I had about another 60 seconds of that, but decided to cut it a little short. Had I not been talking so much I would have breezed up the hill. Thanks for watching.
😂😂 Thanks Mark. I thought it was expertly timed. Feel cheeky asking but if there's any possibility you could share the video on the Nice work fb page that would be amazing. If I get enough views I'll start vlogging more of your races. No worries if it's not possible.
@@pbrunnerUK We are already on it! Happy to share any race content as you get an awesome runners' perspective that we don't get to see working the race :)
@@TrysilBoy amazing, thank you, that's very exciting for me. In which case I might make an appearance at Ashburnham tomorrow. Just depends on how work goes. Thanks again. Appreciate it.
This is amazing, thanks so much Simon for creating it! We'll give it a share, Rachael
Thank you Rachael. Really appreciated you sharing. I've got Bewl 15 in my plan and might be along tomorrow. GoPro will be in tow.
Walk, don't walk, I've gotta walk.....Just killed me ha ha ha
I had about another 60 seconds of that, but decided to cut it a little short. Had I not been talking so much I would have breezed up the hill. Thanks for watching.
And apologies for the poor passing of the water cup! Great vlog!
😂😂 Thanks Mark. I thought it was expertly timed. Feel cheeky asking but if there's any possibility you could share the video on the Nice work fb page that would be amazing. If I get enough views I'll start vlogging more of your races. No worries if it's not possible.
@@pbrunnerUK We are already on it! Happy to share any race content as you get an awesome runners' perspective that we don't get to see working the race :)
@@TrysilBoy amazing, thank you, that's very exciting for me. In which case I might make an appearance at Ashburnham tomorrow. Just depends on how work goes. Thanks again. Appreciate it.
@@pbrunnerUK More than happy to share! Just out there now so you should get a twitter notification. Hope to see you tomorrow.
Apologies to Mark Dunn for getting his name wrong. I always seem to make at least one error, no matter how many times I check.
It had been a long day and just a brain freeze