@ stop dwp repeating pip assements for disabled people . Then there’s a story as to why . Basically to just take medical notes that you send instead of the degrading interrogation of an assement
Having a disability is expensive. I used to walk everywhere, now I have to get taxis. I have to pay someone to clean my home and keep my garden neat. I was very good at decorating but now, if I need it done, I have to pay someone. I would gladly give back every penny of PIP if I was able to do these things myself
@christine8394 I don't know anyone that wants disability by choice. Many able bodied people will become disabled at some point in their lives and maybe eat some humble pie because they too will be reliant on the benefits system, the same system they used to pour scorn on and look down on people.
@criticalThinkerLad Depends what made the individual that way. Child abuse, being autistic and not being taught the coping mechanisms as a child? The list is endless...
@criticalThinkerLad Anxiety can indeed be a disability just on its own. It can stop you from being able to do things that someone without anxiety can do. There are many reasons for anxiety too. Mental illness needs to be taken very much more seriously. As for being overweight, on its own regardless of cause can be a seriousness health issue and make you disabled. The reasons for being overweight are many and varied, involving both physical and mental issues.
@prasiet1 same here . Just like the lady in the video, my heart stops everything. A letter from dwp arrives and every time a see a story that mentions pip I feel sick . Without his pip my son would have absolutely no quality of life , where we live we have already lost specialist support facilities and send transport to post 19 college has been axed pip allows my son with complex need to access a few hours away from home every week .
@@mummylove5 My son had brilliant support until he turned 19, and then nothing. He is lucky that he is with his mom in the week and comes to mine at the weekends, but the PIP is a godsend for his mom. I know that many do not have that family support. What group are Labour going after next.
Everyone affected should take this criminal government to court. This is not government money, it's been paid in by tax. We have a duty as a civilised country to protect and support the vulnerable.
@@drbloomer6380 we have almost 3 million on long term sick, 7 out of 100 working age people. Something needs to change, there's no magic money tree unfortunately.
@@jj-gk6rj yeah eventually that would be nice but that takes time and money... We have a big problem right now, no way there is 3 million legitimate long term sick.
@drbloomer6380 don't cut the tax that is given to the royals and monachy. Take money from the ctiwn and sell some of their properties. That will save the country some money.
I totally agree with u 💯 as there be so many who will suffer due to this decision plus people won't be able to pay for care support as bad health will rise up bigtime 😠👎🏴
£8 million a day spent on hotels - don’t cut disabled people’s help, cut it elsewhere. It’s goes to show what they really think if this is how the gov treat the disabled.
What about the people who can’t work ? Go after the career criminals and stop their money not people who have got no choice what about disabled peoples human rights ?
Well said Sam. Disabled people just want to be valued members of society. PIP gives us half a chance to pay for all the essential basics we need just to live the basics.
Same. I suffer from severe panic attacks that make leaving my house almost impossible.. at least I've spent a great deal of my time learning python so maybe I could find some freelance WFH coding gigs if I'm lucky..
The lady I have helping me in person costs £35 an hour....if people want to think about how far pip money actually goes when we are using it to EMPLOY other working people.
Targeting those that are already on low incomes is absolutely disgraceful. But this labour government isn't bothered or even worried. How about targeting those that are here illegally? How much would that save.
I can’t believe some of these comments, I’m a single mum and work, I can’t understand how people can have a negative attitude on disabled people claiming benefits, they didn’t ask to be born this way and didn’t ask to be unwell, have a bit of gratitude of what you do have ie your health and family because these people haven’t got half of what you do!! Start and take your anger out on the real problem people claiming our money when they shouldn’t be in our country
The rich and super rich are part of the same system too...how come the work of directors and stock marketeers can make a living wage look ludicrous...in other words, most of the money has gone to the top...and as always, they wish to dictate terms...especially moral ones...to appease their guilty conscience...
They have attacked everyone. I gave up my job after my disability permitted me from going to a job I loved. I don’t want my disabilities nether do I want to take the strong pain relief that makes me poorly . I have lost who I am. I would love those who are against help with disability to walk in our shoes.
How a society treats its most vulnerable - whether children, the infirm or the elderly - is always the measure of its humanity. Even more so during instability and conflict. When a society begins to disregard the vulnerable and their rights, instability and conflict will only grow.
The disabled are easy targets as are the poor in society, I'm disabled myself and live in dread of having my benefit cut or losing it completely. If the government needs to save money look at not giving benefits to illegal immigrants and cut the billions in foreign aid which we give to other countries, charity should begin at home, fix what is wrong here first before funding others.
Genuine people who have genuine disabilities and their carers deserve far more humane treatment and decency. To those of you who feel angry about paying taxes.. how is it in any way humane to be frustrated towards disabled people. My child attended an incredible specialist school.. there were children in the surrounding area that targeted the school premises, with distain and unfounded anger. The school decided to open the doors to these children, and they all left crying, feeling real empathy for the autistic children they had met. A lot of people don't really understand the impact of a disability. And they definitely don't deserve to be treated like 2nd class citizens by society.
When will people realise that Labour are not for the working class. Thatcher introduced the disability payments in the 70s under Heath. Labour under Blair started this crackdown and now Starmer is finishing it. Get them out.
I have severe Aspergers but moved to South America by myself 3 years ago - it’s a funny thing, I’ve been treated better here on account of my condition, by both the state and society than I ever did back home.
Some disabilities also have social consequences, in my case, on account of my autism (a neurological issue which i was born with) I really struggle in social groups, this makes it very difficult in the workplace and to secure work. Whilst my disability doesn't require much in the way of equipment, I Find the PIP very useful for paying for bills, living expenses and paying a part time carer to help me keep myself organised and as a substitute for the wages which if it were not for my disability I would be able to earn easily. Meanwhile, I am attending the Open university, and trying to get myself a useful qualification to make finding work in a specialised field easier. Employers are more willing to tolerate a disability if you have a special skill, unfortunately, I don't really at the moment have such a skill, but that doesn't mean I don't want to get such a skill.
@@edmundprice5276 Sounds like a plan. I really hope you realise your dream and find a supportive line manager in your specialist field and have a brilliant personal life as well. Good luck!
Well said, both of you lady's specially the one with blonde hair, you speaking the truth pip need to be protected for us people who need it and disability people 😢
I'm sorry but NONE of the government people would be able survive on the amount PIP even pays. People on PIP are just about surviving as it is, with barely any quality of life as it is.. Massive shame on the UK government
Billions of pounds not claimed on Pip & disability pension. Pip is awarded on average for 10 years before been reissued for another 10 years. I'm on Pip myself believe me its not easy to claim Pip. I won my case after 3 attempts over several years and have been claiming disability benefits for over 34 years.
Despite disability rights, many disabled people don't have the opportunity to work anyway. Once an employer has fulfilled their diversity quota, they won't usually want to employ anyone who might need accommodations. There are also very many disabled people who may appear to be able to work but for whom it won't be feasible. Where will the government draw that line and then start giving sanctions?
i like how the media and comentators and politicians dismissing anxiety and depression. Yet, the best way to lower anxiety is 20mins of hot shower. Now, standing charge for electricity is 67p, which is £20 per month. Then shower itself, will cost 70p for 20mins. If you need it twice a day, that is £1.4. For one months it will be £40. So £60 a months just this. Then where is heating and cooking? With anxiety, is also much harder to travel by bus so you need taxi.
the problem is that pip is not the encouraging benefit either , i am disabled i have autism dyspraxia and slight cerebal palsy , i went in 2012 to be assessed and was denied even though i lived in sheltered housing however i did work i have worked all my life till in 2020 being ill health retired from home office for errors due to disability which was bs but i am 100% i worked i didnt get pip , so if they say can u work yes or no they said u do work well done your disabled so youll get pip its no you work so no pip for you
Taxi companies where I live (Australia) it’s beneficial to have wheelchair accessible vehicles. My brother has MS and it’s now his main form of transport.
Why will the possibility to be well so that we can also work, be deprived from us? There is nothing wrong with being disabled. Why is the Government saying that there this?
I get univeral credit and PIP benefits because of my disability. I can't work. I used to from leaving school in 1992 up to 2010 when my health failed me. I now live in supported housing. If they cut my benefits, how will I manage? I could take up begging on the street 😭 but also maybe 😂 Cops hate begging here in Wimbledon
@MaroonedInDub eh? Cop is English slang for the pigs the rozzers the filth etc boys in blue if you like. Cop is short for copper after the copper badges London police wore in the 19th century. Rule britannia 🇬🇧
So they want to acess every disabled person to see what work they can do...........Where is the employers liability insurance standing on this ? Or maybe I should ask who is going to provide the liability i nsurance.
A valid question indeed, which to date remains conspicuously overlooked, and indeed, seemingly not considered in the mainstream. However, I can answer the question for you. If your condition(s) are covered/recognised by The Equality Act 2010, you can indeed be insured to work under Enployers Liability Insurance. **Not all conditions are covered by this act; namely very rare ones.
A relative who has been fully assessed and been judged through a work assessment centre over a two week course to be unemployable, receives housing benefit, plus £636.20 per month ESA and £737.10 per month PIP. This is much more than pensioners receive, the conversation has to be about fairness and how much does one need to live a life were one is adequately housed, fed and living a life and not simply existing.
But does the relative have capacity to make decisions? Can they Express themselves to explain if they are not being treated well? Can they drive or use transport unaided? Can they do food shopping unaided? Do they need someone to help them pay their Bill's? That is why it costs more money for some disabled people. They do not have the capacity to 'adult' themselves. So all that money you noted goes on carers. They have to pay people to help them live. Otherwise they would starve.
Someone on high rate on both mobility and care is gona be severely disabled or ill tbf. Those figures are still less than one would get if working full time and no disability related costs.
They need to address urgently why so many youngsters 18-25 are leaving school and education and going straight onto benefits. It has to stop. No ifs and no buts. Or its time to ask questions why so many kinds are leaving with incredibly poor grades only to be placed upon the scrap heap. The education system needs an overhaul. It is long overdue!
I don't think that accurate that so many people coming out of school and start claiming benefits. To qualify for sickness benefits, you need to have a genuine disability backed by extensive medical evidence. If they opt for jobseeker's allowance but refuse to take job offers, their benefits are revoked. Not everyone can just claim. It's actually a very strict system
I agree! As soon as I came out of school I went straight to college for 3 years and completed my extended diploma in health and social care, then at 22 went to university to study science with health care and now going onto adult nursing. Please, stay in education if you can! I just turned 24 and it’s the best decision I ever made for myself.
i am using the pc which i used my pip to pay for, plus I use it to pay for visual help, I'm totally blind. use of other people's eyes costs cash, as does maintaining the pc to keep myself able to interact with people. I've been tested over and over again, I'm still blind. oh, and I have to pay for transport too, as I can't get everywhere I want to get to.
Im disabled from an industrial injury and wear and tear while working on oil rigs offshore, so i have more than paid into the system, and lets get the factf right, tax payers have never paid for the disabled and unemployed the entitlement is fron the CQV trust but the MPs wilk telk you different to turn people against the disabled
On the 28th of November last year, I have now been fighting the NHS 27-years looking for answers to the cause of unexplained seizures that I never had experienced until I worked nightshift in a fish factory, over the years I've had neurologist's not listening properly/ignoring bit's and pieces of my case, after they asked me if I get any warning sign's before a seizure I told them what happens on the lead up to a seizure and they verbally attacked me for talking about what I considered as a possible warning sign, my last official job was 2006😔, the cause of not being able to get a job? My seizures are unpredictable and business owners deemed that as a risks to their business/work place insurance and and potentially to myself and or colleagues/customers, I amazed the local job centre manager at my wanting to work but because of neurologist's/cardiologists and other NHS areas I have been let down by big time, I alway's thought I would be in work, my case and medical history is now being investigated by a local councillor, to my area. I used to walk a mile and a half every day each way, hail rain or shine to the next town and the same back again, last year due to the NHS ignoring part's of my case I almost fell into oncoming traffic because of constant dizziness, a build up before the seizure happens it scared me so much when I felt the draft of the lorry passing and the mirror breeze skiff my head, but when I explained that to the neurologist last year all I got back was "Well your still here aren't you, how have we got back to this point of tou wanting to be dead?" If you can't get a Dr to help you, how will the government ever help anyone? It's okay, them who sit and criticize people they never stop to think before talking about those who have actual health conditions and / or disabilities it's evident by the government and DWP’s constant attacks. I asked the neurologist's what jobs would be safe for me to do? knowing they took away the medication that was sort of controlling the seizures, rather than listening, the guy first accused me of not wanting to work despite knowing my situation, then he decided in a condescending tone replied "You can do any job, any job you want, I just don't recommend in the meantime that you pilot a plane/work on a building site or become a tree surgeon " so because of his attitude I responded with "Well there's my top three f'in job's right there isn't it, Inwas going to pilot my plane to my job on the building site down the road whilst juggling f'in chainsaw's" rather than listening to my concerns, he said, "Now now Miss buchan, there's no need to be like that." In an appointment at the job centre, one agent turned and advised me to just not declare that I have seizure's, infront of his boss and colleagues I tore him down then advised him to do his own job and keep his nose out of the meeting I was requested to attend, his boss praised me and said that if I hadn't done it she would have after I was gone. There has never been any real thought of care by the government or the NHS about people who have health conditions or disabilities were just a hindrance to them 😢
Get an office job and they can put a plan in place if you have a seizure. Pillow under your head, recovery position, phone an ambulance. Dont let it stop you from earning for your living and living a good fulfilled life ❤
@SpecialK199 Hi, specialK. In 2016, when my gp announced she was retiring, I asked my gp what jobs would be safe for me to do, and she said, "The only job I see being safe for you to do is being a secretary, (I actually felt a glimpse of hope when she said that, then it was ruined when she continued with) but because of your dizziness flaring up when you sit in front of a computer, even that's not safe. " A screen protector doesn't help I have tried several it just causes me to feel queezy and sicly, I can't explain it properly the horrible feeling but that queezyness never happened when I was on the seizures medication, I have constant dizziness, Postural Orthopaedic Tachycardia Syndrome, the cardiologists diagnosed that in 2005, and rather than explain it to me, they handed me a peice of paper with a website and told me to go home and read up about it, they've never done any future follow up appointment's since that day. and I have Postural Perpetual Dizziness Syndrome which is just a small part of the diagnosis since 2024, which a local nurse not the city nurse has said "My brother was diagnosed with that, and I'm afraid to say, it's only going to get worse because there is no treatment for it", the neurologist's took away the medication that sort of controlled the seizures , I suffer from seizures every two three days apart without the medication, with the medication it changed to about almost every 6 months definitely better than the every 2 3 days, In 1999 they decided to trial me with the medication, and you would have thought that would been a "You're on the right track " Sign for them when running test's and seeing a difference going from every two three days apart to every five six months, but no, in March of 2015 they removed the medication washed their hand's of my case and left me no help/support or follow up appointment's. or I would have definitely tried for an office job🫂.
It doesn’t matter if it’s conservatives or labour is in power they couldn’t give a toss about disabled people. I have learning disabilities balancing problems and bipolar disorder and anxiety
I am in grave pain every single day . got lots of issues with my back , neck legs and arms , i have to spend a lot of time lying down and have to have massage to help me . I struggle to walk and struggle to dress myself . Lots of other issues. I trip up every single day more than once and i drop a lot of things , every single day several times a day . Also have falls a lot .
I came from East Africa well educated in back home my 5 adult children both of them graduated & they're paying everything tax & N.I. I am proud of them bless them & all positive people's.
Everyone needs to vote against every single councillor in the local elections. Labour must finish that day with no councillors. That maybe force them to actually see what the country wants, not what their ideology dictates. These scammers are claiming everything that they can get, and yet threatening disabled people.
Ive been out of work since 1993 due to my disability i suffer from meneries disease hearing loss and believe me i did a cv with my coach back in the 90s and 2000s jobcentre applied for jobs never had any replys my health got worse double heart bypass in 2001 heart failure in 2004 i was still classed as fit for work by DWP lost 3 tribunals i managed to get pip in 2020 due to having severe arthritis in my hips i still have a letter from dwp skill action plsn from 2013 i was made to sign on even though i was putting sicknotes in every 13 weeks didnt do my health any better in searching for work
If I could get lung transplant and new vascular system, then I would get my life back.. But it's not going to happen.. Dire times for disabled and vulnerable.. ❤️🙏
And yet UK offshore tax havens avoid billions in income tax and corporation tax. When will the rich start paying their share. This government is shameful.
I have Muscular Dystrophy and need hoists, powerchair and help doing everything. And due to cost of living my pip pays for warmth, fuel for hospital, psychotherapy. The UK is so inaccessible and majority of us just want to live but stigma, lies, uneducated society, fuelled by government and media, making people feel out of place. It's very scary times
Having a disabled person at home is like a punishment to the whole family. I will feel sorry if the support is reduced to disabled families. I'm quite hopeful, though, that these reforms will end up in courts and thwarted.
i like how the media and comentators and politicians dismissing anxiety and depression. Yet, the best way to lower anxiety is 20mins of hot shower. Now, standing charge for electricity is 67p, which is £20 per month. Them shower itself, will cost 70p for 20mins. If you need it twice a day, that is £1.4. For one months it will be £40. So £60 a months just this. Then where is heating and cooking? With anxiety, is much harder to travel by bus so you need taxi.
I feel for the 2 lovely ladies. I'm scared to end up badly, as If the take my pip off me I'm not going to survive. And yes it's true as the lady in video, every time I see the dreadful brown envelope I start panicking. They make you feel guilty of been sick or disable.
I get pip i have ms and depression And got a letter november telling me I had a extention for a year But I had a phone call last Friday for a review they have made there decision but need to wait 2 weeks for a letter My home is a risk if it's a noise had pip after my work coach told me to reapply so I did in 2020 with ms everyone's different I never asked to have ms I have mobility issues a 25 minute walking journey woild now take 1hr 45 mins cos if stop sit down for 15 mins then start again I have secondary progressive ms and affects my hands my hand writing isn't good ms affects my speech
Ban driving licences. Some criminals will continue to drive without licences. If they are dishonest, or considered criminals. This won't necessarily stop them.
Pip is so that it support disabled people please help every one who needs this benfit and support this lots of people need this dont cut it itl effect most vunwrable
Was run. Over by car hit and run was crane operator been on pip get the high one trust me when I say this it put me into poverty I’m running debts up I’ll never be able to pay back let alone trying to walk again is redulus
I'm waiting for a tribunal in Cardiff South Wales my decision,i've been waiting 2 years and four months and have been told I got a very good chance of winning,i'm from Merthyr Tydfil South Wales and now waiting for a tribunal date.👍🏴
theres got to be jobs out there for disabled people to do and employers that are willing to set them on and this is simply not the case as the populition its 70 million where years ago we stayed roughly around 57 to 58 where disabled people where helped into work and support mechanism where of assistance
I think we are heading for a new method of financial support where you have to submit costs incurred due solely to disability, with proof, and then that determines what money you get. Probably be 3 levels of payments and you’d be granted 1 of the levels. The Swedish gov do this, it’s called the additional cost allowance. It would be mean a massive change to the benefits system. One I’ve no doubt on past ability the gov will make a mess of.
Why do the government give people who work pip?? Its rediculous give it to people who really are unable to work if you can work and have a job then you dont need pip housing and council tax benefit its crazy your living wage should suffice !!!
@@kevinkenny6975 still dont think if they can work that disabled should get any benefits inc cars ect it should only be for disabled who cannot work at all thats what the government should think about instead of threatning people who are disabled and benefits are all they have to live on it used to be this way back in the day there getting the best of both worlds working wages and pip
@@leea2112 Because as the ladies in the video pointed out, being disabled usually costs more. A healthy person might be able to get to work using public transport, for example, while a disabled person who is able to work needs a car. They might need equipment that healthy people do not. They might need to stick to a special diet, or if they work from home will have higher energy bills. I can see an argument against very wealthy people claiming, but whether or not someone can work is not the deciding factor.
Well it should be ! Working means you can afford more than disabled people holidays ect you lead a better life if you can work but the true disabled and mentally ill have no choice but not to work and cant meet Bills ect along with workers getting free cars maybe a bus pass yes but a car no all this needs to change as in goverment need to stop handing workers any kind of benefits rent paid and council tax I dont mind paying my tax to look after genuinely disabled and mentally ill people who do not work because they have no job indefinitely through severe illness not the artists who work say they have a bad back and pip is pin money for them they are the ones that get pip no problem where the genuine do without it really needs to stop
I think what's confusing and frustrating a lot of people is the fact PIP is not means tested, so someone working full time with a great salary can still claim PIP. Is that morally right? Not really. Is it legal at the moment? Yes.
Old people crying about winter fuel benefit cuts under labour. Don't they have jumpers? Folk attack the disabled but want to chuck money at oaps. Wear layers, grandma ffs have a cup a soup
@@aethellstan a variety of reasons, problems with long waiting lists for nhs treatment or therapy are keeping large numbers of people ill and out of work . There are may people who for whatever reason can find themselves struggling with their mental health ,if we has a system that could support them quickly and consistently then they wouldn't be off work for so long ,equally people who have medical conditions are also left to deteriorate on long waiting lists , pain and sickness and being unable to live your life can be severely detrimental to recovery and leave sufferers further and further away from employment etc . Some people will never work and some could be helped to be in part time or voluntary work if there were a realistic levels of support both financial and actual, to reliably help. My son is never likely to work because he functions at the level of a 5 year old ,he is just 20 and on the scrapheap of life already, if his pip goes any quality of life he has ( which is not very much ) will go with it .
One person getting 1 Benefit,Another person getting 7 other Benefits,Do something for once,Scrap the lot,Replace it to 1 monthly payment of 1 Benefit,Thats what Universal Credit supposed to be doing,Replace all old style Benefits to 1 monthly payment,Also save more tax payers moneys,Dont expect to get much for freebees
Penalising the most genuinely vulnerable people is the lowest of the low
Sign the recent disability petition on direct gov
What's petition called
@ stop dwp repeating pip assements for disabled people . Then there’s a story as to why . Basically to just take medical notes that you send instead of the degrading interrogation of an assement
Where can I find it? @@M3lloiuse
Having a disability is expensive. I used to walk everywhere, now I have to get taxis. I have to pay someone to clean my home and keep my garden neat. I was very good at decorating but now, if I need it done, I have to pay someone. I would gladly give back every penny of PIP if I was able to do these things myself
@christine8394 I don't know anyone that wants disability by choice. Many able bodied people will become disabled at some point in their lives and maybe eat some humble pie because they too will be reliant on the benefits system, the same system they used to pour scorn on and look down on people.
Being Overweight and having anxiety is not a disability. there's levels to this game and a feeling just doesn't justify it
@criticalThinkerLadexactly, but the ones who are disabled should have the PIP. Not just for mental health equals depression and anxiety.
@criticalThinkerLad Depends what made the individual that way. Child abuse, being autistic and not being taught the coping mechanisms as a child? The list is endless...
@criticalThinkerLad Anxiety can indeed be a disability just on its own. It can stop you from being able to do things that someone without anxiety can do. There are many reasons for anxiety too. Mental illness needs to be taken very much more seriously.
As for being overweight, on its own regardless of cause can be a seriousness health issue and make you disabled. The reasons for being overweight are many and varied, involving both physical and mental issues.
I'm scared as a disabled person.
Me to pal
And me.
Scared for my son who has autism
@prasiet1 same here . Just like the lady in the video, my heart stops everything. A letter from dwp arrives and every time a see a story that mentions pip I feel sick . Without his pip my son would have absolutely no quality of life , where we live we have already lost specialist support facilities and send transport to post 19 college has been axed pip allows my son with complex need to access a few hours away from home every week .
@@mummylove5 My son had brilliant support until he turned 19, and then nothing.
He is lucky that he is with his mom in the week and comes to mine at the weekends, but the PIP is a godsend for his mom.
I know that many do not have that family support.
What group are Labour going after next.
Two lovely ladies soldiering on in the face of adversity.
Yes indeed.
Everyone affected should take this criminal government to court. This is not government money, it's been paid in by tax. We have a duty as a civilised country to protect and support the vulnerable.
More stress on those less fortunate than ourselves. Disgusting. Absolutely shameful!
@@drbloomer6380 we have almost 3 million on long term sick, 7 out of 100 working age people. Something needs to change, there's no magic money tree unfortunately.
@@Jonnyiceyactually fixing the NHS & social care would be a good start.
@@jj-gk6rj yeah eventually that would be nice but that takes time and money... We have a big problem right now, no way there is 3 million legitimate long term sick.
@drbloomer6380 don't cut the tax that is given to the royals and monachy. Take money from the ctiwn and sell some of their properties. That will save the country some money.
@@Jonnyicey Youre just parroting whatever the government says while having zero clue whats actually going on, You're a disgrace to britain
I use most of my pip to pay bills food etc .. if my pip goes or gets reduced I'm totally fu"#%d.
get welfare rights involved
I totally agree with u 💯 as there be so many who will suffer due to this decision plus people won't be able to pay for care support as bad health will rise up bigtime 😠👎🏴
That's what the Government want
Same i want be able to eat x
£8 million a day spent on hotels - don’t cut disabled people’s help, cut it elsewhere. It’s goes to show what they really think if this is how the gov treat the disabled.
Yea the people are not from here are getting treated better than the english well done goverment shame on you
Both fighting the good fight ,well said both of the ladies
The sick and disabled are always targeted. It causes stress and anxiety for so many.
What about the people who can’t work ? Go after the career criminals and stop their money not people who have got no choice what about disabled peoples human rights ?
Well said Sam. Disabled people just want to be valued members of society. PIP gives us half a chance to pay for all the essential basics we need just to live the basics.
Disabilities aren't always physical, I have ptsd, autism, depression, anxiety and eupd and I struggle going outside my front door
Same. I suffer from severe panic attacks that make leaving my house almost impossible.. at least I've spent a great deal of my time learning python so maybe I could find some freelance WFH coding gigs if I'm lucky..
@@Drunken_Sens I haven't left the house in over a year
The lady I have helping me in person costs £35 an hour....if people want to think about how far pip money actually goes when we are using it to EMPLOY other working people.
@@trace567Blimey! 👀
These people cannot be left unsupported; this program must continue.
What disgusting society we now live in. Taking from the people who need and rely on the support the most!
Targeting those that are already on low incomes is absolutely disgraceful. But this labour government isn't bothered or even worried. How about targeting those that are here illegally? How much would that save.
Starmer seems to be targeting our elderly, disabled and he doesn't seem to like women, children or parents. 😢
This is NOT what a Labour govt should be
Basically anyone who cannot sell their labour is a non person to the labour party.
I can’t believe some of these comments, I’m a single mum and work, I can’t understand how people can have a negative attitude on disabled people claiming benefits, they didn’t ask to be born this way and didn’t ask to be unwell, have a bit of gratitude of what you do have ie your health and family because these people haven’t got half of what you do!! Start and take your anger out on the real problem people claiming our money when they shouldn’t be in our country
The rich and super rich are part of the same system too...how come the work of directors and stock marketeers can make a living wage look ludicrous...in other words, most of the money has gone to the top...and as always, they wish to dictate terms...especially moral ones...to appease their guilty conscience...
You might work but more than likely you're taking more out of the system than you put in.
They have attacked everyone.
I gave up my job after my disability permitted me from going to a job I loved. I don’t want my disabilities nether do I want to take the strong pain relief that
makes me poorly . I have lost who I am.
I would love those who are against help with disability to walk in our shoes.
@@Jonnyicey more than likely NOT I don’t claim anything! What I meant by ‘our money’ I meant as a whole country or do you want to be divided?
Well said Gemmaburns
All the government has to do is cut the foreign budget a little and stop giving refugees UC, and finally start putting British citizens first!
refugees are entitled to UC how bought the put a wealth tax on people with assets or ban foreign companies buy apartments
Our government stop punishing the disabled people.
Okay, instead sending £12.8 billion pounds to Ukraine they could put that towards people that have got disabilities and so on
How a society treats its most vulnerable - whether children, the infirm or the elderly - is always the measure of its humanity. Even more so during instability and conflict. When a society begins to disregard the vulnerable and their rights, instability and conflict will only grow.
The lady is spot on "invest in us", invest in the people who can work and support the ones who cannot.
The disabled are easy targets as are the poor in society, I'm disabled myself and live in dread of having my benefit cut or losing it completely. If the government needs to save money look at not giving benefits to illegal immigrants and cut the billions in foreign aid which we give to other countries, charity should begin at home, fix what is wrong here first before funding others.
Genuine people who have genuine disabilities and their carers deserve far more humane treatment and decency.
To those of you who feel angry about paying taxes.. how is it in any way humane to be frustrated towards disabled people.
My child attended an incredible specialist school.. there were children in the surrounding area that targeted the school premises, with distain and unfounded anger.
The school decided to open the doors to these children, and they all left crying, feeling real empathy for the autistic children they had met.
A lot of people don't really understand the impact of a disability. And they definitely don't deserve to be treated like 2nd class citizens by society.
When will people realise that Labour are not for the working class. Thatcher introduced the disability payments in the 70s under Heath. Labour under Blair started this crackdown and now Starmer is finishing it. Get them out.
and what did the torys do from 2010 to 2024? remember all that? you have selective memory.
@@blackbearish Hate the tories as well . They're all the same
I have severe Aspergers but moved to South America by myself 3 years ago - it’s a funny thing, I’ve been treated better here on account of my condition, by both the state and society than I ever did back home.
Where did you move to in South America?
@@sedwards6213 Colombia 🤗
They should focus on the ones who are milking the system from generation to the next!
Please sign the new direct gov disability petition
Some disabilities also have social consequences, in my case, on account of my autism (a neurological issue which i was born with) I really struggle in social groups, this makes it very difficult in the workplace and to secure work.
Whilst my disability doesn't require much in the way of equipment, I Find the PIP very useful for paying for bills, living expenses and paying a part time carer to help me keep myself organised and as a substitute for the wages which if it were not for my disability I would be able to earn easily.
Meanwhile, I am attending the Open university, and trying to get myself a useful qualification to make finding work in a specialised field easier.
Employers are more willing to tolerate a disability if you have a special skill, unfortunately, I don't really at the moment have such a skill, but that doesn't mean I don't want to get such a skill.
Good luck with your studies. Research opportunities for disabled graduates, there are some specialist recruiters out there.
@ellingtonlover7319 I'm aiming for the NHS as a biotechnologist, hoping to get myself experienced enough to get into pathology
@@edmundprice5276 Sounds like a plan. I really hope you realise your dream and find a supportive line manager in your specialist field and have a brilliant personal life as well. Good luck!
Well said, both of you lady's specially the one with blonde hair, you speaking the truth pip need to be protected for us people who need it and disability people 😢
I'm sorry but NONE of the government people would be able survive on the amount PIP even pays. People on PIP are just about surviving as it is, with barely any quality of life as it is.. Massive shame on the UK government
Billions of pounds not claimed on Pip & disability pension. Pip is awarded on average for 10 years before been reissued for another 10 years. I'm on Pip myself believe me its not easy to claim Pip. I won my case after 3 attempts over several years and have been claiming disability benefits for over 34 years.
Despite disability rights, many disabled people don't have the opportunity to work anyway. Once an employer has fulfilled their diversity quota, they won't usually want to employ anyone who might need accommodations.
There are also very many disabled people who may appear to be able to work but for whom it won't be feasible. Where will the government draw that line and then start giving sanctions?
Bullying the innocent that's what it's doing.
As the lady stated, your heart stops
Well said ladies ❤
i like how the media and comentators and politicians dismissing anxiety and depression.
Yet, the best way to lower anxiety is 20mins of hot shower.
Now, standing charge for electricity is 67p, which is £20 per month.
Then shower itself, will cost 70p for 20mins.
If you need it twice a day, that is £1.4.
For one months it will be £40.
So £60 a months just this.
Then where is heating and cooking?
With anxiety, is also much harder to travel by bus so you need taxi.
The electric showers eat out money.
This just seems like long maths to get out of showering 😬
Get rid of immigrants and save money that way its not the law britain has to have them
They are full lie its not disabled people fault but they will pick on the vulnerable we must not let thi happen
It's the less than 1% who are abusing it who have mucked it all up for the genuine claimants
Couldn't agree more
the problem is that pip is not the encouraging benefit either , i am disabled i have autism dyspraxia and slight cerebal palsy , i went in 2012 to be assessed and was denied even though i lived in sheltered housing however i did work i have worked all my life till in 2020 being ill health retired from home office for errors due to disability which was bs but i am 100% i worked i didnt get pip , so if they say can u work yes or no they said u do work well done your disabled so youll get pip its no you work so no pip for you
Taxi companies where I live (Australia) it’s beneficial to have wheelchair accessible vehicles. My brother has MS and it’s now his main form of transport.
Why will the possibility to be well so that we can also work, be deprived from us? There is nothing wrong with being disabled. Why is the Government saying that there this?
I get univeral credit and PIP benefits because of my disability. I can't work. I used to from leaving school in 1992 up to 2010 when my health failed me. I now live in supported housing. If they cut my benefits, how will I manage?
I could take up begging on the street 😭 but also maybe 😂
Cops hate begging here in Wimbledon
Why do you have American police in Wimbledon?
@MaroonedInDub eh? Cop is English slang for the pigs the rozzers the filth etc boys in blue if you like.
Cop is short for copper after the copper badges London police wore in the 19th century. Rule britannia 🇬🇧
I’m not surprised but I am scared
Sam is so well spoken, she knows her stuff❤❤
So they want to acess every disabled person to see what work they can do...........Where is the employers liability insurance standing on this ? Or maybe I should ask who is going to provide the liability i nsurance.
A valid question indeed, which to date remains conspicuously overlooked, and indeed, seemingly not considered in the mainstream. However, I can answer the question for you.
If your condition(s) are covered/recognised by The Equality Act 2010, you can indeed be insured to work under Enployers Liability Insurance.
**Not all conditions are covered by this act; namely very rare ones.
@@Tanz-og6yh Thank you for the information,I'm off to find a copy of The Equality Act 2010 ,time to read
I’m a disabled person and it’s so true when that brown letter comes through the door it frightens me.❤
🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 this is evil and disgusting 🤮
A relative who has been fully assessed and been judged through a work assessment centre over a two week course to be unemployable, receives housing benefit, plus £636.20 per month ESA and £737.10 per month PIP. This is much more than pensioners receive, the conversation has to be about fairness and how much does one need to live a life were one is adequately housed, fed and living a life and not simply existing.
But does the relative have capacity to make decisions? Can they Express themselves to explain if they are not being treated well? Can they drive or use transport unaided? Can they do food shopping unaided?
Do they need someone to help them pay their Bill's?
That is why it costs more money for some disabled people.
They do not have the capacity to 'adult' themselves.
So all that money you noted goes on carers.
They have to pay people to help them live.
Otherwise they would starve.
@@nat.dallen3206 Well said , it can look like a lot of money to some on paper, but in reality, it will barely cover existing.
Someone on high rate on both mobility and care is gona be severely disabled or ill tbf.
Those figures are still less than one would get if working full time and no disability related costs.
@user-jx1bl5jf2p 👏👏👏
They need to address urgently why so many youngsters 18-25 are leaving school and education and going straight onto benefits. It has to stop. No ifs and no buts. Or its time to ask questions why so many kinds are leaving with incredibly poor grades only to be placed upon the scrap heap. The education system needs an overhaul. It is long overdue!
I don't think that accurate that so many people coming out of school and start claiming benefits. To qualify for sickness benefits, you need to have a genuine disability backed by extensive medical evidence. If they opt for jobseeker's allowance but refuse to take job offers, their benefits are revoked. Not everyone can just claim. It's actually a very strict system
I agree! As soon as I came out of school I went straight to college for 3 years and completed my extended diploma in health and social care, then at 22 went to university to study science with health care and now going onto adult nursing.
Please, stay in education if you can! I just turned 24 and it’s the best decision I ever made for myself.
It's because some 18 to 25 year olds come from families where nobody works if u watched benefit Britain on TV ,that's what it is
Disabled, pensioners, anybody who is vulnerable is an easy taget for Starrmer! ☹️👎💩
Too right and true. It's becoming a dystopian government
i am using the pc which i used my pip to pay for, plus I use it to pay for visual help, I'm totally blind. use of other people's eyes costs cash, as does maintaining the pc to keep myself able to interact with people. I've been tested over and over again, I'm still blind. oh, and I have to pay for transport too, as I can't get everywhere I want to get to.
The government need to look at themselves about benefits scroungers
It's not fair right and fed up of us all that we've got to explain ourselves
Im disabled from an industrial injury and wear and tear while working on oil rigs offshore, so i have more than paid into the system, and lets get the factf right, tax payers have never paid for the disabled and unemployed the entitlement is fron the CQV trust but the MPs wilk telk you different to turn people against the disabled
On the 28th of November last year, I have now been fighting the NHS 27-years looking for answers to the cause of unexplained seizures that I never had experienced until I worked nightshift in a fish factory, over the years I've had neurologist's not listening properly/ignoring bit's and pieces of my case, after they asked me if I get any warning sign's before a seizure I told them what happens on the lead up to a seizure and they verbally attacked me for talking about what I considered as a possible warning sign, my last official job was 2006😔, the cause of not being able to get a job? My seizures are unpredictable and business owners deemed that as a risks to their business/work place insurance and and potentially to myself and or colleagues/customers, I amazed the local job centre manager at my wanting to work but because of neurologist's/cardiologists and other NHS areas I have been let down by big time, I alway's thought I would be in work, my case and medical history is now being investigated by a local councillor, to my area.
I used to walk a mile and a half every day each way, hail rain or shine to the next town and the same back again, last year due to the NHS ignoring part's of my case I almost fell into oncoming traffic because of constant dizziness, a build up before the seizure happens it scared me so much when I felt the draft of the lorry passing and the mirror breeze skiff my head, but when I explained that to the neurologist last year all I got back was "Well your still here aren't you, how have we got back to this point of tou wanting to be dead?" If you can't get a Dr to help you, how will the government ever help anyone? It's okay, them who sit and criticize people they never stop to think before talking about those who have actual health conditions and / or disabilities it's evident by the government and DWP’s constant attacks.
I asked the neurologist's what jobs would be safe for me to do? knowing they took away the medication that was sort of controlling the seizures, rather than listening, the guy first accused me of not wanting to work despite knowing my situation, then he decided in a condescending tone replied "You can do any job, any job you want, I just don't recommend in the meantime that you pilot a plane/work on a building site or become a tree surgeon " so because of his attitude I responded with "Well there's my top three f'in job's right there isn't it, Inwas going to pilot my plane to my job on the building site down the road whilst juggling f'in chainsaw's"
rather than listening to my concerns, he said, "Now now Miss buchan, there's no need to be like that."
In an appointment at the job centre, one agent turned and advised me to just not declare that I have seizure's, infront of his boss and colleagues I tore him down then advised him to do his own job and keep his nose out of the meeting I was requested to attend, his boss praised me and said that if I hadn't done it she would have after I was gone. There has never been any real thought of care by the government or the NHS about people who have health conditions or disabilities were just a hindrance to them 😢
Get an office job and they can put a plan in place if you have a seizure. Pillow under your head, recovery position, phone an ambulance. Dont let it stop you from earning for your living and living a good fulfilled life ❤
@SpecialK199 Hi, specialK. In 2016, when my gp announced she was retiring, I asked my gp what jobs would be safe for me to do,
and she said, "The only job I see being safe for you to do is being a secretary, (I actually felt a glimpse of hope when she said that, then it was ruined when she continued with) but because of your dizziness flaring up when you sit in front of a computer, even that's not safe. "
A screen protector doesn't help I have tried several it just causes me to feel queezy and sicly, I can't explain it properly the horrible feeling but that queezyness never happened when I was on the seizures medication,
I have constant dizziness,
Postural Orthopaedic Tachycardia Syndrome, the cardiologists diagnosed that in 2005, and rather than explain it to me,
they handed me a peice of paper with a website and told me to go home and read up about it, they've never done any future follow up appointment's since that day.
and I have Postural Perpetual Dizziness Syndrome which is just a small part of the diagnosis since 2024,
which a local nurse not the city nurse has said
"My brother was diagnosed with that, and I'm afraid to say, it's only going to get worse because there is no treatment for it",
the neurologist's took away the medication that sort of controlled the seizures , I suffer from seizures every two three days apart without the medication, with the medication it changed to about almost every 6 months definitely better than the every 2 3 days,
In 1999 they decided to trial me with the medication, and you would have thought that would been a "You're on the right track " Sign for them when running test's and seeing a difference going from every two three days apart to every five six months, but no, in March of 2015 they removed the medication washed their hand's of my case and left me no help/support or follow up appointment's.
or I would have definitely tried for an office job🫂.
Well said S.👏👏👏
Of course they will. The government has been targeting uk people claiming benefits for years..
It doesn’t matter if it’s conservatives or labour is in power they couldn’t give a toss about disabled people. I have learning disabilities balancing problems and bipolar disorder and anxiety
I am in grave pain every single day . got lots of issues with my back , neck legs and arms , i have to spend a lot of time lying down and have to have massage to help me . I struggle to walk and struggle to dress myself . Lots of other issues. I trip up every single day more than once and i drop a lot of things , every single day several times a day . Also have falls a lot .
yes, they will. theyve already stated they will.
I have already had a text to say my form has been sent out and how long i have to fill it out and get it back to them.
Emotional support is just as important as the physical.
I came from East Africa well educated in back home my 5 adult children both of them graduated & they're paying everything tax & N.I. I am proud of them bless them & all positive people's.
What's your point?
@@kevinkenny6975I think hes trying to say he's a hardworking immigrant and so are his family.
Everyone needs to vote against every single councillor in the local elections.
Labour must finish that day with no councillors.
That maybe force them to actually see what the country wants, not what their ideology dictates.
These scammers are claiming everything that they can get, and yet threatening disabled people.
Ive been out of work since 1993 due to my disability i suffer from meneries disease hearing loss and believe me i did a cv with my coach back in the 90s and 2000s jobcentre applied for jobs never had any replys my health got worse double heart bypass in 2001 heart failure in 2004 i was still classed as fit for work by DWP lost 3 tribunals i managed to get pip in 2020 due to having severe arthritis in my hips i still have a letter from dwp skill action plsn from 2013 i was made to sign on even though i was putting sicknotes in every 13 weeks didnt do my health any better in searching for work
Sign the recent direct gov disability petition
I'm scared MPs don't care every one should take the government to court
If I could get lung transplant and new vascular system, then I would get my life back.. But it's not going to happen.. Dire times for disabled and vulnerable.. ❤️🙏
And yet UK offshore tax havens avoid billions in income tax and corporation tax. When will the rich start paying their share. This government is shameful.
I have Muscular Dystrophy and need hoists, powerchair and help doing everything. And due to cost of living my pip pays for warmth, fuel for hospital, psychotherapy. The UK is so inaccessible and majority of us just want to live but stigma, lies, uneducated society, fuelled by government and media, making people feel out of place. It's very scary times
Having a disabled person at home is like a punishment to the whole family.
I will feel sorry if the support is reduced to disabled families.
I'm quite hopeful, though, that these reforms will end up in courts and thwarted.
i like how the media and comentators and politicians dismissing anxiety and depression.
Yet, the best way to lower anxiety is 20mins of hot shower.
Now, standing charge for electricity is 67p, which is £20 per month.
Them shower itself, will cost 70p for 20mins.
If you need it twice a day, that is £1.4.
For one months it will be £40.
So £60 a months just this.
Then where is heating and cooking?
With anxiety, is much harder to travel by bus so you need taxi.
Stinks this does leave us alone 💝💪🏻💖😍🙏🏻
I feel for the 2 lovely ladies. I'm scared to end up badly, as If the take my pip off me I'm not going to survive. And yes it's true as the lady in video, every time I see the dreadful brown envelope I start panicking. They make you feel guilty of been sick or disable.
I get pip i have ms and depression
And got a letter november telling me I had a extention for a year
But I had a phone call last Friday for a review they have made there decision but need to wait 2 weeks for a letter
My home is a risk if it's a noise had pip after my work coach told me to reapply so I did in 2020 with ms everyone's different I never asked to have ms I have mobility issues a 25 minute walking journey woild now take 1hr 45 mins cos if stop sit down for 15 mins then start again I have secondary progressive ms and affects my hands my hand writing isn't good ms affects my speech
I have an idea let’s have a disabled PM and Chancellor then the priorities would change very quickly.
Two Amazing Women ✨👏🏽👏🏽
Ban driving licences. Some criminals will continue to drive without licences. If they are dishonest, or considered criminals. This won't necessarily stop them.
It's amazing what they do have money for though.
Pip is so that it support disabled people please help every one who needs this benfit and support this lots of people need this dont cut it itl effect most vunwrable
Was run. Over by car hit and run was crane operator been on pip get the high one trust me when I say this it put me into poverty I’m running debts up I’ll never be able to pay back let alone trying to walk again is redulus
I'm waiting for a tribunal in Cardiff South Wales my decision,i've been waiting 2 years and four months and have been told I got a very good chance of winning,i'm from Merthyr Tydfil South Wales and now waiting for a tribunal date.👍🏴
theres got to be jobs out there for disabled people to do and employers that are willing to set them on and this is simply not the case as the populition its 70 million where years ago we stayed roughly around 57 to 58 where disabled people where helped into work and support mechanism where of assistance
There aren't enough jobs for able bodied ..
It's hard to do everyday things when you can't do it all of a sudden
A Nuclear ☢️ Submarine is Up to £5 Billion , Insanity Comes to Mind
I honestly think people who cheat the system as a lifestyle ruin it for the genuine people who need these benefits who can't work.
I mentioned the benefits cheats. According to those on Twitter their are no benefit cheats when it comes to PIP.
@carasimpsontanooki9188 must be true if twitter says lol
What's the figure of illigeal Immigrants that claim benefits. No-one talks about that do they. 🇬🇧
I think we are heading for a new method of financial support where you have to submit costs incurred due solely to disability, with proof, and then that determines what money you get. Probably be 3 levels of payments and you’d be granted 1 of the levels. The Swedish gov do this, it’s called the additional cost allowance. It would be mean a massive change to the benefits system. One I’ve no doubt on past ability the gov will make a mess of.
Why do the government give people who work pip?? Its rediculous give it to people who really are unable to work if you can work and have a job then you dont need pip housing and council tax benefit its crazy your living wage should suffice !!!
I agree to an extent but not all are on a good wage and a disabled person does require more money to live than an able bodied person.
@@kevinkenny6975 still dont think if they can work that disabled should get any benefits inc cars ect it should only be for disabled who cannot work at all thats what the government should think about instead of threatning people who are disabled and benefits are all they have to live on it used to be this way back in the day there getting the best of both worlds working wages and pip
ok lee
@@leea2112 Because as the ladies in the video pointed out, being disabled usually costs more. A healthy person might be able to get to work using public transport, for example, while a disabled person who is able to work needs a car. They might need equipment that healthy people do not. They might need to stick to a special diet, or if they work from home will have higher energy bills. I can see an argument against very wealthy people claiming, but whether or not someone can work is not the deciding factor.
Well it should be ! Working means you can afford more than disabled people holidays ect you lead a better life if you can work but the true disabled and mentally ill have no choice but not to work and cant meet Bills ect along with workers getting free cars maybe a bus pass yes but a car no all this needs to change as in goverment need to stop handing workers any kind of benefits rent paid and council tax I dont mind paying my tax to look after genuinely disabled and mentally ill people who do not work because they have no job indefinitely through severe illness not the artists who work say they have a bad back and pip is pin money for them they are the ones that get pip no problem where the genuine do without it really needs to stop
Social security administration act 1992 sec 187 certain benefits are inalienable ( not to be taken away)
I think what's confusing and frustrating a lot of people is the fact PIP is not means tested, so someone working full time with a great salary can still claim PIP. Is that morally right? Not really. Is it legal at the moment? Yes.
It makes me laugh . Labour pick on the pensioners and farmers now disabled . And the labour get freebies from Lord alley
over 10million people on disability benefits. seriously how can this number of people be on this?
Old people crying about winter fuel benefit cuts under labour. Don't they have jumpers? Folk attack the disabled but want to chuck money at oaps. Wear layers, grandma ffs have a cup a soup
Because life is the UK is so broken that it’s making people ill. The NHS is all but a corpse, and people can’t get the help they need.
@@aethellstan a variety of reasons, problems with long waiting lists for nhs treatment or therapy are keeping large numbers of people ill and out of work . There are may people who for whatever reason can find themselves struggling with their mental health ,if we has a system that could support them quickly and consistently then they wouldn't be off work for so long ,equally people who have medical conditions are also left to deteriorate on long waiting lists , pain and sickness and being unable to live your life can be severely detrimental to recovery and leave sufferers further and further away from employment etc . Some people will never work and some could be helped to be in part time or voluntary work if there were a realistic levels of support both financial and actual, to reliably help. My son is never likely to work because he functions at the level of a 5 year old ,he is just 20 and on the scrapheap of life already, if his pip goes any quality of life he has ( which is not very much ) will go with it .
They are cutting already the PIP they claimed my review was a new claim but it wasnt
Always plenty for Ukraine and the 'climate'. Targeting the disabled is incredibly cruel.
One person getting 1 Benefit,Another person getting 7 other Benefits,Do something for once,Scrap the lot,Replace it to 1 monthly payment of 1 Benefit,Thats what Universal Credit supposed to be doing,Replace all old style Benefits to 1 monthly payment,Also save more tax payers moneys,Dont expect to get much for freebees