之前睇大學vlog咁啱搵到你既片, 覺得你個人好fun (d 片既editing 都係) 🤣喺鏡頭面前好真誠which I like it :) btw 估唔到你都鐘意art haha, cause I was an art student too lmao..希望你繼續拍片, don’t feel like no one is watching it!! 同埋我幾欣賞你唔會為左fit in 人哋想睇乜就拍乜, 見到你其他片都幾隨性。 you’re def underrated! ( actually I rarely comment on UA-cam, but I hope it gives you motivation as a creator here) Gayau ahhh
aww thank you for your kind words!!😍多謝你嘅欣賞😁 ..有時我對住個cam覺得同緊死物講嘢 😹post咗片先feel到會有其他人見到🤣🤣 thank you so much for making ur effort to give me a comment! it’s definitely a great source of motivation and happiness 🤪🤪😍😍 and yes i love arts so much 縱使我十分業餘😅😆
之前睇大學vlog咁啱搵到你既片, 覺得你個人好fun (d 片既editing 都係) 🤣喺鏡頭面前好真誠which I like it :)
btw 估唔到你都鐘意art haha, cause I was an art student too lmao..希望你繼續拍片, don’t feel like no one is watching it!! 同埋我幾欣賞你唔會為左fit in 人哋想睇乜就拍乜, 見到你其他片都幾隨性。 you’re def underrated! ( actually I rarely comment on UA-cam, but I hope it gives you motivation as a creator here) Gayau ahhh
aww thank you for your kind words!!😍多謝你嘅欣賞😁 ..有時我對住個cam覺得同緊死物講嘢 😹post咗片先feel到會有其他人見到🤣🤣 thank you so much for making ur effort to give me a comment! it’s definitely a great source of motivation and happiness 🤪🤪😍😍 and yes i love arts so much 縱使我十分業餘😅😆
你啲fans 好靚nui 啊🫶🏻🫶🏻
i agree with u!!😍😍🤪🤪
本身係想搵西班牙exchange info,之後睇到你啲vlog,覺得幾好睇,之後追哂啲舊片,估唔到你Y4都仲keep住拍片,想講你嘅vlog係會有人睇,加油!
我希望自己下年exchange 都可以好似你咁有動力拍vlog~
哇啊😍!好多謝你啊!! your comment makes my day!!😁😁😁我真係好鍾意拍片的!很自然就一直拍了😁😁多謝你嘅讚賞!你都要加油~期待你嘅vlog!!exchange玩得開心d!
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