其實有時你反而睇到有啲細微嘅位呢或者係佢哋一啲嘅動作呢其實我會覺得starting from ep 8 會有啲新嘅火花嘅: kenny starts to be more surrounding ho ho and then they seem vice Versa but then Kenny and kevin also start to be closer (at one point the beginning of game 2 you can see Kevin’s hand is actually touching Kenny’s ass gei)😂 and then to be frank I do think Carson and Andrew are really a nice pair because both are very handsome but their handsome is on a different level; Carson is tall , nice body doesn’t have too be too masculine and most of all he’s very genuine his smile and he seemed to be the type that Andrew will want to be with ❤ Louis may not be that type of bf if you know what I mean
The Host can't keep his hands off the guys! Standing behind them so closely and touching their arms and hands. He should let the guys have some alone time instead of barking orders at them constantly like they were at some summer camp. How can they find a love match with him around constantly??
大飽眼福 多謝主持! 😍
今集綜藝感爆滿 多謝班仔仔個個都放膽玩遊戲 睇得好開心。
主持有無諗過將節目推去Netflix 可以俾更多國家睇到呢個香港節目 真係值得。
Thanks for ur comments ah
17:25 配樂意味深長
第一次看综艺,好感动好开心,best wishes
从开始到尾,眼睛都不眨。。。。有眼福啊。。。。hoho & louis... carson & andrew来个文艺组cp也很像可以。。howard & Kevin.... juzco & Ray 有共识感的cp 组。。。Kenny & nelbon 可以组cp开自己的餐厅,吃什么配什么饮料绝对足够话题可以开始培养感情基础
姨姨不行了 官人再要😋
The program has achieved its objective with your kind comment.
Andrew💕 Louis
Louis Carson互相有感觉
Kevin Kenny满不错
我个人喜好Louis, juzcon, carson, hoho, Kevin, Kenny
Louis so thirsty and cute for Andrew omg
But andrew very girly. Just like as a muscle lady 🤮🤮🤮
id be thrist for hohoho
LOL @ everyone teasing Juzco
HoHo & Carson
Ray 和 Jusco应该是撞号,不是一对啦🤣
Correct. Both are 0 looking for a real MAN.
Carson love u
“Feeling You” by Warren Ashley
Louis 邊度有腹肌啊 睇唔出
只可惜這一集在「摸 abs」這一幕。為何 skipped 了 Andrew’s 腹肌呢。因在我而言,他的腹肌(朱古力)應該是十個人之中的數一數二。所以怎麼可能剪走他的 abs ?!
其實有時你反而睇到有啲細微嘅位呢或者係佢哋一啲嘅動作呢其實我會覺得starting from ep 8 會有啲新嘅火花嘅: kenny starts to be more surrounding ho ho and then they seem vice Versa but then Kenny and kevin also start to be closer (at one point the beginning of game 2 you can see Kevin’s hand is actually touching Kenny’s ass gei)😂 and then to be frank I do think Carson and Andrew are really a nice pair because both are very handsome but their handsome is on a different level; Carson is tall , nice body doesn’t have too be too masculine and most of all he’s very genuine his smile and he seemed to be the type that Andrew will want to be with ❤ Louis may not be that type of bf if you know what I mean
Carson will make a lovely lover towards a committed partner like Andrew.
有$米有愛情law, 你班人睇下邊個最幸福米G law. 正蒙丙
Unnies love
The Host can't keep his hands off the guys! Standing behind them so closely and touching their arms and hands. He should let the guys have some alone time instead of barking orders at them constantly like they were at some summer camp. How can they find a love match with him around constantly??
Well… they really found love in the end tho, and more importantly i know everyone of them personally before they joined the show.
4:56 hoho又抽Louis水 😡🤬🤬🤬 \ /
Juszo 同 hoho 真係好唔得 Juszo性格已經成個貴妃咁 noway
猜不到 Andrew’s whole body (front and back) is so hot among all of them. Carson is alright : tall and got a nice chest.
@@changyaya7441 是嗎?你覺得他是 0 咩
所以想必他會不會是 versatile 呢!
BTW, 其餘的大多數一目了然。可以肯定100% 是 0 囉!比如;Howard, HoHo, Juzco, Nelbon, Ray 有机会都是卦。Louis’s 有点难说,有時他都幾 Man ,但有时又几 feminine 哦。所以他应该都是「可攻亦可守」卦。
IMO, 唯一兩個是 1 的就是台灣仔 Kevin 㗎啦;他早就表明立場啦;他的左上角大臂的黑色圈圈紋身就是聲明了他是主導者(只攻不守:等于是一)。輪到第二那個大鼻子的……那一個又高又大的 Carson 啦 (Well, like people says: 當鼻子又高又大的人,通常就什麼都是比別人大。你們大家應該立刻就已經知道我正在講什麼了)
@@fyyh8111 零, 全部都係零. 好camp好women好sissy好girly好lady. 改名做auntie 一堂吧