Ben & Saanvi | My Blood

  • Опубліковано 2 чер 2023
  • ❝ With all the blood I lost with you
    It drowns the love I thought I knew ❞
    series: Manifest
    couple: Ben & Saanvi
    song: My Blood
    coloring: sunnyvids
    I don't own anything besides the editing.
  • Розваги


  • @bee8027
    @bee8027 Рік тому +639

    i think they have more chemistry than ben x grace

  • @katerinadmt917
    @katerinadmt917 Рік тому +406

    Τhe screenwriters built such a nice relationship to show us a sex scene in a hurry and then not being endgame. Pity. They had so much chemistry.

    • @milipatel3118
      @milipatel3118 Рік тому +19

      Cuz it wouldn't have made sense with the ending but I hate that sm 😭

    • @anamikamalhotra813
      @anamikamalhotra813 Рік тому +19

      Ben and Saanvi had so much potential

    • @aethei8560
      @aethei8560 Рік тому +29

      In my mind, Ben’s ending with Grace wouldn’t last long. 1. He needs to explain to her what happened, including the relationship that he has with Saanvi and would she easily accept it? 2. The lost of Eden and the twins that he last known (the 20 year old Cal and Olives) will hit Ben like a brick, and only Saanvi (and Michaela) will understand. 3. Even at the end, the only person besides Michaela that knows Ben the best is still Saanvi. She went through the exact same thing as him and essentially went through life/death with him. Although it sucks for 2013 Grace because her husband literally changed overnight, but at this point, Grace cannot compete with Saanvi 🥲

    • @aniluamador7184
      @aniluamador7184 Рік тому +1


    • @Gabbythebaker
      @Gabbythebaker Рік тому

      I agree

  • @romyxx07
    @romyxx07 Рік тому +142

    After all the things that they went through they would have deserved a happy ending because their love bond was so real

  • @anamikamalhotra813
    @anamikamalhotra813 Рік тому +49

    The way Grace and Alex had moved on in those five years when Ben and Saanvi had disappeared. I think it would have been better if Ben and Saanvi chose each other this time. I was rooting for them since episode 1 but they messed it up badly. Idk why they went back to their old partners😑

    • @amandxlimx
      @amandxlimx Рік тому +4

      I think that in the end Ben ended up choosing grace because of the children they had, because I'm sure that if they hadn't formed a family, he would have ended up choosing Saanvi.

  • @theladymorgana8657
    @theladymorgana8657 Рік тому +105

    I refuse to accept that they are not endgame😢😢😢😢

  • @katiehobbs96
    @katiehobbs96 Рік тому +92

    I'm a firm believer that Saanvi and Ben are soulmates. Platonic or not, with each other or someone else. No one can change my minds, they are soulmates and no one can change that. They will always have each other.
    Like if they weren't over their exes, then why have sex at all? I loved the idea of Saanvi being bi and Ben accepting that Grace is gone. It would have been way more fulfilling for him to accept it, move on, and then forgive angelina, bc that would've completed his season 4 character arc. I was happy to see Grace back but I just didn't believe that Saanvi loved Alex anymore after being with Ben. And like is Ben gonna tell Grace that he's in love with Saanvi too?

  • @SSG_Gogeta
    @SSG_Gogeta Рік тому +39

    I was screaming at the TV like YESSSSSS FINALLY and then that happens😭. I was like why just put them together already😭.

  • @pembemezarlik1259
    @pembemezarlik1259 Рік тому +71

    they shouldn't have ended up like this 🥹🥹

  • @reneemauricesinger
    @reneemauricesinger Рік тому +227

    I think it would have been better if they'd not told each other they wanted their former partners after having had sex. It turned what was an extremely deep and meaningful relationship into something rushed and frankly, cheap. They should have come to that conclusion when they saw Grace and Alex at the airport and realized that's the way things were meant to be.

    • @jadetunkin7811
      @jadetunkin7811 Рік тому +31

      this would've been a WAAAAAAAAY better ending

    • @crowd_alice
      @crowd_alice Рік тому +10

      That would have been heart breaking for me. Cause if they haven't come back...that meant they would have ended together

    • @Gabbythebaker
      @Gabbythebaker Рік тому

      I agree. That’s hard to say I am never going to get over this person after they had what you said. What do you mean when you said it turned into rushed and cheap?

    • @amandxlimx
      @amandxlimx Рік тому +2

      So true!!!

    • @lilacsky7726
      @lilacsky7726 11 місяців тому

      exactly my thought

  • @samusami7439
    @samusami7439 Рік тому +66

    He never looked at Grace that way! You know when he saw her with Alex he was thinking "Im glad I hit it once".

  • @Never824
    @Never824 Рік тому +7

    They are so good couple. Saanvi is the most beautiful actress in this show.

  • @djuromilovic8251
    @djuromilovic8251 Рік тому +27

    they both deserves better... She was better for him than Grace, and he was better for her than that Doctor lady (forgot her name)..

    • @user-hu7qe3dy1c
      @user-hu7qe3dy1c Рік тому +3

      Alex. And agree!! i’m crying over benvi😭

  • @pilaraguirre7899
    @pilaraguirre7899 Рік тому +10

    how right they are in saying that there are people who are soul mates but are not meant to be together 🥲

  • @disdanny
    @disdanny Рік тому +10

    I literally watched this for these two to hook up.

  • @joycedates2059
    @joycedates2059 Рік тому +65

    How can he say he wasn’t ready live without her then go back to the past and choose stupid Grace. Mihkeal finally learned she wasn’t meant for Jared and went looking for Zeke but him and Sanvi never changed who they ended up with.

    • @bee8027
      @bee8027 Рік тому +8

      Exactly! Though they got a restart, for the passengers everything happened has happened. Things have moved on for the passengers! Just like Mickela knows her true love is Zeke.

    • @abina1094
      @abina1094 6 місяців тому

      So sorry to say that. But how do you say that about Grace. I know the first they’re spoil her character. I can’t imagine to see Ben with more than fusional and friendship. This my opinion. I prefer more Grace and Ben than sanvi Ben.

  • @Mariah_vsfx
    @Mariah_vsfx Рік тому +27

    I was shipping Ben and saanvi since season one just for them not to be endgame!!💔

  • @rorydouglas9142
    @rorydouglas9142 Рік тому +23


  • @hardtoloved
    @hardtoloved Рік тому +17

    they were my endgame

  • @nicolehuangfunluv270
    @nicolehuangfunluv270 Рік тому +8

    Ben and saanvi always and forever ♾️❤

  • @jay.h596
    @jay.h596 Рік тому +20

    I’ve always wanted him with her

  • @manitadhami
    @manitadhami Рік тому +22

    I am imagining what would Ben tell to Grace. He would say that he slept with Saanvi coz grace was dead for him. And he would even say grace slept with Danny coz she thought Ben was dead. Ben actually lived this and Grace would be thinking that was a cheap excuse 😂😂😂

  • @yenni5926
    @yenni5926 Рік тому +24

    Me encanto la escena donde ella estaba por morir y cuanto le dice no estoy listo pa q te vayas 😭

  • @Lunafroyo
    @Lunafroyo Рік тому +66

    Am I supposed to take it as a win that they both love one another but decided to stay with their respective significant others??? Hmm.. idk but I feel like it’s both a blessing and a curse 😭

    • @emmagentelon
      @emmagentelon  Рік тому +18

      They deserved better 😭 I was so sad about the ending

    • @aethei8560
      @aethei8560 Рік тому +3

      A little sad that they made that decision when their significant others were respectively dead and married. So essentially they chose to pine for lost relationships.

    • @Lunafroyo
      @Lunafroyo Рік тому +6

      @@aethei8560 I can understand Ben taking time to get over Grace, but I don’t think he’s unwilling to love again considering his feelings for Saanvi. But Saanvi’s case is just bad and wrong. I don’t even know how their relationship is even justified… because like… why would she go after a married person? Saanvi’s my absolute fave in the whole show but I always hated that she ended up being a “home wrecker” and doesn’t even feel sorry about it… she constantly kept pinning after Alex even though she’s promised to someone else and even had kids if I’m not mistaken???

    • @NightshadeWolf
      @NightshadeWolf Рік тому +5

      It's the curse of the show ending. It would be funny if she went up pregnant and then ben has to tell grace how that happened

  • @milipatel3118
    @milipatel3118 Рік тому +13

    Ive been shipping since s1 only for it to end like this 😭

  • @granatowaa7383
    @granatowaa7383 Рік тому +20

    Ta para to dla mnie endgame! ❤️Zdecydowanie zasłużyli na o wiele lepsze zakończenie niż to co dostaliśmy...dla mnie zawsze mieli więcej chemii razem niż Ben i Grace

    • @user-hu7qe3dy1c
      @user-hu7qe3dy1c Рік тому +4

      totalnie sie zgadzam!! było mi bardzo zal Bena po śmierci Grace bo bardzo ją kochał ale od zawsze wiedziałam ze benvi ma cos w sobie😭 wiec dla mnie wspaniałym widokiem było to jak ben pogodził sie ze śmiercią Grace a on i Saanvi powoli uświadomili sobie ze się kochają i to bardzo. Szczerze mówiąc nie lubie zakończenia, jest troche rozdrapywaniem starych ran i tak jakby cały serial nie do końca się wydarzył. Poza tym czy Grace naprawde bedzie umiała zrozumieć Bena po tym wszystkim? czy w ogóle on jest to opowie? czy ina uwierzy? i czy powie jej ze jest zakochany tez w saanvi? Tak naprawde zakończenie tworzy jeszcze więcej niewiadomych i do w odniesieniu do prawie każdej postaci. Nie mówiąc juz o Saanvi i Alex, które nie mają dla mnie sensu, po 1 Alex dowiodła ze nie zasługuje na Saanvi i nawet jeśli saanvi sofnela sie w czasie pamięta wszystko co sie wydarzyło, wiec ich związek anie troche nie iest taki niewinny, mysle ze ta cała świadomość może być dla niej przytłaczająca będąc z nowu w relacji z Alex. Po 2, ważniejsze, wątpię żeby Saanvi była szalenie zakochana w Alex po byciu z Benem. Myślę że to jego tak naprawdę kocha. Pewne jest dla mnie, że Alex i Grace nigdy nie zrozumieją Saanvi i Bena tak jak oni rozumieją siebie nawzajem, szczególnie po tym jak trafili do świata który nie ma pojęcia o ostatnich 5 latach z ich życia i nigdy ich nie zrozumie. Ja jednak wierze ze Benvi znajdą drogę powrotną do siebie. Razem będą przechodzić przez leczenie Cala i możliwe tez ze pomoc Vance’owi w śledztwie w sprawie zaginionych 11 pasażerów (tak tez odbuduje sie ich przyjaźń z nim). Saanvi w normalnych warunkach normalnego życia na które zawsze zasługiwała przeżyje szczęśliwe miesiące z Alex po czym uświadomi sobie ze to nie jest to i się rozstaną, a jako ze bedzie to w normalnie funkcjonującym świecie Saanvi bedzie mogła w końcu zapomnieć o Alex w zdrowy sposób na zawsze i świadomie. W między czasie odniesie tez duży sukces naukowy itd na co zawsze zasługiwała. Natomiast Ben bedzie mógł szczęśliwie być częścią dorastania i szczęśliwego normalnego dzieciństwa swoich dzieci, jednak on i Grace tez po jakims czasie, moze i kilku latach pokojowo sie rozstaną i podziela opieka nad dziećmi. Grace pozna Dannego, który jest bardzo dobrym człowiekiem i szczerze lubiałam jego i Grace razem bardziej niż Grace i Bena. Ben zaakceptuje cała sytuacje i potraktuje Dannego przyjacielsko mogąc troche odpokutować to jak traktował go w 1 sezonie, bedzie tez wiedział ze nie musi martwić sie o Grace. Po tym wszystkim Ben i Saanvi znów trafia na siebie i uświadomią sobie ze Benvi to endgame od początku.

    • @elisacandy3146
      @elisacandy3146 10 місяців тому


  • @racheleubaldini5912
    @racheleubaldini5912 Рік тому +55

    I loved this show. But I’m a little bit disappointed about the ending…they destroyed everything: Tj and Olive, Saanvi and Ben but also Micaela and Jared 💔 Zeke is awesome but I prefer Mic and Jared

    • @angel.l984
      @angel.l984 Рік тому +3

      couldn't agree more with everything you said. tj & olive, saanvi & ben, michaela & jared were just the better couples PERIOD!

    • @sofiamendessieczkowska256
      @sofiamendessieczkowska256 Рік тому +1

      I agree 100% with you too.

    • @tofunmitoyin-gbede7507
      @tofunmitoyin-gbede7507 Рік тому +1


    • @christa5636
      @christa5636 Рік тому +11

      Agree except I love Mick and Zeke they are literally soulmates

    • @amandxlimx
      @amandxlimx Рік тому +1

      ​@@christa5636yes, 100%

  • @hikariuchiha977
    @hikariuchiha977 11 місяців тому +2

    Omg I just saw this show in Netflix season 1 but I already sensed these 2 would have chemistry and I love slow burn so I'm just gonna pretend the last episode never happened

  • @NightshadeWolf
    @NightshadeWolf Рік тому +21

    Its funny how this happens on shows. Two characters like these two have amazing chemistry and the fans want them together. But the writers or creators puts them with people who the have less chemistry with.

  • @FERB241
    @FERB241 Рік тому +8

    Utterly dreaded that they weren't endgame 🙄💔

  • @katiehobbs96
    @katiehobbs96 Рік тому +5

    On a side note none of the couples I rooted for were endgame. No mick and jared, no olive and TJ (I get that she's a kid again so I understand why they can't be but I loved them so much), and no ben and saanvi. Ugh. I still cried like a baby at the ending 😂😂

  • @galka_me
    @galka_me Рік тому +10

    Thanks for everything my favorite movie couple. Be happy in 2013 but don't forget everything you went through in 2018-2024. Don't forget about your love for each other

    • @rorydouglas9142
      @rorydouglas9142 Рік тому +4

      i have a feeling they'll come back to each other

    • @galka_me
      @galka_me Рік тому +2

      ​​@@rorydouglas9142 I wanna hope so. Ben can't love Grace after everything that's happened

    • @rorydouglas9142
      @rorydouglas9142 Рік тому +4

      @@galka_me tbh she was kind of controlling and didn’t trust Ben

  • @milipatel3118
    @milipatel3118 Рік тому +10

    I didnt like the ending 😭 none of my couples ended up together 🥺🥺

  • @chaldkddd5428
    @chaldkddd5428 Рік тому +4

    Truly thought they’re gonna get together in the finale🥲

  • @yenni5926
    @yenni5926 Рік тому +6

    Y cm la miro al final omg 😭esa expresión creo q fue mejor de q cuanto miraba asu esposa

  • @krisynthiagomez5883
    @krisynthiagomez5883 6 місяців тому

    This is one of the few ships where I feel okay with either a friendship or romance because it’s clear the relationship will be deep and life-long.😊

  • @kayceelew8847
    @kayceelew8847 11 місяців тому +2

    We all robbed😭😭😭

  • @Amigofix
    @Amigofix Рік тому +2

    Im still crying inside

  • @sujata15164
    @sujata15164 Рік тому +2

    Loved Benvi😢

  • @amandxlimx
    @amandxlimx Рік тому +4

    Eles tinham que ter terminado juntos 🥺

  • @eltonrod
    @eltonrod Рік тому +15


  • @MADDIE_the1
    @MADDIE_the1 26 днів тому

    i love saanvi so much

  • @krisgutierrez6721
    @krisgutierrez6721 Рік тому +3

    Saanvi and Ben ❤️

  • @ellebloism4799
    @ellebloism4799 11 місяців тому


  • @upaaktidahraan7730
    @upaaktidahraan7730 9 місяців тому +2

    Okay so can anyone confirm if mick teasing Ben about the perfume was for sanvi like he has a perfume of a girl on him or was it just a casual sibling tease that the brother has put some perfume ? Cause I am really confused but the way Ben blushed looked like it had got atleast something to do with sanviii??

  • @user-jo5hf3jp8p
    @user-jo5hf3jp8p Рік тому +2

    Всегда хотела их пару ❤❤❤
    Желею, что Грейс вернулась

  • @inesmira2350
    @inesmira2350 Рік тому +3

    Im suuuure that eventually Ben and sannavi will end up together ! After all they’ve been through neither grace nor Alex will understand. + at first Grace was a bit of bitch ,selfish and wasn’t understanding at all it’s due to all of what happend with the callings that she became a better person! I think it’s better they will choose to be together rather then being together because they’ve lost their loved ones.

  • @nclp1751
    @nclp1751 Рік тому +2

    they deserved end game

  • @familiaromeropaton407
    @familiaromeropaton407 Рік тому +1


  • @luanalimabrito4912
    @luanalimabrito4912 Рік тому +3

    Odiei o final de manifest só pelo fato deles não ter ficados juntos😭😭😭

  • @user-lw4ty4fh8j
    @user-lw4ty4fh8j Рік тому +1

    I’m mad that he gave up on Grace that fast and he has 3 kids

  • @kiaretta405
    @kiaretta405 2 місяці тому

    Mi fa piacere per i personaggi come Grace e Zeke , ma lei e Ben avevano già problemi prima e con Saanvi erano perfetti

  • @dolphinjice
    @dolphinjice Рік тому +8

    Saavani will get pregnant. 😊

    • @galka_me
      @galka_me Рік тому

      but how? they return to 2013 (the same age) only with new knowledge. or not?

    • @aethei8560
      @aethei8560 Рік тому +9

      @@galka_me Spoiler* They returned to 2013 with their memories intact. Plus, Saanvi still had her gunshot wound so we also know that they returned to 2013 with their same bodies from the year 2024.

    • @galka_me
      @galka_me Рік тому +2

      @@aethei8560 oh thanks. I remember about memories but forgot about the gunshot wound

  • @tessavanlitsenburg5506
    @tessavanlitsenburg5506 11 місяців тому

    IMO they do love eachother but not romantically per see. Like they were platonic soulmates. I quite liked the ending like this

  • @cerysdavis3886
    @cerysdavis3886 Рік тому

    I love Saanvi and Ben they are so cute together they have no chemistry then Ben and Grace they are perfect for each other they are endgame they are soulmates they fancy each other out and is perfect for each other I hate the writers did not put them together

  • @Pariperi
    @Pariperi 2 місяці тому

    Bro wth are these cringy ass lines, “ you might not be my endgame but I’ll always have mad love for you”?? Which normal grownass adult talks like that Jesus 😂 but also I was rooting for these two from day 1. They’re so perfect together and for each other. What a power couple, the math dude and the science girl on a quest for answers. They truly get each other, in a way no one else does cos they’re so similar in thier obsessive and deeply compassionate ways. I loved they way they always have each others back and take care of one another. I’m on S2 but sigh I’m sad they’re not endgame:/ love how they built their relationship and these two had more chemistry than Ben and grace ever did lmao.

  • @aristagne
    @aristagne Рік тому +10

    So Saanvi is confirmed bi?

    • @Lunafroyo
      @Lunafroyo Рік тому +14

      Way back in the beginning of season 2 she admitted to the general on having “feelings” for Ben. So yeah. She was always bi.

    • @aristagne
      @aristagne Рік тому

      @@Lunafroyo Oh, I thought she was just being confused that time and the major is just manipulating her to see her feelings towards ben

    • @Lunafroyo
      @Lunafroyo Рік тому +3

      @@aristagne Nope. She was being 110% about her feelings. She’s always loved Ben.

    • @JedDcosta
      @JedDcosta Рік тому

      @@Lunafroyo would you be able to recall what episode off the top of your head she says this? Thanks

    • @Lunafroyo
      @Lunafroyo Рік тому

      @@JedDcosta episode 1 season 2.