank you for standing on the Word, when most bow to the idol of secular cosmology. May our hearts make melody to the beauty of creation and our Creator♥️🙏

  • @TheMdames
    @TheMdames Рік тому +8

    Thank you for having the courage and faith to speak this truth. Since Rob Skiba passed, I have missed knowing a teacher of Torah who will speak boldly about biblical enclosed cosmology.

  • @andycorscaden3970
    @andycorscaden3970 Рік тому +9

    What a way to start a Torah cycle! HALLELUYAH! Shabbat Shalom beloved ❤

  • @Lisa_Eph6.10-13
    @Lisa_Eph6.10-13 Рік тому +27

    I came to faith through FE and bought my first Bible after watching Rob Skiba's videos. The next time that I took a flight after accepting that heliocentrism might actually be false, I prayed that Yah would give me a revelation on the subject. At cruising altitude (~35K feet), I was blessed with absolutely clear skies and the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen. The horizon was also as flat as a pancake and at eye level, throughout my 180-degree view from the plane window. Not to mention, my intricately designed intrinsic system of balance (praise Yah) never once gave me the impression that the plane was flying with the nose tilted downwards (as indeed it would in order to maintain altitude over a curve?). As I am a scientist (PhD Neurogenetics) and well versed in the 'scientific method', this was quite enough to convince me that we are probably not living on a spinning ball, hurtling through a vacuum very quickly (and where does the Earth's atmosphere end and the vacuum of space begin?). Just out of curiosity @Alexis Xander, what's your stance on evolution/Darwinism?

    • @alexisxander817
      @alexisxander817 Рік тому +4

      First of all Lisa, thank you for your question.
      Lemme pick your statements one by one.
      1. "At cruising altitude... altitude over a curve?)"

    • @timothytrudelle9245
      @timothytrudelle9245 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@alexisxander817It does speak science though does it not. It makes a claim of creation.

    • @leona7713
      @leona7713 2 місяці тому

      @@alexisxander817 Brilliant comment! Thank you for taking the time to share all these examples. It may save some people from falling victim to the flat earth scam. I recently came across this channel and thought it was great... until I realized just moments ago that they are living the flat earth fantasy. Utterly disappointing to discover their stunning ignorance on this matter.

  • @tracyjones3013
    @tracyjones3013 Рік тому +3

    Genesis 2: 2 Yahweh was done. Finished! No ever expanding universe!

  • @mamabear5287
    @mamabear5287 Рік тому +4

    I found my Torah teaching channel :)

    • @AliciaLovesYAHUSHA
      @AliciaLovesYAHUSHA Рік тому +1

      I love this channel, it's been such a blessing. Praise YAHUAH. 🙌❤️ Have you seen any content from 'Olive Branch Fellowship' 🫒 here on UA-cam? Highly recomment along with 'The Donkey Speaks'!

  • @jonidurrance7611
    @jonidurrance7611 Рік тому +6

    That’s right, Jack! His Word is a buffet! A feast!

  • @vickyf164
    @vickyf164 Рік тому +6

    What a blessed teaching Brother, thank you 🙏

  • @wildlyunpopular
    @wildlyunpopular Рік тому +2

    Nice content. I always like coming across people sharing biblical cosmology.

  • @soniaclarke1171
    @soniaclarke1171 Рік тому +5

    Throughly enjoyed this teaching, Thank you Jakkie for all your study to bring this together, even the contraversal flat earth. I will go back to the posted scriptures for myself to read.

  • @wynfeather9997
    @wynfeather9997 Рік тому +5

    ❤️🙏🏻Shabbat Shalom mishpacha🙏🏻❤️
    Thank you brother's for the Torah reading, well needed study, and such a beautiful message.🌬🔥💓🙏🏻🙌
    🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💓praying for us all💓🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @CovertoCoverwithJeremyPeiers
    @CovertoCoverwithJeremyPeiers Рік тому +7

    Praise YAH thank you for this 🙏♥️🙌

  • @otisimus1520
    @otisimus1520 Рік тому +6

    Great teaching, may yah bless you even more, shalom.

  • @lambsbook7533
    @lambsbook7533 Рік тому +6

    Beautiful - all praise to Him - happy sabbath.

  • @melaniegonzalez2703
    @melaniegonzalez2703 Рік тому +5

    Beautiful blessed teaching, HalleluYAH!! Thank you brother!!! Shabbat Shalom!

  • @The-narrow-gate
    @The-narrow-gate Рік тому +2

    I'm from Portland Oregon USA, and I've been part of a non denominational church for a while now but have felt like I didn't agree with all of their teachings. And like I didn't fit with any church. I found your videos recently and feel like I've found my community. In fact I'm about half way through making my first ever set of Tzitzit! Thank you for providing this content.

    • @AlmondHouseFellowship
      @AlmondHouseFellowship  Рік тому +1

      Bless you Tyson, that was wonderful to hear, all praise be to YAH. Blessed steps brother

  • @nikkolystanley3367
    @nikkolystanley3367 Рік тому +3

    For months now I have heard, “Let Yah be true and every man a liar.” Seems like many others are hearing this too!
    Thanks to a friend planting the seed about biblical cosmology two years ago and then another friend watering it this past winter, and the Ruach leading through the Word and teachers...I now agree with the Biblical cosmology- what a faith builder! It’s so comforting to look up and know He is right there!
    So excited to hear that y’all are on this page too. So blessed by y’all! Thank you for boldly sharing!

  • @empress-v8
    @empress-v8 Рік тому +3

    @27:55 ““The Lord made me at the beginning of His creation, before His works of long ago. I was formed before ancient times, from the beginning, before the earth began. I was born when there were no watery depths and no springs filled with water. I was delivered before the mountains and hills were established, before He made the land, the fields, or the first soil on earth. I was there when He established the heavens, when He laid out the horizon on the surface of the ocean, when He placed the skies above, when the fountains of the ocean gushed out, when He set a limit for the sea so that the waters would not violate His command, when He laid out the foundations of the earth. I was a skilled craftsman beside Him. I was His delight every day, always rejoicing before Him. I was rejoicing in His inhabited world, delighting in the human race.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬-‭31‬ ‭HCSB‬‬
    I see a connection between Job & Proverbs and Genesis. only Wisdom was there at Job 38:4.

  • @nancyanderson5310
    @nancyanderson5310 Рік тому +3

    “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife” says the scripture. They had a conversation. We know her reasons. They made the decision TOGETHER, because he followed her logic. Hindsight does not give the truth of their actions. God gets no glory when we judge our ancestors. The HUGE before and after must be felt in our bones. They were partners, they imbibed a mind distorting drug, they hated their bodies, NOW WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. They were dust, yet God listened, God taught, God sacrificed innocent animal life and covered His loved, dying children. And gave them hope BY WHAT HE SAID TO THE SERPENT. Adam grabbed that hope and named his partner LIFEGIVER. They still worked together. The imageness of God
    in them remains. GLORY!

  • @tomaabdiel4993
    @tomaabdiel4993 Рік тому +6


  • @suzy525
    @suzy525 Рік тому +4

    Thank you for standing unapologetically on the WHOLE Word of God. May Yah continue to bless your ministry!

  • @StrummaChick
    @StrummaChick Рік тому +2

    I came to walk in the ways of Yah over the Bible cosmology. I grew up Southern Baptist. Walked away from the church and the Bible when I saw them letting world in, and wanted to chase my own sins and desires I threw the Bible away.
    16 years after walking away, I was in a band practice when a guy came in and said y’all hear B.o.B says the world is flat.
    My band mate and I laughed at him.
    I went home and prayed lightening wouldn’t strike me when I dusted off my High School Bible.
    2 weeks later I knew the earth was not as we were told. A few weeks after that l, I was giving my heart back to Yah. I knew Yeshua died for my sins and was raised from the dead. And gave my heart to Him as much as I possibly could as a child in a denomination of false teachings.
    Beautiful message!

  • @Joe-ll1sb
    @Joe-ll1sb Рік тому +4

    Shalom brother thank you

  • @Charl20
    @Charl20 Рік тому +2

    ““The thief does not come except to steal, and to slaughter, and to destroy. I have come that they might possess life, and that they might possess it beyond measure.”
    ‭‭Yoḥanan (John)‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭
    “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no Torah.”
    ‭‭Galatiyim (Galatians)‬ ‭5:22-23‬ ‭
    “Rejoice in יהוה always, again I say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Master is near. Do not worry at all, but in every matter, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to Elohim. And the peace of Elohim, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Messiah יהושע. For the rest, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is righteous, whatever is clean, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any uprightness and if there is any praise - think on these.”
    ‭‭Pilipiyim (Philippians)‬ ‭4:4-8‬ ‭

  • @imswedish3270
    @imswedish3270 Рік тому +1

    The serpent shall eat the dust.. and we are made from dust.. I'm thinking it has another meaning maybe 🤔

  • @Yahuahreignsforever
    @Yahuahreignsforever Рік тому +7

    The guy who took this picture of the globe 🌎 even said it was photo shopped and most of the photos are. I can't remember his name tho.🤦

    • @terrib4690
      @terrib4690 Рік тому

      Yes….there are no photos of the globe earth. They are ALL CGI (computer generated images) because it’s impossible to take a photo of something that doesn’t exist and the lies can only be supported by faked images.

  • @Charl20
    @Charl20 Рік тому +2

    Shabbath Shalom all! So much is said just in the beginning ...wonderful study HalaluYah🙌🏼

  • @thenjiwedube753
    @thenjiwedube753 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for this insight. I just came across this video today whilst searching to understand bible cosmology- watching from South Africa 🇿🇦

  • @David-lq4tq
    @David-lq4tq 2 місяці тому

    Great study. I think Yahuah created many people on day 6, then Adam was created and placed in Eden to be mankind’s representative in the divine council. The day 6 humans were created male and female and told to fill the earth. Adam was formed then placed in the garden to tend and keep the garden. These are two distinct set of instructions. Not a retelling as some suggest.

  • @kathycurry761
    @kathycurry761 Рік тому +1

    Amen! Well done. Thank you so much. ❤

  • @empress-v8
    @empress-v8 Рік тому +1

    @19:52 when we start on the Bet, could it be because God knew the firstborns in Genesis would not His first fruits ? like Abel was the 2nd and saw favor in the sight of Yah. Abraham favored son is Isaac not Ishmael, another 2nd. & also Esau and Jacob, 2nd twin born was the favored one. and when joseph came for the blessing on His sons Jacob crossed his hands on the blessing giving the firstborn blessing to the 2nd . and i promis ill end here but we have a analogy on its own in scripture that Yeshua is the 2nd adam. you know its connected and we see Bet the 2nd starting Genesis. almost like the second adam started it . let me know your thoughts, i love the almond house fellowship perspective ! much much love ❤

  • @LaurieFarms
    @LaurieFarms Місяць тому

    “Truth is Truth”.
    -Amen and Thank you! 🙏🏻

  • @davelyn786
    @davelyn786 Рік тому +2

    How were we right on schedule together last Torah portion and now you’re a week behind me?

    • @AlmondHouseFellowship
      @AlmondHouseFellowship  Рік тому +3

      Shalom brother, we had a break after sukkot. Yah willing we will catch up on the cycle by doing a double parsha these next two shabbats

    • @davelyn786
      @davelyn786 Рік тому +1

      @@AlmondHouseFellowship thank you!

  • @Jelenicza
    @Jelenicza Рік тому +1

    Thank you.

  • @MessiahMusic7
    @MessiahMusic7 Рік тому

    Praise Yah! Very good teaching indeed.
    Just curious to hear your thoughts on the shape of the tabernacle possibly being a dome?
    I remember Rob Skiba interviewing Andy Hoy on the topic. Thanks! Shalom

    • @AlmondHouseFellowship
      @AlmondHouseFellowship  Рік тому

      Shalom! Thanks brother. Not sure haven't heard of that but it wouldn't surprise me!

  • @garrybailey7939
    @garrybailey7939 Рік тому +2

    The true Turah never used the Corrupt Mesoretic Valve Points. So this would not be the original Turah that is being used, to let people understand that first. YAHUAH

  • @vebauscher
    @vebauscher Рік тому +2

    Great place for study of flat earth: look up Dean Odle on UA-cam. He is a pastor with a video series on the flat earth studies called The Sevenfold Doctrine of Creation. His videos are the best I’ve ever watched in this topic and really leaves you speechless, with no room for debate

  • @vebauscher
    @vebauscher Рік тому +2

    If you study flat earth through Dean Odle’s videos, you will learn about the aether, and that’s truly mind-blowing

  • @marinaharmon5775
    @marinaharmon5775 Рік тому +1

    Soo, people who had a nde is talking nonsense with the planets and even earth, being round shaped? It is almost a round ball.
    There is more going on between Gen1, 1 and Gen1, 2. Something happened. YAHUAH created everything perfect, but (someone) tried to destroy it. Look at what happened to Lots wife. She hatah, she became... A pillar of salt. Earth was almost destroyed by hasatan. The earth hatah, became desolate. The Ruach HaKodesh came and clear the skies. Ect.

  • @alexisxander817
    @alexisxander817 Рік тому +9

    My dad is a pilot mate. I have flown with him in an trans-atlantic flight. I know you wouldn't wanna believe me, but the earth is is NOT flat. It is saddening to see how you are leading more people away from the Mashiach by this flat earth theory.
    PS: Since the author removed my comment, I am adding this post script here. My reply to Chiara (I won't be surprised if this comment is taken down - sometimes the Truth hurts):
    "Excellent! so, your source of information is NOT the objective reality but your interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Make no mistake, scientists, believers in Yeshua, including me (yes I am a scientist and a believer - let that sink in) know and have OBSERVED the curvature of the earth. My uncle had served in the Air Force. He had flown a fighter jet. Do you even know that during their studies, they literally have to study the curvature of the earth to aim and deploy the load to destroy a target? You might be aware of the so called scientists, and engineers, but have your YOURSELF ever observed or studied, because if you had done, you'd have marvelled at the beauty of His creation and would not have belittled his majestic creation of the universe with your (and mine) limited knowledge? At least don't insult Him by trying to fit your interpretations at His majestic and mysterious creation that is our universe. I am humble enough to say that I can't see afar off but only a little distant, but there's plenty that needs to be studied, rather than insulting Him and quite frankly yourself by your ignorant opinions of the objective, observable and verifiable physics.
    You know what, I am not going to even dignify your queries or concerns with any more response. You can only lead a horse to a well... Shalom."

    • @colinspeake..8889
      @colinspeake..8889 Рік тому +7

      That's just your opinion and let's remember many pilots also confess to a flat earth! so put that into your thoughts..Also when did pilots create the earth?
      HalleluYAH all praise and Glory to ABBA YAH 💪

    • @alexisxander817
      @alexisxander817 Рік тому +4

      @@colinspeake..8889 No, but pilots do traverse along the curvature of the earth just like you do when you go to the church along the road. You don't need to be a creator to observe.

    • @chiararealini
      @chiararealini Рік тому +5

      What is sad is that if what you claim is true, that people are led away from Mashiach by what you call a theory, they never came to Him in the first place because those who are given to Yeshua by the Father cannot be snatched from Him- John 10:27-29.
      Be a good Berean and go through the list of 200+ verses that were put up on the screen. That's Scripture.

    • @AlmondHouseFellowship
      @AlmondHouseFellowship  Рік тому +10

      Its okay to agree to disagree. As stated this is not a salvation issue and falls in a"discussion category". We have people who don't see it this way in our fellowship and that's okay, we are not the "thought police". We have only referenced this in the past and felt led as a body out of the many videos we have released to finally talk about it as we believe this is the truth. Many other pilots, engineers and so forth believe so too. Is this a focal point of our fellowship or our conversations? No. Will we talk about it if it's on topic? Yes this parsha around in Genesis 1:1. Have a blessed shabbat

    • @alexisxander817
      @alexisxander817 Рік тому

      @@chiararealini Excellent! so, your source of information is NOT the objective reality but your interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Make no mistake, scientists, believers in Yeshua, including me (yes I am a scientist and a believer - let that sink in) know and have OBSERVED the curvature of the earth. My uncle had served in the Air Force. He had flown a fighter jet. Do you even know that during their studies, they literally have to study the curvature of the earth to aim and deploy the load to destroy a target? You might be aware of the so called scientists, and engineers, but have your YOURSELF ever observed or studied, because if you had done, you'd have marvelled at the beauty of His creation and would not have belittled his majestic creation of the universe with your (and mine) limited knowledge? At least don't insult Him by trying to fit your interpretations at His majestic and mysterious creation that is our universe. I am humble enough to say that I can't see afar off but only a little distant, but there's plenty that needs to be studied, rather than insulting Him and quite frankly yourself by your ignorant opinions of the objective, observable and verifiable physics.
      You know what, I am not going to even dignify your queries or concerns with any more response. You can only lead a horse to a well... Shalom.

  • @marinaharmon5775
    @marinaharmon5775 Рік тому +1

    Are you part of the scientology church?

  • @marinaharmon5775
    @marinaharmon5775 Рік тому +1

    You go to the store on a shabbat? There you feel it is a shabbat??? Nooo

  • @garrybailey7939
    @garrybailey7939 Рік тому +1

    Also the real Jerusalem is not in the Middle East that is Edom Esau territory. The real Jerusalem is in Namibia next to Seeheim Africa. The real Jerusalem is burnt down total destroyed laying in desolation uninhabited by humans as Jeremiah 9:11 states. The real Jerusalem is shaped like an arrowhead east of Seeheim. On the ground from satellite down is three huge Hebrew letters that spells out OODAH. FOR YOUR AUTHENTICITY YAHUDAH, YAHUAH, HALLALU'YAH ALUAH.

    • @marinaharmon5775
      @marinaharmon5775 Рік тому +4

      I'm Namibian. Your talking nonsense. Jerusalem, everybody knows is in the middle east... And the Hebrew people has a father, started at Abraham. He had a son Izak and Izak had twins. The one Yahuah loved and the other He hate. Please go to 119Ministries and start somewhere and build on the cornerstone that is correct. Not wishful thinking.

    • @garrybailey7939
      @garrybailey7939 Рік тому

      @@marinaharmon5775 Well you can follow your own deception that's up to you. I am looking at the real Jerusalem satellite down on the ground is giant Hebrew letters that spell OODAH in your face. Jeremiah 9:11 Plainly tells you that Jerusalem is in desolation uninhabited by humans not one stone on top of the other burnt down black from 70 AD. How come fake Jerusalem is populated with cities totally against Jeremiah 9:11 you've got to stick with scriptures or make your own fairy tale story, like many do. The real Jerusalem is exactly what Jeremiah 9:11 says. And also the jackals the black back jackal don't even go past the equator North. Yahuah made it very clear that nobody would dwell in Jerusalem. He would make it a heap of ruins. Either the father is lying or you're living in a fantasy world Middle East.

  • @garrybailey7939
    @garrybailey7939 Рік тому

    Also understand that the true Hebrew people were black skin dreadlocked hair. Amos 9:7 Ethiopians are black same as Israel / Genesis 15: 13-14 400 years of slavery in America the tribe of Yahudah. Deuteronomy 28:48 and other nations. Joel 3:7

    • @shadow_ow2
      @shadow_ow2 Рік тому +4

      The true Hebrew people are a mixed multitude of many nations, and skin colour has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    • @garrybailey7939
      @garrybailey7939 Рік тому

      @@shadow_ow2 Yes that's what I've been told but when I did the research to it they wasn't the 12 tribes of Israel of the black race. Unless you're talking about black Indians which were Hebrews. You can't get around the ancient BC engravings of the children of Israel in dreadlocks. They're the only ones that was sent out in slavery of the most highest covenant people. Why do you think the Roman Catholics came up with the New testament and their white Jesus the cover over the truth. Black Hebrew Israelites are waking up to who they are signs of times. Joel 3:7/ Deuteronomy 28:68. I never seen Indians came off of slave ships. I never seen where Mexicans come off a slave ships. I never seen Jews came off slave ships. Deuteronomy 28:48 For 400 yrs of slavery. Gen 15:13-14/ Now you can show me Bible verses of different color skin of Hebrews wearing iron yolks on their neck and chains shackle give me the scriptures I want to look at them of their 400 year captivity.