An Atheist Battles the Demonic Hordes from Capturing Christianity

  • Опубліковано 29 чер 2024
  • Reviewing more demon nonsense from Capturing Christianity.
    We discuss why God allows demonic posession, techniques used to diagnose demonic possession, how demons possess people, and the quality of the evidence for demonic activity.


  • @user-qt8ko4gm2k
    @user-qt8ko4gm2k 10 днів тому +36

    Aliens and demons... the intellectual side of christianity.

    • @ancientflames
      @ancientflames 9 днів тому +2

      The side that sells the most.

    • @isidoreaerys8745
      @isidoreaerys8745 8 днів тому +1

      Yeah this kills me. When Paulogia said “tell god to tell you to tell me the secret phrase I’m thinking”
      All the theists came out to “tut tut” condescendingly about how he simply doesn’t understand Christianity.
      Meanwhile Mike Brigandi on Tik-Tok regularly talks to Joe Schmoe Theists who literally believe god tells them things, Cured their Autoimmune disease or Got them a job interview.

    • @thetabletopskirmisher
      @thetabletopskirmisher 3 дні тому

      I wouldn't call them demons.
      There are evil spirits in the world. Smug westerners know nothing about this.
      Aliens on the other hand 🤦🤦🤦

  • @DigitalGnosis
    @DigitalGnosis 10 днів тому +16

    Commenting for the Demons

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 7 днів тому

      Otherwise known as “progressivism” and even more inaccurately as “liberalism”, leftism is a term originating from the French Revolution of 1789, in reference to the political faction that opposed the French (so-called) king. However, the term is currently used in common discourse to describe those criminals who actively support (or at least tacitly condone) a host of OBJECTIVELY-WICKED ideologies and practices that contravene dharma, such as non-monarchical governances and corrupt economic systems (particularly socialism, communism, fascism, and liberal democracies), egalitarianism, feminism, perverse sexuality (especially homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism), multiculturalism, and the illegitimate abortion of innocent, defenceless, unborn children. Cf. “dharma”.
      In a vain attempt to legitimize their objectively-immoral propensities, leftists invariably replace accurate terms with blatant EUPHEMISMS, such as “gay”, “sex worker”, “pro-choice”, and “queer”, and of course, coin novel words for notions that cannot exist, particularly the nonsensical term, “transgender”. Furthermore, leftists are constantly inventing truly inane, vacuous words to demonize conservatives, such as “homophobia” and “transphobia” (which literally mean “fear of sameness” and “fear of change”, respectively).
      In the past decade or two (of this treatise being composed), the mass media, especially the motion picture industry and television production companies, has been aggressively promoting all the above CRIMINAL ideologies and practices, helping to expedite the destruction of human civilization. Recently, large corporations have jumped on the leftist bandwagon (so to speak), in order to profit.
      As explicated in Chapter 11 of this “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the state of being of any particular human (or any other animal, for that matter) is due entirely to his or her genetic sequencing and his or her conditioning. Therefore, the explosion of the leftist/liberal mentality in recent decades, particularly in Western countries, has been caused by poor breeding strategies overtaking the more conservative tradition of mate-selection of previous centuries (and indeed, millennia), as well as the concerted effort of Marxists to spread their nefarious ideology throughout the school system. In other words, due to the fact that criminal behaviour (especially the deviant sexual acts mentioned above) has become increasingly more tolerated, condoned, and even GLORIFIED in most countries, there has been a proliferation of corrupt genetic codes within the wider human population.
      According to genealogists, for (almost) the entire history of humanity, most women have successfully reproduced, whilst a far far smaller percentage of males have bequeathed their genetic sequence to proceeding generations. Due to the gradual phasing-out of polygamous marriages in even the most conservative societies, as well as the eradication of poverty in most every country, more and more men (as well as women) have been producing offspring. Thus, the human genome has rapidly become adulterated by inferior genetic material (that is, DNA from truly pathetic, uxorious beta-males, bisexuals, and even homosexual couples who engage surrogate mothers or sperm donors in order to conceive children - something of a rare occurrence in previous centuries/millennia).
      For centuries, breeders of elite animals such as horses, cattle, and dogs, have known that selecting the finest examples of a breed of animal will result in offspring with desirable characteristics. For example, present day thoroughbred horses boast a pedigree of the best-available horses from the seventeenth century. Such breeders are willing to pay enormous sums of money merely to hire the fastest stallions on earth in order for them to mate with their mares. In the case of we humans, women have traditionally chosen the most competent and masculine men with whom to bear children, and in general, have totally eschewed those males who displayed effeminate traits, and who showed themselves incapable of properly supporting a nuclear family. Unfortunately, due to rapid moral decay over the past few decades, Western women have become extremely sexually promiscuous, resulting in a multiplication of unwanted progeny (and, of course, an escalation of abortions). Boys born to single mothers often lack proper male roles models and invariably become feminized, unable (and often unwilling) to continue a strong lineage of progenitors. The solution to this problem is simply to ensure that society adheres to the principles of DHARMA (see the Glossary definition of that term, as well as Chapter 12).
      Unsurprisingly, the majority of leftists find it difficult to accept the fact that their criminal mentality is largely inherited (and of course, they are unwilling to acknowledge the blatantly-obvious fact that their ideologies and practices are intrinsically sinful, wicked, evil and immoral in the first place!). It seems the consensus amongst leftist “intellectuals” is that every human mental trait is due entirely to one’s environmental conditioning and social milieu, rather than as a consequence of BOTH one’s genetic sequence and one’s life-long conditioning - a fundamentally-flawed assertion that cannot be scientifically supported. I would not be surprised if the typical leftist would believe that, if the parents of the twentieth century communist tyrant, Joseph Stalin, and the parents of the Divine Incarnation, Lord Jesus Christ, had somehow crossed the time barrier, and exchanged their baby boys shortly after their birth, that Stalin would have grown to become a Prophet for God, whilst Christ would have become a murderous, left-wing dictator!
      This term was very reluctantly used in the chapter on feminism. I say “reluctantly” because it is unlikely that the term will perdure for many decades longer. This is simple deductive logic, since, as clearly demonstrated in certain chapters in “F.I.S.H”, human civilization cannot survive with such leftist practices and ideologies in place. If you happen to be reading this Holy Scripture a century or more after its conception, you will probably be residing in a nation (as opposed to a country) ruled by a monarch, following the implosion of post-modern, decadent societies. So, either the term “leftism” will eventually become redundant and obsolete, or else, human civilization will devolve into a decadent, diseased state of existence similar to that of the prehistoric era, when the peoples of the world resided in caves or shacks, subsisting on whatever food can be sourced from the surrounding bushland. I trust that you who are reading these wise words will endeavour to influence your social circles to adhere to right-leaning ideologies and practices, such as (above all) monarchical governance, an entirely free-market economy, sexual purity, veganism, and all other virtuous principles.
      Fear not, for God is with you!
      P.S. As a general rule, it seems (at least anecdotally) that the farther left-leaning is a person, the more physically (and of course, psychologically) UGLY is that person. Unfortunately, that does not seem to prevent leftists from propagating their mutant genes.🤡
      N.B. In order to clarify the notion of inheritability, it is not being claimed that an adharmic (far-left) couple will INVARIABLY produce leftist children, but that it is more PROBABLE that they will do so, considering their genetic sequence and the environmental conditioning they are bound to impart to their children, just as two parents with a certain physiological disorder are more likely to generate offspring with that specific disease. In this regards, it is recommended to study introductory texts on epigenetics. 🧬
      In my particular case, I was raised by a staunch communist, and so, was indoctrinated to believe that communism was the best course of action for a just society. Indeed, as a teenager, I even volunteered in the election campaign of a socialist politician, who eventually became the Premiere of the state of Western Australia. However, after studying dharma, I came to learn that I was misled by my father in this regard, and that the only system of governance that is dharmic (legitimate) is a divinely-sanctioned monarchy.

  • @HeyHeyHarmonicaLuke
    @HeyHeyHarmonicaLuke 10 днів тому +10

    If I felt droplets impact my shirt after a priest walked behind me, I’d think he spat on me… or worse

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 8 днів тому +2

      oh, come on.

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 7 днів тому

      🐟 20. THE PRIESTHOOD:
      A PRIEST (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit) is defined as a man who promulgates teachings and performs rituals on behalf of a particular religious or metaphysical tradition. He should possess all saintly qualities, such as cleanliness (which, as they say, is “next to godliness”), peacefulness, austerity, intelligence, wisdom, renunciation, tolerance, patience, humility, and of course, moral uprightness and religiosity. This does not imply that a priest must possess those virtues to a perfect extent, but he ought to have each quality to at least a reasonably-high degree.
      Even if a man seems to be a genuine priest superficially, if he is severely lacking in even one of the clerical qualities, he cannot rightly be called a “priest”. Therefore, a dumb cleric or a dirty cleric does not exist, by definition, so be wary of the multitude of PHONEY “priests” in the world!
      There are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals in this world who claim to be religious leaders/teachers (“guru”, in Sanskrit). Most of them are either working-class guys, businessmen, or women, acting under pretence. However, as mentioned in the chapter distinguishing enlightenment from liberation and awakening (Chapter 17), a genuinely-enlightened spiritual preceptor is VERY rare indeed. Even some of the teachings of universally-recognized Avatars (incarnations of the Godhead/Brahman) were far from accurate, what to speak of the teachings of lesser authorities! This lack of authentic spiritual guidance is the major reason for the decadent state of present-day society (and previous decadent societies), apart, perhaps, from the paucity of legitimate government leadership (see Chapter 22 regarding illegitimate governance).
      It is crucial to note that a priest is not required to teach just anyone and everyone in his community. Traditionally, priests (at least those who are worthy of the title) were commissioned to teach two groups of MALES: the rulers of society (see the following chapter regarding the monarchy), and monastics (normally boys and adolescents) in his school (“gurukula”, in Sanskrit). Furthermore, it is imperative that priests assess the qualifications of each prospective disciple, such as the man's level of intelligence, sincerity, and humility, to ascertain his suitability as a student. As Lord Jesus so rightly suggested, one should desist giving what is holy to dogs (i.e. those who are hostile to righteous precepts).
      A PERFECT analogy of why a priest should teach only the two aforementioned groups of males is with any world-class musician. Arguably the greatest pianist in history was Franz Liszt Ferenc, an Hungarian virtuoso who lived in the nineteenth century. Not only did he tutor other concert pianists, but, just like priests, he did so at no monetary charge whatsoever. If he had taught novice musicians, he would have misused his valuable time, because his advanced students could have easily have taught beginners (or at least taught the teachers of those novices).
      Contrary to popular understanding, the clergy not only teach religious studies, but all things necessary for living a healthy and happy life, such as languages, history, basic mathematics, hygiene, diet and food preparation. If a particular student shows himself to NOT be inclined towards the life of a monastic, the guru will send him to another master, in order to be apprenticed in a different occupation, such as the military, business, engineering, medicine, accounting, labouring, etcetera, etcetera. The modern system of schooling, in which every child is taught the same curriculum (and, invariably, indoctrinated into being a servile minion of the state) has been the source of much misery for society.
      As explained elsewhere in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the priest's disciples instruct, in turn, their OWN subordinates, including their wives and children. It is not practical, or even possible, for a clergyman to effectively teach every single individual in his community on a personal level. Fortunately, there is a system in place where all citizens may benefit of the teaching of a true priest (see Chapters 19 and 27).
      On occasion, “God” (or to be more precise, The Impersonal Self, acting via the preordained narrative of this universe) gives specific messages via chosen individuals, whether they be priests or not. However, such messages are usually intended to be spoken to an individual, or group of individuals, with specific (and invariably, temporal) repercussions for those individuals in question. This is akin to the ancient lineage of prophetic figures found in monotheistic traditions. Such “prophets” can NEVER replace a man who has evolved (over millions of lifetimes?) to be a fully-enlightened saintly prophet, appointed to teach “truth” to humanity. Unfortunately, such World Teachers incarnate very rarely on earth, and when they do appear, are often assassinated by the illegitimate rulers of their nations, or by other demonic elements of society. Even the most vile political leaders have a certain proportion of the populace which adores them. However, virtually everyone despises the gentle, humble, holy men who dare speak the truth about the state of contemporary society, and point-out the multitude of sins extant.
      The most HEINOUS action possible is to persecute a Prophet or World Teacher (“jagadguru”, in Sanskrit). Thus, exterminating thousands of workers is less sinful than murdering a World Teacher, because when a Prophet's mission is ended, or merely hampered by persecution, the whole of society suffers from lack of knowledge and direction. Only a wise person can find the logic in such a seemingly-audacious statement.
      When the life of a World Teacher is constantly threatened, or he is assassinated (as in the case of so many great Prophets of the past, such as Lord Jesus Christ), society is likened to a chicken which runs directionless around the coop, just after its head has been severed. Unfortunately, the more we progress into this current dark epoch (“Kali Yuga”, in Sanskrit), the more society's head (priests/prophets) are being persecuted, and soon there will be hardly any ACTUAL spiritual guides remaining on the planet. At that point in time, the end of humanity is assured.
      So, to put it succinctly, there may be hundreds of thousands of “priests” on earth at a given time, yet there are only an EXTREMELY small number of true sages, who understand life definitively, and are both willing and able to lead others to self-realization (“adhyātma-vidyā", "ātma-jñana", or “brahma-jñana”, in Sanskrit). As a general rule, the greater number of disciples following a particular teacher, the more perverse and corrupt are his teachings, because the truth is very difficult to accept. Unfortunately, the typical person wants to hear predominately sentimental tenets, which gives him or her merely emotional solace. The current World Teacher has never had a true disciple, sad to say.

  • @andystewart9701
    @andystewart9701 9 днів тому +4

    It is important to cover this stuff. We need skeptical voices. Thanks for doing this!

  • @isidoreaerys8745
    @isidoreaerys8745 8 днів тому +2

    1:59:25 this could also be a case of “mother lifts car off of endangered child” strength. In school our anatomy teacher said there are inhibitory factors in our muscles regulated by the brain and when people take dissociative hallucinogens like PCP and become “superhuman zombies” or whatever that’s actually a case of the drug suppressing that inhibitory mechanism unlocking one’s full strength at the risk of injury wear and tear.

  • @Venaloid
    @Venaloid 10 днів тому +15

    48:19 - So this guy admits that he became a Christian for emotional/logistical reasons, not because any of his intellectual objections were addressed. Good to know.

    • @martifingers
      @martifingers 9 днів тому +2

      This is, of course, an essential element in Terror Management Theory. William Lane Craig's famous "low bar" is also a good example.

    • @azophi
      @azophi 5 днів тому


    • @thetabletopskirmisher
      @thetabletopskirmisher 3 дні тому

      Very often even the most solid and based facts cannot move a non-believer from their position. It's a fact.
      Tell me what will make you change your mind?

    • @martifingers
      @martifingers 3 дні тому

      @@thetabletopskirmisher "Very often even the most solid and based facts cannot move a non-believer from their position. It's a fact. "
      There are a lot of hidden assumptions in this statement. "Facts" (I don’t know what you mean by solid BTW) are often at least partially dependent on the theory that generates the data under consideration; any set of "facts" can be explained by a number of different hypotheses etc.
      In particular when the subject under consideration is as ill defined as "God" then it is understandable that agreement about the relevance and effectiveness of particular observations will be disputed. If that were not bad enough then the so-called proof of God’s existence is often dependent on ancient texts whose meaning and provenance is disputed (often hotly!) or metaphysical arguments whose premises are complex and again keenly debated.
      There also seems to me to be a hidden assumption here about the nature of truth and human understanding that may rest on a simplistic epistemology. Scientific methods are not able to give ultimate truth even in the most well confirmed and seemingly consistent theories - knowledge is always tentative and subject to modification (sometimes dramatically so) as observations produce more data. Theology doesn’t seem to work like this (well maybe some does?)
      So things are complicated. Fact.

    • @theunknownatheist3815
      @theunknownatheist3815 2 дні тому

      @@thetabletopskirmisherbelievers DO NOT HAVE any “solid and based facts” (sic) What the hell is a “solid and based fact?”
      You have no “facts”. You have a poorly written dusty old book 📕, bad arguments, baseless assertions, fallacies, emotional appeals, threats, and good old fashioned BS. That’s it.
      What will change YOUR mind? Bill Craig and Ken Ham have said NOTHING would change their minds on video.

  • @User28870
    @User28870 9 днів тому +5

    30:00 In the past, I've heard this priest mention levitation, but he also previously mentioned that this person levitated about 1 inch off the ground. I found it interesting that it's never someone flying to the roof but someone seemingly hovering an inch. It's entirely possible and plausible that perhaps this person was balancing themselves off something slightly, lifting their feet or body, which this priest didn't properly see due to his position within the room.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 8 днів тому +1

      levitating is an old trick, i have video of my son doing it once we learned how. on my channel "live action : hover boy"

  • @B.S._Lewis
    @B.S._Lewis 6 днів тому +3

    2:12:00 Given the reputation of Catholic priests. It's understandable if a person has a jump scare if they saw a sudden movement from the priest out of the corner of their eye.

  • @Whomoon11
    @Whomoon11 10 днів тому +15

    I guess the jump to Catholicism wasn’t as lucrative as Cameron thought, if he’s now stooping to constantly talking about demons and trying to sell Catholic merch lol. I actually don’t know what the purpose for his channel is anymore. It doesn’t seem to interest Christians that much given how it’s always on the verge of financial collapse somehow (like Jesus dude, what expenses are you running for this one little channel??). And it’s not convincing or engaging non-believers much. Maybe the 153rd BRAND NEW textual based argument for the resurrection that Habermas can conjure up will save the channel.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 8 днів тому +1

      apologists are all grifters, you can count the minutes they've collectively spent talking about jesus compared to the hours of atheist bashing and spin doctoring for god.

    • @isidoreaerys8745
      @isidoreaerys8745 8 днів тому

      Providing an intellectual defense for integrity of Jay Warner Wallace’s brand identity.

    • @PhysiKarlz
      @PhysiKarlz 6 днів тому +2

      Pretending to be on the verge of financial collapse is a part of the grift.

  • @Sammyraccoon
    @Sammyraccoon 9 днів тому +3

    I got an ad for the Hallow app while watching this video lol

    • @theunknownatheist3815
      @theunknownatheist3815 2 дні тому

      Christianity is a keyword in the title that triggers ads to run who bid on that keyword.

  • @theunknownatheist3815
    @theunknownatheist3815 2 дні тому

    Right before I was promoted to brown belt in judo 🥋, I had a sparring match with one of the black belts who trained at my school. This was many years ago when I was much younger and smaller. I was probably about 150 lbs then, and the guy I was sparring with was probably about 250 lbs or so, and was a 2nd or 3rd degree black belt who also was an alternate for the Korean National Olympic Judo team.
    Long story short, I managed to pull off a miracle perfect Judo throw, called a Kouchi Gari, which is a type of foot sweep throw. I put him totally on his ass, which would have been what is known as an “ippon”, which is like a knockout- an automatic win of the match.
    Now, under normal circumstances, I shouldn’t have been able to do this, but I got lucky with perfect technique, which in judo, is the ultimate goal. After he got up from the mat, raised his arm to signify “ippon”, he said to me in broken English, “that is true judo”.
    So yeah, it IS possible for a small person to throw a much bigger person when done correctly.

  • @MrMattSax
    @MrMattSax 3 дні тому

    Cameron slicks back his backwards baseball cap and says “TIME TO GET PAID, MONEY OVER EVERYTHING” 💰💰💰

  • @ChristerAnd
    @ChristerAnd 4 дні тому +1

    The terms "free will" and "free choice" are often used interchangeably. However, I consider them to be two distinct concepts. "Will" seems to me to be closer to "imagination" than "choice". You can have the will to be Napoleon Bonapart, but you can't choose to be. Should a more cautious distinction be made in this case?

  • @goldenalt3166
    @goldenalt3166 10 днів тому +3

    2:24:43 The church definately wants to protect "privacy".

  • @patrickbrown897
    @patrickbrown897 8 днів тому +2

    You hear Christians bring up "free will" so often nowadays, which completely contradicts the Bible, where God takes away people's free will multiple times and never states that free will is a priority to him. He literally changes people's thoughts to get to his ends.

    • @gfoog3911
      @gfoog3911 7 днів тому

      God literally dictates peoples lives and the future. Like, when he tells hagar how terrible her son will be. Hagar with foreknowledge cannot change this! The bible is so utterly anti-free-will it’s not even funny

  • @maverickronin
    @maverickronin 9 днів тому +2

    TFW when your theological world building is worse than a typical D&D sourcebook.

  • @aron679
    @aron679 8 днів тому +2

    This week Cameron made a Facebook post complaining that “smart guests” don’t get views. Is he straight up confessing that he doesn’t think his exorcist guests (which are his most popular) aren’t smart, and he’s just doing it for views?

  • @someonesomeone25
    @someonesomeone25 9 днів тому +3

    All supernaturalism is a hindrance to progress.

  • @theunknownatheist3815
    @theunknownatheist3815 2 дні тому

    I love how they never seem to be able to capture any of this on video. 🙄 Now THAT is some Christianity I’d like to see “captured”. 😂

  • @theunknownatheist3815
    @theunknownatheist3815 2 дні тому

    “Father” Vincent. “Fr” is the abbreviation for “Father”.
    “Friar” is something else, a kind of Monk, I think.

  • @Duffynez
    @Duffynez 3 дні тому

    Can we get some guidelines how to invite demon? I would like to try and would let myself be tested :)

  • @bo6686
    @bo6686 10 днів тому +4

    But as atheist aren't we on the side of the deamons? I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

    • @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices
      @SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 7 днів тому

      There are TWO kinds of persons in this dualistic world: one is called “divine” or “saintly” (“sādhu” or “sura”, in Sanskrit), and the other kind is known as “demonic” or “satanic” (“pāpātman” or “asura”, in Sanskrit).
      To grasp what constitutes actual holiness (and thereby, discern what constitutes wickedness), simply read the entirety of this Holy Scripture, particularly Chapters 12, 13 and 17. There is an extremely fine neutral midpoint between the two natures.
      One who is more than fifty percent holy is called “divine”, and one who is more than fifty percent evil is termed “demonic”. There are practically no humans who are one hundred percent divine, or conversely, totally demonic. Each individual falls someplace in the SPECTRUM of this dichotomy, and obviously, one can (and usually does) move up or down the continuum at any time during one's life.
      The METHOD of calculating the holiness/wickedness of any particular person is not an exact science. Logically speaking, the most holy and enlightened person on earth at any given time is best qualified to judge another's character. That person is most likely to be the current World Teacher ("jagadguru", in Sanskrit) or, even better, an incarnation of The Divine (“Avatāra”, in Sanskrit).
      Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of persons in this Age of Darkness (“Kali Yuga”, in Sanskrit), are afflicted with a demonic mentality. It honestly seems to me that, unless by some miracle, if society continues its decadent course, there will be hardly a single holy man or woman remaining in the coming century, or even coming decade. In some countries, even a DECENT person is extremely rare, what to speak of a holy one.
      After residing in The Philippines for an entire decade and meeting literally tens of thousands of individual persons (either in person, via telephone text messages, or social media on the Internet), I have yet to come across a SINGLE decent Filipino. Even the very few vegans here are either staunch feminists, socialists, proud homosexual offenders, slutty bitches, or vile sinners who blaspheme or even threaten the life of gentle monks, including the World Teacher himself. And of the approximately 99.99% of Pinoys who are non-vegan, not a single one can be classified as decent, since they needlessly harm animals, even after it is clearly explained to them that human beings are unquestionably a herbivorous species, and have no need of destroying the lives of poor, innocent animals.
      The mere fact that the ignorant citizens of the Philippines recently voted for a blasphemous, self-confessed murderer to be their president, is sufficient evidence of how demonic is that wretched nation.
      There are FOUR reasons why a person aspires to holiness and four reasons why he may be attracted to the darkness.
      The FOUR kinds of persons who adhere to a system of yoga/religion ("dharma", in Sanskrit) are as follows:
      those who seek a cure for suffering; the seekers of knowledge; those desirous of material benefits; and those who are truly wise.
      The FOUR kinds of persons who do not submit to spiritual authority are:
      deluded evil-doers; irreligious persons (meaning those who do not follow an authorized system of yoga and moral precepts, known in Bhārata as "dharma" or "dhamma"); those whose knowledge has been taken by illusory pursuits (for instance, those seemingly intelligent individuals who are obsessed with one of the arts or sciences); and those afflicted with a nasty, conniving, demonic mentality.
      In conclusion, however, it must be emphasized that the ULTIMATE reason for any particular person possessing either a divine or a demonic nature, is not due to any factor under the individual's control.
      Rather, it is due to the fact that a person's nature is determined by their genetic code at the time of conception, as well as their environmental conditioning (which may include any mutations in that genetic code), as fully illustrated in Chapter 11 of this Holy Scripture.
      "The 'world' is ego-mummery. The 'world' is mad. Humankind is in a constant state of extreme psychosis - don't you know?
      Therefore, knowing that, choose to take the cure.”
      Franklin Jones (AKA Avatar Adi Da Samraj),
      American Spiritual Master.
      ©2014 “The Gnosticon” part seven.
      “I see the coming of a new age where barbaric leaders rule over a vicious, broken world, where puny, fearful, hard men live insignificant lives - white hair at sixteen and copulating with animals. Their women perfect whores making love with greedy mouths.
      Trees stunted lifeless, no more flowers, no more purity. Ambition, corruption, commerce. It’s the age of Kali, the dark time. Crime stalks the cities, all the waters sucked up by the sky. Scolded earth scorched to dead ash. The rains fall and engulf the earth.
      All that remains is a grey sea without man, beast or tree."
      Mārkaṇḍeya Muni, speaking to King Yudhiṣṭhira,
      Vana Parva: Mārkaṇḍeya-Samasya Parva

    • @asphalthedgehog6580
      @asphalthedgehog6580 5 днів тому

      Atheists indeed are on the side of demons and satan. Their demons want to delete Christianity.
      Problem however is: demons and satan only exist in the brains of the orthodox. They don't exist. No they don't.

    • @theunknownatheist3815
      @theunknownatheist3815 2 дні тому

      Dæmons, maybe. 😂

    • @asphalthedgehog6580
      @asphalthedgehog6580 2 дні тому

      @@bo6686 exactly. Atheïsts ate angry at God, demons and angels. Problem might be: they may think these do not exist.

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas 8 днів тому

    38:00 a good point. who invented these rituals? it's just like why does the priest wear the clothes he does? or why do people wear different hats according to their religion, or why one book of spells over another? this stuff is all man made, like a coronation, it's a big show that uses choreography to make it impressive, it has no basis in anything supernatural - who thought of pentagons? and why not hexagons? cos maths uses hexagons a lot? all these rituals and devices are man made, just like the idea of possession.
    one of my favourite horror movies is 13 ghosts because the production design, the writing on the glass walls, the house itself, the ghosts - they are all superbly (in a horrific way) designed - by artists who want to evoke a nightmare. same as churches are designed to over awe people, and the sombre ceremonies are meant to lend weight.

  • @Petticca
    @Petticca 6 днів тому

    @James Fodor
    I wish that more people, who engage with apologetics, would bring up the points you're raising about the idea that claiming "free will" suffices as an explanation for anything.
    Your point about humans being able to affect others is where the handwave of free will fails, as far as I'm concerned.
    For any apologist who asserts that the non belief in their deity justifies an eternal after- life in hell as the morally righteous consequence, because of all the free will humans have been given... They are making the argument that God has created a world where it is morally permissable to _intentionally_ brainwash your children so that they will reject the concept of, and thus never believe in him, but it is not morally permissable to be brainwashed as child, by your parents, so that you will not be able to accept the concept of, and thus believe in the existence of the god your parents, unbeknownst to you, actually do believe in.
    Because humans having the ability to freely choose to bring about the eternal torment of others, is more important than the fate of those who would be caused to reject God and suffer the "justified" punishment for doing so.
    And that's more than a little bit problematic, I think, especially if said apologist makes the assertion that God created it all because the thing it wants and needs most is recognition, attention, and praise from, and to "know" all the people it created everything to bring about the existence of...

  • @goldenalt3166
    @goldenalt3166 10 днів тому +1

    1:46:08 Fermat's last theorem.

    • @marcorothley6039
      @marcorothley6039 10 днів тому

      So you are saying, Fermat was possessed by a demon?😵‍💫

    • @goldenalt3166
      @goldenalt3166 10 днів тому +1

      @@marcorothley6039 I think that was Laplace. :)

    • @marcorothley6039
      @marcorothley6039 9 днів тому

      @@goldenalt3166 Hehe, I see what you've done there! 🤣

    • @DigitalGnosis
      @DigitalGnosis 9 днів тому

      @@goldenalt3166 No it was Maxwell!

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas 8 днів тому

    42:00 mister teacher i got top marks cos my demon did my homework, he's very intellectual dontcha know.

  • @oftenincorrect
    @oftenincorrect 9 днів тому +1

    Cameron at 1:30:20:
    “So you’re kinda like a doctor huh?”

  • @goldenalt3166
    @goldenalt3166 10 днів тому +1

    1:56:40 You want to be careful with trusting random number. I've seen magicians cold read people's pin numbers, for example. Poker players routinely predict random cards in people's hands.

    • @HeyHeyHarmonicaLuke
      @HeyHeyHarmonicaLuke 10 днів тому +1

      @@goldenalt3166 I was thinking of a Derren Brown trick that can extract a number from someone - if they know it. That could be controlled for by keeping the number isolated from people until the prediction has been made, or by making the number too long to memorise

    • @goldenalt3166
      @goldenalt3166 10 днів тому

      @@HeyHeyHarmonicaLuke Seems far fetched to ask a demon to perform a science experiment.
      I think most catholics disavow exorcism as nonsense. The church tries to just make sure they aren't hurting people.

    • @JamesFodor
      @JamesFodor  9 днів тому +1

      Yeah I should have clarified, the demonologist or whatever they're called shouldn't know the number.

  • @Andrew-pp2ql
    @Andrew-pp2ql 9 днів тому +1

    Remember he makes a living off his videos….one has to continue to produce as much as possible to earn an income. There is only so much material
    one can do…so one is forced to branch out to as many topics that can continues to stimulate views.

  • @dr.h8r
    @dr.h8r 9 днів тому

    👽 🛸👹👺

  • @goldenalt3166
    @goldenalt3166 10 днів тому

    1:03:10 "exorcism is an illness" whoops!

  • @theunknownatheist3815
    @theunknownatheist3815 2 дні тому

    You’ll notice that atheists never seem to get “possessed” by any of these demons, even though we should have the least “protection” from god/Jesus/angels.
    Also, every different religion has their own version of this with different entities, and different kinds of things that happen that are part of their particular cultural beliefs. 🙄

  • @Petticca
    @Petticca 6 днів тому

    Off to a craptastic start with the nonsense that is "defending" the consequences of the omnipotent, omniscient creator of everything's creation of everything...
    Specifically, the insistence upon victim blaming in order to defend the justifying of the consequences as morally virtuous.
    Anyway, sure, it's not the creator's fault, because of all the rational rejecting of evil demonic possession that you only get from free will, you see...
    Being an ignorant, life-long atheist, I am too stupid to understand how this explains, or justifies, the innumerable children who have endured first the torment of "possession", and subsequently the abuse of an "exorcism" being performed on them, by a willfully deluded adult LARPing as God's
    earthly vanquisher of the hermit-crab like evil spirits, that it intentionally unleashed upon the world.

  • @hiker-uy1bi
    @hiker-uy1bi 6 днів тому

    Used to be an interesting philosophy of religion adjacent channel. Now a bunch of silliness. Haven’t watched a new video in months. I guess I’m not his target audience 🤷

  • @thatwifeofhis7815
    @thatwifeofhis7815 9 днів тому

    We can develop a disposition to live in the divine will, and live happily ever after (rather than groaning and griping for a "living.")

    • @theunknownatheist3815
      @theunknownatheist3815 2 дні тому

      Sure. 🙄 None of you (theologians/apologists/biblical scholars/clergy/lay people) agree on exactly what this “divine will” even is!
      So, good luck with that

  • @crazydov
    @crazydov 6 днів тому

    With all due respect ( And I do have a lot of respect for you) i think a lot of these questions could be answered if you ask them to subjects of these videos instead of your audience

  • @idesel
    @idesel 5 днів тому

    😂 Demons, I think he's trying to Capture views now, Christianity has proven too slippery.

  • @Lucifersphoton
    @Lucifersphoton 8 днів тому

    Straight up, click bait. There is no substance in any of the videos. Not even word salads 😢. Mormon content has been more entertaining😔.