Oh hi diggity dang it's late but at least I got the painting to a point where it doesn't look like a joke, actually impressed with myself I got so much done :0 Hope this STARTER PACK helps, it was fun to put together at least. You all better have an amazing weekend and create some cool environments or else 👺
First I thought, this becomes more of a recap frome your Background-Video from 4 Month ago :D But even if you say Perspective is easy ... I find it still quite hard :D Even with a Grid or a fix Point, i tend to screw it up along the Way quite often and have to re-adjust it afterwards :/ Have a nice WE and a big Cup of Coffee =)
Oh Hi Marc! :D first i love your videos. ❤️ Second, since you talked about brushes, i have a hard time arranging mine on Photoshop, i download custom brushes and end up with hundreds and it's very hard to find what i want. Maybe you can teach us how to organize the brushes, please? 🥺
I love drawing environments! This is a wonderful tutorial/starter pack as always! You still don't sound so good, please make sure to not push yourself too hard.
I don't want to be an environment artist but after seeing the character artist starter pack (which I do want to be), I just wanted to listen to Marc do his teaching thing. Listening to you is soothing Marc. Thanks.
also for anyone who wants to get daily practice for the construction stuff, I recommend taking a engineering class, even if you dont want to do engineering, a starter level class focus's on drafting and drawing quite alot and especially so for objects and buildings. Might give you a step up and allow you to practice more.
I can guess for illustration artists starter pack will be environment and character artists' starter packs combined, but I would love to see separate video about it if there is more to know
I've been trying to get into environment art for the past 5 years now. gonna take time this month to try n study on it more and try and improve on my 2D digital art, before I transfer it to 3D. Epecially since i wanna get good at digital art to get started on my game idea and bring it to life.
So happy to see this! I do organic environments, mostly concepting now so it's very data intensive, like I've had to learn a lot about plants & design in general. When I was doing more illustration, composition was probably the #1 impactful skill. But of course you already have to know perspective to be any sort of environment artist. I would say however that for games & film, the 3D guys will arrange the assets after we design the set so I do not recommend wasting hours to plot 3 point perspective grid for every work. Note that Marc recommends using texture brushes for foliage & terrain, but most AD will want to see that you can handpaint this stuff. So on your art test for a new studio, I suggest you do not rely on shortcuts. Tbh it's a matter of preference but virtually everyone prefers not to see the use of custom texture brushes in a painting. If you use them, smudge out a lot of it & be sure to handpaint some details
Ever since going back to work, I don't have the time or energy for art anymore, plus my carpal tunnel is back. So it hurts. But I still watch your videos. 💜
Thank you so much this was very helpful and I'm very excited to hop into environment art after I reach a satisfying level with character art. The part that I am struggling with the most is coloring so it would be lovely if you make a coloring starter pack! Like how colors interact with each other in a portrait on where the character is standing and what should we focus on step by step, and how to know what we're doing when we blend colors etc.
I get so stressed and overwhelmed with this stuff. Feels like math class all over again 😭 Focal Points, Rule of Thirds, all of this graphs and diagrams with explanations that don't hit right or no explanation at all.. It's SO overwhelming.
Hi Marc! Your set dressing is really really good in these artworks. Do you think you can do a video on how you dress a set to make it feel more lived in/used, Its something I struggle with a lot.
i've been wanting to get into drawing environments ever since i've seen the painting belshazzar's feast! a piece that gives a good sense of scale and perspective is vary inspiring. and to be able to create your own worlds and massive unique buildings!
So happy to see this! I do organic environments, mostly concepting now, which is pretty data intensive so I had to learn a lot about design that applies to all sorts of concepting. When I did more illustration, composition was the #1 most impactful skill for me. But of course you have to know perspective for every sort of environment work. Some exercises I recommend for aspiring environments artists are drawing trees, rocks & nature outside, as well as drawing random rooms in your house and the architecture of your street. Keeping a travel art journal/ sketchbook is like a superpower for environment artists too. 1 tip: Marc recs texture brushes for foliage, rocks, etc., but most ADs will want to see that you can handpaint everything, so you want to use those tools very sparingly (if at all) on your art tests when you apply to a new studio.
Thank you so much for sharing an environment art video! I’m really busy this month with food illustrations and some nature illustrations too for Inktober 😅 I look forward to when I have some time to paint some landscapes! ❤️
I'm pretty new to working digitally and have been having some trouble with the colour difference between what shows on my phone to my laptop. I post to insta so my drawings are seen on phone more than laptop. I've started screen mirroring so I can see what they look like on each in real time but is there another way to go about it, or is screensharing the best option?
I do believe photoshop and krita are able to change the way color is handled on them using a thing called color profiles which if you can find out what the standard color profile on different apps it might help. Screen sharing is a brilliant solution though thats clever! I feel like youd have to look up some complex stuff like what color profile is standard in mobile phones and such to find out what to set it as let alone to figure out how to change Kritas color profile. It might be the same thing but theres also a thing called cmyk mixing and a few other kinds that can heavily affect how your art looks and how filters work and such and how colors blend. The benefit of finding out which color profile best matches your phone is that then you could have it set to that color profile by default so you are automatically working in that color. I dont really remember enough rn though to explain better sorry ♡ . Good search terms: "Krita color profile" "What are color profiles in digital art programs?" "How to change krita color files"
That sounds like a nice option, you could also see if there is a way to balance the colors on your laptops screen through its settings. When i first got a tablet with a screen i noticed the color was different on both devices, so i put the same colored background on both and edited it until they matched, but then i sent a picture to someone and the colors were muddy on their screen and not mine so... I wished i just did more research lol (i fixed it now though)
@@Xenamorphzoh yes yes great idea and great points! That does remind me too that you need to make sure theres no timed blue light filters and both screens are set to 100% brightness when comparing ♡ Mine has a timed blue light filter i often forget to turn off- but ive got adhd so like that might be a me issue
This has happened to me too but turned out it was because I always kept the brightness of my laptop screen to the lowest, it made the art darker than it actually is. And you can always go for a colour correction.
@@tsukinomiweasel551 Yeah I am not sure how to deal with the color profiles in Krita, either. I will say that I notice sometimes not getting totally bright colors there compared to PS. Maybe it is bc I am not using CMYK. Typically we are taught in most studios to use RGB since it is less power intensive than CMYK & more natural, like classical painters whereas CMYK has neon colors we don't use so much in painting organic subjects like people & nature. But we can always convert to CMYK at the end. Also, if you want to upload to IG for example, you can always just throw on a filter to get your artwork to look the way you want. I don't upload very detailed environments to IG bc that platform prefers simpler character work & so forth... As long as the image is readable & bright enough, it should be fine
Thanks for the video, I really enjoy watching them as a refreshment of the stuff I should know alredy xDDD You make them so much fun to watch, keep up the good work, it really encourages me to do better at my own art.
Hi Marc, if it's not too much of a hassle, could you turn on the subtitles? this way it is easier for me to understand what you are saying since I don't know much English.
@@YTartschool MASAKA!, Oh I see, so I appreciate your answer, maybe in the next few days they will already be available. I will take the opportunity to get the best out of the video! I love u Marc
Yay!! I was looking for smth like this! Ty for the wisdom ✨🙌. I still wanna know about how to approach to environment art with lines. I dont hang on well with lines but wanna learn. And also how to approach shadows when doing interiors, that's so tricky for me. Always smashing the like button before even starting the video. 💖👌
Me, a fifteen year old self taught artist, is very confused by all of this but at the same time I understand? I’m self taught but my art is still pretty good I’d like to think
I never really draw or anything except little stickmans... regardless I really love to see nice and beautiful Environment art and nice World. Should I start practicing my Drawing on paper or focus only Digitally? I am currently a QA in a company and I'm looking at what I could do in the near future.
I'm impressed that there are no characters at all this week (or is it? the girl on the thumbnail !! ) Environments are really cool, I want to see more videos on that subject, I think they are complementary to characters, they can't live in the white void forever after all :D
I want to learn digital background painting. This tutorial is very helpful for me. I am also a graphic designer. plz make videos about digital painting as a beginner. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Oh hi diggity dang it's late but at least I got the painting to a point where it doesn't look like a joke, actually impressed with myself I got so much done :0 Hope this STARTER PACK helps, it was fun to put together at least. You all better have an amazing weekend and create some cool environments or else 👺
You’re the best teacher ever.
I have a question mark can i ask please
First I thought, this becomes more of a recap frome your Background-Video from 4 Month ago :D
But even if you say Perspective is easy ... I find it still quite hard :D
Even with a Grid or a fix Point, i tend to screw it up along the Way quite often and have to re-adjust it afterwards :/
Have a nice WE and a big Cup of Coffee =)
Oh Hi Marc! :D first i love your videos. ❤️ Second, since you talked about brushes, i have a hard time arranging mine on Photoshop, i download custom brushes and end up with hundreds and it's very hard to find what i want. Maybe you can teach us how to organize the brushes, please? 🥺
I love drawing environments!
This is a wonderful tutorial/starter pack as always!
You still don't sound so good, please make sure to not push yourself too hard.
As a comic artist, I remember the time when I avoided to draw buildings so I placed my OC to live in a forest cuz I found trees easier to draw.
lmao ummm, yea def not doing that right now xD
Always love the intros. You never expect what it will really be.
“My mama always said, life is like marc brunet’s intros. You never really know what you gonna get”
- Gandhi
It's like an art class introduced by Michael Bay
I promised myself to study and learn environments this week. This one came out at a perfect timing! Thank you so much! 🥺
Samee broo!
Do you learned something???
we want update, did you start study ??
do you have an art acc where you post your study? I would like to see it
I don't want to be an environment artist but after seeing the character artist starter pack (which I do want to be), I just wanted to listen to Marc do his teaching thing. Listening to you is soothing Marc. Thanks.
I DON'T WANT TO BE AN ENVIRONMENT ARTIST BUT I watch the video cuz I know it will be helpful for me for sure 😍
also for anyone who wants to get daily practice for the construction stuff, I recommend taking a engineering class, even if you dont want to do engineering, a starter level class focus's on drafting and drawing quite alot and especially so for objects and buildings. Might give you a step up and allow you to practice more.
I can guess for illustration artists starter pack will be environment and character artists' starter packs combined, but I would love to see separate video about it if there is more to know
I've been trying to get into environment art for the past 5 years now. gonna take time this month to try n study on it more and try and improve on my 2D digital art, before I transfer it to 3D. Epecially since i wanna get good at digital art to get started on my game idea and bring it to life.
So happy to see this! I do organic environments, mostly concepting now so it's very data intensive, like I've had to learn a lot about plants & design in general. When I was doing more illustration, composition was probably the #1 impactful skill. But of course you already have to know perspective to be any sort of environment artist. I would say however that for games & film, the 3D guys will arrange the assets after we design the set so I do not recommend wasting hours to plot 3 point perspective grid for every work.
Note that Marc recommends using texture brushes for foliage & terrain, but most AD will want to see that you can handpaint this stuff. So on your art test for a new studio, I suggest you do not rely on shortcuts. Tbh it's a matter of preference but virtually everyone prefers not to see the use of custom texture brushes in a painting. If you use them, smudge out a lot of it & be sure to handpaint some details
unexpected intros, unexpected outros and a series of well-done explanations in between to be a better artist, I like your style 🤣
After 10 months of drawing I'm finally starting to be able to draw things that are good
Thanks you!your videos are very helpful!
"by poular demand I will finally be covering the topic of-" outro ques in* WHAT, WHAT IS IT I WANNA KNOW
Ever since going back to work, I don't have the time or energy for art anymore, plus my carpal tunnel is back. So it hurts. But I still watch your videos. 💜
How do you do this? YOU DROPED EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED! Marc do u have cameras on me or something 👀😳
Thank you so much this was very helpful and I'm very excited to hop into environment art after I reach a satisfying level with character art. The part that I am struggling with the most is coloring so it would be lovely if you make a coloring starter pack! Like how colors interact with each other in a portrait on where the character is standing and what should we focus on step by step, and how to know what we're doing when we blend colors etc.
I get so stressed and overwhelmed with this stuff. Feels like math class all over again 😭 Focal Points, Rule of Thirds, all of this graphs and diagrams with explanations that don't hit right or no explanation at all.. It's SO overwhelming.
Awesome. Now I can add some background to my hent... church painting.
Aaaaa, Thank you so much!!! 🤩
OMG, you're so funnyyyy!!! 😂😂😂😂 Thanks for this great info, too!
Hi Marc! Your set dressing is really really good in these artworks. Do you think you can do a video on how you dress a set to make it feel more lived in/used, Its something I struggle with a lot.
Why have UA-cam not recommended you until now. This channel is exactly what I needed
i've been wanting to get into drawing environments ever since i've seen the painting belshazzar's feast! a piece that gives a good sense of scale and perspective is vary inspiring. and to be able to create your own worlds and massive unique buildings!
Im in love with the way you worded it. Seeing it as a Mage class and now im suddenly motivated again 😂 thank you buddy and keep up the good work
when you flipped the drawing i was so suprised to see that it looked better
As an almost complete beginner. This is helpful. But as per usual. The answer to my question is practice.
So happy to see this! I do organic environments, mostly concepting now, which is pretty data intensive so I had to learn a lot about design that applies to all sorts of concepting. When I did more illustration, composition was the #1 most impactful skill for me. But of course you have to know perspective for every sort of environment work. Some exercises I recommend for aspiring environments artists are drawing trees, rocks & nature outside, as well as drawing random rooms in your house and the architecture of your street. Keeping a travel art journal/ sketchbook is like a superpower for environment artists too. 1 tip: Marc recs texture brushes for foliage, rocks, etc., but most ADs will want to see that you can handpaint everything, so you want to use those tools very sparingly (if at all) on your art tests when you apply to a new studio.
You're amazing Marc
Your artwork is beautiful!
Once again thank you
I always love your intros❤️
i will take a next step on learning how to draw : enviroment we go!!!
I love the intros!
The Marc within the Marc. Incredible work:) Thanks, Marc, this is super helpful, and your environment advice has been second to none over the years!
Thanks for the tips! You are helping us a lot and environments are something I Want to improve at.
Best intro of all channels
Thanks marc, Recently started perspective drawing exercises.
Something clicked hard in me until 9:24. I love this man’s advices!
You’re the best art UA-camr period
I love this great teacher
Thank you so much for this series, it’s helped me progress and feel more confident in my art!
thank you!
This is what I want to know. Thanks for the video.
Explosion art man is epic
Just a small remider for when using typography, "READABILITY over CREATIVITY"
Marc that opening hit me when I wasn't prepared
Please keep the environment classes going!
Starting my journey, wish me luck my fellow bros :))
Just the moment I was searching for your vid, NICE ! Keep up you're the best !!!!!
Thank you for your knowledge
Brilliant vid, love the energy. I'm looking into becoming an environmental artist n it's good to know I already have some of the skills needed
Thank you so much for sharing an environment art video! I’m really busy this month with food illustrations and some nature illustrations too for Inktober 😅 I look forward to when I have some time to paint some landscapes! ❤️
This is what i needed. Thank you for the meal 🙏
How did you know I jus started working on backgrounds and environments; this was right on time
Yaaas thank you so much😍 just finished a drawing but i guess now ill start a new one
Did you learn something future self?
I learned a LOT
Good luck there :)
@@mrprettycheeze thank youu(灬º‿º灬)♡
I rly like this starter pack series. Perhaps an illustration starter pack?
A video about backgrounds and environment ? Sign me up
I'm pretty new to working digitally and have been having some trouble with the colour difference between what shows on my phone to my laptop. I post to insta so my drawings are seen on phone more than laptop.
I've started screen mirroring so I can see what they look like on each in real time but is there another way to go about it, or is screensharing the best option?
I do believe photoshop and krita are able to change the way color is handled on them using a thing called color profiles which if you can find out what the standard color profile on different apps it might help. Screen sharing is a brilliant solution though thats clever! I feel like youd have to look up some complex stuff like what color profile is standard in mobile phones and such to find out what to set it as let alone to figure out how to change Kritas color profile. It might be the same thing but theres also a thing called cmyk mixing and a few other kinds that can heavily affect how your art looks and how filters work and such and how colors blend. The benefit of finding out which color profile best matches your phone is that then you could have it set to that color profile by default so you are automatically working in that color. I dont really remember enough rn though to explain better sorry ♡ .
Good search terms:
"Krita color profile"
"What are color profiles in digital art programs?"
"How to change krita color files"
That sounds like a nice option, you could also see if there is a way to balance the colors on your laptops screen through its settings. When i first got a tablet with a screen i noticed the color was different on both devices, so i put the same colored background on both and edited it until they matched, but then i sent a picture to someone and the colors were muddy on their screen and not mine so... I wished i just did more research lol (i fixed it now though)
@@Xenamorphzoh yes yes great idea and great points! That does remind me too that you need to make sure theres no timed blue light filters and both screens are set to 100% brightness when comparing ♡
Mine has a timed blue light filter i often forget to turn off- but ive got adhd so like that might be a me issue
This has happened to me too but turned out it was because I always kept the brightness of my laptop screen to the lowest, it made the art darker than it actually is. And you can always go for a colour correction.
@@tsukinomiweasel551 Yeah I am not sure how to deal with the color profiles in Krita, either. I will say that I notice sometimes not getting totally bright colors there compared to PS. Maybe it is bc I am not using CMYK. Typically we are taught in most studios to use RGB since it is less power intensive than CMYK & more natural, like classical painters whereas CMYK has neon colors we don't use so much in painting organic subjects like people & nature. But we can always convert to CMYK at the end.
Also, if you want to upload to IG for example, you can always just throw on a filter to get your artwork to look the way you want. I don't upload very detailed environments to IG bc that platform prefers simpler character work & so forth... As long as the image is readable & bright enough, it should be fine
Thanks for the video, I really enjoy watching them as a refreshment of the stuff I should know alredy xDDD You make them so much fun to watch, keep up the good work, it really encourages me to do better at my own art.
omg i really needed this what a timingg???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
How does marc know exactly what art tutorial I need. Thank you, Marc
Do you think you can make a tutorial about how to make custom brushes and how your process was
Yay! X3
Thank you
Thank you so much for making this video. I'm also doing both landscape and character drawings. Your tips is really useful. ^^
Easy to understand, really like the references to RPG lingo!
Thankss now my environmental drawings would be good now :)
Loved it
took notes!!!
What I have been waiting for. Thank you,marc
Thank you Senpai
thankyou for doing this
I really expected Link to show up at the end there, running up the stairs. lol
Was getting restless waiting for class today
thank you so much for this video keep it up
let's go!!!
Hi Marc, if it's not too much of a hassle, could you turn on the subtitles? this way it is easier for me to understand what you are saying since I don't know much English.
there's no such thing, they get added eventually on their own... most of the time!
@@YTartschool MASAKA!, Oh I see, so I appreciate your answer, maybe in the next few days they will already be available. I will take the opportunity to get the best out of the video! I love u Marc
Needed this today. To bad I didn't watch this only a few hours earlier. Now I have to redo my perspective LOL
Yay!! I was looking for smth like this! Ty for the wisdom ✨🙌.
I still wanna know about how to approach to environment art with lines. I dont hang on well with lines but wanna learn. And also how to approach shadows when doing interiors, that's so tricky for me.
Always smashing the like button before even starting the video. 💖👌
Think you marc brunet 🇵🇭☺☺☺
Me, a fifteen year old self taught artist, is very confused by all of this but at the same time I understand? I’m self taught but my art is still pretty good I’d like to think
I never really draw or anything except little stickmans... regardless I really love to see nice and beautiful Environment art and nice World. Should I start practicing my Drawing on paper or focus only Digitally? I am currently a QA in a company and I'm looking at what I could do in the near future.
Hello Marc, hope you are feeling better now!
I wanted to know how to construct domes,cylinders and arches in perspective?
Saitama became a titan and ate mini SaitaMarc? Love the introoo as always
Love this video!!
Gotta catch up on my marc videos!
I'm impressed that there are no characters at all this week (or is it? the girl on the thumbnail !! )
Environments are really cool, I want to see more videos on that subject, I think they are complementary to characters, they can't live in the white void forever after all :D
This is so helpful ❤️❤️
Marc: Brushcraft
Me painting traditionally with 1 watercolour round brush: OK
Woah I just started practicing to be environmental artist then I saw this😆
Did you have for Concept Art ones? I would love to watch it, since I'm in middle of building my world for my comic, and I need to do some concept art
I want to learn digital background painting. This tutorial is very helpful for me. I am also a graphic designer. plz make videos about digital painting as a beginner. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I like the random pikachu that keeps appearing in the backgrounds