hi, when i have a takeoff from template (with sub-item) , copy & paste in this case is not completed , only takeoff item coped & pasted without its sub itemes , do u have anexplane for that ?
When I copy a takeoff item, all the takeoff must be visible to copy. Only those visible will copy to a new area. If you have calculated sub items that are NOT takeoff items, they should recalc with the new calculated values. You do have to hit the REFRESH icon in the Estimating window sometimes for those calculations to revise. Best I can tell you without seeing your takeoff.
Hi, do you know how could I create new variables in the report designer stage? In order to add other project details. I also was trying to use the code stage to see if I can create other variable from there but it doesn't run when I use C++ or JScript. Please let me know if we can meet by zoom or some in order to clarify and interchange some information. Thank you for sharing information!
I don’t use PlanSwift for reporting as I export to Excel and use that program for reports. I only program in Pascal so no help I can offer with C++ or JScript. Sorry.
Good afternoon. Do you consult in the development of custom reports and template development ?
Templates yes, reports no. I export all my takeoffs to Excel, so don’t use PlanSwift for reporting.
hi, when i have a takeoff from template (with sub-item) , copy & paste in this case is not completed , only takeoff item coped & pasted without its sub itemes , do u have anexplane for that ?
When I copy a takeoff item, all the takeoff must be visible to copy. Only those visible will copy to a new area. If you have calculated sub items that are NOT takeoff items, they should recalc with the new calculated values. You do have to hit the REFRESH icon in the Estimating window sometimes for those calculations to revise. Best I can tell you without seeing your takeoff.
Hi, do you know how could I create new variables in the report designer stage? In order to add other project details. I also was trying to use the code stage to see if I can create other variable from there but it doesn't run when I use C++ or JScript. Please let me know if we can meet by zoom or some in order to clarify and interchange some information. Thank you for sharing information!
I don’t use PlanSwift for reporting as I export to Excel and use that program for reports. I only program in Pascal so no help I can offer with C++ or JScript. Sorry.
Is there a way to copy paste into a new item to multiple pages but will not create a 3rd item?
Do you have an email address that a guy could contact you at?
Sorry, this is not an account I check very often. My email is atlantaest@gmail.com