I've been seeing a lot of people complaining about the matchmaking and I agree I've been playing support a lot and it's really frustrating when I see people on the enemy team who are clearly better then the rest of the lobby I'm in total agreement with you
That's the fun thing about not having enough Support players. Is that Support players either get matched into games whether they are way better or way worse than their teammates. And having braindead bots as teammates sucks, and getting lasered down by Flankers that are way better than you also sucks. You just get to a point where no matter what you do, even playing to the best of your abilities. Either your team are a bunch of timid feeders, or you're just dead way too often.
The idea that they give you a “Skill Rating” in competitive that means absolutely nothing, is absurd. It ruins the rank experience. Also, they made a match packing system in comp that punishes you for being good. If you’re normally a Diamond player, and you one day you start popping off because a hero finally “clicked”, instead winning a bunch of games and climbing to the next skill tier, they instead immediately match you with far better enemies to keep your win rate at 50%. That then keeps you hard stuck Diamond because you can’t climb out of the rank.
@@c_bons seriously what kind of brain dead idea was that? You need at least 7-3 wins to rank one subrank up and it's impossible when the game actively tries to make you lose to keep it "balanced".
Even in OW1 it sometimes felt like some games were just unwinnable but in OW2 it’s much more frequent and much more extreme. To the point where in some of my games, everyone on our team will be doing great with high KD ratios, but there will be one person on our team basically dying first off of cooldown. The scoreboard shows it and sometimes it’s really obvious that someone is playing wayyyyy out of their depth. I never remember it being that obvious in OW1.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin I think it’s mainly due to how wide the sr range is. Im plat 3 and have ended up in games with masters/gm players. There’s just a massive skill gap between players that wasn’t there in ow1
Based on my experience with Overwatch 2 the matchmaking for Quick Play is just as bad. I would guess that 80% of my games are completely one sided stomps. Many people may say Quick Play doesn't matter, but I completely disagree. Regardless of the mode, a player wants to be able to enjoy the gaming experience, and that ability depends greatly on how evenly matched the games are. I think I can speak for most that I don't tilt if I lose a close game. I tilt if every player on my team is bronze, and every opponent of mine is a GM rank 1... and this outcome seems to be every game I have played recently.
Rel I'm tired of trying to carry asses of my teams where you can clearly see it's a huge team gap (bronze players Vs diamond or plat - where ya know u can see enemy team knows how to play while mine doesn't even know payload/point exist) and enemy team just does whatever they want to us bruh
it's really hard to be salty losing a close game, i'd gladly take the losses for every close game i get than all the wins i get from the stomps. it's not fun for anyone
People used to say in Overwatch 1 that 20% of your games were unwinnable, 20% were unlosable, and you influenced the remaining 60% of them. Now dps feels a lot more like a 50/50 coinflip, especially when you get a tank with "Diamond Challenger" under their name, and the enemy tank is Super
It is so 50/50 right now that its not even funny lol like literally i will play the same way but lose one win one lose one win one its like…my kd hasnt changed or gameplay but my teammates 100% are drastically changing per match
I think this problem would be even more visible to the mass if we didn't have private profiles by default, no rank display in matches or all of the 3rd party api websites removed. I bet they know their shit is shit and therefor they try to hide it until it might be fixed.
Yep, it's an awful experience. Like how the fuck am I getting more Elims than before, less deaths than before. So pretty much playing 100% better than I was but I can't win a game. I don't know what do anymore. If I push myself to carry any more than this, I end up just getting myself killed and that's opposite of what I need to do because I have noticed no matter what role I play... The moment I fall, bam the whole team is dead. I don't want to sit there and blame my team especially match after match. From my perspective, all I am seeing is Teammates running in dying. I can get 1-2 picks right from the start sometimes and they still manage to die. So, half my gameplay is retreating to try and group up again because my whole team is dead, and I don't want to feed. I try my best to play around health packs when I can because I swear, I rarely get a lick of healing. I seriously don't know what to do anymore. I am truly at a loss; I want to be a better player. I want to be good at something. I am trying everything I can. Changing and adapting my gameplay like this, reviewing my games trying to see what else I can fix. Then the biggest slap in the face, I see all these people doing Unranked to GM videos and they aren't teaching me anything I don't already know. So yeah, this is my experience. Feels hopeless to play. As a side note, the games I do win. I feel like I could go AFK and still win that's how bad it is. Either stupidly easy or feels hopeless but most games feel hopeless.
As a support who'd heal the hell out of you, I'm in bronze 5 elo hell. There is too much stupidity for me to get out. I've worked very hard on improving and just get the same rank over and over. I don't get it.
@@rd-lw4td Well, just to offer some advice. You are correct, you can't heal stupid. A lot of times, no amount of healing from even both supports will help keep a teammate up due to their positioning/lack of cover. Even if you manage to keep everyone alive, it also doesn't matter if they aren't able to get kills on their own. So, what can we do? The answer is do more damage yourself as support. Applying more damage will create less pressure, which can help your team get more kills because the enemy team will back off more creating more space or they will just flat out die and then you can win the team fight. My suggestion is every match go in and heal like you would, do some damage as you can, then no matter if you win or lose each team fight. Look at the scoreboard analyze it really quickly. Try to determine what your team may need more of. Are they struggling with kills? Then try to get more yourself. If they are getting kills, which person is the possible carry on my team? Just the person doing the most at the moment. This could be the Tank; this could be one of your DPS and this could also even be your other support but whoever it is, try to focus helping that player the most. I'd say even at the cost of the other players sometimes. Basically, just trying to double down on your strengths each game. Hopefully this helps, Support isn't easy. You do have more impact than you think but as a support you have too constantly adapt and figure out what is needed the most and sometimes healing just isn't always the answer. And sometimes, you just can't win but if you try to do this. You should start ranking up better, because you don't need to win every game, you just need to win slightly over 50% of the time. Closer to 50% the longer it will take but you will get there.
@@Smuggly22 what screwed me up last time was 3 people leaving in games in a row. Also had two throwers just sit there. We were winning. I get more eliminations than the DPS with Kiriko. Last game I played they just sat at spawn and missed the objective. All our stats were better, but they were not good at defending! It's really an awful grind .
@@Smuggly22 thats sincerely great advice for a hardstuck player. OW2 is less forgiving on teams with Supports that arent contributing damage, too. Close matches, I swear the support damage diff was what decided it, all other things being equal
I'm diamond 3 support and I've been in GM lobbies because of a lucky winstreak. I got trash talked a lot, avoided by everyone and it was very demotivating, since there was nothing I could do about it. I agree with your arguments completely! The smurf protection system is making people rank up way too fast right now.
Thats because the winstreak boosted your mmr since it moves faster than your sr so it places you against gms so you dont stomp the poor diamonds. Makes not fking sense.
I was Diamond 1 last season, and in one of my games I got a gold 2 player and also a gm 5 player. I didnt even know that was possible LOL. Imagine being the gold 2 player in that lobby.
As someone who plays casual. It also sucks even more. Someone unranked is more balanced than casual. The enemy team always go against pros to the point where my team gets like 7 kills in total and the others like 50. And half the time I get more than half for my time.
Also I think premade groups should only play against other premade groups cause it's honestly unfair because they have history of playing together plus communication going up against a premade team when your team is just random and most people don't talk on mic so theirs definitely a unfair advantage for premade groups going up against a random group
Within 10 days of OW2 release, suddenly every single GM lobby that I or other GM players have played in, has either a currently Diamond player or someone who has been diamond their entire OW career and somehow magically climbed to GM which obviously creates REALLY unbalanced and unfun games. I know for a fact the same thing is happening across all ranks and it’s pretty frustrating. IMO the game needs to do a complete SR and MMR reset, make phone numbers required for comp to reduce smurfing, and go back to the ow1 system where you see your gains/losses immediately and make it a static 25 per win/loss with maybe slight bonus SR based on personal performance (like 21-29sr range). Players who outperform their rank will have an above 50% win rate and climb in a system like that. Also bring back decay exactly how it used to be except make the games required maybe like 5 a month instead of per week.
With the way matchmaking is rn i don't think it's a good idea, more than once it has happened to me where i would go on an insane 10+ lose streaks that were completely out of my control by either someone raging and leaving or straight up trolling or AFK, being the only dps with the highest kills, dmg lowest deaths and the team still getting steamrolled, and after the rank update i still climbed, in a system where is so much based on wins it gives very much power to people who want to abuse it, R6 is one example where lots champions on console gets boosted with smurfs, even though their performance is of an plat at best.
Great video that summarized very well my sentiment with Overwatch 2: I truly love the game it is amazing! But the matchmaker and the ranking system is extremely frustrating to the point where I kind of stopped playing the game. I really hope we'll see fixes that address all of that. Thank you for bringing this up.
the matchmaking is still not fixed and even worse now, me as a bronze 4 player keeps getting put in masters/diamond games, hell there has even been grandmasters in my games on the other team while my team will be silver/gold/and diamond players, its all so broken
The competitive in OW 2 is really bad. I was diamond in OW1 and I'm diamond in OW2, but in OW2 when I play rank almost everyone have private profile, and the fewers who have public profile, surprise, they are plat and even gold players that also have the same rank in OW1, and others who are diamond in OW2, but gold in OW1. Maybe they just get better, but most of them didn't. It's boring how rank sistem is because makes you feel that your rank is useless and then put you in a game with gold, plat and diamond players, and when the tank is the one who is gold, gg. That's another thing that ruins rank. When your tank is gold and the enemy tank is plat or diamond, you just get destroyed. And it's worse when they are ball or road onetricks that hook nothing, they leave the dps and supports alone and they can do nothing against the another team that has a good tank. As dps you can try your best and sometimes it doesn't matter because the enemy tank takes all of your space and dominates the game. I hope they fix this. I play in BR and I know that could mean +10 min of Q in diamond, but I prefer this and can play with anothers that are the same rank instehead of getting instagames but with a mix of ranks lol
Hit masters 5 last season and I was playing with my friend that barely hit diamond last season. We got in two lobbies against top 500 players twice in a row
dude is playing as dps and he's still saying the exact same thing as ml7, a grandmaster support "i feel powerless" yup, tell me more how much i "lack skill" to deal with my matches just because i'm in low elo. When grandmaster supports AND dps have the exact same feeling, you know the matchmaking is fuck*ed up
My worst experience was when i was playing with 3 new players in my team vs full stack team with 2 players, who were top 500 at some point. That is the main problem, you either win easily cuz the enemy team has 5 new players, or get absolutely fucked when enemy team is a fully coordinated behemoth. There is just no in between :/
I don't want to play anymore, is that bad, I just lost maybe 6-7 matches as a healer and knowing I would lose even before the game started... this matchmaking is so unbalanced that I just gave up on the game, it's really f annoying...
They make people that lose more win more and people that win more lose more. 80% of matches are a steam roll. This is keeping people in ranks and not leveling up OR down much. Steam rolls shouldn't be possible at all if everyone is the same rank. It is wild and makes no sense.
PLEASE I just want to see my real rank and have some transparency. This bs MMR fake SR thing is ridiculous. There is no point in a rank if it means nothing. Why not play QP right? If rank means nothing and I'm just trying to grind my MMR, just play QP. This RUINS competitive games if there's no real ranking system.
Hidden MMR and ranking people primarily for win/loss will be the death of comp if its not fixed. People should be placed in matches with similar stat averages and ranks, not a number that has been accumalated for a long time that WE CANT EVEN SEE! Also why the fuck am I being punished for a loss if my stats are consistently good. It is not my fault that my supposedly D3 tank only w keys into enemy teams as rein and doesn't switch when theyre clearly countering him. It just fucking sucks that no matter how I play I'm going to be punished because a dps on my team is going hard negative against GOOD players or a tank doesn't know how to play the game or a healer is dpsing and forgetting about support.
I uninstalled until they fix match making. Play Ultrakill instead. If player numbers drop they will be more inclined to do something faster. Season 1 game refused to let me get to Diamond....but my MMR says otherwise. Getting matched against and beating a Master player in unranked was interesting... Tried to do season 2 placements. Ended Season 1 as Plat 4. S2 starts me as Silver 1. Longest placements ever...soo many losses I couldn't control at all. And I played great every match. Always a dominate force with least deaths and high damage/ kills. Carried all my wins. 2 games lost because of leavers. Last match I go up against and beat a Diamond Junkrat (he had the title) and he was very good....and it keeps me at Silver 1....and with that the spell was broken and I uninstalled. Unranked is cool....ish. But you can only leave 3 matches. On the 4th you get a warning of penalty. Which can eventually lead to suspension from comp, and account ban...why lol??? So either way you can't escape the losses where your team is brain dead, or they have the mindset and player skill of low rank players. I don't understand what the match maker is trying to accomplish. All it's doing is breaking the addiction to the game. Very counter intuitive Blizzard....Why would I play something that's super fun for 20% of the time I interact with it, but the other 80% gives me depression and constantly slaps me in the nuts for hours no matter how much time I put into getting better at it? And when I do get better, you just give me harder games that I can tell are unwinnable within the first 20 seconds. It gives me no ambition to try other than pad my stats and gg next. And when I win I'm so tensed up and ready for it to be a loss that I play as hard as I can. You think it's fun when I play at a Diamond level in Plat vs Silver support players who are actually bronze? I crush them. And then after a crushing victory what do I get? 2-4 game losses back to back of noob teamates (silvers in Plat because 2 ranks....) who don't belong in their rank. Matched against opponents with my MMR level and I get matched against Diamonds and sometimes Masters...Great match making. What a cool reward for enjoying and playing your game over 6 years. You tie my arms behind my back and knock my teeth out match after match.
OV1 matchmaking was not very good, but now it's a disaster. Sometimes it feels like the is no matchmaking at all. Whole gameplay feels very boring. You fully dominate enemy or enemy destroys you. No balance, no fun.
Even up to this point the matchmaking is still screwed up. I play more quick play now bc I felt like I almost popped a blood vessel raging over comp a long time ago and even in qp the matches are always one-sided. Either I have a bunch of potatoes playing on their microwave and get put up against a couple plats and masters, or my team just steamrolls and the win feels boring. I’ve been playing this game since probably 2018 and I love it so much because of all the good memories but nowadays it’s like I have to force myself to try to get on sometimes. And it ain’t a coin flip for good teammates for me it’s more like 10 losses in a row and then maybe the overwatch gods could possibly potentially theoretically start to begin to find me any good teammates. It’s genuinely sad how one of the games that I grinded tirelessly after getting home from middle school is now nothing more than a free trial of unbridled rage after losing back to back despite trying my absolute balls off.
- they need to bring back sr and do sr based matchmaking, why am I fighting people with diamond rank while i am still in gold from the reset? - 10 minute queues is what overwatch is about thats why we have while you wait modes, everyone is ok with waiting for a balanced match. - why do i win 5 in a row then lose 10 in a row and just drop, we get no season high from those 5 wins we just drop for the loses. - Give rein fortnite gravity hammer jump
The comp experience just feels like qp, I ended up gold 1 because of decay but I still play against master, GM, cheaters, all those things that shouldn't happen in the rank I am currently
I think 5 v 5 let the game in general feel more stompy. Because if 1 person dies its 5 v 4 and the game will snowball faster. F.ex. 100 vs 100 if 1 get killed, you may not recognize it. And i think the up down ranking is not only based on wins and loses. There is a personal performance integrated. Or maybe the hidden mmr let you rank up even if you loose more games than win, because you are playing against better players. 7 win / 2 lose = 3 rank ups, 7 win / 9 lose = 2 rank ups, 7 win / 1 lose = 3 rank ups -> so back to old rank
Wow, my experience has been completely different. The only way I would go up a division is if I lost 3 or less games. I was d1 for atleast 40 games. When I went 7-7, 7-6, 7-5, I would stay the same rank. Finally I went 7-3 and got Masters5, only to go 7-8 and go back to dia5 LOL. Also I’ve noticed sometimes I could go 7-10 and still stay the same rank, where as other times I could go 7-10 and derank
@@user-xe2pe3op6u i ment re ranking (After reset). But i think its somehow performance based. So if you perform good, you will climb "more" even with the same winrate. But i think its not truely the performance, its more the hidden mmr. So if you perform good your hidden mmr will increase. Thats why a lot of unranked to gm players play in plat/ diamond vs master/gm/top500 players.
I've been stuck in bronze 5 with support since the start of the season. I can't carry enough to get wins with these awful teams. They're so stupid! I'm on the verge of quitting completely. My DPS is in gold, but I prefer support. Bronze is an absolute nightmare.
For all of my ranked games I am only put into master and grandmaster games when I am high diamond,it’s very unenjoyable and really pushing me away from the game
I don't play comp. I often play QP. The MM is complete & utter garbage. I keep getting bot players and been having losing streak worst than OW1. I will wait for seasons to decide if i should quit. The balancing is terrible, the monetization is terrible, no progression and nothing to look forward once weekly is complete.
Happens in quick play too, you get 2 normal matches maybe and then stomped one sided drastically 5 games in a row, some days is literally hopeless, but I can't imagine how bad it feels in ranked... There's also the ocasional times when we're matched against new people and it feels like we're bullying npcs, feels really bad. I play it casually of course, but 700hours is still enough experience to notice when something ain't right. Speaking of "balance" if you play Mystery mode as much as I am, you'll notice some very suspicious patterns too, like the enemy getting 4 tanks and a lucio at the last 60 seconds and you get Tracers and Genjis, or that even thought it's supposed to be random, I get 4 heroes 5 times more than the rest...So in short, OW knows exactly what they're doing, but why are they doing it? that's the real mystery
10:00 I think this describes my problem, I was silver 1 at the start of the season and in under a week I had climbed to gold 1 with sigma winning 28 games and only losing 8, now I am getting consistently harder games where either the enemy team is significantly better than me or my teammates being fairly bad. It sucks as now I am on losing streak, this I believe is the result of me getting players lowered rank than me in many games however in the same games the enemy getting significantly better players. I feel as the the game is confused on where to place me, I feel as though I should be low plat like plat 4/5 but i am consistently getting players on both ends of the spectrum where they are far lower than me, or far higher than me.
I thought it was just me! 100% agree with everything you said - the unwinnable games, the random bronze/diamond players showing up in gold games and, as a support, the feeling of not having any meaningful impact, and yes quickplay is definitely more fun. Yesterday I even had a team that lost 5v4 - totally unwinnable despite an early dc on enemy team. Broken matchmaking. You put into words everything I was thinking but thought I must be imagining it.
As soon as I hit Gold 4 I started getting matched against really good teams allot, and when I De-ranked back down to Silver I would start going on win streaks till Gold 4 again.
On support i noticed that both teams get like a one skilled player. I use it to my advantage so i try to pocket him, so he can snowball the game. This strat gave me like 7:2-3 win ratio.
i'm currently in plat in all roles with 30-50 wins area.. and i feel like i have to really earn any movement up but then i get plats on my team that have the game sense of like bronze/silver they genuinely are clueless and then i look at the characters they're playing and they have low win percentage low healing over 10 mins, or low damage over 10 mins etc and i just wonder how they got to plat with how much i had to struggle with doing consistent good games over and over and over. i also 100% agree, about 1/20 games are very close then the rest are just steam rolls on one side or the other
Alot of people are complaining about how it takes 7 games to see their rank adjust but they're missing the point that your real rank is actually your MMR. And this MMR based matchmaking actually forces people to stay at the same rank. I can say from personal experience I was stuck in plat from season 14 to 22, I made a Smurf got placed in masters and have remained in masters for 2 yrs now. This ranked system is rigged and mirrors gambling addiction. The reality is the longer it takes you to climb, the less likely you will actually climb and the system will start working to keep you where you are so you'll play more. IMO we should be able to see our sr and your true rank should be whatever your current rank is. If you are 500sr then you are 500sr and should be up against other players between 0-1000sr. Not "X player is 500sr but secretly we think he's 4500mmr".
This is why this game is gonna die. I had the same experience in overwatch 1 where I got stuck in silver and every time I got to the point where I was 1 or 2 games away from gold, I would be put on a forced loss streak with potatoes for teammates. I finally made it to gold and voila, the games were much more fair and I climbed all the way to mid gold. After that I stopped playing cuz it was obvious how rigged it was. It's the same reason why I've stopped playing OW2 cuz the comp system is somehow even worse
I literally versed a 5 stack 3 games in a row, 1 game we hard stomped them and the other two we got hard stomped. Same players, just different dps on our team every game... This MMR thing is killing me man I can't get back to my rank and feel like I have no impact exactly as you said it. If I try hard or do the minimum the same results will happen. So frustrating
So as a plat 3 i was playing against diamonds and masters constantly, my dps teammates were silvers most of the time. Went on a loosing streak 8 games in a row. Got good teammates next round and steamrolled their (enemy) diamond tank and dps. I hate this Matchmaking so much
The reason why they put a 5 rank lower or higher in a lobby is to force a 50% win rate on everyone whether it’s that one person losing because they are in higher lobby or making the other team losing because the other team has a high rank
Finally a streamer who’s not a blizzard shill saying “oh it’s just your mmr” dog I’m GM in every role and I have plat 5s and gold 1s on my team while the entire enemy team is masters across the board. It’s so rigged it’s insane. Game is garbage
One of my accounts is gold 4 and another account is masters 3 with the same winrate, playing the same heroes with similar stats, almost the same amount of games won, etc
When i started to play ranked for the first time with no rank of my own i was put into a match with silver and gold ranked ones. First i took it as a compliment till we got totally obliterated. Then it went on and on and i started to realize that it actually way a matchmaking error.
im a master tank since overwatch 1 so i know when theres a player that is lagging behind and it sucks like how did this guy hit master but in overwatch 1 couldnt even stay in plat he was gold the entire time in ow1 so im like wtf did he get boosted or was ow matchmaking helping him get carried
I was never really a competitive player in OW1 but decided to try to start in OW2, im a fairly experienced support main and I do well. Currently Gold 1, just lost 7 matches in a row because of the team diff. I literally had to sit back and watch my teammates to see wtf was going on, the skill diff was INSANE. I had a junk on my team that was 3 - 20. Rein on the enemy team was 40 - 2. Like bronze going against GM. Like WHAT?!??? I had to close the game. I don’t think I’ll be playing anymore until this matchmaking issue is fixed.
Thank god someone else has been noticing, I've been high masters since season 1-5 got GM in season 6 and was really happy. It was so hard to climb in ow1, once you got 3.9 you could immediately tell the skill difference shift, and it was even noticeable once you got into 4.1 and once you got close to 4.3 it was just unbelievable. But now in OW2 there's none of that, I'm officially done with the game as of 2 days ago and I will come back once the game fixes the match making and has a hard reset in MMR, It's beyond me why they didn't reset anything knowing people abused double shield and a dead season, I'm sure some people deserved to climb since this game is different but I had a kiriko who was stuck low diamond/plat for multiple seasons and now got their peak to top 24 in support, like what the fuck blizzard
As an unranked player, I hate the matchmaking. I just started overwatch a couple months ago so I'm not that good and because of that, I usually play quick play, so when the matchmaking is bad, it doesn't matter. But when I do play competitive, I'm always with like silver-diamond players and I always get flamed by my team too. It's really annoying always losing games.
The matchmaker in overwatch 2 is genuinely the worst competitive matchmaker ive ever used, me and my friend played comp for ab 5 hours and every game was either us completely annihilating the other team or us getting completely destroyed. A lot of the games have people on our team that cant carry their own weight. One dps on our team got 7 kills with 6k damage while my friend had 12k damage with 25 kills. If they fix the matchmaker we’d play again but until then we won’t play.
absolutely right. got stuck in bronze on my main account because i kept getting matched with players who would absolutely stomp my team no matter what we did. And now all of the games i get into are with trolls or players that have obviously been playing for quite some time. But what is the whole point of having to choose your role before you queue if players are still not matched by skill level? shouldnt tanks that queue into games be put into games with other tanks the same skill level?? apparently not because i got into a game wherre our reinhardt stayed and did our job as he was supposed to but the enemy dva was straight up staying in the back and letting his dps and healers die by themselves, so we obviously won. The game is literally unfun right now and im going to honestly put it away until they fix the game. unbelievable.
As a plat support player there are a lot of games where my dps and tank are clearly not as skilled as the enemy. I don't know if the ranks are equal but the match tends to be a stomp one way or the other. When I duo or stack with others we start winning lots of games. Matchmaking is so weird and clearly not functioning correctly.
I start tracking my games after they talk about the 50/50 wins rate and I noticed that after I got 7-4 then 7-2 I got huge lose streak for 18 games and all these games were unbalanced and one sided. Then I got 7-2 then 7-2 I got the same thing where I got 15 games losing were games was totally unbalanced and one sided again. That’s really frustrating and not worth grinding at all
In ow1 i sat at 3600-3800 rating from s1-5 then i stopped playing, i played valorant and sat asc3-immo2 came back to ow2 first season i played 250 games dps with plat 2 peak and in the first day of season 2 i managed to climb to diamond 1 in 1 day? this game man wtf.
March 29 2023, happens less often but still happens to have bronze/silver teams against gold/plat. I don't understand why and how the hell this matchmaking algorithm could be this bad to let this happens. I think it has something to do with placement matches or this hidden mmr cumulate score when players play unranked and did well and sudently return to playing rank..
I agree. The matchmaking is frustrating bc the gameplay itself is fun, but matches seem so imbalanced that even a GM player playing at a low rank might not be able to carry. At the same time, this should be no excuse to flame/blame low ranked players that are placed on your team, as it's the fault of the matchmaking, not the individual.
I completely Agree, I am a currently ranked low silver, tank and healer, I used to be platinum in ow1, but the game feels I belong in silver now. I frequent Platinum lobbies, and when I'm actually in Silver lobbies, I get accused of hacking, smurfing, reported etc. If the game wants me in platinum, then instead of keeping my rank in silver after 5 wins in a row, raise my rank.
So, my comment is this. The problem with this type of matchmaking is that, even if you were to test a hypothesis or model for MM, there needs to be some form of structure. My issue so far, as a mid masters player, is this: suppose I queue as DPS, and both teams have exactly 1 masters player, and 4 plat players. If the other team gets a Master's Tank, it becomes twice as hard for me to win. Tanks in this game have double the power budget.
Overwatch is a game where if I get 48 kills as a DPS, the game is going to expect me to get 48 kills as Tank or Support, and the win/loss ratio is so predictable.
Bro I constantly get a lot of damage and a lot of kills but we lose I always question myself did I do something wrong turn out blizzard can’t do matchmaking
This happens a lot especially in my quick play games. I'll have an ok team and all but the game decides that I should be with a support who just started the game yesterday and now all the healing and support is on me. And when your entire team just marches straight into the enemy you can't do much yourself
It would be so much better if, at the very minimum they would stop treating the roles as interchangeable. I will have matches were the enemy has a masters tank and mine is low diamond and it can feel hope less. It should be at least both team has master tanks, diamond dps, and high master supports, or something along that line. Because the way it’s setup right now, it will give the enemy a master tank and you a master support and treat it as fair.
Im gold and comonly face diaomnd and up and in qp ccant learn any char because everyones sweaty and i face gms and top 500 where am i suppose to play to learn heros i cant learn against ppl so much better we get rolled , every game is either getting rolled or rolling them and tbats not fun and cant learn anything that way on top of getting put in losers bracket whete the game is trying to make you loose by giving one team significantly worse ppl. On consol ximming is so common and other cheats, that or you get a doom throwing , im also at wits end with it i love ow2 but i cant learn any heros with this bad matchmaking and cheaters , the game is stressful and bs so no fun if they dont fix it soon i wont be playing ever again
As a support, the matchmaking has felt absolutely awful. Every game has been one sided, be it in my favour or the opposition's favour. Ranked down 2 entire tiers from S1->S2 but worked my way back up after 14 wins, and now my lobbies are either all plat OR all high masters/GM. Comp has stopped being enjoyable, but the matchmaking in S1 was also awful. I'm at my limits, games aren't enjoyable, I like taking a 50/50 game and turning it into a win - I haven't had a push match last longer than 5 minutes, I haven't had a single game where you get past first point on either attack or defence. I don't feel like I'm playing the game, it feels like you're queueing up, spending 5 minutes either stomping or being held in spawn, and then "going again". I was fortunate enough to be in a game where everyone had a public profile - my team all high plat/low dia, the other team all masters/gm - fair? No.
Blizzard made the match making so much worse in OW2. It’s so disappointing that even quick play is broken. I am a low level gold dps player and my wife is a low level bronze healer. We duo que, and I try to play healer so I encourage my wife to play more dps because she always plays healer. Note, I never played healer or tank on this account and it only has 23 hours on it in total. We got into a game with a 3890 tank who curb stomped our team with ball. It was so bad, my wife stopped playing the game because no one could even leave our spawn. I checked the stats and for the people I could check, our team, was either bronze or silver. How is it possible for a high level Masters player, almost GM to be in our quick play lobby ? It makes no sense.
Match making for me is miserable, it either is my team steam rolling the other team or the other team steam rolling my team. There might be 1 out of 10 games where our levels are close and we have an intensely close game, but that is the exception and not the rule.
Mid gold player here, or at least I used to be mid gold until the matchmaker suddenly decided to put me down in bronze. It very common that 1 or 2 of the dps in the match is heavily outperforming the rest of the dps. Sometimes it’s 1 dps with about a quarter of the damage and elims as the other 3. These people clearly belong in a different rank. Right now the matchmaker feels complete trash. I used to play every day, now I play once a week. And yeah 9 games out of 10 are stomps
Most of my games if I’m not healer, the healers are either not healing and instead trying to kill the enemies, or just go in by themselves and die. I rarely get extremely good healers that never die and can keep me alive. Dps is 50/50 chance they get rolled or they do the rolling. Tanks are the same way, either one is gonna play Rein and never put his shield up or play Winston against bastion, and never put his shield up while the enemy team has a stable team, the healers never die, the Dps always wrecks my team and the tank never dies no matter who we play on my team
I just had the worst experience playing OW recently. I'm a plat tank played against a master tank. I was losing so hard, everyone in the team kept blaming me for tank diff and I know it is true, I just don't belong there.
Even worse is the way they rank your “value” as support. I played as a 4 stack with a bunch of guys. We rolled so hard. We went from bronze 4 to silver 1 in 2 days. We won 14 games in a straight row. Lost one and then won 10 more all comp. We then started getting some harder games. We couldn’t all get on at the same time. We lost a few together. We lost a few apart. We generally lost more or less the same amount of games give or take a few The two DPS players finally got their 7 win adjustment and they went into gold 5. The tank got his adjustment and went to gold. Both supports got our adjustment and went down to silver 2. Then I went down to silver 3. I’m not playing any worse than them at all. I’m just focusing keeping the tank up and hitting suzus. I see loads of videos saying to go for more aggressive support play so I do but as soon as I start throwing knives people die. Then I flex bap and start hitting damage and now we can’t deal with the antis or sleeps so it’s like I’m locked to kiriko which is fine but the winning value comes from keeping everyone alive and putting intimidation damage through different paths so people funnel through the main choke instead. I’ll go off to get a pick. Take out a reaper and a mercy. Turn around and the tanks dead. I’ll heal the tank and the reaper will fade away and he won’t die and we done how end up back in a 4v5 then a 3v5. Also I’m constantly being pulled out of position to heal a tank or dps who’s going to die but end up getting melted when I get there. It’s insanely frustrating that I can’t just get teams who play weird positioning spread all over and who don’t get kills when you heal and don’t sustain when you go offensive And if you get a game where your tank is so far ahead no one can support them, one DPS is on a constant flank spamming heals from miles away and you have may, mercy, junkrat, rein trying to deal with a phara mercy but who want healing constantly when you flex to bap to deal with it, it’s your SR that gets hit hard. Damage I swear doesn’t get deranked as quickly
Here's the experience I have been having lately, so on my main account, which had OW1, I just had around a 140 hrs total playtime on it during season 1, however I was hard stuck bronze since I was absolute gobshiite back then, so I left and only retuurned 6 years later in OW2. I mainly play unranked but I admit my overall gameplay has improved significantly due to my experience with other competitive shooters. I am almost always matched against players with Master Challnger and Grand Master Challenger titles in unranked matches. How is this possible? I have created an alt account purely for playing/practicing OW2 comp, however in that account, after steamrolling/hard carrying my 1st few games, I have been matching against Diamonds and Masters, whereas I am not even plat yet.
Bruh this game hates my wins streaks. I’m a gold- plat player and as soon as I win 2 games next game, masters, grandmaster, top 500 like how does that make sense
I’m fairly new to Overwatch. I got silver 1 on support after my first 7 games. I then won 13 in a row, lost twice, won again and it made me gold 1. I then played plat1-diamond 5s consistently and went 5-2 and it kept me in Gold1… the matchmaking is just atrocious. I also queued damage with 2 friends and played against a top 150 Zenyatta when we are all gold. How does that make sense?!
Im a main-support and it often feels like u really cant do anything. The feeling of helplesness of the support-role comes from the fact, that u are a muliplyer for ur team and if ur team is 0 u cant multiply that, thats why it feels so bad. I mean i have games as ana or lucio, where i have more dps and kills then the dps, even though im mostly healbotting. U have 2-3 jobs as a support and some dps can even do the one thing they exist for... so frustrating. I have a bigger gripe with the current ranked-system: OW1 was my first "shooter" and i was aweful. I ranked silver-gold in most seasons. I started playing other shooters over the years and i could tell i have improved alot, yet i just couldnt get past plat. When OW2 droped, i created a new account to play with a friend from the beginning... he ranked bronze-3... i ranked gold-2. I thought, yeah this is about right... but for some reason... after 28 wins my friend was gold-1 and i was suddenly masters-2. LIKE WTF??? After that I switched back to my old account, where all the skins are... and ranked bronze-5 with this account. There arent even words to describe this BS, it feels like ur playing a gacha-game for ur rank. Now i only play Quickplay.
i hit top500 in ow1 and then got stuck in masters/diamond after. I was hardstuck at 3700sr on my alt and about 3000sr on my main, none of them moved, at that point i thought the ranking system couldnt be worse. Now in ow2 i placed diamond 3 and every single game i play with people all the way from gm to gold, for me the way it is now, ranked is 100% unplayable and doesnt have anything to do with competitive gaming anymore. You litteraly get people who grind the game for 3 years and people who maybe havent even played some of the maps before in the same lobbys, beyond trash. This is by far the worst ranked matchmaking ive ever experienced in any game ever, i quit till they fix it.
I play casually, I was plat 2 end of season 1. Season 2 I get dropped to gold 3. I steam roll 5 games in a row in gold. The very next game I have 2 masters players on the enemy team. Every game since has been high diamond low masters... I finally won a few more games and I only jumped to plat 5. BUT! I am still in high diamond low masters games... Oh and even had a top 500 tank on my team. What world does this ever make sense?
To me, the problem is the hidden MMR. Get rid of it. Competitive mode should be about RANK. Not some hidden rating, which may include your win % or something ridiculous like which skins you own. MMR is a failed experiment, it's the reason it feels like your play doesn't matter. It will adjust to cancel you out all the time. I also think you'll never get good games with 5v5. Too few players, and usually the better tank wins. I wish they had gone 7v7 (and balanced for that of course).
I recently played a game of silver comp with terrible teammates, the dva was a gold 3 or 4 and i told him to change hog after hearing him spewing hate towards hog. He switched and got a team wipe.
I have been saying this for years: Game like Overwatch shouldn't be based on wins and losses in competitive ranking. If SR was distributed based on your performance and THEN on the win/loss it would have been a lot better and no one would complain. You lose but you were clearly the best player on your team...then you lose only a small number of SR so it doesn't pull your rank down. If you won but played like shit you gain only a little bit of SR but if you were involved in most of the kills, won the key fights and was on fire most of the game then you gain twice as much SR. There you go. You play like shit you go down, you play good you go up. Winning or losing would only push the sr number higher or lower.
Been going on massive winners queues and losers queues lately. Go like 7-3 7-2 then my next 10 matches are unwinnable. I went a combined 21-9 for like 2-3 play sessions and then went 7-19 the next couple after. I play support and i keep jumping 2 or 3 tiers up and down from masters 2 to 5 over and over. It’s super obvious when my teammates are better or worse lately.
Blizzards idea of a good matchmaker is resetting everyone’s vanity rank back to what it was at the beginning of the previous season and matching them against the same players they were against the day before reset. They said “it’s because we saw that players want a sense of progression.” Yes we want progression but it is the the dumbest thing to think if you reset everyone’s rank that they will want to fight through the same ranks over and over again. It’s like symphyses, bound to forever walking uphill with tremendous pressure. Hopefully since the top players are speaking out they will do something to make it better but I doubt it.
I feel like they got rid of the end cards and seeing everyone's rank and seeing SR so that way complaints about matchmaking could be explained away instead of being able to definitively say that the widow with 70 kills in a bronze game is just on their way up and not a low diamond player placed in the wrong game.
It’s literally Infuriating… No matter what Role I play, I just feel like I’m Carrying the team. I play Tank, Most Kills, Most Damage, I get a good healer Once Every two weeks and The moment I die Objectives are taken or Payloads advance on us. Damage? Same thing Except when I’m Not there, We Can’t Make Any Progress or Defend anything Because as soon as I spawn, There’s Death Pointers of teammates all over my screen. Support I don’t mind Either, I actually Really Enjoy Moira, Almost always dropping and avg of 30 kills, 8000+ dmg and 6000+ healing, Endorsed 98% of my games with all roles and It’s Just Exhausting. My death Cams tell it all… Teammates just running to their deaths feeding, Tanks thinking they’re invincible, Poorly placed ultimates, And Everyone on my team seems to shoot like a storm trooper … It would be better if I could play with people genuinely around my skill lvl on either End.
Quick Play (Unranked) uses your MMR without considering your SR to find matches, so strangely it is more accurate in making fair matches than Ranked Competitive. The rank you are placed at is essentially random. Every time you win or lose, it becomes slightly more accurate. So only after maybe 1000 games will it know where you are "supposed" to be placed. The same thing applies to the other 9 people you are playing with and against. They will only get to their rank after some 1000 games. Obviously, most people don't want to wait that long to figure out where they are placed, so the game gives an "approximate" rank based on performance and whatever other data it uses to arbitrarily assign your rank. The only way they could really fix it would be to make you play 100 games for "placement matches", which none of the players will agree to do. The only way to reduce the randomness of your teammates is to 5 stack every game. Otherwise, you are flipping five consecutive coins every game.
i have 50 hours in the game and have to play vs people who have hundreds and thousands of hours. for some strange reason i tend to lose those games idk. seems likea skill issue.
currently in plat rn i dont usually play dps but it has become so common for the dps of my team that starts off to just be absolutely terrible i have no choice but to take over i tried playing role queue and combined both of my dps teamates had less than 8k in damage while i had 16k as there tank i mean like wtf our soldier 76 couldnt even kill the enemy pharah once not once and she wasnt even moving that crazy either
I've been seeing a lot of people complaining about the matchmaking and I agree I've been playing support a lot and it's really frustrating when I see people on the enemy team who are clearly better then the rest of the lobby I'm in total agreement with you
That's the fun thing about not having enough Support players. Is that Support players either get matched into games whether they are way better or way worse than their teammates.
And having braindead bots as teammates sucks, and getting lasered down by Flankers that are way better than you also sucks.
You just get to a point where no matter what you do, even playing to the best of your abilities. Either your team are a bunch of timid feeders, or you're just dead way too often.
The idea that they give you a “Skill Rating” in competitive that means absolutely nothing, is absurd. It ruins the rank experience.
Also, they made a match packing system in comp that punishes you for being good. If you’re normally a Diamond player, and you one day you start popping off because a hero finally “clicked”, instead winning a bunch of games and climbing to the next skill tier, they instead immediately match you with far better enemies to keep your win rate at 50%. That then keeps you hard stuck Diamond because you can’t climb out of the rank.
@@c_bons seriously what kind of brain dead idea was that? You need at least 7-3 wins to rank one subrank up and it's impossible when the game actively tries to make you lose to keep it "balanced".
@@leoluceanimations it was less brain dead than anything you could comprehend, son. Educate yourself.
@@c_bons i was actually agreeing with you. I'm sorry if it sounds different.
Even in OW1 it sometimes felt like some games were just unwinnable but in OW2 it’s much more frequent and much more extreme. To the point where in some of my games, everyone on our team will be doing great with high KD ratios, but there will be one person on our team basically dying first off of cooldown. The scoreboard shows it and sometimes it’s really obvious that someone is playing wayyyyy out of their depth. I never remember it being that obvious in OW1.
its the loss of the off tank + bad match maker just makes for horrible games, along with most heros not being designed for 5v5 its just bad rn.
It happened allot in OW1
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin I think it’s mainly due to how wide the sr range is. Im plat 3 and have ended up in games with masters/gm players. There’s just a massive skill gap between players that wasn’t there in ow1
I've had steamroll games where I literally went afk, it was a 4v5 and the other team still got demolished. It's a joke
but then ofc its really important to flame and bash this one guy for playing bad. Even tho its simply not his fault
Based on my experience with Overwatch 2 the matchmaking for Quick Play is just as bad. I would guess that 80% of my games are completely one sided stomps. Many people may say Quick Play doesn't matter, but I completely disagree. Regardless of the mode, a player wants to be able to enjoy the gaming experience, and that ability depends greatly on how evenly matched the games are. I think I can speak for most that I don't tilt if I lose a close game. I tilt if every player on my team is bronze, and every opponent of mine is a GM rank 1... and this outcome seems to be every game I have played recently.
I know how you feel, i played 10 matches today and all of them were one sided stomp
I'm a High Diamont, low masters player. I've been mached agaist Gm1 and top500 players on quick play. It's reaaly not fun
Rel I'm tired of trying to carry asses of my teams where you can clearly see it's a huge team gap (bronze players Vs diamond or plat - where ya know u can see enemy team knows how to play while mine doesn't even know payload/point exist) and enemy team just does whatever they want to us bruh
it's really hard to be salty losing a close game, i'd gladly take the losses for every close game i get than all the wins i get from the stomps. it's not fun for anyone
People used to say in Overwatch 1 that 20% of your games were unwinnable, 20% were unlosable, and you influenced the remaining 60% of them. Now dps feels a lot more like a 50/50 coinflip, especially when you get a tank with "Diamond Challenger" under their name, and the enemy tank is Super
It is so 50/50 right now that its not even funny lol like literally i will play the same way but lose one win one lose one win one its like…my kd hasnt changed or gameplay but my teammates 100% are drastically changing per match
I think this problem would be even more visible to the mass if we didn't have private profiles by default, no rank display in matches or all of the 3rd party api websites removed.
I bet they know their shit is shit and therefor they try to hide it until it might be fixed.
Yep, it's an awful experience. Like how the fuck am I getting more Elims than before, less deaths than before. So pretty much playing 100% better than I was but I can't win a game. I don't know what do anymore. If I push myself to carry any more than this, I end up just getting myself killed and that's opposite of what I need to do because I have noticed no matter what role I play... The moment I fall, bam the whole team is dead.
I don't want to sit there and blame my team especially match after match. From my perspective, all I am seeing is Teammates running in dying. I can get 1-2 picks right from the start sometimes and they still manage to die. So, half my gameplay is retreating to try and group up again because my whole team is dead, and I don't want to feed.
I try my best to play around health packs when I can because I swear, I rarely get a lick of healing.
I seriously don't know what to do anymore. I am truly at a loss; I want to be a better player. I want to be good at something. I am trying everything I can. Changing and adapting my gameplay like this, reviewing my games trying to see what else I can fix. Then the biggest slap in the face, I see all these people doing Unranked to GM videos and they aren't teaching me anything I don't already know.
So yeah, this is my experience. Feels hopeless to play.
As a side note, the games I do win. I feel like I could go AFK and still win that's how bad it is. Either stupidly easy or feels hopeless but most games feel hopeless.
As a support who'd heal the hell out of you, I'm in bronze 5 elo hell. There is too much stupidity for me to get out. I've worked very hard on improving and just get the same rank over and over. I don't get it.
@@rd-lw4td Well, just to offer some advice. You are correct, you can't heal stupid. A lot of times, no amount of healing from even both supports will help keep a teammate up due to their positioning/lack of cover. Even if you manage to keep everyone alive, it also doesn't matter if they aren't able to get kills on their own. So, what can we do? The answer is do more damage yourself as support. Applying more damage will create less pressure, which can help your team get more kills because the enemy team will back off more creating more space or they will just flat out die and then you can win the team fight.
My suggestion is every match go in and heal like you would, do some damage as you can, then no matter if you win or lose each team fight. Look at the scoreboard analyze it really quickly. Try to determine what your team may need more of. Are they struggling with kills? Then try to get more yourself. If they are getting kills, which person is the possible carry on my team? Just the person doing the most at the moment. This could be the Tank; this could be one of your DPS and this could also even be your other support but whoever it is, try to focus helping that player the most. I'd say even at the cost of the other players sometimes. Basically, just trying to double down on your strengths each game.
Hopefully this helps, Support isn't easy. You do have more impact than you think but as a support you have too constantly adapt and figure out what is needed the most and sometimes healing just isn't always the answer.
And sometimes, you just can't win but if you try to do this. You should start ranking up better, because you don't need to win every game, you just need to win slightly over 50% of the time. Closer to 50% the longer it will take but you will get there.
@@Smuggly22 what screwed me up last time was 3 people leaving in games in a row. Also had two throwers just sit there. We were winning. I get more eliminations than the DPS with Kiriko. Last game I played they just sat at spawn and missed the objective. All our stats were better, but they were not good at defending! It's really an awful grind .
Same homie.
@@Smuggly22 thats sincerely great advice for a hardstuck player. OW2 is less forgiving on teams with Supports that arent contributing damage, too. Close matches, I swear the support damage diff was what decided it, all other things being equal
I'm diamond 3 support and I've been in GM lobbies because of a lucky winstreak. I got trash talked a lot, avoided by everyone and it was very demotivating, since there was nothing I could do about it. I agree with your arguments completely! The smurf protection system is making people rank up way too fast right now.
Thats because the winstreak boosted your mmr since it moves faster than your sr so it places you against gms so you dont stomp the poor diamonds. Makes not fking sense.
As support I have quit comp and only play QP for dailies. The whole experience is unrewarding, especially for supports
I was Diamond 1 last season, and in one of my games I got a gold 2 player and also a gm 5 player. I didnt even know that was possible LOL. Imagine being the gold 2 player in that lobby.
As someone who plays casual. It also sucks even more. Someone unranked is more balanced than casual. The enemy team always go against pros to the point where my team gets like 7 kills in total and the others like 50. And half the time I get more than half for my time.
Also I think premade groups should only play against other premade groups cause it's honestly unfair because they have history of playing together plus communication going up against a premade team when your team is just random and most people don't talk on mic so theirs definitely a unfair advantage for premade groups going up against a random group
I find it funny that 2 months later and I still get games were 1 dps is 2 or 3 times more impactful than the other guy on the team.
Within 10 days of OW2 release, suddenly every single GM lobby that I or other GM players have played in, has either a currently Diamond player or someone who has been diamond their entire OW career and somehow magically climbed to GM which obviously creates REALLY unbalanced and unfun games. I know for a fact the same thing is happening across all ranks and it’s pretty frustrating. IMO the game needs to do a complete SR and MMR reset, make phone numbers required for comp to reduce smurfing, and go back to the ow1 system where you see your gains/losses immediately and make it a static 25 per win/loss with maybe slight bonus SR based on personal performance (like 21-29sr range). Players who outperform their rank will have an above 50% win rate and climb in a system like that. Also bring back decay exactly how it used to be except make the games required maybe like 5 a month instead of per week.
Oh and I forgot to mention, make it so that lobbies cant have players who are more than +200 or -200 SR from eachother.
I love this suggestion
With the way matchmaking is rn i don't think it's a good idea, more than once it has happened to me where i would go on an insane 10+ lose streaks that were completely out of my control by either someone raging and leaving or straight up trolling or AFK, being the only dps with the highest kills, dmg lowest deaths and the team still getting steamrolled, and after the rank update i still climbed, in a system where is so much based on wins it gives very much power to people who want to abuse it, R6 is one example where lots champions on console gets boosted with smurfs, even though their performance is of an plat at best.
Let people play based on rank, not on some hidden bullshit number. If a guy in gm loses against gms then he is not gm, simple as that.
Great video that summarized very well my sentiment with Overwatch 2: I truly love the game it is amazing! But the matchmaker and the ranking system is extremely frustrating to the point where I kind of stopped playing the game. I really hope we'll see fixes that address all of that. Thank you for bringing this up.
Thanks for watching and thanks for ur input!
the matchmaking is still not fixed and even worse now, me as a bronze 4 player keeps getting put in masters/diamond games, hell there has even been grandmasters in my games on the other team while my team will be silver/gold/and diamond players, its all so broken
The competitive in OW 2 is really bad. I was diamond in OW1 and I'm diamond in OW2, but in OW2 when I play rank almost everyone have private profile, and the fewers who have public profile, surprise, they are plat and even gold players that also have the same rank in OW1, and others who are diamond in OW2, but gold in OW1. Maybe they just get better, but most of them didn't.
It's boring how rank sistem is because makes you feel that your rank is useless and then put you in a game with gold, plat and diamond players, and when the tank is the one who is gold, gg.
That's another thing that ruins rank. When your tank is gold and the enemy tank is plat or diamond, you just get destroyed. And it's worse when they are ball or road onetricks that hook nothing, they leave the dps and supports alone and they can do nothing against the another team that has a good tank. As dps you can try your best and sometimes it doesn't matter because the enemy tank takes all of your space and dominates the game.
I hope they fix this. I play in BR and I know that could mean +10 min of Q in diamond, but I prefer this and can play with anothers that are the same rank instehead of getting instagames but with a mix of ranks lol
Hit masters 5 last season and I was playing with my friend that barely hit diamond last season. We got in two lobbies against top 500 players twice in a row
dude is playing as dps and he's still saying the exact same thing as ml7, a grandmaster support
"i feel powerless"
yup, tell me more how much i "lack skill" to deal with my matches just because i'm in low elo.
When grandmaster supports AND dps have the exact same feeling, you know the matchmaking is fuck*ed up
My worst experience was when i was playing with 3 new players in my team vs full stack team with 2 players, who were top 500 at some point.
That is the main problem, you either win easily cuz the enemy team has 5 new players, or get absolutely fucked when enemy team is a fully coordinated behemoth. There is just no in between :/
I don't want to play anymore, is that bad, I just lost maybe 6-7 matches as a healer and knowing I would lose even before the game started... this matchmaking is so unbalanced that I just gave up on the game, it's really f annoying...
They make people that lose more win more and people that win more lose more. 80% of matches are a steam roll. This is keeping people in ranks and not leveling up OR down much. Steam rolls shouldn't be possible at all if everyone is the same rank. It is wild and makes no sense.
PLEASE I just want to see my real rank and have some transparency. This bs MMR fake SR thing is ridiculous. There is no point in a rank if it means nothing. Why not play QP right? If rank means nothing and I'm just trying to grind my MMR, just play QP. This RUINS competitive games if there's no real ranking system.
Hidden MMR and ranking people primarily for win/loss will be the death of comp if its not fixed. People should be placed in matches with similar stat averages and ranks, not a number that has been accumalated for a long time that WE CANT EVEN SEE! Also why the fuck am I being punished for a loss if my stats are consistently good. It is not my fault that my supposedly D3 tank only w keys into enemy teams as rein and doesn't switch when theyre clearly countering him. It just fucking sucks that no matter how I play I'm going to be punished because a dps on my team is going hard negative against GOOD players or a tank doesn't know how to play the game or a healer is dpsing and forgetting about support.
Let me know how you feel!
Got in high diamond Elo a gold5 dps and you can literally see he was underperforming he was 2-7 after 5min
I uninstalled until they fix match making. Play Ultrakill instead. If player numbers drop they will be more inclined to do something faster. Season 1 game refused to let me get to Diamond....but my MMR says otherwise. Getting matched against and beating a Master player in unranked was interesting... Tried to do season 2 placements. Ended Season 1 as Plat 4. S2 starts me as Silver 1. Longest placements ever...soo many losses I couldn't control at all. And I played great every match. Always a dominate force with least deaths and high damage/ kills. Carried all my wins. 2 games lost because of leavers. Last match I go up against and beat a Diamond Junkrat (he had the title) and he was very good....and it keeps me at Silver 1....and with that the spell was broken and I uninstalled.
Unranked is cool....ish. But you can only leave 3 matches. On the 4th you get a warning of penalty. Which can eventually lead to suspension from comp, and account ban...why lol??? So either way you can't escape the losses where your team is brain dead, or they have the mindset and player skill of low rank players. I don't understand what the match maker is trying to accomplish. All it's doing is breaking the addiction to the game. Very counter intuitive Blizzard....Why would I play something that's super fun for 20% of the time I interact with it, but the other 80% gives me depression and constantly slaps me in the nuts for hours no matter how much time I put into getting better at it? And when I do get better, you just give me harder games that I can tell are unwinnable within the first 20 seconds. It gives me no ambition to try other than pad my stats and gg next. And when I win I'm so tensed up and ready for it to be a loss that I play as hard as I can. You think it's fun when I play at a Diamond level in Plat vs Silver support players who are actually bronze? I crush them. And then after a crushing victory what do I get? 2-4 game losses back to back of noob teamates (silvers in Plat because 2 ranks....) who don't belong in their rank. Matched against opponents with my MMR level and I get matched against Diamonds and sometimes Masters...Great match making. What a cool reward for enjoying and playing your game over 6 years. You tie my arms behind my back and knock my teeth out match after match.
OV1 matchmaking was not very good, but now it's a disaster. Sometimes it feels like the is no matchmaking at all. Whole gameplay feels very boring. You fully dominate enemy or enemy destroys you. No balance, no fun.
Even up to this point the matchmaking is still screwed up. I play more quick play now bc I felt like I almost popped a blood vessel raging over comp a long time ago and even in qp the matches are always one-sided. Either I have a bunch of potatoes playing on their microwave and get put up against a couple plats and masters, or my team just steamrolls and the win feels boring. I’ve been playing this game since probably 2018 and I love it so much because of all the good memories but nowadays it’s like I have to force myself to try to get on sometimes. And it ain’t a coin flip for good teammates for me it’s more like 10 losses in a row and then maybe the overwatch gods could possibly potentially theoretically start to begin to find me any good teammates. It’s genuinely sad how one of the games that I grinded tirelessly after getting home from middle school is now nothing more than a free trial of unbridled rage after losing back to back despite trying my absolute balls off.
- they need to bring back sr and do sr based matchmaking, why am I fighting people with diamond rank while i am still in gold from the reset?
- 10 minute queues is what overwatch is about thats why we have while you wait modes, everyone is ok with waiting for a balanced match.
- why do i win 5 in a row then lose 10 in a row and just drop, we get no season high from those 5 wins we just drop for the loses.
- Give rein fortnite gravity hammer jump
The comp experience just feels like qp, I ended up gold 1 because of decay but I still play against master, GM, cheaters, all those things that shouldn't happen in the rank I am currently
I lost 15 games in a row, I can’t deal with this game anymore man. I tried my hardest but even as a healer my team is never good enough
I think 5 v 5 let the game in general feel more stompy. Because if 1 person dies its 5 v 4 and the game will snowball faster. F.ex. 100 vs 100 if 1 get killed, you may not recognize it.
And i think the up down ranking is not only based on wins and loses. There is a personal performance integrated. Or maybe the hidden mmr let you rank up even if you loose more games than win, because you are playing against better players.
7 win / 2 lose = 3 rank ups, 7 win / 9 lose = 2 rank ups, 7 win / 1 lose = 3 rank ups -> so back to old rank
Wow, my experience has been completely different. The only way I would go up a division is if I lost 3 or less games. I was d1 for atleast 40 games. When I went 7-7, 7-6, 7-5, I would stay the same rank. Finally I went 7-3 and got Masters5, only to go 7-8 and go back to dia5 LOL.
Also I’ve noticed sometimes I could go 7-10 and still stay the same rank, where as other times I could go 7-10 and derank
@@user-xe2pe3op6u i ment re ranking (After reset). But i think its somehow performance based. So if you perform good, you will climb "more" even with the same winrate.
But i think its not truely the performance, its more the hidden mmr. So if you perform good your hidden mmr will increase.
Thats why a lot of unranked to gm players play in plat/ diamond vs master/gm/top500 players.
I've been stuck in bronze 5 with support since the start of the season. I can't carry enough to get wins with these awful teams. They're so stupid! I'm on the verge of quitting completely. My DPS is in gold, but I prefer support. Bronze is an absolute nightmare.
I love that yesterday I had to fight against a top 500 in a GOLD Ranked Match.
For all of my ranked games I am only put into master and grandmaster games when I am high diamond,it’s very unenjoyable and really pushing me away from the game
I don't play comp. I often play QP. The MM is complete & utter garbage. I keep getting bot players and been having losing streak worst than OW1. I will wait for seasons to decide if i should quit. The balancing is terrible, the monetization is terrible, no progression and nothing to look forward once weekly is complete.
Happens in quick play too, you get 2 normal matches maybe and then stomped one sided drastically 5 games in a row, some days is literally hopeless, but I can't imagine how bad it feels in ranked... There's also the ocasional times when we're matched against new people and it feels like we're bullying npcs, feels really bad.
I play it casually of course, but 700hours is still enough experience to notice when something ain't right.
Speaking of "balance" if you play Mystery mode as much as I am, you'll notice some very suspicious patterns too, like the enemy getting 4 tanks and a lucio at the last 60 seconds and you get Tracers and Genjis, or that even thought it's supposed to be random, I get 4 heroes 5 times more than the rest...So in short, OW knows exactly what they're doing, but why are they doing it? that's the real mystery
10:00 I think this describes my problem, I was silver 1 at the start of the season and in under a week I had climbed to gold 1 with sigma winning 28 games and only losing 8, now I am getting consistently harder games where either the enemy team is significantly better than me or my teammates being fairly bad. It sucks as now I am on losing streak, this I believe is the result of me getting players lowered rank than me in many games however in the same games the enemy getting significantly better players. I feel as the the game is confused on where to place me, I feel as though I should be low plat like plat 4/5 but i am consistently getting players on both ends of the spectrum where they are far lower than me, or far higher than me.
I thought it was just me! 100% agree with everything you said - the unwinnable games, the random bronze/diamond players showing up in gold games and, as a support, the feeling of not having any meaningful impact, and yes quickplay is definitely more fun. Yesterday I even had a team that lost 5v4 - totally unwinnable despite an early dc on enemy team. Broken matchmaking. You put into words everything I was thinking but thought I must be imagining it.
As soon as I hit Gold 4 I started getting matched against really good teams allot, and when I De-ranked back down to Silver I would start going on win streaks till Gold 4 again.
On support i noticed that both teams get like a one skilled player. I use it to my advantage so i try to pocket him, so he can snowball the game. This strat gave me like 7:2-3 win ratio.
i'm currently in plat in all roles with 30-50 wins area.. and i feel like i have to really earn any movement up but then i get plats on my team that have the game sense of like bronze/silver they genuinely are clueless and then i look at the characters they're playing and they have low win percentage low healing over 10 mins, or low damage over 10 mins etc and i just wonder how they got to plat with how much i had to struggle with doing consistent good games over and over and over. i also 100% agree, about 1/20 games are very close then the rest are just steam rolls on one side or the other
I'm low Diamond and in this season in most of my games I have gold teammates. My win rate was 60% and is down to 40% now.
Alot of people are complaining about how it takes 7 games to see their rank adjust but they're missing the point that your real rank is actually your MMR. And this MMR based matchmaking actually forces people to stay at the same rank.
I can say from personal experience I was stuck in plat from season 14 to 22, I made a Smurf got placed in masters and have remained in masters for 2 yrs now.
This ranked system is rigged and mirrors gambling addiction. The reality is the longer it takes you to climb, the less likely you will actually climb and the system will start working to keep you where you are so you'll play more.
IMO we should be able to see our sr and your true rank should be whatever your current rank is. If you are 500sr then you are 500sr and should be up against other players between 0-1000sr. Not "X player is 500sr but secretly we think he's 4500mmr".
This is why this game is gonna die. I had the same experience in overwatch 1 where I got stuck in silver and every time I got to the point where I was 1 or 2 games away from gold, I would be put on a forced loss streak with potatoes for teammates. I finally made it to gold and voila, the games were much more fair and I climbed all the way to mid gold. After that I stopped playing cuz it was obvious how rigged it was. It's the same reason why I've stopped playing OW2 cuz the comp system is somehow even worse
I literally versed a 5 stack 3 games in a row, 1 game we hard stomped them and the other two we got hard stomped. Same players, just different dps on our team every game... This MMR thing is killing me man I can't get back to my rank and feel like I have no impact exactly as you said it. If I try hard or do the minimum the same results will happen. So frustrating
So as a plat 3 i was playing against diamonds and masters constantly, my dps teammates were silvers most of the time. Went on a loosing streak 8 games in a row. Got good teammates next round and steamrolled their (enemy) diamond tank and dps. I hate this Matchmaking so much
The reason why they put a 5 rank lower or higher in a lobby is to force a 50% win rate on everyone whether it’s that one person losing because they are in higher lobby or making the other team losing because the other team has a high rank
Got into a march where i was the only one on my team getting kills on a hero i don't play
Finally a streamer who’s not a blizzard shill saying “oh it’s just your mmr” dog I’m GM in every role and I have plat 5s and gold 1s on my team while the entire enemy team is masters across the board. It’s so rigged it’s insane. Game is garbage
One of my accounts is gold 4 and another account is masters 3 with the same winrate, playing the same heroes with similar stats, almost the same amount of games won, etc
When i started to play ranked for the first time with no rank of my own i was put into a match with silver and gold ranked ones. First i took it as a compliment till we got totally obliterated. Then it went on and on and i started to realize that it actually way a matchmaking error.
im a master tank since overwatch 1 so i know when theres a player that is lagging behind and it sucks like how did this guy hit master but in overwatch 1 couldnt even stay in plat he was gold the entire time in ow1 so im like wtf did he get boosted or was ow matchmaking helping him get carried
Yea Idk how some players got boosted this much
I was never really a competitive player in OW1 but decided to try to start in OW2, im a fairly experienced support main and I do well. Currently Gold 1, just lost 7 matches in a row because of the team diff. I literally had to sit back and watch my teammates to see wtf was going on, the skill diff was INSANE. I had a junk on my team that was 3 - 20. Rein on the enemy team was 40 - 2. Like bronze going against GM. Like WHAT?!??? I had to close the game. I don’t think I’ll be playing anymore until this matchmaking issue is fixed.
As a bronze support player when I heal that I have more heals than enemy team combined, I get yelled at for not healing or still lose game.
Agree !!!! I had a game where I deal 20k dmg on Soldier while the other dps just had 5k , I absolutely dominated the game but my team just sucked
Thank god someone else has been noticing, I've been high masters since season 1-5 got GM in season 6 and was really happy. It was so hard to climb in ow1, once you got 3.9 you could immediately tell the skill difference shift, and it was even noticeable once you got into 4.1 and once you got close to 4.3 it was just unbelievable. But now in OW2 there's none of that, I'm officially done with the game as of 2 days ago and I will come back once the game fixes the match making and has a hard reset in MMR, It's beyond me why they didn't reset anything knowing people abused double shield and a dead season, I'm sure some people deserved to climb since this game is different but I had a kiriko who was stuck low diamond/plat for multiple seasons and now got their peak to top 24 in support, like what the fuck blizzard
As an unranked player, I hate the matchmaking. I just started overwatch a couple months ago so I'm not that good and because of that, I usually play quick play, so when the matchmaking is bad, it doesn't matter.
But when I do play competitive, I'm always with like silver-diamond players and I always get flamed by my team too. It's really annoying always losing games.
The matchmaker in overwatch 2 is genuinely the worst competitive matchmaker ive ever used, me and my friend played comp for ab 5 hours and every game was either us completely annihilating the other team or us getting completely destroyed. A lot of the games have people on our team that cant carry their own weight. One dps on our team got 7 kills with 6k damage while my friend had 12k damage with 25 kills. If they fix the matchmaker we’d play again but until then we won’t play.
absolutely right. got stuck in bronze on my main account because i kept getting matched with players who would absolutely stomp my team no matter what we did. And now all of the games i get into are with trolls or players that have obviously been playing for quite some time. But what is the whole point of having to choose your role before you queue if players are still not matched by skill level? shouldnt tanks that queue into games be put into games with other tanks the same skill level?? apparently not because i got into a game wherre our reinhardt stayed and did our job as he was supposed to but the enemy dva was straight up staying in the back and letting his dps and healers die by themselves, so we obviously won. The game is literally unfun right now and im going to honestly put it away until they fix the game. unbelievable.
As a plat support player there are a lot of games where my dps and tank are clearly not as skilled as the enemy. I don't know if the ranks are equal but the match tends to be a stomp one way or the other.
When I duo or stack with others we start winning lots of games. Matchmaking is so weird and clearly not functioning correctly.
I start tracking my games after they talk about the 50/50 wins rate and I noticed that after I got 7-4 then 7-2 I got huge lose streak for 18 games and all these games were unbalanced and one sided. Then I got 7-2 then 7-2 I got the same thing where I got 15 games losing were games was totally unbalanced and one sided again. That’s really frustrating and not worth grinding at all
In ow1 i sat at 3600-3800 rating from s1-5 then i stopped playing, i played valorant and sat asc3-immo2 came back to ow2 first season i played 250 games dps with plat 2 peak and in the first day of season 2 i managed to climb to diamond 1 in 1 day? this game man wtf.
I hate how they give me lowest lvl teammates and they give the enemy team people who are garandmster or daimond who are too good at the game
March 29 2023, happens less often but still happens to have bronze/silver teams against gold/plat. I don't understand why and how the hell this matchmaking algorithm could be this bad to let this happens. I think it has something to do with placement matches or this hidden mmr cumulate score when players play unranked and did well and sudently return to playing rank..
I agree. The matchmaking is frustrating bc the gameplay itself is fun, but matches seem so imbalanced that even a GM player playing at a low rank might not be able to carry. At the same time, this should be no excuse to flame/blame low ranked players that are placed on your team, as it's the fault of the matchmaking, not the individual.
I completely Agree, I am a currently ranked low silver, tank and healer, I used to be platinum in ow1, but the game feels I belong in silver now. I frequent Platinum lobbies, and when I'm actually in Silver lobbies, I get accused of hacking, smurfing, reported etc. If the game wants me in platinum, then instead of keeping my rank in silver after 5 wins in a row, raise my rank.
So, my comment is this. The problem with this type of matchmaking is that, even if you were to test a hypothesis or model for MM, there needs to be some form of structure. My issue so far, as a mid masters player, is this: suppose I queue as DPS, and both teams have exactly 1 masters player, and 4 plat players. If the other team gets a Master's Tank, it becomes twice as hard for me to win. Tanks in this game have double the power budget.
I’ve been having this issue too and it’s frustrating. It’s not fair to anyone whether they are low or high
Overwatch is a game where if I get 48 kills as a DPS, the game is going to expect me to get 48 kills as Tank or Support, and the win/loss ratio is so predictable.
Bro I constantly get a lot of damage and a lot of kills but we lose I always question myself did I do something wrong turn out blizzard can’t do matchmaking
This happens a lot especially in my quick play games. I'll have an ok team and all but the game decides that I should be with a support who just started the game yesterday and now all the healing and support is on me. And when your entire team just marches straight into the enemy you can't do much yourself
It would be so much better if, at the very minimum they would stop treating the roles as interchangeable. I will have matches were the enemy has a masters tank and mine is low diamond and it can feel hope less.
It should be at least both team has master tanks, diamond dps, and high master supports, or something along that line. Because the way it’s setup right now, it will give the enemy a master tank and you a master support and treat it as fair.
Dont worry the cash shop is working well.
Im gold and comonly face diaomnd and up and in qp ccant learn any char because everyones sweaty and i face gms and top 500 where am i suppose to play to learn heros i cant learn against ppl so much better we get rolled , every game is either getting rolled or rolling them and tbats not fun and cant learn anything that way on top of getting put in losers bracket whete the game is trying to make you loose by giving one team significantly worse ppl. On consol ximming is so common and other cheats, that or you get a doom throwing , im also at wits end with it i love ow2 but i cant learn any heros with this bad matchmaking and cheaters , the game is stressful and bs so no fun if they dont fix it soon i wont be playing ever again
As a support, the matchmaking has felt absolutely awful. Every game has been one sided, be it in my favour or the opposition's favour. Ranked down 2 entire tiers from S1->S2 but worked my way back up after 14 wins, and now my lobbies are either all plat OR all high masters/GM. Comp has stopped being enjoyable, but the matchmaking in S1 was also awful. I'm at my limits, games aren't enjoyable, I like taking a 50/50 game and turning it into a win - I haven't had a push match last longer than 5 minutes, I haven't had a single game where you get past first point on either attack or defence. I don't feel like I'm playing the game, it feels like you're queueing up, spending 5 minutes either stomping or being held in spawn, and then "going again". I was fortunate enough to be in a game where everyone had a public profile - my team all high plat/low dia, the other team all masters/gm - fair? No.
Blizzard made the match making so much worse in OW2. It’s so disappointing that even quick play is broken. I am a low level gold dps player and my wife is a low level bronze healer. We duo que, and I try to play healer so I encourage my wife to play more dps because she always plays healer. Note, I never played healer or tank on this account and it only has 23 hours on it in total.
We got into a game with a 3890 tank who curb stomped our team with ball. It was so bad, my wife stopped playing the game because no one could even leave our spawn. I checked the stats and for the people I could check, our team, was either bronze or silver. How is it possible for a high level Masters player, almost GM to be in our quick play lobby ? It makes no sense.
Match making for me is miserable, it either is my team steam rolling the other team or the other team steam rolling my team. There might be 1 out of 10 games where our levels are close and we have an intensely close game, but that is the exception and not the rule.
Mid gold player here, or at least I used to be mid gold until the matchmaker suddenly decided to put me down in bronze. It very common that 1 or 2 of the dps in the match is heavily outperforming the rest of the dps. Sometimes it’s 1 dps with about a quarter of the damage and elims as the other 3. These people clearly belong in a different rank. Right now the matchmaker feels complete trash. I used to play every day, now I play once a week. And yeah 9 games out of 10 are stomps
Most of my games if I’m not healer, the healers are either not healing and instead trying to kill the enemies, or just go in by themselves and die. I rarely get extremely good healers that never die and can keep me alive. Dps is 50/50 chance they get rolled or they do the rolling. Tanks are the same way, either one is gonna play Rein and never put his shield up or play Winston against bastion, and never put his shield up while the enemy team has a stable team, the healers never die, the Dps always wrecks my team and the tank never dies no matter who we play on my team
I just had the worst experience playing OW recently. I'm a plat tank played against a master tank. I was losing so hard, everyone in the team kept blaming me for tank diff and I know it is true, I just don't belong there.
Even worse is the way they rank your “value” as support.
I played as a 4 stack with a bunch of guys. We rolled so hard. We went from bronze 4 to silver 1 in 2 days. We won 14 games in a straight row. Lost one and then won 10 more all comp.
We then started getting some harder games. We couldn’t all get on at the same time. We lost a few together. We lost a few apart. We generally lost more or less the same amount of games give or take a few
The two DPS players finally got their 7 win adjustment and they went into gold 5. The tank got his adjustment and went to gold. Both supports got our adjustment and went down to silver 2. Then I went down to silver 3.
I’m not playing any worse than them at all. I’m just focusing keeping the tank up and hitting suzus. I see loads of videos saying to go for more aggressive support play so I do but as soon as I start throwing knives people die. Then I flex bap and start hitting damage and now we can’t deal with the antis or sleeps so it’s like I’m locked to kiriko which is fine but the winning value comes from keeping everyone alive and putting intimidation damage through different paths so people funnel through the main choke instead. I’ll go off to get a pick. Take out a reaper and a mercy. Turn around and the tanks dead. I’ll heal the tank and the reaper will fade away and he won’t die and we done how end up back in a 4v5 then a 3v5. Also I’m constantly being pulled out of position to heal a tank or dps who’s going to die but end up getting melted when I get there.
It’s insanely frustrating that I can’t just get teams who play weird positioning spread all over and who don’t get kills when you heal and don’t sustain when you go offensive
And if you get a game where your tank is so far ahead no one can support them, one DPS is on a constant flank spamming heals from miles away and you have may, mercy, junkrat, rein trying to deal with a phara mercy but who want healing constantly when you flex to bap to deal with it, it’s your SR that gets hit hard. Damage I swear doesn’t get deranked as quickly
Here's the experience I have been having lately, so on my main account, which had OW1, I just had around a 140 hrs total playtime on it during season 1, however I was hard stuck bronze since I was absolute gobshiite back then, so I left and only retuurned 6 years later in OW2. I mainly play unranked but I admit my overall gameplay has improved significantly due to my experience with other competitive shooters. I am almost always matched against players with Master Challnger and Grand Master Challenger titles in unranked matches. How is this possible? I have created an alt account purely for playing/practicing OW2 comp, however in that account, after steamrolling/hard carrying my 1st few games, I have been matching against Diamonds and Masters, whereas I am not even plat yet.
Matchmaking in OW2 is the worst i have seen
Bruh this game hates my wins streaks. I’m a gold- plat player and as soon as I win 2 games next game, masters, grandmaster, top 500 like how does that make sense
I’m fairly new to Overwatch. I got silver 1 on support after my first 7 games. I then won 13 in a row, lost twice, won again and it made me gold 1. I then played plat1-diamond 5s consistently and went 5-2 and it kept me in Gold1… the matchmaking is just atrocious.
I also queued damage with 2 friends and played against a top 150 Zenyatta when we are all gold. How does that make sense?!
Im a main-support and it often feels like u really cant do anything. The feeling of helplesness of the support-role comes from the fact, that u are a muliplyer for ur team and if ur team is 0 u cant multiply that, thats why it feels so bad. I mean i have games as ana or lucio, where i have more dps and kills then the dps, even though im mostly healbotting. U have 2-3 jobs as a support and some dps can even do the one thing they exist for... so frustrating.
I have a bigger gripe with the current ranked-system:
OW1 was my first "shooter" and i was aweful. I ranked silver-gold in most seasons. I started playing other shooters over the years and i could tell i have improved alot, yet i just couldnt get past plat. When OW2 droped, i created a new account to play with a friend from the beginning... he ranked bronze-3... i ranked gold-2. I thought, yeah this is about right... but for some reason... after 28 wins my friend was gold-1 and i was suddenly masters-2. LIKE WTF???
After that I switched back to my old account, where all the skins are... and ranked bronze-5 with this account. There arent even words to describe this BS, it feels like ur playing a gacha-game for ur rank. Now i only play Quickplay.
i hit top500 in ow1 and then got stuck in masters/diamond after. I was hardstuck at 3700sr on my alt and about 3000sr on my main, none of them moved, at that point i thought the ranking system couldnt be worse. Now in ow2 i placed diamond 3 and every single game i play with people all the way from gm to gold, for me the way it is now, ranked is 100% unplayable and doesnt have anything to do with competitive gaming anymore. You litteraly get people who grind the game for 3 years and people who maybe havent even played some of the maps before in the same lobbys, beyond trash. This is by far the worst ranked matchmaking ive ever experienced in any game ever, i quit till they fix it.
I play casually, I was plat 2 end of season 1. Season 2 I get dropped to gold 3. I steam roll 5 games in a row in gold. The very next game I have 2 masters players on the enemy team. Every game since has been high diamond low masters... I finally won a few more games and I only jumped to plat 5. BUT! I am still in high diamond low masters games... Oh and even had a top 500 tank on my team. What world does this ever make sense?
OW2 matchmaking is pretty much rigged against good players.
US20200114268A1 - matchmaking and handicapping teams.
US20160001186A1 - Rigging players, teams, ladders.
US10857468B2 - Dynamic difficulty adjustment i.e. hitreg/aimassist.
US20190091581A1 - rigging featuring Overwatch (abandoned).
US20160001182A1 - hidden match scores.
US10322351B2 - inclusion and diversity.
US10561945B2 -teamplay and “player likeability” featuring Overwatch.
US9789406B2 - micro-transactions and pay2win.
every patent blizzard owns
11:04 yeah, that sounds about right
To me, the problem is the hidden MMR. Get rid of it. Competitive mode should be about RANK. Not some hidden rating, which may include your win % or something ridiculous like which skins you own. MMR is a failed experiment, it's the reason it feels like your play doesn't matter. It will adjust to cancel you out all the time. I also think you'll never get good games with 5v5. Too few players, and usually the better tank wins. I wish they had gone 7v7 (and balanced for that of course).
I recently played a game of silver comp with terrible teammates, the dva was a gold 3 or 4 and i told him to change hog after hearing him spewing hate towards hog. He switched and got a team wipe.
I have been saying this for years: Game like Overwatch shouldn't be based on wins and losses in competitive ranking. If SR was distributed based on your performance and THEN on the win/loss it would have been a lot better and no one would complain. You lose but you were clearly the best player on your team...then you lose only a small number of SR so it doesn't pull your rank down. If you won but played like shit you gain only a little bit of SR but if you were involved in most of the kills, won the key fights and was on fire most of the game then you gain twice as much SR.
There you go. You play like shit you go down, you play good you go up. Winning or losing would only push the sr number higher or lower.
The other team was full of high rank people and I was stuck with new players and we had way more deaths then the other team but somehow we still won
Been going on massive winners queues and losers queues lately. Go like 7-3 7-2 then my next 10 matches are unwinnable. I went a combined 21-9 for like 2-3 play sessions and then went 7-19 the next couple after. I play support and i keep jumping 2 or 3 tiers up and down from masters 2 to 5 over and over. It’s super obvious when my teammates are better or worse lately.
OW2 matchmaking is pretty much rigged against good players.
US20200114268A1 - matchmaking and handicapping teams.
US20160001186A1 - Rigging players, teams, ladders.
US10857468B2 - Dynamic difficulty adjustment i.e. hitreg/aimassist.
US20190091581A1 - rigging featuring Overwatch (abandoned).
US20160001182A1 - hidden match scores.
US10322351B2 - inclusion and diversity.
US10561945B2 -teamplay and “player likeability” featuring Overwatch.
US9789406B2 - micro-transactions and pay2win.
every patent blizzard owns
Blizzards idea of a good matchmaker is resetting everyone’s vanity rank back to what it was at the beginning of the previous season and matching them against the same players they were against the day before reset. They said “it’s because we saw that players want a sense of progression.” Yes we want progression but it is the the dumbest thing to think if you reset everyone’s rank that they will want to fight through the same ranks over and over again. It’s like symphyses, bound to forever walking uphill with tremendous pressure. Hopefully since the top players are speaking out they will do something to make it better but I doubt it.
I also thought if I grinded games on my main I could get to a decent rank. 500 games in season 1 and b5 to s4 New account boom! Gold 1 placement.
I feel like they got rid of the end cards and seeing everyone's rank and seeing SR so that way complaints about matchmaking could be explained away instead of being able to definitively say that the widow with 70 kills in a bronze game is just on their way up and not a low diamond player placed in the wrong game.
It’s literally Infuriating… No matter what Role I play, I just feel like I’m Carrying the team. I play Tank, Most Kills, Most Damage, I get a good healer Once Every two weeks and The moment I die Objectives are taken or Payloads advance on us. Damage? Same thing Except when I’m Not there, We Can’t Make Any Progress or Defend anything Because as soon as I spawn, There’s Death Pointers of teammates all over my screen. Support I don’t mind Either, I actually Really Enjoy Moira, Almost always dropping and avg of 30 kills, 8000+ dmg and 6000+ healing, Endorsed 98% of my games with all roles and It’s Just Exhausting. My death Cams tell it all… Teammates just running to their deaths feeding, Tanks thinking they’re invincible, Poorly placed ultimates, And Everyone on my team seems to shoot like a storm trooper … It would be better if I could play with people genuinely around my skill lvl on either End.
OW2 matchmaking is pretty much rigged against good players.
US20200114268A1 - matchmaking and handicapping teams.
US20160001186A1 - Rigging players, teams, ladders.
US10857468B2 - Dynamic difficulty adjustment i.e. hitreg/aimassist.
US20190091581A1 - rigging featuring Overwatch (abandoned).
US20160001182A1 - hidden match scores.
US10322351B2 - inclusion and diversity.
US10561945B2 -teamplay and “player likeability” featuring Overwatch.
US9789406B2 - micro-transactions and pay2win.
every patent blizzard owns
Quick Play (Unranked) uses your MMR without considering your SR to find matches, so strangely it is more accurate in making fair matches than Ranked Competitive. The rank you are placed at is essentially random. Every time you win or lose, it becomes slightly more accurate. So only after maybe 1000 games will it know where you are "supposed" to be placed. The same thing applies to the other 9 people you are playing with and against. They will only get to their rank after some 1000 games. Obviously, most people don't want to wait that long to figure out where they are placed, so the game gives an "approximate" rank based on performance and whatever other data it uses to arbitrarily assign your rank. The only way they could really fix it would be to make you play 100 games for "placement matches", which none of the players will agree to do. The only way to reduce the randomness of your teammates is to 5 stack every game. Otherwise, you are flipping five consecutive coins every game.
i have 50 hours in the game and have to play vs people who have hundreds and thousands of hours. for some strange reason i tend to lose those games idk. seems likea skill issue.
currently in plat rn i dont usually play dps but it has become so common for the dps of my team that starts off to just be absolutely terrible i have no choice but to take over i tried playing role queue and combined both of my dps teamates had less than 8k in damage while i had 16k as there tank i mean like wtf our soldier 76 couldnt even kill the enemy pharah once not once and she wasnt even moving that crazy either