Hmmmm. That was a bit nauseating. It seemed that the green guy didn't so much as out play the weird multiple girl lady so much as that one touch into forever combo gimmick just invalidates all other factors.
I don't understand anything what u said but I think you don't understand what happened. Chizuru looked for break him guard and Ash has limited damage and power bars to do his hard combo. Here's no infinite combo
Woah! What a match! Great mastery from both players. 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻
best end match
Breathtaking match❤
Chizuru ❤❤❤❤
Como faz para aparecer meus replays no canal?😊
Jugar con Ash y no dejar respirar ya no es un juego justo
Esse canal é BR? 😅
챔피온 인마는 에쉬 연결동작이 안되네 연습좀 더해야할듯
Hmmmm. That was a bit nauseating. It seemed that the green guy didn't so much as out play the weird multiple girl lady so much as that one touch into forever combo gimmick just invalidates all other factors.
I don't understand anything what u said but I think you don't understand what happened. Chizuru looked for break him guard and Ash has limited damage and power bars to do his hard combo. Here's no infinite combo
What did you say?
New to KoF?
@VileGlory Yes, very much! Trying to become acquainted and learn how sprite interaction and footsies work