(nɑˈstældʒə, -dʒiə, nə-) noun. 1. a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time.
We grow up listening to Efrem Tamru in Eritrea, he has such a mesmerising soulful vocal. He is a legend. I am from Eritrea 🇪🇷 but I love this Ethiopian artist even when Eritrea 🇪🇷 Ethiopia war happened i still loved his beautiful music.
Revered Artist Ephrem Tamiru is REAL ARTIST; He is free of Bias & politics as referred to the Discipline of artists: like no one of those who are immersed in politics, he is an 🇪🇹 free of these discriminatory politics elsewhere in Ethiopia,,works life long on Love, entertainment and motivation. God bless this Great Artist forever.!!!
Ephrem Tamru is my all-time favorite singer, has always captivated me with his mesmerizing voice, which feels like soft thunder. As a child, young adult, and even in middle age, I wished he could sing me to sleep. I admire his unwavering personality and repect to his country and its people, especially compared to others who have promoted violence and war. Ephremye❤ God bless you and your family. Wishing you health and longevity! Hope I will able to meet you one day🙏🏾 Thank you ❤
When I listen your all songs always they make me to be feel free & happy also I remember my golden past childish age. Long live to you ! I respect you since.............!
ኤፍሬም ታምሩ ዋው!!! አንተን ሳስብ ራሴን የምነግረው ሁሌ ኤፍሬም እንኮ የተፈጠረው ለመዝፈን ነው እላለሁ. ወይ ፈጣሬ ለእኛ ብለህ ይህን መረዋ ድምጽ የእንቁዎች እንቁ ፈጠርክልን. እግዚያብሔር አመሰግናለሁ ለኛ ደስታ ስለፈጠርክልን. መከፋትን ፈጥረህ ይህን ዘፋኝ ባትሰጠን በሐዘን ቆዝመን አንዴ ደስ ሳይለን በሞትን ነበር. በተለይ ኢትዮጵያ የታደለች ናት እንኮ. ከሰላም በስተቀር ሁሉ አለን. ሌሎች ይቀኑብናል. እኛ ያለንን እንኴ አናውቀውም. ልብ ስጠን እላለሁ.
የኤፍሬም ታምሩ ዘፈኖች የማይኮሰኩሱ, ቢሰሙ የማይጠገቡ, በቁምነገር የተሞሉ, መንፈስ አዳሽ, ቃናቸው የአማረ, እንደ ቆንጆ ዋይን ቢምጓቸው የማይሰለቹ, ደስታን እንደ መንዝ ብርድልብስ የሚያጐናጽፉ, ቀን ከሌት ቢሰሙ ታከተኝ የማይባሉ, ድምጽን ከቃና ጋር ተጨንቀው የተሰሩ, የቆንጆ ዘፈንን ዳርቻ የሚያሳዩ, መረዋ ድምጽን መለኪያ, የሰውን ውስጣዊ መንፈስ የሚያድሱ, ዋው ይህም አለ የሚያስብሉ ዘመን ከቶ የማይሽራቸው, የትውልድ አሻራ ወዘተ... ናቸው. ኤፍሬም ታምሩ እግዚያብሔር ይጠብቅህ ወንድሜ.
I'm Nigerian, but I never get tired listening to Ethiopian classics. Very soul touching. Music is indeed a universal language.
good on you keep listening is free.
Go 😊. 😊😅😅 NJ
To to 9o9o
@@gechethio6834ደደከከከጀሀጨ😅ከጨለከየ 25:39 በዘከ
You got a good ear for music, my brother.. he is indeed one of the best Ethiopian musicians
ሁሌም ቢሆን ብሰማው ብሰማው የማልሰለቸው ጊዜ ሊቀይረው የማይችል የኤፍሬም ታምሩ ሙዚቃ በጣም ነው የምወደው አድናቂው ነኝ👌👍
@@BilchaTeklu me too to be honest the oldies music is very powerfully meaningful the new one is money lovers 🤣🤣
I am still listening 2024 my favourite Amaharic singer Efrem live long .
nostalgia እድሜ ልክ ቢሰማ የማይጠገብ🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
(nɑˈstældʒə, -dʒiə, nə-) noun. 1. a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time.
ከሁሉም ትለያላቹህ የድሮወቹ በተለይ ኤፍሬም
ኤፍሬም ታምሩ በጣም እንወድሀለን ከኤርትራ አሰመራ
እንዴት ነሽ ሀገሬ ይሄ ሙዚቃ ለብቻዬ ቁጭ ብዬ ሳዳምጠው መንፈሴን በጣም ይረብሸዋል ስሜቱ ከባድ ነው ብቻ ምን ብዬ እንደማስረዳችሁ አላውቅም ። እስቲ ማን ነው እንደኔ አይነት ስሜት የሚሰማው ?
1988 የሚገርም ጊዜ ነበር ሁሉም በጊዜው ያምራል እድሜና ጤና ተመኘሁልህ
በብዙ ብኤርትራውያን ልብ ያለ ተወዳጅ አርቲስት ኤፍሬም
በብዙ ነገር እንኮ የተቆራኘን ነን. እኔስ አይገርመኝም. ትግሬኛ ብዙ አልችልም, ግን የትግሬኛ ሙዚቃ በእርጅናዬ እንኴ ከቅምጤ ሳላውቀው አስነስቶ ያሳብደኛል. ሙዚቃው ሲያልቅ ነው ከመቀመጫዬ ተነስቼ መቀወጤ የማጤነው. ራሴን አበድኩ ብዬ እታዘበዋለሁ.
@@bekeleguasil3895 temechitognal
Wonderful musiciaon
እኔ ሱዳናዊ ነኝ ግን አሁንም የኢትዮጵያውያን አካል ለመሆን እመኛለሁ አሁንም እመኛለሁ ፣ ሁሉም ፍቅር
I understnd you brother, many sudanese in France, Australia. Despite war there I need to visit Nrth n Sth Sudan
እንዴት አማርኛ በዚህ ደረጃ ተረድተህ ለመፃፍ ቻልክ? ከይቅርታ ጋር፣ ሱዳን ተወልዶ ላደገ ሰው በዚህ ደረጃ መፃፍ የሚያስቸግር ስለመሰለኝ ነው!!
We Ethiopian also love sudan music especially Mohammed werdi,Kemal Terbas,.....
ዘመን አይሽሬው ተወዳጅ አርቲስት ኤፍሬም ታምሩ በጣም እንወድሃለን ክበርልን ኑርልን🍎
ዘመን የማይሽረው ዝነኞውና ታዋቂው ዕድሜና ጤና ያርዝምልን☔
እማይረሳ ትዝታ ያኔ መልክምና ሰላም ጊዜ ተመልሶ ላይመጣ?🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷👍👍🕌💒🕌💒
የዚህ ዘመን ምትክ የለሽ ድቅሙዚቀኛኤፍሬም ከልብ እወድሃለሁ ረጅም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ
We grow up listening to Efrem Tamru in Eritrea, he has such a mesmerising soulful vocal. He is a legend. I am from Eritrea 🇪🇷 but I love this Ethiopian artist even when Eritrea 🇪🇷 Ethiopia war happened i still loved his beautiful music.
I am from Eritrea even though not speakAmharic but I ❤Ephrem so much his son so amazing .when I bore I listenEphrem tamuru music. Live ever ever
Wow brother from ertria we thank your
እናመሰግናለን ለሁሉም ሙዚቃ አድናቆት
malakewn Abat Lemen Afiremn Sesema Tez Yelegnal😢😢❤❤❤
ዘመን የማይሽረው ተወዳጅ አርቲስት ኤፍሬም ታምሩ በጣም እንወድሃለን ክበርልን ኑርልን
ሀሪፍ እና ዘመን የማይሽረው ነው፤ ለምን ዳውንሎድ እንድናደርግ ቢደረግልን።
ሌላ ታሪክ ውስጥ እገባለሁ ኤፉን ስሰማ ቤተሰቤን የትውልድ ቦታየን ብቻ ብዙ ብዙ
ቢልልኝ ምናለ ቢልልኝ ሀገሬንና ህዝቤን ሰላም ቢያደርግልኝ ኡፍፍፍ አይዞን አማራየ ቀን አለ
በርቱ ደሞቸ😢😢😢😢
Amen Egezabher fikafu yihun
ዘመን የማይሽረው ዝነኞውና ታዋቂው ዕድሜና ጤና ያርዝምልን።
ሙዚቃን ያወኩት በአተ ስለሆነ ደስተኛ ነኝ ደግሞም የኔ አይነት ስሜት የሚሰማቸው ሰዎች በማየቴ ደስተኛ ነኝ
@@abudiiabd2456 thanks
ልጅነተም ወጣትነተም ኢርጂናዬም የምዴምቀዉ በአንቴ ሙዝቃ ነዉ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
።ጀን ከተማ 1981 ትዝታው መቼም አይጠፋብንም
The most popular música in Eritrea from eithiopa.
Revered Artist Ephrem Tamiru is REAL ARTIST; He is free of Bias & politics as referred to the Discipline of artists: like no one of those who are immersed in politics, he is an 🇪🇹 free of these discriminatory politics elsewhere in Ethiopia,,works life long on Love, entertainment and motivation. God bless this Great Artist forever.!!!
ኤፊ የሚገርም ለዛ የሚጥም ቃና ሁሉ የተስማማ በሁሉ የሚያዝናና ጤና እና እድሜ ተመኘው❤❤❤
I'm south indian, srilanka, never ever get tired listening to Ethiop, Erit.... music, so much positiv vibes. My heart crying
we are close brothers with Indians
Is it Srilanka in India?😢
Ephrem Tamru is my all-time favorite singer, has always captivated me with his mesmerizing voice, which feels like soft thunder. As a child, young adult, and even in middle age, I wished he could sing me to sleep. I admire his unwavering personality and repect to his country and its people, especially compared to others who have promoted violence and war. Ephremye❤ God bless you and your family. Wishing you health and longevity! Hope I will able to meet you one day🙏🏾 Thank you ❤
ኤፍሬም ታምሩ ሁሉም በጊዜው ያምራል ዋው እድሜና ጤና ይሱጥልን እንወዱሀለን❤🎉
ኤፍየ! ነዊሕ ዕድመን፣ጥዕናን ይሃብካ🙏
@@danielgafre874 subscribe
ደሞ ጀመረኝ ግን በጣም ውስጤነው እናመሠግናለን ኤፍሬም።
በበርሃ ጭፍራ ለትግራይ ነጻነት ለተሠዋቺው
የነገርኩሽ ሁሉ 😢😢😢😢
ዘፈን ነበር ባንተ ዘመን ኤፈረምየ ስለዚህ ለትዝታም ብሆን አንድ አዲስ ብትለቀን
ስወድህ እረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ያድልህ ድምፃዊ ኤፍሬም ታምሩ የሀዘኔም የደስታየም መርሻ ነህ ከፈጣሪ በታች
ዳኒዬ ፎንቃ ጠለፈህ እንዴ እድልህን ሞክረ አትፈዘዝ ማች ታረጋላቹህ መልካም እድል
ኤፍሬም ተተኪ የሌለው ነው 120ሚሊየን ህዝብ የሚወደው ብቸኛ ነህ እንወድሀለን
በጣም ገራሚ ዘመን ነበራ የ12 ክፍል ማትርክ የወሰድኩበት ዘመን ነበራ
clap! & Jump! clap & Jump! clap!Clap! & Jump. May many blessings fall upon you !!!!!
ኤፍሬም ዋዉ !!!ሁሉም ሙዚቀዎቹ ልብ ዉስጥ ሰርጸዉ የሚገቡ ጣፋጭ ዜማዎች እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ያድልህ፡፡ 🙏
Old is Gold mibalew eko bemekenyate new hulame besemaw yemayeselechage❤
@@serkina7243 betkkl konjiye
ሁልጊዜ ወደኃላ ስመለስ ከኤፍሬም ጋር ነው
ልቤ ላይ ይሰማኛል ስሰማው❤❤
ኤፍሬም ታምሩ በደስታ ኑርልን እንወድሃለን
ኤፍሬም የማይሰለች ምርጥ ዘፋኝ
በትክክል ❤
One & only the special one Efrem tamru
I am from eritrean and i love efrem tameru music really
Eritrea is not country😮😮
what a outstanding Voice long live Ephi!!
My favorite music🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
When I listen your all songs always they make me to be feel free & happy also I remember my golden past childish age.
Long live to you ! I respect you since.............!
ኩሩው ኢትዮጲያዊ ኤፍሬም እንወድኃለን እናከብርኃለን፡፡
ስወደው ኤ ፉዬ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
😢ኤፍዬ የኔ የምንጊዜም ተወዳጂ ❤❤❤ አቀበት ያለበት ጎዳና ነው ፍቅርህ 😢
ane bnay efar derfi buzuh eye dzkr naushtey kola eye neyre abetting yhwatey bnay efrim music ktslelu buzuh yzkr kaset nay efrem ab jubom hizomwo ykedu neyrom ndhrit nab bkolay temelise buzuh eye dzkr kab asmera nkren nab ddelekayo ketematat ktkeyd keleka ka ab awtobus enda semaenayo nkeyd neyrna ndhrit dmelseka
The best music in the world and love to listen when I feel love, remembering home
Every time I listen to you I remember my mother, is one of her favorite Ethiopian singers, and she is right, you are really a good singer❤
Exactly ❤️
Efriem was The life for every love song Knowing that those they love from thier heart.............
I am from mars but I couldn't stop listening to Ephrems classic's! I guess music is universal
ኤፍሬም የማይሰለች ምርጥ ዘፈን
the best musician ephrem tamri he is a legend
❤ ኢትዮጵያ እንዴት ነሽ አገሬ
ከ፦ለብና አሸላለፍ ሀሀሀሀሀ ግሰ
ራራራሬሬሬሬ ገብቶታል ሜዳዉ ክለቡ ኳሱ ዳኛ ወፍ የለምምም ለሀሀሀሀሀሀሀሀሀ እሪሪራራሪራ ትላለህ
Selam enmsaginaln
Enjoy, Ethiopian music is piece & love. I live in the US, and I listen to my lovely Ethiopian music, which is great to my soul.
❤ Thank you for uploading , brings memories 🎉🎶🎶🎵🎼🎵🎼🎷Ephrame Tameru one of the best🎉
God bless you ❤❤amen 🙏 amen 🙏 amen 🙏 Jesus love amen
He is the profound musician in Ethiopia . He escaped my heart from the youth time till the movement , is ever lasting hero ❤
What a lucky lady if Ephriam hugged me I would smile like that too at 2:00!
Agreed but the lady hugged @2:00 is his daughter .
የምንጊዜም ምርጫየ አንተ ነህ🎉❤❤❤
@@SilagerAtinafu amesegnalehu
Efrem is really very talented.I like this music.
ኤፍዬ ኑርለን❤❤❤❤❤❤
My favorite singer. The problem is I got depressed when I listened to his music.
me not only depressed but also cry when I listen to such 🎶📯😥😏😥🎓🕵️♀️💆♂️✅🚣♂️🚣♀️
የነ የኤሪትራ ልጅ ነዉ ግን የህ ምን ዓይነት ሰዉ የነጃ ብጣም ይገርምዋል እደዚህ ዘፈን ይገርምዋል ብጣም ይወድ ኣለሁ
I heard uncountable times. I never tired to listen this music efi and barya are black diamond in the world. Gbu for ever
Ephrem tamiru legend of legend ❤
Selam wede yehagera legoch beyalachu bet selamachehu bezet terferf yebeleleing eseky manew selaferam tezeta yalebet sher likebemadereg tekelakeluen betsebe
I like. It keep it up bro🔥
number one Ethiopian legend musician the one & the only the great Ephrem Tamhru. the real GOAT a alive
My favorite musician 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
የምንጊዜም ምረጥ ሙዚቃ ነዉ ❤❤❤❤oot
❤❤❤nice best music
ከኔ ቀጥሎ የማደንቀው ኤፍሬምን ነው
ወይ ሃገር እናቴ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
you are the best musitian in the world
👌😍😍😍😍Afro he the nice
The king the legend
ዘመን አይሽሬው ተወዳጅ አርቲስት ኤፍሬም ታምሩ በጣም እንወድሃለን ክበርልን ኑርልን
የትዝታ ሙዚቃ ነው ደስ ይላል😊😊❤❤
2017 lenders new aye gizi
ኤፍሬም ❤❤❤❤❤
የሰው ማኛ ኤፉየ❤❤
Efru amzing album