Check out Nemo's War. :-) That one has been a go-to solo game for me over the past few years. Really fun and more thematic than I expected it would be. I also love Robinson Crusoe solo. Originally, I was just trying out RC solo to learn the rules, but then I learned that the game is actually excellent solo! :-) Definitely worth trying, if you haven't yet. Warp's Edge and Coffee Roaster are also fun if you want to check out bag-building solo games. :-)
Nice video and good stuff to look into. Right now, SpaceCorp 2025-2300 is probably my favorite solo experience. Was not aware of your channel. Now I am. Subbed!
Great List! I really like playing Elder Sign as well. I usually pull that out when Arkham Horror 2nd is to much. My list in no particular order. 1. Marvel United 2. Tiny Epic Dungeons 3. Massive Darkness 2 4. Fields of Arle 5. Dwellings of Eldervale 6. Concordia (solo expansion) 7. Warps Edge 8. Meadow 9. Obsession 10. Ark Nova
@@BadatBoardgames Dwellings is awesome! A little over produced maybe? Haha. The Andromeda's Edge is the sci-fi version about to come out. The solo mode is super smooth. If you like worker placement, asymmetrical powers, and building small engines it is very satisfying.
Great list. Always love hearing love for Arkham Horror 2E. It was my first Solo game as well. I did exactly what you did, set it up to play to try and learn the rules. I still play it at least once every 3 months. I just love it.
@@BadatBoardgames Same, kind of. Eldritch Horror and AH 3e just didn't do it for me. I played the LCG a bit, but I could see it was going to be a money pit so I got out early. I love with AH 2e how I can just set it up and do a few rounds of play. Get a few things done and come back and do a few more rounds. Once you know the rules it's really not that bad. Plus watching youtubers like Catweazle play all the time helps keep the rules fresh :).
I really want to dive into LCG. I think the idea of it needing expansion packs to keep it fresh and continue has kind of slowed my jumping in. I've fiddled around a bit solo, but not much. That is likely going to change soon. It's hard to not see what horrors may lie for me. My understanding is that they created EH and then AH3E because AH2E was too fiddly for many folks. But that's part of why I like it. Yes, there's a lot going on and it can get bogged down with do this, then this, then this, then this.... but it creates such a great story. I don't want to sacrifice the story to reduce an abundance of components and upkeep. That's part of the experience.
Thanks for this advice and motivation to take out some many unplayed games and get some solo playing actioned instead of relying on reluctant friends. I'll certainly pull out my copy of advance thunderstone. You've inspired me to act.....🙌👌
Elder Sign and Under Falling Skies are two of my favourites! Highly recommend Warps Edge, Others that spring to mind Pocket Landship, Everdell ( although really tough solo ) Call to Adventure & the 7th Continent. I'm pretty much a solo board game player 😅 There a few on your list that I'm going to look into now, thank you! 😀
Just came across your channel this week, thanks for the great content, I subbed. Small note it is 'honorable' not 'honerable (in your honorable mentions graphic)'; seen it spelled that way in a couple of videos now, sorry I couldn't contain myself and not say something...
Thank You for subscribing and ya my daughter pointed that mistake out yesterday as well lol. -Brad Toph is good at english Brad is also bad at spelling 🤪
Hey, I'm new to board and solo gaming. In fact,I'm only a solo gamer, because my lame, and I'm too shy to join any groups right now. 😉 I really enjoyed your reviews, going to look for some of these! I'm going to look to see if you've reviewed Terraforming Mars The Dice Game, my game shop owner recommended it as a solo and it looks fun!
Welcome to the Table Top Gaming hobby. Stand proud as a solo gamer! Brad and I both greatly enjoy solo gaming. Now, you ask about a game I really am interest in. I haven't played the dice game, yet, but I love TM and really enjoy Ares Expedition. I'm sure the dice game is great, too. You'll have to let me know!
I could not agree more on Under Falling Skies. It's bekome one of my go to solo games. Quick, streamlined, with a replayable story/campaign, solo many different setup options and...I can't recomend it enough!
You're very welcome. It was fun to really consider my go-to games for playing solo. Over the past several years, I've really enjoyed playing solo games. I'm going to look up Warp's Edge for sure. Vagrantsong is on my short list, too. I'm going to have to look up Ascension Tactics and Bardsung. What do you like about them?
@@BadatBoardgames I’ll speak more on Ascension Tactics because that game did a great job mixing tactics with deck-building. It has a great and addicting gameplay loop. Great game!
“The best thing about playing board games solo is there’s nobody else around to ruin your fun!” ... Sum Gi. I have been getting into the “COIN” series from GMT games lately and they are great solo games if you are willing to put the time and effort into learning how to run the bots. Also, I would HIGHLY recommend “Navajo Wars” as a pure solo experience. Again, this one requires some time and effort to learn but it is IMHO one of the best solo games ever produced. Enjoyed your list very much!
Nice to meet someone with such great taste! Dang I like that game so much. I need to get Brad to finally play it with me. Might sabotage a Saturday and force it on Brad and others in our gaming group (don't tell Brad 😂)!
I had great a experience playing solo in Dune: Imperium (which is my favourite game). Very tight and fun experience against two ai opponents using an app, which is awesome too.
Fun list, I play a lot solo but clearly have a very different taste in games, I play less big thematic games. I am glad you found this part of the hobby. Welcome to the 1 Player guild.
Thanks. I'm definitely a sucker for horror games and strongly thematic games (provided there's a good game with it, not just a theme with nothing going on). What do you enjoy playing? I'm down for suggestions for new games to try.
@@BadatBoardgames I do love Under Falling Skies, Warps Edge, for thematic, I like Floriferous, and Sunset Over Water. Overboss and Cascadia is great solo or multiplayer. Project L is a great Solo. A Gentle Rain is amazing solo (out of print). I mostly prefer to play solo games that are fast set up time and quick play time. There is a SpaceMarine Adventures Rise of the Necron is a pandemic style solo. Fun puzzle.
This! The huge variety of player powers is a huge plus. Using them together, in what is essentially a fantasy guerilla war against the necromancer, makes for some fun decision making. Running four characters at once isn't as bad as it sounds since each only gets one action per turn so the turns move pretty quickly.
My Top-10 Solo Board Games: 1. Pax Pamir 2. Bonfire 3. Mage Knight 4. Diuna: Imperium z dodatkiem 5. Anachrony 6. Scythe 7. This War of Mine 8. 51 Stan - ale wersję solo sobie zmodyfikowałem :D 8. Zaginiona wyspa Arnak + dodatek Przyw. Eksp. - zmodyfikowana Automa 9. Nemesis 10. Nowy Wspaniały Świat 11. Neuroshima Last Aurora 12. Spirit Island 13. Praga Caput Regni 14. Bliżej i Dalej 15. Zew Przygody
Nice list. Under Falling Skies is amazing... You should try Warp's Edge, also a great solo experience. I also enjoy Imperium Classics, Hadrian's Wall, Coffee Roaster, Renegade, Ark Nova and Spirit Island very much. But then again: I really like all games I own...
Really liking the games we own is the point, right? I love Hadrian's Wall. Ark Nova is a good game, too, although I've never solo'd it. A couple people have now recommended Imperium Classics. I need to look that up. Thanks for the insight.
Amazing list! Another game you should try is Mansions of Madnesss is amazing!! If you like the Arkham series, you will love this one! Also, another game which is great is CO2 Second Chance. It is hard to win but the gameplay and the theme are on point!
Thank you for the recommendation! Mansions is a fantastic game and I'm waiting to pick up a copy for myself. You are spot on with it being a great addition to the Arkham universe of games. I have not played CO2: Second Chance, yet. I have had several people recommend it to me, but no one has recommended solo play. Interesting. I'm ok with not winning (Brad and I are bad at board games after all 🤣), but I'm curious to know what you like about it (solo or multiplayer).
@@BadatBoardgames I have played CO2 just a couple of times in solo mode so I have yet to play it in cooperative/competitive with my friends (it is difficult to agree when to play together this days 😂). However, what I liked from the game was its awesome gameplay. At first it was kind of hard to understand the rules but gradually you understand the logic behind them. Since its a ticking clock kind of game, due to the potential increase of the concentration of CO2 after each era, you have to think through which is the best path to achive the goal of creating sustainable companies, while completing some United Nations goals. Also the way you build the companies is just so clever, you have to pass some steps first before putting the company token directly in the board game and start getting points 😀. The ways to gain points feel balanced and you truly have to think about your strategy for winning. You really feel as if you are part of a group deciding about important decions of how you tackle climate Change around the world! 😎 And the tokens, oh man they are just top notch!!
First of all: great video :) I will combine a couple of different "replys" into this one, so I appologise if it will be a bit long... OK - favourite solo game: Pandemic, specifically Pandemic: Fall of Rome. All pandemics work well soli, but FoR has an actual solo mode and runs just slightly smoother with 1 player but honestly any pandemic could take this spot. I just love the tight balance of Pandemic - once you find the right difficulty for you games will often be won just at the brink of loosing or lost with the finishing line soooo close before you (there will be exceptions, but in my experience 75%+ of the games will be amazing). ----- I was just OK with Viticulture solo mode (though i liked the variation where you have to be ahead of the automata every year - it really changed up how i approached the game, since it is not just about the VPs at the end, but every year counts). Have you tried the newest expansion Viticulture: World? It is amazing in how different of a game that is. It fealt like getting a completely new gsme, not just an expansion. I haven't soloed it yet though, since we played it a ton with my wife, so i didn't have the desire to pull it out. ----- Given how much you like Cthulhu you should maybe try the roleplaying game Call of Cthulhu (7 edition is relatively easy to learn), if you can find a GM to run it. Sorry if you have already played it - i'm new to the channel, so i don't know your experiences yet :)
Thanks for the comment! It's good to hear some of your thoughts. Pandemic is great. I've heard great things about Fall of Rome, but haven't tried it yet. I wasn't aware it had a dedicated solo mode built into the box. I'll need to look it up. Regarding Viticulture World, haven't jumped into it yet. I've tried to gauge the interest of my play group and it didn't seem to be one they're overly excited about. I'll probably pick it up at some point, but not sure it will be too soon. I'm on the fence with TTRPG. I want to dive into it so bad, but my experience has been more miss than hit with trying it in the past. But this is 100% on my list. I entered a silent auction at our last local gaming convention to get some books. What do you like about it?
@@BadatBoardgames Hmmm there is a lot to like about CoC :D It is not to rules heavy - I DMed it for 2 seperate groups with noone else knowing any of the rules and the game still went quite smoothly. Your skills got from 0 to 99 and you roll a d100 (well percentile dice, but you know what I mean). If you roll less or equal to your skill you succeed (rolling under 1 / 2 is a hard success and rolling under 1 / 5 is an extreme success - all these numbers are written clearly on your character sheet so you just roll and check, no math needed, not even simple additions. This makes it run smoothly) I like that it as a TTRPG isn't just focused on combat (D&D rules are 75% or even more focused only on killing stuff), the sanity mechanism can lead to some great roleplay situations (though the players need to be on board and willing to at least try to lean into the madness for some time when they fail sanity checks). To me personally a well written investigation is more interesting than the "wargame" aspect of kill those goblins. The fact that there are no levels means that there isn't to much difference between a character who survived a couple of missions and a complete new character, who just discovered the mythos. A veteran will have a bit higher skills on average, but will also have wounds and pretty damaged sanity, so they aren't just better then a new one. Additionally when I run into a module I like, I can always add that into a running game, while in D&D I have to check if the lvl is roughly appropriate for the party. It being set in real world in my experience makes it easier for players to come up with interesting plans. They think of searching through archives, interviewing newspaper writers etc. while in D&D they don't really know what exist that could provide clues and hints - except for going to the inn... Mechanically speaking - I like the idea and execution of a "pushed roll". Whenever a player fails a roll, they can decide to push it, but that re-roll will have severe consequences if failed. A normal roll that fails means you don't achieve your goal, but no further repercussions. E.g. cultist have swarmed your hotel and you want to climb out of the window in the 5th floor. You fail your roll - that only means you decided that you can make it, you just can't find good foothold to climb, so you are still in the hotel room. Now the player wants to push that roll - they decide they want to cut up the bedsheets to make a makeshift rope to do this climb. The DM (called Keeper in CoC) hints at possible consequences if the player fails that new roll and the player get one last chance to change their mind. If they decide to go with the roll they roll again, but if they fail this time I personally would either have them fall, or maybe they took far to much time and the cultist are now already at the door - so there is more at stake than just failing to climb down. This mechanic makes players think how they approach situations, and leads to some super creative descriptions and ideas. One last mechanic I love is an optional one. You have a luck score and luck is a stat that WILL get rolled during games. You can spend luck to fix you rolls - spending as much luck as you need to succeed on a roll, but that permanently reduces your luck score. I like that this system is deadly - it makes the players scared of direct conflict and they'll work harder to avoid it then in D&D and they'll actually run away every now and then (especially if a monster chases them). Somebody pulling out a gun is scary in this game! Of course the lethality adds to the horror as well. In case you ever want a "test run" I still have the very short investigation prepared that I used to introduce the other two groups - it is a scenario written for convention play, so it is actually really short - playable in 1 or 2 hours. Yes it is NOT a grand investigation, but it works well enough within that short timeframe. It is (in my opinion) best played with exactly 2 players (so Keeper + 2 investigators).
You're welcome! Glad you like the list. Definitely give Death May Die a shot, Brad and I love that game. Our other friends we have introduced it to enjoy it as well. I'm going to look into Warp's Edge. Thanks!
I'm a video game player and developer and I just picked up my first board game (Deep Rock Galactic, a fantastic adaptation of a video game of the same name) mostly because I love the source material and there are mini figurines that I want to paint. The gameplay's about landing in a cave and grabbing the ressources you need while giant bugs are trying to kill you, 4 unique classes, you can dig the walls, overhaul very close to the original game and just as fun. While looking for other board games, I've spotted a few ones I want: Cartographers, Strawlopolis, Terraforming Mars and Under Falling Skies.
I've not heard of Deep Rock Galactic, but I'm not a video gamer, so I might not have caught the connection. I'll look it up for sure. Soudns fun. Cartographers, TM, UFS, are all great. Sprawlopolis is on my list to pick up when I make another haul--I've heard great things about it. Thanks for the recommendation!
Garphill make great solo modes for their games. The West Kingdom series are all excellent, the upcoming Wayfarers of the South Tigris follows suit, and they're in the process of making a solo only resettable campaign game too (Legacy of Yu). They also made what is arguably the best solo roll and write, Hadrian's Wall.
Nice list, JOTL is excellent! My top solo games are: 1. Lord of the Rings LCG 2. Star Trek Frontiers 3. Dune Imperium 4. X-Men United/Marvel United 5. Marvel Legendary 6. Aliens Legendary 7. Marvel Champions 8. Imperial Assault 9. Outer Rim 10. Gloomhaven/JOTL 11. Fallout 12. A Distant Plain
Glad you liked it. I tend to still enjoy older and not as "on the hotness" games. Both are good, but there's something about how tried and true games continue to stay on our favorites list. What games do you enjoy to solo?
Arkham Horror LCG was my first leap into solo boardgaming. Then it was Gloomhaven: JOTL. Since then I've been into lighter games like Dino Island: Rawr and Write, Everdell, and Cascadia. For some reason lately I haven't been able to concentrate while learning heavier games like Bitoku, All Bridges Burning, and This War of Mine. They kinda give me anxiety. I hope that changes soon.
Fatigue and anxiety are real things. I completely understand and have experienced the exact same. Some days, I'll sit and play Yahtzee, Shut the Box, or a simple game of solitare with a deck of cards because I don't feel up to jumping into one of the heavier or more fiddly games. As for board games, I approve of all you mentioned. Arkham Horror (second edition) was my first offiical leap into solo boardgaming. I haven't dove full into LCG, but I see that happening as I play more. Everdell is amazing, isn't it?
Totally agree with Under Falling Skies. When I lose, I know it's from a mistake I made, and when I win, I feel like I earned it. And the campaign is awesome.
I enjoy your #3. I’ve played it solo a dozen times, so far. For a chill, tactile, abstract puzzle game that can be played under a 1/2 hour, I like “Project L”. It has solo rules, but actually I prefer playing “ two handed” for twice the fun at once. Finally, I’ll add “Wingspan” as a recommendation. Once again, Stonemeier came up with a good automa. You can adjust the difficulty level. The “European” expansion, adds a couple of end game goal solo cards especially for solo play. You can use others from the end game goal cards, but I suggest using just those that have a higher percentage of appearing for the AI “ player” (30% and up). For those who turn their noses up by saying the last few turns you end up just placing eggs, I reply: “play better”. If you set up your engine well, you can place more birds for more points upon your habitat board during your final actions. Does it always work out that way? No. But that is part of the challenge.
Stonemeier for the win, right? Wingspan is another great game. Definitelying looking forward to giving it a solo go. One of the guys in our gaming group has it and we've played it there. I didn't think I'd like it for the theme, but the mechanics just work well. Should have expected that from a SM game. I digress... their automa is just well thought out and makes for a great and challenging solo experince. and the option to add additional automa decks for Scythe gives a new challenge there, as well. Solo vs 2 AI players? Sure! I need to give Project L a shot. I've had my eye on it for a while. Glad to hear someone talk about it with a good solo spin, too.
Intersting amd informative - thanks (due to my location / situation, I am going to have to play Solo for a while. One thing - a look in the Box to see the contents would be helpful (?)
Thanks! And great suggestion. It's always great to see what's in boxes. Have fun solo gaming. It can be great fun. I do prefer playing with other people, but sometimes it's great to play alone, too. And depending on the game, that's just what I want.
IMO the biggest flaw with Viticulture solo is the game length being restricted to 7 years. It's barely enough time to really establish your fields and get a little engine chugging along. I always end up playing 14 years and double the point total to win. It's the perfect length and i'm surprised the solo mode wasn't designed this way to begin with. It also works fantastically with Tuscany, especially if you bump the points requirement up a little bit to compensate for the easier point accumulation in the expansions.
I'm not normally a fan of house rules, but I support these! Viticulture is a fantastic game, and some slight changes, especially in solo mode, can make that enjoyment better. 7 years aren't a lot, true. And i prefer my wines aged quite a bit more than 7 years (although my budget begs to differ!).
I’ve been playing Marvel Champions and Marvel United solo recently. I have also had fun with Terraforming Mars, Tapestry, Mansions of Madness, 7th Continent, Sagrada, and Fleet the Dice Game.
I love Scythe so much. But I don’t have any friends that want to play with me as they think it’s too involved. So I have only been able to play with with people a handful of times.
I understand. I absolutely love Scythe, but it doesn't hit the table much. Id love to get it out more, so much more. Have you tried playing solo? It's different, but you can get a good feeling to satisfy the itch occasionally.
I bought Jaws of the Lion many months ago, started a three player campaign and have only been able to get 4 nights in with those three players. Now I'm very tempted to get reset everything and play it solo because I just want to get on and play it. I would add Robinson Crusoe to my list of great solos. But play with three characters rather than mess around with the dog and Man Friday that are meant to be used to enable solo play.
Go for it! You can keep your stats with your current group and start a new stat sheet with your new characters for solo play. That way your group can pick back up when they're ready to do so, but you can play through it solo at the same time. I'm doing that with Rise of Fenris (Scythe campaign) right now. I'm playing through it solo while my friend and I are playing through it (on a differnt set of score sheets) together. Also, good tip on Robinson Crusoe. Noted for if (when) I pick up that game!
I’m not sure Brad has, but I’ve played Above and Below. Another friend has Near and Far. Once we play through that, I’d like to check out Now or Never. Not sure how much of overlap or similarity they have, but Now or Never looks good from what I’ve seen.
Thanks for sharing! I haven't thought of soloing Isle of Cats. I'm likely going to be giving Ark Nova a try, as well. Brad and I have played it, but I haven't played it solo, yet. So many great games!
Glad you joined the Bad @ Board Games shenanigans! Thanks for the sub. I have not played Lux Aeterna--I'm going to look into it. As for heavier games, so many of what we play also play solo. I haven't had the chance to solo all of them, yet, but those that I will be bringing to the table solo (from my or Brad's collection) or new-to-me ones not included in this Top 10 include: Arkham Horror: The Card Game and Spirit Island (both fantastic solo), and soon to try out The Gallerist, Kanban EV, Lisboa, Great Western Trail, and Barrage... all of which I've heard a great solo.
@@BadatBoardgames Thank you, look forward to it. One of the reasons, I look out mainly for solo games is due to lack of players. And also get heavier games into my collection purely based on the strong solo aspect. Do review On Mars, Pampero (still in KS) and also look forward to your soon to try out reviews as well.
Love the list! I have recently been getting into solo games and over been in the hobby almost 2 years but still consider myself a novice. I have been hearing great things about falling skies and I think you might have just pushed me to get it 😊. I haven't played TM as it seems so complexed but a few weeks ago I saw TM ares expedition on sale for $11 and grabbed it. I had heard that it can be an intro to the main game. I have played it 4x times now and loving it. I haven't been able to win. The last time I played it and got to the 5th round I was like no, no, no! How do I terraform you MARS! I kept playing and was able to do it in 8 rounds. 😏😏
Thank you for your comment and story! How amazing does it feel when we finally succeed at these games?! Area Expedition is good, but I greatly prefer Terraforming Mars. It will feel quite different, but it will look slightly similar, enough that it should feel comfortable. I would suggest you pick it up, especially if you have others that like tactical play. I did a video on TM when we started the channel. It's one of my absolute favorite games. Regarding Under Falling Skies, enjoy! It's such a fun puzzle.
Hey Toph, love the list! I've been eying both AH lcg and death may die. Is now that more time has passed, which of the two would you prefer? Or are both must-haves?
Hey Scatterbrain, Thanks! I definitely love these games and it sounds like you might enjoy some of them, too. I've got a few new games that might make there way onto the list, so my next update might include some new games, including AH:LCG. Regarding AH:LCG vs C:DMD... good question. I'd probably put AH above DMD for solo play, but DMD above AH for mulitplayer games. DMD is just fantastic, and it works so well solo, too. It's a get in and get out kind of game. Rich story telling for one-off scenes. Heart gets pumping and you think you're going to die and, well, you very well may after going insane. On the other hand, AH sets a stage and writes this story that makes you really think about what is going to come next. You feel the pressure in a deeper way because it's got long-term consequences for your characters. You upgrade them and give them weaknesses that carry over from game to game. You have more choices to make with lasting effects. And it's so darn hard to get clues or fight well, so you play very different with different characters and decks. You feel more rewarded in AH at the end of a cycle and more rewarded in DMD at the end of a scene. With AH, you get beat down, but with DMD you and your friends can celebrate a narrow victory or commiserate with each other over an epic battle, and enjoy it immensely whether you win or lose. IMHO: both are must-haves (but AH will require buying at least one or two cycles to be worth it).
Wow.. Thanks for the thorough response!! Haha this probably pushes me to want both games at this point. I know if I start with AH I'll go all the way so I wanted to be sure before I pull that trigger ya know? ($600 deep haha). My other hesitation is I've heard mixed opinions on whether DMD is worth it if I can't get my hands on expansions, seeing that CMON won't release a lot of material retail. I already started down MC for an lcg and it's a bit daunting starting a second.
I love season one of DMD. I don't regret it at all. Yes, there are only 6 or 8 episodes (I forget 😂), but they're repeatable and enjoyable with different characters or different players or the other ancient one. If you like games like Zombicide, you'll love it. Think one shot dungeon crawls. Do it! I mean, don't let me pressure you into it... But, Do It!
If you can find season one, I would start there. Make sure you like it before going for expansions or going all in. GameNerdz has 2 copies in stock for just under $90 (free shipping if you're in the US). I think it's worth that price, but I've fallen in love with it and am therefore biased.
I agree with all your choices as I've played most of those and most of those solo. I am curious as to your thoughts about warps edge, for me warps edge would have slightly beat out under falling skies. I also enjoy castles of Burgundy solo and dune imperium solo.
Hmm... You're one of many who have brought up warps edge. I'm now on the hunt to pick it up. I've not played it. So looking forward to this game that so many have said they like better than under falling skies. What do you like better about it? On another note, I've not yet solo'd Castles of Burgundy or Dune Imperium. Both are great games though. I'll need to give them a shot!
This list is great. I really like to play cascadia solo. Just like viticulture it is more of a chill game where you grab a drink, sit outside and enjoy it.
Do you have a gate on your audio? It sounds like it, and like the settings are off such that it’s cutting off some words and almost making your voice sound choppy.
Except for your #1 game (which I don't like), the others are on your list are very much to my liking. I especially enjoyed the comments you made about Arkham Horror (2nd Edition) which is #2 on my all-time solo list and I play with all the expansions and operate 4 random Investigators plus random locations and abominations. It is a bear to learn and remember everything but the gameplay rewards are absolutely fantastic. I keep a notebook exclusively for rules clarifications on BGG, and my multitude of preferred house Rules to suit my own unique taste. I've even incorporated a ton of fan-made content for additional variety and enjoyment. To date, I've played 43 solo games with 4 Investigators. Each adventure takes a month or two to complete because I only play a few turns each day for additional suspense and excitement. Like you, I leave it set up until I either win or lose. But instead of 1 table, I devote 4 large folding tables to Arkham Horror (because of so much content) in my small game room. I think I'll stop here but I could also sing the praises of the original Terraforming Mars. It is also in my top 5 solo games.
Dungeon crawlers are great to solo. Sometimes, I prefer them solo. Brad currently is soloing KDM. Im jealous. Haha. How are Shadows of Brimstone and Sword and Sorcery?
@@BadatBoardgames I eyed it for a while too and then my wife got it for me for Christmas. The combos in it are awesome and make you feel clever. It’s also not super restrictive and there’s multiple strategies you can try. I have three sisters on my shelf too, heard it’s very similar, but just haven’t explored it yet.
I picked it up and gave it some goes. It was better than I thought. I enjoyed the stress and push-your-luck nature. Unfortunately, put it back on the shelf and haven’t pulled it out for a while. Out of place, out of mind, I guess. Going to have to change that. Thanks for reminding me of the upcoming dungeon crawl!
@@BadatBoardgames Sounds great! May I bother you with another question? I really find the theme of Great Western Trail attractive, and was wondering if you had played the solo mode that's in the 2nd edition ("Lonely Are The Brave"). Would value your thoughts about it if so.
Unfortunately, I haven't played GWT solo, yet. I'll need to give it a go. GWT is a fantastic game. We both love it. I'm sure it will be good played solo.
You do realize that all your top games except #1 feature a single tiered deck of cards? UFS: I have the original pnp, it’s good. Check out palm island, I played it 40+ times.
@@BadatBoardgames ah. "This is Brad. Memoir is a great game, I bought too much of it lol." makes all the difference! Maybe something with your keyboard, never mind. Brad. Buying anything more than the base game for m44 is the first, biggest and most costly mistake many people make. The fundamental problem is that your search time is proportional to the pieces of plastic you need to go through. On the other hand, there are hundreds of maps you can play with just the base game which I printed out (most of them) and bound into themed books. Now back to solo. I tried all the solo systems on the internet and they all suck: random shit happening, no command card size taken into consideration, and over all not the feeling of playing against a human. So I put it up on sale and forgot about it then designed an ai for it that does behave lika a human. Made some videos on it on my channel if you're interested. This game is now a pure gem. While I can't test it for your extra modules, you can play with the AI and I'm confident it should provide a good resistance on any memoir scenario. You don't need to give up on your boxes just yet ♥
Hello! Thanks for a nice video. I don't know what it is about the game Friday but is magnetic. Probably bc it's kind of harder than you think. You think it is a simple card game but it is a lot of tactics going on. Do I play hard cards in the beginning? Or do I wait later on, do I have any good cards left etc. "Friday is a solitaire deck-building game in which you optimize your deck of fight cards in order to defeat the hazards of the island." -BGG.
Definitely give it a go. It plays well, solo. The automa can take a minute to get the hang of, but once you've got it under your belt, it's easy to use and plays well.
I really need to learn how to play Scythe solo. 😆😂 Only tried it multiplayer. My favorite solo are Vinhos, Raiders of Scythia, Maquis, and Railroad Ink Challenge.
I agree, you do! It's not bad once you sit down and play it. It's confusing at first, but the Automa makes perfect sense once you're moving the opponents pieces. I kept looking at the cards thinking there was no way it would work, but once i got stated, I understood it. Scythe is fantastic. I think you'll get the hang soon. I haven't played any of the games you've recommended. Vinhos is high on my list. I've heard Raiders of Scythia is good, and hoping I can find someone locally that has it to try. Railroad Ink looks like a great puzzle. I've almost picked it up several times, and guess i need to bite the bullet and do so. I think Brad might enjoy it, as well. Thanks!
I play solo and only solo so, I wish there were more games just solo. Arkham Horror and nearly all Cthulu bags are great....a case of time consuming and table monopolizing ! Simple but so addictive= One Deck Dungeon the two follow -ups. This War of Mine and Robinson Crusoe Cursed Isle of you want a week's play! There are so many games that can be played solo but 'simply solo' is neglected most of the tine. Now I am waiting for 're-release of S.O.S Titanic.
I think a lot of designers create with a solo variant to attract the most people to the game. It would be nice to have more just-solo games. I just picked up one deck dungeon. Looking forward to it. I don't mind a game sitting on the table for a while, but the idea of some small footprint games is nice. I've been eyeing Robinson Crusoe. I need to look up SOS Titanic.
I play Mage Knight and Star Trek Frontiers. I love Imperial Assault with the app. I recently played Roll Camera which was good. I'm looking forward to trying Xia Legends of a Drift solo expansion.
If you like Terraforming Mars, I would recommend that you check out Ark Nova. Has similar gameplay, but is its own game and is not a re-skin. It’s the best solo experience I’ve had.
That's a great recommendation. I have Ark Nova as well, but I'll be honest, I much prefer TM. Both are great games, but man, I love TM. Glad AN is also in my collection for competitive or solo play.
Great list. Thanks, I took some notes. I am new to the hobby but from what I've tried so far, I really like Burgle Bro (1&2), Root (with clockwork expansion), Loop, Oltrée, and Chronicle of crimes 1900.
I like dune imperium solo, destinies, this war of mine, god of war the card game, terminator rise of the resistance, world of Warcraft (pandemic system) space marines adventures.
Interesting options. From your list, I've only played Dune Imperium, but played it competitively. I've heard some good things about some of the others (Destinies and This War of Mind). I've been eyeing the WoW Pandemic, but never got into the WoW universe so haven't pulled the trigger. Love the Pandemic system, though. Definitely want to check out Destinies. Thanks for sharing your list!
@@BadatBoardgames D100 Dungeon has mapping and charactor sheets down to an art form with minion action table and equipment hit to best simulate an actual battle. The character sheet has armor and weapons placed in these slots with a large diverse table of available items to roll for or game buy. The xp system isn't based on giving levels instead based on actual character rolls and game play similaarly to Dungeon World. UA-cam site that showcases game 1 examp is Geek Gamers .
Imperium Classics/Legends - Deck building civilization game which is a massive undersell and amazing solo mode. Cloudspire - MOBA in a board game, great solo and co-op, although it's expensive. Hadrian's Wall/Welcome To The Moon - Other great roll and write (although using cards) solo games, Hadrian's Wall not great multiplayer though.
You're not the first to mention Cloudspire. I need to look it up more. Looking up the others, too. I love Hadrian's Wall, but I've not played it solo, yet. Brad owns that one. Maybe I could grab it and play some solo! Welcome To, as well. Good suggestions. Thanks!
@@BadatBoardgames One other I realized I didn't mention, Paleo. Co-Op Stone Age tribe trying to survive. Has a sort of story mode by combining different scenarios together so each game is a little bit different beyond just the card draw. Although if you do try it the "true solo" mode is not great, instead you can play it two handed. Also great with friends if they like co-operative games that don't have any competitive individual victory condition.
RIGHT?! I want to solo it really bad... It's such a good game. I need to add Spirit Island to my collection. I've only played it with others, but feel like I would enjoy it solo. What do you like about soloing it?
@@BadatBoardgames I like to play boardgame solo. Spirit island is my favorite game, it's like a big puzzle. I like to use my ideas to solve problems by myself or someone i really know. You can contorl 2spirits or more. There are also various levels and types of enemies. I like your collection. It's shows the character very clearly.
I do like the puzzle aspect of solo gaming. We definitely share that. And thanks. I've really enjoyed the games I've been adding to the collection. It's been nice to get recommendations for new games based on mechanics and styles I really like. Appreciate your recommendation and thoughts.
Especially as we are Bad at Board Games... This could be a great video. My mind already is thinking of my collection. There are some great solo games that are just at a high level of difficulty. Good idea!
@@DanieBellinganStream if I had to put that top 10 in order it’s probably like #3 I LOVE the game. I admit though I much prefer it multiplayer to solo but the solo is still great and engaging
Cool. Wil take the plunge, but I have such a massive Backlog in my wish list. What game would you recommend as no. 1, solo or Multi-player? I have Marvel Champions already andoving it!
Such a great list. I haven't played all of these, yet, but many are on my wish list (Spirit Island, Aeons End, Anachrony, Nemesis). Brad owns Nemesis and another in our gaming group has Spirit Island. Kanban EV is up on my top 10 list. Haven't played it solo, yet. I'll need to borrow it from Brad to give it a go. Finally played Wingspan--it's one I'm looking to pick up for my own collection. I'm sure I'll be soloing it before too long. We have a lot of similar interest in gaming! Thanks for sharing.
Idk how in the world this video was in my feed but I guess the algorithm is shining upon you haha *I mean I'm definitely interested in the video, but this genre is never something I watch at all
@@BadatBoardgames I hadn't considered getting a board game before, didnt know any of them had solo modes either but dang yeah I gotta try falling skies it looks awesome. Thanks!! Had no clue these existed
Since this video, I have discovered Warps Edge and it has made it's way towards the top of the list. You are right. It's a very good solo game. I'm not familiar with the Bullet series. I'll need to look it up. Thanks!
UFS was a pleasant surprise. I was on the fence for a while, but so glad I pulled the trigger on it. I'm really enjoying it. Even just to play the first "scenario" for a quick and easy-ish game when I don't have a lot of time. No offense that the rest of our games don't overlap. There's a lot of diversity in games, one thing I love about this hobby! What else do you enjoy playing?
@@BadatBoardgames it's OK man I'm just less fan of the popular games I love shady torbey games (Onirim, Sylvion, Urbion), after the virus, superhot the card game, hero realms, ausonia, Spaceshipped, and other deck building games mostly haha In fact my top 3 for sure are Onirim, superhot, and after the virus in that order After the virus is from the same creators as terforming Mars, I don't get it why such an excellent game from the same company don't get enough recognition... It is really my number one game of all time in my opinion
Thanks for the tip! I'm not a big fan of computer-based gaming, but I'm going to look it up. I absolutely love Arkham Horror, and it looks like 2nd edition is there. Appreciate it!
@@BadatBoardgames they aren't computer based, all they do is give you the things you need to play, you still move the pieces etc. it is phenomenal once you get over the computer word. I am almost 70 and got dragged kicking and screaming to it. glad i did.
The Automa is a solo variant that plays as an opponent. Typically a deck of cards or similar. Makes multiplayer games able to be soloed or played with extra AI players.
I envy you being able to leave games set up. My cat is very adamant about only allowing me so much time for board games 😅 Some solos I've enjoyed recently are Cascadia MD2 and maybe Uprising. Although I haven't played Uprising cooperatively for comparison
Cats.... the enemy of board gaming. HA! I've heard good things about those games. I'm really interested in MD. Hopefully I can find someone who owns it and wants to play. It's been on my list for a while now.
I'm sad to hear Agricola is boring. It's this due to solo play rules or being a lighter-weight Euro? On another note, I've almost purchased Cartographers several times.
@@BadatBoardgames it's just the same on repeat. I haven't played it in a while tho. So I might replay it again. I did enjoy it to begin with. I'm more of a multi-player board gamer, but my husband doesn't like the games I play.
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Check out Nemo's War. :-) That one has been a go-to solo game for me over the past few years. Really fun and more thematic than I expected it would be. I also love Robinson Crusoe solo. Originally, I was just trying out RC solo to learn the rules, but then I learned that the game is actually excellent solo! :-) Definitely worth trying, if you haven't yet. Warp's Edge and Coffee Roaster are also fun if you want to check out bag-building solo games. :-)
Nice video and good stuff to look into. Right now, SpaceCorp 2025-2300 is probably my favorite solo experience. Was not aware of your channel. Now I am. Subbed!
Glad you've joined us! I'm not familiar with Space Corp. I need to go look it up. Thanks for the recommendation!
Great List! I really like playing Elder Sign as well. I usually pull that out when Arkham Horror 2nd is to much. My list in no particular order.
1. Marvel United
2. Tiny Epic Dungeons
3. Massive Darkness 2
4. Fields of Arle
5. Dwellings of Eldervale
6. Concordia (solo expansion)
7. Warps Edge
8. Meadow
9. Obsession
10. Ark Nova
Some good ones here, and some I haven't tried, yet. How's Dwellings?
@@BadatBoardgames Dwellings is awesome! A little over produced maybe? Haha. The Andromeda's Edge is the sci-fi version about to come out. The solo mode is super smooth. If you like worker placement, asymmetrical powers, and building small engines it is very satisfying.
Great list. Always love hearing love for Arkham Horror 2E. It was my first Solo game as well. I did exactly what you did, set it up to play to try and learn the rules. I still play it at least once every 3 months. I just love it.
I love all things Cthulhu 😃
@@BadatBoardgames Same, kind of. Eldritch Horror and AH 3e just didn't do it for me. I played the LCG a bit, but I could see it was going to be a money pit so I got out early. I love with AH 2e how I can just set it up and do a few rounds of play. Get a few things done and come back and do a few more rounds. Once you know the rules it's really not that bad. Plus watching youtubers like Catweazle play all the time helps keep the rules fresh :).
I really want to dive into LCG. I think the idea of it needing expansion packs to keep it fresh and continue has kind of slowed my jumping in. I've fiddled around a bit solo, but not much. That is likely going to change soon. It's hard to not see what horrors may lie for me.
My understanding is that they created EH and then AH3E because AH2E was too fiddly for many folks. But that's part of why I like it. Yes, there's a lot going on and it can get bogged down with do this, then this, then this, then this.... but it creates such a great story. I don't want to sacrifice the story to reduce an abundance of components and upkeep. That's part of the experience.
Thanks for this advice and motivation to take out some many unplayed games and get some solo playing actioned instead of relying on reluctant friends. I'll certainly pull out my copy of advance thunderstone. You've inspired me to act.....🙌👌
It's always good to welcome new friends to the rotation. Enjoy!
Elder Sign and Under Falling Skies are two of my favourites!
Highly recommend Warps Edge, Others that spring to mind Pocket Landship, Everdell ( although really tough solo ) Call to Adventure & the 7th Continent. I'm pretty much a solo board game player 😅
There a few on your list that I'm going to look into now, thank you! 😀
Amazing games! Glad I could mention a few new ones to you!
Just came across your channel this week, thanks for the great content, I subbed.
Small note it is 'honorable' not 'honerable (in your honorable mentions graphic)'; seen it spelled that way in a couple of videos now, sorry I couldn't contain myself and not say something...
Thank You for subscribing and ya my daughter pointed that mistake out yesterday as well lol. -Brad Toph is good at english Brad is also bad at spelling 🤪
Hey, thanks for the great video and nice list. But where is the Spirit Island?:) Cheers.
Love all the personal comments on your top ten ! …. Great video !
Hey, I'm new to board and solo gaming. In fact,I'm only a solo gamer, because my lame, and I'm too shy to join any groups right now. 😉 I really enjoyed your reviews, going to look for some of these! I'm going to look to see if you've reviewed Terraforming Mars The Dice Game, my game shop owner recommended it as a solo and it looks fun!
Welcome to the Table Top Gaming hobby. Stand proud as a solo gamer! Brad and I both greatly enjoy solo gaming. Now, you ask about a game I really am interest in. I haven't played the dice game, yet, but I love TM and really enjoy Ares Expedition. I'm sure the dice game is great, too. You'll have to let me know!
I could not agree more on Under Falling Skies. It's bekome one of my go to solo games. Quick, streamlined, with a replayable story/campaign, solo many different setup options and...I can't recomend it enough!
Thanks for sharing your list! Warp’s Edge is also a great solo-only game. Recently, I’ve been enjoying Ascension Tactics, Vagrantsong and Bardsung.
You're very welcome. It was fun to really consider my go-to games for playing solo. Over the past several years, I've really enjoyed playing solo games. I'm going to look up Warp's Edge for sure. Vagrantsong is on my short list, too. I'm going to have to look up Ascension Tactics and Bardsung. What do you like about them?
@@BadatBoardgames I’ll speak more on Ascension Tactics because that game did a great job mixing tactics with deck-building. It has a great and addicting gameplay loop. Great game!
Loving your list and feel like we have similar taste. Can't wait to check out more of your channel
Hope you enjoy our channel thanks for watching and subscribing !
“The best thing about playing board games solo is there’s nobody else around to ruin your fun!” ... Sum Gi.
I have been getting into the “COIN” series from GMT games lately and they are great solo games if you are willing to put the time and effort into learning how to run the bots. Also, I would HIGHLY recommend “Navajo Wars” as a pure solo experience. Again, this one requires some time and effort to learn but it is IMHO one of the best solo games ever produced. Enjoyed your list very much!
Thanks for the recommendation. I haven't ventured into COIN games, yet. I'll take a look at Navajo Wars. Always like a good recommendation.
I thought I was the only person on the planet that has Arkham Horror 2nd edtion in my top 10 games of all time... well done mate... well done..
Nice to meet someone with such great taste! Dang I like that game so much. I need to get Brad to finally play it with me. Might sabotage a Saturday and force it on Brad and others in our gaming group (don't tell Brad 😂)!
I had great a experience playing solo in Dune: Imperium (which is my favourite game). Very tight and fun experience against two ai opponents using an app, which is awesome too.
Great list! Lost Ruins of Arnak solo is in my top 10!
Thanks! Haven't played Arnak solo yet. I've heard others say it's good. I'll need to grab it from Brad and take it home to try out solo.
Fun list, I play a lot solo but clearly have a very different taste in games, I play less big thematic games. I am glad you found this part of the hobby. Welcome to the 1 Player guild.
Thanks. I'm definitely a sucker for horror games and strongly thematic games (provided there's a good game with it, not just a theme with nothing going on). What do you enjoy playing? I'm down for suggestions for new games to try.
@@BadatBoardgames I do love Under Falling Skies, Warps Edge, for thematic, I like Floriferous, and Sunset Over Water. Overboss and Cascadia is great solo or multiplayer. Project L is a great Solo. A Gentle Rain is amazing solo (out of print). I mostly prefer to play solo games that are fast set up time and quick play time. There is a SpaceMarine Adventures Rise of the Necron is a pandemic style solo. Fun puzzle.
Been waiting for this one! Whoop!
This is going to cause budget problems for me!
Darkest Night 2nd Edition is an absolute must have in any solo board gamer's collection.
This! The huge variety of player powers is a huge plus. Using them together, in what is essentially a fantasy guerilla war against the necromancer, makes for some fun decision making. Running four characters at once isn't as bad as it sounds since each only gets one action per turn so the turns move pretty quickly.
My Top-10 Solo Board Games:
1. Pax Pamir
2. Bonfire
3. Mage Knight
4. Diuna: Imperium z dodatkiem
5. Anachrony
6. Scythe
7. This War of Mine
8. 51 Stan - ale wersję solo sobie zmodyfikowałem :D
8. Zaginiona wyspa Arnak + dodatek Przyw. Eksp. - zmodyfikowana Automa
9. Nemesis
10. Nowy Wspaniały Świat
11. Neuroshima Last Aurora
12. Spirit Island
13. Praga Caput Regni
14. Bliżej i Dalej
15. Zew Przygody
Nice list !!! Some games in there I need to table 😃
Nice list. Under Falling Skies is amazing...
You should try Warp's Edge, also a great solo experience. I also enjoy Imperium Classics, Hadrian's Wall, Coffee Roaster, Renegade, Ark Nova and Spirit Island very much.
But then again: I really like all games I own...
Really liking the games we own is the point, right? I love Hadrian's Wall. Ark Nova is a good game, too, although I've never solo'd it. A couple people have now recommended Imperium Classics. I need to look that up. Thanks for the insight.
Amazing list! Another game you should try is Mansions of Madnesss is amazing!! If you like the Arkham series, you will love this one! Also, another game which is great is CO2 Second Chance. It is hard to win but the gameplay and the theme are on point!
Thank you for the recommendation! Mansions is a fantastic game and I'm waiting to pick up a copy for myself. You are spot on with it being a great addition to the Arkham universe of games. I have not played CO2: Second Chance, yet. I have had several people recommend it to me, but no one has recommended solo play. Interesting. I'm ok with not winning (Brad and I are bad at board games after all 🤣), but I'm curious to know what you like about it (solo or multiplayer).
@@BadatBoardgames I have played CO2 just a couple of times in solo mode so I have yet to play it in cooperative/competitive with my friends (it is difficult to agree when to play together this days 😂). However, what I liked from the game was its awesome gameplay. At first it was kind of hard to understand the rules but gradually you understand the logic behind them. Since its a ticking clock kind of game, due to the potential increase of the concentration of CO2 after each era, you have to think through which is the best path to achive the goal of creating sustainable companies, while completing some United Nations goals. Also the way you build the companies is just so clever, you have to pass some steps first before putting the company token directly in the board game and start getting points 😀. The ways to gain points feel balanced and you truly have to think about your strategy for winning. You really feel as if you are part of a group deciding about important decions of how you tackle climate Change around the world! 😎 And the tokens, oh man they are just top notch!!
Excellent. I do like when the game fights back. Tasks of maintaining some resource or check ass the right stressor to game play. Love it.
First of all: great video :) I will combine a couple of different "replys" into this one, so I appologise if it will be a bit long...
OK - favourite solo game: Pandemic, specifically Pandemic: Fall of Rome. All pandemics work well soli, but FoR has an actual solo mode and runs just slightly smoother with 1 player but honestly any pandemic could take this spot.
I just love the tight balance of Pandemic - once you find the right difficulty for you games will often be won just at the brink of loosing or lost with the finishing line soooo close before you (there will be exceptions, but in my experience 75%+ of the games will be amazing).
I was just OK with Viticulture solo mode (though i liked the variation where you have to be ahead of the automata every year - it really changed up how i approached the game, since it is not just about the VPs at the end, but every year counts).
Have you tried the newest expansion Viticulture: World? It is amazing in how different of a game that is. It fealt like getting a completely new gsme, not just an expansion. I haven't soloed it yet though, since we played it a ton with my wife, so i didn't have the desire to pull it out.
Given how much you like Cthulhu you should maybe try the roleplaying game Call of Cthulhu (7 edition is relatively easy to learn), if you can find a GM to run it. Sorry if you have already played it - i'm new to the channel, so i don't know your experiences yet :)
Thanks for the comment! It's good to hear some of your thoughts. Pandemic is great. I've heard great things about Fall of Rome, but haven't tried it yet. I wasn't aware it had a dedicated solo mode built into the box. I'll need to look it up.
Regarding Viticulture World, haven't jumped into it yet. I've tried to gauge the interest of my play group and it didn't seem to be one they're overly excited about. I'll probably pick it up at some point, but not sure it will be too soon.
I'm on the fence with TTRPG. I want to dive into it so bad, but my experience has been more miss than hit with trying it in the past. But this is 100% on my list. I entered a silent auction at our last local gaming convention to get some books. What do you like about it?
@@BadatBoardgames Hmmm there is a lot to like about CoC :D It is not to rules heavy - I DMed it for 2 seperate groups with noone else knowing any of the rules and the game still went quite smoothly. Your skills got from 0 to 99 and you roll a d100 (well percentile dice, but you know what I mean). If you roll less or equal to your skill you succeed (rolling under 1 / 2 is a hard success and rolling under 1 / 5 is an extreme success - all these numbers are written clearly on your character sheet so you just roll and check, no math needed, not even simple additions. This makes it run smoothly)
I like that it as a TTRPG isn't just focused on combat (D&D rules are 75% or even more focused only on killing stuff), the sanity mechanism can lead to some great roleplay situations (though the players need to be on board and willing to at least try to lean into the madness for some time when they fail sanity checks).
To me personally a well written investigation is more interesting than the "wargame" aspect of kill those goblins.
The fact that there are no levels means that there isn't to much difference between a character who survived a couple of missions and a complete new character, who just discovered the mythos. A veteran will have a bit higher skills on average, but will also have wounds and pretty damaged sanity, so they aren't just better then a new one.
Additionally when I run into a module I like, I can always add that into a running game, while in D&D I have to check if the lvl is roughly appropriate for the party.
It being set in real world in my experience makes it easier for players to come up with interesting plans. They think of searching through archives, interviewing newspaper writers etc. while in D&D they don't really know what exist that could provide clues and hints - except for going to the inn...
Mechanically speaking - I like the idea and execution of a "pushed roll". Whenever a player fails a roll, they can decide to push it, but that re-roll will have severe consequences if failed. A normal roll that fails means you don't achieve your goal, but no further repercussions. E.g. cultist have swarmed your hotel and you want to climb out of the window in the 5th floor. You fail your roll - that only means you decided that you can make it, you just can't find good foothold to climb, so you are still in the hotel room.
Now the player wants to push that roll - they decide they want to cut up the bedsheets to make a makeshift rope to do this climb. The DM (called Keeper in CoC) hints at possible consequences if the player fails that new roll and the player get one last chance to change their mind.
If they decide to go with the roll they roll again, but if they fail this time I personally would either have them fall, or maybe they took far to much time and the cultist are now already at the door - so there is more at stake than just failing to climb down.
This mechanic makes players think how they approach situations, and leads to some super creative descriptions and ideas.
One last mechanic I love is an optional one. You have a luck score and luck is a stat that WILL get rolled during games. You can spend luck to fix you rolls - spending as much luck as you need to succeed on a roll, but that permanently reduces your luck score.
I like that this system is deadly - it makes the players scared of direct conflict and they'll work harder to avoid it then in D&D and they'll actually run away every now and then (especially if a monster chases them). Somebody pulling out a gun is scary in this game! Of course the lethality adds to the horror as well.
In case you ever want a "test run" I still have the very short investigation prepared that I used to introduce the other two groups - it is a scenario written for convention play, so it is actually really short - playable in 1 or 2 hours. Yes it is NOT a grand investigation, but it works well enough within that short timeframe. It is (in my opinion) best played with exactly 2 players (so Keeper + 2 investigators).
This sounds up my alley. I would definitely like to give it a try. Need to find a group around me to give it a go. Thanks for the overview!
Great list! I really need to try Cthulhu Death May Die. I just started playing Warp's Edge and I really recommend it. Thanks Toph!
You're welcome! Glad you like the list. Definitely give Death May Die a shot, Brad and I love that game. Our other friends we have introduced it to enjoy it as well. I'm going to look into Warp's Edge. Thanks!
I'm a video game player and developer and I just picked up my first board game (Deep Rock Galactic, a fantastic adaptation of a video game of the same name) mostly because I love the source material and there are mini figurines that I want to paint.
The gameplay's about landing in a cave and grabbing the ressources you need while giant bugs are trying to kill you, 4 unique classes, you can dig the walls, overhaul very close to the original game and just as fun.
While looking for other board games, I've spotted a few ones I want: Cartographers, Strawlopolis, Terraforming Mars and Under Falling Skies.
I've not heard of Deep Rock Galactic, but I'm not a video gamer, so I might not have caught the connection. I'll look it up for sure. Soudns fun. Cartographers, TM, UFS, are all great. Sprawlopolis is on my list to pick up when I make another haul--I've heard great things about it. Thanks for the recommendation!
Garphill make great solo modes for their games. The West Kingdom series are all excellent, the upcoming Wayfarers of the South Tigris follows suit, and they're in the process of making a solo only resettable campaign game too (Legacy of Yu). They also made what is arguably the best solo roll and write, Hadrian's Wall.
Love Haiden’s wall it is a great game. Still need to tray the Garphill games though!
@@BadatBoardgames I would recommend Viscounts of the West Kingdom as a first entry, or Raiders of Scythia.
outstanding job ! Thank you !
We have very different solo interests, so I was surprised that your #1 is one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing!
It's such a great game, isn't it? Thanks for watching and commenting!
Great list! My favorites solo are Gaia project, Anachrony, Too many bones and Warp's edge. All the best from Sweden!
Good choices! Anachrony is up on my list of games I want to play. Too Many bones, too. Hopefully soon.
Nice list, JOTL is excellent! My top solo games are:
1. Lord of the Rings LCG
2. Star Trek Frontiers
3. Dune Imperium
4. X-Men United/Marvel United
5. Marvel Legendary
6. Aliens Legendary
7. Marvel Champions
8. Imperial Assault
9. Outer Rim
10. Gloomhaven/JOTL
11. Fallout
12. A Distant Plain
Nice list !
Great list! It’s different than many others, which I love. Thanks!
Glad you liked it. I tend to still enjoy older and not as "on the hotness" games. Both are good, but there's something about how tried and true games continue to stay on our favorites list. What games do you enjoy to solo?
@@BadatBoardgames In no particular order: Imperial Settlers, 51st State, Terminator: Dark Fate, The Zorro Dice Game, plus board game apps on my phone
Arkham Horror LCG was my first leap into solo boardgaming. Then it was Gloomhaven: JOTL. Since then I've been into lighter games like Dino Island: Rawr and Write, Everdell, and Cascadia. For some reason lately I haven't been able to concentrate while learning heavier games like Bitoku, All Bridges Burning, and This War of Mine. They kinda give me anxiety. I hope that changes soon.
Fatigue and anxiety are real things. I completely understand and have experienced the exact same. Some days, I'll sit and play Yahtzee, Shut the Box, or a simple game of solitare with a deck of cards because I don't feel up to jumping into one of the heavier or more fiddly games. As for board games, I approve of all you mentioned. Arkham Horror (second edition) was my first offiical leap into solo boardgaming. I haven't dove full into LCG, but I see that happening as I play more. Everdell is amazing, isn't it?
@@BadatBoardgames Everdell is my most played so far this year!
Perfect list!! congratulations!many wished from Greece
Thanks! Appreciate the compliment. And the recommendations!
Totally agree with Under Falling Skies. When I lose, I know it's from a mistake I made, and when I win, I feel like I earned it. And the campaign is awesome.
Glad I'm not alone in that thinking. I just love the difficult puzzle. And the story!
great list! subscribed
Awesome Thank You 😊
Nice list. Have you tried Auztralia? I'm not a big Cthulu fan, but really really liked the solo play of that game.
I have not tried it yet, but I'm looking it up! Thanks for the recommendation!
I enjoy your #3. I’ve played it solo a dozen times, so far. For a chill, tactile, abstract puzzle game that can be played under a 1/2 hour, I like “Project L”. It has solo rules, but actually I prefer playing “ two handed” for twice the fun at once. Finally, I’ll add “Wingspan” as a recommendation. Once again, Stonemeier came up with a good automa. You can adjust the difficulty level. The “European” expansion, adds a couple of end game goal solo cards especially for solo play. You can use others from the end game goal cards, but I suggest using just those that have a higher percentage of appearing for the AI “ player” (30% and up). For those who turn their noses up by saying the last few turns you end up just placing eggs, I reply: “play better”. If you set up your engine well, you can place more birds for more points upon your habitat board during your final actions. Does it always work out that way? No. But that is part of the challenge.
Stonemeier for the win, right? Wingspan is another great game. Definitelying looking forward to giving it a solo go. One of the guys in our gaming group has it and we've played it there. I didn't think I'd like it for the theme, but the mechanics just work well. Should have expected that from a SM game. I digress... their automa is just well thought out and makes for a great and challenging solo experince. and the option to add additional automa decks for Scythe gives a new challenge there, as well. Solo vs 2 AI players? Sure! I need to give Project L a shot. I've had my eye on it for a while. Glad to hear someone talk about it with a good solo spin, too.
Intersting amd informative - thanks (due to my location / situation, I am going to have to play Solo for a while. One thing - a look in the Box to see the contents would be helpful (?)
Thanks! And great suggestion. It's always great to see what's in boxes.
Have fun solo gaming. It can be great fun. I do prefer playing with other people, but sometimes it's great to play alone, too. And depending on the game, that's just what I want.
Nice List! perhaps you would like The Drifter. It is a simple, solo, adventure game with a small footprint. Take care!
Thanks will have to check it out !
IMO the biggest flaw with Viticulture solo is the game length being restricted to 7 years. It's barely enough time to really establish your fields and get a little engine chugging along.
I always end up playing 14 years and double the point total to win. It's the perfect length and i'm surprised the solo mode wasn't designed this way to begin with. It also works fantastically with Tuscany, especially if you bump the points requirement up a little bit to compensate for the easier point accumulation in the expansions.
I'm not normally a fan of house rules, but I support these! Viticulture is a fantastic game, and some slight changes, especially in solo mode, can make that enjoyment better. 7 years aren't a lot, true. And i prefer my wines aged quite a bit more than 7 years (although my budget begs to differ!).
I’ve been playing Marvel Champions and Marvel United solo recently. I have also had fun with Terraforming Mars, Tapestry, Mansions of Madness, 7th Continent, Sagrada, and Fleet the Dice Game.
Great games! Some big games to solo, too. Love it!
I’m not surprised over your number one. It’s amazing and so easy to pull out and play
Loving your content
Thanks !
Eldritch Horror is a favorite for solo for me, fantastic but you do have to play it two handed. Viticulture is fantastic as well
I need to pull EH off the shelf. Maybe a weekend goal? And yes, Viticulture is fantastic.
I love Scythe so much. But I don’t have any friends that want to play with me as they think it’s too involved. So I have only been able to play with with people a handful of times.
I understand. I absolutely love Scythe, but it doesn't hit the table much. Id love to get it out more, so much more. Have you tried playing solo? It's different, but you can get a good feeling to satisfy the itch occasionally.
@@BadatBoardgames I haven’t played it solo. I have actually been thinking about doing that recently. Thanks. I will give it a go :D
I bought Jaws of the Lion many months ago, started a three player campaign and have only been able to get 4 nights in with those three players. Now I'm very tempted to get reset everything and play it solo because I just want to get on and play it. I would add Robinson Crusoe to my list of great solos. But play with three characters rather than mess around with the dog and Man Friday that are meant to be used to enable solo play.
Go for it! You can keep your stats with your current group and start a new stat sheet with your new characters for solo play. That way your group can pick back up when they're ready to do so, but you can play through it solo at the same time. I'm doing that with Rise of Fenris (Scythe campaign) right now. I'm playing through it solo while my friend and I are playing through it (on a differnt set of score sheets) together. Also, good tip on Robinson Crusoe. Noted for if (when) I pick up that game!
subscribed. Your list is close to mine.
Awesome 😎
@@BadatBoardgames have you tried now or never? Not top but a 11 or 15
I’m not sure Brad has, but I’ve played Above and Below. Another friend has Near and Far. Once we play through that, I’d like to check out Now or Never. Not sure how much of overlap or similarity they have, but Now or Never looks good from what I’ve seen.
Love the list. For me. Gloomhaven, Mansions of Madness, Isle of Cats, Lotr Journeys, and I’ve been playing Ark Nova solo a lot lately. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing! I haven't thought of soloing Isle of Cats. I'm likely going to be giving Ark Nova a try, as well. Brad and I have played it, but I haven't played it solo, yet. So many great games!
What about Lux Aeterna, and any other heavy games which also have a good solo player. And I subscribed!!
Glad you joined the Bad @ Board Games shenanigans! Thanks for the sub.
I have not played Lux Aeterna--I'm going to look into it. As for heavier games, so many of what we play also play solo. I haven't had the chance to solo all of them, yet, but those that I will be bringing to the table solo (from my or Brad's collection) or new-to-me ones not included in this Top 10 include: Arkham Horror: The Card Game and Spirit Island (both fantastic solo), and soon to try out The Gallerist, Kanban EV, Lisboa, Great Western Trail, and Barrage... all of which I've heard a great solo.
@@BadatBoardgames Thank you, look forward to it. One of the reasons, I look out mainly for solo games is due to lack of players. And also get heavier games into my collection purely based on the strong solo aspect. Do review On Mars, Pampero (still in KS) and also look forward to your soon to try out reviews as well.
Love the list! I have recently been getting into solo games and over been in the hobby almost 2 years but still consider myself a novice.
I have been hearing great things about falling skies and I think you might have just pushed me to get it 😊.
I haven't played TM as it seems so complexed but a few weeks ago I saw TM ares expedition on sale for $11 and grabbed it. I had heard that it can be an intro to the main game. I have played it 4x times now and loving it. I haven't been able to win. The last time I played it and got to the 5th round I was like no, no, no! How do I terraform you MARS! I kept playing and was able to do it in 8 rounds. 😏😏
Thank you for your comment and story! How amazing does it feel when we finally succeed at these games?! Area Expedition is good, but I greatly prefer Terraforming Mars. It will feel quite different, but it will look slightly similar, enough that it should feel comfortable. I would suggest you pick it up, especially if you have others that like tactical play. I did a video on TM when we started the channel. It's one of my absolute favorite games. Regarding Under Falling Skies, enjoy! It's such a fun puzzle.
Hey Toph, love the list! I've been eying both AH lcg and death may die. Is now that more time has passed, which of the two would you prefer? Or are both must-haves?
Hey Scatterbrain, Thanks! I definitely love these games and it sounds like you might enjoy some of them, too. I've got a few new games that might make there way onto the list, so my next update might include some new games, including AH:LCG. Regarding AH:LCG vs C:DMD... good question. I'd probably put AH above DMD for solo play, but DMD above AH for mulitplayer games. DMD is just fantastic, and it works so well solo, too. It's a get in and get out kind of game. Rich story telling for one-off scenes. Heart gets pumping and you think you're going to die and, well, you very well may after going insane. On the other hand, AH sets a stage and writes this story that makes you really think about what is going to come next. You feel the pressure in a deeper way because it's got long-term consequences for your characters. You upgrade them and give them weaknesses that carry over from game to game. You have more choices to make with lasting effects. And it's so darn hard to get clues or fight well, so you play very different with different characters and decks. You feel more rewarded in AH at the end of a cycle and more rewarded in DMD at the end of a scene. With AH, you get beat down, but with DMD you and your friends can celebrate a narrow victory or commiserate with each other over an epic battle, and enjoy it immensely whether you win or lose. IMHO: both are must-haves (but AH will require buying at least one or two cycles to be worth it).
Wow.. Thanks for the thorough response!! Haha this probably pushes me to want both games at this point. I know if I start with AH I'll go all the way so I wanted to be sure before I pull that trigger ya know? ($600 deep haha). My other hesitation is I've heard mixed opinions on whether DMD is worth it if I can't get my hands on expansions, seeing that CMON won't release a lot of material retail. I already started down MC for an lcg and it's a bit daunting starting a second.
I love season one of DMD. I don't regret it at all. Yes, there are only 6 or 8 episodes (I forget 😂), but they're repeatable and enjoyable with different characters or different players or the other ancient one. If you like games like Zombicide, you'll love it. Think one shot dungeon crawls. Do it! I mean, don't let me pressure you into it... But, Do It!
Lol! Would you recommend just trying to hunt down anything retail for DMD? I have no Kickstarter experience
If you can find season one, I would start there. Make sure you like it before going for expansions or going all in. GameNerdz has 2 copies in stock for just under $90 (free shipping if you're in the US). I think it's worth that price, but I've fallen in love with it and am therefore biased.
I agree with all your choices as I've played most of those and most of those solo. I am curious as to your thoughts about warps edge, for me warps edge would have slightly beat out under falling skies.
I also enjoy castles of Burgundy solo and dune imperium solo.
Hmm... You're one of many who have brought up warps edge. I'm now on the hunt to pick it up. I've not played it. So looking forward to this game that so many have said they like better than under falling skies. What do you like better about it? On another note, I've not yet solo'd Castles of Burgundy or Dune Imperium. Both are great games though. I'll need to give them a shot!
Mage Knight ❤❤❤
This list is great. I really like to play cascadia solo. Just like viticulture it is more of a chill game where you grab a drink, sit outside and enjoy it.
Thanks! I'm glad you like these games. More and more people have been recommending Cascadia. I really need to play it.
@@BadatBoardgames it is a lighter game but there is some good strategy behind it.
Do you have a gate on your audio? It sounds like it, and like the settings are off such that it’s cutting off some words and almost making your voice sound choppy.
This is an old video a lot has changed since but the answer is probably at that time.
Except for your #1 game (which I don't like), the others are on your list are very much to my liking. I especially enjoyed the comments you made about Arkham Horror (2nd Edition) which is #2 on my all-time solo list and I play with all the expansions and operate 4 random Investigators plus random locations and abominations. It is a bear to learn and remember everything but the gameplay rewards are absolutely fantastic. I keep a notebook exclusively for rules clarifications on BGG, and my multitude of preferred house Rules to suit my own unique taste. I've even incorporated a ton of fan-made content for additional variety and enjoyment. To date, I've played 43 solo games with 4 Investigators. Each adventure takes a month or two to complete because I only play a few turns each day for additional suspense and excitement. Like you, I leave it set up until I either win or lose. But instead of 1 table, I devote 4 large folding tables to Arkham Horror (because of so much content) in my small game room. I think I'll stop here but I could also sing the praises of the original Terraforming Mars. It is also in my top 5 solo games.
This makes me so happy to hear! It's such a great experience! Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. 😂
I solo a lot of dungeon crawlers: Jaws of the Lion, Sword and Sorcery, Blackstone Fortress, Zombicide, Kingdom Death: Monster, Shadows of Brimstone
Dungeon crawlers are great to solo. Sometimes, I prefer them solo. Brad currently is soloing KDM. Im jealous. Haha. How are Shadows of Brimstone and Sword and Sorcery?
Sword and Sorcery can be a bit fidly, but I really enjoy it. Shadows is easily my favorite game, but takes up a lot of time and space
Solid list. Agree that Under Falling Skies is great. Fleet the Dice Game is another solid solo, if you haven’t tried it.
Thanks! I've been eyeing Fleet the Dice Game. What do you like about it?
@@BadatBoardgames I eyed it for a while too and then my wife got it for me for Christmas. The combos in it are awesome and make you feel clever. It’s also not super restrictive and there’s multiple strategies you can try.
I have three sisters on my shelf too, heard it’s very similar, but just haven’t explored it yet.
What you think about One deck Dungeon series?
I picked it up and gave it some goes. It was better than I thought. I enjoyed the stress and push-your-luck nature. Unfortunately, put it back on the shelf and haven’t pulled it out for a while. Out of place, out of mind, I guess. Going to have to change that. Thanks for reminding me of the upcoming dungeon crawl!
Man, does your review make me consider getting Under Falling Skies!
I have a deeper review on it just put up this week. Play-through next week.
@@BadatBoardgames Sounds great! May I bother you with another question? I really find the theme of Great Western Trail attractive, and was wondering if you had played the solo mode that's in the 2nd edition ("Lonely Are The Brave"). Would value your thoughts about it if so.
Unfortunately, I haven't played GWT solo, yet. I'll need to give it a go. GWT is a fantastic game. We both love it. I'm sure it will be good played solo.
I am currently very happy playing Memoir 44 with the AI I wrote and it has pushed back my other solo games.
You do realize that all your top games except #1 feature a single tiered deck of cards?
UFS: I have the original pnp, it’s good.
Check out palm island, I played it 40+ times.
This is Brad Memoir is a great game I bought to much of it lol.
@@BadatBoardgames sorry man. Who is Brad
@@kosterix123 the other guy on the channel 😂
@@BadatBoardgames ah. "This is Brad. Memoir is a great game, I bought too much of it lol." makes all the difference! Maybe something with your keyboard, never mind.
Buying anything more than the base game for m44 is the first, biggest and most costly mistake many people make. The fundamental problem is that your search time is proportional to the pieces of plastic you need to go through.
On the other hand, there are hundreds of maps you can play with just the base game which I printed out (most of them) and bound into themed books.
Now back to solo.
I tried all the solo systems on the internet and they all suck: random shit happening, no command card size taken into consideration, and over all not the feeling of playing against a human. So I put it up on sale and forgot about it then designed an ai for it that does behave lika a human. Made some videos on it on my channel if you're interested.
This game is now a pure gem.
While I can't test it for your extra modules, you can play with the AI and I'm confident it should provide a good resistance on any memoir scenario. You don't need to give up on your boxes just yet ♥
Based on your picks, i think you need to try set a watch.
I love deckbuilding and play J.I.Joe Dbg solo. Next i will try Marvel Champions and really hope its fit for me
We have a video solo Playthrough last week in Marvel might help you decide.
Hello! Thanks for a nice video. I don't know what it is about the game Friday but is magnetic. Probably bc it's kind of harder than you think. You think it is a simple card game but it is a lot of tactics going on. Do I play hard cards in the beginning? Or do I wait later on, do I have any good cards left etc. "Friday is a solitaire deck-building game in which you optimize your deck of fight cards in order to defeat the hazards of the island." -BGG.
Thanks for the recommendation! And the compliment! I'm looking forward to playing Friday for sure.
I have never tried Scythe solo. I’m definitely going to try it out.
Definitely give it a go. It plays well, solo. The automa can take a minute to get the hang of, but once you've got it under your belt, it's easy to use and plays well.
I really need to learn how to play Scythe solo. 😆😂 Only tried it multiplayer.
My favorite solo are Vinhos, Raiders of Scythia, Maquis, and Railroad Ink Challenge.
I agree, you do! It's not bad once you sit down and play it. It's confusing at first, but the Automa makes perfect sense once you're moving the opponents pieces. I kept looking at the cards thinking there was no way it would work, but once i got stated, I understood it. Scythe is fantastic. I think you'll get the hang soon.
I haven't played any of the games you've recommended. Vinhos is high on my list. I've heard Raiders of Scythia is good, and hoping I can find someone locally that has it to try. Railroad Ink looks like a great puzzle. I've almost picked it up several times, and guess i need to bite the bullet and do so. I think Brad might enjoy it, as well. Thanks!
I play solo and only solo so, I wish there were more games just solo.
Arkham Horror and nearly all Cthulu bags are great....a case of time consuming and table monopolizing !
Simple but so addictive= One Deck Dungeon the two follow -ups.
This War of Mine and Robinson Crusoe Cursed Isle of you want a week's play!
There are so many games that can be played solo but 'simply solo' is neglected most of the tine.
Now I am waiting for 're-release of S.O.S Titanic.
I think a lot of designers create with a solo variant to attract the most people to the game. It would be nice to have more just-solo games. I just picked up one deck dungeon. Looking forward to it. I don't mind a game sitting on the table for a while, but the idea of some small footprint games is nice. I've been eyeing Robinson Crusoe. I need to look up SOS Titanic.
I play Mage Knight and Star Trek Frontiers. I love Imperial Assault with the app. I recently played Roll Camera which was good. I'm looking forward to trying Xia Legends of a Drift solo expansion.
Great games !
have you tried Ark Nova?
I like terra forming mars better. Brad likes ark but my expectations were to hi so I was disappointed sadly.
Did you check out the upcoming Hoplomachus Victorum? I cannot wait for that one.
Just looked it up. Looks interesting. Thanks for telling me about it!
Just ordered under falling skies.
Awesome I love it - Toph
If you like Terraforming Mars, I would recommend that you check out Ark Nova. Has similar gameplay, but is its own game and is not a re-skin. It’s the best solo experience I’ve had.
That's a great recommendation. I have Ark Nova as well, but I'll be honest, I much prefer TM. Both are great games, but man, I love TM. Glad AN is also in my collection for competitive or solo play.
I also prefer TM or AN but glad to have AN in my collection because the theme is great
Great list. Have you tried Aeons End? Plays great solo or 2 player.
Not yet! It's on my wish list. I'd like to find someone local that has it to play a game before pulling the trigger on it.
Great list. Thanks, I took some notes. I am new to the hobby but from what I've tried so far, I really like Burgle Bro (1&2), Root (with clockwork expansion), Loop, Oltrée, and Chronicle of crimes 1900.
I am wanting to play burgle brothers! Have not tried Root solo yet.
I like dune imperium solo, destinies, this war of mine, god of war the card game, terminator rise of the resistance, world of Warcraft (pandemic system) space marines adventures.
Interesting options. From your list, I've only played Dune Imperium, but played it competitively. I've heard some good things about some of the others (Destinies and This War of Mind). I've been eyeing the WoW Pandemic, but never got into the WoW universe so haven't pulled the trigger. Love the Pandemic system, though. Definitely want to check out Destinies. Thanks for sharing your list!
I enjoy playing a game I love solo by Martin Knight called D100 DUNGEON MAPPING game with books! Worth every buck paid!
I'm not really familiar with that but I'm going to look it up. Thanks! What do you like about it?
@@BadatBoardgames D100 Dungeon has mapping and charactor sheets down to an art form with minion action table and equipment hit to best simulate an actual battle. The character sheet has armor and weapons placed in these slots with a large diverse table of available items to roll for or game buy. The xp system isn't based on giving levels instead based on actual character rolls and game play similaarly to Dungeon World. UA-cam site that showcases game 1 examp is Geek Gamers .
Imperium Classics/Legends - Deck building civilization game which is a massive undersell and amazing solo mode. Cloudspire - MOBA in a board game, great solo and co-op, although it's expensive. Hadrian's Wall/Welcome To The Moon - Other great roll and write (although using cards) solo games, Hadrian's Wall not great multiplayer though.
You're not the first to mention Cloudspire. I need to look it up more. Looking up the others, too. I love Hadrian's Wall, but I've not played it solo, yet. Brad owns that one. Maybe I could grab it and play some solo! Welcome To, as well. Good suggestions. Thanks!
@@BadatBoardgames One other I realized I didn't mention, Paleo. Co-Op Stone Age tribe trying to survive. Has a sort of story mode by combining different scenarios together so each game is a little bit different beyond just the card draw. Although if you do try it the "true solo" mode is not great, instead you can play it two handed. Also great with friends if they like co-operative games that don't have any competitive individual victory condition.
Spirit island you should try it :)
RIGHT?! I want to solo it really bad... It's such a good game. I need to add Spirit Island to my collection. I've only played it with others, but feel like I would enjoy it solo. What do you like about soloing it?
@@BadatBoardgames I like to play boardgame solo. Spirit island is my favorite game, it's like a big puzzle.
I like to use my ideas to solve problems by myself or someone i really know. You can contorl 2spirits or more. There are also various levels and types of enemies.
I like your collection. It's shows the character very clearly.
I do like the puzzle aspect of solo gaming. We definitely share that. And thanks. I've really enjoyed the games I've been adding to the collection. It's been nice to get recommendations for new games based on mechanics and styles I really like. Appreciate your recommendation and thoughts.
Have you thought about doing a Top 10 Hardest Solo Games to Beat?
Especially as we are Bad at Board Games... This could be a great video. My mind already is thinking of my collection. There are some great solo games that are just at a high level of difficulty. Good idea!
Top 10 solo games would be
Marvel Champions
Spirit Island
Aeons End
Kanban EV
Is Cloudspire worth it? It’s a big investment to get not sure if I should commit to it
@@DanieBellinganStream if I had to put that top 10 in order it’s probably like #3 I LOVE the game. I admit though I much prefer it multiplayer to solo but the solo is still great and engaging
Cool. Wil take the plunge, but I have such a massive Backlog in my wish list. What game would you recommend as no. 1, solo or Multi-player? I have Marvel Champions already andoving it!
Such a great list. I haven't played all of these, yet, but many are on my wish list (Spirit Island, Aeons End, Anachrony, Nemesis). Brad owns Nemesis and another in our gaming group has Spirit Island. Kanban EV is up on my top 10 list. Haven't played it solo, yet. I'll need to borrow it from Brad to give it a go. Finally played Wingspan--it's one I'm looking to pick up for my own collection. I'm sure I'll be soloing it before too long. We have a lot of similar interest in gaming! Thanks for sharing.
@@DanieBellinganStream marvel champions is easily my number one solo or multiplayer
Idk how in the world this video was in my feed but I guess the algorithm is shining upon you haha
*I mean I'm definitely interested in the video, but this genre is never something I watch at all
Well maybe some of our other top ten board games might be of interest! Glad you found the channel though thank you very much!
@@BadatBoardgames I hadn't considered getting a board game before, didnt know any of them had solo modes either but dang yeah I gotta try falling skies it looks awesome.
Thanks!! Had no clue these existed
@@QuixEnd awesome!
TM original is sooooo good. Love it.
Matthew, you're a wise guy with great opinions.
You have to try little print&play game 'Island Alone"
I have not. I'll need to check it out. I have a couple other print & plays that I've downloaded, but have not yet printed. Can I get this on BGG?
Warps Edge is a good solo game 👍🏻
And the Bullet❤ series is also a good one
Since this video, I have discovered Warps Edge and it has made it's way towards the top of the list. You are right. It's a very good solo game. I'm not familiar with the Bullet series. I'll need to look it up. Thanks!
Level 99 games
MAQUIS also is a good option and d day dice too
Surprised to see ufs in the first place since this is the only game I own and love from your list, the rest are not for me at all ❤️
UFS was a pleasant surprise. I was on the fence for a while, but so glad I pulled the trigger on it. I'm really enjoying it. Even just to play the first "scenario" for a quick and easy-ish game when I don't have a lot of time. No offense that the rest of our games don't overlap. There's a lot of diversity in games, one thing I love about this hobby! What else do you enjoy playing?
@@BadatBoardgames it's OK man I'm just less fan of the popular games
I love shady torbey games (Onirim, Sylvion, Urbion), after the virus, superhot the card game, hero realms, ausonia, Spaceshipped, and other deck building games mostly haha
In fact my top 3 for sure are Onirim, superhot, and after the virus in that order
After the virus is from the same creators as terforming Mars, I don't get it why such an excellent game from the same company don't get enough recognition... It is really my number one game of all time in my opinion
Have a look on Warps Edge if you like under falling Skies😊
Will have to check it out 😃
No surprise to see love for Stonemaier games here!
Definitely I am a fan 😃
Do you like vital lacerda board games?
I do! I have played Lisboa and Kanban EV.m, but not solo, yet. I just received The Gallerist and Escape Plan. I can’t wait to play them.
Arkham Horror plays very well solo on VASSAL.
Thanks for the tip! I'm not a big fan of computer-based gaming, but I'm going to look it up. I absolutely love Arkham Horror, and it looks like 2nd edition is there. Appreciate it!
@@BadatBoardgames they aren't computer based, all they do is give you the things you need to play, you still move the pieces etc. it is phenomenal once you get over the computer word. I am almost 70 and got dragged kicking and screaming to it. glad i did.
Robinson Crusoe excellent solo
I have heard this. I do like a challenge.
AH 3rd is also a great game, in my opinion even better than 2nd.
I haven't played 3rd edition, but absolutely love 2nd edition. What do you like better about 3rd?
The Automa is a solo variant that plays as an opponent. Typically a deck of cards or similar. Makes multiplayer games able to be soloed or played with extra AI players.
I envy you being able to leave games set up. My cat is very adamant about only allowing me so much time for board games 😅
Some solos I've enjoyed recently are Cascadia MD2 and maybe Uprising.
Although I haven't played Uprising cooperatively for comparison
Cats.... the enemy of board gaming. HA! I've heard good things about those games. I'm really interested in MD. Hopefully I can find someone who owns it and wants to play. It's been on my list for a while now.
Cats get dropped off at farms all the time.
Cartographers, Agricola (bit boring), Oh! My Goods, Harbour.
I'm sad to hear Agricola is boring. It's this due to solo play rules or being a lighter-weight Euro? On another note, I've almost purchased Cartographers several times.
@@BadatBoardgames it's just the same on repeat. I haven't played it in a while tho. So I might replay it again. I did enjoy it to begin with. I'm more of a multi-player board gamer, but my husband doesn't like the games I play.
I'm very much enjoying HEXplore it: The Domain of Mirza Noctis. Gothic Horror open world adventure that drips in theme.
Thanks for the recommendation. I need to look it up. Sounds like something I'd be interested in, for sure.
How did you get a copy already? Still waiting in US for it to fulfill
I highly recommend Black Sonata, it is a solo deduction game that blows my mind every time I play it. It is just a genius design!
Thanks. I'll need to look into this. Deduction games can be really fun in the right setting.
@@BadatBoardgames genius design indeed!
I'm proud to say that I'm undefeated in solo games! I have even "improved" the rules in the process.
I like your optimism and entrepreneurial spirit 🤣