Maki, you were greatly missed! always bringing that kind energy that the world needs! This video resonated with me, the feeling of being 'seen' can be so healing ❤🩹 happy to have you back, and looking forward to create alongside with you again :)
Oh my dear, thank you soooo much for being compassionate and kind to me 🥹❤️❤️🪷 Thank you for making me feel seen and important by writing your comment and sharing your thoughts with me ❤️ I deeply appreciate your time and presence 😔🙏❤️
I sure missed you!!! I spent a good part of your absence praying you were ok and wishing you a good life if you were, for whatever reason, not coming back. I watched and re watched your content until I couldn't find you anymore. I enjoy your experiences and your art so much. During this time I went through a life change I wasn't ready for when I lost my job in the summer. Everything felt wrong in my life, even taking time to draw... so I let art fall to the side as I tried to pull myself back up and find a way to survive. I felt defeated and lost. But I managed to pull through and overcame my fears. Then I realized I missed art because it is a big part of me. It brought me joy and healing. I needed to stop punishing myself for something I had no control of and I picked up my sketchbook again. Loving art brought life back into me and I'm so glad I didn't let that part of me die. Persevererance and reclaiming the joy in your life is a strength, not many embrace, but I'm so glad we did! I look forward to the beauty and love you bring. ❤ welcome back!!!
my most kindest Araceli.. your words made me feel so much - but mostly deep gratitude that you showed up for yourself, the power you embraced within you and the courage you took on to not allow this very painful experience take away the joy of your life… I witness your courage and your loving self 🙏! I hope you feel a deep sense of proudness within you, for you did not let yourself down - even after what life did throw at you! You are so strong, so powerful, so resilient! I feel deep empathy for your situation and all the feelings that you must have felt.. To regain that strength to not let outside circumstances take away your deep joy for art and knowing that art is the way for you to feel better and more in peace is such deep insight that you must have gained for yourself! I want to thank you for sharing your personal story with me ❤️ I see you and I feel very deeply for you ❤️ I‘m so grateful that this big thing called the internet brought us together and I feel such deep gratitude for you and I enjoying each others company! Thank you for praying for me and giving me the space to come back to myself 🙏 you seem to me like a very kind, and loving human and I hope that you have people around you that see the beauty you bring into this world ❤️ I‘m giving you my warmest hug and sending you all my love, my kindest Araceli ❤️
my kindest Maxine, thank you sooo deeply for your love and kindness, and for supporting me no matter what ❤️❤️😭😭 SENDING YOU MY BIGGEST HUG, your presence means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️
Of COURSE we were thinking about you!! I kept wondering where you were but then I thought to myself'' wait Jennifer - maybe she's taking a break, you take breaks everyone takes breaks''. You did the right thing. Don't listen to that head chatter. We all have it Makisa, you're not alone. She's a little evil thing, that head will always try and trip you up. As soon as youn feel good about something, she likes to come along and ruin it and make you doubt yourself. She actually tries to convince you that you might be crazy. She does that to ALL OF't listen to her and just kick her to the curb!! We love you and we're so happy that you've returned and sharing your beautiful art with us! 🙂
MY KINDEST, KINDEST JENNIFER, your words and your description of our head chatter made me smile sooo big HAHAHAHAHA it‘s the perfect description of that thing that is going on in our head 😂😂❤️❤️ I want to thank you, for being so compassionate and kind to me, for giving me the space to take that break and so come back when I was ready ❤️❤️ I‘m sending you my biggesstttt hug and I want you to feel loved and seen, just as you made me feel right now ❤️❤️🍀🍀🍀 ALL LOVE TO YOU JENNIFER ❤️❤️❤️
Dear Linda, thank you for your kind and compassionate words ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for being concerned about me and still being here with me after this long break ❤️
Super glad you have returned. Your joy in painting always makes me want to grab my paints and sketchbook and join you. I understand the fear driven anxiety all too well. So cheers for overcoming that and welcome back. ❤
thank you sooo much for welcoming me back so kindly and warm heartedly 😭❤️❤️ Nothing makes me more happy to create videos knowing that it inspires YOU to create for yourself! that brings me truly so much joy ❤️❤️❤️ I also wanna thank you for having empathy for my situation and the anxiety I felt - I hope you are surrounded by people that show you the kind of empathy you showed me with your comment ❤️🍀🪷
Welcome back! Beautiful video and your words resonated with me because I was raised the same way (to always worry about what others think of me) and also had a quarter life crisis in my early thirties because I lost my creativity due to climbing the corporate ladder. Creativity is now a priority for me. Creativity is so important and I'm so glad you decided to share with us again!
Thank you so much for sharing your own experience with me ❤️ It feels good to know that we are not alone with our experiences in life and even though they are hard, it feels so encouraging to know that we can get through them ❤️🙏🌱 I‘m soooo happy for you, that you made that choice to make creativity a priority in your life and not allow anything to take it away from you! ❤️🪷 Stay blessed and happy, thank you so much for your presence ❤️🙏
Hey there! Good to see you again. Our German forests are beautiful in the fall, well actually all year round. Growing up brings on a lot of anxiety, but you‘ll work through it. It comes and goes as time passes and we grow.
Thank you so much for your kind and wise words ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for believing in me and my capacity to overcome any future struggles 🙏❤️ And YESSSS UGGHHH German forest are chef‘s kiss in autumn 🥹❤️🌱
You're finally back! I've already watched all the videos 10 times, I finally need something new from you! Thank you! Beautiful forest and a beautiful drawing!
I am happy to see your gentle and soft line drawings again. I believe that by continuing to draw, you will inevitably reach a good outcome, even if it is imperfect.
Thank you so much for your kind words and welcoming me back here with love and compassion ❤️❤️❤️ there is truly nothing better than to create „bad“ art over and over again - the growth is just too good ❤️❤️
Watching for first time. Your character seems so bubbly and wonderful. Still I can imagine your mind running wild with the negative possibilities. Glad to see your positive spirit stood up to the anxiety. I subscribed to join your journey
Ohh thank you for subscribing and joining our beautiful kind-spirited Family right over here ❤️❤️🥹🥹 your words carry a lot of insight, empathy and compassion in them - you seem like a kind soul and I love kind people, so thank you for being here ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Makisa! Welcome back :) So happy to see your video again as your channel has crossed my mind a few times over the last few months. You are so authentic and relatable and that’s why I enjoy so much watching your content!! Can’t wait for more but also it’s so nice to hear that you took time off for yourself and a good example for those also struggling from a burn-out or a crisis, or even just life as it is right now :D
my kindest Soph, thank you so much for still supporting me and sticking around 🥹❤️🙏🪷 I deeply appreciate your words, I‘m so grateful that you enjoy my presence ❤️🪷🥹 I‘m wishing you the best whatever life my throw at you, I know you can face any challenge ❤️❤️❤️
So schön, dass du wieder da bist! Du bist eine echte Künstlerin! ❤ Jetzt weiß ich, warum ich dich nicht mehr auf UA-cam gefunden habe. Danke für deine Offenheit!
Liebste Monika, danke, dass du mich weiterhin unterstützt hier auf UA-cam 😭❤️ Danke, dass du mir zugehört hast ❤️ Ich hoffe, dass es dir gut geht ❤️❤️❤️
Hello Maki! So happy to have you back.🥰 I still love your painting. You have no equal when it comes to making our European forests look wonderfully exotic. It feels like we're on the other side of the planet, I love it!😍 For my part, at the moment it's pen and chromatic inks intended for calligraphy. I then wet certain areas and let the magic happen: the pigments separate and the shades of color appear. It's the work of an Englishman, Doug Jackson (he has a YT channel) who made me want to try this and it's great fun.😅I send you lots of love😘
MY KINDEST DOMINIQUE ❤️❤️❤️ your words made me smile sooo big 🥹❤️❤️ Thank you for your pure kind words, I love that YOU love how the painting turned out ❤️🪷 uugghhhh first THANK you for sharing with me what you enjoy creating at the moment and secondly THAT SOUNDS SOOO fun! 😱❤️ I‘ll definitely look up Doug Jackson to get a better understanding who that technique is working 😍 SENDING YOU MY BIGGEST HUG, THANK YOU FOR SHARING ❤️❤️
Allerliebste Maki, ich habe es gestern leider nicht mehr geschafft, heute habe ich mir aber dein Video angeschaut und möchte dir ein ganz ganz großes Danke sagen! DANKE, dass du so offen über die letzten Monate gesprochen hast, DANKE dass du mit uns so offen deine Ängste und Gefühle teilst und vor allen: DANKE, dass du wieder da bist. Wie viele andere deiner Follower:innen hab auch ich dich vermisst. Du hast eine so unglaublich positive Ausstrahlung und du schaffst es, dass ein Tag einfach nur gut werden kann, wenn man dir z.B. in die Natur folgt und deinen Malprozess begleitet. Jeder von uns hat mal Zeiten, in dem nichts so läuft, wie man es sich vorstellt oder man Ängste und Sorgen hat. Doch wo Licht ist, da ist auch Schatten. Und diese Zeit macht uns stark! Und uns wird noch mehr bewusst, welches Leben wir führen, wofür wir dankbar sein können und was wir auch an uns selbst haben. Wir selbst sind nämlich unser größtes Geschenk. Du bist eine so starke Frau Maki! Und niemand sollte in dir das Gefühl auslösen, dich für irgendetwas zu schämen oder zu denken, dass du nicht gut genug bist. Für mich bist du eine sehr große Bereicherung. Ich hoffe, dass diese Monate dir am Ende gezeigt haben, wie wertvoll du bist. Und zum Schluss noch mein Mantra für dich: Das Glück ist in dir. Es ist bereits da. Du musst nur hinsehen. Ich schicke dir ganz viel Liebe und danke dir, für all deine Stunden, die du bereits mit uns geteilt hast und auch für die Kommenden. Alles alles Liebe Nicole
Meine liebste Nicole, vorweg: bitte entschuldige dich nicht, bitte niemals, wenn du Videos zu einem „späteren“ Zeitpunkt anschaust - ich danke dir für jede Sekunde die du mir SCHENKST! Deine Zeit, egal wann wo wie, ist ein GESCHENK und ich wünsche mir, dass du keinen Druck verspürst, bezüglich wann du mir deine Zeit schenken möchtest ❤️❤️❤️ Danke, dass du einfach da bist, das ist mehr als genug für mich und lässt mich so voll fühlen ❤️ Ich möchte dir so, so, so sehr für deine Worte danken, liebe Nicole ❤️ Das sind Worte, die ich für immer in mir tragen werde und die mich stärker und besser fühlen lassen - danke dir dafür ❤️ DU bist für MICH eine große Bereicherung, und durch deine Worte zu lesen welche Denkweise du auf das Leben hast, lässt mich so große Dankbarkeit spüren, dass wir uns hier begegnet sind ❤️❤️ Ich möchte dich ganz fest umarmen, und dich wissen lassen, dass ich deine Anwesenheit tief schätze ❤️❤️❤️ Danke, dass du da bist liebste Nicole, danke dir ❤️❤️❤️
Welcome back Makisa! I missed your joyful style of painting and taking me out. And I am happy you found your own opinion about yourself and what you are doing again.
thank you sooo much for your presence dear Sharina ❤️❤️ I‘m so happy that you feel connected to my work and that you are still here with me ❤️🌱🪷 sending you all my love!
Hi Maki. So happy you are back 😊 I have missed your presence and art work. You do what you need to do to be happy and healthy. I am afraid all the time of working in my own private sketchbook because it will not be 12:24 "amazing". Am trying hard to get past that and focus on just the enjoyment of creating. Last year I decided I wanted to paint my own gift tags for gifts this Christmas. I failed, too scared to try. Just last night I got brave enough to start and while most are not too great, I painted a few pretty nice pine trees. 😂 I'm going to do more today. I'm very insecure and recovering still from childhood abuse so it's slow going, but I'm going to learn to like myself and have confidence in myself. Thanks for sharing your honest feelings and beautiful art. I missed you. 😊
Oh my kindest Susan, your words made me feel sooo deeply! All the feelings and thoughts you described resonate powerfully with me - mostly being afraid to create because we feel too small about ourselves .. I see you and I witness your powerful presence for yourself! You showing up for yourself, trying to minimize that inner voice that makes us feel small, and trying it over snd over again - THAT IS what love is! You doing all that for yourself, is what heals your inner child! For YOU are finally the person that you inner child always needed: someone that embraces them just as they are and telling them „It ok - each step at a time - what you are capable of today is perfectly good“ - Susan, I hope you feel sooooo proud of yourself! It takes so much healing and effort and power to LOVE oneself and you do it anyways! I feel sooo deeply happy that you create your own creative projects - you keeping your own word to yourself and creating for yourself is so beautiful 🙏❤️ I witness you strength and effort to heal - the small, young Susan within you is so deeply grateful to have YOU in her life 🙏❤️ Thank you for your vulnerability and sharing your intimate thoughts and feelings ❤️ I embrace you with my warm hug, my kindest Susan ❤️🌱🪷
@makisa.f ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you. And please know you have such an amazing presence and impact on your followers who love your kindness and message of support and understanding you share in each of your videos.
Wundervolle, wunderschöne Maki 🤗 so happy to have you back here. I am not surprised that you are a natural at teaching!! Will you be teaching something besides art? (English maybe?) Anyway it's great to have you back with new intentions and less pressure I hope 🧡
my kindest, most beautiful Nimla, I‘m sooo happy to read your words ❤️❤️❤️ Thank youuuu for having me back! 🥹❤️ thank you for your kind words in regards to my teaching skills, there’s still a lootttt to learn 😂 I‘m teaching art and theology, both big passions of mine, some creativity and some thinking 😂❤️ SENDING YOU MY BIGGEST HUG!
So good to see you back again! Looking forward to drawing and painting, as I watch and listen to your videos again. It's late in my life, but I've been working on an independent comic book project, as comic books have been my passion and the love of my life since I was a small child,...wish me luck. 😊😊😊 Looking forward to your next video!
HI MY KINDEST NORRIN ❤️ thank you so much for your comment, your beautiful presence and support 🍀❤️ I deeply appreciate you and especially you sharing what you‘re up to creatively 😱🍀 ahhhh it made me smile sooo big to know that you‘re working on your owwwnnn comic book project and that you do that just for yourself ❤️ Oh please keep me up to date on your project, I wish you SO MUCH joy creating the work that you want to create for yourself ❤️ such a beautiful expression of self love 🥹❤️ I‘M WISHING YOU ALL THE LUCK IN DE WORLD, I KNOW YOU WILL CREATE SUCH MAGIC WITH YOU BEAUTIFUL CREATIVITY 🥹🥹❤️
Liebe Maki, Ich freue mich dass du wieder da bist 😊😊😊. I really worried about you when I realized that your YT channel had completely disappeared. Hopefully you are here and safe. And you’re just facing an existancial crisis, which may happen to anyone questioning the sense of life. Looking forward to seeing your beautiful drawings. Take care. With lots of love ❤❤❤ from Paris. Christophe
dear Christophe, thank you for your compassion and presence 🙏❤️☀️ I deeply appreciate you still being here and thinking of me ❤️ I hope life is beautiful and kind to you at the moment 🪷🌱 lots of love to you!
So relatable! All the best for you.. please don't put pressure on yourself. I would never want for someone to post content, even tough this person is exhausted. Just do the things that make you feel good inside yourself. You are beautiful.
Your compassion and empathy really hit me.. 😔❤️ thank you for being kind to my soul and reassuring me, that I need to take care of myself 🙏❤️ I‘ll take your words close to my heart 🪷 thank you for your kindness, honestly ❤️❤️
That was such a lovely 18 minutes or so. SO BEAUTIFUL. You are BEAUTIFUL. And the scenery and your painting. New subbie here. My name is Kathy, i am A LOT older than you, and I am an artist too.🎨✨️ Watching this video helped me relax and brought me a real sense of Joy.💖
HI KATHY!! so happy you join our kind-hearted family over here ❤️🍀🥹 I‘m deeply grateful that you enjoyed this little art date outdoors, and I thank you for seeing beauty in me ❤️❤️❤️ There is a saying in my culture that the one recognizing beauty in others is actually reflecting their own beauty that they carry within themselves - thank you for recognizing my beauty for it shows me how beautiful YOU YOURSELF are ❤️❤️❤️ sending you my biggest hug and K hope life is filled with blessings for you ❤️☀️🍀
aaw, it's so lovely to see you Maki, I missed you. I love your videos and your honesty in this video brought a tear to my eye. So glad you're feeling stronger and happier. Do you teach art or something else? I love your watercolours by the way and the way you always take us with you to sketch out and about 😘
my kindest Julie, thank you sooo much for your compassionate words ❤️❤️🥹 I feel deeply seen by them ❤️ I teach art and theology, basically my two passions: creating and thinking about life HAHAHA I‘m sending you my biggest hug and I feel so grateful that you enjoy our art dates outdoors just as much as I do 🥹🪷🍀❤️
Maki, you were greatly missed! always bringing that kind energy that the world needs! This video resonated with me, the feeling of being 'seen' can be so healing ❤🩹 happy to have you back, and looking forward to create alongside with you again :)
Oh my dear, thank you soooo much for being compassionate and kind to me 🥹❤️❤️🪷 Thank you for making me feel seen and important by writing your comment and sharing your thoughts with me ❤️ I deeply appreciate your time and presence 😔🙏❤️
Hurrah Maki is back! Love when you include us in your journey with just the right mixture of sharing feelings & sharing your art🎨❤️🪷
I sure missed you!!! I spent a good part of your absence praying you were ok and wishing you a good life if you were, for whatever reason, not coming back. I watched and re watched your content until I couldn't find you anymore. I enjoy your experiences and your art so much.
During this time I went through a life change I wasn't ready for when I lost my job in the summer. Everything felt wrong in my life, even taking time to draw... so I let art fall to the side as I tried to pull myself back up and find a way to survive. I felt defeated and lost. But I managed to pull through and overcame my fears. Then I realized I missed art because it is a big part of me. It brought me joy and healing. I needed to stop punishing myself for something I had no control of and I picked up my sketchbook again. Loving art brought life back into me and I'm so glad I didn't let that part of me die. Persevererance and reclaiming the joy in your life is a strength, not many embrace, but I'm so glad we did! I look forward to the beauty and love you bring. ❤ welcome back!!!
my most kindest Araceli.. your words made me feel so much - but mostly deep gratitude that you showed up for yourself, the power you embraced within you and the courage you took on to not allow this very painful experience take away the joy of your life… I witness your courage and your loving self 🙏! I hope you feel a deep sense of proudness within you, for you did not let yourself down - even after what life did throw at you! You are so strong, so powerful, so resilient! I feel deep empathy for your situation and all the feelings that you must have felt.. To regain that strength to not let outside circumstances take away your deep joy for art and knowing that art is the way for you to feel better and more in peace is such deep insight that you must have gained for yourself! I want to thank you for sharing your personal story with me ❤️ I see you and I feel very deeply for you ❤️ I‘m so grateful that this big thing called the internet brought us together and I feel such deep gratitude for you and I enjoying each others company! Thank you for praying for me and giving me the space to come back to myself 🙏 you seem to me like a very kind, and loving human and I hope that you have people around you that see the beauty you bring into this world ❤️ I‘m giving you my warmest hug and sending you all my love, my kindest Araceli ❤️
We've missed you too, Maki. 🤗❤️ Welcome back! Sundays just got that bit brighter again with you in them! Sending so much love. 😘 xx
my kindest Maxine, thank you sooo deeply for your love and kindness, and for supporting me no matter what ❤️❤️😭😭 SENDING YOU MY BIGGEST HUG, your presence means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️
Of COURSE we were thinking about you!! I kept wondering where you were but then I thought to myself'' wait Jennifer - maybe she's taking a break, you take breaks everyone takes breaks''. You did the right thing. Don't listen to that head chatter. We all have it Makisa, you're not alone. She's a little evil thing, that head will always try and trip you up. As soon as youn feel good about something, she likes to come along and ruin it and make you doubt yourself. She actually tries to convince you that you might be crazy. She does that to ALL OF't listen to her and just kick her to the curb!! We love you and we're so happy that you've returned and sharing your beautiful art with us! 🙂
MY KINDEST, KINDEST JENNIFER, your words and your description of our head chatter made me smile sooo big HAHAHAHAHA it‘s the perfect description of that thing that is going on in our head 😂😂❤️❤️ I want to thank you, for being so compassionate and kind to me, for giving me the space to take that break and so come back when I was ready ❤️❤️ I‘m sending you my biggesstttt hug and I want you to feel loved and seen, just as you made me feel right now ❤️❤️🍀🍀🍀 ALL LOVE TO YOU JENNIFER ❤️❤️❤️
Welcome back...I too was concerned for you...remember that you have a heavenly father who created you. And loves you...
Dear Linda, thank you for your kind and compassionate words ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for being concerned about me and still being here with me after this long break ❤️
Super glad you have returned. Your joy in painting always makes me want to grab my paints and sketchbook and join you. I understand the fear driven anxiety all too well. So cheers for overcoming that and welcome back. ❤
thank you sooo much for welcoming me back so kindly and warm heartedly 😭❤️❤️ Nothing makes me more happy to create videos knowing that it inspires YOU to create for yourself! that brings me truly so much joy ❤️❤️❤️ I also wanna thank you for having empathy for my situation and the anxiety I felt - I hope you are surrounded by people that show you the kind of empathy you showed me with your comment ❤️🍀🪷
Welcome back! Beautiful video and your words resonated with me because I was raised the same way (to always worry about what others think of me) and also had a quarter life crisis in my early thirties because I lost my creativity due to climbing the corporate ladder. Creativity is now a priority for me. Creativity is so important and I'm so glad you decided to share with us again!
Thank you so much for sharing your own experience with me ❤️ It feels good to know that we are not alone with our experiences in life and even though they are hard, it feels so encouraging to know that we can get through them ❤️🙏🌱 I‘m soooo happy for you, that you made that choice to make creativity a priority in your life and not allow anything to take it away from you! ❤️🪷 Stay blessed and happy, thank you so much for your presence ❤️🙏
Bonjour à vous, vous nous avez manqué.
dear Karine, THANK YOU FOR STILL BEING HERE! Merci and a lot of love to you! 🥹❤️❤️
Hey there! Good to see you again. Our German forests are beautiful in the fall, well actually all year round. Growing up brings on a lot of anxiety, but you‘ll work through it. It comes and goes as time passes and we grow.
Thank you so much for your kind and wise words ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for believing in me and my capacity to overcome any future struggles 🙏❤️ And YESSSS UGGHHH German forest are chef‘s kiss in autumn 🥹❤️🌱
Wonderful to see you back. I missed you.
thank you for still being here and welcoming me so kindly back ❤️❤️❤️
You're finally back! I've already watched all the videos 10 times, I finally need something new from you! Thank you! Beautiful forest and a beautiful drawing!
THANK YOU FOR STILL BEING HERE ❤️❤️❤️ more videos will come and I cannot wait to be back sharing with you guys 🥹🥹❤️❤️
I am happy to see your gentle and soft line drawings again. I believe that by continuing to draw, you will inevitably reach a good outcome, even if it is imperfect.
Thank you so much for your kind words and welcoming me back here with love and compassion ❤️❤️❤️ there is truly nothing better than to create „bad“ art over and over again - the growth is just too good ❤️❤️
Watching for first time. Your character seems so bubbly and wonderful. Still I can imagine your mind running wild with the negative possibilities. Glad to see your positive spirit stood up to the anxiety. I subscribed to join your journey
Ohh thank you for subscribing and joining our beautiful kind-spirited Family right over here ❤️❤️🥹🥹 your words carry a lot of insight, empathy and compassion in them - you seem like a kind soul and I love kind people, so thank you for being here ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Makisa! Welcome back :) So happy to see your video again as your channel has crossed my mind a few times over the last few months. You are so authentic and relatable and that’s why I enjoy so much watching your content!! Can’t wait for more but also it’s so nice to hear that you took time off for yourself and a good example for those also struggling from a burn-out or a crisis, or even just life as it is right now :D
my kindest Soph, thank you so much for still supporting me and sticking around 🥹❤️🙏🪷 I deeply appreciate your words, I‘m so grateful that you enjoy my presence ❤️🪷🥹 I‘m wishing you the best whatever life my throw at you, I know you can face any challenge ❤️❤️❤️
So schön, dass du wieder da bist! Du bist eine echte Künstlerin! ❤ Jetzt weiß ich, warum ich dich nicht mehr auf UA-cam gefunden habe. Danke für deine Offenheit!
Liebste Monika, danke, dass du mich weiterhin unterstützt hier auf UA-cam 😭❤️ Danke, dass du mir zugehört hast ❤️ Ich hoffe, dass es dir gut geht ❤️❤️❤️
Hello Maki! So happy to have you back.🥰 I still love your painting. You have no equal when it comes to making our European forests look wonderfully exotic. It feels like we're on the other side of the planet, I love it!😍 For my part, at the moment it's pen and chromatic inks intended for calligraphy. I then wet certain areas and let the magic happen: the pigments separate and the shades of color appear. It's the work of an Englishman, Doug Jackson (he has a YT channel) who made me want to try this and it's great fun.😅I send you lots of love😘
MY KINDEST DOMINIQUE ❤️❤️❤️ your words made me smile sooo big 🥹❤️❤️ Thank you for your pure kind words, I love that YOU love how the painting turned out ❤️🪷 uugghhhh first THANK you for sharing with me what you enjoy creating at the moment and secondly THAT SOUNDS SOOO fun! 😱❤️ I‘ll definitely look up Doug Jackson to get a better understanding who that technique is working 😍 SENDING YOU MY BIGGEST HUG, THANK YOU FOR SHARING ❤️❤️
Allerliebste Maki, ich habe es gestern leider nicht mehr geschafft, heute habe ich mir aber dein Video angeschaut und möchte dir ein ganz ganz großes Danke sagen! DANKE, dass du so offen über die letzten Monate gesprochen hast, DANKE dass du mit uns so offen deine Ängste und Gefühle teilst und vor allen: DANKE, dass du wieder da bist. Wie viele andere deiner Follower:innen hab auch ich dich vermisst. Du hast eine so unglaublich positive Ausstrahlung und du schaffst es, dass ein Tag einfach nur gut werden kann, wenn man dir z.B. in die Natur folgt und deinen Malprozess begleitet. Jeder von uns hat mal Zeiten, in dem nichts so läuft, wie man es sich vorstellt oder man Ängste und Sorgen hat. Doch wo Licht ist, da ist auch Schatten. Und diese Zeit macht uns stark! Und uns wird noch mehr bewusst, welches Leben wir führen, wofür wir dankbar sein können und was wir auch an uns selbst haben. Wir selbst sind nämlich unser größtes Geschenk. Du bist eine so starke Frau Maki! Und niemand sollte in dir das Gefühl auslösen, dich für irgendetwas zu schämen oder zu denken, dass du nicht gut genug bist. Für mich bist du eine sehr große Bereicherung. Ich hoffe, dass diese Monate dir am Ende gezeigt haben, wie wertvoll du bist. Und zum Schluss noch mein Mantra für dich: Das Glück ist in dir. Es ist bereits da. Du musst nur hinsehen. Ich schicke dir ganz viel Liebe und danke dir, für all deine Stunden, die du bereits mit uns geteilt hast und auch für die Kommenden. Alles alles Liebe Nicole
Meine liebste Nicole, vorweg: bitte entschuldige dich nicht, bitte niemals, wenn du Videos zu einem „späteren“ Zeitpunkt anschaust - ich danke dir für jede Sekunde die du mir SCHENKST! Deine Zeit, egal wann wo wie, ist ein GESCHENK und ich wünsche mir, dass du keinen Druck verspürst, bezüglich wann du mir deine Zeit schenken möchtest ❤️❤️❤️ Danke, dass du einfach da bist, das ist mehr als genug für mich und lässt mich so voll fühlen ❤️ Ich möchte dir so, so, so sehr für deine Worte danken, liebe Nicole ❤️ Das sind Worte, die ich für immer in mir tragen werde und die mich stärker und besser fühlen lassen - danke dir dafür ❤️ DU bist für MICH eine große Bereicherung, und durch deine Worte zu lesen welche Denkweise du auf das Leben hast, lässt mich so große Dankbarkeit spüren, dass wir uns hier begegnet sind ❤️❤️ Ich möchte dich ganz fest umarmen, und dich wissen lassen, dass ich deine Anwesenheit tief schätze ❤️❤️❤️ Danke, dass du da bist liebste Nicole, danke dir ❤️❤️❤️
@ ganz feste Umarmung zurück 💜💜💜 ich bin auch sehr glücklich, dass ich dich hier gefunden habe 😊🩷🩷🩷
Welcome back Makisa! I missed your joyful style of painting and taking me out. And I am happy you found your own opinion about yourself and what you are doing again.
thank you sooo much for your presence dear Sharina ❤️❤️ I‘m so happy that you feel connected to my work and that you are still here with me ❤️🌱🪷 sending you all my love!
Hi Maki. So happy you are back 😊 I have missed your presence and art work. You do what you need to do to be happy and healthy. I am afraid all the time of working in my own private sketchbook because it will not be 12:24 "amazing". Am trying hard to get past that and focus on just the enjoyment of creating. Last year I decided I wanted to paint my own gift tags for gifts this Christmas. I failed, too scared to try. Just last night I got brave enough to start and while most are not too great, I painted a few pretty nice pine trees. 😂 I'm going to do more today. I'm very insecure and recovering still from childhood abuse so it's slow going, but I'm going to learn to like myself and have confidence in myself. Thanks for sharing your honest feelings and beautiful art. I missed you. 😊
Oh my kindest Susan, your words made me feel sooo deeply! All the feelings and thoughts you described resonate powerfully with me - mostly being afraid to create because we feel too small about ourselves .. I see you and I witness your powerful presence for yourself! You showing up for yourself, trying to minimize that inner voice that makes us feel small, and trying it over snd over again - THAT IS what love is! You doing all that for yourself, is what heals your inner child! For YOU are finally the person that you inner child always needed: someone that embraces
them just as they are and telling them „It ok - each step at a time - what you are capable of today is perfectly good“ - Susan, I hope you feel sooooo proud of yourself! It takes so much healing and effort and power to LOVE oneself and you do it anyways! I feel sooo deeply happy that you create your own creative projects - you keeping your own word to yourself and creating for yourself is so beautiful 🙏❤️ I witness you strength and effort to heal - the small, young Susan within you is so deeply grateful to have YOU in her life 🙏❤️ Thank you for your vulnerability and sharing your intimate thoughts and feelings ❤️ I embrace you with my warm hug, my kindest Susan ❤️🌱🪷
@makisa.f ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you. And please know you have such an amazing presence and impact on your followers who love your kindness and message of support and understanding you share in each of your videos.
Wundervolle, wunderschöne Maki 🤗 so happy to have you back here. I am not surprised that you are a natural at teaching!! Will you be teaching something besides art? (English maybe?) Anyway it's great to have you back with new intentions and less pressure I hope 🧡
my kindest, most beautiful Nimla, I‘m sooo happy to read your words ❤️❤️❤️ Thank youuuu for having me back! 🥹❤️ thank you for your kind words in regards to my teaching skills, there’s still a lootttt to learn 😂 I‘m teaching art and theology, both big passions of mine, some creativity and some thinking 😂❤️ SENDING YOU MY BIGGEST HUG!
So good to see you back again! Looking forward to drawing and painting, as I watch and listen to your videos again. It's late in my life, but I've been working on an independent comic book project, as comic books have been my passion and the love of my life since I was a small child,...wish me luck. 😊😊😊 Looking forward to your next video!
HI MY KINDEST NORRIN ❤️ thank you so much for your comment, your beautiful presence and support 🍀❤️ I deeply appreciate you and especially you sharing what you‘re up to creatively 😱🍀 ahhhh it made me smile sooo big to know that you‘re working on your owwwnnn comic book project and that you do that just for yourself ❤️ Oh please keep me up to date on your project, I wish you SO MUCH joy creating the work that you want to create for yourself ❤️ such a beautiful expression of self love 🥹❤️ I‘M WISHING YOU ALL THE LUCK IN DE WORLD, I KNOW YOU WILL CREATE SUCH MAGIC WITH YOU BEAUTIFUL CREATIVITY 🥹🥹❤️
Welcome back ❤️
I missed you so so much! Thank you for coming back!😭 You look so cute in the woods! I love your honest talk sessions
14:10 not true! Please feel loved 💖
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURE KINDNESS AND LOVE 😭😭❤️❤️🪷🪷 Thank you for listening and giving me the space to express my feelings and thoughts ❤️❤️
Liebe Maki,
Ich freue mich dass du wieder da bist 😊😊😊.
I really worried about you when I realized that your YT channel had completely disappeared.
Hopefully you are here and safe.
And you’re just facing an existancial crisis, which may happen to anyone questioning the sense of life.
Looking forward to seeing your beautiful drawings.
Take care. With lots of love ❤❤❤ from Paris.
dear Christophe, thank you for your compassion and presence 🙏❤️☀️ I deeply appreciate you still being here and thinking of me ❤️ I hope life is beautiful and kind to you at the moment 🪷🌱 lots of love to you!
I am happy you are back! I really missed you and your wonderful paintings.
Thank you so much my dear, for still being here and enjoying creating with me ❤️❤️
So relatable! All the best for you.. please don't put pressure on yourself. I would never want for someone to post content, even tough this person is exhausted. Just do the things that make you feel good inside yourself. You are beautiful.
Your compassion and empathy really hit me.. 😔❤️ thank you for being kind to my soul and reassuring me, that I need to take care of myself 🙏❤️ I‘ll take your words close to my heart 🪷 thank you for your kindness, honestly ❤️❤️
Love yourself ❤ you got this.
You have been soo missed! So happy to see that you are back
Thank youuu for still being here 😭❤️🍀 happy to reconnect with you! I hope you‘re happy and safe wherever you are ❤️
Your painting looks like happiness 😊
That‘s such a beautiful description 😭❤️🍃🪷 THANK YOU!
the painting looks amazing! I think I'd be too scared to create outside that big, plus it always rains where I live so that's a bit risky haha 😂
My sincere hopes that you are ok….
thank you so much for your compassionate concerns ❤️❤️ I‘m feeling so much better now ❤️🍀🙏
That was such a lovely 18 minutes or so. SO BEAUTIFUL. You are BEAUTIFUL. And the scenery and your painting. New subbie here. My name is Kathy, i am A LOT older than you, and I am an artist too.🎨✨️ Watching this video helped me relax and brought me a real sense of Joy.💖
HI KATHY!! so happy you join our kind-hearted family over here ❤️🍀🥹 I‘m deeply grateful that you enjoyed this little art date outdoors, and I thank you for seeing beauty in me ❤️❤️❤️ There is a saying in my culture that the one recognizing beauty in others is actually reflecting their own beauty that they carry within themselves - thank you for recognizing my beauty for it shows me how beautiful YOU YOURSELF are ❤️❤️❤️ sending you my biggest hug and K hope life is filled with blessings for you ❤️☀️🍀
Makiii we missed youuuu 🥺❤️❤️❤️
aaw, it's so lovely to see you Maki, I missed you. I love your videos and your honesty in this video brought a tear to my eye. So glad you're feeling stronger and happier. Do you teach art or something else? I love your watercolours by the way and the way you always take us with you to sketch out and about 😘
my kindest Julie, thank you sooo much for your compassionate words ❤️❤️🥹 I feel deeply seen by them ❤️ I teach art and theology, basically my two passions: creating and thinking about life HAHAHA I‘m sending you my biggest hug and I feel so grateful that you enjoy our art dates outdoors just as much as I do 🥹🪷🍀❤️
@@makisa.f Aw, bless you. What wonderful things to teach. I hope you have an amazing teaching career and get huge fulfilment from it 💕
Welcome back ❤