The SERPENT Of Genesis Was NOT A SERPENT! Hebrew Text Reveals It!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,8 тис.

  • @RaySierra
    @RaySierra Місяць тому +55

    I just want to throw this out their....i got the impression that the snake in the garden actually walked,had legs...ive had people who are into snakes,have said you can see on a snakes skeleton that they once had myself got the impression that the snake walked,then when god said "on your belly you will crawl" then the snake transformed and then went onto the ground and they stayed that way....

    • @Germando77
      @Germando77 Місяць тому +2

      I have heard about this theory as well that snakes used to walk up right, like Nebuchadnezzar turned into animal and became a man again!!

    • @bennygreene1421
      @bennygreene1421 Місяць тому +9

      @@RaySierra Of further interest is the fact that the bible tells us Eve was the mother of all living. But nowhere does it say Adam was the father of ALL living. And this: Abel and Seth are listed in Adams genealogy, but NOT cain

    • @brothermarion8224
      @brothermarion8224 Місяць тому +4

      My understanding is that before the fall, the world was without sin, and all creation was in a state of innocence. If it's correct, it's logical that the serpent was punished by literally having his legs.... Cut out from under him... Ba Da Tss!

    • @jozsefk9
      @jozsefk9 Місяць тому +1


    • @ephraimmenashe
      @ephraimmenashe Місяць тому +5

      In Chinese culture, there is a depiction of a snake with legs.
      It's called a dragon.
      (Revelation 12:9)

  • @likeluptid
    @likeluptid Місяць тому +19

    It's almost impossible to be any more obvious than this to understand what Genesis 3:1 was speaking of. "Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the WILD ANIMALS THAT GOD HAD MADE." A strong characteristic was made of a wild animal and its relationship to all other wild animals. Some have translated it as "shrewd," "crafty," or "cautious." Thus Jesus later admonished his disciples to be "cautious as serpents," referring to a wild animal. (Matthew 10:16) And until this very day, the most noticeable thing about snakes is the unusual amount of caution and craftiness it demonstrates to protect itself. Most of the snakes that you come near saw you first and hid themselves so that you never even know it was there. Whenever you do encounter a snake, it might avoid turning to flee for fear it could be attacked from behind. Instead it might coil up, and try to scare you away by hissing or rattling. If that doesn't work, it might lunge at you several times, pretending it's trying to bite you. It doesn't want to actually bite because it's being cautious about endangering their teeth. As a last resort, it might actually strike. As Adam was introducing his new wife to the animals that he had been observing and naming, Eve must have noticed that she couldn't approach the serpent as easily as she could approach other animals. It seemed overly cautious of her and kept fleeing. 'Cats and sheep don't run; what's up with this serpent?' Snakes have no larynx, no lips, and no tongue strong enough to form syllables; so it wasn't actually the serpent speaking. Someone invisible , Satan acting as a ventriloquist, was speaking to Eve, but she saw a serpent and was deceived. Later, when explaining her disobedience to God, she said the serpent deceived her. Then, turning to the serpent, but actually speaking to Satan, God told Satan that he is now just like that serpent, using language that is unmistakably describing a literal serpent. “You are the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild beasts of the field. Upon your belly you will go and dust is what you will eat all the days of your life. And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.” It's impossible to confuse the meaning of the Hebrew word na·chashʹ; God literally describes a snake. That angel enjoyed a lofty position in heaven, but that little stunt he pulled in Eden got him fired from that position and brought down so low, it's as if he's crawling upon his belly. He's "cursed," doomed to an inevitable eventuality of receiving a deathblow, a bruise in the head. And everything Satan tries to do to change that outcome won't benefit him any more than eating, or "biting," dust can benefit. Snakes move upon their belly. Their flickering tongue appears to lick dust. And the normal way to kill a snake is to crush its head. Eve spoke to a snake that the invisible spirit creature, Satan, was using as his mouthpiece.

    • @Uojomo
      @Uojomo Місяць тому +2

      Well explained my blessed Brother. Continued learning and speaking the simple Truth of the Holy Spirit... through the Love of the resurrected Messiah.

    • @darthjarwood7943
      @darthjarwood7943 Місяць тому

      fairy tales believed by humans in the year

    • @qwickvids1140
      @qwickvids1140 Місяць тому

      Nice. My hebrew taught family members would say that it was not the serpent talking to Eve but Adam who was posessed. I scratched my head at that one. Then they said the serpent didnt talk but it hissed. I scratched my head again. Then i remembered even a donkey talked to Balaam after being struck 3 times. So i say that to say this, it is possible for animals to be “posessed” because if the donkey spoke then the serpent spoke.

    • @donjohnson504
      @donjohnson504 19 днів тому +1

      @@likeluptid thanks for the dissertation. : )

    • @margheritaarena4921
      @margheritaarena4921 18 днів тому

      @@likeluptid plausible. Thank you

  • @annejames890
    @annejames890 12 днів тому +14

    People will focus on the word serpent and forget about the real meaning of why God wrote that story. The whole point is obedience and sin into the world in the garden of Eden. Do not focus on a thing, focus on what God is saying and why.

    • @Digitalworldfly
      @Digitalworldfly 11 днів тому

      sin does not exist

    • @thomj.2606
      @thomj.2606 10 днів тому

      Amen to that!

    • @sherrytzasherrytza4793
      @sherrytzasherrytza4793 9 днів тому +2

      It's hard darling, because god said and did a lot of hateful, cruel, narcissistic, sexist, racist, dumb, and petty stuff. Open your eyes and read his word (the bible) once again. And when you do, ask yourself - is this kind? Is this loving and forgiving ? I found he wasn't any of that - I was glorifying an evil god. Hope you find the light.

    • @cherrygummybear1132
      @cherrygummybear1132 6 днів тому

      @@Digitalworldflyyou will know the answer to this someday. Are you confident that you are ready?

    • @cherrygummybear1132
      @cherrygummybear1132 6 днів тому

      God has divine wisdom. Your thoughts are not His thoughts. His judgment is not based on your personal opinion. He is the righteous God. You are the creation. How is God evil for saying kill this one or that? When He made it? So when a mother decides her child should be aborted is she evil or just? Just asking.

  • @piapoi9568
    @piapoi9568 16 днів тому +4

    Several points:
    1) In Gen 3:1, the word "other" is not appear in the Hebrew text, though some English translators added it.
    2) Everyone seems to miss the definite article (THE) in front of the word "serpent", indicating that this was not just any "serpent", but a very specific being who was known as "the Serpent".
    3) Revelation 20:2 identifies this being: "And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan ... "

    • @donnasellard914
      @donnasellard914 13 днів тому

      TRUE!!! The video that was done is VERY GOOD, Believe it and SHARE it, JESUS WILL GREATLY LOVE YOU!!!

  • @vijayaprabagaranv2805
    @vijayaprabagaranv2805 14 днів тому +7

    The eebru word nahash is literally the people who lived in this world. Evidence of that is found in Tamil Nadu, which is located in the southern part of today's India. Tamil Sangha literature says with evidence that they were snake-shaped people who first taught humans to speak.They were the first to teach humans to speak. They were the first to introduce civilization to humans. Because civilization is the reason for the destruction of the world, the Vedas call the Nagas who developed civilization as Satan. These serpent-shaped Nagas rule the world by changing themselves forever into human form. To know more about the Nagas, do some research in Indian literature.

    • @activateurthyroid
      @activateurthyroid 11 днів тому

      Hey i would really like to talk to you about this. If the vedas say this, then why shiva and the snake? Or why some people are asociating mahavatar babaji with the nagas? As far as i know yogananda and ramakrishna are lovers of vedanta... lets talk please let me.know your email

  • @clevebaker8399
    @clevebaker8399 Місяць тому +5

    We must go forward without the enemy!! Whatever name we use he’s our enemy and destroyer! Resist him and let him flee!! Glory to God!!!

  • @Steve-L
    @Steve-L 13 днів тому +6

    You should not use such imagery of women, even if it is by AI. Thumbs down!

  • @jamiesmith4293
    @jamiesmith4293 12 днів тому +6

    I assumed it was a lizard, so its legs could be removed and it would then be on its belly.

  • @drivernjax
    @drivernjax Місяць тому +6

    There seems to be one thing you didn't consider. The word serpent doesn't necessarily refer to snakes. As a matter of fact, it isn't uncommon to refer to ANY reptile as a serpent. Also, you said no animal can speak but in Deuteronomy, Balaam's donkey spoke to him. I'm not saying you're wrong; I'm merely saying I don't believe you considered everything while making this video. I should also say that Satan was supposed to have been an angel who served under God until he rebelled, was defeated, and was thrown into Hades.

  • @ausarge
    @ausarge 27 днів тому +5

    I refuse to believe that God's plan for all humanity was destroyed. Satan cannot outsmart God.

    • @heatherprice588
      @heatherprice588 25 днів тому

      It was a test to see if Adam & Eve were obedient to God's word, they were told not to eat the fruit but at the first test they disobeyed.

    • @shalomn9233
      @shalomn9233 25 днів тому +1

      @ausarge That is correct God's plan is unfolding perfectly. Satan himself has a role to play that is why he was not completely destroyed when God kicked him out of heaven.Satan actions are necessary to God's purpose and plan of redemption but eventually he will be cast into the lake of fire

  • @freewheelburning8834
    @freewheelburning8834 Місяць тому +6

    The Lizard people are ruling the Democrat party here in the states

    • @Johnathan-gc4nr
      @Johnathan-gc4nr Місяць тому +1

      They live in Antarctica... The fallen ones are still here.

    • @mattroberts86
      @mattroberts86 Місяць тому

      And trained Donald until he was 69 years old, then Donald switched parties to destroy the Republicans.

  • @DevendraZEBEDEE
    @DevendraZEBEDEE Місяць тому +6

    It could be a Dragon 🐉
    Is the best depiction of Seraph (fire breathing) snake-like features with limbs, scales and wings.

    • @SuperDavidEF
      @SuperDavidEF Місяць тому +2

      Other scriptures actually call him the dragon. That's where I thought this video was going.

  • @boanergesd2858
    @boanergesd2858 Місяць тому +3

    Good insight. I knew the serpent as a representation of sinful nature(a rebellion nature of man against Gods will) in scripture " get behind me Satan for you do not have in mind the things of God but the the things of men".

  • @davidrose3737
    @davidrose3737 Місяць тому +3

    It obviously was the fallen angel, I believe when it says he was more subtle meaning Satan's nature evil.

  • @speway
    @speway Місяць тому +8

    Evidence of older snake species with limbs can be found in the fossil record.....The boa constrictor family is more primitive and still has remnants of limbs, such as tiny hind leg bones buried in the muscles near their tail ends. 👀

  • @thriftysurvivor6117
    @thriftysurvivor6117 Місяць тому +1

    When we read verse Genesis 3:14 "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:", is sure doesn't seem to be talking about an angelic being or anything other than what we call a serpent today. Beyond that I can also say that women as a whole do seem to have a stronger disdain and fear of serpents than men do lending credence to the view that the serpent mentioned in the Bible likely is a snake. Though serpents don't normally speak there is an example of an ass speaking in Numbers 22:26 "And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?" Before the fall of man there was no death so the logical conclusion to that would be that no animal ate flesh. The logical conclusion to that would be that animals today have a different nature than they did prior to Genesis chapter 3. That being said, it's possible that a serpent didn't crawl on it's belly prior to the fall. It's one thing to say that the serpent of Genesis may not have been a snake, but it's another thing all together conclude that it couldn't have been a snake. Clearly many animals today are different than they were prior to the fall since we can in fact conclude that snakes prior to the fall almost certainly did not possess lethal venom which by its very nature causes death. If there was no death prior to the fall of man snakes, scorpions, spiders and all venomous creatures we have today must have been different than they are today. If that's the case it's not difficult to reason that snakes likely didn't crawl on their bellies prior to the fall of man either.

  • @ezmepetersen2503
    @ezmepetersen2503 Місяць тому +4

    To get a clear picture you have to read what happens to the serpent. God's punishment was to make it crawl on its belly. Therefore the serpent isn't a snake as we know it today. Since we learn in Genesis 3 the serpent was the 'shrewdest' of all creatures it could not have been an animal. Why would God give an animal more intellect than the human's he made for His glory? Someone chose to suggest an equal with snake just as they suggest Eve ate an apple......This is not in the text. True, Eve wasn't scared but it is more likely due to to only having spoken to God who was good and gracious.

    • @bennygreene1421
      @bennygreene1421 Місяць тому

      @@ezmepetersen2503 Amen, the serpent was NOT a reptile until after he was cursed. Why was he cursed? He seduced Eve he took sexual advantage of her.
      That's why the bible is correct in saying Cain was of SATAN------the wicked one. I believe Cains lineage included GOLIATH.
      SAME evil fruits.

    • @bennygreene1421
      @bennygreene1421 Місяць тому

      @@ezmepetersen2503 Amen. As the word says, Cain was of the wicked one -----satan.
      Compare Cains personality with Goliath..

    • @bennygreene1421
      @bennygreene1421 Місяць тому

      @@ezmepetersen2503 Amen
      Cain was of the wicked one as the word says. And it's no mistake that in Genesis it says pleasant to the eyes and one to be desired. Cain had the same evil personality as that of Goliath

  • @charleskimbrell9040
    @charleskimbrell9040 26 днів тому +3

    Moses made a bronze serpent. The Israelites made sacrifice to it and called it Nahushtan.

  • @samal2951
    @samal2951 Місяць тому +1

    I couldn't find this (and I put so much effort to write this yesterday😬). Maybe it is somewhere further in the comments but I'll still try a repost😕😜😄) --- "Aha, this is what I needed! The word Nachash! Naghashy means 'maternal relative' in Kazakh! It's normal for new religions to turn old gods into something bad so people more readily give up on them. The Serpent of the Bible was actually the worshipped MATRIARCHAL Serpent of theTuranians, that is Turkic and related peoples, who lived in Near East before the arrival of the Semitic peoples. It was not only Serpent, but also Tree Worship, as these were usually paired in worshipping and this is why the Bible's Serpent was on the Tree! I found out this from James Fergusson's work who also wrote that the Serpent and Tree Cult is neither Indo-European, nor Semitic butTuranian and that the Turaian peoples spread that cult far and wide but it still remained secondary among other peoples.
    This also proves that the Scythians were Turkic peoples because they are said to have sprung from Heracles and a Serpent woman! Now look again at what Naghashy means in Kazakh! And there are much more proofs in our traditions.
    And it is known that theTuranian peoples were first to use metals - copper, iron, gold etc and that they were very skillful in making artifacts of them. That mayexplain the meaning 'copper'.
    And one more observation. I'm not sure if the fruit which Eve ate was an apple but if it was then there are two interesting facts: 1) according to British researchers, all the apples in the world come from the Kazakh lands, and 2) the word for 'apple' in Kazakh, that is 'alma', also have the meaning 'Don't take!' (a forbidden fruit?) 😉 So, this piece of info may be something you never heard of or read about concerning the history of the Turkic peoples."

  • @Matthew-t8q
    @Matthew-t8q 16 днів тому +3

    And in Revelation 12:9 the Dragon (Satan) is described by the Greek word _όφις_ which is a serpent. He is called the original serpent in that verse, that is, the one in Eden. No twisting of words concerning the Greek word for snake while the Hebrew word goes through a blender for an alterative meaning.
    You can twist virtually any descriptive sentence in the Bible to mean something else but once you start cross referencing these scriptures, the twisting unravels back into a straight line.

    • @donnasellard914
      @donnasellard914 13 днів тому

      Yes, Rev. 12:9 speaks of Satan the Firey Dragon of old.

  • @time_2_get_ready
    @time_2_get_ready 6 днів тому +2

    An excellent message but the serpent's FIRST lie was not 'you shall not surely die' but then as now, it is "Has God REALLY said...?" professing to know BETTER than God.

  • @scottetherton2384
    @scottetherton2384 8 днів тому +3 sick and tired of pseudo scholarship. The only point made which might have some grip is that "the shining one," or that aspect of shining punctuates the obvious that the serpent was/is Satan. Other than this, the vid is pure stupidity. Even if we knew nothing else we would know this but let's take a look at the following Scriptures where God tells the serpent: from now on you will crawl on your belly. An angel up in the tree? Hebrew is a language where words have little or no meaning unless or until they are used. Genesis says that the serpent was the most subtle of all creatures in the Garden. There were angels in the Garden? No. Subtle means: human like or wise - there is almost an evil connotation. Does the Bible refer to this somewhere else? Jesus said: be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. Was Jesus saying: be wise as an angelic being? Don't hate; educate.

    • @whathappened246
      @whathappened246 3 дні тому

      Yeah but even the word ''serpent'' is not ascribed to modern day snakes. So who knows what exactly the ''Nahash'' was in Genesis.
      Jesus is referring to a real snake in that specific passage you're quoting, but we dont know what that creature was in Genesis.
      It was a creature that could walk on two legs and speak human language, it was also quoted as being the most clever creature on Earth, so even if it was a regular snake, it wasn't ''regular'' or anything like the snakes we see today in that sense, before it was cursed by GOD.

    • @scottetherton2384
      @scottetherton2384 3 дні тому

      @@whathappened246 Okay - the fact is that I love when people get into this stuff but there's no use in going off of the rails. It is a serpent. The passage I refer to where the serpent is cursed by God, is God speaking to the very serpent who deceived the woman. God cursing the serpent happened within hours of Adam (man and woman) eating the fruit. It is clear by the context, the immediate reference and subsequent references in Scripture, that we are talking about a literal serpent. No where does it say the serpent was using two legs. A two legged guy was sitting in the tree? No. We also know that serpents used to walk. Scripture says that the serpent was the most beautiful of the creatures, if I am not mistaken. This serpent was not a surprise to the woman. This means that it was on of the animals which Adam (man and woman) had already encountered. It is possible that some of the animals, in the beginning, had the ability to speak? We do not know. That serpent is a word not commonly used to day means noting other than it's the word which the translators thought clearly relayed what was going on. Ah, there's so much more to say. It was a serpent.

  • @tammyfitch2941
    @tammyfitch2941 29 днів тому +2

    i didn't give this much thought until now and this makes sense...

  • @karenyotam993
    @karenyotam993 28 днів тому +3

    Nah!! So does it mean the Devil is now crawling on his belly now? I believe the snake in the garden was a Snake Snake possessed by the devil

    • @angelsordemons
      @angelsordemons 28 днів тому +2

      Maybe that was a serpentine being and the curse was the beginning of snakes as a creature a reminder to humanity of that event!

  • @Ecc1213
    @Ecc1213 29 днів тому +3

    Wonderful analogy with the angelic being (same hebrew word) held up on Moses staff that healed the people bitten by snakes who looked at him. I mean think about it, why would looking at a snake on a pole heal people? It was more likely a foreshadowing of Messiah.

  • @filmbuff5399
    @filmbuff5399 28 днів тому +4

    You just made me laugh. The Bible is clear and does not dwell in “what ifs” and “maybe” statements when stating facts about something in the Bible. “Among all the creations that God made, the serpent is the most deceitful.” What is the probability that animals and humans can communicate during Eve and Adam era? And as it was described in the Bible, serpents can stand before they were cursed. So how was that as another angle of how mysterious Genesis was?

  • @meleklane8924
    @meleklane8924 Місяць тому +4

    The devil appeared and behaved like a 🐍 serpent, not a serpent.

    • @matthewbeaman8315
      @matthewbeaman8315 Місяць тому +2

      Yes exactly. Just like JESUS is not really a lion or sheep.We also are not really tree's, these are just analogies.

    • @meleklane8924
      @meleklane8924 Місяць тому +1

      @matthewbeaman8315 Thanks much for your education.
      I appreciate your education.

    • @matthewbeaman8315
      @matthewbeaman8315 Місяць тому +2

      @@meleklane8924 I'm happy that you and many others are understanding GODS symbolic language. It took me a long time before the LORD revealed these things to me. Now the bible is in " technicolour " for me. Thankyou.

    • @BADD1ONE
      @BADD1ONE Місяць тому

      That's what I believe to. How could Satan act like a man. There was only 1 at the time. His mannerisms would have been of his nature.

    • @jaysonraphaelmurdock8812
      @jaysonraphaelmurdock8812 Місяць тому

      Honestly I think one of two things...
      1. Satan & Lucifer are two different individuals.
      2. Satan isn't a being at all but is actually a term.

  • @HotdogJuice
    @HotdogJuice 16 днів тому +3

    Some would argue that, in the Bible, the serpent is Cain's actual father.

    • @kestee3240
      @kestee3240 16 днів тому +2

      never for once heard that argument..

    • @mark-wn5ek
      @mark-wn5ek 15 днів тому

      Adams lineage is traced through Seth. Now, go figure.

    • @donnasellard914
      @donnasellard914 13 днів тому

      @@mark-wn5ek Yes, even though Cain was alive Adam's lineage is through Seth. Cain is the evil seed line, we see them doing all of the evil in the world today, along with Esau, the Giants like Goliath, Nephilim, (offspring of Fallen angels), and his children. Jesus Warned us about Cain's children and read Matt. 23, He also told us about them in Rev. 2:9 and Rev. 3:9 they PRETEND to be Jews and are Not but are of the synagogue of Satan. We have True Judah in the world and also those that run everything they are Fake Jews that Jesus Warned us about. But SADLY those that run all of the Cemeteries, er Seminarys are of Cain's children teaching LIES. Also in Jude among other places.

  • @joand2217
    @joand2217 Місяць тому +3

    The devil changed form actually. Took the form of a snake to deceive Eve. ,

    • @PR1NCEM1
      @PR1NCEM1 Місяць тому

      Yes correct, snakes had legs like their cousins the komodo dragon. Let's not make up things an stick to bible it said it was a serpent so be it

    • @mattroberts86
      @mattroberts86 Місяць тому

      ​@PR1NCEM1 and by bible you mean the translations and editing of the Vatican after the Inquisition aka the "king james" version?

    • @mattroberts86
      @mattroberts86 Місяць тому

      If he actually turned into a snake, then Eve actually got an apple from a talking snake... then feeds the apple to her husband and doesn't mention that for the first time in her life she met a talking animal?

  • @ok_simple
    @ok_simple Місяць тому +3

    "Nahash" in Filipino word "ahas" that means snake

  • @lightmessenger1705
    @lightmessenger1705 Місяць тому +2

    The Serpent was cursed by God in Genesis 3:14, revealing that the Serpent was part of the livestock, and what history reveals, the serpent was most likely a bull/calf/heifer. Reason why it had legs and after being cursed would eat the dust while it slithered. A dragon, as worshipped by the Chinese would be the result. On the SIXTH day, God created mankind, slithering things (snakes, lizards), and livestock (bulls, cows, goats, sheep, pigs, etc.). These THREE groups of beings created on the SIXTH day rebelled against God, and hence 666. Adam lost his power and authority and the Serpent took rulership of the world. All pagan Kingdoms hereafter worshipped the bull as their main god and all their gods were hybrid human-animal. In fact, Europe is named after a semi-goddess (offspring of fallen angel with human women) whose name was Europa who was whisked away to an eternal romance with a white bull. It also explains why the Israelites when they rebelled against God in the desert made a golden calf whose horns contained a golden solar disk with a protruding snake.

    @JACKSONANTO Місяць тому +5

    Actually it’s a dragon

    • @Jehucurliss2kings
      @Jehucurliss2kings Місяць тому +1

      Boom . Rev 12:17 and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war against the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments.

    • @garypartain3045
      @garypartain3045 Місяць тому

      Or wings

    • @UreTriggered
      @UreTriggered Місяць тому +2

      All dragons are now called dinosaur.

    • @lionheartmerrill1069
      @lionheartmerrill1069 Місяць тому

      Revelation12:9 KJV And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world : he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Jesus told us about this, Luke 10:18 KJV. Where is satan going? 2Thessalonians2, to perform his role as the son of perdition/anti(Greek=instead of)Christ. Looking like our perception of & saying that he is God/Jesus to deceive if it were possible even the very elect. Greatest spiritual deception of all time IMO.

    • @Jehucurliss2kings
      @Jehucurliss2kings Місяць тому

      @@lionheartmerrill1069 Constantine

  • @shantor100
    @shantor100 Місяць тому +2

    We actually don't know what exactly it was. Later satan is refered to as a dragon which obviously he isn't. It's all symbolism

  • @meph1570
    @meph1570 17 днів тому +5

    02:00 pretty sure there are no bras in Eden

  • @FraterMerovius
    @FraterMerovius Місяць тому +4

    Then again, in the original, Sumerian version of the story, the Serpent is the god Enki, who is the actual creator/engineer of mankind, and pretty much the hero of the tale. But why quibble?

  • @alephtav7344
    @alephtav7344 13 днів тому +3


  • @williambarron8304
    @williambarron8304 11 днів тому +3

    Google snakes and “hip” bones. Also read about embedded leg bones?!

  • @robertomarra2431
    @robertomarra2431 Місяць тому +3

    I agree that the nahash wasn’t a reptile per se but an superior being if not Eve would have been scared when a reptile was speking to hear (unless at that time animal of every kind could speak). In any case assuming that was not a reptile, why curse the phisical reptile to go on his belly for the rest of his life?? This I don’t get it

    • @Matrix_Mechanic
      @Matrix_Mechanic Місяць тому

      Because ancient man didn’t understand why some creatures did not have legs 🦵. They are implying snakes must of had legs at one point. It’s all folklore nonsense

    • @IamGrief887
      @IamGrief887 Місяць тому +1

      Enoch names the serpent "Gadriel," and notes him as one of the 200 Watchers who fell with Semjaza at Mt. Hermon.

    • @IamGrief887
      @IamGrief887 Місяць тому +1

      As for why God would curse the animal, it's likely that Gadriel had an affinity for serpents, or used a serpent as his sigil or standard.

    • @simbarashekunedzimwe1372
      @simbarashekunedzimwe1372 Місяць тому

      ​@@IamGrief887 Which Bible verse are you referring to?

    • @simbarashekunedzimwe1372
      @simbarashekunedzimwe1372 Місяць тому

      Why would Eve be scared of any being before the fall and before she knew what fear was?

  • @khesohaba1084
    @khesohaba1084 13 днів тому +5

    Satan can change in any forms.... So.... What is the problem, snake, serpent or tiger. In the last days.....

  • @laman8914
    @laman8914 Місяць тому +3

    In Sanskrit, the first and oldest language, the word Naga means Snake. In the Vedic Scriptures, there is reference to a race of Snakes that still exists in the universe.

    • @danielr7881
      @danielr7881 Місяць тому

      sanskrit is not the first language

    • @TheGwimWeaper
      @TheGwimWeaper Місяць тому

      @@danielr7881 It's one of three. I would say it's a fine line between Sumerian and Sanskrit for first... What say you?

    • @laman8914
      @laman8914 Місяць тому

      @@danielr7881 If you understand how live was created out of Consciousness, you will know.

    • @danielr7881
      @danielr7881 Місяць тому

      @@laman8914 i said sanskrit is not the first language

  • @999.9finegold
    @999.9finegold Місяць тому +4

    A lot of nonsense. And I'll start from the basics. The word "nahash" is not copper. copper in hebrew is "nechoshet".
    Second thing, the snake is also called a "leviathan nahash bariach". which proves that the serpent is the monster known as a dragon. becaus the leviathan According to his description in the prophets, he is the dragon. And yes, he is also the devil according to certain sources, although there is a great debate about this. But we know that the snake is a dragon and not the snake we know today
    Third thing, the word "saraf" is not a snake. Only in the last hundred years has it been attached to one of the Israeli snake species "Saraf Ein Gedi" also called the "Dead Sea Viper".
    This joins many new words that were corrupted by the Epicurus Eliezer ben Yehuda: for example
    electricity-hashmal (angel name. hash-rash mal-sing)
    Fourth thing, you put pictures of guys with wings and you have no idea what angels look like. Read Ezekiel. It's scary. Each angel is the size of half the universe and their forms defy all human logic. Even those who draw them according to Ezekiel's vision, fail to produce the power described in the book of Ezekiel, not even one part of a billion

  • @denaredford6701
    @denaredford6701 Місяць тому +3

    The angels don’t always have wings .

  • @moodberry
    @moodberry Місяць тому +4

    You segued directly from nahash to satahn. Nahash as you said means shining one, whereas satahn means adversary.
    Therefore, conflating the two words to mean the same thing is not honest biblical commentary. It is based on prior assumptions about satan and what he might be.
    Furthermore, you are assuming that the serpent was a supernatural being. Scripture doesn't state that. As a matter of fact, if you want to be consistent, think about the brazen (metal) serpent lifted up on a pole by the children of Israel that HEALED the people who looked upon it.
    Finally, you are deceptive in showing us pictures of supposedly angelic beings embracing Eve, because you likely teach that the "Sons of God" and the "daughters of men" in Genesis intermarried and produced giants.

    • @hugoblack4133
      @hugoblack4133 Місяць тому

      Scripture doesn't "say" a lot of things that are obviously true. Much is left to interpretation. Your example of the serpent being a healing power ignores the fact that healing was required due to the fatal bite of serpents sent by God as punishment for Israel's criticism of Him. The cure of looking upon the SHINY brass (COPPER + zinc) serpent served as a reminder to Israel that they were in arrogant defiance of God just as the serpent in the Garden. Therefore, they were required to look upon the shiny brass serpent, thereby confessing to this defiance, in order to be saved from God's punishment. Q: Why would God create an IDOL to heal His people? A: He wouldn't.

  • @christ-theonlyplaceofworsh2397
    @christ-theonlyplaceofworsh2397 15 днів тому +7

    # 1 the serpent was among the cattle 🐄 animals with legs and not among the reptiles that crawl.
    #2 God created it good and it was an actual animal and not a spirit
    3# he had the ability to walk, talk and reason
    4# it was not an angelic being but an earthly being, created from dust
    5# he lost its ability to walk talk and reason when God cursed it
    6# satan took control of that physical animal that was so close to a human being to commit the sin in the flesh. Since satan cannot create a body he needs one to use, as when The Lord Jesus sent Legion to the swines
    #7 satan is called the old serpent because he incarnated the old one and not the one the new one we have today that came about due to the curse
    8# the sin that was committed was sex between the serpent that satan took the body of to manifest in the flesh, as satan manifested in the flesh to cause sin, GOD would come and manifest in the flesh to take it away. satan did it through sex since he cannot create, GOD did it by his word since he is the CREATOR of all things. satan brought a son through the flesh through sex and God brought himself through the flesh as a son through the word. When satan brought sin he used a virgin, When GOD took away sin, he used a virgin, that is why a virgin did conceived, because in the garden a virgin did conceived by a spiritual being. An angelic being ( an archangel brought a word of lies to impregnate a virgin through sex, another angelic being brought the word of truth that impregnated another virgin without sex but by the power of the word of creation. satan the king of the kingdom of darkness came in the flesh, God the king of the kingdom of light also came in the flesh. satan did not send a son but came himself, nor another fallen angel but came himself to commit sin, neither did God, he did not send a son as a second person of a dead Trinity but he came himself in the likeness of one of his son as the second Adam to take away sin. When satan committed the sin he used a naked animal the serpent when God took it away he used a naked animal at the cross a lamb 🐑 but notice that lamb does not walk on four feet 🦶 but on two feet 🦶, why because the serpent did walk on two feet 👣, behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the 🌎 world, when John saw that lamb he was walking 🚶 on two legs 🦵. Why blood 🩸 was required? When sin came in, satan shed the blood 🩸 of a virgin sinless being, therefore for sin to be taken away blood 🩸 must be shed. Why the cross? Two species were CROSSed in the garden of Eden, at the cross ✝️ GOD un-crossed that sexual birth that brought death and gave us the spiritual birth that does not come by sex but by the word just like in genesis chapter 1. Adam was not created by sex but in the image of the word. satan came through a married couple, before Adam would multiply through his wife, satan got there first, God also came through a married couple, before Joseph would begin to reproduce through Marie his wife God borrowed her not by deceit but consent, not by sex but by the word, therefore even after Marie had God’s tabernacle, MARIE was still a VIRGIN since the immaculate birth did not come by sex through her private part but her ears 👂. God borrowed a womb and returned it the same, satan stole a womb and sent it back broken and stole the virgincy of the wife of another man. God borrowed a virgin and return Adam’s family a virgin!!! The serpent was an actual animal that was possessed by a spirit to commit sin, the devil is not the created serpent but the spirit that took possession of the body of the created two footed 👣 beast. Jesus later on mèt his family members in his day and today they are still around and just like in the days of Christ they were religious leaders, today they are the same, religious leaders that are turning you 🫵 away from the truth of the word of God, teaching Trinity of persons of the Godhead, instead of one God in three manifestations, teaching you that their church is the true church when The Lord said I will be my church and not my churches Matthew 16:15-16 and that church is the mystical body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:13, Colossians 1 , teaching you to be baptized in the title father son and the Holy Ghost instead of the name Lord Jesus Christ Acts 2:38 which is the fulfillment of Matthew 28:18-20, and so many other doctrines of devils. Tell me where in the Bible Jesus said we would be catholic or Protestant or whatever denominations you belongs to?! Where the people in his church would come and join instead of being born into it by a spiritual birth?! We need to come back to God and repent!!! And be born of the Spirit by applying Acts 2:38!!! Shalom!

    • @watchman2279
      @watchman2279 13 днів тому +2

      Well said....

    • @app8music
      @app8music 13 днів тому +2

      What you just wrote here in the comments is nothing but the truth. When I read this I thought they must be a believer of William Branham. Thank you for posting this. God bless you!

    • @christ-theonlyplaceofworsh2397
      @christ-theonlyplaceofworsh2397 13 днів тому +1

      @@watchman2279 to God be the glory!

    • @christ-theonlyplaceofworsh2397
      @christ-theonlyplaceofworsh2397 13 днів тому +1

      @@app8music to God be the glory!

  • @Jesusexplains
    @Jesusexplains Місяць тому +2

    Totally agree! (Although animals can speak a human language , or be spoken through - See Num22:28 KJV)
    Furthermore, Satan WALKS to and from, and up and down the earth. (See Job2:2 KJV 2 And the Lord said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from WALKING up and down in it.) And “eating dust” may be referring to not being allowed to eat heavenly delights. 🤔 Hmm!

  • @ericblocker3032
    @ericblocker3032 Місяць тому +1

    That Old Serpent, the Great Dragon, that deceived the whole world. Satan is everywhere. The serpent is everywhere. The Cross stands for healing and the medical symbol the serpent ⚕️stands for healing too, and more people run to the serpent to get healed…because people left God…

  • @paulrussell6495
    @paulrussell6495 Місяць тому +13

    Anyone who thinks satan is a literal snake needs to give their head a shake. Is jesus a literal lamb?

    • @stratigicenterprize
      @stratigicenterprize 27 днів тому

      @@paulrussell6495 Too many low vibrating people are so ignorant and they LOVE their fantasy disney world

    • @markcleaver6573
      @markcleaver6573 4 дні тому

      OK so if the story is symbolic, which I agree with. What does the forbidden fruit symbolise ?

    • @brandivanemon7930
      @brandivanemon7930 3 дні тому

      @@markcleaver6573 all you can do is start doing some research

    • @skinnyway
      @skinnyway 2 дні тому

      @@markcleaver6573 lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life (knowledge) the 3 things that fulfil self.

  • @francisadams-u9l
    @francisadams-u9l Місяць тому +9

    I am fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. I study the Bible in it's original languages. An example, Hebrew is easy to learn. Hebrew is like a computer data system where every word is an 'encyclopedic unit' for storing 1000s of bits of information. Each letter and word in the Hebrew language stores 1000s of bits of information. Hebrew has a 10,000-year history. This means each word and letter is also a depository for information on ancient languages such as Sumerian. The word NACHASH then has 1000s of 'expressions'. It is not possible to 'translate' Hebrew into modern languages. At best, you can develop a series of notes that give an idea as to what is going on. English language is about 1500 years old. English does not yet have that capacity like the Hebrew language. Also, English is not a Middle Eastern Semitic language. English does have a flexible capacity which means it is possible to use English to fathom the depths of the Hebrew language. I can keep going with this. But I will end it with this. If you want to know what is going on with the word NACHASH, start with analyzing the individual letters that are used to develop it. Nun, Chet, Shin. Here is a major clue, the first letter of every word tells you what is going on in the word itself. That is, if you want to know anything about what is in the Bible, study and master the Hebrew alphabet and also the Greek alphabet. If you do, treasure doors will open in ways you never expected. I have been studying for 40 years. I am still finding many marvelous things!!!!!

    • @kevinbuda7087
      @kevinbuda7087 Місяць тому +1

      cool. Your life's work,then.Now what are you going to do? I cant be expected to learn hebrew or greek. You have a book on the way?

    • @francisadams-u9l
      @francisadams-u9l Місяць тому +1

      @@kevinbuda7087 Yes, I have several books on the way. My work will explain in plain English what is going on in the Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. The English language was banned in England for 600 years. During the Tudor period English comes into its own. I hope my work will help introduce into the English language steps for developing the complexities of Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. English has a unique flexibility.

    • @brainlessidiot5322
      @brainlessidiot5322 Місяць тому

      @@francisadams-u9l there is no English language. What we consider to be English is just a mishmash of words from other languages. Get a dictionary and look at the roots/origin of English words.

    • @kevinbuda7087
      @kevinbuda7087 Місяць тому

      @@francisadams-u9l Great! your knowledge is needed to be spread about.

    • @manonamission5299
      @manonamission5299 Місяць тому

      NHS 🤔

  • @deepuking7003
    @deepuking7003 Місяць тому +134

    there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal

    • @user-jv4ic8rh4d
      @user-jv4ic8rh4d Місяць тому +1

      Try black is beautiful by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman

    • @Quakeboy02
      @Quakeboy02 Місяць тому +1

      Anything that tells you it is going to reveal "secret techniques" is bullshit on the fact of it.

  • @ByteMeCompletely
    @ByteMeCompletely 6 днів тому +5

    It was James Carville, I know, I was there. --Joe Biden

    • @pstrwaka7901
      @pstrwaka7901 6 днів тому

      Dont be silly, unless it was 1 minute ago Joe wouldn't remember he was there !

  • @spiritandlifeword
    @spiritandlifeword Місяць тому +5

    God bless you,
    Yes, I knew that the serpent described in the first chapter of the book of Genesis in the Bible does not only refer to the mere natural snake but also the devil himself. He, the devil may have manifest himslef in the body of the snake as even now he comes in different forms. What amazes me the most in my ministry of deliverance is that wherever there is the natural snake, most of the time there will be the presence of evil spirits/demons...
    Also when delivering people from evil spirit/demon possession they tell you that they have some form of encounters either in their dreams or physically with snakes. Where there is a snake in someones dreams there is a demonic activity going on.
    May be the snake has given itself to be the legal representative and temple for the devil to manifest himslef into the physical realm called earth.
    Bless you

  • @lukosecherian473
    @lukosecherian473 10 днів тому +7

    I feel this video as a confirmation of my thoughts. When I searched for seraphim in Wikipedia I came to know that it means serpent also and it struck me that if it's so the serpent of book of Genesis is not merely an animal but a fallen angel of seraphim group

  • @johnday291
    @johnday291 Місяць тому +11

    Jesus Only Believe Jesus Only Jesus is God and He is coming back soon Thank you Jesus.

    • @jaredharris1940
      @jaredharris1940 Місяць тому +1

      Not god, he's gods son.

    • @johnday291
      @johnday291 Місяць тому +1

      @@jaredharris1940 God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God.

    • @David-ej4cg
      @David-ej4cg Місяць тому

      agreed… jesus is our brother and all who pass thru the woman must go thru the father …why would god send himself down to test himself? … jesus is the physical embodiment of our spirit that god put inside of us…jesus is thee pathway to god meaning the spirit is the path to me our brother just took the first step for us

    • @laminins
      @laminins Місяць тому +1

      John 6:44-45
      44 “No one can come to me (Yahushua ) unless they are drawn to me by the Father who sent me, and I will raise them up at the last day. 45 It is written in the Prophets, And they will all be taught by God YAHUAH Everyone who has listened to the Father and learned from him comes to me”.

    • @nufamilia
      @nufamilia Місяць тому

      🙄 he’s a tyrant. I don’t follow tyrants.

  • @JOEAPPLE007
    @JOEAPPLE007 20 днів тому +7

    Why keep on showing eros and psyche AI image??

  • @vdgitaliano
    @vdgitaliano Місяць тому +6

    You’re almost there, but not quite. The Nakhash means bright shining one and makes no reference to a serpent at all. The relation to snakes came later because the Hebrew people saw them crawling on the ground and made the correlation that this is what the Nakhash had become because the Lord had said he would go down upon his belly. It never meant serpent in the beginning.
    It means brightshining one. Lucifer had stood directly in the presence of God, and like Moses when he came down off the mountain, his very being took on the light of God and emulated a particular type of glow just like Moses when he had knelt before the burning bush.. Later in the Scriptures, the Lord tells Moses to take and fashion a Nakhash and make it of brass and attach it to his staff. Again, people envision Moses taking a snake made of brass and putting it on a stick. Completely wrong, because it became Jewish custom that the idea of a man being nailed to a tree was a curse to be hated, THE IMAGE OF A MAN NOT A SNAKE.
    The only reason they thought this is because Moses created the image of a man made of brass nailed to his staff, and the worship (worship in ancient Hebrew means to do the work of, it does not mean to bow down and glorify )that the Lord told Moses to have the people do was repentance, it was a foregone insinuation of what would be necessary when you accept Christ. where do people think that the ancient Hebrews got the hatred of the idea of a man being put on a cross or on a tree? It was because it was shown to them by Moses, and they were told that man had become the curse and by looking upon it and committing themselves to repentance of their utterances against Moses and against God they would be free from the torment of the vipers the Lord had sent to bite them.
    Also, the tree of good and evil is not a tree. There was no snake, there was no apple, and there was no tree. The Nakash is the tree. Referr to Ezekiel. chapter 31 and judges chapter 9, where both books talk of the trees of the garden, and they weren’t trees, they’re actually people, sometimes representing individuals and sometimes whole groups or nations.
    Genesis says that Eve looked upon the tree and found it pleasing to the eye, but in the Hebrew, it actually says that she found it extremely handsome or extremely beautiful. how can a tree be physically attractive, to make one’s loins stir? And the fruit that it speaks of is exactly the same fruit that Jesus tells us each of us produce, it’s your words. Eve heard the words of the Nakash and she consumed (received) them because they were good (capable) to make one wise. how could a piece of fruit make somebody wise? it can’t, it has to be exactly what the Lord explains in the New Testament regarding our fruit. Jesus also tells us it is not what goes into our mouth that corrupts us, but instead, what comes out is whatis judged. So therefore it cannot be a piece of fruit, it has to be something that she said such as telling Adam Nakhash said and then Adam received it and probably said that he agreed or liked the idea and that’s where he went wrong?
    The next thing to consider is that the Nakash existed long before Adam and Eve were created. There is a huge gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. We know this because the Bible speaks of things that Lucifer had done that don’t coincide with the biblical timeline after Adam , it speaks of things that had occurred outside, or prior to, the timeline of Adam. Ask yourself, why did Lucifer show up in the garden already wanting Adam and Eve to fail? It was because he knew that with the new creation of God’s image being in the garden, his time had come to an end to be the top dog on the planet. The attention was now focused on Adam and Eve and he did not like that. It also talks of Lucifer being dishonest with the nations that existed prior to Adam and Eve. We have structures throughout the world that are thousands of years older than the 6000-year-old creation. But, if we study and accept the fact that Lucifer was operating in this world prior to the creation of Adam and Eve, then all the pieces fall into place, and the greater story begins to make sense?

    • @vdgitaliano
      @vdgitaliano Місяць тому +3

      Also, I forgot to mention this…
      When the Lord said that he would go down upon his belly and eat dust all the days of his life, making him lower than any beast of the field, he wasn’t turning him into an animal, he was stripping him of his authority. He was belittling him. He was never an animal in any form and did not become an animal in any form. The book of Job says that he stood before the Lord, how can that happen when he had been turned into a snake? Also, in the beginning, the Bible says that he was more subtle than any beast of the field. Two things to consider here, number one the word subtle in that reference means innocent looking, you wouldn’t think that it would cause any harm whatsoever, you would liken it to a gentle butterfly. Secondly, he did not say any “OTHER” beast of the field, which gives the idea that the Lord was liking him to a gentle creature, or at least the appearance of. He was basically saying, there was no creature in creation that appeared more gentle or safer than the Nakhash did.

    • @leighnewzealand1843
      @leighnewzealand1843 Місяць тому +1

      Thank you very much vdgitaliano for this writing, it is very much appreciated

    • @vdgitaliano
      @vdgitaliano Місяць тому +2

      @@leighnewzealand1843 all glory to Abba in Jesus Name alone. I love you friend!

    • @shalomn9233
      @shalomn9233 Місяць тому +2

      @vdgitaliano Yes there was pre Adamic civilization that God destroyed

    • @vdgitaliano
      @vdgitaliano Місяць тому +2

      @@shalomn9233 thank you for that friend. Though they were not men like you and I, they were the original servants having been sent by God to prepare the earth, because after all, man was not created to fill the Earth, but the Earth was made for man. We know that it wasn’t men or humankind that inhabited the earth prior because the Bible says that Adam was a new creation in the image of God. And we also know that there was a civilization prior in the creation story. It says that God told them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. How can you replenish something that’s never had anything in it before? trying to get believers to understand this is like pulling teeth.

  • @HellenicPapist
    @HellenicPapist Місяць тому +3

    Serpent is also dragon in Hebrew. Satan came in the form of dragon.
    Isaiah 30:6 described serpents as "flying saraphs" or "flying dragons" in a land of anguish and trouble. Isaiah 14:29 also compared those saraphs to worse than regular serpents.
    John in Revelation 12:9 explicitly said, “And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world-”.
    Satan came to Adam and Eve in a terrifying form. Adam failed his command by God to protect his wife, Eve, and the garden by not laying down his life for his wife against the dragon. This was unlike what Jesus did who laid down His life for His bride, the Church, against the same dragon Adam cowardly let Eve be deceived by.

  • @searchDscriptures
    @searchDscriptures Місяць тому +5

    The simplicity of truth when presented cannot be denied. But to all that have no spiritual insight they are bound to earthly or natural truth. What they see with the fleshly eye. Therefore they conclude that the serpent must had legs before the fall. Spiritual death is the first death, next is the fleshly death. If you are born again - spiritually alive the only death is the fleshly one. Paw says "listen here Sonny" can the snake talk, or even think? Did God say He took away his voice? Does the snake have a choice? Go is fair and just, why would God put upon the snake a judgement if the snake had no choice?

  • @jasonheight
    @jasonheight Місяць тому +6

    the evidence is clear, that you assume the evidence as factual and not tampered since before the roman days, study the actual translated text and your find its YHWH who mentions the serpent in the garden of eden, and not adam and eves first hand accounts, but hey adam and eve where humans right? even after there self awareness they hid from YHWH. then ho is it then that Yeshua says this a the second temple....If my father and the father you pray are of the same, then why do you not believe in me, for to reach my father is only through me, as no one has ever seen my father. The msg is very clear, only through Yeshua may your journey to the divine council begin. and if adam and eve was human, then who is YHWH? the veil is still high and the great deception has been in place way before the 4 rivers, and will come to show in revelations, when yeshua himself who walked amongst you in the flesh will return to eden to complete the mission of the so called "Serpent" tried to achieve, and restore the tree of life. Yeshua as folks pray to you, guide them to know of the text and its true intentions and context and the word of your father, and that even if the text was left in its pure intention without any betrayal or deception of any ones narrative, the word is clear, and the only path is only through Yeshua.

  • @3Hg594
    @3Hg594 Місяць тому +5

    Fact: the name Lucifer never existed in the original bible.
    It was 'Heylel' meaning 'the shining one'. The translation changed the meaning to 'Light bringer' which is different.
    Satan whispers in the hearts of men, which is like the sound a snake makes.

    • @ScorpioMojo
      @ScorpioMojo Місяць тому +1

      @@3Hg594 - Lucifer, the light bearer .. is represented as the statue of liberty 🗽 .. aka the queen of heaven. Not all angels (malakim) are created male.

    • @calonarang7378
      @calonarang7378 Місяць тому +1

      The statue of Liberty was Modeled after Hecate.
      Or why else the crown.

    • @ScorpioMojo
      @ScorpioMojo Місяць тому

      @calonarang7378 - different countries and cultures = different names. But we can agree that 🗽 is a pagan goddess. I can also suggest that this could be a representation of Columbia aka lady liberty, the goddess who represents America 🇺🇸

    • @calonarang7378
      @calonarang7378 Місяць тому

      Different characters for all we know.
      At this point it's about Context & content of Character.

  • @jayanathansoobramoney9634
    @jayanathansoobramoney9634 10 днів тому +5

    The prophet William Branham -bravely and fearlessly deals with this subject in a message called "Serpent's seed".

  • @RabbitholeIsrael
    @RabbitholeIsrael 4 години тому +2

    4 Maccabees 18:7-9 “I was a pure virgin and did not go outside my father’s house; but I guarded the rib from which woman was made. 8 No seducer corrupted me on a desert plain, nor did the destroyer, the deceitful serpent, defile the purity of my virginity. (referring to what happened to Eve). Infancy gospel of James: verse 13. And she was in her sixth month; and, behold, Joseph came back from his building, and, entering into his house, he discovered that she was big with child. And he smote his face, and threw himself on the ground upon the sackcloth, and wept bitterly, saying: With what face shall I look upon the Lord my God? and what prayer shall I make about this maiden? because I received her a virgin out of the temple of the Lord, and I have not watched over her. Who is it that has hunted me down? Who has done this evil thing in my house, and defiled the virgin? Has not the history of Adam been repeated in me? For just as Adam was in the hour of his singing praise, and the serpent came, and found Eve alone, and completely deceived her, so it has happened to me also. SO CLEARLY THE PEOPLE OF THE BIBLE UNDERSTOOD EVE'S SIN. THEY KNEW SHE HAD SEX WITH A FALLEN BEING INSTEAD OF ADAM AND THEN CAUSED ADAM TO SIN WHEN HE HAD SEX WITH HER AFTERWARDS. SHE BORE TWINS, CAIN AND ABEL. CAIN OF THE SERPENT SEED AND ABEL OF ADAM'S SEED. fraternal twins can be born from two different fathers in a phenomenon called heteropaternal superfecundation.

    • @DeltaMale5000
      @DeltaMale5000 3 години тому

      LOL That is all unbiblical nonsense.

  • @jacqueboyce3176
    @jacqueboyce3176 Місяць тому +7

    The first sin in Eden was Eve's loss of faith in God her father's love for her. The second sin was disobedience. She should have replied to the words of satan, "Because my Father loves me and knows what is best for me, and He told us not to eat of this tree, I will not eat of it." When we look at the great evils in our modern world we see the attack on fatherhood everywhere - fathers who should be giving their children their first idea of God the Father's love and care for us. This attack on fatherhood is diabolical.

    • @champagnerojosescapades5206
      @champagnerojosescapades5206 Місяць тому

      The 1st sin ever committed, by Eve, was idolatry and that’s exactly how the Lord says the world will end! Hence all these actors, music artists, ONLYFANS bitches, etc that everyone loves and follows, believing in other Gods and all. We’re in the end times for sure!!

    • @ScorpioMojo
      @ScorpioMojo Місяць тому

      @jacqueboyce3176 - Lucifer was created female, as she is represented in Renaissance art in the garden. Also why false jezus is portrayed as very effeminate, with long hair. The god of this world aka the queen of heaven aka mother nature ☯️

    • @zerotolerance9128
      @zerotolerance9128 21 день тому

      Masculinism destroyed fatherhood

  • @michaelicornelius
    @michaelicornelius Місяць тому +6

    Revelation 12:7-9 war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world. - Remember that Revelation is The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants-things which must shortly take place. Revelation 1:1

  • @LevelUpTrivia1
    @LevelUpTrivia1 Місяць тому +24

    I cant stand these fake AI voice overs, good video though

    • @trixit
      @trixit Місяць тому +1

      Yes, especially when you start hearing it in news segments....

    • @Nicht-die-Mama
      @Nicht-die-Mama Місяць тому +1

      Those AI pictures are worse. And this video is full of AI images. Having said this, they should avoid erotic images in a video meant to guide us into better understanding the Bible 😠

    • @PeteRed-ig3fp
      @PeteRed-ig3fp Місяць тому +1

      Noone can stand this A.I garbage yet it's taking we defeat it? I've no idea.🏴‍☠️

    • @kristendavis8309
      @kristendavis8309 Місяць тому +2

      My thoughts exactly. We didn’t pick up a romance novel to read! We want to understand The Holy Bible !

    • @-the1b4u-
      @-the1b4u- Місяць тому

      ​@@kristendavis8309are the romance novels AI also 😂 nice comparison and ty for the laugh 😃

  • @rthompsn2007
    @rthompsn2007 Місяць тому +4

    Wow! Talk about strrrreeeeeetching the facts to match your preconceived ideas! "Okay, Genesis uses the word 'snake', but since there are sort-of-related words that match OUR beliefs better, OBVIOUSLY it didn't actually mean snake when it said snake!" 😂😂

  • @gaylebrown614
    @gaylebrown614 Місяць тому +4

    Yes, not a snake but a spirit being that is able to transform into an angel of light. I once read that the term actually translates more to the idea of "he who is of the brotherhood of the serpent"; as already noted the seraphim are a special type of angelic beings which means burning appearance. I've observed in scripture there are no heavenly beings that are described with a reptilian or insect appearance. And notice in the famous chapter of Ezekiel 28 that starts with the King of Tyre and morphs into the evil spirit power behind the earthly throne, the once the anointed cherub who was in Eden. A list of precious gems are described that cover him, like the colorful patterns of serpent scales or other reptilians, amphibians & insects. I wonder if angels with reptile and insect characteristics are absent because they are the 1/3 that followed and fell with their head leader. And another thing, the evil spiritual demoniac's on earth in Revelation are described as some combination of something like locusts, scorpions with a man's face; something like horses with lion's mouths and serpent tails that produce fire, smoke and sulfur, a great dragon, and something like frogs out of the mouths of Beast, False Prophet, and Satan. Not found in descriptions of heavenly beings, but all the demonic beings on earth.

  • @kim-jf4nk
    @kim-jf4nk 22 дні тому +8

    It was satan who beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    • @jocelynemmukendi1307
      @jocelynemmukendi1307 21 день тому +1


    • @coreyc490
      @coreyc490 20 днів тому

      Really? That’s not what it says…

    • @Blacklist324
      @Blacklist324 20 днів тому

      ​​@@coreyc490 Genesis 5:13 also 2Corinthians 11:3 and 1Timothy2:14

    • @coreyc490
      @coreyc490 20 днів тому

      @@Blacklist324 leave the reinterpretations and reimagining of the New Testament out of it. Where in the Old Testament does it say that the serpent was Satan? Here’s a clue: it doesn’t.

    • @kim-jf4nk
      @kim-jf4nk 19 днів тому

      @@coreyc490 The Holy Bible is not only Old Testament though. The New Testament, Christ Jesus, Fulfills The Old Testament.

  • @NoFalseDoctrine
    @NoFalseDoctrine Місяць тому +5

    I appreciate the study but not the pictures I think they're going a little far and don't you think?

    • @bennygreene1421
      @bennygreene1421 Місяць тому

      @@NoFalseDoctrine Why do I believe the serpent was the missing link between beast & man?
      Because more than one scripture points right to it.

  • @michaelkelleypoetry
    @michaelkelleypoetry Місяць тому +4

    There was clearly a snake involved along with Satan because God judged the animal for the part it played by cursing it to crawl on its belly. I think the most logical explanation is that Satan was originally over the reptile kingdom, which used to be the greatest on the planet (e.g., dinosaurs), but now is the lowest of animals. In Scripture, the cherubim are said to have the faces of an ox, a human, a lion, and an eagle, representing the four great kingdoms on earth: the domesticated, the wild, the flying, and humanity, but the reptile kingdom is distinctly missing because the cherub that was once over them is the Fallen One.

  • @GateauEntertainmentNetwork
    @GateauEntertainmentNetwork Місяць тому +5

    In the Targum translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, it is written that Sammael was the being who deceived Eve.

  • @davidrose3737
    @davidrose3737 Місяць тому +6

    I never believed it was a snake talking. What does Lucifer mean?? The shining one!!! He was a fallen angel who decieved Eve, not a talking snake..good word brother!

    • @ScorpioMojo
      @ScorpioMojo Місяць тому +1

      @davidrose3737 - yes, SHE is a fallen angel. The anointed cherub aka the queen of heaven. Probably why each state capital building has a FEMALE goddess on the top. All angels were not created male. Other terms are earth mother or mother nature. Worshipping creation and the god of this world, and not the CREATOR.

  • @jason_daniel
    @jason_daniel Місяць тому +5

    Dragon is a snake with legs

  • @glorychukwu1616
    @glorychukwu1616 Місяць тому +4

    Don't you think that the serpent may be possessed by a spirit to serve the spirit purpose?

  • @skinnyway
    @skinnyway 3 дні тому +3

    hard to believe there are so many who dont know the fascinating 'serpent' was the devil.

  • @terrellbrashears6156
    @terrellbrashears6156 Місяць тому +5

    Surprising, this video is 100% AI GENERATED, yet it shows a remarkable level of sentient self-awareness we are impressed.

  • @inharmonywithearth9982
    @inharmonywithearth9982 Місяць тому +4

    What ever it was , after the punishment it was turned into a creature that ate only dust and could not lift its belly from the ground. It became the "earthworm". A serpent can climb , swim and even leap. A serpent eats many animals never dust. Geeze. Read it again A.I. voice man.

  • @robbysantoni6900
    @robbysantoni6900 Місяць тому +3

    I cant help but be reminded of the 'plumed serpant' that ancient tribes in south america worshipped

  • @johnoconnor4478
    @johnoconnor4478 Місяць тому +4

    No, I did not know that the serpent was not really a serpent. I always took the Bible literally.

  • @iRecruitTalentSolutions
    @iRecruitTalentSolutions 22 дні тому +3

    I think satan (lucifer) was the shinning one, who took on the serpent. Some angels have animal forms like eagle, lion, scary beasts, and more.
    Satan and serpent's quality are alike. To believe that sex is involved is NOT TRUE. Because, God specifically told them to eat all the fruits EXCEPT ONE (knowledge and evil). After eating the fruit, both satan and the possessed snake (Actually a dragon 🐉) were cursed.... "On your belly shall you crawl means dethonement, downgraded. While satan became a fallen angel, the dragon went to extinction, to be succeeded by snakes.
    Our modern snakes have legs hidden. If you kill a snake and burn it, the hidden legs will pop out. This may be a reflection of the degraded dragon version.

    • @vital1217
      @vital1217 19 днів тому

      Snakes and cats have the same kind of slit eyes. 😺

  • @MYGAS21
    @MYGAS21 Місяць тому +3

    My interpretation is that the serpent is a spirit that has something to do with the ground. The ground as something flat depicts absolute equity and IMHO the Fathers absolute divine simplicity, His divine Essence (as opposed to His ENERGIES: the LOGOS or the divine RATIO through which the divine Essence created everything). The tree of Knowledge of good and evil depicts how all complimentary relationships become contradictions like good and evil is, when someone wants to identify with the simple Divine Essence, SO it is not a surprise that the male female relationship becomes shameful. This fake divinity is of course without god Himself. This is depicted by the idea of the forbidden fruit. This view is further supported by the Genesis 3 verse in which God confirms that after the forbidden act Adam and Eve where indeed "GodLike". SO the deceiver had said a half truth: He told them they would become God like but not that they would die as a result through the eventual separation of the Sensible and Intelligible world. When at the end of Genesis 3 another tree is referenced, the "Tree of Life" IMHO by contrast, the tree of "good & evil" is revealed as the tree of death...Speaking of the "Tree of Life", further evidence of the meaning of the snake as Divine Simplicity and death, can be found in our Lords crucifixion that "crushed death through death" as the hymn of the Resurrection chants. Even more revealing is how this Tree of Life is prefigured in the Old Testament by the risen copper serpents of Moses: Healing images against the deadly bite of serpents. The act of rising from the ground introduces the aspect of polarity and complements simplicity without negating it. This IMHO reveals the two aspects of the Divine Ratio of creation: The LOGOS as the Holy Trinity.

  • @thomj.2606
    @thomj.2606 11 днів тому +4

    Romans 12:19 states that "because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them" suggests clearly that since Gen.3 is God's narration of facts and this can be understood clearly "so that they are without excuse", then we can believe that the way God presented His narrative to be understood is so plain and understandable that even the Jews at that time could easily know and believe what was being said. Therefore by taking into consideration what God can do with His powers, we can accept that it was indeed a snake that Satan used (just like the scene with Bala'am and the donkey). Later in the Bible it was identified or pointed more clearly that it was Satan deceiving Eve and not really the actual snake (as Bala'am thought it was only the donkey but turns out there was an angel around). But God in His wisdom cursed the animal with it and pronounced a change in its mobility and affected all its whole kind. This is somewhat similar to when Noah cursed Canaan instead of Ham (Gen.9:22). Although it was Ham's fault, but Noah understood that its the generation of his youngest son's line that will suffer the consequences of Ham's action. Thus the snake was cursed because of the connection Satan had with it. It says in Gen.3:1 that the snake was "more crafty or prudent than any of the beast of the field" thats why Satan selected this creature as his way to present himself to Eve and Adam. Adam and Eve did not saw Satan's form for these fallen Angels have abandoned their holy bodies (Jude 1:6) that is why Eve pointed out that it was the snake who deceived her. Satan was the one who deceived Eve and he used an animal to disguise his appearance to elude direct attention. This is typical tactic even in our modern day of salesmanship. Presentation is the key to effective selling. In this case Adam and Eve fell not because they were not clever enough. It was just they don't love God that much anymore that their respect to God and adherence to His command became ineffective to the lies and deceitfulness of the devil.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @roialnet
    @roialnet 4 дні тому +2

    They are the serpent people the Annunaki who offered Eve their genetic line.

  • @Arwndr
    @Arwndr Місяць тому +2

    Well yes, I knew it before, about Lucifer becoming "serpent" or Devil, Satan...
    Through the same cross-over places in a Bible that was mentioned. Plus logic - Who was actually able to Talk with Eve? At that moment there was only God, Angelic creatures, and Adam, who was able to speak with each other. Plas "serpent" already knew God's Laws....
    But I didn't know about real Hebrew word "Nahash".
    Thanks for light on that ☀️🌿✨

  • @Keepingit-rp9oc
    @Keepingit-rp9oc 8 днів тому +3

    The serpent was a dragon. That’s why in revelation satan is referred to as the great dragon of old. Snakes were once the most majestic of all the animals. Until God cursed them to crawl on their bellies until the end of time.

  • @ShirleyMcPherson-h9c
    @ShirleyMcPherson-h9c Місяць тому +3

    The bible itself identifies the talking serpent at Rev chapter 12 verse 9, as you rightfully said. While Satan is serpent-like in character, Numbers chapter 22 verse 28 to 31 (Balaam"s donkey appeared to be speaking - ventriloquism) helps us to understand what that angel, later called the original serpent and Satan did. He used the serpent.

    @THETWOEDGEDSWORD Місяць тому +2

    Nahum 2:12-13
    The lion tore apart enough prey for his cubs
    And strangled for his lionesses. He kept his dens filled with prey, His lairs with torn animals.
    13 “Look! I am against you,” declares יהוה of armies, “I will burn up her war chariots in smoke,
    And the sword will devour your young lions. I will cut off your prey from the earth, And the sound of your messengers will be heard no more.”.

  • @matthewblackwood4744
    @matthewblackwood4744 8 днів тому +4

    A serpent, dragon, wyvern, basilisk and snake are all different type of creatures.

    • @whathappened246
      @whathappened246 3 дні тому

      Their all reptillian, though, and since Satan is described as serpent and dragon in different contexts, who knows.

  • @Silvest3r
    @Silvest3r Місяць тому +2

    Genesis describes "Sons of God and calls them Heroes of old".
    Genesis 6: "When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal, their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
    "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
    Giants and Wicked Canaans, was they children of Angels and humans? also bible refers to hybrids and contamined or corrupted life or humans..corrupted by fallen..
    "And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
    Anak, himself described as a giant, was said to have had three sons: Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai. These three sons, along with their descendants, became known as the Anakim and were associated with the land of Canaan. Historically, the Anakim were known for inhabiting the region of Hebron in Canaan."
    But among this group "Sons of God" if we can call it this way, tho this might not refer to Lucifer or Satan himself but Satan could have gave the idea to some Angels and this way they might have also decided to come to earth and fall by Satans lie.
    "So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole World; he was cast to the earth, and his Angels were cast out with him"
    I believe that Satan falled more early and first and then came another Angels who also ended commit Sin against Gods will.
    Jesus said to his followers:
    "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." When Christ says "I saw Satan fall".
    He might be describing an event that took place before the creation of the world. Five times Satan set his will against God.
    When Jesus met Satan in desert it feels like Jesus was familliar to Satan, but Jesus refused from him with sharp words and reminding even Satans sin against god:
    "In the third temptation, "The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory" (Matthew 4:8). The devil then said he would give Jesus authority over all of these kingdoms if Jesus would worship him. Jesus refused, telling the devil to "Be gone" (Matthew 4:10) again quoting Deuteronomy a third time, saying, "You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve." The devil then left Him and angels served Him.
    Could this be something what Satan did to another angels as well??
    Clearly we see Satans obsession to this World treasury, but Jesus said hard truths even so that it forced Satan go away.
    Times of Noah was chaotic, mainly the reasons bcos those fallen started to teach people how to practice war, make weapons, how to use chemistry and they gave idea of violence. We dont know actually what lies Satan gave to humans, but we clearly see that Satan made humans fight everyone against their own flesh and blood.
    So God sees that everything is under chaos,an he knows the reason, God wanted to make total reset..
    The Flood, Noah and animals was saved, there was also an bunch of people. I believe that flood didnt kill all people and also it didnt kill all fallen as well.
    But God regretted that he had made the flood, and he made promise not to destroy earth again, so he put a sign to the sky: A rainbow, sign of that he would keep his promise.
    So humanity and World started to grow and develop, but the fallen was hidden in somewhere in earth.
    They are still there, "the shadow government", "deepstate", leaders of these factions are very surely Fallen Angels.
    "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
    Satan, Lucifer was his Angel name but Satan is his cursed name, God took even his name away..
    From the start they had their agenda, lure human to commit evil acts like Eve in Eden, like humans in times of Noah..
    And what would have changed till this day?
    Nothing!, all what now happens in World is orchestrated, to increase hate between humans and confrontation.
    Their plan!
    Fallen blame God, hey hate God and they hate all what Gods hand has created.
    They think that God made false Judgment towards them, God denied their return to heaven, they cant go back.
    Another reason why they hate us, humans… bcos we are offered to have salvation, and place in heaven.
    But we should understand that Satan cant give nothing good, he enjoys from lying and murdering, he enjoys luring people to the way of damnation..
    And he enjoys when world has wars and hate.
    Jesus said: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
    Theres much parts of our world history, putting this all together is challenging..
    But if you seek knowledge and details, read the bible, there all traces you can find.
    Jesus was there always, he saw it all.
    Jesus is the Lord !

  • @stevebrzosko9793
    @stevebrzosko9793 Місяць тому +3

    How did the deceiver get into the garden? Why did God allowed this? How can a child be blamed for being deceived. Oh the questions..

  • @Robert-vh2cl
    @Robert-vh2cl Місяць тому +5

    The serpent was cursed to “eat dust”, to me it implies that Satan would only be able to influence and corrupt those who do not have a relationship with God and are already “dead” or “dust”.

    • @annaw9492
      @annaw9492 Місяць тому +2

      Interesting interpretation

    • @s1n4m1n
      @s1n4m1n Місяць тому

      We are just dust and ashes.

    • @katesomething1701
      @katesomething1701 Місяць тому +1

      That’s deep I never thought of it like that

  • @michaelicornelius
    @michaelicornelius 3 дні тому +3

    God has it explained for you ... Revelation 12:7-9 .... war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

  • @93castle
    @93castle Місяць тому +2

    Numbers 22:21-39, Just like Baalam's donkey was used as mouthpiece, the serpent was used in the same way by Satan.

  • @gisellav2351
    @gisellav2351 29 днів тому +7

    The serpent could speak, walk, and do things other animals could not. This is why the devil used it. It needed to speak to them, and it must have walked if it was cursed to slither on its belly. It was intelligent. It's the only way you can explain what it accomplished and what it became.
    Adam and Eve were not surprised it could communicate. It was chosen to deceive. The devil chose to hide behind God's creation as if he could get away with it. He knew he couldn't. Not from God. There is no hiding. Which is why God knew instantly who deceived. I think God cursed the snake because it allowed itself to be used. Just like he cursed the devil, Adam and Eve. For the same things. For letting themselves be deceived and for disobedience.

  • @strangeworld5476
    @strangeworld5476 Місяць тому +3

    Isaiah also proves this that the snake was Lucifer an angel in his magnificent form conveying wisdom goodness and justice, truth and used that image to deceive and lie to strip Adam and eve of everything God gave them.
    It's like having someone you trust of high status and of good reputation who you know has no malice. Then that person uses that image purposely to give you wrong and bad information which leads to your death and ultimately all that you possess goes to him/her and they know that. Yes you will call that person a snake with capital letters.

  • @Hospitaller1099
    @Hospitaller1099 29 днів тому +3

    "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
    1 Peter 5:8
    Coincidentally, the LGBTQ Pride icon is that of a lion.

  • @JoshuaHipp-j6s
    @JoshuaHipp-j6s Місяць тому +5

    the serpent was the Devil

    • @feromelmagalso5625
      @feromelmagalso5625 Місяць тому

      Yeah, based on your delusion. How come the one who gave us knowledge is evil then the one who prevent humans to have knowledge and consciousness is good guy. Think about it dimwit.

  • @isho7777
    @isho7777 День тому +1

    Also Cain was of the devil 1John 3:12. Does it literally mean Son of Satan? Why did God not approve his altar sacrifice before any hatred was detected in him? Perhaps Cain was indeed Satans son and which can cause a speculation on what the activity on that day in the garden really was (eating of the fruit). Also why was adam not part of the first eating? Besides, as soon as they left the garden they had children outside the garden. There must be something they did not naturally do in the garden which they did outside the garden that could have added to the compelling decision of God to evict them from the garden. Obedience is crucial. There is at least one more way to polpulate earth apart from sex. Jesus was born of Spirit via incarnation, born of a virgin. We failed to hold ourselves and to develop spiritual reproductive ability. Since we are born by sperm we belong to earth but Jesus completed the task for us to be born of Spirit, albeit not at conception but by choice when we are already grown ups. The world was supposed to populate by Spirit and sex was only meant for connection and to be infertile after Spirit filled people filled the earth

    • @PearlB-g4u
      @PearlB-g4u 21 годину тому

      Cain used fruits as his sacrifice hence the reason it was not accepted by God.; he disobeyed God and did his own thing. God said to him, i'f you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
      Abel did what God said, he gave the animal sacrifice because as it is written, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.

  • @Futball_Life
    @Futball_Life Місяць тому +2

    It was a literal snake. But it was made to speak by a power but wicked angel.

    • @davidjohnson1463
      @davidjohnson1463 Місяць тому

      check out the apocalypse of Abraham. Azazel was satan.

  • @miner79r
    @miner79r Місяць тому +4

    In my opinion...
    At one minute, you should have said that the entire Bible was written in Hebrew, because it was... All of the Greek Translations have the same word structure that only makes sense if it is said in Hebrew. In Greek it makes no sense...

    • @stephensanthosh4436
      @stephensanthosh4436 Місяць тому +1

      You are wrong...some are written greek and aramaic

    • @msimon6808
      @msimon6808 Місяць тому

      @@stephensanthosh4436 Not if you are Jewish.

  • @Mr.Smalleys
    @Mr.Smalleys 25 днів тому +4

    maybe the serpant is i am and me, as in the little voice that may think you something, do you have control of your serpant? can you be one with yourself? for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see that is

    • @DIE2dayORelse
      @DIE2dayORelse 23 дні тому

      The head and spine look an awful lot like a serpent, that makes a lot of sense

    • @clementeyama
      @clementeyama 22 дні тому

      wow this deep bro

    • @Mr.Smalleys
      @Mr.Smalleys 22 дні тому

      @@clementeyama so is the rabbit hole, which many will not venture.