Ep 5 is still the best but, that scene at the end of The Last Jedi after Rey leaves Luke on the island and Luke returns to the cave, sits down and then Jar Jar Binks walks out of the shower just wearing a towel was a real cliff hanger.
Asap Animation to be fair he does have a point in the sense the two converging plots is very empire in a sense. I don’t know tho didn’t like the film the first time gonna give it another go
I know - didn't see that coming, you could hear the whole theatre gasp at that point. Loved that moment where Rey, who's not even in the same room, says "put your clothes on please"
@@gabrielfarnsworth4666 See but that fleet was really nothing in reality, when you compare it to the rest of the order. Starkiller base was a bigger loss.
When I saw that scene I was disturbed too but with Snoke riding on a giant unicorn that's fucking Benedict Cumberbatch I think it's the least of our problems
That reveal was just awesome - and the way it was done was masterful. It seems far-fetched, but so many questions are answered and it makes logical sense when you think about it.
Rey has to finish her training and construct her own lightsaber. (Sounds familiar.) She has to confront the big bad supreme leader Kylo Ren. (Sounds familiar.) A new secret about her family will be revealed. Maybe Kylo was lying, maybe there's more to the story. (Sounds familiar--just like Leia's reveal.) Rise of the new generation of resistance must emerge (hint is pretty obvious from ending scene) There will likely be a battle that results in the death of Kylo and destruction of much of the First Order fleet. A replacement of the Jedi will emerge.
dMb I hope not, but that's my first thought what you just wrote. Hopefully the writers will know it's not the way, to repeat itself. Perhaps they will rise above themselves, and make some unexpected turns. Like: Leila is Rey's faTHeR. Chewbacca is BB8's daughter. Snoke is actually just some smoke, that the force held together. Anything is possible.
SPOILERS LOVED The rey/kylo stuff, it was incredible! ! And Luke was amazing too. Ending had so many parts to it it got a bit confusing and captain phasma was wasted AGAIN. It's biggest problem was the rose/finn storyline - so drawn out and unnecessary. Couldn't finn have stayed with poe and supported holdo to create character conflict or something??
This was my idea for a fix of that issue: The story would have worked better if during the initial escape the fleet was scattered. Poe after his bombing run would have headed back to the fleeing fleet. They would have already jumped/scattered, and he gets to the last remaining ship just in time. That ship--like all the others--ends up separated and lands on a planet. The crew disperses so the First Order can't find them. Poe, Finn, and Rose decide to find Leia and return. Their side quest becomes a journey to find out where they are & make contact, learn of their distress, make a plan to help, get a ship, and return. They can meet the code breaker along the way, they can steal a ship, they can introduce the sparks of rebellion in the slave classes, etc., as part of their journey. Thus, all the necessary beats are still hit, but none of that ridiculous Maz Katana or flower lapel pin crap. It also doesn't require travel that's unreasonably fast.
I know this irrelevant at this point, but why would Finn support Holdo of all people? He has absolutely no skin in the game when it comes to the Resistance.
Coulda just written a better film tbh. This movie was so bad. I actually think TLJ is worse than TROS tbh. TLJ was the first time I felt bored in a cinema. I watched TROS in 2 instalments whilst doing my ironing so I was barely paying attention but I didn’t hate it 😂😂
SPOILERS.... The code breaker thing bugged me... Maz has just set up that there's literally *1* person capable of doing the job. And he's at this one casino. We see him. But Rose & Finn get thrown in jail, so they miss him. And they're running out of time... When lo and behold, there just happens to be a *second* equally-capable code breaker in jail with them. So... after we've been told there's only one person, and they need to find and recruit him... there's way-too-conveniently 2 of them? In one casino?? C'mon.
I actually just assumed benicio was the code breaker. maybe he just tossed out his pin to lay low or something and ended up in jail. Either way, it would be absolutely stupid if 1) Maz told them to seek out someone who couldn't be trusted AND 2) Maz emphasized how only one person in the galaxy could do this thing and it turns out some random bum can also do that thing.
False equivalent without examples of evidences. This sequence has too many suspension of disbelieve that it breaks logic and story telling. Like the character could have escape the prison at any point so why is he still locked up? Lazy writing dictates that he has to be there to move the plot along.
HadesFist idk... maybe bc he was just resting before doing so? Maybe he was just killing time and overheard them and knew he could make a profit. You can find problems like this in every movie. When you have too high expectations and purposely look for shit to nitpick it'll ruin any movie
I’m sorry I just don’t get it. This to me feels like it breaks every single core rule of the Star Wars canon and mythology just to be its own thing. I hate it.
My Star Wars ranking: Star Wars Episode V Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Episode IV Star Wars Begins Star Wars Episode II Dead Jedi Tell No Star Wars Star Wars Episode III The Return Of The King Star 5 Wars 7 Goonies
I don't think it matters. Just like it doesn't matter who Rey's parents are. Snoke was just a way for Kylo to ascend to higher power. A stepping stone.
Snoke's death was like if the fire lord died from choking on caviar in the middle of The Last Airbender season 2. All that buildup for absolutely nothing.
+Natan Surjas 100% agree with both points, the throne room scene centred the plot around Kylo, who was the better characters besides. A lot of people will complain about her parents and Snoke, I expect, but it was exactly what the series needed to do. They used our expectations of Star Wars tropes to ACTUALLY surprise us. Everybody has been theorising about these things for years, and everyone got it dead wrong. Great writing. Though it does (re-)raise some questions with how the fuck she was so competent in The Force Awakens. Kylo told Snoke she'd had training... nope.
Why defend Rose? Her character was unnecessary. The plot with her and Finn saving those stupid animals was really dumb and belonged in a cartoon. It was just weird when she kissed Finn. I never even got a hint that that would happen and it seemed more like an obsessed fangirl kissing her idol than love.
Jace Hendricks I think that was sort of the point. He seemed shocked and surprised. Furthermore it's pretty clear to me he's down to clown with Rey. However it doesn't mean that she isn't obsessed with him. It was a sweet moment and fit with her character, but I don't feel that it's returned at all.
J A C E yeahs that was def the weakest part of the film. But I think Rose was actually a great character and her relationship with Finn was very well done
Because he, like all other modern day consumers, has no respect for the environment on the planet in which he lives. Can't blame him though as the chemicals the government puts into our eco system makes people think that a walking muppet should be president or The Force Awakens should be considered a good movie. Oh well, don't take my word for it. I'm just an overweight sack of shit that gets more angry at people's individual opinions than an SJW at, well... anything.
Somehow I felt the part of Luke vs Kylo was a missed opportunity for a cool fight scene + death of luke possibly? I dont know but it felt really anti-climatic when kylo realised it was just a projection of luke..
I think it worked well, he showed the Resistance and the Order just how foolish and brash Kylo is. I never expected a fight between them, more like the meeting between Vader and Obi which is what we got.
TheSleepyRanger That's not why Darth Maul was brought back. It was literally because the fans demanded it as did Dave Filoni who had plans to use him in The Clone Wars from the beginning.
1. Empire Strikes Back 2. A New Hope 3. The Last Jedi 4. Return of the Jedi 5. The Force Awakens 6. Solo 7. Rogue One 8. Revenge of the Sith 9. Rise of Skywalker 10. Attack of the Clones 11. The Phantom Menace
I genuinly felt under wealmed by the film, i dont know why but i felt there was about an hour of film that was dedicated to wrong characters, i found when the focus of the film moved away from rey and luke, i was almost instantly unengaged, i found it annoying and that it did spoil important scene within the movie that alone qould of been infact very very good.
Nicholas Mavrikakis Because there literally was an hour dedicated to nothing. The sidecharacters adventures advanced nothing of the story and could easily be cut out of the plot without consequence.
Marshall Rines agreed just like not knowing who the fuck was the emperor when he died until many years later to actually learn who he was in the prequels
The best I can articulate my main problem with it without going into spoilers... It so tries to do something unexpected, that a lot of it translates to wasted potential, which worries me how well it will hold up in the future.
I was disappointed by the last jedi. there were so many scenes that I just felt cheated on. some things didn't feel right and it didn't feel true to the old star wars films.
because it did something different..you want it to play safe the whole time..i THOUGHT THATS WHAT YOU GUYS WANTED..fucking hypocrites..it was a good film with pacing problems and very unexpected moments..thats the only reason the fans have mixed opinions about it..just because of the WTF moments
princess Leia flew through space like she was fucking superman. that's not doing something different that's bullshit. They didn't give Chewie any character development, he had just watched his best friend die and the entire movie he hung out with Porgs, which were only created to make money.
Chewie wasn't necessary to the plot so he was hardly included, that simply how scripts work. The Porgs were in their to make money but I would hardly go as far to say that they ruined the movie. The Leia space scene was awful but her performance in he rest of the movie more than made up for it. Also remember she did train as a Jedi (yes I know not fully trained).
This is the first time I’ve genuinely not felt almost identically to you about a film. I walked out feeling a bit confused and odd and somewhat disappointed. Which is surprising because I love Star Wars so much that just its existence usually satisfies me. Everything about this film felt odd to me. Maybe a couple more watches will let it settle. But I’m certainly not feeling the best first impression. And that’s concerning. Anyways, glad you enjoyed it.
Siderum II It’s a tough feeling isn’t it? I was very excited when I heard Disney was pushing forward with more Star Wars and I did enjoy TFA quite a bit. But I have this weird feeling now that I didn’t have so much before. And that is.. “I wonder what George Lucas would’ve done with episodes 7, 8 & 9.” That’s become a prevailing curiosity since I walked out of the theatre last night. This is the first time I’ve felt like this might not be the Star Wars I love any more. It’s a bit sad for me. Maybe time will help. I dunno.
yeah I felt odd walking out. even stranger because there were parts that I actually enjoyed. scenes that I felt were well done and then along comes something else that drops the ball.
DrunknHick Agreed. I was entertained throughout but like you said, just when things seemed on track, something odd happened that didn’t feel quite right again. Overall it’s unexpected but not in the way I had hoped. In a kinda bad way really.
SeemsLikeSomething did you watch it again??? I felt the same way after I saw it the first time, but on the second viewing I loved it even more than TFA
One behind Empire - loved the film but after literally years of speculation Rey's parents aren't anyone which I don't mind really, and Snoke wasn't anyone of note either. The only other issue I have is we haven't really seen Kylo win and now it looks like he's gunna be the big bad in the next one but we know Rey can beat him so something's got to happen to make him more of a threat for the Rebels to overcome
*SPOILERS* The first half of the film was really, really good but the second half really dragged its feet. The entire Rose & Finn story arc could've been cut (but could've been saved if Billy D. as Lando turned out to be the code breaker, but since he wasn't it was really dumb). The Rey & Kylo stuff really confused me and I was not at all satisfied with Kylo's choice. The Leia scene that confused everyone made complete sense to me and was awesome. For those who don't know, Leia is just as powerful in the Force as Luke, she simply chose a different path. Her using the force to survive is entirely plausible.
I liked the Finn rose dynamic until the kiss. I liked the Rey/Kylo dynamic until kylo's proposal. Having Lando be the codebreaker would have been too much of a callback (also Benicio del Toro is just great on screen)
Jesse W She has as much potential in the force as Luke. She's equally force sensitive. I know everyone hates midichlorians but they remain canon, and Leia has the same midichlorian count per cell that Luke does.
I don’t know why everyone was saying Luke’s character was broken, it’s understandable that Luke became a hermit, because he IS broken, he blames himself for the knights of ren, and his students being murdered, (This is a bad comparison) but he’s like Marlin from finding Nemo
If you referred that Luke had something called "survivor guilt" like Marlin in Nemo, just remember that this character had his hand cut off by his own biological Father who's the biggest murderer in the Galaxy. He experienced this when his only 19+ or so, but managed (somehow) to overcome it. Human in this universe learn from their lifetime experience, unless your like Yoda whom had live 800 to 1000 years or so and had enough with failure becoming a hermit.
I’d say it’s rather that he’d bought into the myth of Luke Skywalker - that he was the great jedi master, saviour of the galaxy - and when his legacy led to the deaths of a group of children, he saw it only as shallow vanity.
Derek Furst, A group of 15 or less people is not a rebellion anymore. The director thinks that the last fight on the salt planet was inspiring to a galactic civilization? What a joke. If anyone was gonna be inspired to fight, it would have been from the destruction of Star-killer Base. (you know, the largest most terrifying weapon of mass destruction ever.) Losing that cost the First Order a ridiculous amount of resources. After it was taken out, the 1000's of other star systems in the republic should of banded together again, but were scared out of their pants? Its not like the First Order had much more to throw at the Republic after that, but they were suddenly promoted to leaders of the galaxy again. How is this small little shit battle suppose to inspire people to join up if the destruction of Star-Killer base couldn't? This film just made all of the progress in the original trilogy worthless by resetting the stakes back to square one. Empire beating down the Rebel Alliance. Starwars should have moved on to something else, but no. Disney is uncreative, and uninspired. This film just felt like an over reaction to the problems pointed out in The Force Awakens.
Christopher Peaden The point of the end was that even though the Resistance is basically hopeless, there’s still hope as long as one person believes in it.
Star wars is something different to us all. It means something in the places of our hearts, and we all have different expectations. Some people are happy, where others are not. The force has always worked in mysterious ways, and the film used that old saying as an innovative tool to build the story. There are films we love, and films we do not. But nevertheless, it’s the wars.
operayl beautifully put. It is different for everyone. Some may say I’m biased cuz I love Star Wars so much but I loved this movie. Is it my favorite? Idk yet, probably won’t be but it’s high up there. Yes there were things I did not like and some things could’ve been done better but they’re overshadowed by the bigger and better story and I feel like some people can’t grasp that concept and wanna just hate things to hate thing
no some people like flashing lights and simpleton dialogue. and then others aren’t retarded and like substance and philosophy. Disney prefers retardation
Johnathan Dough you don't need to have philosophy to have a good movie my dude. A New Hope was created as just a pretty obvious representation of good and evil. Seems pretty 'simple' to me. And how does the movie simpleton dialogue? Would you prefer to have them speak in code and you figure it out? Also I found Lukes monologue about the Jedi keeping the force to themselves out of vanity really insightful and clever. It wasn't nuanced or layered but it made us understand and got the point across, which is what a movies supposed to do...right?
They were awesome! I thought, going in, "I hope they keep those cutesy porgs to a minimum - they're probably this movie's Jar-Jar" .... Me and the whole theatre couldn't get enough of them.
The ending of Empire leaving people really wanting to know what happens next is an interesting point. Because in THAT movie, a lot of people left believing Vader was LYING to Luke about being his father. Because it wasn't what they expected, and just assumed they were being played because THEIR headcanon would surely come true in the next movie. It's like poetry: it rhymes.
Just left the last Jedi... I'm torn, I want so bad to love it, but I think it had endless potential which was never really utilized. It takes place in a period of like a couple days and the same thing over and over- Delay attack, not really successful counter, runs, almost success, lose more soldiers, Delay again, okay attack, let down and loss of life, delay and wait, run, delay, hide, delay, and then unsatisfying peak where luke dies doing what? you guessed it, delaying enemy! And guess what, while we are hoping the delays pay off with people joining the cause, no one cared to show up! all this while a total letdown sequence of Luke is happening. Simultaneously this stupid telekinesis crap is going on with no real purpose except a Twilightish creeper sexual tension building... And the film keeps replaying the same thing over and over and over. And the flashback puts the turn to the dark side in one moment, no build up or anything, the prequels showed a turn to the Darkside a thousand times better. Common, this film didn't use any of the potential awesome moments it had set up except the fight with the guards, which seemed also pointless because snoke was already dead, it would have been like Vader and Luke fighting the royal guards after killing Sidious, pointless because the main bad dude is already dead!. Oh, one more thing, the whole Canto Bight sequence and the character of rose felt like a waste just to add a few lines of dialog and show the "war profitteers" but was only a let down of virtue signaling.
Couldn’t agree more thought it was bad. Felt like they did things just to do them without any explanation. Very poor scenes. The Leia in space scene was one of the corniest things I have ever seen.
space horses and rey is better then luke with the force in about 2 mins after just being told concentrate HARDER. throne scene was dope, rest of the movie... meh
Your summary is perfect. This has Disney's signature all over it and you know the war proffitters was a planned political injection into the film, it serves no other purpose.
Great video ! This movie was great ! I love your channel ! My ranking is: 10.Attack of the clones 9.The phantom menace 8.Revenge of the sith 7.The force awakens 6.Solo 5.Rogue one 4.A new hope 3.Empire strikes back 2.The last jedi 1.Return of the jedi
It's great to hear your review just after seeing it. You saw what a lot of fans didn't and cried "fowl!". I think you nailed it,i felt the same way. Great review subscribed!
I think, after the dust has settled, that I'd put The Last Jedi right next to Return of the Jedi. They both have their flaws, but they also both have their memorable moments. And I especially appreciate that The Last Jedi pits its moments almost in direct defiance of The Force Awakens. Spoilers ahead if that matters: TFA implied Rey was somebody; TLJ said she wasn't, and showed how it didn't matter. TFA implied Snoke would take a trilogy to kill; TLJ reminded us that everyone has their flaws. TFA didn't give Leia Force powers; TLJ showed us why Yoda considered her his backup plan if Luke failed. So yeah, it's a flawed film. It doesn't always know how to get where it wants to go, but once it gets there I think it says cool things.
Steven Lornie It was really poor. I didn’t even care cos it wasn’t Luke. This never even felt like him. The things he says, the way he acted. Nothing felt right
CRAB JAB umm maybe you weren't paying attention, it was definitely luke, he was just different, he ran away from everything because he failed, he didnt want to come back, he didnt want to teach rey because he was scared, but when he finally realised that part of this was his fault, he gave the resistance a chance to escape, luke knew he couldn't defeat kylo, so he held him off, he showed how powerful he really is and how amazing he is. Then he vanished, just like OB1 and Yoda, becoming one with the force, complete and peacefully. It was the perfect ending to his character. The double suns and the force theme, IMO the best scene in the entire movie
Ace Of Hearts So you’re saying the dude who faced the emperor and who couldn’t even kill his own father cos that’s NOT who he is, decided one day that after all that he could kill his own nephew whilst he was sleeping? That’s NOT Luke at all. It is nothing like him in the slightest. The guy is son of Vader. The most powerful of all and he is scared of a child who is Kylo? And Kylo ain’t even a big deal haha Get out
I loved this movie and its ability to develop characters outside of cliche blockbuster norms. The reveal of Rey's parents was actually more devastating than any fan theory and the amount of lonely hopelessness I felt for her was stronger than anything I've felt in the series beyond Empire Strikes Back.
Peter Spitler You’re opinions are shit, mate. Not only are they shit, but they are inherently and fundamentally wrong from what developed throughout 7 and 8. I think we watched different movies, sorry you didn’t like yours.
People really hated it when it first came out too. It's basically 50/50 on who likes it and doesn't like it based on the people I've talked to. I'm still in love with it, but can understand some of the criticism.
People often hate things on reflex when it challenges their idea about what is "supposed" to happen in their beloved stories. Empire Strikes Back saw a similar backlash due to the change in tone and ending. I believe TLJ will age well and become one of the most loved in the series. TFA is a good movie, but it didn't challenge anything. Granted it was what we needed at the time. But it will not be remembered as much. I highly recommend checking out "Why We Can't Agree About The Last Jedi (Or Art In General)" by the channel Just Write for a more in depth exploration of why so many people hate this movie.
@@wendtchrfinn and whats her name were pointless as there is no need for the casino planet whatsoever. The first order do nothing but scream and shit themselves, higgs is a changed character for the sake of comic relief. And purple hair lady and akbar should have been swapped(akbar could have set the trap instead of running into one, full circle). Also ray recieved zero training and was able to battle off purge troopers with kylo? Ok sure, this movie ages like mayo not wine my dude.
This is why Disney never takes risks. The moment they take 2 slight risks with Luke’s character the fanboys get annoyed because it isn’t mindless fan service.
The Last Jedi was an excellent film. Already saw it so many times, and it's such a rich text that I'm still picking up great moments and themes. I feel sorry for those who don't like it, this film was masterful.
I still think The Last Jedi is a genuinely great movie. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the positive review! Based on your honest feelings about some of the other films, I'm surprised you came to the conclusion(s) you did. But, that's what makes this review so legit, IMO.
I do no agree with you regarding Attack of the Clones, but it's good to hear an opinion of someone who gets The Last Jedi. The movie was simply, brilliant.
honest opinion of a big fan: good acting, some good points but some useless characters/plot points (the codebreaker and his whole thing), wasted characters with good potencial (snoke, phasma), plot points that make no sense (the space chase), yoda looked horrible, too much "good guys cant die and are literally gods" (poe, leia, finn and rose), "leia is superman" scene and just a ton of smaller things that make no sense and i really mean that like i really wonder how half of that shit got through to the finished movie. this movie really dissapointed me especially after last years rogue one that turned out amazing. as of now my ranking would be: ep 1, 2, 3, 8, 7, 6, r1, 4, 5
Looking back on this review, I actually agree that they handled Luke Skywalker very well in this movie. It would have been boring to see him as this kind of invincible Superman who can do no wrong, as opposed to a bitter, flawed hero who has clear reasons why he was become cynical with the force and the Jedi. The glaring problem w/ this movie is that it didn't know what to do with Finn. He was completely wasted throughout this movie with no satisfying arc or payoff. The kiss with him and Rose is the single cringiest thing I've seen in a Star Wars film and that's an enormously high bar. It feels like John Boyega's character was sacrificed at the expense of fairly good stories for Rey, Kylo Ren and Poe. Also most of the humor just didn't land with me, and maybe that's just personal preference. But I think that while Rian made some good choices, he also derailed a trilogy by giving this movie a certain finality to it, with Snoke dead and no real direction for a third movie. JJ Abrams made Rise of Skywalker into a complete clusterf*ck, but it's not like he really had a choice when he had originally set up a lot for Rian to delve into, only for Rian to nullify about 90% of it.
@@michaeutech9201 I don't, but I do think he did leave some interesting (if not super innovative) ideas on where to take things in the movies following TFA. But Rian basically took a torch to most of that stuff in order to subvert expectations, leaving the series with nowhere to go after TLJ.
Disappointing in many many ways! Bring back Lucus as a creative consultant before it becomes completely unrecognizable. My 15 year old even hated it so it remains a bigger issue of diverting to far off the vision, feel and characterization of the universe we love. I hate what Disney and the Lucus storygroup allowed to happen to the Skywalkers. Such an inglorious end indeed that undermines the orginal creator and story arc. Oh well. If you liked the first six, and Rogue One you will hate this one!!!
My only complaints with The Last Jedi: SPOILER WARNING! Pacing issues. Nothing film breaking, but they're there. Nothing about the Knights of Ren. Aside from pretty much confirming what we already knew from TFA, they're the other students of Luke's that went with Kylo. I REALLY hope JJ brings them in for Episode 9 to be Kylo's A Team now that he's taken over The First Order. Captain Phasma. Still utterly useless. Lol That's pretty much it honestly. Yeah, Finn and Rose are pretty much filler, but it's enjoyable filler and they're great together. Consider me on the Finn x Rose train lol
My only thought on the Knights of Ren is that maybe they became those guards? Otherwise, they were either completely unimportant or completely forgotten. I wanted to care about Finn and Rose, but I just could not. There were no stakes to that whole sequence.
Nobody but the fan base hyped up Phasma, so they only have themselves to blame for their dissapointment. Meanwhile, Boba Fett literally does nothing, goes out like a bitch, but yet is seen as one of the badasses of Star Wars because... reasons? LOL ok. As for her usefulness... what exactly were you expecting, for her to single-handedly wipe out the resistance? You know we need them to have a movie right?
8th attack of the clones 7th Phantom Menace 6th Rogue One 5th Revenge of the Sith 4th Force Awakens 3rd A New Hope 2nd Return of the Jedi 1st Empire Strikes Back
This is probably my favourite Star Wars movie when watched on its own, but Johnson clearly wrote the script when he had like minimal detail about TFA cause the narrative acts like we’re supposed to care about Snoke in the same way we care about the emperor (pretty sure Johnson just assumed Snoke was an emperor copy considering all the other shit Abrams copied)
Rian has said in an interview that he was actively involved in the making of TFA. not creatively but him just listening asking JJ if he could change some thing. E.g. Originally it was bb8 that followed to Acho-To, but Rian wanted it to be R2 so JJ changed it. Snoke's importance in the story is the development of Kylo's character. He don't need a backstory for the story to work. just like Sidious in the OG.
Nah it's trash and makes no sense in lots of key areas. It sucks because to an extent I like what TLJ was trying to do as in be different, dark, critical and unique. It's just too bad they had to make none of it matter, add pointless characters that end up serving nothing to the story while killing older loved characters and neglecting the new fresh ones.
Hard to respond to a question so obviously rhetorical...do you not recognize the obvious Mary Sue that is Rey? Everything she succeeds at is undeserved and only due to plot armor. I'm beginning to ponder if you even know what Mary Sue means.
TrueUnderDawg is right. Rey is a Mary Sue. You might consider Luke a Mary Sue as well, but that doesn't change that Rey is one as well. In fact, it only validates TrueUnderDawg's argument further. Mary Sues are everywhere. Pointing a second one out doesn't omit the first. It just leaves you with two. No point in trying to dilute a point by presenting the exact same point. You only strengthened his argument. Worse still, you acted arrogant while doing it. Congratulations, you played yourself.
Man, everyone complains about Phasma being useless... but to be fair she did a lot more than Boba Fett ever did, atleast Phasma actually had a fight with someone.
Samur/Aye Studios, really didn't do more than Boba. Having a duel with someone with no Clash of beliefs , and always losing, with no cool lines of dialogue to set up a character is worse than what they did with Boba Fett. He at least talked back to Vader because he knew Vader needed him alive. Boba was too useful to get rid of. That's why people still think he was a badass. He never ended up doing anything cool onscreen, but it was portrayed as being an exceptional bounty hunter solely based on his time talking to Vader.
Boba Fett had one line then went out like a bitch without ever fighting anyone, and missed the one shot he fired by freaking miles at a target that was 20 feet away!... he was a delivery boy at absolute best. A coloured stormtrooper at worst.
Fett tracked Han Solo when he had evaded the entire empire. Fett is the only reason the Falcon was caught at Cloud city. That actually impacted the plot. All Phasma did was lose two battles and help the resistance destroy the Mega Death Star.
Nope, Lando is the one that gave them up to Vader, Vader was the one that confronted and caught them at Cloud City, Boba Fetts presence makes no difference in the film, other than being the cargo pilot that delivers Han to Jabba, a job anyone else could have done. He literally did nothing except float out with the trash, his impact on the plot is about as important as Porkins was. Search your feelings... you know it to be true. Or just go back and watch the film (seein as it's so perfect) with this in mind, he's a stormtrooper that fell into a shelf of paintcans ;)
Samur/Aye Studios Shows how much you know. Lando tells Han "They arrived just before you did." Boba is the one who tracked the falcon. Lando had no idea they or the empire were coming. The only reason the empire waited was to bait Luke to cloud city. Cmon, at least watch the damn movie dude. Also he is wearing fucking Mandalorian armor not stormtrooper armor. You know, because he is from Mandalore. You literally know nothing about any of this... why make ridiculous claims?
I've seen it twice now and I found the Last Jedi to be a series of beautifully done scenes loosely held together by a thin story. I couldn't tell you what this story was about, best I could do is describe the events that happened. I may be too harsh here but to me it felt like a room of Producer just said "It would be cool to see this and that" then starting shooting it. A lot happened to both sides but in the end they were all pretty much where the started. This movie cannot stand on its own, it's a filler episode to bridge 7 and 9.
1. Empire 2. Rogue One 3. A New Hope 4. Force Awakens 5. Return of the Jedi 6. Revenge of the Sith 7. Last Jedi 8. Phantom Menace 9. Attack of the Clones
So sick of people bringing up the rottentomoes user score. It doesn't even represent a percentage of the people who've this film because the vast majority of people in the world don't wast time rating movies and only movie fanboys actually care about it
obviously those people that write reviews care a great deal about the films, and those that don't feel the itch to review a film probably don't care that much about the series as a whole.
lance orchardd the movie was bad as a movie. The movie cannot be called Star Wars because it doesn’t follow any logic set by all the previous movies. If a new marvel movie came out and had the avengers killed civilians to get to bad guys and didn’t care about anyone it would not be considered marvel. That’s basically what this movie did to space Canon
Well you guys stayed the hell home at SOLO that's kind of counter productive dont you think? You know since all you majority guys love how it's going so you should financially *laughs* support it hahahha
Mr. Sunday Movies...... you have officially become my favorite Star Wars youtuber. Not only do I agree with your spoiler free review, our rankings are very similar on the rest of the movies. You strike me as a Star Wars fan. All of these "it ruined it" and "I left the theater" people? They were never fans in the first place.
It sounds like people didn’t like the last Jedi only because it didn’t live up to the expectations, like you expected some crazy back story for snoke, you expected some huge plot twist for Rey’s parentage, like Jesus Christ , Star Wars doesn’t play it safe like they did on episode 7 and now everyone is bitching
1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Last Jedi (Finn should have had that really intense moment to himself and actually done something in the movies. You know what moment I'm talking about.) 3. A New Hope, Return of the Jedi (Just barely behind) 4. Rogue One 5. Revenge of the Sith 6. Phantom Menace 7. Attack of the Clones 8. Force Awakens (It just wasn't very unique and Rey was a Mary Sue. Plus it kinda killed hard core fans. But I can appreciate it because of Last Jedi; appreciate, not necessarily enjoy.) P.S. Why the bloody heck is Sith not recognized as a bloody word?! I mean, it's been around for almost half a century!
*1983. Also stay out of the comments if you haven't seen it. Someone will definitely spoil the movie for you.
James Anderson *Bigger Luke dies and is replaced by Luuke
Mr Sunday Movies do you agree that Star wars fanboys are complete idiots because they attack people who like Disney star wars and act like childrens
Thanks for the warning!
Mr Sunday Movies next episode...
The Last Hope
I’m calling it right bloody now mate
Way to spoil whether or not this movie could be spoiled for me in the comments siR
The best part is when Kylo and Rey meet at the island, he says "I hate sand" and they fall in love
Danilego *they say it simultaneously
You confuse that with Rose and Finn...
And yes that was also a shit scene...
it's coarse...
Danilego It gets everywhere.
that scene where snoke's dressing gown accidentally fell open and you see his snoke dong, best scene in the movie
Ohh can't wait
I got a good chub at that moment
Definitely the most shocking part in the entire movie
Ep 5 is still the best but, that scene at the end of The Last Jedi after Rey leaves Luke on the island and Luke returns to the cave, sits down and then Jar Jar Binks walks out of the shower just wearing a towel was a real cliff hanger.
dang it y u spoil?
Ep 2 is better
But Luke dies
Jar Jar seems to have a long lifespan...
What about when Rey runs off and Yoda pops up?
I enjoyed Luke tickling Rey's outreached hand with that piece of grass and toying with her. Classic.
*Spoiler Alert*
The most sad part about this movie was the death of my boi Admiral Ackbar.
Definitely a trap. :'(
The whole theatre cried
suk dik I'm legit surprised people aren't talking about this. Han, Luke, Akbar... This makes me glad Wedge isn't in these films at all.
A horrible ending for a boss character. They did a giant disservice to his character.
And it seems like Nien Nunb died since he's not in it at the end :(
obviously Rey's true surname is Binks
Calimero Hœnir
Messa Rey Rey Binks,
Messa your humble Apprentice! 😂
You dont use name of Bynk for nothing!
15jbassett that sounds a little fishy
Can't believe blue milk is revealed to be reys parents!!!
thelankymidget. YOU MONSTER! WHAT IS LIFE NOW???
I heard you have to milk 10 male tauntauns just to get a glass full.
Yeah, blue milk and Chewbacca, who would have thought?
thelankymidget I think the milk Luke drank was green milk
Is it not normal to wear your pants that high?
Joseph Linares yes
It is if you're evil.
Rey Ackbar, at it again!
James Anderson srsly
James Anderson fuck my favorite Star Wars character gone
James Anderson do you know how he dies?
Paco Playz - Fortnite & more Tie fighters blow up the ships bridge while ackbar is there
That Kylo and Luke kiss tho! Intense!
Asap Animation Nah mate, the Porg and Chewie kiss was WAY more hot than Luke and Kylo's smacking of the lips.
Asap Animation to be fair he does have a point in the sense the two converging plots is very empire in a sense. I don’t know tho didn’t like the film the first time gonna give it another go
I know - didn't see that coming, you could hear the whole theatre gasp at that point.
Loved that moment where Rey, who's not even in the same room, says "put your clothes on please"
Wait when did they kiss? I can't remember seeing that
*SPOILERS* Captain Phasma has more 30 seconds of character development in this film
thomas 2001 WOW THAT SUCKS
thomas 2001 and she dies
Still more development than Rey
Aaaand still falls short by a janitor..
35 seconds to be exact
I liked how both factions get obliterated almost into oblivion
Australian Hippo this was a fake spoiler comment smh
@@gabrielfarnsworth4666 See but that fleet was really nothing in reality, when you compare it to the rest of the order. Starkiller base was a bigger loss.
I knew Luke was gonna be dark in this movie, but raping Rey and killing Chewbacca... I think Rian Johnson went too far there.
i read by mistake. i honestly read raped chewbacca and killed rey.
I as deviated as a viewer and then Finn getting shot by the rebel cops
serban capraru Wait what O_O
serban capraru wtf what movie did you watch?
When I saw that scene I was disturbed too but with Snoke riding on a giant unicorn that's fucking Benedict Cumberbatch I think it's the least of our problems
I just can't believe that John Boyega is Rey's granddaughter
That reveal was just awesome - and the way it was done was masterful.
It seems far-fetched, but so many questions are answered and it makes logical sense when you think about it.
Finnzie Gotta keep this at 69 likes
True Star Wars fan here.
I walked out of the movie before the credits had tine to close. I wasn't alone.
Shame on you Disney.
Finnzie what are you talking about ?
+Jussi Marttinen
nop 144!
I didn't realize there were so many edge lords who watched Mr Sunday Movies until I scrolled through this comment section.
The movie was legit about the rebels out of fuel
Lynda Kerep 😂
Was the 1st order out of fuel too?
j Millz nah don't think so
Lynda Kerep i know i was being sarcastic. 18hr chase to a planet....
Lynda Kerep resistance*
James loves his clapping Lando.
Biggest question I have in the movie is
What the hell is gonna happen in episode 9
Broom Wars!!!
Rey has to finish her training and construct her own lightsaber. (Sounds familiar.)
She has to confront the big bad supreme leader Kylo Ren. (Sounds familiar.)
A new secret about her family will be revealed. Maybe Kylo was lying, maybe there's more to the story. (Sounds familiar--just like Leia's reveal.)
Rise of the new generation of resistance must emerge (hint is pretty obvious from ending scene)
There will likely be a battle that results in the death of Kylo and destruction of much of the First Order fleet.
A replacement of the Jedi will emerge.
dMb I hope not, but that's my first thought what you just wrote.
Hopefully the writers will know it's not the way, to repeat itself. Perhaps they will rise above themselves, and make some unexpected turns.
Like: Leila is Rey's faTHeR. Chewbacca is BB8's daughter. Snoke is actually just some smoke, that the force held together. Anything is possible.
If 9 is anything like 8, then nothing. Nothing is what is going to happen. This was a 2.5 hour chase scene in space FOR NO REASON!
Betteridge's law of headlines: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."
God damn it I lost money on my Rey Ackbar bet!!! Thanks for ruining that for me, I'm $6,900 in debt now.
Don't worry, the admiral is using his force powers to fly back through space to make the big reveal in episode IX.
LOVED The rey/kylo stuff, it was incredible! ! And Luke was amazing too. Ending had so many parts to it it got a bit confusing and captain phasma was wasted AGAIN. It's biggest problem was the rose/finn storyline - so drawn out and unnecessary. Couldn't finn have stayed with poe and supported holdo to create character conflict or something??
This was my idea for a fix of that issue:
The story would have worked better if during the initial escape the fleet was scattered. Poe after his bombing run would have headed back to the fleeing fleet. They would have already jumped/scattered, and he gets to the last remaining ship just in time. That ship--like all the others--ends up separated and lands on a planet. The crew disperses so the First Order can't find them. Poe, Finn, and Rose decide to find Leia and return. Their side quest becomes a journey to find out where they are & make contact, learn of their distress, make a plan to help, get a ship, and return. They can meet the code breaker along the way, they can steal a ship, they can introduce the sparks of rebellion in the slave classes, etc., as part of their journey. Thus, all the necessary beats are still hit, but none of that ridiculous Maz Katana or flower lapel pin crap. It also doesn't require travel that's unreasonably fast.
I know this irrelevant at this point, but why would Finn support Holdo of all people? He has absolutely no skin in the game when it comes to the Resistance.
Coulda just written a better film tbh. This movie was so bad. I actually think TLJ is worse than TROS tbh. TLJ was the first time I felt bored in a cinema. I watched TROS in 2 instalments whilst doing my ironing so I was barely paying attention but I didn’t hate it 😂😂
The code breaker thing bugged me... Maz has just set up that there's literally *1* person capable of doing the job. And he's at this one casino. We see him. But Rose & Finn get thrown in jail, so they miss him. And they're running out of time... When lo and behold, there just happens to be a *second* equally-capable code breaker in jail with them. So... after we've been told there's only one person, and they need to find and recruit him... there's way-too-conveniently 2 of them? In one casino?? C'mon.
I actually just assumed benicio was the code breaker. maybe he just tossed out his pin to lay low or something and ended up in jail. Either way, it would be absolutely stupid if 1) Maz told them to seek out someone who couldn't be trusted AND 2) Maz emphasized how only one person in the galaxy could do this thing and it turns out some random bum can also do that thing.
Theres only one person maz *knows*
You can't argue coincidences in Star Wars. Go back to the original trilogy and look for coincidences 'cause I assure you you'll find plenty.
False equivalent without examples of evidences. This sequence has too many suspension of disbelieve that it breaks logic and story telling.
Like the character could have escape the prison at any point so why is he still locked up? Lazy writing dictates that he has to be there to move the plot along.
HadesFist idk... maybe bc he was just resting before doing so? Maybe he was just killing time and overheard them and knew he could make a profit. You can find problems like this in every movie. When you have too high expectations and purposely look for shit to nitpick it'll ruin any movie
Refreshing to see a review from someone who feels the same way I do. Especially on this movie of all the Star Wars films.
I’m sorry I just don’t get it. This to me feels like it breaks every single core rule of the Star Wars canon and mythology just to be its own thing. I hate it.
@@jacobbeaver5773how so? What core rules does it break?
@@jacobbeaver5773Right? It’s so cool!!
@@jacobbeaver5773which core rules does it break?
Rey is mesa daughter!
Rey is mesa dautah.
Mesa jar jar
Jason William what a let down
UA-cam comment sections are gonna be a dangerous place if you're not seeing it opening weekend haha
I'm seeing it opening day and already got part of the movie spoiled for me :P
Rick Berman McCallum heyy let me help out Snoke is Dead 😕
Rey is Chewie's daughter!
Actually it's a hard movie to spoil. Say one big thing and you still won't ruin the movie
A porg is a with lord!!
My Star Wars ranking:
Star Wars Episode V Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Episode IV Star Wars Begins
Star Wars Episode II Dead Jedi Tell No Star Wars
Star Wars Episode III The Return Of The King
Star 5
Wars 7
Bro Star 5 is underrated af it's way better than Star 4
Bro The Dark Empire Rises is way better than Old Man Jedi Oirigins
Guys.... I think we can all agree that the Return of the Dead Men Empire is the best.
You guys are full of shit. Sith does a 5th part 2 is superior to Wars 7
Joshua Cecil what about Star Wars: Electric Boogaloo
Rey and Kylo Ren fighting side by side was SO FREAKING COOL AND BADASS
It was just ok... It doesn't even compare to any light saber duel though
Y mean the OG's!!?? LOL those were terrible!!
joneshugh what
DeathofBlurry 2 idek
PapaSmurff660 lol
Rey is the daughter of poe and bb8. Your welcome.
Jamez Poolez that would explain a lot
Jamez Poolez oh my
It all makes sense now....
She might aswell be. Better explanation than what the film gave.
That isn't my welcome, and I won't accept it. You can keep your welcome.
Now that Snoke's
Who the fuck was he
jeff jeff we will never know I guess
I don't think it matters. Just like it doesn't matter who Rey's parents are. Snoke was just a way for Kylo to ascend to higher power. A stepping stone.
He was Snoke
the whole movie didnt matter
Snoke's death was like if the fire lord died from choking on caviar in the middle of The Last Airbender season 2. All that buildup for absolutely nothing.
rey parents are......
That was a brilliant move IMO. The Snoke thing as well, just breaks the expectations and delivers even more
Kingdom Hearts 4 confirmed ?
+Natan Surjas 100% agree with both points, the throne room scene centred the plot around Kylo, who was the better characters besides. A lot of people will complain about her parents and Snoke, I expect, but it was exactly what the series needed to do. They used our expectations of Star Wars tropes to ACTUALLY surprise us. Everybody has been theorising about these things for years, and everyone got it dead wrong. Great writing.
Though it does (re-)raise some questions with how the fuck she was so competent in The Force Awakens. Kylo told Snoke she'd had training... nope.
Im sitll not sure Kylo didnt lie just to bait her into trying to make her feel worthless.
I think this is the first and only unequivocally positive review I’ve ever seen.
*W A R N I N G*
*Probably Spoilers Below*
I cant believe Rey and Kylo touched hands!
Mick M the Reylo was strong in this one.
The shirtless scene my gosh XD
Rey and Kylo fall in love damn.. where's Finn the Mr. Steal yo gurl
Mustafa Azmi busy with Rose ^^
"Pew pew pew" - Phasma
Yasha Chatab she doesn't shoot in this movie
-get in the bag nebby-
Pedro Henrique Souto Gueiros She shoots at Rose
Sam J. Gracias!
BEST SCENE: when Kylo wanted to kill Luke so bad he said fire and more and more and more but then Luke comes out all good and cleans his shoulder 😂😂😂
KÏng Mellow yes its funny
It was amazing. But then he wasn't actually there and it was completely ruined.
DigitalVanquish how did that ruin it?
DigitalVanquish if he WAS there it would ruiend it completely it would be stupid if he survived that
Why defend Rose? Her character was unnecessary. The plot with her and Finn saving those stupid animals was really dumb and belonged in a cartoon. It was just weird when she kissed Finn. I never even got a hint that that would happen and it seemed more like an obsessed fangirl kissing her idol than love.
Jace Hendricks I think that was sort of the point. He seemed shocked and surprised. Furthermore it's pretty clear to me he's down to clown with Rey. However it doesn't mean that she isn't obsessed with him. It was a sweet moment and fit with her character, but I don't feel that it's returned at all.
That was the point. Which you obviously missed.
After she used that shock pistol all the fanboy aspect kinda dissapeared for me...
Guys, I get that was the point. It was just dumb. Her whole subplot with Finn had nothing to do with the rest of the movie.
J A C E yeahs that was def the weakest part of the film. But I think Rose was actually a great character and her relationship with Finn was very well done
Just a quick question
Why does Luke turn Into a plastic bag and float away Into the sunset?
Because he, like all other modern day consumers, has no respect for the environment on the planet in which he lives. Can't blame him though as the chemicals the government puts into our eco system makes people think that a walking muppet should be president or The Force Awakens should be considered a good movie. Oh well, don't take my word for it. I'm just an overweight sack of shit that gets more angry at people's individual opinions than an SJW at, well... anything.
because he achieved nirvana
The real question is was luke a plastic bag the whole time?
Because he fucking died!! Have you seen a star wars film when a master jedi dies! They disappear just like yoda and Obiwan
Dumb ass
Somehow I felt the part of Luke vs Kylo was a missed opportunity for a cool fight scene + death of luke possibly? I dont know but it felt really anti-climatic when kylo realised it was just a projection of luke..
I think it worked well, he showed the Resistance and the Order just how foolish and brash Kylo is. I never expected a fight between them, more like the meeting between Vader and Obi which is what we got.
I mean the point wasn't to have a fight. It was Luke stalling for time so the rest of the resistance could bail.
And snoke seemed so powerful too what a wasted character. Darth maul could survive that shit
You could only survive being cut in half if your toys sell
TheSleepyRanger That's not why Darth Maul was brought back. It was literally because the fans demanded it as did Dave Filoni who had plans to use him in The Clone Wars from the beginning.
he went out like a chump
By the way He was killed
Darth Maul could fucking survive anything
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Last Jedi
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The Force Awakens
6. Solo
7. Rogue One
8. Revenge of the Sith
9. Rise of Skywalker
10. Attack of the Clones
11. The Phantom Menace
switch Attack of the Clones and The Phantom Menace and i have the same top
I genuinly felt under wealmed by the film, i dont know why but i felt there was about an hour of film that was dedicated to wrong characters, i found when the focus of the film moved away from rey and luke, i was almost instantly unengaged, i found it annoying and that it did spoil important scene within the movie that alone qould of been infact very very good.
Nicholas Mavrikakis yeah i did not liked finn and roses jaunt at all
Nicholas Mavrikakis 100% agree. Was quite disapointed with the film
Nicholas Mavrikakis Because there literally was an hour dedicated to nothing. The sidecharacters adventures advanced nothing of the story and could easily be cut out of the plot without consequence.
I completely agree with that comment. Rey luke and Kylo stuff was good. Thought the rest was so bad. Took away from how good it could have been
Nicholas Mavrikakis Agreed. Time wasted on Finn, Holdo, Rose should've been spent on developing Rey, Snoke, Luke and Kylo. What a waste.
When you stretch the intro to make your video over 10 min but do it in a way that's.. kinda funny and works
So literally the last jedi lmao
I loved the Mace Windu Snoke twist... Can't believe that theory was correct.
Jere you’re kidding right?
and the fact mace windu used GONK droid legs because his normal ones were broken.
Marshall Rines agreed just like not knowing who the fuck was the emperor when he died until many years later to actually learn who he was in the prequels
Kylo Ren’s pants are actually not high waisted pants, they’re wrappings from the blaster shot he recieved from Chewie in The Force Awakens
The best I can articulate my main problem with it without going into spoilers...
It so tries to do something unexpected, that a lot of it translates to wasted potential, which worries me how well it will hold up in the future.
I can't believe Snoke died without even getting up from his chair.
Obscure Entertainment he did get up from his chair but
I was disappointed by the last jedi. there were so many scenes that I just felt cheated on. some things didn't feel right and it didn't feel true to the old star wars films.
DaPP You're not alone.
DaPP same way I felt...
because it did something different..you want it to play safe the whole time..i THOUGHT THATS WHAT YOU GUYS WANTED..fucking hypocrites..it was a good film with pacing problems and very unexpected moments..thats the only reason the fans have mixed opinions about it..just because of the WTF moments
princess Leia flew through space like she was fucking superman. that's not doing something different that's bullshit. They didn't give Chewie any character development, he had just watched his best friend die and the entire movie he hung out with Porgs, which were only created to make money.
Chewie wasn't necessary to the plot so he was hardly included, that simply how scripts work.
The Porgs were in their to make money but I would hardly go as far to say that they ruined the movie.
The Leia space scene was awful but her performance in he rest of the movie more than made up for it. Also remember she did train as a Jedi (yes I know not fully trained).
This is the first time I’ve genuinely not felt almost identically to you about a film. I walked out feeling a bit confused and odd and somewhat disappointed. Which is surprising because I love Star Wars so much that just its existence usually satisfies me. Everything about this film felt odd to me. Maybe a couple more watches will let it settle. But I’m certainly not feeling the best first impression. And that’s concerning. Anyways, glad you enjoyed it.
Precisely how I felt as it ended.
Siderum II
It’s a tough feeling isn’t it? I was very excited when I heard Disney was pushing forward with more Star Wars and I did enjoy TFA quite a bit. But I have this weird feeling now that I didn’t have so much before. And that is.. “I wonder what George Lucas would’ve done with episodes 7, 8 & 9.” That’s become a prevailing curiosity since I walked out of the theatre last night. This is the first time I’ve felt like this might not be the Star Wars I love any more. It’s a bit sad for me. Maybe time will help. I dunno.
yeah I felt odd walking out. even stranger because there were parts that I actually enjoyed. scenes that I felt were well done and then along comes something else that drops the ball.
Agreed. I was entertained throughout but like you said, just when things seemed on track, something odd happened that didn’t feel quite right again. Overall it’s unexpected but not in the way I had hoped. In a kinda bad way really.
SeemsLikeSomething did you watch it again??? I felt the same way after I saw it the first time, but on the second viewing I loved it even more than TFA
I don’t know how JJ is going to follow this.
He is going to follow it by giving us an actual Star Wars movie
LASTOLYMPIAN Hopefully by making The Last Jedi Finn's dream sequence while he's recovering and do a mulligan
The fact that I also do not know how he is going to follow this makes the movie just that more awesome.
Who knows, which is exciting.
Tom V by giving us another rehash no this series sucked from the start (new trilogy)
It’s definitely not better than phantom menace (episode 1 is the best)
People are in too deep.... Are you sniffing fumes ?
Shabloinkz where "not better" means "worse"
Episode 2 is better imo
episode 8 is shit bro.
Shabloinkz u ok in the head?
One behind Empire - loved the film but after literally years of speculation Rey's parents aren't anyone which I don't mind really, and Snoke wasn't anyone of note either. The only other issue I have is we haven't really seen Kylo win and now it looks like he's gunna be the big bad in the next one but we know Rey can beat him so something's got to happen to make him more of a threat for the Rebels to overcome
DannyCyousee i totally agree. What Star wars needs to do is to find a real threat. I am 90% sure we will see the knights of Ren just like Rey's cision
This is the first video of a positive TLJ review and the like/dislike ratio isn’t divided equally..wow
What like/dislike ratio?
The first half of the film was really, really good but the second half really dragged its feet. The entire Rose & Finn story arc could've been cut (but could've been saved if Billy D. as Lando turned out to be the code breaker, but since he wasn't it was really dumb). The Rey & Kylo stuff really confused me and I was not at all satisfied with Kylo's choice. The Leia scene that confused everyone made complete sense to me and was awesome. For those who don't know, Leia is just as powerful in the Force as Luke, she simply chose a different path. Her using the force to survive is entirely plausible.
The Outsider
I completely disagree. The first half worried me, I didn't start enjoying myself until the second half
I liked the Finn rose dynamic until the kiss. I liked the Rey/Kylo dynamic until kylo's proposal. Having Lando be the codebreaker would have been too much of a callback (also Benicio del Toro is just great on screen)
Jesse W She has as much potential in the force as Luke. She's equally force sensitive. I know everyone hates midichlorians but they remain canon, and Leia has the same midichlorian count per cell that Luke does.
The Outsider I also thought that Lando would be the code breaker. The scene on the casino planet however to mee, took way too long.
The first half was borderline unwatchable.
Once Rey and Kylo finally get together is when I loved it.
I also enjoy the fact that not everything worked out perfectly every single time. Things went wrong and characters had to adapt
Empire did it first no offense
@Shonksu they really like to praise this movie for doing things that have already been done and done better
"Things went bad, thumbs up"
I don’t know why everyone was saying Luke’s character was broken, it’s understandable that Luke became a hermit, because he IS broken, he blames himself for the knights of ren, and his students being murdered,
(This is a bad comparison) but he’s like Marlin from finding Nemo
If you referred that Luke had something called "survivor guilt" like Marlin in Nemo, just remember that this character had his hand cut off by his own biological Father who's the biggest murderer in the Galaxy. He experienced this when his only 19+ or so, but managed (somehow) to overcome it.
Human in this universe learn from their lifetime experience, unless your like Yoda whom had live 800 to 1000 years or so and had enough with failure becoming a hermit.
I’d say it’s rather that he’d bought into the myth of Luke Skywalker - that he was the great jedi master, saviour of the galaxy - and when his legacy led to the deaths of a group of children, he saw it only as shallow vanity.
This movie is the equivalent of walking in a circle thinking your going to get somewhere and you dont
the resistance went from like 450 to like 12. How is that not going anywhere
Derek Furst, A group of 15 or less people is not a rebellion anymore. The director thinks that the last fight on the salt planet was inspiring to a galactic civilization? What a joke. If anyone was gonna be inspired to fight, it would have been from the destruction of Star-killer Base. (you know, the largest most terrifying weapon of mass destruction ever.) Losing that cost the First Order a ridiculous amount of resources. After it was taken out, the 1000's of other star systems in the republic should of banded together again, but were scared out of their pants? Its not like the First Order had much more to throw at the Republic after that, but they were suddenly promoted to leaders of the galaxy again.
How is this small little shit battle suppose to inspire people to join up if the destruction of Star-Killer base couldn't?
This film just made all of the progress in the original trilogy worthless by resetting the stakes back to square one. Empire beating down the Rebel Alliance. Starwars should have moved on to something else, but no. Disney is uncreative, and uninspired.
This film just felt like an over reaction to the problems pointed out in The Force Awakens.
charles jones Not if you actually understand the plot. This movie pushes the franchise forward, big time.
This movie is, as Yoda said, a lesson in failure and accepting your place in the universe, even if it is as a legend (as Luke had to accept)
Christopher Peaden The point of the end was that even though the Resistance is basically hopeless, there’s still hope as long as one person believes in it.
Star wars is something different to us all. It means something in the places of our hearts, and we all have different expectations. Some people are happy, where others are not. The force has always worked in mysterious ways, and the film used that old saying as an innovative tool to build the story. There are films we love, and films we do not. But nevertheless, it’s the wars.
operayl beautifully put. It is different for everyone. Some may say I’m biased cuz I love Star Wars so much but I loved this movie. Is it my favorite? Idk yet, probably won’t be but it’s high up there. Yes there were things I did not like and some things could’ve been done better but they’re overshadowed by the bigger and better story and I feel like some people can’t grasp that concept and wanna just hate things to hate thing
no some people like flashing lights and simpleton dialogue. and then others aren’t retarded and like substance and philosophy. Disney prefers retardation
Johnathan Dough you don't need to have philosophy to have a good movie my dude. A New Hope was created as just a pretty obvious representation of good and evil. Seems pretty 'simple' to me. And how does the movie simpleton dialogue? Would you prefer to have them speak in code and you figure it out? Also I found Lukes monologue about the Jedi keeping the force to themselves out of vanity really insightful and clever. It wasn't nuanced or layered but it made us understand and got the point across, which is what a movies supposed to do...right?
What about the Porgs, man? THE PORGS?
Porgs? Yummy.
I quite like them!
Ian Stewart Imagine a strawberry banana coconut colada old fashioned handspun malt milkshake and The Porgs are quenching & refreshingly awesome.
They were awesome!
I thought, going in, "I hope they keep those cutesy porgs to a minimum - they're probably this movie's Jar-Jar" ....
Me and the whole theatre couldn't get enough of them.
best acting in the film
The ending of Empire leaving people really wanting to know what happens next is an interesting point. Because in THAT movie, a lot of people left believing Vader was LYING to Luke about being his father. Because it wasn't what they expected, and just assumed they were being played because THEIR headcanon would surely come true in the next movie.
It's like poetry: it rhymes.
nrrork so are you saying that the poetry in the last Jedi is Kylo lying about Rey’s parents is a lie and it will be fixed in the rise of skywalker
bryson stiles No. Just like Vader wasn’t lying about being Luke’s father, Kylo wasn’t lying about Rey’s parents being nobody.
Cartoon Network/Disney XD Superheroes I still hate the idea that she’s a no body
@@brysonstiles6737 people are interpreting that her parents really are NOBODYS. As in they don't exist and she's a clone of Palpatine
NV Comics omg that sounds bad like that dosnt make since why would she be a clone? Like that breaks cloning logic in Star Wars
Just left the last Jedi... I'm torn, I want so bad to love it, but I think it had endless potential which was never really utilized. It takes place in a period of like a couple days and the same thing over and over- Delay attack, not really successful counter, runs, almost success, lose more soldiers, Delay again, okay attack, let down and loss of life, delay and wait, run, delay, hide, delay, and then unsatisfying peak where luke dies doing what? you guessed it, delaying enemy! And guess what, while we are hoping the delays pay off with people joining the cause, no one cared to show up! all this while a total letdown sequence of Luke is happening.
Simultaneously this stupid telekinesis crap is going on with no real purpose except a Twilightish creeper sexual tension building... And the film keeps replaying the same thing over and over and over. And the flashback puts the turn to the dark side in one moment, no build up or anything, the prequels showed a turn to the Darkside a thousand times better. Common, this film didn't use any of the potential awesome moments it had set up except the fight with the guards, which seemed also pointless because snoke was already dead, it would have been like Vader and Luke fighting the royal guards after killing Sidious, pointless because the main bad dude is already dead!. Oh, one more thing, the whole Canto Bight sequence and the character of rose felt like a waste just to add a few lines of dialog and show the "war profitteers" but was only a let down of virtue signaling.
And this is coming from someone who loves star wars and has read almost every new cannon novel.
Couldn’t agree more thought it was bad. Felt like they did things just to do them without any explanation. Very poor scenes. The Leia in space scene was one of the corniest things I have ever seen.
space horses and rey is better then luke with the force in about 2 mins after just being told concentrate HARDER. throne scene was dope, rest of the movie... meh
Thizzle that is simply how Mediclorains work, lie with it
Your summary is perfect. This has Disney's signature all over it and you know the war proffitters was a planned political injection into the film, it serves no other purpose.
I'm really really really not excited for that fucking movie. Really!
VideaVice25 I see what you did there hahahaha
and Im really really really sure you will like it.
Did you see the compass Luke took in Battlefront II in the movie? It’s in Luke’s house at the beginning
Although far from perfect, this feels like the only movie in the new trilogy that feels like it has anything to say other than “give me your money!”
Great video ! This movie was great ! I love your channel !
My ranking is:
10.Attack of the clones
9.The phantom menace
8.Revenge of the sith
7.The force awakens
5.Rogue one
4.A new hope
3.Empire strikes back
2.The last jedi
1.Return of the jedi
I'll come back to watch this after I see the film for myself. I'm super excited though.
Dont be its not a star wars movie or at least a really shitty excuse for one. Bad jokes and cgi trying to cover the missing plot.
Don't listen, its fucking amazing, but apparently people prefer shitty reboots...
+ElAndres+ So you didn’t see the plot holes in the film lmao
Joel Kremla shut up you uncultured swine
You enjoyed the film. Bet you can eat Top Ramen every day for a year.
It's great to hear your review just after seeing it. You saw what a lot of fans didn't and cried "fowl!". I think you nailed it,i felt the same way. Great review subscribed!
Fans cried "bird"?
I think, after the dust has settled, that I'd put The Last Jedi right next to Return of the Jedi. They both have their flaws, but they also both have their memorable moments. And I especially appreciate that The Last Jedi pits its moments almost in direct defiance of The Force Awakens. Spoilers ahead if that matters:
TFA implied Rey was somebody; TLJ said she wasn't, and showed how it didn't matter. TFA implied Snoke would take a trilogy to kill; TLJ reminded us that everyone has their flaws. TFA didn't give Leia Force powers; TLJ showed us why Yoda considered her his backup plan if Luke failed.
So yeah, it's a flawed film. It doesn't always know how to get where it wants to go, but once it gets there I think it says cool things.
The death of Luke Skywalker sounds like utter shite. Also R.I.P. fish face.
Steven Lornie no is wasnt death, it was peace and unity, it was the perfect end to his character
I wish he did more cool stuff, but that last scene of him facing the sun before "ascending"...
Steven Lornie
It was really poor. I didn’t even care cos it wasn’t Luke. This never even felt like him. The things he says, the way he acted. Nothing felt right
CRAB JAB umm maybe you weren't paying attention, it was definitely luke, he was just different, he ran away from everything because he failed, he didnt want to come back, he didnt want to teach rey because he was scared, but when he finally realised that part of this was his fault, he gave the resistance a chance to escape, luke knew he couldn't defeat kylo, so he held him off, he showed how powerful he really is and how amazing he is. Then he vanished, just like OB1 and Yoda, becoming one with the force, complete and peacefully. It was the perfect ending to his character. The double suns and the force theme, IMO the best scene in the entire movie
Ace Of Hearts
So you’re saying the dude who faced the emperor and who couldn’t even kill his own father cos that’s NOT who he is, decided one day that after all that he could kill his own nephew whilst he was sleeping?
That’s NOT Luke at all. It is nothing like him in the slightest. The guy is son of Vader. The most powerful of all and he is scared of a child who is Kylo? And Kylo ain’t even a big deal haha
Get out
I loved this movie and its ability to develop characters outside of cliche blockbuster norms. The reveal of Rey's parents was actually more devastating than any fan theory and the amount of lonely hopelessness I felt for her was stronger than anything I've felt in the series beyond Empire Strikes Back.
Peter Spitler
and those are opinions.
It was extremely predictable for Rey's parents
my tits although that’s true, I don’t think it should be used as an excuse to look away from the real problems that these movies have.
Peter Spitler You’re opinions are shit, mate. Not only are they shit, but they are inherently and fundamentally wrong from what developed throughout 7 and 8. I think we watched different movies, sorry you didn’t like yours.
Some of what he said was wrong but is it really an opinion to say that Rey was strong in the force and barely any explanation was given for that?
Man, how times have changed. People really hate this movie now.
More of a vocal minority
People really hated it when it first came out too. It's basically 50/50 on who likes it and doesn't like it based on the people I've talked to. I'm still in love with it, but can understand some of the criticism.
I don’t hate it but it is one of the worst Star Wars films
People often hate things on reflex when it challenges their idea about what is "supposed" to happen in their beloved stories. Empire Strikes Back saw a similar backlash due to the change in tone and ending. I believe TLJ will age well and become one of the most loved in the series. TFA is a good movie, but it didn't challenge anything. Granted it was what we needed at the time. But it will not be remembered as much.
I highly recommend checking out "Why We Can't Agree About The Last Jedi (Or Art In General)" by the channel Just Write for a more in depth exploration of why so many people hate this movie.
@@wendtchrfinn and whats her name were pointless as there is no need for the casino planet whatsoever. The first order do nothing but scream and shit themselves, higgs is a changed character for the sake of comic relief. And purple hair lady and akbar should have been swapped(akbar could have set the trap instead of running into one, full circle). Also ray recieved zero training and was able to battle off purge troopers with kylo? Ok sure, this movie ages like mayo not wine my dude.
This is why Disney never takes risks. The moment they take 2 slight risks with Luke’s character the fanboys get annoyed because it isn’t mindless fan service.
they didn't say I have a bad feeling about this!
Andrew Walden bb-8 did very beginning of movie director confirmed
BUT! They said the title like 5 times. I know Luke said it twice and Kylo Ren said it once, at the end.
"It's time to let go of the past"
The Last Jedi was an excellent film. Already saw it so many times, and it's such a rich text that I'm still picking up great moments and themes. I feel sorry for those who don't like it, this film was masterful.
Totally agree.
I still think The Last Jedi is a genuinely great movie. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the positive review! Based on your honest feelings about some of the other films, I'm surprised you came to the conclusion(s) you did. But, that's what makes this review so legit, IMO.
I do no agree with you regarding Attack of the Clones, but it's good to hear an opinion of someone who gets The Last Jedi. The movie was simply, brilliant.
honest opinion of a big fan: good acting, some good points but some useless characters/plot points (the codebreaker and his whole thing), wasted characters with good potencial (snoke, phasma), plot points that make no sense (the space chase), yoda looked horrible, too much "good guys cant die and are literally gods" (poe, leia, finn and rose), "leia is superman" scene and just a ton of smaller things that make no sense and i really mean that like i really wonder how half of that shit got through to the finished movie.
this movie really dissapointed me especially after last years rogue one that turned out amazing. as of now my ranking would be: ep 1, 2, 3, 8, 7, 6, r1, 4, 5
Admiral Ackbar will be remembered in our hearts and minds even as he is quickly forgotten on the big screen... A moment of ... please.
the actor who played Ackbar died anyway. It was fitting to end his character.
May he avoid many traps in space-heaven.
@@GetToDaChoppa-k5r No he didn't...
@@GetToDaChoppa-k5r Tim Rose is alive and well and has even been rather outspoken about how Disney shit on the legacy of Ackbar.
Looking back on this review, I actually agree that they handled Luke Skywalker very well in this movie. It would have been boring to see him as this kind of invincible Superman who can do no wrong, as opposed to a bitter, flawed hero who has clear reasons why he was become cynical with the force and the Jedi.
The glaring problem w/ this movie is that it didn't know what to do with Finn. He was completely wasted throughout this movie with no satisfying arc or payoff. The kiss with him and Rose is the single cringiest thing I've seen in a Star Wars film and that's an enormously high bar. It feels like John Boyega's character was sacrificed at the expense of fairly good stories for Rey, Kylo Ren and Poe.
Also most of the humor just didn't land with me, and maybe that's just personal preference. But I think that while Rian made some good choices, he also derailed a trilogy by giving this movie a certain finality to it, with Snoke dead and no real direction for a third movie. JJ Abrams made Rise of Skywalker into a complete clusterf*ck, but it's not like he really had a choice when he had originally set up a lot for Rian to delve into, only for Rian to nullify about 90% of it.
do you really think jj had anything lose to endings in mind for those threads?
i mean, have you seen lost?
@@michaeutech9201 I don't, but I do think he did leave some interesting (if not super innovative) ideas on where to take things in the movies following TFA. But Rian basically took a torch to most of that stuff in order to subvert expectations, leaving the series with nowhere to go after TLJ.
Kylo Ren be like, "Oh hello there Rey. I didn't see you there. I'm just here shirtless with my high pants. How you been?"
Disappointing in many many ways! Bring back Lucus as a creative consultant before it becomes completely unrecognizable. My 15 year old even hated it so it remains a bigger issue of diverting to far off the vision, feel and characterization of the universe we love. I hate what Disney and the Lucus storygroup allowed to happen to the Skywalkers. Such an inglorious end indeed that undermines the orginal creator and story arc. Oh well. If you liked the first six, and Rogue One you will hate this one!!!
@@re1010 nope it would be better just get someone to make sure he doesn’t mess anything up
My only complaints with The Last Jedi: SPOILER WARNING!
Pacing issues. Nothing film breaking, but they're there.
Nothing about the Knights of Ren. Aside from pretty much confirming what we already knew from TFA, they're the other students of Luke's that went with Kylo. I REALLY hope JJ brings them in for Episode 9 to be Kylo's A Team now that he's taken over The First Order.
Captain Phasma. Still utterly useless. Lol
That's pretty much it honestly. Yeah, Finn and Rose are pretty much filler, but it's enjoyable filler and they're great together. Consider me on the Finn x Rose train lol
My only thought on the Knights of Ren is that maybe they became those guards? Otherwise, they were either completely unimportant or completely forgotten.
I wanted to care about Finn and Rose, but I just could not. There were no stakes to that whole sequence.
Nailed it.
You know that Boba Fett was even more pointless than Phasma, right?
He wasn't hyped up to be one of the main villains of 2 movies and was completely useless in both of them lol
Nobody but the fan base hyped up Phasma, so they only have themselves to blame for their dissapointment.
Meanwhile, Boba Fett literally does nothing, goes out like a bitch, but yet is seen as one of the badasses of Star Wars because... reasons? LOL ok.
As for her usefulness... what exactly were you expecting, for her to single-handedly wipe out the resistance? You know we need them to have a movie right?
8th attack of the clones
7th Phantom Menace
6th Rogue One
5th Revenge of the Sith
4th Force Awakens
3rd A New Hope
2nd Return of the Jedi
1st Empire Strikes Back
Rowan Dangerfield you notice the last Jedi isn't in there
This is probably my favourite Star Wars movie when watched on its own, but Johnson clearly wrote the script when he had like minimal detail about TFA cause the narrative acts like we’re supposed to care about Snoke in the same way we care about the emperor (pretty sure Johnson just assumed Snoke was an emperor copy considering all the other shit Abrams copied)
In canon Snoke is a literal emperor copy, also Snoke had just about as much backstory in these films as the emperor had in the OT
Rian has said in an interview that he was actively involved in the making of TFA. not creatively but him just listening asking JJ if he could change some thing. E.g. Originally it was bb8 that followed to Acho-To, but Rian wanted it to be R2 so JJ changed it.
Snoke's importance in the story is the development of Kylo's character. He don't need a backstory for the story to work. just like Sidious in the OG.
I’m all in for this review. I still think Last Jedi was done dirty by fans. Really good movie.
In the comments there is another guy named Ian who blames me and all the other people that hated the last Jedi for the rise of skywalker
I wouldn’t say it’s fans’ fault that the studio/director over-responded to criticism.
@@zan917 he tried to please everybody and pleased nobody felt like pandering
Nah it's trash and makes no sense in lots of key areas. It sucks because to an extent I like what TLJ was trying to do as in be different, dark, critical and unique. It's just too bad they had to make none of it matter, add pointless characters that end up serving nothing to the story while killing older loved characters and neglecting the new fresh ones.
Mary Sues...Mary Sues everywhere!
How does it feel to be this stupid?
Hard to respond to a question so obviously rhetorical...do you not recognize the obvious Mary Sue that is Rey? Everything she succeeds at is undeserved and only due to plot armor. I'm beginning to ponder if you even know what Mary Sue means.
I know now that you don't understand what rhetorical means. So Luke "deserved" everything in the OT? Yeah.....not so much.
TrueUnderDawg is right. Rey is a Mary Sue. You might consider Luke a Mary Sue as well, but that doesn't change that Rey is one as well. In fact, it only validates TrueUnderDawg's argument further. Mary Sues are everywhere. Pointing a second one out doesn't omit the first. It just leaves you with two. No point in trying to dilute a point by presenting the exact same point. You only strengthened his argument. Worse still, you acted arrogant while doing it. Congratulations, you played yourself.
Congrats. You affirmed why people despise the male agenda. Next time have an actual informed opinion to share.
The real question is!.... Who is wearing the"All In" lanyard?
Matthew Berner Obviously Melbourne, because as we know... Melbourne is all in
Ahhhhh George you had that locked and loaded didn't you! Hahaha
How I'd rank em
1. Empire
2. Force Awakens
3. Solo
4. New Hope
5. Rouge one
6. Jedi
7. Last Jedi
8. Revenge of the Sith
9. Phantom menace
10. Clones
Man, everyone complains about Phasma being useless... but to be fair she did a lot more than Boba Fett ever did, atleast Phasma actually had a fight with someone.
Samur/Aye Studios, really didn't do more than Boba. Having a duel with someone with no Clash of beliefs , and always losing, with no cool lines of dialogue to set up a character is worse than what they did with Boba Fett. He at least talked back to Vader because he knew Vader needed him alive. Boba was too useful to get rid of. That's why people still think he was a badass. He never ended up doing anything cool onscreen, but it was portrayed as being an exceptional bounty hunter solely based on his time talking to Vader.
Boba Fett had one line then went out like a bitch without ever fighting anyone, and missed the one shot he fired by freaking miles at a target that was 20 feet away!... he was a delivery boy at absolute best. A coloured stormtrooper at worst.
Fett tracked Han Solo when he had evaded the entire empire. Fett is the only reason the Falcon was caught at Cloud city. That actually impacted the plot. All Phasma did was lose two battles and help the resistance destroy the Mega Death Star.
Nope, Lando is the one that gave them up to Vader, Vader was the one that confronted and caught them at Cloud City, Boba Fetts presence makes no difference in the film, other than being the cargo pilot that delivers Han to Jabba, a job anyone else could have done. He literally did nothing except float out with the trash, his impact on the plot is about as important as Porkins was.
Search your feelings... you know it to be true. Or just go back and watch the film (seein as it's so perfect) with this in mind, he's a stormtrooper that fell into a shelf of paintcans ;)
Samur/Aye Studios Shows how much you know. Lando tells Han "They arrived just before you did." Boba is the one who tracked the falcon. Lando had no idea they or the empire were coming. The only reason the empire waited was to bait Luke to cloud city. Cmon, at least watch the damn movie dude.
Also he is wearing fucking Mandalorian armor not stormtrooper armor. You know, because he is from Mandalore. You literally know nothing about any of this... why make ridiculous claims?
I've seen it twice now and I found the Last Jedi to be a series of beautifully done scenes loosely held together by a thin story.
I couldn't tell you what this story was about, best I could do is describe the events that happened. I may be too harsh here but to me it felt like a room of Producer just said "It would be cool to see this and that" then starting shooting it.
A lot happened to both sides but in the end they were all pretty much where the started. This movie cannot stand on its own, it's a filler episode to bridge 7 and 9.
I'm sad that my son Luke is probably gonna die!
Darth Vader Probably? Lol.
Darth Vader Just like you, oh......SHIT!!! Shouldn't have said that.
Eggsy What do you mean? Oh I remember when I threw down Emperor Palpatine down the maintenance shaft. But I'm still alive because I'm a Force ghost!
1. Empire
2. Rogue One
3. A New Hope
4. Force Awakens
5. Return of the Jedi
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. Last Jedi
8. Phantom Menace
9. Attack of the Clones
I can't WAIT to see Episode 9. Those 20 Resistance fighters with no allies and an apparently worthless Republic will totally ROCK this new Empire.
Rackbar. She does need a bigger rack though.
Rip Ackbar
So sick of people bringing up the rottentomoes user score. It doesn't even represent a percentage of the people who've this film because the vast majority of people in the world don't wast time rating movies and only movie fanboys actually care about it
obviously those people that write reviews care a great deal about the films, and those that don't feel the itch to review a film probably don't care that much about the series as a whole.
lance orchardd the movie was bad as a movie. The movie cannot be called Star Wars because it doesn’t follow any logic set by all the previous movies. If a new marvel movie came out and had the avengers killed civilians to get to bad guys and didn’t care about anyone it would not be considered marvel. That’s basically what this movie did to space Canon
Well you guys stayed the hell home at SOLO that's kind of counter productive dont you think? You know since all you majority guys love how it's going so you should financially *laughs* support it hahahha
Mr. Sunday Movies...... you have officially become my favorite Star Wars youtuber. Not only do I agree with your spoiler free review, our rankings are very similar on the rest of the movies. You strike me as a Star Wars fan. All of these "it ruined it" and "I left the theater" people? They were never fans in the first place.
It sounds like people didn’t like the last Jedi only because it didn’t live up to the expectations, like you expected some crazy back story for snoke, you expected some huge plot twist for Rey’s parentage, like Jesus Christ , Star Wars doesn’t play it safe like they did on episode 7 and now everyone is bitching
< crazy backstory for snoke
no we expected literally anything as an explanation for snoke
Not at all true
I really liked the part when fin and Poe kissed at the end while chewy cheered
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Last Jedi (Finn should have had that really intense moment to himself and actually done something in the movies. You know what moment I'm talking about.)
3. A New Hope, Return of the Jedi (Just barely behind)
4. Rogue One
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones
8. Force Awakens (It just wasn't very unique and Rey was a Mary Sue. Plus it kinda killed hard core fans. But I can appreciate it because of Last Jedi; appreciate, not necessarily enjoy.)
P.S. Why the bloody heck is Sith not recognized as a bloody word?! I mean, it's been around for almost half a century!
1. empire
2. hope
3. awakens
4. return jedi
5. rogue
6. revenge
7. last jedi
8. menace
9. clones
Colonel Vael Teroune for me the last Jedi is number 3
Sunshine is a damn good movie