DOCTOR WHO - Type 40 LIVE: GUN POINT - New Sonic | Ncuti Gatwa | USA Press



  • @joegonzales1932
    @joegonzales1932 5 місяців тому +7

    We are a week out of the first episode airing. We should be talking about how excited we are, but we aren't because of the divisiveness that Gatwa and RTD keep pushing. Its a shame, RTD came back and divided the fanbase before the 60th. Then, he further divided the fanbase before the Series 14 begins. I am pretty confident that Gatwa doesn't actually believe this, he was probably told to respond this way by RTD and others in the BBC/Bad Wolf. I hope this Series is still great, i love Doctor Who so much. I just want it to be great again.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +5

      A funny feeling, isn't it Joe? Even until 2017 I would be counting the weeks and days down.

    • @joegonzales1932
      @joegonzales1932 5 місяців тому +2

      @@type40doctorwho Yeah, me too. It was only until Series 13, that I didn't even know when it was on. It was just on during Halloween. I was like, "Oh, okay i guess its back."

  • @michaelgibbins7221
    @michaelgibbins7221 5 місяців тому +6

    New sonic no longer looks like a gun.. now it looks like a hand grenade!😂

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +2

      It does?
      I'm not sure what it looks like. But Simon may have been closest.

  • @joshuajoshua2732
    @joshuajoshua2732 5 місяців тому +6

    The Doctor with the sonic screwdriver was like with MacGyver with his pocket knife. Even that wasn't a bother as a kid the sonic screwdriver is an icon but personally I do think it gets overused.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +1

      ... but you'd still rather he have it, and use it correctly and when the plot requires right?
      It's as if they've forgotten the simplicity.

  • @crimpleendoubloon
    @crimpleendoubloon 5 місяців тому +8

    Great show. Many thanks, Dan, Simon, Charlotte, Jon and Ian.
    I do wonder how much the general public's perception of the show, and of Ncuti, has been affected by recent press. We've seen what Ncuti and Russell have said, but I wonder how much of that will have filtered through to the public, here and in the US.
    Those subway trains look incredible; they've got to pique people's interest... But then I remember hearing that the Paul McGann TV Movie was promoted on the sides of buses. Wait, though, that was then, when it was scheduled against Roseanne. Now people can stream whenever they want. Those curious enough might well tune in, but will they like what they see? That's the question.
    Everything else aside - the bad press, the messaging, the word of mouth from fan friends - the bottom line is, does Russell have it in him to write something good enough to retain a big enough audience? The previous four episodes suggest not. They weren't Russell at his best.
    To warrant such promotion in the US, he would have to be better than his previous best. He may be thinking bigger and bolder, the technology and budget allowing him to show far more spectacular things than he did before, but is there anything of value beneath, such as an intellectually intriguing, emotionally engaging story? I very much doubt it.
    Disney's involvement now means that should it return after a rest, it will only ever be a cult show in the US. It won't be huge, and that's a good thing. To ensure longevity, there should be a sustained appeal to a certain group of people, rather than trying to make it something that it's not, and diluting or even removing its essence for a larger audience whose interest is sure to wane over time no matter how good it is.
    Being as optimistic as I can, it is a good thing that this mass appeal with a bigger budget is tried in order that it can be a proven course to failure, to allow the show to return to what it once was, however many years down the line that might be.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому

      Mainstream success for DW in the USA did happen, ten years ago... but I sincerely doubt it will be met with the same appetite now.

  • @alexanderbeta-werburghii6176
    @alexanderbeta-werburghii6176 5 місяців тому +5

    Thanks for another great show Dan and panel; the laughs, the biscuits, the confectionary, the good-humoured guidance about 'touching grass', and our beloved Diary prompting blissful memories of when Curly Wurly's had more substance and a 'Johnny 7' was a gun and a 'sonic' was a screwdriver.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +1

      a johnny 7...?
      Cheers for watching! We had a brilliant time and went down a lot of rabbit holes haha

  • @Tardis_Treasures
    @Tardis_Treasures 5 місяців тому +5

    My kids love those old pink panther cartoons. Old Tom.and Jerry etc. New stuff is just sterile I guess

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +1

      where do they watch them? Are they streaming?

  • @edwardreed67
    @edwardreed67 5 місяців тому +1

    I feel like Ncuti's 15 will be very similar to Pertwee's 3rd. Has a strong sense of style, and a strong sense of energy and personality. Even has a tattoo.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому

      I don't really see much of Pertwee here myself. Other than a frequently changing wardrobe... but Gatwa himself has named Pertwee as his favourite, it seems!

  • @gladiator652004
    @gladiator652004 5 місяців тому +3

    Sacha's great. I wish we could have a spin-off with him.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +1

      A mini series about the Master could be great!

  • @simon_bartlett
    @simon_bartlett 5 місяців тому +4

    Great show as always guys.
    I just become more dumbfounded after every new interview Russell and Ncuti give. This is a quote from Ncuti during that same interview, and to me sums up why I really fear for the show's future.
    '... I think it represents our ability to be limitless and our ability to be anything. And that character can be anyone and played by anyone.'
    NO NCUTI!!! The Doctor can't be played by just anyone. For all the race baiting Ncuti has been spewing at us, he's unaware that even 99% of white male actors would be wrong for the role of the Doctor. There's an essence to the Doctor, but sadly, probably not anymore..
    Sorry for the rant.
    Loved the diary this week, I'm a huge Daemons and 3rd Doctor fan, which is strange considering how Worzel Gummidge completely freaked me out as a kid too!!

    • @simonhorton7276
      @simonhorton7276 5 місяців тому +3

      I agree about who can play the Doctor - I've always disagreed with Tom Baker when he says the role is actor-proof. You have to be a certain type of actor to play the tole, and Ncuti, I don't think, is the right kind of actor (and it has NOTHING to do with his skin colour, despite his endless playing of the "race card").
      Glad you enjoyed the diary! 🙂

    • @codyw1
      @codyw1 5 місяців тому

      The moment anyone can be the Doctor, there is no Doctor for anyone to be, because there's no character left. And that's where we are today. It's now no more than a meaningless title to be handed over to this year's favored diversity hire.

  • @Tardis_Treasures
    @Tardis_Treasures 5 місяців тому +7

    Yeah, we want it to be great but for myself i cannot watch anymore. I wont even watch out of morbid curiosity as i call it which i used to do. Sad to see as ive welcomed every era up untill jodies with absolute joy.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +4

      They'll never take our DVD's or our memories!

    • @Tardis_Treasures
      @Tardis_Treasures 5 місяців тому +2

      @type40doctorwho Exactly, I just watched the entirety of Earthshock (again) this evening. Absolutely fantastic and classic who took the storytelling seriously as did many of the actors.

  • @joshuajoshua2732
    @joshuajoshua2732 5 місяців тому +7

    Jon Pertwee did use the sonic screwdriver as a weapon once in both "The Sea Devils" and "Carnival of Monsters" to set explosions but that was to scare the monsters away not to kill them.
    But even then I never really saw the sonic as an actual weapon I don't know what the hell RTD is on about? even when I was a kid I use to play RoboCop, Judge Dredd or a cowboy or a policeman with toy guns, toy phasers from "Star Trek" as i was an obsessive "Trekkie" as a kid or violent video games on the super nintendo I use to watch alot of shows and movies with guns but I was intelligent enough to know it was pretend and I never grew up to be homicidal maniac is RTD being micro-managed by Disney? Has he never played with toy guns as a kid? Or does he really believe what he's saying then again probaly the case after that nonsense he says about Davros not being allowed to use a "wheelchair" because it offends wheelchair users which is just bizarre.
    They should have given the showrunnet job to someone else you can tell RTD is getting tired.
    I miss the days when the sonic screwdriver was used sinply to unscrew doors when the Doctor was trying to escape I think JNT made the right call to get rid of it as it was becoming a get out of jail freecard if it was me running the show I'd have gotten rid of that sonic screwdriver and just have the Doctor use his wit.
    Also just to point out Simon it was 1968 not 67 when "Fury From the Deep" came out 😊.
    I do agree that if you don't have enough death in the show there's no consequence, no drama and no thrills that would just make the show boring because you know they won't kill anybody it will be like the A-Team when they were shooting but not killing anyone it will be that sort of situation.

    • @simonhorton7276
      @simonhorton7276 5 місяців тому +4

      Thanks for pointing out my deliberate mistake. 😉 You'll see me hesitate and pause when Dan asks me if it was '67 - that's cos I was thinking "I'm sure it was '68" but couldn't be certain off the top of my head, ha ha!
      And I agree - we should never have had RTD back - I said as much two years ago when his return was hailed as the Second Coming.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +2

      RTD once said the Sonic is a fabulous thing because viewers " don't want to see a locked door get in his way..."
      And that was exactly, simply it

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +2

      It doesn't really matter whether we nail these dates down precisely during these casual conversations. None of us are marking one another's homework on Type 40.
      None of us pretend to know everything or have even the stuff we know, directly on the tips of our tongues when we jump from topic to topic lol

    • @simonhorton7276
      @simonhorton7276 5 місяців тому +1

      @@type40doctorwho Spot-on!!!

  • @crimpleendoubloon
    @crimpleendoubloon 5 місяців тому +7

    I do hope Character Options are wise enough not to have made too many of those sonic screwdrivers. I hope they looked at the design and thought, "What the heck is this? I can't see them buying that," and made it a limited edition.
    Some sense must be being employed somewhere at some level to do with this new era. I hope that potential licensees have been made wary from the results of the projected previous golden age in 2018. I'm not going to be buying anything - toys, books, whatever - and I doubt many children will.

    • @robalexander8065
      @robalexander8065 5 місяців тому +2

      Agree entirely, Crimpleen. In truth, given the shape. I fail to see how the object Ncuti carries can be called a screwdriver.I have heard it described as a sonic scrotum!!
      Back in the day I loved the original Screwdriver-shaped Sonic but think it became way too much of a magic wand - especially in the Matt Smith and Jodie eras.
      Eric Saward destroyed it in The Visitation, believing the Doctor had a drawer of the things. Yet, without it, Davison, Colin Baker and McCoy had to think on their feet more, which was no bad thing.
      Regards US TV, Who was only ever a Cult show in the 70s, 80s on PBS and in the 90s, where - had it done better as the McGann film - we could have had a very different take on rhe series a whole decade before RTD.
      The move to Sundays in 2018 severely damaged the show in the US and especially Australia, not helped by the moribund content of the Chobnall era.
      I totally agree RTD MUST bring his A game to the scripts going forward. He should really expand the writing base. Ideally they should try to at least get back to a 10 episode series too.
      Regards advertising, I recall the unexpected thrill of seeing a huge poster with Chris and Billie back in 2005, near The Forum in Kentish Town. That kind of visibility is missing in the UK at this point. In fact, the paucity of adverting in the UK is alarming, especially, as Dan pointed out, as this iteration needs to succeed far more than anything since 2005. Indeed, arguably even more than RTD's original revival too.

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +3

      I just cannot see people buying this. I certainly won't.

  • @lolfzbf
    @lolfzbf 5 місяців тому +5

    I wonder if The One Who Waits is woke?

    • @type40doctorwho
      @type40doctorwho  5 місяців тому +1

      The One Who Wokes

    • @crimpleendoubloon
      @crimpleendoubloon 5 місяців тому

      When the One Who Waits finally woke
      He thought surely it must be a joke
      Seeing what had been done
      The screwdriver? A gun?
      The man's mind's truly as queer as folk.