My son passed away 5 days ago. From an accident. He was 26 years old. 1 month ago he confessed of his love for God and that Jesus was his savior. Also that he died for him and was raised on the 3rd day. It came out of him to me and it was surprising but so amazing. He basically recited Roman's 10:9 this wasn't something I've ever heard from him before. The last few days have been so painful. I miss him so so much. My heart aches in an undesirable way but, the lord blessed me with the words he spoke to me and to God. Thank you Greg Laurie.
I’m very sorry. The lords ways are beyond are realm but we try to understand. Your message sent chills through my whole body and I’m covered in blankets. Your son is with the lord I promise you. I know it. Please share that with non believers you will change the lives of more than you can think and you will re unite
My daughter just went to be with Jesus on 7/30/19. She was 11 and absolutely loved Lalaloopsy dolls. She is present with the Lord right this moment and one day I will be with her again. That's Jesus's promise to me as his follower. I love Jesus so much more now than I ever did before. He made it so Satan can not harm her anymore with his diseases. God will avenge her and when Satan is cast into the lake of fire he will remember every little child he harmed. My daughter will be avenged.
EDF My son's Heavenly return was 12 yrs ago. We're not geared to bury our children so it's the hardest trial we'll ever endure. BUT Jesus will hold our hand and walk with us the whole way. That's how I survived. Bless you and may our Heavenly Father cover you with his merciful love and an abundance of beautiful, loving memories. Our reunion will be so much sweeter with the space of time in between. In the mean time, know you are never alone. Angel parents share a special bond of love. Lalaloopsy dolls? Heaven has plenty, I'm sure. Blessings to you and your family. May God's peace surround you. Amen
I've listened to this message two times already. I lost my mom recently. She was a God fearing woman. I miss my mom so much. I know I will see her again.
I also decided to listen about this. I lost my mom on Friday 13th March. 2020. I also believe she is with God in heaven. I saw an image of her in the clouds above her house 2 days after she passed. I was dumbstruck. Heaven is real. God bless you.
My precious and beloved 11 year old daughter passed away from cancer 6 months ago. We've always known the Lord, yet I was angry with our Lord when she was first diagnosed with cancer. I yearn for my baby and can't wait to reunite with her in Heaven. I read God's word daily and have grown deeper in the word. My faith is why I'm standing!🙏🏼❤❤❤💗
Kelly I am so sad to hear you lost your baby girl. I lost my 19 year old boy to a terrible accident. He passed instantly. I still cant believe this is real. It has been a year and 5 months. He passed on my daughter's birthday. I am also just standing by the pure grace of GOD. I feel alone in this horrific pain. WHat have you found to help you cope?
I needed this today. Ny mon died yesterday and her birthday is today. I have to go through her things today and I get her bible, which is comforting but I still need prayers.
I'm so sorry 😢 but you can rest assured she's really really in a way better place, she is happier than ever and she's not really dead, she is alive but you'll reunite with her when its your time to go to heaven 💗 I can imagine how hard it is though, I am praying for you, ik it was a year ago but losing your mom on earth still hurts 💔 I haven't lost my mom but my husband did... And I never got to meet his sweet, beautiful mom. But I am ever so thankful for the bond she had with him, he definitely got his sweet and caring side from her. They were very close and my heart hurts for him when he tells me he misses her and he gets emotional. But he knows he'll see her again. I've lost so many siblings (due to miscarriages) and I cry still because my mom was pregnant ahead of me by 5 weeks but unfortunately my little sister did not make it. But like I said before as a believer in Christ and what he did for all of us, this isn't the end... I'll finally meet all my precious siblings when the time comes 🥰
My husband passed yesterday after 6 months of fighting stage 4 cancer. This is so difficult, happy for him to be in God’s presence but hate I’m left to clean up here. We loved your sermons and ask you through a few prayers my way as there was no life insurance or anything. Could end up in the street at 68. God has done some miracles already so I do know his hand is on this. It’s scary and feel so alone.
Wow. Amazing. I'm so glad the Lord has allowed me to find Greg Laurie. For the first time in my life, I believe that I will go to heaven despite my past.
Koyote, of course. I'm currently going to a suicide thought due to my recent sweet, pretty, lil Gf very much Wife passed on (medical) and I Guarantee you still despite your past, while I ponder my own fate on my issue. Just confess and ask him to help you. He loves you! You are a Marvel!. Just pray for me now.
@@latkagravas986 I'm so sorry for your loss Joel. Please don't ever consider suicide. God loves you too much. I know that life can be very difficult, sometimes seemingly impossible to deal with; but God will see you through these horrible times. I have said a prayer for you. God bless you.
Never seen the Lord with my eyes, yet I know him better than my family members. Jesus Christ is sinless, perfect, righteous, and holy. He's closer to me than a brother, he's my Lord and God. 😑
Don't forget about the Mother of God, She deserves respect and we need Her everyday. Also I think you have seen God, meaning you have seen His wonderful creations, the Universe, our wonderful perfect earth, the beautiful trees, animals, plants. We live with God around us everywhere. You sound like you're in a good place with God and that is wonderful. Have a Wonderful, Blessed, and Merry Christmas.
@Kayla Nguyen There is a thing called the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Trinity is One. It has nothing to do with "distinction", Mary is the Mother of God. either you're Novus Ordo, or you read the King James bible, both invalid. God "speaks" to us through "earthly beings" who will bring His message to us. His choice of Mary was one He created through her own mother to be pure in every way, without sin. When Mary died she was taken to Heaven both body and soul. Most look to the bible, nothing wrong with that, and yet a lot of the interpretations I hear are only that interpretations, which vary a lot from person to person.. God has sent specific messages to us in millions of ways since the true Catholic Bible was written, for example through the three children at Fatima (1917), Padre Pio (who died in 1968), Marie Julie Jehenny, (died in 1941), 1973 by Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa of Akita to name a few Many including the Vatican have chosen to ignore those messages. I love the Blessed Mother because she intercedes for me with Her Son and I see miracles almost everyday in my life. You might want to try it, it's pretty amazing Might help you to research these special people who were chosen by God and who spoke for Him. Oh BTW, I am a Traditional Roman Catholic. Yours in Christ, Margaret
@@AmericanPatriot-1776 I respect Mary on the bases that she was a common, ordinary, chased, virgin, who loved the Lord, who had an extraordinary thing happen to her. She gave birth to the Son of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, invested in her. The miracle wasn't Mary, but Jesus Christ, who was, who is the virgin born, manifestation of the invisible God. We ought to honor Mary as a good role model of chasity and virtue, but sadly enough, the Roman catholic church revere Mary as the Queen of heaven, the mother of God, a co-mediator between us, God, and Jesus. She's worshipped, she's prayed too, they have made statues and idols of her bible doesn't say that we ought to do any of these things.😒 Calling Mary the "Queen of heaven" is heresy, Jer.44:17-19. "Queen of Heaven" was an old sumerian, pagan, mother goddess diety of Queen Simiramis of Babylon. Here title was Queen of heaven. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between us and God, 1Tim.2:5. You're not giving honor to the right Mary. In this computer age of information, you don't have to settle with what you've been tought. You can do your own research. Search these things out for yourself. Your soul may be at stake.
@@AJaxxAnthem I love how you referred to Mary as "co-mediator" between God and Jesus, that word seemed to escape me and I thank you for that. Mary and the Saints are intercessors, not miracle workers. I'm not actually sure which Catholic Church you are referring to, as a Traditional Catholic we are far and away different from the Novus Ordo "catholic" church that has been rammed down our throats since the 60's. Not everything is in the bible, I spent many days at a time reading the bible and I discovered that asking the Blessed Mother directly, had it's obvious quicker benefits. If you understood Mary, I think you would most likely. . . . understand Mary. Her role is our lives is extremely vital, that was God's will, otherwise He would have created Jesus out of nowhere. That's not how He works, He sometimes reaches us through the human, like the three children of Fatima, Padre Pio, John the Baptist, , they were His messengers to the world. Mary was the deliverer of that message at Fatima in 1917 and the Vatican chose to conceal the Third important Secret to this day against God's wishes. Sometimes people just don't listen. But in's important to trust in God as it says in Wisdom 3:9 "Those who trust in Him shall understand truth. . " I don't take anything for granted, and I constantly listen. Oh, BTW, Queen Simiramis wasn't of God, she had her own thing going, just like those who adore Ganesha and then throw their lead-filled "offerings" into the Thames. And also, Jesus, God and the Holy Ghost are One. Thank you for your response it was interesting.
@Kayla Nguyen I have studied this for 67 years and have a good knowledge of what the Catholic Church once was and is no longer and you are absolutely correct the Catholic Novus Order Church of today IS ritualistic, absolutely! It is imitation. The Traditional Catholic, pre Vatican II is the same celebration as was at the Last Supper 2000 years ago. In March 1990, Cardinal Oddi confirmed the belief of many that in the Third Secret "the Blessed Virgin (in 1917) was alerting us to the apostasy in the Church", and that the date for its revelation, 1960, indicates that "the Secret had something to do with the convocation of Vatican II.” Anyone converting to the "catholic" church after 1969 is not Catholic. Roe vs. Wade in 1973, the trans-cross dressing epidemic, drug addiction, infidelity, murder and of course the obvious apostasy that IS the Catholic Church of today is evidence of that rapid decline caused by Vatican II. This issue is intensive and hard to understand, but it happened and anti-pope Francis is not there to enhance anything. He has been extremely destructive, but all of this was prophesied by Our Lady of Fatima if the Third Secret was NOT revealed. Do a search of Traditional vs. Novus Ordo and you'll see stuff you never knew. Dear Kayla, as a Traditional Catholic I have a responsibility to help teach. God Bless you. Margaret
I just renewed myself with the Lord and I need all the prayers that I can get there's a lot that I don't know I need knowledge got to learn I love the Lord so much and I have done things that can really bad but I got to fight through it cuz God brought me back the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart and I hope all you all do too
Congratulations!! We all are going through a process and hopefully grow in our faith each day. I was told over and over and over when I would ask questions about who, what, when, etc to read the Word. I struggle also with renewal and so I'm full of questions. I say "Some people say...." and I get back "What does God say.." This feed is sad and I don't see where anyone asked a question for all those opinions. I lost my daughter at 2. Everyone Spread Love. If people have deep faith in something I can promise that a comment on a social media chat isn't going to change it. Best question I try to use when in doubt: What would Jesus do/say right now? All this precious mom wanted was to share the life of her sweet 11year old baby girl and hold her up in thought and prayer. Go to God's Word and pray before for Him to give you clarity and understanding. His Word never changes. Praying for you! And I hope that everyone on this feed will open their hearts to the fact that we all love the Lord so much that we landed here of all places. Why don't we change the tone and pray for each other while we are still in this fallen world. All are believers here... don't let Satan separate, kill and destroy. .... Lord, please we ask of you to hold these parents and loved ones who mourn tightly so we can breathe your presence in, to show us clarity and patience as we return to you and ache to know you better, help us all to see that this is your plan and guide our own hearts to your truth, in jesus' name, Amen.
Mr. Greg Laurie - That sermon was the best i ever heard on the subject of death. When my friend died it left me lost and alone. This sermon answers all my questions on the subject. THANKYOU
Such a great sermon even 6 years in 2020 it's still relevant. That's what's so great about God's word. He's the same yesterday, today & tomorrow! Amen & Amen
First of all nobody is lost. That includes the billions of Hindus. Buddhists, Jews (Jesus was Jewish as were all the men who wrote the bible) and Muslims. The idea that people are lost because they do not "believe" a certain something makes God a monster.
@@teenherofilms No Sir , God is Not a monster ! God gave mankind the CHOICE where we spend eternity. He also said the End of this age would not take place until His Word was spread around the world . Perhaps he makes concessions for those that have never heard the word , I know babies / children are not held accountable. The first requirement is to believe but to do so you must first hear the word. I think that infers a message. But for those that have heard , they have the choice to turn from their sin and try to live life as prescribed by Gods word or to follow the other path at the Y in the road. Those that don't choose the path to seek the Lord are LOST my friend . Choose this day , which path will you follow . Tomorrow is not guaranteed .
@@teenherofilms you MUST “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). God has already done all of the work. All you must do is receive, in faith, the salvation God offers (Ephesians 2:8-9). Fully trust in Jesus alone as the payment for your sins. Believe in Him, and you will not perish (John 3:16). God is offering you salvation as a gift. All you have to do is accept it. Jesus is the way of salvation (John 14:6). OTHERWISE YES, YOU ARE LOST. THAT IS WHY YOU GO TO HELL
ForPETES sake go to Weekend Warrior and oryà for the children, they will be eating and drinking (human flesh and blood) giving and tKing in marriage (Fallen angels ) go to MAtthew 24.38. One if the reasons GOD bought the flood, like Hollywood today, ✝️
We unexpectedly lost our 19 year old twin daughter Madison on February 18th. I have been listening to Billy Grahams old crusade sermons when I stumbled upon pastor Greg. There's so much hurt and searching that we do every second of every day. We know Jesus is the answer to all of our questions, the hurt doesn't go away, I pray that she is in heaven and that I can just hold her again and never let go. Thank you pastor Greg and I pray for you and your family as I write this.
Amen Amen pastor Greg Laurie I love watching your sermons.. can't wait to meet you in person. GOD BLESS YOU..I WOULD LOVE TO BE APART OF YOUR MINISTRY AND CHURCH..
Revelation 21:18-21 The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass. The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, transparent as glass
Pastor Greg, I love your teachings, they are always true to God's Word. I just need a little help for my own peace of mind and to help others who have lost loved ones, especially for those missing their husband or wife. I know we will know Family, Friends, Acquaintances, etc. But I don't think we will have the same relationship, interaction with them that we shared with them while on earth. I think it will be something much better. My reasonings for this is from Matthew 22:30; Luke 20: 34-36. Thank you. Joyce
thank you Mr. Greg LAURIE! i loved your wonderful sermon today and I was one who stood up and prayed with you ! thank you I am now suscribed and will follow you always. god bless you and your family and God must be so very proud of you for all you do being a wonderful pastor .
Thank you Jesus such revelation....when my sister was murdered and I had to identify her body so I was so traumatized and so many questions stayed in my mind This has really helped me you have no idea thank you
I sense your trauma, and Im listening to this too right now. For my sweet, pretty, cute lil Gf very much wife passed-on sudden two months ago and have been suicidal. I miss her that much.
@@latkagravas986 I can tell you loved your wife graciously. A love I can only imagine, you loving her like Jesus loves the church. Father God wrap your loving arms of the comforting Holy Spirit within Joel's spirit, let him know your presence let him never feel alone , give him the right brother's in Christ to connect with and church family that would bless him love him unconditionally, I bind the spirit of suicide and loose from heaven your love, by your precious blood you shed on the cross at calvary just for Joel, Jesus only you can feel this void in his heart and Joel will wait to see you in your time not his because his beautiful wife is blessedly safely in your arms in Jesus name amen Joel I promise you your heart will get better it will beat again start singing any loving words to our Father God., open the word of God it will come alive with your mind on the altar of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth
I live in Kentucky and would love to see you preach sometime if you ever come to my area. Ur messages touch my heart and I gain so much knowledge from all your messages. I pray for u and your family that the Lord will bless ur ministry and your family. U are a true man of God.
Monte Thompson where I live the churches in my area have little knowledge of the true word of God. I’ve attended them all and they teach doctrine that the Bible does not support. So that tells me they have not studied the Bible. One church had put a sign up beside the road that was suppose to read revival well it read reviver. If someone can spell I certainly don’t want them teaching me what the Bible says.
The part that Greg talked about was when about flying I’ve had that dream Even had a dream of driving a car and some how ended up in a tree which i know that I know i was with Heavenly Father in the pre-world. I was baptised in 2018 April 28th And i 💜 my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity of this gift Of baptism praise the father oh lord Amen.
My 19yr old son passed away on 6/18/21 He was baptized had received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Unfortunately, before he died, he got caught up on drugs & turned away from God. What of him? It breaks my heart not knowing. I pray that God can forgive him & have mercy on his soul.
Absolutely! You would’ve forgave him from his sin. How much more is Jesus love for us! He loves you son more than you because he gave him to you! Hope your faith is up nowadays?
Loved this video . Last two weeks I have felt spiritual attacked. I am saved and believe I am going to heaven one day, but the enemy wanted me to be afraid and put ideas in my head about death and to be fearful , but this has added some peace !
Pastor Greg, it was a great pleasure listening to you tonight here in Barbados. You have put the seal.on many things for me as I am wondering if my husband went to be with the Lotd on the morning of our 47th anniversary 26/08/2019. I always wondet if he can see what is going on with me here in the earth. He was a believer and trusted God. Thank you for comfirming a few things for me. I cannot tell our God what to do, but I am a little anxious to get to Heaven. God bless you.
Yes thanks be to God Greg Laurie my bags are packed thanks be to God for King Jesus 🙏👑 thanks be to God for my salvation and King Jesus hail King Jesus Jesus hail King Jesus holy holy holy Lord God Almighty 🙏😇🙏
My kids said that they will remember and always know that dad read his bible everyday always praying and giving them their blessings everyday before school and teaching the word of God to them even to their mom his wife for 36.5yrs and after their mom dad devoted more his time being in the word of God and taking on the teaching to his grandkids. And not ever going out maybe to just going out to eat by himself inviting his kids every now and then. And saying maybe God will bless him with another wife thats God fearing woman that is giving him love back just as he is giving her unlimited love to her.... This is how my 6 children all grown see's their dad even after 6yrs since their mom went to be the Lord.....
Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. JESUS IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. I am not afraid to die my faith and trust is in Jesus Christ and him crucified and nothing else God bless
@@fuzzywuzzy1355 a mass of water vapor in the sky, Clouds are often associated with God's presence and protection.( Exodus 16:10) At his second COMING. Christ will come in the clouds of heaven ( MATTHEW 24:30)
I may sound strange but since I was a child I saw death as being born and been looking forward to that day and now I’m even more anxious to be born to my true life with Jesus, I want my birthday cake in heaven:)
Celina Chalela -. Yes, kinda! But I do pray that all understand what the Bible states. Hear, believe, repent of sins, confess Jesus is the Son of God, and our salvation from Hell, and be Baptized. Search the word Baptized On a Bible app. It will list the scriptures that pertain to it. Our obedience to our creator God is essential! Jesus saved us by living, dying, and be raised on the third day. God Gave is salvation, we just accepted it and obeyed.
Celina, ENJOY YOUR LIFE. God has given you a life to ENJOY and be happy. That is all He wants from you. You'll be okay, don't be frightened and DON'T think negative. Right now you are LOST. The comfort is out there for you. YOU DESERVE IT.
Amen, David, I too believe what the Bible says about death: we sleep until the Second Coming and the Resurrection. However, you must include far more Scripture verses than you have here when witnessing for truth. See my very first post, above. Included were as many verses as possible. Know however, those who choose to believe what they see more than what God says, will argue with any proof regardless of how solid.
Eleven months ago my son sweet handsome kind Ceejay (26) went home on 10.23.23 . He was killed in a hit and run incident by a driver with an invalid license . Jesus is our Lord 🙌 . I will see my son in eternity . Thank you Jesus🙏
1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13-18 Brothers and sisters,we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind,who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again,and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 according to the Lord's word,we tell you that we who are still alive,who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that,we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore en-courage one another with these words.
I think of death often, what will it be like ? When I take my last breathe & my heart beats it’s final time when God appoints my time & day to leave this world what will happen ? The Bible says we sleep ? It also says to be absent from the body is to be present with Jesus. !
Sir I am enjoying ur sermon tonight n this is my first time hearing a message by U. A man name Daniel Lee speaks very evil of U. I hear truth n wisdom from u thus for! God bless U
Remember: The Bible says GOD will judge all things. In other words, WE are not to judge/put ppl down, However, we are also told to "discern" all things/have discernment..... so, consider the MESSAGE of ppl. SO beware of ppl who attack other PLL rather than just warning you of what they SAY. The person who speaks evil of others IS the evil one here... You see what I mean?
Those in Heaven only rejoice. They DON'T weep. That's your problem. It's very simple, God gave us a free-will and if we make bad decision, we will suffer, that's it.
@@keithrogers4170 Keith, by the time we get to Heaven we will understand what happened to our "loved ones" who rejected God. If they reject God we will know they were evil and deserved to be where they are, end of discussion. It won't be an issue, but we will, on our own, have to face up to our wrong doing on earth and travel the difficult stage of cleansing and purification before we can get to Heaven, no one else will be on our minds but God.
@@AmericanPatriot-1776 I think there is a huge difference between 'rejecting God' and not properly knowing christ or seeking God. I don't think most of us will regard our parents as "evil",unless they've committed some egregious act...and you cant just coldly rationalise away what will for many of us be a deeply painful and poignant loss...if they arent with us we will endure grief in well as the purification and painful awareness in our life reviews of how we've hurt people on earth. Still better than being tortured and then annihilated in hell!.......but for many of us,heaven will be more purgatorial.
@@keithrogers4170 Hi Keith, If you don't know God, then you can't get to Heaven. Satan's goal is to keep the human race from knowing God and he has been very successful. Satan has been allowed to spread his evil on the earth for 100 years, and who knows when that's done. Please realize that in Heaven we are filled with nothing but joy, pure joy. And you are incorrect when you say we will "endure grief in Heaven" if our loved ones are not with us. Heaven is the purest state to be in, it is all joy. Once we are there nothing else will matter. We won't need anything or want for anything. We do not immediately go to Heaven when we die, all of us MUST receive the purification and cleansing that only Purgatory provides, that is what Purgatory is for, to cleanse us and allow us to review our lives down to the smallest venial sin. God awaits us and He has the most glorious place for us be which is Heaven. You sound so downhearted and sad, just realize that God gave all of us freewill and each of us has a responsibility to find Him and build on that to help us lead better lives while on this earth. You have the RIGHT to a peaceful, joyful, happy life while still on this earth because that is what God wants for you. He gave you this gorgeous, perfect planet with every beauty that is lacking in the rest of the universe. Once you believe in God and that Jesus is the Son of God, then you're safe from Hell. I PROMISE!!! The best way to help those who are believers and who pass from this earth is to pray for them so their passage through Purgatory is quicker. A very important prayer given to us by the Blessed Mother Herself is: "Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell and lead all souls to Heaven especially those in need of Thy Mercy". Please research this and you might be reassured to know that all is well.
My Mom Passed away 3 days before her Birthday but 7 days before she her B she passed away she said it was her birthday day and if we don't celebrate she will cry . I was so surprised I told her still 7 days to go and we have planned it already she kept quiet . I feel very very guilty as she could not wait for 2 days for her Birthday . I keep crying . Thanks Mr Greg very consoling Sermon. But I can't forgive myself for the delay in fulfilling her Birthday Wish. What should I do ? Plz help 🙏
@@latkagravas986 So very sorry, Joel. I am sure you must feel that way but do you think your girlfriend would want you to suffer so much? Go ahead and grieve but try to live your life in a way that would make her happy. Seek the Lord's help and be blessed.
@@davidjohnson3095 So you are perfect in every way? Never been angry in your life, never had a fight with anyone, never used a curse word? Never lied or over-ate, never had a lustful thought. never over-drank, never got angry in traffic? The ONLY way to go to Heaven from death is to be perfect, in other words in a vegetative state.. THAT is what Purgatory is for to cleanse our souls of all imperfections so we are pure. It is mentioned in the true bible. Unless your bible has a notation in the front that is "Nihil Obstat" and "Imprimatur" then it is not a true bible. Besides the TRADITIONAL Roman Catholic is the only true religion, not the Catholic of today.
@Roland Yes, you're right, and there are a lot of people who follow a very weird cult-like "religion" that tells them that the fires of Hell are only temporary so if they are destined to go there they think the discomfort is short-lived. I guess they want to do whatever they want on earth no matter how evil.
The Bible is good enough for me... and 1 Peter 3:15 says, *"Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."* ... SO, there are reasons to believe. Faith in God is not a blind faith, but a faith that has many reasons for believing. For example, clinical death experiences is evidence that there is life after our physical life is over. Look up the clinical death experiences of Don Piper and Howard Storm.
If Christians live a healthier life and consequently live longer, why was the apostle Paul suffering from anxiety, yet was a good Christian, we agree. (Philippians 2:28). To be anxious is not wrong, it is a condition which can happen to anybody. God gives us solutions to anxiety in scores of scriptures, Old and New Testament.
The difference between faith and insanity is that faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatable with the evidence, whereas insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatable with the evidence. [William Harwood]
I've never read so many confusing comments in my life as I have on this page. Don't Christians get taught any doctrine anymore? Everyone has some sort of opinion which seems to be open to speculation. There are scholars such as John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, Charles Spurgeon, Allister Begg, Steve Lawsen, et. al. who have given their lives to intense Scripture study in the original languages. When they interpret Scripture on our behalf they are to be heard and given grave consideration. Why? Because they are not making it up as they go along based on some whimsical feelings or dreams -- or "Jesus showed me this" or "The Spirit showed me that..." Gifted men have been given to the Church for our edification and they are ORTHODOX in their theology -- not given to overturning centuries of dogma and accumulated wisdom of the early church fathers in favor of some new revelation which has just come upon them! This is what the cults do. The reformers risked their lives to retrieve the Gospel from the clutches of Rome; and they restored Sola Scriptura as the basis for all Christian dogma, but it took a long time beyond the days of Luther and Calvin before all abberant, non-biblical directives of the Catholic Church, which were strangling the people, could be expunged. Pastor Laurie is firmly grounded in orthodoxy (as the men mentioned above) and is one who should be heard without argument. Questions? Of course! But in the end he's not just giving his opinion on critical matters. He is stating what is to be revered as true with God as witness. And where the Bible is open on some issues, that is a different story altogether. So, when the Pastor states that we are not to commune with the dead -- end of issue! There is a Biblical injunction against that practice --violation of which called for the death penalty. That's how serious God takes it! Why? Because your dead loved one is NOT talking to you. If you have left yourself open to this deception a demon will impersonate your loved one and deliver you all kinds of wonderful, warm feelings for however long it takes to so bind you that when he starts delivering the wrong stuff, you'll fall for it. It's so dangerous, it should make you quake with fear at the very thought of communing with the dead. I beg you: If you're engaged in talking to a dead loved one, confess that sin, turn from it, renounce it and all the power of hell with it. Get some guidance from a church counselor. If you're not sure you're saved, tell a saved friend immediately and get right with the Lord as soon as possible. It's as close as a confession of sin, repentance, and a turning to Christ alone as LORD and Savior.
@Robert Matteson I'll pray for you! And I want to remind you that UNSAVED people never wonder whether or not they are saved. So, the very fact that you ponder that is strong evidence that you are! So, don't let Satan do a number on you. ...and also remember that even John the Baptist went to his death not knowing for certain that Jesus was the Messiah.
@Robert Matteson Blessings on you and your family at this Christmas season. By the way, I highly recommend you take some time to listen to John MacArthur's messages regarding "eternal security" and/or "the certainty" of our salvation ... Also covered under the topic: Assurance.
What does God's Word say at John 11:11-14, 43,44? Now what does God's Word say at John 5:28,29? And what about Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10? Whose word do we believe? As for me and my household, we believe Psalm 83:18, Titus 1:2!
I've heard some say as a child I was saved so I am all set. I know they have sinned and turned from Jesus because of their very apparent life style. They also used His name in vain every time I hear them speak. They curse, they yell at their children among other things and they say they do not need to ask for forgiveness because they were forgiven upon the cross. So sad to see people think once saved always saved. Jesus said take up your cross daily He also said confess your sins daily and ask your Father who is in heaven for forgiveness and that we must forgive others or our Father shall not forgive us. I am a sinner and ask for forgiveness daily. I know who I am and I know not one of us is perfect nor will we be until we are in heaven. Through grace and mercy we are saved and there is nothing we can do gain our salvation it is a gift to receive but we can lose it if we do not follow His commandments and listen to what Jesus taught us. Jesus I thank You for what You did upon the cross for me. Jesus I thank You for reaching out to me in my lowest darkest hours. I thank You for taking hate and anger from me and I thank You for helping me to forgive the man that is responsible for the death of my younger brother. I thank You for each and every day You have given to me Lord. Hallelujah!
I pray for each and every person who has visited and listened to this video. I pray that the Holy Spirit comes upon you and takes hold of your heart. Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord. I lift them up to You my Lord, Bless them and change them of Lord I pray. I pray for those who do not know You that through Your Spirit that they will be saved. Oh Father my Father, soften their hearts and open their ears and eyes to receive You I pray in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit I pray in Jesus name AMEN an Amen.
Jesus told Christians to pray for God's Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. God's Kingdom is a heavenly government ruled by Jesus Christ as King. Soon Jesus as King of kings will bring beautiful changes to the earth. There will be no more death, pain or sorrow on earth, Revelation 21:4,5. No more wickedness on earth, Psalms 37:9-11; John 3:16. The earth will be cultivated into a Paradise like God intended in the beginning, Genesis 1:28. The righteous hearted meek ones will inherit the earth and live forever on it , Psalms 37:29; Proverbs 2:21,22; Matthew 5:5. Jesus will do on a grand scale what he did when he walked the earth including raising those who are asleep in death, John 5:28,29. In order to receive everlasting life and the blessings that God has promised, we must worship the Father with spirit and truth, John 4:22-24; John 17:3; Isaiah 42:8. Soon Jesus as King of kings will make sure that God's Will is done on earth as it is in heaven, Matthew 6:10. Hallelujah! Do you believe God's Word? Do you have any questions about God's Kingdom government or His purpose for the earth?
*1 Corinthians **15:42**-54* It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. 43 Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength. 44 They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. For just as there are natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies. 45 The Scriptures tell us, “The first man, Adam, became a living person.”[a] But the last Adam-that is, Christ-is a life-giving Spirit. 46 What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later. 47 Adam, the first man, was made from the dust of the earth, while Christ, the second man, came from heaven. 48 Earthly people are like the earthly man, and heavenly people are like the heavenly man. 49 Just as we are now like the earthly man, we will someday be like[b] the heavenly man. 50 What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever. 51 But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! 52 It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. 53 For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies. 54 Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die,[c] this Scripture will be fulfilled
Yes, D Chavez, but not until the Second Coming, the Resurrection. The Bible is very clear: the dead do not go to heaven immediately after death: Misc. Bible verses are, Eccl: 9:5-10; Psalm 13:3, 115:17; John 6:44; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 1 Timothy 6:16, is perhaps the most important one of all: God alone, only God has immortality. We must not believe what we see in place of what the Bible actually says regardless of how real it may seem. Each and every verse on every subject must be read, studied, compared, and placed in context and consecutive order to know the truth of what God is saying. It's also interesting to note when Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus, He didn't say "Lazarus, come down." He said "Lazarus, come forth." The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9, we cannot even begin to imagine how wonderful heaven is. Taking this, and all other verses into consideration, it stands to reason that if Lazarus had been there he would have told everyone all about it, and it would have been written about in the Bible along with the story of him being resurrected. Yet there is not one word from him, or anyone else in the Bible of having died and gone to heaven, and brought back to tell about it. No, the Bible, again, makes clear: we sleep in our graves until the Second Coming of Jesus and the resurrection. I myself was dead in 2009, went no where, saw nothing, and said so when brought back. If it is true we go to heaven or hell at death, that would mean EVERYONE who has died and been brought back would have seen one or the other. Pay attention, folks, because those who see nothing by far outnumber those who say they have. We should never believe our senses over what God says about death in His Word, the Bible.
Donna Baardsen Trust me I know when the resurrection takes place when he comes. The Bible states it very clear. Thank you for the information tho. My comment was just about what kind of bodies will we have that’s all. God bless you.🙏🏻😇🌎💞
I’ve got a question for pastor Greg ( or to anyone who can answer ) in the book of Ecclesiastes 9:5 jesus said that “ for the living know that they will die, the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten “ but the bible also says that when you die your spirit leaves your body but what I wanna know is where do you go when you die do you remain in the grave until Jesus comes back for the second time or do you go somewhere ( the reason why I always somewhere instead of heaven is because Jesus said that no one is in heaven or hell the only people that are in heaven are the profits )
Revelation 4:10-11 is part of the vision Jesus gave John. In this scene of heaven, we see that “the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.’” Jesus promised various rewards for those who faithfully serve Him on earth (Matthew 5:12; 1 Corinthians 3:14; Revelation 22:12). Some of those rewards are crowns (James 1:12; 1 Peter 5:4; Revelation 3:11). These may be the crowns that John saw the elders lay at the feet of Jesus. In their words of worship, they indicate that, despite what they may have done on earth to earn these crowns, only Jesus is truly worthy of glory and honor. In the presence of the Lord Jesus Himself, all good deeds we have done will pale in comparison. A crown will seem but an insignificant gift to present to the One who gave His life for us (Galatians 2:20). The elders’ response is most likely the way we will all respond when we receive our reward from Jesus. We will be so overcome with gratitude because of what He has done for us that worship will be spontaneous. Regardless of what we endured on earth, a priceless crown will seem a paltry offering, but it will be the best gift we can give Him. Although the Scriptures do not state it specifically, it is likely that we will all follow the example of the twenty-four elders in casting our crowns at Jesus’ feet.
Oh where to begin... 📖 • “And the Lord God formed man of the DUST of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE; and man became a LIVING SOUL.” Genesis 2:7 Man's soul is made up of the body made of dust and the breath of life, which returns to God on death. 📖 • “Our bodies will return to the DUST of the earth, and the BREATHE OF LIFE will GO BACK to GOD, who gave it to us.” Ecclesiastes 12:7 Man's soul is not immoral. 📖 • “which God will bring about in his own time---God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who ALONE IS IMMORTAL and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.” 1 Timothy 6:15-16 Only God is immoral, not man. We sleep (as it's referred to in the Bible) in the grave. 📖 • “For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten.” Ecclesiastes 9:5 In Luke 23:43, was Jesus in paradise on the cross? That's what you're inferring. The dead know nothing as the breath of life returns to God and they sleep in the grave. Man's soul is not immoral, only God is. No one, except those mentioned in the Old and New Testaments are in Heaven. According to your theology/doctrines, those who die, go up ⬆️ and than come down ⬇️ again like a yo-yo! Your initial premises is wrong, so your conclusion is wrong. Time stamp: 32:00 When you realise that you've wasted your life, is when you're on the OUTSIDE of the city of gold, looking in with regret. 📖 • “He who is UNJUST, let him BE UNJUST STILL; he who is FILTHY, let him BE FILTHY STILL; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” Revelation 22:11 You've built your foundation of sand Greg Laurie, so your house, your ministry will not stand.
Your post made my day, Pananna63. Thank you for turning this thread back to the Bible. Laurie _could_ learn a lot from you. Unfortunately, he probably won't.
I have little doubt the dead can see us or even visit us from time to time. Jesus after He came out of the grave is an example of this. Mayne not every dead person maybe not all the time, but sometimes, i think yes.
When speaking of us forgiving sin and God's judgement of sin on judgement seems Pastor Laurie is saying that we can forgive sin that God has not.
Absolutely true, Roger. However, you haven't by far provided enough proof from the Bible, and, from Genesis through Revelation. We must make absolutely sure when witnessing for God, that we are able to provide ample proof from it to back up what we're saying.
It's really simple if you believe in biblical truth. There are two roads leading to two very different destinations, either eternal destruction or eternal life.
The moment you die you go to the grave and wait for Jesus’ return. Then at the second coming we are all escorted UP to Heaven at the same time for 1,000 years. There is no one on Earth during the millennium since it is burned up at the brightness of Christ’s coming. That’s what Jesus taught.
You are correct, David, but have provided no Scriptural proof for what you are saying. This is absolutely crucial if we are to be witnesses for God and His truth. See my post further up for examples.
My son passed away 5 days ago. From an accident. He was 26 years old.
1 month ago he confessed of his love for God and that Jesus was his savior. Also that he died for him and was raised on the 3rd day. It came out of him to me and it was surprising but so amazing. He basically recited Roman's 10:9 this wasn't something I've ever heard from him before.
The last few days have been so painful. I miss him so so much. My heart aches in an undesirable way but, the lord blessed me with the words he spoke to me and to God.
Thank you Greg Laurie.
I’m very sorry. The lords ways are beyond are realm but we try to understand. Your message sent chills through my whole body and I’m covered in blankets. Your son is with the lord I promise you. I know it. Please share that with non believers you will change the lives of more than you can think and you will re unite
My daughter just went to be with Jesus on 7/30/19. She was 11 and absolutely loved Lalaloopsy dolls. She is present with the Lord right this moment and one day I will be with her again. That's Jesus's promise to me as his follower. I love Jesus so much more now than I ever did before. He made it so Satan can not harm her anymore with his diseases. God will avenge her and when Satan is cast into the lake of fire he will remember every little child he harmed. My daughter will be avenged.
May God Bless you. That's such a heavy burden, but your daughter is by God's side and I know that is the biggest comfort as the Lord is by your side.
@@rdallas81 Thank you Roy! She is enjoying the company of her Jesus from now and forever.
I'm so sorry for your loss! Praying for you and your family! ❤🙏
@@lizgurl35 Thank you very much.
EDF My son's Heavenly return was 12 yrs ago. We're not geared to bury our children so it's the hardest trial we'll ever endure. BUT Jesus will hold our hand and walk with us the whole way. That's how I survived. Bless you and may our Heavenly Father cover you with his merciful love and an abundance of beautiful, loving memories. Our reunion will be so much sweeter with the space of time in between. In the mean time, know you are never alone. Angel parents share a special bond of love. Lalaloopsy dolls? Heaven has plenty, I'm sure. Blessings to you and your family. May God's peace surround you. Amen
I've listened to this message two times already. I lost my mom recently. She was a God fearing woman. I miss my mom so much. I know I will see her again.
I also decided to listen about this. I lost my mom on Friday 13th March. 2020. I also believe she is with God in heaven. I saw an image of her in the clouds above her house 2 days after she passed. I was dumbstruck. Heaven is real. God bless you.
I lost my Mom April 28 I know without a doubt she's with Jesus and I know I will see her again this message gave me reassurance and peace.
sending hugs!
Im sorry for your loss. Its good for you to remember the loss is only temporoary. God bless you, you will see her again.
That's great I am sure you will. I fear much of my family doesn't even think of God and are not open to his word
My precious and beloved 11 year old daughter passed away from cancer 6 months ago. We've always known the Lord, yet I was angry with our Lord when she was first diagnosed with cancer. I yearn for my baby and can't wait to reunite with her in Heaven. I read God's word daily and have grown deeper in the word. My faith is why I'm standing!🙏🏼❤❤❤💗
Praying for you.
Kelly I am so sad to hear you lost your baby girl. I lost my 19 year old boy to a terrible accident. He passed instantly. I still cant believe this is real. It has been a year and 5 months. He passed on my daughter's birthday. I am also just standing by the pure grace of GOD. I feel alone in this horrific pain. WHat have you found to help you cope?
I needed this today. Ny mon died yesterday and her birthday is today. I have to go through her things today and I get her bible, which is comforting but I still need prayers.
It's hard to lose your mama. I lost my mom in 2013. I still grieve, but I have hope to see her in heaven. I will pray for you..lean into God.
I'm so sorry to hear that I just lost my mom on the 14th she was 59 years old 😔 😢 I so sad and lost without her 😢 Lord have mercy on us
I'm truly sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry 😢 but you can rest assured she's really really in a way better place, she is happier than ever and she's not really dead, she is alive but you'll reunite with her when its your time to go to heaven 💗 I can imagine how hard it is though, I am praying for you, ik it was a year ago but losing your mom on earth still hurts 💔 I haven't lost my mom but my husband did... And I never got to meet his sweet, beautiful mom. But I am ever so thankful for the bond she had with him, he definitely got his sweet and caring side from her. They were very close and my heart hurts for him when he tells me he misses her and he gets emotional. But he knows he'll see her again.
I've lost so many siblings (due to miscarriages) and I cry still because my mom was pregnant ahead of me by 5 weeks but unfortunately my little sister did not make it. But like I said before as a believer in Christ and what he did for all of us, this isn't the end... I'll finally meet all my precious siblings when the time comes 🥰
sending hugs!
My husband passed yesterday after 6 months of fighting stage 4 cancer. This is so difficult, happy for him to be in God’s presence but hate I’m left to clean up here. We loved your sermons and ask you through a few prayers my way as there was no life insurance or anything. Could end up in the street at 68. God has done some miracles already so I do know his hand is on this. It’s scary and feel so alone.
You are not alone. Christ is always with you.
praying for you!
God takes care of the widow, have faith!
2 yrs later how are you doing n coping ? i loss my wife of 13 yrs 8 1 23 to cancer :(..
Wow. Amazing. I'm so glad the Lord has allowed me to find Greg Laurie. For the first time in my life, I believe that I will go to heaven despite my past.
Koyote, of course. I'm currently going to a suicide thought due to my recent sweet, pretty, lil Gf very much Wife passed on (medical) and I Guarantee you still despite your past, while I ponder my own fate on my issue.
Just confess and ask him to help you. He loves you! You are a Marvel!. Just pray for me now.
@@latkagravas986 I'm so sorry for your loss Joel. Please don't ever consider suicide. God loves you too much. I know that life can be very difficult, sometimes seemingly impossible to deal with; but God will see you through these horrible times. I have said a prayer for you. God bless you.
Watch Pastor Laurie. Another great Pastor is Dr. David Jeremiah. Both are wonderful at teaching the Bible.
Thank you pastor Greg for all you do for the unsaved...
My hope has been restored by these words.
Never seen the Lord with my eyes, yet I know him better than my family members. Jesus Christ is sinless, perfect, righteous, and holy. He's closer to me than a brother, he's my Lord and God. 😑
Don't forget about the Mother of God, She deserves respect and we need Her everyday. Also I think you have seen God, meaning you have seen His wonderful creations, the Universe, our wonderful perfect earth, the beautiful trees, animals, plants. We live with God around us everywhere. You sound like you're in a good place with God and that is wonderful. Have a Wonderful, Blessed, and Merry Christmas.
@Kayla Nguyen There is a thing called the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Trinity is One. It has nothing to do with "distinction", Mary is the Mother of God. either you're Novus Ordo, or you read the King James bible, both invalid. God "speaks" to us through "earthly beings" who will bring His message to us. His choice of Mary was one He created through her own mother to be pure in every way, without sin. When Mary died she was taken to Heaven both body and soul. Most look to the bible, nothing wrong with that, and yet a lot of the interpretations I hear are only that interpretations, which vary a lot from person to person.. God has sent specific messages to us in millions of ways since the true Catholic Bible was written, for example through the three children at Fatima (1917), Padre Pio (who died in 1968), Marie Julie Jehenny, (died in 1941), 1973 by Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa of Akita to name a few Many including the Vatican have chosen to ignore those messages. I love the Blessed Mother because she intercedes for me with Her Son and I see miracles almost everyday in my life. You might want to try it, it's pretty amazing Might help you to research these special people who were chosen by God and who spoke for Him. Oh BTW, I am a Traditional Roman Catholic. Yours in Christ, Margaret
@@AmericanPatriot-1776 I respect Mary on the bases that she was a common, ordinary, chased, virgin, who loved the Lord, who had an extraordinary thing happen to her.
She gave birth to the Son of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, invested in her.
The miracle wasn't Mary, but Jesus Christ, who was, who is the virgin born, manifestation of the invisible God. We ought to honor Mary as a good role model of chasity and virtue, but sadly enough, the Roman catholic church revere Mary as the Queen of heaven, the mother of God, a co-mediator between us, God, and Jesus.
She's worshipped, she's prayed too, they have made statues and idols of her bible doesn't say that we ought to do any of these things.😒 Calling Mary the "Queen of heaven" is heresy, Jer.44:17-19.
"Queen of Heaven" was an old sumerian, pagan, mother goddess diety of Queen Simiramis of Babylon. Here title was Queen of heaven.
Jesus Christ is the only mediator between us and God, 1Tim.2:5. You're not giving honor to the right Mary.
In this computer age of information, you don't have to settle with what you've been tought. You can do your own research. Search these things out for yourself. Your soul may be at stake.
@@AJaxxAnthem I love how you referred to Mary as "co-mediator" between God and Jesus, that word seemed to escape me and I thank you for that. Mary and the Saints are intercessors, not miracle workers. I'm not actually sure which Catholic Church you are referring to, as a Traditional Catholic we are far and away different from the Novus Ordo "catholic" church that has been rammed down our throats since the 60's. Not everything is in the bible, I spent many days at a time reading the bible and I discovered that asking the Blessed Mother directly, had it's obvious quicker benefits. If you understood Mary, I think you would most likely. . . . understand Mary. Her role is our lives is extremely vital, that was God's will, otherwise He would have created Jesus out of nowhere. That's not how He works, He sometimes reaches us through the human, like the three children of Fatima, Padre Pio, John the Baptist, , they were His messengers to the world. Mary was the deliverer of that message at Fatima in 1917 and the Vatican chose to conceal the Third important Secret to this day against God's wishes. Sometimes people just don't listen. But in's important to trust in God as it says in Wisdom 3:9 "Those who trust in Him shall understand truth. . " I don't take anything for granted, and I constantly listen. Oh, BTW, Queen Simiramis wasn't of God, she had her own thing going, just like those who adore Ganesha and then throw their lead-filled "offerings" into the Thames. And also, Jesus, God and the Holy Ghost are One. Thank you for your response it was interesting.
@Kayla Nguyen I have studied this for 67 years and have a good knowledge of what the Catholic Church once was and is no longer and you are absolutely correct the Catholic Novus Order Church of today IS ritualistic, absolutely! It is imitation. The Traditional Catholic, pre Vatican II is the same celebration as was at the Last Supper 2000 years ago. In March 1990, Cardinal Oddi confirmed the belief of many that in the Third Secret "the Blessed Virgin (in 1917) was alerting us to the apostasy in the Church", and that the date for its revelation, 1960, indicates that "the Secret had something to do with the convocation of Vatican II.” Anyone converting to the "catholic" church after 1969 is not Catholic. Roe vs. Wade in 1973, the trans-cross dressing epidemic, drug addiction, infidelity, murder and of course the obvious apostasy that IS the Catholic Church of today is evidence of that rapid decline caused by Vatican II. This issue is intensive and hard to understand, but it happened and anti-pope Francis is not there to enhance anything. He has been extremely destructive, but all of this was prophesied by Our Lady of Fatima if the Third Secret was NOT revealed. Do a search of Traditional vs. Novus Ordo and you'll see stuff you never knew. Dear Kayla, as a Traditional Catholic I have a responsibility to help teach. God Bless you. Margaret
I just renewed myself with the Lord and I need all the prayers that I can get there's a lot that I don't know I need knowledge got to learn I love the Lord so much and I have done things that can really bad but I got to fight through it cuz God brought me back the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart and I hope all you all do too
Congratulations!! We all are going through a process and hopefully grow in our faith each day. I was told over and over and over when I would ask questions about who, what, when, etc to read the Word. I struggle also with renewal and so I'm full of questions. I say "Some people say...." and I get back "What does God say.." This feed is sad and I don't see where anyone asked a question for all those opinions. I lost my daughter at 2. Everyone Spread Love. If people have deep faith in something I can promise that a comment on a social media chat isn't going to change it. Best question I try to use when in doubt: What would Jesus do/say right now? All this precious mom wanted was to share the life of her sweet 11year old baby girl and hold her up in thought and prayer. Go to God's Word and pray before for Him to give you clarity and understanding. His Word never changes. Praying for you! And I hope that everyone on this feed will open their hearts to the fact that we all love the Lord so much that we landed here of all places. Why don't we change the tone and pray for each other while we are still in this fallen world. All are believers here... don't let Satan separate, kill and destroy. .... Lord, please we ask of you to hold these parents and loved ones who mourn tightly so we can breathe your presence in, to show us clarity and patience as we return to you and ache to know you better, help us all to see that this is your plan and guide our own hearts to your truth, in jesus' name, Amen.
Mr. Greg Laurie - That sermon was the best i ever heard on the subject of death. When my friend died it left me lost and alone. This sermon answers all my questions on the subject. THANKYOU
God bless you always now and forever
I long for Home to be with Jesus, regardless of the condition of my body! To have a glorified body is a bonus.
Such a great sermon even 6 years in 2020 it's still relevant. That's what's so great about God's word. He's the same yesterday, today & tomorrow! Amen & Amen
THE LOST , more often, are AFRAID to listen to this. I know for I was once one of them . But then, we who are saved LOVE hearing it.
First of all nobody is lost. That includes the billions of Hindus. Buddhists, Jews (Jesus was Jewish as were all the men who wrote the bible) and Muslims. The idea that people are lost because they do not "believe" a certain something makes God a monster.
@@teenherofilms No Sir , God is Not a monster ! God gave mankind the CHOICE where we spend eternity. He also said the End of this age would not take place until His Word was spread around the world . Perhaps he makes concessions for those that have never heard the word , I know babies / children are not held accountable. The first requirement is to believe but to do so you must first hear the word. I think that infers a message. But for those that have heard , they have the choice to turn from their sin and try to live life as prescribed by Gods word or to follow the other path at the Y in the road. Those that don't choose the path to seek the Lord are LOST my friend . Choose this day , which path will you follow . Tomorrow is not guaranteed .
@Marie W 777 Amen .
@@teenherofilms you MUST “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). God has already done all of the work. All you must do is receive, in faith, the salvation God offers (Ephesians 2:8-9). Fully trust in Jesus alone as the payment for your sins. Believe in Him, and you will not perish (John 3:16). God is offering you salvation as a gift. All you have to do is accept it. Jesus is the way of salvation (John 14:6). OTHERWISE YES, YOU ARE LOST. THAT IS WHY YOU GO TO HELL
ForPETES sake go to Weekend Warrior and oryà for the children, they will be eating and drinking (human flesh and blood) giving and tKing in marriage (Fallen angels ) go to MAtthew 24.38. One if the reasons GOD bought the flood, like Hollywood today, ✝️
What a wonderful message, it open my eyes that I will see my love ones again someday, thank you and God Bless.
I so needed this lost my husband on the 4th ty and God bless you this has made a huge difference for me
Me true for Ive been suicidal since my sweet pretty lil wife passed in March and now Im here listening.
Thank you for this message and sharing all of your messages on the afterlife . Be bless as you share the love of God.
We unexpectedly lost our 19 year old twin daughter Madison on February 18th. I have been listening to Billy Grahams old crusade sermons when I stumbled upon pastor Greg. There's so much hurt and searching that we do every second of every day. We know Jesus is the answer to all of our questions, the hurt doesn't go away, I pray that she is in heaven and that I can just hold her again and never let go. Thank you pastor Greg and I pray for you and your family as I write this.
May she rest in peace in God's loving presence🙏🏽❤
Amen Amen pastor Greg Laurie I love watching your sermons.. can't wait to meet you in person. GOD BLESS YOU..I WOULD LOVE TO BE APART OF YOUR MINISTRY AND CHURCH..
My baby girl, I will see her again in Jesus's eyes❤️🌈🦋🙏
I thought of another verse for the poem:
I think I'll follow Jesus instead
So streets of gold I too will tread. 😊
brandie white There may be streets of gold in Grimm´s Fairy Tales but not in the afterlife
Revelation 21:18-21
The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass. The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, transparent as glass
Brandi White, life on earth is better with Jesus, and heaven will be beautiful with steets of gold.
My son passed on December 22 2022. My beloved Ibrahim Maina, I know he is with the Lord
Awesome and powerful Sermon
I do believe in the Lord jesus ❤I know I am going to heaven 🙏
A magnificent sermon , so true in every word , thank you
Thank you very much - it helps me immensely MM
Thank goodness Pastor Laurie is here to answer the question.
He's cute. I like his up-beat nature and I'm a Traditional Catholic (a good place to come from).
Thank you for your encouragement and support.
Pastor Greg, I love your teachings, they are always true to God's Word. I just need a little help for my own peace of mind and to help others who have lost loved ones, especially for those missing their husband or wife. I know we will know Family, Friends, Acquaintances, etc. But I don't think we will have the same relationship, interaction with them that we shared with them while on earth. I think it will be something much better. My reasonings for this is from Matthew 22:30; Luke 20: 34-36. Thank you. Joyce
I am so happy I found the answers to some of my questions. Thank you
Cheryl June -. Nice. Please always read the full chapter of scriptures given if not several chapters.
Cheryl June, No you found HIS, answers, HIS beliefs
thank you Mr. Greg LAURIE! i loved your wonderful sermon today and I was one who stood up and prayed with you ! thank you I am now suscribed and will follow you always. god bless you and your family and God must be so very proud of you for all you do being a wonderful pastor .
Thank you Jesus such revelation....when my sister was murdered and I had to identify her body so I was so traumatized and so many questions stayed in my mind
This has really helped me you have no idea thank you
I sense your trauma, and Im listening to this too right now.
For my sweet, pretty, cute lil Gf very much wife passed-on sudden two months ago and have been suicidal. I miss her that much.
@@latkagravas986 I can tell you loved your wife graciously. A love I can only imagine, you loving her like Jesus loves the church. Father God wrap your loving arms of the comforting Holy Spirit within Joel's spirit, let him know your presence let him never feel alone , give him the right brother's in Christ to connect with and church family that would bless him love him unconditionally, I bind the spirit of suicide and loose from heaven your love, by your precious blood you shed on the cross at calvary just for Joel, Jesus only you can feel this void in his heart and Joel will wait to see you in your time not his because his beautiful wife is blessedly safely in your arms in Jesus name amen
Joel I promise you your heart will get better it will beat again start singing any loving words to our Father God., open the word of God it will come alive with your mind on the altar of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth
I live in Kentucky and would love to see you preach sometime if you ever come to my area. Ur messages touch my heart and I gain so much knowledge from all your messages. I pray for u and your family that the Lord will bless ur ministry and your family. U are a true man of God.
Monte Thompson where I live the churches in my area have little knowledge of the true word of God. I’ve attended them all and they teach doctrine that the Bible does not support. So that tells me they have not studied the Bible. One church had put a sign up beside the road that was suppose to read revival well it read reviver. If someone can spell I certainly don’t want them teaching me what the Bible says.
The part that Greg talked about was when about flying I’ve had that dream
Even had a dream of driving a car and some how ended up in a tree which i know that
I know i was with Heavenly Father in the pre-world.
I was baptised in 2018 April 28th
And i 💜 my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity of this gift
Of baptism praise the father oh lord
I enjoyed this message very much. I pray that there have been many enlightened by the word of God today.
Awesome Teaching.❤🙏🙌💫💫💫💫
My 19yr old son passed away on 6/18/21 He was baptized had received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Unfortunately, before he died, he got caught up on drugs & turned away from God. What of him? It breaks my heart not knowing. I pray that God can forgive him & have mercy on his soul.
I’m very sorry. He was saved, the lord forgives all. God gives us a last chance he always does. You will be re united.
Absolutely! You would’ve forgave him from his sin. How much more is Jesus love for us! He loves you son more than you because he gave him to you!
Hope your faith is up nowadays?
Oh,dear mother. Your child is born again, and the Holy Spirit is a down payment. HE IS SEALED .BY THE GRACE of our LORD
Amazing truth without a lot of fluff. Straight to the point! Amen.
Loved this video . Last two weeks I have felt spiritual attacked. I am saved and believe I am going to heaven one day, but the enemy wanted me to be afraid and put ideas in my head about death and to be fearful , but this has added some peace !
Pastor Greg, it was a great pleasure listening to you tonight here in Barbados. You have put the seal.on many things for me as I am wondering if my husband went to be with the Lotd on the morning of our 47th anniversary 26/08/2019. I always wondet if he can see what is going on with me here in the earth. He was a believer and trusted God.
Thank you for comfirming a few things for me. I cannot tell our God what to do, but I am a little anxious to get to Heaven. God bless you.
Awesome!! I love it. I love the reunion of perfect family!
Lets worshio the LORD!
Yes thanks be to God Greg Laurie my bags are packed thanks be to God for King Jesus 🙏👑 thanks be to God for my salvation and King Jesus hail King Jesus Jesus hail King Jesus holy holy holy Lord God Almighty 🙏😇🙏
The first five minutes into this is really good. I'm staying until the end. Love this very interesting
You are a gem.
My kids said that they will remember and always know that dad read his bible everyday always praying and giving them their blessings everyday before school and teaching the word of God to them even to their mom his wife for 36.5yrs and after their mom dad devoted more his time being in the word of God and taking on the teaching to his grandkids. And not ever going out maybe to just going out to eat by himself inviting his kids every now and then. And saying maybe God will bless him with another wife thats God fearing woman that is giving him love back just as he is giving her unlimited love to her.... This is how my 6 children all grown see's their dad even after 6yrs since their mom went to be the Lord.....
Pray for me & all Christians
Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
I am not afraid to die my faith and trust is in Jesus Christ and him crucified and nothing else God bless
So is every parisite going to heaven or hell
Amen, I am encouraged.
DARLA NEWCOMB very well said !!!
DARLA NEWCOMB ain't that the truth.
Actually, proof would make me believe.
@@fuzzywuzzy1355 The waiting is the hardest part.
@@fuzzywuzzy1355 a mass of water vapor in the sky, Clouds are often associated with God's presence and protection.( Exodus 16:10) At his second COMING. Christ will come in the clouds of heaven ( MATTHEW 24:30)
Good Teaching
I may sound strange but since I was a child I saw death as being born and been looking forward to that day and now I’m even more anxious to be born to my true life with Jesus, I want my birthday cake in heaven:)
Celina Chalela -. Yes, kinda! But I do pray that all understand what the Bible states. Hear, believe, repent of sins, confess Jesus is the Son of God, and our salvation from Hell, and be Baptized. Search the word Baptized
On a Bible app. It will list the scriptures that pertain to it. Our obedience to our creator God is essential! Jesus saved us by living, dying, and be raised on the third day. God Gave is salvation, we just accepted it and obeyed.
Celina, ENJOY YOUR LIFE. God has given you a life to ENJOY and be happy. That is all He wants from you. You'll be okay, don't be frightened and DON'T think negative. Right now you are LOST. The comfort is out there for you. YOU DESERVE IT.
How lucky it will be for those who are changed in the blink of an eye! if only we could be one of those!!
Respect bro
Perfect speech
Dieing does not scare me. Its the day to day struggles in life that are scarey
When we die we don’t see Jesus until the resurrection. John 11:24 - Martha said “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”
Amen, David, I too believe what the Bible says about death: we sleep until the Second Coming and the Resurrection. However, you must include far more Scripture verses than you have here when witnessing for truth. See my very first post, above. Included were as many verses as possible. Know however, those who choose to believe what they see more than what God says, will argue with any proof regardless of how solid.
And that’s why I don’t waste time adding a lot of verses. I just tell the truth. If someone wants more proof I will provide it.
When did Jesus ever read the Bible?
Jesus studied the Old Testament daily. He memorized it. He also taught in the Synagogues on Sabbath every week.
@@davidjohnson3095 They we're no Bible back then.
Eleven months ago my son sweet handsome kind Ceejay (26) went home on 10.23.23 . He was killed in a hit and run incident by a driver with an invalid license . Jesus is our Lord 🙌 . I will see my son in eternity . Thank you Jesus🙏
Love this.
Thank you Pastor Greg!
1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13-18
Brothers and sisters,we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind,who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again,and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.
15 according to the Lord's word,we tell you that we who are still alive,who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.
16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that,we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore en-courage one another with these words.
I think of death often, what will it be like ? When I take my last breathe & my heart beats it’s final time when God appoints my time & day to leave this world what will happen ? The Bible says we sleep ? It also says to be absent from the body is to be present with Jesus. !
God's word said it. I believe it
Thank you Pastor
Great job 👏 😊
Sir I am enjoying ur sermon tonight n this is my first time hearing a message by U. A man name Daniel Lee speaks very evil of U. I hear truth n wisdom from u thus for! God bless U
Remember: The Bible says GOD will judge all things. In other words, WE are not to judge/put ppl down, However, we are also told to "discern" all things/have discernment..... so, consider the MESSAGE of ppl.
SO beware of ppl who attack other PLL rather than just warning you of what they SAY. The person who speaks evil of others IS the evil one here... You see what I mean?
Thank U n Ur right
I truly believe this
Enjoyed every minute❤️
I lost my dear husband last year. I have a strong belief in God but I feel so sad now I sometimes want to die because I find it difficult to live.
God Bless
I think there will be weeping in heaven for all our unsaved loved ones who refused to believe in Jesus as their Savior.
Those in Heaven only rejoice. They DON'T weep. That's your problem. It's very simple, God gave us a free-will and if we make bad decision, we will suffer, that's it.
Heaven wont be heavenly at all if our loved ones arent there and we find out they're in hell,or have been annihilated.
@@keithrogers4170 Keith, by the time we get to Heaven we will understand what happened to our "loved ones" who rejected God. If they reject God we will know they were evil and deserved to be where they are, end of discussion. It won't be an issue, but we will, on our own, have to face up to our wrong doing on earth and travel the difficult stage of cleansing and purification before we can get to Heaven, no one else will be on our minds but God.
@@AmericanPatriot-1776 I think there is a huge difference between 'rejecting God' and not properly knowing christ or seeking God.
I don't think most of us will regard our parents as "evil",unless they've committed some egregious act...and you cant just coldly rationalise away what will for many of us be a deeply painful and poignant loss...if they arent with us we will endure grief in well as the purification and painful awareness in our life reviews of how we've hurt people on earth.
Still better than being tortured and then annihilated in hell!.......but for many of us,heaven will be more purgatorial.
@@keithrogers4170 Hi Keith, If you don't know God, then you can't get to Heaven. Satan's goal is to keep the human race from knowing God and he has been very successful. Satan has been allowed to spread his evil on the earth for 100 years, and who knows when that's done. Please realize that in Heaven we are filled with nothing but joy, pure joy. And you are incorrect when you say we will "endure grief in Heaven" if our loved ones are not with us. Heaven is the purest state to be in, it is all joy. Once we are there nothing else will matter. We won't need anything or want for anything. We do not immediately go to Heaven when we die, all of us MUST receive the purification and cleansing that only Purgatory provides, that is what Purgatory is for, to cleanse us and allow us to review our lives down to the smallest venial sin. God awaits us and He has the most glorious place for us be which is Heaven. You sound so downhearted and sad, just realize that God gave all of us freewill and each of us has a responsibility to find Him and build on that to help us lead better lives while on this earth. You have the RIGHT to a peaceful, joyful, happy life while still on this earth because that is what God wants for you. He gave you this gorgeous, perfect planet with every beauty that is lacking in the rest of the universe. Once you believe in God and that Jesus is the Son of God, then you're safe from Hell. I PROMISE!!! The best way to help those who are believers and who pass from this earth is to pray for them so their passage through Purgatory is quicker. A very important prayer given to us by the Blessed Mother Herself is: "Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell and lead all souls to Heaven especially those in need of Thy Mercy". Please research this and you might be reassured to know that all is well.
My Mom Passed away 3 days before her Birthday but 7 days before she her B she passed away she said it was her birthday day and if we don't celebrate she will cry . I was so surprised I told her still 7 days to go and we have planned it already she kept quiet . I feel very very guilty as she could not wait for 2 days for her Birthday . I keep crying .
Thanks Mr Greg very consoling Sermon.
But I can't forgive myself for the delay in fulfilling her Birthday Wish.
What should I do ?
Plz help 🙏
I lost my girlfriend this past summer. I guess she thinks of me to. I love sermon Pastor
I lost my sweet, pretty, cute Gf very much wife this past March - and wish to die.
@@latkagravas986 So very sorry, Joel. I am sure you must feel that way but do you think your girlfriend would want you to suffer so much? Go ahead and grieve but try to live your life in a way that would make her happy. Seek the Lord's help and be blessed.
When our earthly bodies die we are only sleeping waiting for Jesus our king's return.
With a little uncomfortable stop-over in Purgatory darling. It's there and it's very real.
Purgatory is NOT in the Bible. You won’r find it anywhere. It is a made up doctrine of the Catholic Church. Jesus never taught about Purgatory.
@@davidjohnson3095 So you are perfect in every way? Never been angry in your life, never had a fight with anyone, never used a curse word? Never lied or over-ate, never had a lustful thought. never over-drank, never got angry in traffic? The ONLY way to go to Heaven from death is to be perfect, in other words in a vegetative state.. THAT is what Purgatory is for to cleanse our souls of all imperfections so we are pure. It is mentioned in the true bible. Unless your bible has a notation in the front that is "Nihil Obstat" and "Imprimatur" then it is not a true bible. Besides the TRADITIONAL Roman Catholic is the only true religion, not the Catholic of today.
@Roland Yes, you're right, and there are a lot of people who follow a very weird cult-like "religion" that tells them that the fires of Hell are only temporary so if they are destined to go there they think the discomfort is short-lived. I guess they want to do whatever they want on earth no matter how evil.
Spot on as always thanks Greg for always keeping the message so simple God bless bro!!!!!
Absolutely AMEN.
The Bible is good enough for me... and 1 Peter 3:15 says, *"Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."* ... SO, there are reasons to believe. Faith in God is not a blind faith, but a faith that has many reasons for believing. For example, clinical death experiences is evidence that there is life after our physical life is over. Look up the clinical death experiences of Don Piper and Howard Storm.
If Christians live a healthier life and consequently live longer, why was the apostle Paul suffering from anxiety, yet was a good Christian, we agree. (Philippians 2:28). To be anxious is not wrong, it is a condition which can happen to anybody. God gives us solutions to anxiety in scores of scriptures, Old and New Testament.
The difference between faith and insanity is that faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatable with the evidence, whereas insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatable with the evidence. [William Harwood]
I've never read so many confusing comments in my life as I have on this page. Don't Christians get taught any doctrine anymore? Everyone has some sort of opinion which seems to be open to speculation. There are scholars such as John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, Charles Spurgeon, Allister Begg, Steve Lawsen, et. al. who have given their lives to intense Scripture study in the original languages. When they interpret Scripture on our behalf they are to be heard and given grave consideration. Why? Because they are not making it up as they go along based on some whimsical feelings or dreams -- or "Jesus showed me this" or "The Spirit showed me that..." Gifted men have been given to the Church for our edification and they are ORTHODOX in their theology -- not given to overturning centuries of dogma and accumulated wisdom of the early church fathers in favor of some new revelation which has just come upon them! This is what the cults do. The reformers risked their lives to retrieve the Gospel from the clutches of Rome; and they restored Sola Scriptura as the basis for all Christian dogma, but it took a long time beyond the days of Luther and Calvin before all abberant, non-biblical directives of the Catholic Church, which were strangling the people, could be expunged. Pastor Laurie is firmly grounded in orthodoxy (as the men mentioned above) and is one who should be heard without argument. Questions? Of course! But in the end he's not just giving his opinion on critical matters. He is stating what is to be revered as true with God as witness. And where the Bible is open on some issues, that is a different story altogether. So, when the Pastor states that we are not to commune with the dead -- end of issue! There is a Biblical injunction against that practice --violation of which called for the death penalty. That's how serious God takes it! Why? Because your dead loved one is NOT talking to you. If you have left yourself open to this deception a demon will impersonate your loved one and deliver you all kinds of wonderful, warm feelings for however long it takes to so bind you that when he starts delivering the wrong stuff, you'll fall for it. It's so dangerous, it should make you quake with fear at the very thought of communing with the dead. I beg you: If you're engaged in talking to a dead loved one, confess that sin, turn from it, renounce it and all the power of hell with it. Get some guidance from a church counselor. If you're not sure you're saved, tell a saved friend immediately and get right with the Lord as soon as possible. It's as close as a confession of sin, repentance, and a turning to Christ alone as LORD and Savior.
@Robert Matteson I'll pray for you! And I want to remind you that UNSAVED people never wonder whether or not they are saved. So, the very fact that you ponder that is strong evidence that you are! So, don't let Satan do a number on you. ...and also remember that even John the Baptist went to his death not knowing for certain that Jesus was the Messiah.
Well written..thank you so much I hope someone including exorters receive this.
@@sharonsmith1505 And thank you! and God bless you.
@Robert Matteson Blessings on you and your family at this Christmas season. By the way, I highly recommend you take some time to listen to John MacArthur's messages regarding "eternal security" and/or "the certainty" of our salvation ... Also covered under the topic: Assurance.
Ill pray for your father
I love this pastor, but I believe no one in Heaven can see anything down here.
What does God's Word say at John 11:11-14, 43,44? Now what does God's Word say at John 5:28,29? And what about Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10? Whose word do we believe? As for me and my household, we believe Psalm 83:18, Titus 1:2!
Will our pets that we love so much go to heaven and be with us again?
I've heard some say as a child I was saved so I am all set. I know they have sinned and turned from Jesus because of their very apparent life style. They also used His name in vain every time I hear them speak. They curse, they yell at their children among other things and they say they do not need to ask for forgiveness because they were forgiven upon the cross. So sad to see people think once saved always saved. Jesus said take up your cross daily He also said confess your sins daily and ask your Father who is in heaven for forgiveness and that we must forgive others or our Father shall not forgive us. I am a sinner and ask for forgiveness daily. I know who I am and I know not one of us is perfect nor will we be until we are in heaven. Through grace and mercy we are saved and there is nothing we can do gain our salvation it is a gift to receive but we can lose it if we do not follow His commandments and listen to what Jesus taught us. Jesus I thank You for what You did upon the cross for me. Jesus I thank You for reaching out to me in my lowest darkest hours. I thank You for taking hate and anger from me and I thank You for helping me to forgive the man that is responsible for the death of my younger brother. I thank You for each and every day You have given to me Lord. Hallelujah!
I pray for each and every person who has visited and listened to this video. I pray that the Holy Spirit comes upon you and takes hold of your heart. Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit saith the Lord. I lift them up to You my Lord, Bless them and change them of Lord I pray. I pray for those who do not know You that through Your Spirit that they will be saved. Oh Father my Father, soften their hearts and open their ears and eyes to receive You I pray in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit I pray in Jesus name AMEN an Amen.
Jesus told Christians to pray for God's Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. God's Kingdom is a heavenly government ruled by Jesus Christ as King. Soon Jesus as King of kings will bring beautiful changes to the earth. There will be no more death, pain or sorrow on earth, Revelation 21:4,5. No more wickedness on earth, Psalms 37:9-11; John 3:16. The earth will be cultivated into a Paradise like God intended in the beginning, Genesis 1:28. The righteous hearted meek ones will inherit the earth and live forever on it , Psalms 37:29; Proverbs 2:21,22; Matthew 5:5. Jesus will do on a grand scale what he did when he walked the earth including raising those who are asleep in death, John 5:28,29. In order to receive everlasting life and the blessings that God has promised, we must worship the Father with spirit and truth, John 4:22-24; John 17:3; Isaiah 42:8. Soon Jesus as King of kings will make sure that God's Will is done on earth as it is in heaven, Matthew 6:10. Hallelujah! Do you believe God's Word? Do you have any questions about God's Kingdom government or His purpose for the earth?
*1 Corinthians **15:42**-54* It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. 43 Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength. 44 They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. For just as there are natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies.
45 The Scriptures tell us, “The first man, Adam, became a living person.”[a] But the last Adam-that is, Christ-is a life-giving Spirit. 46 What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later. 47 Adam, the first man, was made from the dust of the earth, while Christ, the second man, came from heaven. 48 Earthly people are like the earthly man, and heavenly people are like the heavenly man. 49 Just as we are now like the earthly man, we will someday be like[b] the heavenly man.
50 What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever.
51 But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! 52 It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. 53 For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies.
54 Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die,[c] this Scripture will be fulfilled
Yes, D Chavez, but not until the Second Coming, the Resurrection. The Bible is very clear: the dead do not go to heaven immediately after death: Misc. Bible verses are, Eccl: 9:5-10; Psalm 13:3, 115:17; John 6:44; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17; 1 Timothy 6:16, is perhaps the most important one of all: God alone, only God has immortality. We must not believe what we see in place of what the Bible actually says regardless of how real it may seem. Each and every verse on every subject must be read, studied, compared, and placed in context and consecutive order to know the truth of what God is saying. It's also interesting to note when Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus, He didn't say "Lazarus, come down." He said "Lazarus, come forth." The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9, we cannot even begin to imagine how wonderful heaven is. Taking this, and all other verses into consideration, it stands to reason that if Lazarus had been there he would have told everyone all about it, and it would have been written about in the Bible along with the story of him being resurrected. Yet there is not one word from him, or anyone else in the Bible of having died and gone to heaven, and brought back to tell about it. No, the Bible, again, makes clear: we sleep in our graves until the Second Coming of Jesus and the resurrection. I myself was dead in 2009, went no where, saw nothing, and said so when brought back. If it is true we go to heaven or hell at death, that would mean EVERYONE who has died and been brought back would have seen one or the other. Pay attention, folks, because those who see nothing by far outnumber those who say they have. We should never believe our senses over what God says about death in His Word, the Bible.
Donna Baardsen Trust me I know when the resurrection takes place when he comes. The Bible states it very clear. Thank you for the information tho. My comment was just about what kind of bodies will we have that’s all. God bless you.🙏🏻😇🌎💞
@@finalscorce Good for you! You're paying attention to what the Bible really says:)
Jesus is the lamb.
I’ve got a question for pastor Greg ( or to anyone who can answer ) in the book of Ecclesiastes 9:5 jesus said that “ for the living know that they will die, the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten “ but the bible also says that when you die your spirit leaves your body but what I wanna know is where do you go when you die do you remain in the grave until Jesus comes back for the second time or do you go somewhere ( the reason why I always somewhere instead of heaven is because Jesus said that no one is in heaven or hell the only people that are in heaven are the profits )
Revelation 4:10-11 is part of the vision Jesus gave John. In this scene of heaven, we see that “the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.’”
Jesus promised various rewards for those who faithfully serve Him on earth (Matthew 5:12; 1 Corinthians 3:14; Revelation 22:12). Some of those rewards are crowns (James 1:12; 1 Peter 5:4; Revelation 3:11). These may be the crowns that John saw the elders lay at the feet of Jesus. In their words of worship, they indicate that, despite what they may have done on earth to earn these crowns, only Jesus is truly worthy of glory and honor. In the presence of the Lord Jesus Himself, all good deeds we have done will pale in comparison. A crown will seem but an insignificant gift to present to the One who gave His life for us (Galatians 2:20).
The elders’ response is most likely the way we will all respond when we receive our reward from Jesus. We will be so overcome with gratitude because of what He has done for us that worship will be spontaneous. Regardless of what we endured on earth, a priceless crown will seem a paltry offering, but it will be the best gift we can give Him. Although the Scriptures do not state it specifically, it is likely that we will all follow the example of the twenty-four elders in casting our crowns at Jesus’ feet.
Volume is so low compared with other videos that it makes it hard to listen to
My husband died 3 weeks ago today
That’s nice to know that you will know your family but what if you don’t have a family
You will have your family in Christ 💖
There will be no families in heaven,we are all family.
Oh where to begin...
📖 • “And the Lord God formed man of the DUST of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH OF LIFE; and man became a LIVING SOUL.”
Genesis 2:7
Man's soul is made up of the body made of dust and the breath of life, which returns to God on death.
📖 • “Our bodies will return to the DUST of the earth, and the BREATHE OF LIFE will GO BACK to GOD, who gave it to us.”
Ecclesiastes 12:7
Man's soul is not immoral.
📖 • “which God will bring about in his own time---God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who ALONE IS IMMORTAL and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.”
1 Timothy 6:15-16
Only God is immoral, not man. We sleep (as it's referred to in the Bible) in the grave.
📖 • “For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten.”
Ecclesiastes 9:5
In Luke 23:43, was Jesus in paradise on the cross? That's what you're inferring.
The dead know nothing as the breath of life returns to God and they sleep in the grave. Man's soul is not immoral, only God is. No one, except those mentioned in the Old and New Testaments are in Heaven. According to your theology/doctrines, those who die, go up ⬆️ and than come down ⬇️ again like a yo-yo!
Your initial premises is wrong, so your conclusion is wrong.
Time stamp: 32:00 When you realise that you've wasted your life, is when you're on the OUTSIDE of the city of gold, looking in with regret.
📖 • “He who is UNJUST, let him BE UNJUST STILL; he who is FILTHY, let him BE FILTHY STILL; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”
Revelation 22:11
You've built your foundation of sand Greg Laurie, so your house, your ministry will not stand.
Your post made my day,
Pananna63. Thank you for turning this thread back to the Bible. Laurie _could_ learn a lot from you. Unfortunately, he probably won't.
The correct text was "To follow you Im not content/until I know which you went".
I have little doubt the dead can see us or even visit us from time to time. Jesus after He came out of the grave is an example of this. Mayne not every dead person maybe not all the time, but sometimes, i think yes.
When speaking of us forgiving sin and God's judgement of sin on judgement seems Pastor Laurie is saying that we can forgive sin that God has not.
ummm, we don't have the ability or power to forgive sins.
in the bible it s the dead know nothing no one has gone to heaven john 3-13
Absolutely true, Roger. However, you haven't by far provided enough proof from the Bible, and, from Genesis through Revelation. We must make absolutely sure when witnessing for God, that we are able to provide ample proof from it to back up what we're saying.
@Marie W 777 saten s heaven and hell 2nd heaven ( i well be like the most high )
@Marie W 777 satan has a heaven and hell he is the god of this world he is incharge of this world ( in god we trust on our money )
@Marie W 777 iaiah 14 12-15
@Marie W 777 he is incharge of the 2nd heaven now.
It's really simple if you believe in biblical truth. There are two roads leading to two very different destinations, either eternal destruction or eternal life.
The moment you die you go to the grave and wait for Jesus’ return. Then at the second coming we are all escorted UP to Heaven at the same time for 1,000 years. There is no one on Earth during the millennium since it is burned up at the brightness of Christ’s coming. That’s what Jesus taught.
You are correct, David, but have provided no Scriptural proof for what you are saying. This is absolutely crucial if we are to be witnesses for God and His truth. See my post further up for examples.
You need to do more research !
David Johnson heavenly millennium? You sound like a SDA
I have done tons of research. You?
That’s what the Bible says. It doesn’t say that we’re on Earth during the Millenium.
already died saw my star go up into the clouds of heaven