The trick is the manager often doesn't know what the hell to do, that's what they pay random people of the street minimum wage to figure out. Also, Karen expects minimum wage employees to all be teenagers who are also experts in every field that is convenient to her at that moment. I've had customers get angry with me because I couldn't give them nutritional advice, because I'd definitely have a doctorate in nutrition and be working in retail to pay off those college loans.
@@annana6098 Did you mean to write "off the street" or are they really "people of the street". "People of the street" sounds like positive spin newspeak for homeless people. "Are you homeless?" "Excuse me, but we prefer you say 'a person of the street' - it's more inclusive and less stigmatising!" "Wouldn't you prefer an actual housing programme to facillitate escaping homelessness rather than just changing what words we call things?" "Of the streetness, if you don't mind. And no I'm not actually of the street myself, I'm just a people of the street ally."
"Stop acting like a person?" Nice line. This whole skit really does a great job of explaining why retail work is the worst. It's funny that we live in a world where people are so terrified of losing their jobs to machines, but the jobs people really wish machines would take over are the one they never will.
@@whillb most idiots (boomers especially) don't know how to operate a credit card scanner WITH clear on screen instructions let alone a self checkout stand, thats why every self checkout stand has an attendant on standby waiting to correct some idiots user error.
Same goes for online customer support. Your personal opinion don't matter, you don't act like a person. Sometimes I think people actually forgot I was a person, my superiors included. 😆
Worked at a Hardee’s for 4 years. Had the managers had this mindset, that Hardee’s would have been around much longer. Denied a customer 15 honey mustards a single order of French Fries… She had a habit of doing this, finally I just said no. I knew how much they cost and knew that she ONLY took advantage of the system and brought in NO other revenue than little $1 orders here and there just to get a TON of condiments for home use. I understood the concept of picking one’s battles and this one was very over the top. The manager was very surprised when I denied her basically $3-$4 in honey mustard when she was spending $1. That the customer was going to bring in more money on other visits. My brain works in calculations and new that we had lost a large amount of money already and the problem was snowballing. Long story short, they spent big $$$ on management and very little on actually learning what was going on with customers, employees that did actual work and the minutia of what actually was happening.
@@Kwells92 I read a book "why America doesn't work" by Jack Eckerd and Chuck Colson. Over and over they showed how the companies that turned around and were most successful were the ones where management was walking the floor where the workers and the customers were, and basically found out what was needed and empowered the employees to make it so.
Fun fact! The term “the customer is always right” is one of many phrases shortened to change its meaning. The full quote is “the customer is always right in matters of preference” meaning if there IS a musical shirt and it looks dumb dont tell the customer that, its what they prefer. It was never meant to give customers free reign to be assholes
i know this comment is a year old but this isnt completely true. the full phrase IS ‘the customer is always right’. but while that’s the full phrase, you’re right in the fact that it’s intended to mean ‘in matters of preference’
@@goldenheart__ no, the original saying was "to satisfy the customer regardless of whether the customer is right or wrong." Google is right there. Use it.
As 100% accurate as both of you guys are, the joke is that he is portraying an overpaid executive who never interacts with the customers so he misinterprets the original quote and a lot of real world business higher-ups are like that and do that.
one of the retail places I used to work at if you gave refunds or replacements on items the management would moan and/or shout at you afterwards for doing so but would happily do it themselves if on the shop floor when it happens.
A musical shirt sounds nice, as long as you can control what music is being played. But when it comes to having to wash a shirt, the music definitely would need to be removed first. So, that being said, might as well just find a tiny radio to slip into your shirt pocket or something. Or an mp3 player with earbuds, so you won't have to deal with irritable people who can't stand your taste in music.
@@tomfromtartu9706 nah man it was just like the same tech they use in singing greeting cards so not only was the sound quality terrible but the battery ran out quick and if you sat down wrong you basically stabbed yourself with it. Your estimation of what they'd cost today sounds about right tho lol
"I didn't work so hard in college by drinking gallons of alcohol and skipping classes just to listen to some peasants." - manager with a dad who owns the business
Honestly, retail put me off studying medicine. I used to think to myself "if this is what you people are like normally, I don't want to deal with you when you're sick" 😂
Reminds me of something that happened when I was working at a Dairy Queen years ago. A lady calls in and orders a salad, we take the order and make it. She shows up an hour and a half later, then loses her shit when she realizes that time is a thing (meaning the salad is no longer fresh) and throws the salad back in our faces, and storms out. I'm still in awe of how right she was.
Then there are the people who don't know that hot food doesn't stay hot....😑😑😑. People who complain their fries were cold when they got home and they live half an hour drive away. I listen to Dark Fluff who covers a lot of Karen stories and he covered that one, the lady came back to yell at the fast food place, then proceeded to throw the fries at the workers, throw a huge fit, get escorted away by police and banned from ever being there again. All because she thought her fries should have been piping hot after half an hour.
Such a creative take on the retail experience. It’s wild to think about how people had to figure out the basics. By the way, I’ve been looking into AI tools for resumes like Resubot. They seem to make things a lot simpler.
“Go pretend to look in the back and be happy” this one hits close from home 😂 I did that all the time, went in the back, chatted with a coworker for like 5mins and came back “am so sorry, there’s really none left” like hello, I have access to real time stock on my computer, it’s not gonna magically appear cause I go look
Even if there is something in the back, it's impossible to actually find lol. You end up walking around a few cluttered shelves dazed for a while, then leave empty handed.
It's one of many possible variations of the saying. But trying to look for it, I have only found a claim that it was said. "The customer is always right" does unfortunately seem to be the original saying. But again... variations of it were printed at the time. One printing that can be found "The Customer is Always Right! our managers are given specific instructions to treat any complaints from customers fairly." (There is a bit more about refunds being "cheerfully made")
my fav irl one working at a deli was pretty close: "No they always give me a few things of teriyaki on the side with the salmon" man demanded almost a whole bottle's worth for free while my manager just watched while saying nothing then yelled at us for giving it to him lmao bitch you could have just stepped in and saved us the trouble or at least not told us we almost got fired for doing as your training said.
@@alexandrepv A woman came into the store to buy a laptop. At the time we only sold Windows laptops and not MacBooks. I explained this to her and she responded by saying that she prefers MacOS, and doesn't like Windows. I shrugged my shoulders and said "Meh, to each his own". She then turned to me with a furious look on her face and demanded to speak to a manager. As we waited for the manager to arrive, she said I can't believe you just said that to me I am deeply offended." I responded with "Um, okay but I don't think you have a right to be" She asked why. I reiterated that she said she liked Mac over Windows, and I said "To each his own" at which point you got offended" Her response was "What does that even mean?" (Still in a very angry tone). I explained that it means that I disagree, but I am not going to judge you based on that disagreement. At this point the manager arrived and she said "Oh, I didn't know that". She told the manager that he was no longer needed and walked off. I then explained the above story to said manager. So TLDR I told a Karen that my choice of computer OS was different from her own. She got angry and offended because she didn't understand the verbiage I used and demanded a manager before asking me to explain my sentence.
@@MorganL4 Thanks for sharing mate :) I think you handled it pretty well. The worse thing I can imagine is going on a shouting contest with a Karen. Funny how she immediatly assumed you were offending her when she didn't understand the expression. Oh well, karma will her to her. Sooner or later.
The back isn't some magical land with more of every product. There is rarely anything back there. Especially if the shelf is empty. Because they would be aware and stock more if it.
@@Sonichero151 this true in pretty much every area of retail... especially with dispensary workers, I've noticed.. you'd think they'd pretty much be bartenders, but they end up being more like a dmv if everyone smoked weed. So.. more chill, but still a dmv. Edit: it's just a bunch of people being condescending as they do what they know they're required to. Lol
Most of my nightmares are of former jobs. Makes me think when my mind starts to go as i age all of my thoughts will be consumed by thinking I'm at work
@@FalconFlyer75 It was more so the arrogance of the person and the customer is always right and can I speak to you manager attitude they had because their life was crap and they were compensating for thier wasted decisions in life...And I was basically a teen at the time so that shows you how low they will go to stroke thier fragile egos
"So I've been screaming in my car, and I don't want to say it hasn't helped- I'm much better at screaming now, but I'd really like it if instead I just didn't feel like I needed to do that at all." "You could try screaming outside your car." "I mean just in general."
Hi there, hello. That's $15 so far, now pretend I'm your friend or the parent you wish you had while I doodle on this very professional-looking notepad and think about my own problems.
As someone who has worked retail, I can safely say that this is an accurate depiction of a customer, they are stupid and frequently don't know what they want. an actual question I got once was if someone who's allergic to peanuts, could have a PENUTBUTTER milkshake, at which point I had to explain to them that, no, they can't as it contains, you know, peanuts.
@@alamarxandal7525 oh, im not saying it was a smart question. I was thinking about how sad it is that people almost expect synthetic flavouring over the real ingredient
Hey, at least they asked to check. They could also have got it without asking, had an alergic reaction, then blamed you for not telling them it had nuts in it
This is exactly what I expect when I come to your place to get hustled out of my money. Commit to the fantasy and make me happy or go find something else to do with your life.
@@last7509 Nope. 33 years in auto parts, here...because I love cars. But you get what you give. You're an ass, you get it back until you're not an ass, but then I'm trying to give you what you need, not hustle you. How could I get repeat customers in order to make what I've made by hustling? My customers like me because I don't give them what they stupidly ask for. I give them what they need. I used to be a people person but people ruined it for me.
@@last7509 I don't repair cars. I sell parts for people to fix their own cars. I can't make money by ripping people off. People quickly repay that behavior by going elsewhere and taking their money with them. I'm sorry you live somewhere, where that's the only experience you've had. That sucks.
Apparently the phrase is actually supposed to be "the customer is always right in matters of taste" and was meant to refer to restaurant customers and how they wanted their food cooked. I suppose you could also extend that to things like fashion "tastes" as well, but otherwise no, the customer is almost never right.
@@spamhere1123 The Japanese just have incredibly polite ways of telling a customer to go to hell. Customer: I want this shirt to play music. American clerk: We don't have any shirts that play music. vs Japanese clerk: The electronics store over there sells MP3 players. American customer: Why would I want an MP3 player? vs Japanese customer: Thank you. I'll go over there as soon as I get done giving you money for this shirt, I decided. I'm not sure how it would work in Canada.
@@briant7265 in Canada it would be Customer: "Hey, I don't like this shirt" Store clerk: "Oh, sorry, eh." Customer: "oh, and if you don't mind me asking, can you make this shirt play music, I am very unhappy that it doesnt" Store clerk: "Want it to play music, eh? Sorry we can't do that, but maybe I can take you to Timmies or a hockey game to make it up to you, eh?"
It's not just stupid people, it's the horrible lists of work you are supposed to do that are mind-blowingly inefficient, arbitrary, and busy work. Your boss nitpicks every little thing wrong and doesn't care if it was really someone else that caused the problem. This makes you painfully aware that you will get in trouble if you don't clean up after your sometimes incompetent coworkers. It's being forced to constantly quit what you were doing to walk back to the register just for one customer that wants to buy around $1, when he could buy in a larger amount and stop bothering you for what seems like every day of the week.
The 'check the back' gets me on both ends. I've worked in retail, so I know how much of a nightmare it is. I also know that doing the bare minimum gave me back a little bit of joy to get through the day, and checking the back qualified as effort. I've been the guy who says there's nothing in the back without knowing for sure... but I've also been the customer who is suspicious that there is, in fact, backstock because I know what it's like to just not give a fuck
Now I just ask if a new truck came in last night. If they say, "yes", they can't justify not checking the back to themselves; if they say "no", I can't justify asking to myself.
Mate, i ALWAYS go to check in the back.... It gives me a couple of minutes to go for a pee, see what's happening in the staff room, potter around some..... Then you return all regretful and forlorn, with suspicions that it might be an end of run item, and offer to check the database for other stores 😏
I started a retail job once, and early on someone asked if we had more of some item in the back. When I asked my boss, they told me there wasn’t any point in checking in back, because what was out on the shelves was all we had. Fast forward a bit, and another customer asked the same question. I told them everything was out on the shelves. Then they went and complained to my boss that I was rude, and my boss reamed me out for not checking in the back. I didn’t stay at that job very long.
I laughed and cried when Ryan said he didn't feel happy and couldn't smile but his boss said to fake it and Ryan was like "But that's a lie!!" 😭😭😭😂😂😂😭😭 I don't miss the days of working with customers. At least when I was a daycare teacher I knew that kids I worked with would have melt downs, the parents all liked me because I did an amazing job and the kids were always excited to see me in the days I worked.
Dear God! You absolutely nailed it! After 35 years in retail I can honestly say that is the most realistic portrayal of customer service I've ever seen. Thank you!
Having worked retail 30 years and dealing with great & horrible customers and bosses and steadily working myself from the bottom to the top of the bottom to the bottom of the middle(lol) this really hit the spot and left a smile on my face. Thank you for this, I'm gonna have to share this with my co-workers and mgnt staff :)
I agree with that decision! Look, I'm sticking my thumb up in the air from my otherwise closed hand. That means I heartily agree with what you said, I decided! 👍
I hate that society has forgotten the context of the quote: "The customer is always right, in matters of taste." It just means that it's not your job to stop them from buying something silly or ugly, not that you need to let them walk all over you.
it's fucking ridiculus how some of those phrase were twisted to nearly mean the opposite of what they meant, like a a few bad apple, that was a few bad apples spoil the bunch or jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. It's like people only read the first part and just forget the point of the whole expression.
@@franxx941 What if you're a master of all trades, jack of none? If I learn something, I do it to mastery level, so I've acquired quite a few skills of supreme mastery
@@franxx941 This is a good thing, because when someone messed it up, you just swiftly correct them by saying the rest of the phrase. "Yeah, ya dumb dunce, but have ya forgot? A few bad apples spoils the bunch."
@@franxx941 My favorite is when family members say "blood is thicker than water" when the actual saying is "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Literal opposite meaning, lol.
Ryan, recently an interesting thing happened to me. I have just arrived in the Italian city of Livorno, walking tired on the street from the train station towards my accomodation. And suddenly I hear a familiar voice. Would you guess?It was yours! I started smiling, someone was blasting your videos full volume at home and I could hear it on the street.
A little story about my time in retail. I worked as a computer repairman at a certain large office supplies retail chain. We had this old guy who would always come in and loaf around the store, yammering about nothing in particular. Nobody liked him because he was creepy and he smelled, but once in twenty visits he'd make some big purchase of $10k+, so the managers insisted everyone treat him good. Then he came up to the computer repair desk with his iPhone, said it was running slow, and I drew the short straw and had to help him out... Oh my god. When we got past the unlock screen, there was SO much p*rn. A ridiculous, unbelievable amount, and while I think the girls were legal, it was only in the 'barely legal' sense. And this old guy looked to be like 80 years old. I was so disgusted, but he acted like it was totally normal and my bosses insisted I just help him out and not complain. I haven't worked in retail for years since. Never want to again, either.
@Klokinator - to be fair smart phones are and always were meant to be on demand porn devices. Otherwise what good are they? Also, most porn is supposed to be "barely legal", unless you're into milfs/gilfs. Consider the market...who has the energy to masturbate 18 times a day? Teenagers/Young Adults.
Things for Money is a wonderful store name. Also, I remember this being the same way you can get a free tank. It's interesting how distinct Ryan's "first guy" delivery and his Pitch Meeting deliveries are.
Ah, you've proved that Google and Siri listen to everything you say. They heard you cursing out customers in your car on the way home and suggested this video.
I gotta applaud you. This is almost verbatim me explaining working to kids I manage. "Just pretend you're an actor playing a character who actually likes the people you have to talk to." It actually works. Like, right down to "I'm Karen ("caring") over here." "Just send the Karens to me. Also, we aren't friends."
Its perfect i would even add Mr karen saying the sign said the shirt could play music and the shirts that i buy at other stores play music. Great video as always!
OMG, we just witness the birth of retail *KAREN, I decided!!!* 😮🤣😂🤣 This was fabulous. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Carl at *Things for Money* since he puts up with so much crap from "Carings" all day. 😁
Worked retail for a long time. I didn’t realize how unhappy I was until I left🤣 One story. A lady came to me upset the atm machine wasn’t working….because it was a red box machine 😂
@Ryan George it's very impressive how after so many of these you still manage to keep them funny and fresh. Do you have like a team of writers like SNL and stuff, or is this a single-person thing? Oh! Oh! Do the first person to do a funny show!
@@tirsden Not that bad, I'm just trapped in an endless cycle of watching UA-cam videos into oblivion, comments, notifications, new content, old content, not doing anything productive with my life. It's just like when I was alive, actually. 🤔
Correction. The customer’s money is always right.
That'll work
That'll work
That’ll work
The ceiling is right, Squidward
What if its counterfeit
I love the "I don't know what to do here..."
"Help em out!"
That sums up all customer service
"Help him do what?! I just said I don't know what to do here!"
that is what customer service means
@@995cool But that service assumes a basic level of training that most employees don't actually get.
The trick is the manager often doesn't know what the hell to do, that's what they pay random people of the street minimum wage to figure out. Also, Karen expects minimum wage employees to all be teenagers who are also experts in every field that is convenient to her at that moment. I've had customers get angry with me because I couldn't give them nutritional advice, because I'd definitely have a doctorate in nutrition and be working in retail to pay off those college loans.
Did you mean to write "off the street" or are they really "people of the street".
"People of the street" sounds like positive spin newspeak for homeless people.
"Are you homeless?"
"Excuse me, but we prefer you say 'a person of the street' - it's more inclusive and less stigmatising!"
"Wouldn't you prefer an actual housing programme to facillitate escaping homelessness rather than just changing what words we call things?"
"Of the streetness, if you don't mind. And no I'm not actually of the street myself, I'm just a people of the street ally."
"Stop acting like a person?" Nice line. This whole skit really does a great job of explaining why retail work is the worst. It's funny that we live in a world where people are so terrified of losing their jobs to machines, but the jobs people really wish machines would take over are the one they never will.
Really dug your comment man. 2 thumbs up
Self checkout says hi. Lol
@@whillb well the problem with self checkout is that most people don't know how to use it
@@whillb most idiots (boomers especially) don't know how to operate a credit card scanner WITH clear on screen instructions let alone a self checkout stand, thats why every self checkout stand has an attendant on standby waiting to correct some idiots user error.
Self-checkout just reduces the amount of cashiers. They are still there, just less of them.
With how polite people are in the Ryanverse, being a Karen must be super hard, very much an inconvenience.
One can dream for this in the real world...
Nope they just do a backflip snap the bad guys neck and save the day.
Well he is canadian so-
@Freeze_frame108 but Karens are TIGHT!! ͡( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“Stop acting like a person?!” 🤣 As former retail, he hit it on the head! 😅
for real... the moment u work there. u no longer act like a person lol
Same goes for online customer support. Your personal opinion don't matter, you don't act like a person. Sometimes I think people actually forgot I was a person, my superiors included. 😆
I feel like I’m a robot in retail. I say the same lines over and over all day and have mastered the fake smile.
"he is so not right"
Hey! I remember you! You are that guy that refused to sell me a shirt that plays music!
lol I remember this. Respect for my old boss grew 10 fold when he told me: "The customer's always right... until they start costing us money."
Customer is always right, until they meet me.
Alex, that is simply brilliant!
Worked at a Hardee’s for 4 years. Had the managers had this mindset, that Hardee’s would have been around much longer. Denied a customer 15 honey mustards a single order of French Fries… She had a habit of doing this, finally I just said no. I knew how much they cost and knew that she ONLY took advantage of the system and brought in NO other revenue than little $1 orders here and there just to get a TON of condiments for home use. I understood the concept of picking one’s battles and this one was very over the top. The manager was very surprised when I denied her basically $3-$4 in honey mustard when she was spending $1. That the customer was going to bring in more money on other visits. My brain works in calculations and new that we had lost a large amount of money already and the problem was snowballing. Long story short, they spent big $$$ on management and very little on actually learning what was going on with customers, employees that did actual work and the minutia of what actually was happening.
@@Kwells92 I read a book "why America doesn't work" by Jack Eckerd and Chuck Colson. Over and over they showed how the companies that turned around and were most successful were the ones where management was walking the floor where the workers and the customers were, and basically found out what was needed and empowered the employees to make it so.
Everyone who has ever worked in retail both laughed and had deep seated trauma brought back to the surface at the same time.
I worked 4 years at Toys R Us, can confirm.
"I know whats in the back"
I have said those words to people and Ryan is right. They did not like it.
the only thing missing was the customer thinking the retailworkers body was somehow included in the experience.
I'm reliving so many arguments at the grocery store now.
I’ve worked in retail. And it’s not super easy, totally an inconvenience.
you mean totally an inconveniance
Oh really?
I feel you dude
I would feel like it would be an inconvenience though
Imagine making a comment this low effort and you can't even at least say "Totally an inconvineince - or something actually funny.
Fun fact! The term “the customer is always right” is one of many phrases shortened to change its meaning. The full quote is “the customer is always right in matters of preference” meaning if there IS a musical shirt and it looks dumb dont tell the customer that, its what they prefer. It was never meant to give customers free reign to be assholes
Yes, this is the way
i know this comment is a year old but this isnt completely true. the full phrase IS ‘the customer is always right’. but while that’s the full phrase, you’re right in the fact that it’s intended to mean ‘in matters of preference’
@@goldenheart__ no, the original saying was "to satisfy the customer regardless of whether the customer is right or wrong." Google is right there. Use it.
"The customer is always right" is something said by overpaid executives who never actually interact with the customers.
But strangely enough they never say I'm right when I tell them their products are only worth 1 dollar.
The customer never seems to be right when it inconveniences the executives, only the staff
As 100% accurate as both of you guys are, the joke is that he is portraying an overpaid executive who never interacts with the customers so he misinterprets the original quote and a lot of real world business higher-ups are like that and do that.
one of the retail places I used to work at if you gave refunds or replacements on items the management would moan and/or shout at you afterwards for doing so but would happily do it themselves if on the shop floor when it happens.
@@nintendofan1750 yeah, we know
"You're right, sir, that shirt should also emit music, in addition to being a shirt." masterful piece of writing 😂
I'm pretty sure that musical shirts were a pretty short lived thing in like the 90's as well and everybody hated them
A musical shirt sounds nice, as long as you can control what music is being played. But when it comes to having to wash a shirt, the music definitely would need to be removed first. So, that being said, might as well just find a tiny radio to slip into your shirt pocket or something. Or an mp3 player with earbuds, so you won't have to deal with irritable people who can't stand your taste in music.
Time to sell a shirt bundle with a sony walkman for just a tiny extra 990$
@@tomfromtartu9706 nah man it was just like the same tech they use in singing greeting cards so not only was the sound quality terrible but the battery ran out quick and if you sat down wrong you basically stabbed yourself with it. Your estimation of what they'd cost today sounds about right tho lol
I think I've seen musical neck ties, you know, with a Christmas motif, and the only purpose of which is to annoy the living hell out of everyone.
"I didn't work so hard in college by drinking gallons of alcohol and skipping classes just to listen to some peasants." - manager with a dad who owns the business
I'm sure drinking gallons of alcohol and skipping class is on the syllabus. That's the most popular module!
Lol you basically gave a perfect impression of Rowan, manager of techtown.
as someone who just started their first retail job this is way too accurate lol
Bro the video came out like 2 seconds ago.
It will only get more painfully accurate as time goes on.
As someone who has been in it for ten years, it’s still accurate
I love people who use all lowercase. Edgy
Same here, shift starts in an hour, wish me luck y’all
This is one of my favorites. Cashier Ryan's pain was so clear and relatable
You mean Carl. It’s on his name tag.
Honestly, retail put me off studying medicine. I used to think to myself "if this is what you people are like normally, I don't want to deal with you when you're sick" 😂
What do you mean? You get the satisfaction of charging them $800 for their bullshit
@@destinationEuropa totally agree and if you must inflict pain you can do it under the guise of treatment.
@@2bituser569 that's not a normal thought to have. Seek help
@@2bituser569 That is genuinely the quickest way to get sued, yeah no please get help dude
Try working in retail pharmacy. You get the worse of both worlds.
The social commentary layered within his sketches are just brilliant!!
Comic, film and show writers.....THIS, is how it's done.
It’s not that revelatory, but it is true.
@@alex.g7317 that's what is great about it. It's not some heavy handed message.
@@MrFantastic23 I guess that is great!
I just thought messages like these would be because of a revelatory message...
Reminds me of something that happened when I was working at a Dairy Queen years ago. A lady calls in and orders a salad, we take the order and make it. She shows up an hour and a half later, then loses her shit when she realizes that time is a thing (meaning the salad is no longer fresh) and throws the salad back in our faces, and storms out. I'm still in awe of how right she was.
Then there are the people who don't know that hot food doesn't stay hot....😑😑😑. People who complain their fries were cold when they got home and they live half an hour drive away. I listen to Dark Fluff who covers a lot of Karen stories and he covered that one, the lady came back to yell at the fast food place, then proceeded to throw the fries at the workers, throw a huge fit, get escorted away by police and banned from ever being there again. All because she thought her fries should have been piping hot after half an hour.
@@amberscoutstarwatcher Where the heck does someone live that the nearest fast food is 30min away?
Today I learned that Dairy Queen sells salad. And that people order salad at Dairy Queen.
@@user-qs3qf5lw9k That surprises you? Here in Canada pretty much everywhere sells salad.
@@user-qs3qf5lw9k Strangely enough, yes.
Such a creative take on the retail experience. It’s wild to think about how people had to figure out the basics. By the way, I’ve been looking into AI tools for resumes like Resubot. They seem to make things a lot simpler.
"I'm Karen right now" lol.
Ryan continues to be brilliant.
I kinda missed the joke. Thanks for pointing it out. Ryan strikes again!
“Go pretend to look in the back and be happy” this one hits close from home 😂
I did that all the time, went in the back, chatted with a coworker for like 5mins and came back “am so sorry, there’s really none left” like hello, I have access to real time stock on my computer, it’s not gonna magically appear cause I go look
Actual stock matches the record? Amazing.
@@acctsys as someone who does inventory for a living, that is actually shocking indeed.
Do not work for WiS.
Because the computer is always right?
Even if there is something in the back, it's impossible to actually find lol. You end up walking around a few cluttered shelves dazed for a while, then leave empty handed.
@@friesontheside_ Someone actually tried to help.
"The customer is always right; in matters of taste" is the full saying
It's one of many possible variations of the saying. But trying to look for it, I have only found a claim that it was said. "The customer is always right" does unfortunately seem to be the original saying. But again... variations of it were printed at the time.
One printing that can be found
"The Customer is Always Right!
our managers are given specific instructions to treat any complaints from customers fairly."
(There is a bit more about refunds being "cheerfully made")
"I'm gonna take this shirt and I don't have to pay for it!"
"Yes Sir, of course. You are right, as always."
Then it connects directly with the shoplift sketch.
my fav irl one working at a deli was pretty close: "No they always give me a few things of teriyaki on the side with the salmon" man demanded almost a whole bottle's worth for free while my manager just watched while saying nothing then yelled at us for giving it to him lmao bitch you could have just stepped in and saved us the trouble or at least not told us we almost got fired for doing as your training said.
Honestly, I expected this.
Brilliant! And he makes it seem so effortless. The Caring/Karen bit landed perfectly!
The best always make it look easy.
I just died laughing. Publicly
I love that it took me several seconds after the video ended to get that joke, those are the best ones
that joke went well over my head. Is there someone I can complain to?
@@hunterh1175 same
As someone who spent 8 years working retail, it's genuinely scary how accurate this is.
Out of curiosity, what was the most ridiculous "demand" you've had from a Karen?
@@alexandrepv A woman came into the store to buy a laptop. At the time we only sold Windows laptops and not MacBooks. I explained this to her and she responded by saying that she prefers MacOS, and doesn't like Windows. I shrugged my shoulders and said "Meh, to each his own". She then turned to me with a furious look on her face and demanded to speak to a manager. As we waited for the manager to arrive, she said I can't believe you just said that to me I am deeply offended." I responded with "Um, okay but I don't think you have a right to be" She asked why. I reiterated that she said she liked Mac over Windows, and I said "To each his own" at which point you got offended" Her response was "What does that even mean?" (Still in a very angry tone). I explained that it means that I disagree, but I am not going to judge you based on that disagreement. At this point the manager arrived and she said "Oh, I didn't know that". She told the manager that he was no longer needed and walked off. I then explained the above story to said manager. So TLDR I told a Karen that my choice of computer OS was different from her own. She got angry and offended because she didn't understand the verbiage I used and demanded a manager before asking me to explain my sentence.
@@MorganL4 Thanks for sharing mate :) I think you handled it pretty well. The worse thing I can imagine is going on a shouting contest with a Karen. Funny how she immediatly assumed you were offending her when she didn't understand the expression. Oh well, karma will her to her. Sooner or later.
@@MorganL4 What did your manager say?
@@jordankent3701 I honestly don't recall at this point. But he really didn't have to deal with anything, so it wasn't something he focused on.
I died laughing at the Karen reference
"oh he's gonna care right now"
"Yeah I'm Karen right now"
Fuck yeah, glad im not the only one to notice it.
That's character development right there
And I'm gonna call the cops right now.
Hopefully he does another one with marry sue.
@@mustang607 but setting up a whole celebration to marry sue sounds totally hard, and very inconvenient.
The transition to Karen was absolutely flawless
Carl just started at that place and he already knows what's in the back of the retail shop. Carl is a terrific employee. Be like Carl.
Ask anybody if they have a music-playing shirt at the back of a shop. Anyone who is not carin' would answer no with confidence
The back isn't some magical land with more of every product. There is rarely anything back there. Especially if the shelf is empty. Because they would be aware and stock more if it.
Let's be honest here, this entire sketch was written just to deliver the karen joke and im all for it 🤣
I’m gonna have to ask you to get all the way off my back about that!
It was completely worth it
Delivering Karen jokes are TIGHT
Whoever came up with "The customer is always right" is history's greatest monster... my mind cannot and will not be changed
I'm convinced that Ryan came up with the Karen line/sentence and figured out a story just so that he can use it.
It's amazing how much power someone feels when they get to tell another person how to make their sandwich or what to go and find them.
I always feel awkward, apologetic and like I'm bothering the person 🙁
It's a bullying hierarchy....... they spend their days getting shit on and in return they need to find someone worse off than them to shit on.
@@Sonichero151 this true in pretty much every area of retail... especially with dispensary workers, I've noticed.. you'd think they'd pretty much be bartenders, but they end up being more like a dmv if everyone smoked weed. So.. more chill, but still a dmv.
Edit: it's just a bunch of people being condescending as they do what they know they're required to. Lol
I have worked retail, I don’t feel power when I have to make an order. I feel guilt.
@@ArchieBl3h Everyone who has worked retail feels that way haha
Ryan's "Oh, my God." reaction to the creepy "HELLO" cracks me up every time. How is a guy so good at reacting to himself?
This was somehow healing for the former manager-at-Claire’s part of myself that still controls the nightmare portion of my brain.
Most of my nightmares are of former jobs. Makes me think when my mind starts to go as i age all of my thoughts will be consumed by thinking I'm at work
Former manager-at-Claire's as well, totally with you.
@@mallorycarpinski1160 it was a rough time for sure 😂😂
Working in costumer service is one of the most soul crushing experience that we can ever experience
Wrong, it is a much worse experience to have to deal with a shirt that doesn't play music when I WANT IT TO PLAY MUSIIIIICCCC!
Maybe I should not have watched this before applying to jobs then. 😂 Idk, maybe I should've.
I have been working in food service for over 11 years now and I can confirm this is 100% how customer service works
As someone who used to work for retail this was painfully accurate
*used to
@@mousermind Trust me it wasn't that long ago
What’s the most ridiculous request you got?
@@FalconFlyer75 It was more so the arrogance of the person and the customer is always right and can I speak to you manager attitude they had because their life was crap and they were compensating for thier wasted decisions in life...And I was basically a teen at the time so that shows you how low they will go to stroke thier fragile egos
I just mentioned today that EVERYONE should have to work retail AND work in a restaurant before they are allowed to live....I mean, be an adult.
"Scream in your car or something"
Next video: The first guy to go to therapy
"So I've been screaming in my car, and I don't want to say it hasn't helped- I'm much better at screaming now, but I'd really like it if instead I just didn't feel like I needed to do that at all."
"You could try screaming outside your car."
"I mean just in general."
@@10Neon lol that's literally a documentary of my week.
Hi there, hello. That's $15 so far, now pretend I'm your friend or the parent you wish you had while I doodle on this very professional-looking notepad and think about my own problems.
@@10Neon I definitely read that in my head in Ryan's voice...
“ Stop acting like a person?” This applies to so very many things in life
Going from Caring to Karen is genius
It's also super easy barely an inconvience.
Except for the money handler person.
"Karen Rightnow"
Brilliant 👌
Wow wow wow............... wow
As someone who has worked retail, I can safely say that this is an accurate depiction of a customer, they are stupid and frequently don't know what they want. an actual question I got once was if someone who's allergic to peanuts, could have a PENUTBUTTER milkshake, at which point I had to explain to them that, no, they can't as it contains, you know, peanuts.
We live in a world with so much artificial flavouring that thats almost a reasonable question
But maybe he thought a PENUTBUTTER milkshake didn't have peanuts because it was missing an "a",
@@ciarangale4738 Well, then they asked if was okay to eat the fries cooked in peanut oil.
@@alamarxandal7525 oh, im not saying it was a smart question. I was thinking about how sad it is that people almost expect synthetic flavouring over the real ingredient
Hey, at least they asked to check.
They could also have got it without asking, had an alergic reaction, then blamed you for not telling them it had nuts in it
This is so relatable. Wish I could yell at customers at work lol
This is exactly what I expect when I come to your place to get hustled out of my money. Commit to the fantasy and make me happy or go find something else to do with your life.
@@last7509 Nope. 33 years in auto parts, here...because I love cars. But you get what you give. You're an ass, you get it back until you're not an ass, but then I'm trying to give you what you need, not hustle you. How could I get repeat customers in order to make what I've made by hustling? My customers like me because I don't give them what they stupidly ask for. I give them what they need.
I used to be a people person but people ruined it for me.
My boss always told me I wasn't paid to be abused. I took that to heart.
@@k.b.tidwell An honest auto repair man😂 And I'm a unicorn.
@@last7509 I don't repair cars. I sell parts for people to fix their own cars. I can't make money by ripping people off. People quickly repay that behavior by going elsewhere and taking their money with them. I'm sorry you live somewhere, where that's the only experience you've had. That sucks.
Apparently the phrase is actually supposed to be "the customer is always right in matters of taste" and was meant to refer to restaurant customers and how they wanted their food cooked. I suppose you could also extend that to things like fashion "tastes" as well, but otherwise no, the customer is almost never right.
According to legend, that's how we got melba toast, french fries, and potato chips. A grumpy chef obeyed the customer and ruined the dish JUST right.
Be glad you don't work retail in Japan. There, the saying isn't "the customer is always right"; the saying is "the customer is _god."_
@@spamhere1123 The Japanese just have incredibly polite ways of telling a customer to go to hell.
Customer: I want this shirt to play music.
American clerk: We don't have any shirts that play music.
Japanese clerk: The electronics store over there sells MP3 players.
American customer: Why would I want an MP3 player?
Japanese customer: Thank you. I'll go over there as soon as I get done giving you money for this shirt, I decided.
I'm not sure how it would work in Canada.
@@spamhere1123 Unless you want to add soy sauce to the rice you've been served, in which case you're a moron.
@@briant7265 in Canada it would be
Customer: "Hey, I don't like this shirt"
Store clerk: "Oh, sorry, eh."
Customer: "oh, and if you don't mind me asking, can you make this shirt play music, I am very unhappy that it doesnt"
Store clerk: "Want it to play music, eh? Sorry we can't do that, but maybe I can take you to Timmies or a hockey game to make it up to you, eh?"
If anybody needs a backstory on why the term "Karen" came to be, let us all kindly point to this video. 😂 Ryan never fails to make me laugh.
Wonder who will be carin' enough to do that.
It came to be by sexist and racist people.
@@ShaolinDave oh my god it was a joke 🤦♂️
Kindly pointing is TIGHT
@@ShaolinDave Don't be silly. Dane Cook isn't capable of telling a joke.
Love it when he ends on a solid punchline like that, that got me good. I'M KAREN RIGHT NOW
This is why I have endless respect for retail workers. I just couldn't handle all these incredibly stupid people for hours
stupid people is why leftist propaganda works. have you ever voted left? then u are a stupid person. i decided.
Had my first fast food job at 17. After that I went out of my way to be uber nice to retail workers.
@@cafe_rae I do retail, but I hear fastfood is brutal
My boss made me provide service for a Nazi. That was the last retail job I had. Never tf again.
It's not just stupid people, it's the horrible lists of work you are supposed to do that are mind-blowingly inefficient, arbitrary, and busy work. Your boss nitpicks every little thing wrong and doesn't care if it was really someone else that caused the problem. This makes you painfully aware that you will get in trouble if you don't clean up after your sometimes incompetent coworkers.
It's being forced to constantly quit what you were doing to walk back to the register just for one customer that wants to buy around $1, when he could buy in a larger amount and stop bothering you for what seems like every day of the week.
Thanks for these! Appreciate the laughs! 😁
The 'check the back' gets me on both ends. I've worked in retail, so I know how much of a nightmare it is. I also know that doing the bare minimum gave me back a little bit of joy to get through the day, and checking the back qualified as effort. I've been the guy who says there's nothing in the back without knowing for sure... but I've also been the customer who is suspicious that there is, in fact, backstock because I know what it's like to just not give a fuck
Now I just ask if a new truck came in last night. If they say, "yes", they can't justify not checking the back to themselves; if they say "no", I can't justify asking to myself.
Was there anything a customer could do to make you care?
@@glykera pay liveable wages
Mate, i ALWAYS go to check in the back.... It gives me a couple of minutes to go for a pee, see what's happening in the staff room, potter around some..... Then you return all regretful and forlorn, with suspicions that it might be an end of run item, and offer to check the database for other stores 😏
I started a retail job once, and early on someone asked if we had more of some item in the back. When I asked my boss, they told me there wasn’t any point in checking in back, because what was out on the shelves was all we had. Fast forward a bit, and another customer asked the same question. I told them everything was out on the shelves. Then they went and complained to my boss that I was rude, and my boss reamed me out for not checking in the back. I didn’t stay at that job very long.
"I don't feel good about myself."
Pretty common in retail...
I laughed and cried when Ryan said he didn't feel happy and couldn't smile but his boss said to fake it and Ryan was like "But that's a lie!!" 😭😭😭😂😂😂😭😭
I don't miss the days of working with customers. At least when I was a daycare teacher I knew that kids I worked with would have melt downs, the parents all liked me because I did an amazing job and the kids were always excited to see me in the days I worked.
Ryan always manages to make a whole skitout of every day things and it continues to make me laugh out loud!
Welcome to comedy
Extremely accurate portrayal of how it is to work in retail! 👏👏👏
This is sincere in the most uplifting way possible. Humanity at it finest.
Dear God! You absolutely nailed it! After 35 years in retail I can honestly say that is the most realistic portrayal of customer service I've ever seen. Thank you!
This one's gonna be relatable, i can feel it
It’s hilarious how simple but also clever these videos always are 🤣🤣🤣
Having worked retail 30 years and dealing with great & horrible customers and bosses and steadily working myself from the bottom to the top of the bottom to the bottom of the middle(lol) this really hit the spot and left a smile on my face. Thank you for this, I'm gonna have to share this with my co-workers and mgnt staff :)
As someone who has worked too many years in retail. Thank you for this spot-on 110% over-the-top accurate depiction of working retail
"That's the way that thing is"
When you think he's at his prime, he throws even more genius at us. Thanks Mr. Producer Guy for making these great videos!
Genius 👏 all 3 Ryan's including Karen 🤣 are just fantastic 😆 ❤️
having worked in retail, this made me cry and laugh at the same time.
You’re not alone in this malady... brethren. Lol
You did not cry or laugh at the same time, don't lie
Your job is to bright our day with every video you make I decided.
Also, the guy at the end is KAREN-ing
That was indeed the joke.
And then do a backflip, break the bad guys neck and save the day.
That joke was TIGHT!
@@LeandroDelPrete wowwowwow
“Stop acting like a person”
Pretty much the best advice for anyone working in retail
Ryan's comedic brilliance never ceases to amaze me, I decided.
I agree with that decision! Look, I'm sticking my thumb up in the air from my otherwise closed hand. That means I heartily agree with what you said, I decided! 👍
@@NightHawke I am currently exhaling in a very compulsive and loud way which means I find this whole situation very funny, I decided.
I hate that society has forgotten the context of the quote:
"The customer is always right, in matters of taste."
It just means that it's not your job to stop them from buying something silly or ugly, not that you need to let them walk all over you.
it's fucking ridiculus how some of those phrase were twisted to nearly mean the opposite of what they meant, like a a few bad apple, that was a few bad apples spoil the bunch or jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. It's like people only read the first part and just forget the point of the whole expression.
@@franxx941 yes yes, that's exactly what some people do Even if the whole sentence is there :|
@@franxx941 What if you're a master of all trades, jack of none? If I learn something, I do it to mastery level, so I've acquired quite a few skills of supreme mastery
@@franxx941 This is a good thing, because when someone messed it up, you just swiftly correct them by saying the rest of the phrase. "Yeah, ya dumb dunce, but have ya forgot? A few bad apples spoils the bunch."
@@franxx941 My favorite is when family members say "blood is thicker than water" when the actual saying is "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Literal opposite meaning, lol.
Ryan, recently an interesting thing happened to me. I have just arrived in the Italian city of Livorno, walking tired on the street from the train station towards my accomodation. And suddenly I hear a familiar voice. Would you guess?It was yours! I started smiling, someone was blasting your videos full volume at home and I could hear it on the street.
A little story about my time in retail.
I worked as a computer repairman at a certain large office supplies retail chain. We had this old guy who would always come in and loaf around the store, yammering about nothing in particular. Nobody liked him because he was creepy and he smelled, but once in twenty visits he'd make some big purchase of $10k+, so the managers insisted everyone treat him good.
Then he came up to the computer repair desk with his iPhone, said it was running slow, and I drew the short straw and had to help him out...
Oh my god. When we got past the unlock screen, there was SO much p*rn. A ridiculous, unbelievable amount, and while I think the girls were legal, it was only in the 'barely legal' sense. And this old guy looked to be like 80 years old. I was so disgusted, but he acted like it was totally normal and my bosses insisted I just help him out and not complain.
I haven't worked in retail for years since. Never want to again, either.
Sorry, my grandfather is kind of a perv
@Klokinator - to be fair smart phones are and always were meant to be on demand porn devices. Otherwise what good are they?
Also, most porn is supposed to be "barely legal", unless you're into milfs/gilfs. Consider the market...who has the energy to masturbate 18 times a day? Teenagers/Young Adults.
Well, it's not like the DNA locked default settings for what constitutes attractive in a man's brain changes as they get older... what did you expect?
Things for Money is a wonderful store name. Also, I remember this being the same way you can get a free tank.
It's interesting how distinct Ryan's "first guy" delivery and his Pitch Meeting deliveries are.
What are you talking about? Completely different people dude, they don't even look alike
@@NineBreakerUIXB I looked back on it and I'm not sure how I confused the two. Embarrassing.
@@seankkg Everyone makes mistakes, just because they both wear glasses doesn't mean they're the same person tho. That's really stupid
For how long Ryan has been making videos, he still manages to make them hilarious every time
man this is why i try to be as polite and not inconvenience the retail staff as much as i possibly can
“Oh he gonna care right now”
“Yeah I’m Karen right now”
Having worked in retail for close to 8 years, this isn't even a comedy skit, it's a documentary.
I feel bad for all the women named Karen out there, who aren't actually "Karens."
I feel like a lot of name changes were needed after that one became tainted.
My friend growing up had a mom named "Karen" with the stereotypical Karen cut and personality, yet she was unfailingly polite.
There is a lady named Karen who pretty much lives in fear of going out in the world because she thinks she's always being judged due to her name
My mother is named Karen. But she is more like a Mary.. which is my Grandma's name. So it comes full circle
I work at fast food and not once has someone named Karen been mean. It's like they purposely act nicer to compensate for their name.
this is exactly what i needed to watch after working in customer service today, thank you ryan!
Ah, you've proved that Google and Siri listen to everything you say. They heard you cursing out customers in your car on the way home and suggested this video.
This skit was so good. Probably the best one you've done yet. The clincher at the end really sealed it for me.
The end plot twist was amazing
I gotta applaud you. This is almost verbatim me explaining working to kids I manage. "Just pretend you're an actor playing a character who actually likes the people you have to talk to." It actually works. Like, right down to "I'm Karen ("caring") over here." "Just send the Karens to me. Also, we aren't friends."
yay capitalism, which forces people to be not real for thirty years of life, in exchange for survival.
I just love the twists inthe end!!!!! Carin' indeed!!!!
Okay, that last bit really got me. Nice to see this is also 'The First Person To Be A Karen'!
It was inevitable.
Ryan’s comedic genius knows no bounds
Its perfect i would even add Mr karen saying the sign said the shirt could play music and the shirts that i buy at other stores play music. Great video as always!
As someone who is currently doing retail, thank you for reminding me I have work tomorrow, but also great video as always!
OMG, we just witness the birth of retail *KAREN, I decided!!!* 😮🤣😂🤣
This was fabulous. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Carl at *Things for Money* since he puts up with so much crap from "Carings" all day. 😁
Yep this has got to be the Karen origin story
That means that somewhere out there there is a... "Karen" Pitch Meeting.
‘Things for Stuff’ as the store name is actually so perfect!
When the customer tells me “the customer is always right” I laugh in their face.
but with a smile right
This is so accurate, and perfectly explains why I hate customer service jobs.
My friend, Jordan, HATES YOU WITH A PASSION. But I bet he would LOVE THIS ONE! Keep 'em comin'! You are awesome!
Worked retail for a long time. I didn’t realize how unhappy I was until I left🤣
One story. A lady came to me upset the atm machine wasn’t working….because it was a red box machine 😂
This isn't retail but my uncle used to work at a library and he said one person thought the cd-rom in the computer was a cup holder.
@@scorpiusbalthazar4327 He wasn't only one for sure.
Wait, do native English speakers really say "atm machine"? I thought it was just a joke in an SMBC comic :)
@@StoOopidMonkey why wouldn't we? It's an ATM machine, what else would we call it?
@@scorpiusbalthazar4327 the 'm' in ATM already stands for "machine"...
As a retail worker, I can vouch that we're all super depressed, barely able to put one foot in front of the other!
The full phrase is actually "The customer is always right in matters of taste". entirely changes the meaning of it.
Wow, I was not expecting the sudden Karen lore.
Plot twists are tight!
@Ryan George it's very impressive how after so many of these you still manage to keep them funny and fresh. Do you have like a team of writers like SNL and stuff, or is this a single-person thing?
Oh! Oh! Do the first person to do a funny show!
Now try again "Hello!"🤣🤣that crazy smile 🤣
I did not see the Karen joke coming. It caught me off guard and I died. I just died, that's all there is to it.
I actully had to go back to confirm that :)
So what's it like? Being dead, and all...
@@tirsden Not that bad, I'm just trapped in an endless cycle of watching UA-cam videos into oblivion, comments, notifications, new content, old content, not doing anything productive with my life. It's just like when I was alive, actually. 🤔
As someone who has worked retail for the better part of 20 years, this is both exaggerated yet extremely accurate
The part about black licorice jelly beans being the best was the hardest claim to accept.
I work at Walmart and I was literally thinking today "Has Ryan done a first-time in retail video?" And here we are.
So it's your fault. xD
As someone who spent more years than I want to think about working retail this is just PAINFULLY accurate