The funny thing is when you ask them if they are Christian, their reply is, "No, l am a Catholic." They do not seem to know who Jesus is, so they say they aren't a Christian.
@@rosetyner7758Christian usually refers to the man created Protestant faiths. The one true faith founded by Jesus and passed to St Peter is Catholicism. I think Catholics know Jesus quite well .
Amen. Interesting fact: there are Five church organisations today who can trace their history back to the time of Christ. Once the five stand together, the reunification of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit by the authority of God our Father in Heaven will begin. The patriarchal sees, of early Christianity are: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. ❤️🙏
The Catholic Church leads many people away from a genuine faith relationship with Christ. The unbiblical beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church have often given the enemies of Christ opportunity to blaspheme. The Catholic Church is not the church that Jesus Christ established. It is not a church that is based on the teachings of the Apostles (as described in the Book of Acts and the New Testament epistles). While Jesus’ words in Mark 7:9 were directed towards the Pharisees, they accurately describe the Catholic Church, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!” Catholics are not Christians.. They go completely against God's Word in just about everything..
Isn't that between God and that person? I don't always live up to my aspirations to live as I believe God would have me. I get impatient, occasionally say something I regret, lie to avoid a consquence. God still loves me when I fail.
@Lily-wp8ol The only difference between us and them,is that they are in the public and have much more influence on the public,then you and I have. And so I believe that it a difference, between us and them,though we should always watch what we say whether we are an actor or not,you must still realize that each of us has a free will and I think that if someone is going to claim they are a Christian that maybe they should act like it instead of acting like such hypocrites.
El cristianismo es una religión, como lo es la religión musulmana, hebrea o el budismo. El catolicismo forma parte del cristianismo, al igual que los protestanntes. Yo creo que es un error grande pues, el primer paso es saber clasificar las cosas, si no lo haces bien estás construyendo un relato errado desde su base. El problema es que, en UA-cam, con frecuencia, cualquiera habla de cualquier cosa y no tienen el rigor que se precisa para hablar con seriedad del tema. Para quien hizo el vídeo un "cristiano" es un "protestannte". Ahí. Está el error.
The official date of the division of the United Christian Church into the Catholic and Orthodox Churches is considered to be 1054. The Protestant Church arose in the 1550s...
I had always been under the impression that Catholics fell under the Christian umbrella like Baptists, Protestants, Methodists, etc...I was surprised to see it listed as separate. I have always known some Faiths were classified differently.No judgement, I was raised Christian, but test out as being 85% Buddhist.
@@chab1rd155There were no Catholics in early Christianity, and even more so under Christ and his disciples, there was a United Christian Church, there is no need to invent fairy tales and write deception. Look at the sources, there are clear dates for the emergence of the Catholic Church and this is 1054, the popes were the heads of the Western Christian Church long before the schism and division into the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Your education is bad, I already learned this in the 1st year of university in 1054
Just based on the movies they chose to appear in, I see only a small percentage here who actually live their faith. Jim Caviezel, Gary Sinice, Neal McDonough, James Woods, James Earl Jones, and a few others are stunning examples of devout Christians.
I posted the same,most of them,aren’t practicing,their faith,seeing ,some of the movies where are racy , I have seen. Most of them , have cheated ,and married a lot . Neal Mc donough is the only who practice his faith,he won’t touch his lips on another actress. Candace and Kirk are Xians ,but still do love scenes,but not racy .
@@CarolynA-726 depends on what one says devout. The teachings box Jesus should be 100% and not cherry picked. Do they read the bible everyday,go to do church. I go twice a week. Which so many of them forget.
I have to question many if these. They may call themselves Christians but the roles they take and the way they live their lives bring it into question for me.
It says in the bible, Jesus said: "You will know them by their fruit" which means, what are they producing, good fruit or bad fruit and most of them are producing bad fruit, which would mean they are not a born again Christian that Paul speaks of in the bible. Like Kevin Hart claims to be a Christian and he has a comedy routine that his XXXXX rated, same with OJ Simpson claiming he was a Christian. Yeah, okay.
Will Smith ¿Christian? The Puff Daddy best friend. The one that know everything about these "special parties" where horrible things happened? He's not a good person.
Amen to that. As I mentioned above, Kevin Hart claims to be a Christian, along with OJ. Simpson? Kevin has an XXXX rated comedy routine and well, we know about O.J.'s past.
Puede llevar a confusion el hecho de que los autores de este video califican a algunos como "cristianos" y a otros como "católicos", provocando un error, a mi criterio, porque el católico forma parte del cristianismo. La clasificacion que hacen los youtubers estos induce a error puesto que parece diferenciar a cristianos de católicos. Lo que deberian hacer, ya que se embarcaron en la tarea de hacer este tipo de informes es averiguar, wn aquellos actores que se identifican como "cristianos", a qué doctrina, iglesia o qué, dentro del vasti mundo del cristianismo, pertenecen. Yo creo, sin duda, que por "cristianos", ellos identifican a protestantes, eso es claro. Pero no se sabe a qué grupo protestante pertenecen. Error grave diferenciar "católicos" - "cristianos". Es como decir Frank Sinatra era de New Jersey y Bing Crosby era de USA.
Put God first in all things, Love God and others as yourself. Believe Jesus died for your sins and accept him as your saviour with all your heart, mind and soul giving you a personal relationship with God and you are a Christian. When it comes to God the labels we put on how we do that don't matter, there are no specific, sections in heaven. Just as sitting in a church doesn't make you any more Christian than sitting in a garage makes you a car. God knows all our hearts.
I'm sorry but you should put either Catholic or Orthodox or Protestant or Evangelical. Being a member of a church of having parents belonging to a church doesn't make someone a Christian.
Entiendo que Cristiano es Bautizado y eso es Católico. No sé como actuarán las demás religiones. El bautismo es al sagrado, muy importante en el catolicismo, es la base fundamental, ahí empieza el recorrido de la Fe cristiana. ❤
Some of these are converts . Hanks to Greek Orthodox. Several to Catholic. By marriage and for unity for kids. And some are just wrong. All the Baldwins were raised Catholic.
Hu - I love David White, I LOVE Him I LOVE Him so much. Thank you David. A real Christian. Thank you lord, that you allowed me to praise you. Thank you LORD - I AM a real CHRISTIAN!!!!
Cool to see the distinction between Roman Rite Catholics and Catholics I am not sure what the difference is, to be honest. I assume all Catholics pray the Rosary. ❤
Any prayers through the rosary are falling on deaf ears. there is only one mediator between God and man and that is the Lord Jesus Christ so Catholics get rid of your rosaries.
@Boozoobajou1 We don't have to tell each other how to pray. We just do it the immaculate heart of Mary will Triumph. Reflect the mercy that has been given to you. Do you remember A Scanner Darkly? This was a very good movie that reflected how war profiteering drifts from Manichean Heresy (far right wing politics) to Albigensian Heresy (far left wing politics) as some people falsely express their faith through their 'political narrative'. For some people their faith is the 'drug' they use to express their hatred and this should have never happened. It appears the U.S. Democrats and the U.S. Republicans have been War Profiteering since they assassinated JFK on November 22, 1963. I am reminded of G. K. Chesterton: A horrible suspicion that has sometimes haunted me is that the Conservative and the Progressive are secretly in partnership. That the quarrel they keep up in public is a put-up job, and that the way they perpetually play into each other's hands is not an everlasting coincidence. -- G. K. Chesterton ❤ Saint Augustine of Hippo's Confessions were truly a Confession Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions seemed more bragging than confessing. C.S. Lewis - 'Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.' ❤ If Isaiah really wrote from Israel before the Exile (739-681 BC), then he would have predicted King Cyrus by name-over two hundred years in advance! Tesla once said, "If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." Replace hatred with chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility and light up the world for our Lord. This is what authentic generosity is all about. "If your chastity could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." "If your temperance could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." "If your charity could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." "If your diligence could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." "If your patience could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." "If your kindness could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." "If your humility could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." Reflect the mercy that has been given to you. ❤
@@DarrylRaymondLerette-g2q Catholics often pray the rosary to make a request to God. The only request God listens to is through the Lord Jesus Christ. John 14:6 - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” 1 Timothy 2:5 states, "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus". Get rid of those pagan rosary beads God will NOT listen to you unless you do.
@@DarrylRaymondLerette-g2q I quoted passages in the Bible to show God only listens to prayers via Lord Jesus Christ UA-cam doesn't like facts and removed them.
Well Arnold Schwarzenegger is on this list and while he may have been brought up catholic and while I might be a fan of many of his movies he's made statements which make it clear he's not a believer. Not to mention him also being an adulterer though of course it's not my place to look down on and judge him . At least his daughter is married to Chris Pratt, who is as far as I'm aware a descent Christian dude/guy.
Serious number of Protestants on this list, I’m a British Protestant & am aware that our US friends use the term Christian to classify all the Protestant groups. Even though Catholics are Christian as well. The USA still by far the biggest Protestant nation in the world..
Tells me nothing. It's like telling me 'these are humans in Hollywood'. What's it about them that exemplifies their faith? Except for Denzel and probably Mel, nothing about faith here. How do you even qualify Samuel L. Jackson as Christian?
@@MarilynRyan-o3u I agree, as a former Catholic, I never opened a bible or cared about the Word of God as a Catholic so how could I say I was a Christian..aka " A follower of Christ" when I didn't even know Christ
Bueno, no soy experto, ni mucho menos, pero voy a dar mi opinión, que no es académica en absoluto. Así que, tómalo como una opinión de buena voluntad. (No es para presentarla en una tesis,obvio). Yo entiendo cómo "cristianismo", una religión que se basa en las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, las cuales aparecen en La Biblia, Nuevo testamento. Incluye los 4 evangelios, San Pablo y sus epístolas, y el Apocalipsis. Cuando allá por el siglo XV, Martín Lutero produjo el Cisma, el Cristianismo se dividió en Protestantes y Católicos. Los católicos se mantenían junto al Vaticano y el Papa como su principal autoridad. Luego dentro del catolicismo, a raíz del problema de Enrique VIII, Inglaterra se separó del Vaticano, el rey de Inglaterra se transformó en Jefe de la iglesia que pasó a llamarse "anglicana". Por su parte, en la rama "protestante", una gran cantidad de diferentes creencias surgieron: evangélicos, son los más conocidos. Todos esos grupos, muy numerosos en EEUU, Alemania, etc., están obviamente, separados del Vaticano y NO tienen al Papá como Jefe. En el Reino Unido, por ej. es muy interesante ver como, los ingleses son (los creyentes, claro), anglicanos,y el Rey Carlos es su máxima autoridad. En Irlanda, son católicos y obedecen al Papá. En Escocia, son protestantes. En sintesis, el catolicismo es una rama dentro del cristianismo, al igual que el protestantismo (evangelistas, luteranos, calvinistas.). No sé en qué categoría entran, los Testigos de Jehová, los científicos cristianos. Son obviamente cristianos, creen en Jesucristo, sin duda, pero no se ellos cómo se autoperciben. Bueno, tengo 63 años y apele a mis años en el colegio. Saludos y te reitero, es mi opinión, realizada con buena voluntad y nada más.
Many on that List are Deceased. God Rest Their Souls EVERYONE is Welcome to Come Home to the Catholic Church: The Church Founded by Jesus and handed down to Peter and The Apostles: It has been here over 2,000 years andJesus said, "The gates of Hell will not prevail against it" In other words, though there are human beings in the church who are bad and are sinners like all humans the Catholic Church is truly Home because Jesus is present in the Eucharist. He told us so. John: 6. Come Home and Set Yourself Free for the Kingdom! God Bless all of you. I Am praying for you no matter where you are on your journey through life.
You were taught to believe it was handed down to the apostles, but they were Jews till the day they were martyred for Christ. They never left the area in Israel. You are deceived, but don't bother to tell me I'm wrong. Read the bible and have faith to believe it. Nowhere in it is it mentioned that Peter or any of the apostles ever left Israel or had anything to do with Catholicism.
@carloscrestero8219 Read the early Church Fathers and you will find that the early church believed and practiced Catholic teachings. Yes, we do have a bad pope right now. He has excommunicated himself even if he was validly elected which is questionable, however if you read the Catechism and studied the actual teachings of the faith, you would find truth.
We are all Christians, be it a Catholic or Protestant. The main thing is...we should be practicing Christians, ambassadors of Christ. Take care and God bless you all.
Whose idea was this? Trying to give people the impression that Hollywood is not as bad as it is? It is too late to attempt to change peoples minds on that issue. The majority of people know the truth.
So, in other words, they are all basically of the Christian faith. Catholics were the first Christians, beginning in the first century AD, and the Protestant sects came later i.e. 1517. If you believe in the Jesus myth, you are a Christian no matter what name is above the door of your church.
I wasn't a Christian when I was a Catholic even though there are people that say I was. Now that I am a born again Christian, I know exactly why I wasn't a Christian as a Catholic.
They will find out who Jesus is at the great white throne judgement Catholicism and other religious cults will find out Christianity is not a religion it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
🎉By what guage do you distinguish who is a christian.A true christian believes in Jesus Christ as their savour not because they were born in a so called Christian country or are members of a certain denomination.Which of these are true believers? Only God really knows!
@celebrittiessdata Accurate identifications should be listed as either Catholic or Protestant, if the latter does not indicate, for example, that the individual is Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, et al. Finally, it is best not to stigmatize Catholics with glaring errors, such as this. "Catholic" or "Protestant" has always been how the US Armed Forces designated chaplains of the two main Christian Faiths of Western Civilizations. +Christ Is Risen+
Cuando yo estudiaba, los maestros y profesores enseñaban, existian en cualquier casa modesta las enciclopedias, los diccionarios.Habia un respeto por el conocimiento. Había un gusto por saber. A todos los que tengan dudas, dudas surgidas por este vídeo, les aconsejo que no tomen estos vídeos como algo digno de ser tomado en serio. Cualquier persona, hoy por hoy, llevado por ese afan de convertirse en un youtuber, ganar plata, se pone a opinar de lo que sea. Algunos saben, les gusta el tema de lo que desarrollan, algunos investigan, pero, lamentablemente, un enorme porcentaje,.hace vídeos con poco o nada de rigor en cuanto a lo que se dice. Por tanto,no le den asidero a la informacion que surge de estos sitios. Acudan a un viejo libro, una vieja enciclopedia, un polvorientos diccionario, o tambien, por qué no, a un viejo y polvoriento profesor. Pero, lamentablemente, la información que sale de estas plataformas, es muy .poco confiable. Pero no se queden con las dudas. Al fin de cuentas, el video sirvio para pensar en algo que mucha gente, daba por sentado.
Many of the actors who are classified as Christian or Catholic are questionable. Arnold has denied God,Paciino is Catholic only in title, definitely not in practice. That listing is very suspect.
Dont forget that Catholics also believe in Jesus . They are Christians,too.
It should have read "Protestants" if they did not mean Catholics.
They're not born again.
The funny thing is when you ask them if they are Christian, their reply is, "No, l am a Catholic." They do not seem to know who Jesus is, so they say they aren't a Christian.
@@rosetyner7758Christian usually refers to the man created Protestant faiths. The one true faith founded by Jesus and passed to St Peter is Catholicism. I think Catholics know Jesus quite well .
@@rosetyner7758not all of us would say that
In case you do not know we Catholics are Christians too..the Protestants are divided in several branches..Orthodox are Christians also...
Interesting fact: there are Five church organisations today who can trace their history back to the time of Christ. Once the five stand together, the reunification of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit by the authority of God our Father in Heaven will begin.
The patriarchal sees, of early Christianity are: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. ❤️🙏
Protestants are Not Christians
The Catholic Church leads many people away from a genuine faith relationship with Christ. The unbiblical beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church have often given the enemies of Christ opportunity to blaspheme. The Catholic Church is not the church that Jesus Christ established. It is not a church that is based on the teachings of the Apostles (as described in the Book of Acts and the New Testament epistles). While Jesus’ words in Mark 7:9 were directed towards the Pharisees, they accurately describe the Catholic Church, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!”
Catholics are not Christians.. They go completely against God's Word in just about everything..
Christians do not pray to mother Mary. She is dead like others of her time.
Yes, we Catholics are the OG Christians.
But how many of them actually practice their faith?
Very good question especially with the stuff coming out of Hollyweird.
Isn't that between God and that person? I don't always live up to my aspirations to live as I believe God would have me. I get impatient, occasionally say something I regret, lie to avoid a consquence. God still loves me when I fail.
@@Lily-wp8olExcellent point. What’s the old saying? “The Christian church is a hospital for sinners, not a home for saints.”
@Lily-wp8ol The only difference between us and them,is that they are in the public and have much more influence on the public,then you and I have.
And so I believe that it a difference, between us and them,though we should always watch what we say whether we are an actor or not,you must still realize that each of us has a free will and I think that if someone is going to claim they are a Christian that maybe they should act like it instead of acting like such hypocrites.
How ignorant one can be to separate Catholic from Christian?!
Yes, especially as the the Catholics are the only true Christians!
Not only ignorant, but also arrogant and even a blasphemy. Well, heretics, anyway.
They are different, very different.
Morgan Freeman ?
El cristianismo es una religión, como lo es la religión musulmana, hebrea o el budismo. El catolicismo forma parte del cristianismo, al igual que los protestanntes. Yo creo que es un error grande pues, el primer paso es saber clasificar las cosas, si no lo haces bien estás construyendo un relato errado desde su base. El problema es que, en UA-cam, con frecuencia, cualquiera habla de cualquier cosa y no tienen el rigor que se precisa para hablar con seriedad del tema. Para quien hizo el vídeo un "cristiano" es un "protestannte". Ahí. Está el error.
When did Catholics become separate from Christians?
When they followed a pagan religion
You mean when did Christians become separate from Catholics. ..
Catholicism started with Jesus Christ in 33AD
The official date of the division of the United Christian Church into the Catholic and Orthodox Churches is considered to be 1054. The Protestant Church arose in the 1550s...
I had always been under the impression that Catholics fell under the Christian umbrella like Baptists, Protestants, Methodists, etc...I was surprised to see it listed as separate. I have always known some Faiths were classified differently.No judgement, I was raised Christian, but test out as being 85% Buddhist.
@@chab1rd155There were no Catholics in early Christianity, and even more so under Christ and his disciples, there was a United Christian Church, there is no need to invent fairy tales and write deception. Look at the sources, there are clear dates for the emergence of the Catholic Church and this is 1054, the popes were the heads of the Western Christian Church long before the schism and division into the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Your education is bad, I already learned this in the 1st year of university in 1054
Catholics are a Christian need to say "Catholics and Christians."
Yes it is
Infatti non ha un senso
And what about "Catholic" vs. "Roman Catholic"? I saw one of those near the beginning.
Should be Catholics and Protestants
Still fighting the reformation perhaps???
Just based on the movies they chose to appear in, I see only a small percentage here who actually live their faith. Jim Caviezel, Gary Sinice, Neal McDonough, James Woods, James Earl Jones, and a few others are stunning examples of devout Christians.
@@CarolynA-726 Kirk Cameron also
I posted the same,most of them,aren’t practicing,their faith,seeing ,some of the movies where are racy , I have seen. Most of them ,
have cheated ,and married a lot .
Neal Mc donough is the only who practice his faith,he won’t touch his lips on another actress.
Candace and Kirk are Xians ,but still do love scenes,but not racy .
@@catlover2652 The others I listed are all very devout. And also the guy, Jonathan R who plays Jesus in The Chosen.
@@CarolynA-726 depends on what one says devout. The teachings box Jesus should be 100% and not cherry picked.
Do they read the bible everyday,go to do church.
I go twice a week.
Which so many of them forget.
John Voight was a Catholic, Not Protestant, He took Catholicism serious. Although his Own daughter, Jollie, at one Point took up Atheisism.
John played Pope John Paul II ♥️
I believe Voight is of Czech ancestors, catholics all right.
I thiught he was Catholix too.
There is a huge difference between raised or practising check that out
I have to question many if these. They may call themselves Christians but the roles they take and the way they live their lives bring it into question for me.
It says in the bible, Jesus said: "You will know them by their fruit" which means, what are they producing, good fruit or bad fruit and most of them are producing bad fruit, which would mean they are not a born again Christian that Paul speaks of in the bible. Like Kevin Hart claims to be a Christian and he has a comedy routine that his XXXXX rated, same with OJ Simpson claiming he was a Christian. Yeah, okay.
Will Smith ¿Christian? The Puff Daddy best friend. The one that know everything about these "special parties" where horrible things happened? He's not a good person.
Liam Neeson is Irish not English
He actually comes from My ancestral home.. Ballymena in NI
To add insult to injury!
@@gillsinclair6927He is irish
He's British irish from Northern Ireland, which is a British territory.
@@JM-gu3tx He is irish
Catholics of my generation always said Catholic to differentiate themselves from the Protestants.
Have you ever heard of Henry VIII ?
Esa es la Iglesia Anglicana, cuando el Vaticano lo excomulgó a Enrique VIII y decidió crear su propia iglesia y ser el rey o reina su líder.
I think this list is all wrong. I have seen plenty of videos of these actors and many are not even close to being Christians.
Anyone can CALL themselves Christians BUT
Amen to that. As I mentioned above, Kevin Hart claims to be a Christian, along with OJ. Simpson? Kevin has an XXXX rated comedy routine and well, we know about O.J.'s past.
The perfect GREGORY PECK - Catholic !
To me, these labels mean absolutely NOTHING. By this measure, even Richard Dawkins is a Christian. Give me a break....
Christians I love them I am one I also have respect for other religions and people ❤
If you have questions please look for MCGI Church in your place
Puede llevar a confusion el hecho de que los autores de este video califican a algunos como "cristianos" y a otros como "católicos", provocando un error, a mi criterio, porque el católico forma parte del cristianismo. La clasificacion que hacen los youtubers estos induce a error puesto que parece diferenciar a cristianos de católicos. Lo que deberian hacer, ya que se embarcaron en la tarea de hacer este tipo de informes es averiguar, wn aquellos actores que se identifican como "cristianos", a qué doctrina, iglesia o qué, dentro del vasti mundo del cristianismo, pertenecen. Yo creo, sin duda, que por "cristianos", ellos identifican a protestantes, eso es claro. Pero no se sabe a qué grupo protestante pertenecen. Error grave diferenciar "católicos" - "cristianos". Es como decir Frank Sinatra era de New Jersey y Bing Crosby era de USA.
Put God first in all things, Love God and others as yourself. Believe Jesus died for your sins and accept him as your saviour with all your heart, mind and soul giving you a personal relationship with God and you are a Christian. When it comes to God the labels we put on how we do that don't matter, there are no specific, sections in heaven. Just as sitting in a church doesn't make you any more Christian than sitting in a garage makes you a car. God knows all our hearts.
Amen, and we will ALL stand in front of Him someday soon.
I'm sorry but you should put either Catholic or Orthodox or Protestant or Evangelical. Being a member of a church of having parents belonging to a church doesn't make someone a Christian.
Entiendo que Cristiano
es Bautizado y eso es Católico. No sé como actuarán las demás religiones. El bautismo es al sagrado, muy importante en el catolicismo, es la base fundamental, ahí empieza el recorrido de la Fe cristiana. ❤
Gary COOPER - James CAGNEY - Spencer TRACY : Catholics !
Jew converted to Catholic🇮🇱✝️
That's a big change for you!
Good choice❤✝️
You can hide from your bloodline
This is excellent to see!
Some of these are converts . Hanks to Greek Orthodox. Several to Catholic. By marriage and for unity for kids. And some are just wrong. All the Baldwins were raised Catholic.
Poor Alec: the problem in which he is because of his last film probably haunts him day and night: for Catholics it would definitely do.
Except Steven Baldwin has for years professed to be a Christian.
Loved this. Please add more information about actors and actresses.
Christian? don't you mean Protestant. There seem to be way too many Catholics among the English actors and Liam Neeson is Northern Irish.
Nuance. In the north of Ireland, you can classify yourself as either British or Irish and hold either passport. Liam Neeson is Irish
Cool video
Are they all true Christians who support Christian values? That is a different story........
Amen !!
In french we say : catholiques ou protestants, ou orthodoxes etc.
We say also : Je suis chrétien sans préciser de quelle religion.
They may have grown up that religion doesn't mean that some of them are still practicing it today.
Side note. You didn't mention any Jewish entertainers around half of these on list have since past on.
Hu - I love David White, I LOVE Him I LOVE Him so much. Thank you David. A real Christian. Thank you lord, that you allowed me to praise you. Thank you LORD - I AM a real CHRISTIAN!!!!
Εννοεί Ορθόδοξοι χριστιανοί και παπική εκκλησία?
25th December my birthday🎂 Any wish me
Also that of author Charles Dickens, whose "A Christmas Carol" revived the dying Christmas holiday.
Happy birthday ❤
@@bigverybadtom Thanks my friend 😍
@@bigverybadtom Thanks❤
Discúlpame que recién me enteré. Así que, aunque algo atrasado Feliz Cumpleaños!
Just heard that Denzel got his minister's licence.
Oh Please He Isn’t A Bit More Saved Than A Man In The Moon!! Just Like The Rest Of These Men !!
Cool to see the distinction between Roman Rite Catholics and Catholics I am not sure what the difference is, to be honest. I assume all Catholics pray the Rosary. ❤
Any prayers through the rosary are falling on deaf ears. there is only one mediator between God and man and that is the Lord Jesus Christ so Catholics get rid of your rosaries.
@Boozoobajou1 We don't have to tell each other how to pray. We just do it
the immaculate heart of Mary will Triumph. Reflect the mercy that has been given to you.
Do you remember A Scanner Darkly?
This was a very good movie that reflected how war profiteering drifts from Manichean Heresy (far right
wing politics) to Albigensian Heresy (far left wing politics) as some people falsely express their faith through their 'political narrative'. For some people their faith is the 'drug' they use to express their
hatred and this should have never happened. It appears the U.S. Democrats and the U.S. Republicans have been War Profiteering since they assassinated JFK on November 22, 1963.
I am reminded of G. K. Chesterton: A horrible suspicion that has sometimes haunted me is that the
Conservative and the Progressive are secretly in partnership. That the quarrel they keep up in public is a
put-up job, and that the way they perpetually play into each other's hands is not an everlasting
coincidence. -- G. K. Chesterton ❤
Saint Augustine of Hippo's Confessions were truly a Confession
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions seemed more bragging than confessing.
C.S. Lewis - 'Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.' ❤
If Isaiah really wrote from Israel before the Exile (739-681 BC), then he would have predicted King Cyrus
by name-over two hundred years in advance!
Tesla once said, "If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." Replace
hatred with chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility and light up the
world for our Lord. This is what authentic generosity is all about.
"If your chastity could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world."
"If your temperance could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world."
"If your charity could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world."
"If your diligence could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world."
"If your patience could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world."
"If your kindness could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world."
"If your humility could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world."
Reflect the mercy that has been given to you. ❤
@Boozoobajou1 I'm not sorry to inform you that you are wrong. God hears all prayers, silly.
@@DarrylRaymondLerette-g2q Catholics often pray the rosary to make a request to God.
The only request God listens to is through the Lord Jesus Christ.
John 14:6 - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
1 Timothy 2:5 states, "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus".
Get rid of those pagan rosary beads God will NOT listen to you unless you do.
@@DarrylRaymondLerette-g2q I quoted passages in the Bible to show God only listens to prayers via Lord Jesus Christ UA-cam doesn't like facts and removed them.
Wow...a lot of Catholic Christians! .. .♥
No such thing.
I'm confused isn't Liam Neesan Irish not English
Catholics are Christian…as a Catholic, I focus on Christ more than I did when I was Protestant, more on Christ, a lot less on a preacher
I'd be interested to know how many truly know the Lord.
Well Arnold Schwarzenegger is on this list and while he may have been brought up catholic and while I might be a fan of many of his movies he's made statements which make it clear he's not a believer. Not to mention him also being an adulterer though of course it's not my place to look down on and judge him .
At least his daughter is married to Chris Pratt, who is as far as I'm aware a descent Christian dude/guy.
Serious number of Protestants on this list, I’m a British Protestant & am aware that our US friends use the term Christian to classify all the Protestant groups. Even though Catholics are Christian as well. The USA still by far the biggest Protestant nation in the world..
Tells me nothing. It's like telling me 'these are humans in Hollywood'. What's it about them that exemplifies their faith?
Except for Denzel and probably Mel, nothing about faith here.
How do you even qualify Samuel L. Jackson as Christian?
No there is many differences
@@MarilynRyan-o3u I agree, as a former Catholic, I never opened a bible or cared about the Word of God as a Catholic so how could I say I was a Christian..aka " A follower of Christ" when I didn't even know Christ
@@CottonWoodBlues Amen to that. The RC's just don't understand cause they've been taught their "religion" since birth. Pretty sad.
Some were put here for revolution some revaluation God bless everyone ☄️
Was ist der unterschied catholic und chrıstıan ?
Bueno, no soy experto, ni mucho menos, pero voy a dar mi opinión, que no es académica en absoluto. Así que, tómalo como una opinión de buena voluntad. (No es para presentarla en una tesis,obvio). Yo entiendo cómo "cristianismo", una religión que se basa en las enseñanzas de Jesucristo, las cuales aparecen en La Biblia, Nuevo testamento. Incluye los 4 evangelios, San Pablo y sus epístolas, y el Apocalipsis. Cuando allá por el siglo XV, Martín Lutero produjo el Cisma, el Cristianismo se dividió en Protestantes y Católicos. Los católicos se mantenían junto al Vaticano y el Papa como su principal autoridad. Luego dentro del catolicismo, a raíz del problema de Enrique VIII, Inglaterra se separó del Vaticano, el rey de Inglaterra se transformó en Jefe de la iglesia que pasó a llamarse "anglicana". Por su parte, en la rama "protestante", una gran cantidad de diferentes creencias surgieron: evangélicos, son los más conocidos. Todos esos grupos, muy numerosos en EEUU, Alemania, etc., están obviamente, separados del Vaticano y NO tienen al Papá como Jefe. En el Reino Unido, por ej. es muy interesante ver como, los ingleses son (los creyentes, claro), anglicanos,y el Rey Carlos es su máxima autoridad. En Irlanda, son católicos y obedecen al Papá. En Escocia, son protestantes. En sintesis, el catolicismo es una rama dentro del cristianismo, al igual que el protestantismo (evangelistas, luteranos, calvinistas.). No sé en qué categoría entran, los Testigos de Jehová, los científicos cristianos. Son obviamente cristianos, creen en Jesucristo, sin duda, pero no se ellos cómo se autoperciben. Bueno, tengo 63 años y apele a mis años en el colegio. Saludos y te reitero, es mi opinión, realizada con buena voluntad y nada más.
Sei stato bravo, quindi sei promosso.
All Catholics are Christians but not all Christians are Catholic.
Interesting, but why not show them in alphabetical order?
I would have guessed many of these actors Jewish.
I don’t believe all of these actors are serious about their religious affiliation.
Actually Liam Neeson is British not Irish or English. He was born in Northern Ireland which is part of Great Britain. Although his ancestry is Irish.
No, he's Irish.
@@orlab4459 Anyway, h is ancestors are Catholic so he was raised as one.
Many on that List are Deceased. God Rest Their Souls EVERYONE is Welcome to Come Home to the Catholic Church: The Church Founded by Jesus and handed down to Peter and The Apostles: It has been here over 2,000 years andJesus said, "The gates of Hell will not prevail against it" In other words, though there are human beings in the church who are bad and are sinners like all humans the Catholic Church is truly Home because Jesus is present in the Eucharist. He told us so. John: 6. Come Home and Set Yourself Free for the Kingdom! God Bless all of you. I Am praying for you no matter where you are on your journey through life.
Jesus was the Rock on which the Church was built, the cornerstone to be the foundation anchor for the church
You were taught to believe it was handed down to the apostles, but they were Jews till the day they were martyred for Christ. They never left the area in Israel. You are deceived, but don't bother to tell me I'm wrong. Read the bible and have faith to believe it. Nowhere in it is it mentioned that Peter or any of the apostles ever left Israel or had anything to do with Catholicism.
@@ch1766 you are the one who is deceived by a lack of understanding. To know history is to be Catholic.
This should be retitled to “200 Souls In Need Of Repentance”. “By their fruits you shall know them”.
Well said.
Biblia que surge del Vaticano
The authority over the Catholic Church is Jesus.
Read the early Church Fathers and you will find that the early church believed and practiced Catholic teachings.
Yes, we do have a bad pope right now. He has excommunicated himself even if he was validly elected which is questionable, however if you read the Catechism and studied the actual teachings of the faith, you would find truth.
You are still catholic.. by the way, who do you think .. did you know the first Bible to be printed was Catholic?
Praise the lord, for all believer's, Amen!
We are all Christians, be it a Catholic or Protestant. The main thing is...we should be practicing Christians, ambassadors of Christ. Take care and God bless you all.
I love Catholic actors
Thank you, JESUS!
Why include the deceased?😮
Unless he had a transformation Jack Nocholson is an arhiest or at least agnostic
OJ Simpson, Christian? This has to be a bad joke.
Idiot, O.J. Simpson Was married to Catholicism.
Liam Neeson is Irish. Not English
Another meaningless video. I always thought catholics are Christian but this video says no.
Read your Bible and know the Truth
@@Ru-bl7wm Amen. One of the few in this comment section that actually knows the Truth.
@ and your point is?????🤷♀️
Tom Hanks ?!? Are you effing kidding?
About 80% o them that claim to be Christians never opened a bible in their lives or followed anything that Jesus says in it.
6:05 😂are you bleeping kidding me!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Plus 7:16 ain't Ricky Martin a homosexual
Everyone is a christian now just a word now,in those days I will say I never new you
Christian ❤
Liam Neeson is not English, he is Irish. He was born in Northern Ireland- that is a big difference.
Tom Hanks ¿Greek Ortodoxo Christian? 😅😅 And Puff Daddy is his pastor 😅
Please!!! 😅😅
He was raised a Catholic (his ancestors come from the Açores, Portugal) but then to marry his wife he converted to Greek Orthodox Chrishianism.
With all the crap that comes out of Hollywood these days who would have thought so many Christian/Catholics would still work there.
Ricky Martin 😅😅😅
Con eso le arrebataron toda la seriedad de este video 🤣🤣🤣
There’s only one way to get to the heaven that thru Jesus Christ, Amen
Whose idea was this? Trying to give people the impression that Hollywood is not as bad as it is? It is too late to attempt to change peoples minds on that issue. The majority of people know the truth.
Wrong! Christopher Lee was an Anglican (Church of England)
My same thought protestants are not mentioned pacifically but Catholics are?
So, in other words, they are all basically of the Christian faith. Catholics were the first Christians, beginning in the first century AD, and the Protestant sects came later i.e. 1517. If you believe in the Jesus myth, you are a Christian no matter what name is above the door of your church.
Christian Science, Christian? Dubious
Tom Hanks?
Saying you’re Christian and actually being a follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth are two different things.
They always say "I'm a Catholic. " Never a Christian.
I wasn't a Christian when I was a Catholic even though there are people that say I was. Now that I am a born again Christian, I know exactly why I wasn't a Christian as a Catholic.
@@CottonWoodBluesAll practicing Catholics are Christians but not all practicing Christians are Catholic!
When did christians become separated from the catholic church. Pau.
Washington was recently received Christ through baptism within the Church of God in Christ 🙏🏿
I myself am a Proud Atheist but then again I’m not a male actor.
When did Catholicism leave Christendom? No Eastern Orthodox Christian actors?
Catholics and Christians are the same. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ!!!
Many of those named have passed also.
But yet Catholics think Christians who are not Catholic are lost souls. That does not compute!!
I don't think Ed Harris is a Christian....I hope he is but I have never heard anything about him confessing Christ.
I’m surprised that you call them Christians,when some of them certainly don’t seem to be acting like believers!
They are all baptized ,into a religion,that most of them,haven’t practiced,or never did.
They will find out who Jesus is at the great white throne judgement Catholicism and other religious cults will find out Christianity is not a religion it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Scientology is a cult not Catholicism. Catholics were the first Christians. Now we are all brothers and sisters in Christ! 🙏
Many of these actors are deceased.
Why is Steve Carrel listed as Roman Catholic when others are listed as Catholic?
Que diferencia hay entre católico y cristiano
What’s the difference?
I cattolici credono nel Papa i cristiani protestanti
Crestinismul este unul singur!
🎉By what guage do you distinguish who is a christian.A true christian believes in Jesus Christ as their savour not because they were born in a so called Christian country or are members of a certain denomination.Which of these are true believers? Only God really knows!
@celebrittiessdata Accurate identifications should be listed as either Catholic or Protestant, if the latter does not indicate, for example, that the individual is Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, et al. Finally, it is best not to stigmatize Catholics with glaring errors, such as this. "Catholic" or "Protestant" has always been how the US Armed Forces designated chaplains of the two main Christian Faiths of Western Civilizations. +Christ Is Risen+
Shouldn't this be Catholics vs Protestants?
Cuando yo estudiaba, los maestros y profesores enseñaban, existian en cualquier casa modesta las enciclopedias, los diccionarios.Habia un respeto por el conocimiento. Había un gusto por saber. A todos los que tengan dudas, dudas surgidas por este vídeo, les aconsejo que no tomen estos vídeos como algo digno de ser tomado en serio. Cualquier persona, hoy por hoy, llevado por ese afan de convertirse en un youtuber, ganar plata, se pone a opinar de lo que sea. Algunos saben, les gusta el tema de lo que desarrollan, algunos investigan, pero, lamentablemente, un enorme porcentaje,.hace vídeos con poco o nada de rigor en cuanto a lo que se dice. Por tanto,no le den asidero a la informacion que surge de estos sitios. Acudan a un viejo libro, una vieja enciclopedia, un polvorientos diccionario, o tambien, por qué no, a un viejo y polvoriento profesor. Pero, lamentablemente, la información que sale de estas plataformas, es muy .poco confiable. Pero no se queden con las dudas. Al fin de cuentas, el video sirvio para pensar en algo que mucha gente, daba por sentado.
Many of the actors who are classified as Christian or Catholic are questionable. Arnold has denied God,Paciino is Catholic only in title, definitely not in practice. That listing is very suspect.
Amy Orthodox Chrustian ? ☦️
RusseL brand is catholic