Bye Seymour woa pulls bar. Planet laughs haa haaaaa. Damage tv with rip exposed live wire falls on ground over confident plant does not notice. Continues laugh haaaaa haaaaa smaller buds laugh. Seymour hand comes out of rubble with live wire. Play big loud dramatic music Seymour’s stag tentecles with live wire Audrey 2 and buds get shocked. Zasss zasss ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe O shit. Booom Audrey 2 explodes. Love this film and song so much.
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Bye Seymour woa pulls bar. Planet laughs haa haaaaa. Damage tv with rip exposed live wire falls on ground over confident plant does not notice. Continues laugh haaaaa haaaaa smaller buds laugh. Seymour hand comes out of rubble with live wire. Play big loud dramatic music Seymour’s stag tentecles with live wire Audrey 2 and buds get shocked. Zasss zasss ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe O shit. Booom Audrey 2 explodes. Love this film and song so much.
𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖘𝖒 😳