Review Note: [time stamp] 00:00 Intro (Skip) 01:38 Adj-아/어지다 grammar & meaning 02:07 Examples with various adjectives 14:26 Verb-고 싶어지다 18:43 Adjectives that end in 있다 23:34 없다 + 아/어지다 26:20 Verbs that seem like an adjective (but are not)
Hello Ms Vicky. I have a question re 주기적으로. 8:53 Is it a Noun+으로 particle that turned into an adverb or is it fixed adverb? I rewatched your ~로/으로 particle lesson but it's not there. I'm sorry, I'm just really confused about it.
such a timely lesson for me. I got both to learn and to hone my vocab and grammar. As a bonus, you have such good Chinese penmanship. beautifully done!
I came from your Instagram channel because it’s already so helpful, and seeing how nice your teaching style is made me want to leave this comment. I love how you use 한자 as well as thoroughly explain different usages and the many examples you give. I’ll be recommending you to the rest of those who are in my Korean class. I hope I can use you as a resource to ground myself in Korean before I go to Seoul this summer! Looking forward to more great things from you, this channel, and your Instagram page. 잘 하셨어요! 감사합니다 빅키 선생님!
I have just start learning I haven't came to this video but then also I see a lot of video but can't learn it but this channel really help 💜thanks a lot
A great lesson. Plus, pen and paper lessons like this are the best for me as I remember them better. And you do it so well. Thank you for all your hard work.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LIVE!!!!!!!!💜 first of all tysm for using the paper again...i really like learning when you write yourself ! And it's kindda gives me nostalgic feeling cause you always used to do it this way! Today's live felt really small...i just could'nt tell that i gave an half an hour class!....And again tysm for your efforts.. We'll also study hard
~선생님 질문이 있어요. 1.영화가 뒤로 갈수록 슬퍼져요. In this sentence why we have used the word back instead of the word end. Or does this word also mean END ? 2. 소식하다 also means ‘to report' or ‘to convey' ?
Review Note:
[time stamp]
00:00 Intro (Skip)
01:38 Adj-아/어지다 grammar & meaning
02:07 Examples with various adjectives
14:26 Verb-고 싶어지다
18:43 Adjectives that end in 있다
23:34 없다 + 아/어지다
26:20 Verbs that seem like an adjective (but are not)
Hello Ms Vicky. I have a question re 주기적으로. 8:53 Is it a Noun+으로 particle that turned into an adverb or is it fixed adverb? I rewatched your ~로/으로 particle lesson but it's not there. I'm sorry, I'm just really confused about it.
such a timely lesson for me. I got both to learn and to hone my vocab and grammar. As a bonus, you have such good Chinese penmanship. beautifully done!
I came from your Instagram channel because it’s already so helpful, and seeing how nice your teaching style is made me want to leave this comment. I love how you use 한자 as well as thoroughly explain different usages and the many examples you give. I’ll be recommending you to the rest of those who are in my Korean class. I hope I can use you as a resource to ground myself in Korean before I go to Seoul this summer! Looking forward to more great things from you, this channel, and your Instagram page. 잘 하셨어요! 감사합니다 빅키 선생님!
thank you so much, Ethan씨 :) 화이팅 💓
I have just start learning I haven't came to this video but then also I see a lot of video but can't learn it but this channel really help 💜thanks a lot
Your method of teaching increases my desire to learn. You inspire me. Thank you.
So true
A great lesson. Plus, pen and paper lessons like this are the best for me as I remember them better. And you do it so well. Thank you for all your hard work.
❤❤❤❤ 감사합니다 선생님❤❤❤❤
This lesson really help me 🙏
ah, the good old hand written version of classes.
Half an hr grammar lesson is good!
I live seeing videos like these because I really want to know more and more Korean thank you so much 💓
^^2022년에는 더 강해지자!~
There's so much to learn but I'll never stop ! ⚡
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LIVE!!!!!!!!💜 first of all tysm for using the paper again...i really like learning when you write yourself ! And it's kindda gives me nostalgic feeling cause you always used to do it this way! Today's live felt really small...i just could'nt tell that i gave an half an hour class!....And again tysm for your efforts.. We'll also study hard
선생님 단어확장의 가장 중요한 부분을 알려주셨네요. 너무 쉽게요.👏👏👏
I just realized where the word 안주 comes from haha!!!
Brilliant! 👏👏
Thank you ❤️
저는 미스 비키의 비디오가 볼 때문에 똑똑해졌어요 🤗🤗
도와주셔서 감사합니다
Are there more words where 아/어 지다 cannot be used or is it just 있다
Mam really you tech very nice love you uniee from all BTS army's 💜😌💜💜
~선생님 질문이 있어요.
1.영화가 뒤로 갈수록 슬퍼져요. In this sentence why we have used the word back instead of the word end. Or does this word also mean END ?
2. 소식하다 also means ‘to report' or ‘to convey' ?
Mam will you make video on time please
here you go:
Thank you so much mam
Mam will you make video on India any time 😊
But I didn't ask I think that you don't know that the history of KIM was started in India 😎
But I didn't ask you miss MULAN
Never take an Indian as fun
Indian is sigma 😌😎
Ma'am I am from India
그래도 재미있어요🤗💜
Unnie last topic is bit confusing (they are adj but they are verbs)
@🍕__Mulan__🍕 고맙다 💜
May i ask, what is the difference of ㄱ and ㅋ, since they both make a “k” sound? :( helpp
Hope this helps
You can skip to 8 minutes in to the video
miss vicky!! is there any difference between 따뜻해질 거야 & 따뜻할 거야?
yehh i can hear y unne
Next class???
Sorry to say please don't waste paper this much you should use white board