Annecy est en effet vraiment une très belle ville, j'espère que vous avez pu également voir Chambéry non loin de là, que j'aime personnellement beaucoup aussi. Toujours très agréable de voir vos vidéos et votre regard sur nos commerçants et restaurants! Merci et bonne année 2025 à vous.
You are amazing, I keep saying it. As a French I feel stupid front of you because of your high knowledge in wine. And I enjoy your relationship as a "old" couple. Your love of food and wine looks to make a very strong bound between you. It's very joyable to watch. By the way, 35€ is actually too much expensive, but like you said, move forward and enjoy!
Annecy Farmers Market Opening hours/ 안시 재래시장 영업시간 Open on Sun. 7am-12pm Tue. 7am-1pm Fri. 7am-1pm Visit and enjoy my pop-up in Seoul too! 용산에 방문해서 제 팝업도 즐기세요~ 제 팝업은 뒤로 갈 수록 더 많은 분들이 오십니다. 그러니 평일에 연차/월차 내고 오셔서, 무료시음 맘껏 즐기신 뒤에, 일부러 찾아다녀야 하는 맛집들을 모아놓은 음식코너에서 식사를 즐기며, 130여가지의 잔와인을 즐기시기를 권합니다. 이케아에서 모든 가구를 제공해줬기에, 앉아서 즐길 수 있는 200여석의 공간도 아주 편안하고 넉넉합니다. 바쿠스 와인킹의 공간으로 놀러오세요~ *기간: 2월2일까지 '와인킹의 새해 윈터랜드' *장소: 용산 아이파크몰 3층 영풍문고&이케아팝업 건너편 *영업시간: 일-목 10:30am-8:30pm 금-토: 10:30am-9:00pm *와인킹이 내내 항상 상주하며 여러분을 맞이합니다. *월-목 오전에 일찍 오시면 와인킹이 블라인드 테이스팅을 하며 와인을 선별하는 모습을 직접 보는 행운을 맞이하실 수도 있습니다. 아예 현장에 앉아서 일을 하거든요. 그럼 여러분을 용산에서 기다리겠습니다!
In France if the prices are not displayed it's usually a scam. In general, compare price by kilos (if displayed it's already a plus). Also, there is a lot of fake cheese/charcuterie and other stands that feels generic. If you have any doubt, don't even come close to them (especially if they try to hail). The most serious ones will have the pay by card option and won't try to sell you too much as they often sell all their stock by the end of their shift (good example is the coucous lady). And check the stands where you see a lot of French people gathering, always a good sign :).
Je relis ce message une deuxième fois et les bras m'en tombent. Un tel niveau de fake news pour venir dire, haut et fort, qu'il y aurait "de nombreux faux fromages et charcuteries sur les étales de marché". C'est d'un grotesque.
This is SO useful and helpful. Your "indicators" essentially sound the same characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Ensnare (new unassuming customer), Control through Gaslighting (amount is too little for you/must purchase more), and Hiding information (don't show scale weight) dupe (overcharge and cash only), and repeat!
I think it's a bit much to attribute this to narcissism - in fact it's just a very common tactic used by unscrupulous market vendors. I've seen this so many times, they can't *all* be narcissists ;)
@@lisar3944 Every human is born narcissistic and must learn to care about others, so it’s easy to find huge quantities of narcissists, especially in the USA.
You are an inspiration, sir...I was having a rather boring lunch, but you guys were having a drink...I had a drink....then you opened the cheese...and I opened the cheese...then you were smiling and talking with your wife, and I was smiling and talking with mine also....thank you x🤗🤗🤗
Thank you Mr wineking for your amazing videos, not just about wine but also food !! And if you pair them with your lovely spouse, it makes for some GREAT content ! Also, small suggestion, there is a city in Belgium called Brugges, it is called the venice of the north, medieval city well preserved (the word open air museum comes to mind), I highly recommend it !
If you started a company that did week long trips to France where you took people to wineries and markets, I would pay to do those. Love your content, chingu!
Always, always inform the sailor that you will not buy it if he overload the volume. Don't be shy - be polite and sharp. Even us, French people, have been scam (overload) 🤣🤣🤣 Once a friend paid 30 €uros a huge (but very good) piece of Beaufort (cheese) in a weekly market. On en rigole encore. 🤪
yes - this is great advice. I will just ask them "how much does that weigh? I asked for xxx grams which should cost xxx euros. How much do you have there?" Usually that will fix the problem, but you can see the annoyance on their faces as they reduce the weight :D It's really distasteful to have to do that, but screw them for trying to rip people off!
@@lisar3944 Yes, you don’t need to worry about that. I’m French, and in the example from the video, it’s clear that the problem lies with the salesperson engaging in what we call 'forced selling,' which is absolutely unacceptable. You shouldn’t hesitate to put such a person in their place if you feel up to it. He asked for 100g + 200g + 200g, she negotiated for 200g + 200g + 200g, fine, but when she served him 300g + 300g + 300g, then it was too much. I would have repeated, 'maximum 200 grams,' while she was serving. If she didn’t adjust and still asked for 35€ (the price per kilo was displayed, as it legally must be) I would have simply said, "No, I’m sorry, but that’s not what I asked for. You’ve served twice as much..." If she dared to complain or refused to adjust, I would have clearly said that this constitutes forced selling (could even qualify as deception under French law, L121-1 of the Consumer Code). This is illegal and absolutely unacceptable. I’d say this to make her uncomfortable in front of other customers, and then I’d leave without buying anything. I find this kind of behavior that takes advantage of tourists and people who don't dare say anything unbearable, it's a matter of principle at this stage😅 But if you’re not comfortable with confrontation (which is perfectly fine) you can just stand firm, simply repeat that you asked for 3 x 200g, and leave if necessary.
Cher Wineking, je viens découvrir votre chaîne UA-cam et j’ai adoré, je suis ravi de vous voir découvrir notre pays, la France. Si vous voulez des conseils avisés pour vos prochaines visites sur Bordeaux n’hésitez pas et j’accepte avec plaisir vos conseils sur votre magnifique pays la Corée du Sud que je ne devrais pas tarder à visiter le plus rapidement possible. Merci à vous de partager vos expériences avec bienveillance.
vous avez déjà reçut de très bons conseils , malheureusement les arnaques sont courantes dans les marchés avec des produits faussement étiquetés comme français alors que provenant du maroc ou de Tunisie pour les olives marinée et l'huile d'olive , concernant le paiement les petits vendeurs préfère le liquide afin de ne pas déclaré la totalité du chiffre d'affaire et évité les taxes méfiez-vous particulièrement des étales sans prix au kilo ou a la pièce affiché. En espérant que vous avez apprécié votre séjour et merci pour l'image que vous donnez a notre pays
I got to meet wineking while in Korea at his popup. I am slightly taller than average Korean but Wine King is like Goliath! Anyway, he showed me a few chianti which I purchased and enjoyed greatly. I am surprised in the video when wine king is starting to eat food from the market that quite a few bottles on the table were not finished. 😂
I am loving these videos. Learning about wine and food and how to be patient with the French 🤣 May I ask why your wife does not like to be seen on camera?
Always love your video ! To be honest, even as french, we get scammed by those merchant ! Also, be carefull, everything that you bought from the olives merchant is most likely not from France and is some cheap sh*t from spain ! A good indicator of local quality, is simplicity ! Local merchant can`t afford those big orange bowl and sell them directly in small bags ! Please visit Nyons city in provence, thursday morning, or sunday morning.
hey now...the Spanish also know how to cook so no need to insult them ;) They did get to taste it before making a selection, and they enjoyed eating it, so I don't think calling it sh*t is quite fair.
@lisar3944 taste is in your head, quality isn't. They probably never eat olives. Seing those big green seedless olives I'm 100% sure it's from spain. I didnt say they don't know how to Cook, I just say the quality of those product is shit.
C'est génial ! je vous recommande de venir à LYON, ville de la gastronomie française par excellence. Bravo pour votre maitrise de la langue de Molière et votre culture de la gastronomie hexagonale (France). Vous êtes des bons vivants (expression française qui signifie que vous aimez le bien vivre, la gastronomie, la culture, les voyages, les découvertes,...)
Je vous conseille d'aller voir ARbois la prochaine fois dans le jura connu pour ses vins et son comté. Il y a un super restaurant nommé La finette. En esperant que vous y serez. MErci pour vos videos a vous et votre femme
Drinking a lot of wine is a concern as it is filtered through the liver. Wine can be toxic consumed over a short period of time can impact on the health of both your kidneys too. Water would be necessary to be drunk also to balance hydration for your bodies. 😅
Bonsoir j’aime bien votre chaîne. Vous avez l’air sympathiques et cela permet de mieux comprendre ce que pensent les asiatiques quand il viennent en France. Je me demandais si vous aviez eu l’occasion d’aller à Avignon c’’est une ville très connue historiquement (c’était en quelques sorte une résidence secondaires pour le Pape). De plus ce n’est pas loin de Tavel (1er rosé de France) et il y a aussi Châteauneuf du Pape pas très loin (excellent vignoble connu mondialement. Bonne soirée 😊 Ps: il ya aussi un festival de théâtre très connu à Avignon durant l’été.
Good point! Like myself as visitor don't have indicator to whether the vendor is trustworthy or not. My family and I visited Annecy back in Oct 2024, it was a nice and pretty town, with a lake. One thing unpleasant during my visit was the waiter attitude both at restaurant and gellateria.
Pour répondre à votre question (11 min 25) : Le son des cloches des églises retentit à plusieurs occasions, comme lors d’un mariage, d’un enterrement ou à la fin de la messe, une pratique qui demeure courante. Dans cette vidéo, c’est un mariage que l’église annonce. Si la cloche sonne trois fois, cela indique un enterrement, et si elles sonnent trois coups espacés suivis d’une volée d’une minute, cela signifie que la messe commence. Bon voyage à vous et heureux de découvrir votre chaîne.
Bonjour, juste un petit conseil en tant que français, le vin c'est bon mais en consommer c'est vraiment pas bon pour la santé tu le sais. Maintenant c'est normal de se faire plaisir mais je trouve que vous buvez vraiment trop quand je regarde vos vidéos et ça peut avoir de graves répercussions à l'avenir. Buvez modérément! Vous buvez du vin comme si c'était de l'eau 😂 je dis ça pour vous pas pour moi :)
Le mont d’or se mange generalement au four avec des pommes de terres on met de l’ail et du vin blanc puis on le laisse fondre dans la boite et on trempe comme une fondue 😊❤
Allez faire un tour à la Clusaz, un joli village de montagne, elle est à 30 km d'Annecy, il y a aussi de bons restaurants pour déguster une bonne fondue, tartiflette et croziflette
My family we all love tartiflette. Especially good when paired with other dish like sausage or beef. I don't know if it's supposed to be paired with other dish though.
Sur les marchés, les vendeurs ont des petites astuces. Ils ne sont pas riches, c'est pas bien grave. J'espère que votre séjour en France a été agréable néanmoins. J'aime beaucoup vos vidéos, vous semblez être une belle personne.
@ my husband being a French being scammed too in his own country France "Nice" I don't speak the language if I do , I would step up cos I'm Asian from spore 😜😜😜 .
어후 저도 파리 통신사 매장에서도 요금 39유로짜리 49.90유로에 팔고 50유로 주니 잔돈 없다하해서 그대로 받아왔는데 바가지 알고나서 다음날 미개봉 상태로 환불해달라고하니 따지니 환불 불가한다고 안내해줬다면서 안해주고 녹음을 안했으니 증거도 없고 저와 같이 있던 친구는 law enforcement라 그날 또 올림픽 순찰중이라 오지도 못하고 파리 몇년살면서 이번 올림픽 이후로 더 심해진 것 같네요.
You and your wife have done so much for France's reputation abroad: addressing the negative issues and enjoying the positive ones~
You clearly sees the issue itself the accent and the looks tells it all it's the same in all of western Europe
@@ommsterlitz1805 what?
@@ommsterlitz1805 true that!
Spoken like a globalist Jew
Annecy est en effet vraiment une très belle ville, j'espère que vous avez pu également voir Chambéry non loin de là, que j'aime personnellement beaucoup aussi. Toujours très agréable de voir vos vidéos et votre regard sur nos commerçants et restaurants! Merci et bonne année 2025 à vous.
You are amazing, I keep saying it. As a French I feel stupid front of you because of your high knowledge in wine. And I enjoy your relationship as a "old" couple. Your love of food and wine looks to make a very strong bound between you. It's very joyable to watch.
By the way, 35€ is actually too much expensive, but like you said, move forward and enjoy!
Annecy Farmers Market Opening hours/ 안시 재래시장 영업시간
Open on Sun. 7am-12pm
Tue. 7am-1pm
Fri. 7am-1pm
Visit and enjoy my pop-up in Seoul too!
용산에 방문해서 제 팝업도 즐기세요~
제 팝업은 뒤로 갈 수록 더 많은 분들이 오십니다.
그러니 평일에 연차/월차 내고 오셔서,
무료시음 맘껏 즐기신 뒤에,
일부러 찾아다녀야 하는 맛집들을 모아놓은 음식코너에서 식사를 즐기며,
130여가지의 잔와인을 즐기시기를 권합니다.
이케아에서 모든 가구를 제공해줬기에,
앉아서 즐길 수 있는 200여석의 공간도 아주 편안하고 넉넉합니다.
바쿠스 와인킹의 공간으로 놀러오세요~
*기간: 2월2일까지 '와인킹의 새해 윈터랜드'
*장소: 용산 아이파크몰 3층 영풍문고&이케아팝업 건너편
*영업시간: 일-목 10:30am-8:30pm
금-토: 10:30am-9:00pm
*와인킹이 내내 항상 상주하며 여러분을 맞이합니다.
*월-목 오전에 일찍 오시면 와인킹이 블라인드 테이스팅을 하며 와인을 선별하는 모습을 직접 보는 행운을 맞이하실 수도 있습니다. 아예 현장에 앉아서 일을 하거든요.
그럼 여러분을 용산에서 기다리겠습니다!
오아 와인킹을 용산에서😮😮😮
오늘 교회
끝나고 팝업 스토어 갑니다
If you didn't already visit it, i encourage you to visit Alsace. You would love the local gastronomy and architecture !
In France if the prices are not displayed it's usually a scam. In general, compare price by kilos (if displayed it's already a plus). Also, there is a lot of fake cheese/charcuterie and other stands that feels generic. If you have any doubt, don't even come close to them (especially if they try to hail). The most serious ones will have the pay by card option and won't try to sell you too much as they often sell all their stock by the end of their shift (good example is the coucous lady). And check the stands where you see a lot of French people gathering, always a good sign :).
Je relis ce message une deuxième fois et les bras m'en tombent. Un tel niveau de fake news pour venir dire, haut et fort, qu'il y aurait "de nombreux faux fromages et charcuteries sur les étales de marché". C'est d'un grotesque.
와인 관심없는 사람인데 알고리즘의 간택을 받았네요~ 말씀하시는게 너무 편안하고 다정해서 계속 보게되요.
이거맛있다~하면 맛있어? 😊
여기좋다~하면 좋아?😊
보는 내내 미소지으며 보게되네요
볼 때 마다 식견이 넓어지는 느낌.
역시 부부여행은 먹을 게 장땡이네요 ㅋㅋ
비오는 날인데도 너무 멋진 곳이네요. 스킬도 잘 봤습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 팝업스토어 가서도 좋았습니다. 와인킹님하고 사진 찍고 짧게 몇 마디만 해봤지만 정말 즐겁고 좋았습니다.
와이프분 센스좋고 목소리 좋고 와인킹도 좋고
This is SO useful and helpful. Your "indicators" essentially sound the same characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Ensnare (new unassuming customer), Control through Gaslighting (amount is too little for you/must purchase more), and Hiding information (don't show scale weight) dupe (overcharge and cash only), and repeat!
I think it's a bit much to attribute this to narcissism - in fact it's just a very common tactic used by unscrupulous market vendors. I've seen this so many times, they can't *all* be narcissists ;)
@@lisar3944 Every human is born narcissistic and must learn to care about others, so it’s easy to find huge quantities of narcissists, especially in the USA.
Vous avez une bonne descente comme on dit en français 😂 et glou, et glou, et glou ! Vous faites honneur à la nourriture française.
i love your wife's questions because she helps so much with understanding wine
인킹이 성님의 스킬은 진짜 아무도 못따라가유
점잖으면서도 우아한 스킬들
스킬 발현중ㅋㅋㅋㅋ유부남중 가장 멋진 유부남
완죤 럭키비키네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 건더기도 없는데 마지막이라 엑기스라서 좋대ㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 유쾌한 사람들ㅋㅋㅋ
형님, 제 남편이 된거같은 기분이 들면서 기분이 참 좋네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
와 두분 결혼하신지 17년~~ 이 채널 처음 영어공부 알고리즘으로 알게 된 게 2019년이었던것 같은데 그땐 솔로 생활을 즐기시는 자유로운 영혼이신 줄~~^^ 행복한 두분 부럽습니다 얼마나 좋으면 17년이 5년 같이 느껴질까요~
여행 컨텐츠 영상이 젤 흥미롭고 재밌어요
항상 유쾌하면서도 고급스러운 영상~!😊
요즘 영상 자주 보고 있는데 영상 볼때마다 뭔가 편안해지고 미소가 지어지는 영상입니다.
솔직히 위스키, 소주, 막걸리를 좋아하지만 와이프가 와인을 좋아해서 보게 되었는데 혼자 술마시면서 보고 있으면 항상 미소가 지어지네요ㅋㅋ
내가 프랑스 여행하는것같다.. 여행영상 잘안보는데 여유있어보이고 편한영상이네
You are an inspiration, sir...I was having a rather boring lunch, but you guys were having a drink...I had a drink....then you opened the cheese...and I opened the cheese...then you were smiling and talking with your wife, and I was smiling and talking with mine also....thank you x🤗🤗🤗
Thank you Mr wineking for your amazing videos, not just about wine but also food !!
And if you pair them with your lovely spouse, it makes for some GREAT content !
Also, small suggestion, there is a city in Belgium called Brugges, it is called the venice of the north, medieval city well preserved (the word open air museum comes to mind), I highly recommend it !
what a nice suggestion
If you started a company that did week long trips to France where you took people to wineries and markets, I would pay to do those.
Love your content, chingu!
진짜 부부 최고의 롤모델이다
The positive energy feels so good 🌞
와이프분 목소리가 넘 좋아서 진짜 놀러올때마다 막 신나네요❤❤
영상 당장 더 필요합니다 더 주세요옥..!!!
Trop bien vos vidéos, ça repose après une bonne journée de taf
Always, always inform the sailor that you will not buy it if he overload the volume. Don't be shy - be polite and sharp. Even us, French people, have been scam (overload) 🤣🤣🤣 Once a friend paid 30 €uros a huge (but very good) piece of Beaufort (cheese) in a weekly market. On en rigole encore. 🤪
yes - this is great advice. I will just ask them "how much does that weigh? I asked for xxx grams which should cost xxx euros. How much do you have there?" Usually that will fix the problem, but you can see the annoyance on their faces as they reduce the weight :D It's really distasteful to have to do that, but screw them for trying to rip people off!
@@lisar3944 Yes, you don’t need to worry about that. I’m French, and in the example from the video, it’s clear that the problem lies with the salesperson engaging in what we call 'forced selling,' which is absolutely unacceptable. You shouldn’t hesitate to put such a person in their place if you feel up to it.
He asked for 100g + 200g + 200g, she negotiated for 200g + 200g + 200g, fine, but when she served him 300g + 300g + 300g, then it was too much.
I would have repeated, 'maximum 200 grams,' while she was serving. If she didn’t adjust and still asked for 35€ (the price per kilo was displayed, as it legally must be) I would have simply said, "No, I’m sorry, but that’s not what I asked for. You’ve served twice as much..."
If she dared to complain or refused to adjust, I would have clearly said that this constitutes forced selling (could even qualify as deception under French law, L121-1 of the Consumer Code). This is illegal and absolutely unacceptable. I’d say this to make her uncomfortable in front of other customers, and then I’d leave without buying anything.
I find this kind of behavior that takes advantage of tourists and people who don't dare say anything unbearable, it's a matter of principle at this stage😅
But if you’re not comfortable with confrontation (which is perfectly fine) you can just stand firm, simply repeat that you asked for 3 x 200g, and leave if necessary.
300g 눈탱이 맞아서 샀지만 맛있게 다 드실수 있어서 해피엔딩이 됬네요 😊
바가지고 뭐고 다 좋은데
부부간 티키타카 정말 부럽습니다🎉🎉
What a great morning surprise
You two are a pair 😆 The bread salesman was an immediate joy ❤
Cher Wineking, je viens découvrir votre chaîne UA-cam et j’ai adoré, je suis ravi de vous voir découvrir notre pays, la France. Si vous voulez des conseils avisés pour vos prochaines visites sur Bordeaux n’hésitez pas et j’accepte avec plaisir vos conseils sur votre magnifique pays la Corée du Sud que je ne devrais pas tarder à visiter le plus rapidement possible. Merci à vous de partager vos expériences avec bienveillance.
Il vaut mieux les avoir en photo qu'à table ^^
No way ! Cant believe you were in my city. Hope you had a great time !
The shot when you see how many wine bottles are on the go makes me laugh - you guys live very well. Love this
크리스마스이브전에 윈터랜드에서 뵈었는데 실물도 화면과 똑같이 멋지시던데요..덕분에 많이 즐기고 왔습니다. 아마도 알자스 콜마르인듯 한데요. 십여년전에 가본 기억이 새롭네요. 맛있게 많이 즐기고 오셔서 알자스와인 리스트 업 해주세요~^
vous avez déjà reçut de très bons conseils , malheureusement les arnaques sont courantes dans les marchés avec des produits faussement étiquetés comme français alors que provenant du maroc ou de Tunisie pour les olives marinée et l'huile d'olive , concernant le paiement les petits vendeurs préfère le liquide afin de ne pas déclaré la totalité du chiffre d'affaire et évité les taxes
méfiez-vous particulièrement des étales sans prix au kilo ou a la pièce affiché. En espérant que vous avez apprécié votre séjour et merci pour l'image que vous donnez a notre pays
12:06 💚표현 너무 좋다… 🌳
jolie le vin jaune beaucoup de français connaisse même pas, vous savais vous faire plaisir :)
Vin jaune et fromage et vin de paille foie gras
내 고향이에요.
I got to meet wineking while in Korea at his popup. I am slightly taller than average Korean but Wine King is like Goliath! Anyway, he showed me a few chianti which I purchased and enjoyed greatly. I am surprised in the video when wine king is starting to eat food from the market that quite a few bottles on the table were not finished. 😂
I am loving these videos. Learning about wine and food and how to be patient with the French 🤣 May I ask why your wife does not like to be seen on camera?
Most Koreans are very shy, so they worry to be in camera.
Always love your video ! To be honest, even as french, we get scammed by those merchant ! Also, be carefull, everything that you bought from the olives merchant is most likely not from France and is some cheap sh*t from spain ! A good indicator of local quality, is simplicity ! Local merchant can`t afford those big orange bowl and sell them directly in small bags ! Please visit Nyons city in provence, thursday morning, or sunday morning.
hey now...the Spanish also know how to cook so no need to insult them ;) They did get to taste it before making a selection, and they enjoyed eating it, so I don't think calling it sh*t is quite fair.
@lisar3944 taste is in your head, quality isn't. They probably never eat olives. Seing those big green seedless olives I'm 100% sure it's from spain. I didnt say they don't know how to Cook, I just say the quality of those product is shit.
C'est génial ! je vous recommande de venir à LYON, ville de la gastronomie
française par excellence. Bravo pour votre maitrise de la langue de Molière et votre culture de la gastronomie hexagonale (France). Vous êtes des bons vivants (expression française qui signifie que vous aimez le bien vivre, la gastronomie, la culture, les voyages, les découvertes,...)
Je vous conseille d'aller voir ARbois la prochaine fois dans le jura connu pour ses vins et son comté. Il y a un super restaurant nommé La finette. En esperant que vous y serez. MErci pour vos videos a vous et votre femme
Is it common for the market sellers to handle the bread without using plastic gloves? He touched bread and handles cash at the same time.
어디든 나쁜 사람도 있고, 좋은 사람도 있다.
우리나라도 예외가 아니다.
Did you go to the wine bar Les Parcellaires ? It's one of the best in France, amazing choice with probably 250+ champagnes and 800+ different wines !
17:52 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 떨리는 칼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Bonjour! Can I assume you needed to finish all your wine before you eave France? Good point about the vendors and eye contact :-)
바가지 안당하는 스킬보다 와이프 압박 벗어나는 스킬이 더 좋으시네요
Drinking a lot of wine is a concern as it is filtered through the liver. Wine can be toxic consumed over a short period of time can impact on the health of both your kidneys too. Water would be necessary to be drunk also to balance hydration for your bodies. 😅
ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 먹방 많이많이 올려주세요...
Bonsoir j’aime bien votre chaîne. Vous avez l’air sympathiques et cela permet de mieux comprendre ce que pensent les asiatiques quand il viennent en France. Je me demandais si vous aviez eu l’occasion d’aller à Avignon c’’est une ville très connue historiquement (c’était en quelques sorte une résidence secondaires pour le Pape). De plus ce n’est pas loin de Tavel (1er rosé de France) et il y a aussi Châteauneuf du Pape pas très loin (excellent vignoble connu mondialement. Bonne soirée 😊
Ps: il ya aussi un festival de théâtre très connu à Avignon durant l’été.
Le fromage Mont D'Or il faut le faire fondre au four dans sa boîte en bois et le versé sur des pommes de terre cuites près des braises ou au four 😍😋
인킹이형 항상 너무 잘 보고있습니다 혹시 한국 구독자들을 위해서 맛 표현 좀 비유해서 부탁드려요 궁굼해요ㅠㅠ 한번도 먹어본적 없는 음식들이라
말씀하시는게 참 배울게 많습니다
얼마전에 팝업 다녀왔는데 와인, 먹거리 너무 다양해서 정말 즐겁게 즐기다 왔습니다. 인킹이 형님 같이 사진도 찍어주시고, 와인 추천 부탁 드려서 구매한 와인과 맛있는 안주랑 함께하니 너무 맛있네요. 시간 내셔서 다녀 오시는 걸 추천 드립니다.
Good point! Like myself as visitor don't have indicator to whether the vendor is trustworthy or not. My family and I visited Annecy back in Oct 2024, it was a nice and pretty town, with a lake. One thing unpleasant during my visit was the waiter attitude both at restaurant and gellateria.
프북에서 콜마르와 스트라스부르그 크마갔다가 밟혀돌아가시는줄 --; 크마 핫와인 뱅상인가 계속 먹다 술취할뻔 ㅋㅋㅋ
꾸스꾸스 먹어보고파용ㅋㅋ
와인킹 존잘임..
아니 근데 썸네일은 착한 분들인데 대사가 😂
제네바에서 지금 지내는데 가까워서 너무 가고 싶네요!!
Bonjour, est ce que vous avez gouter la chartreuse ?
Pour répondre à votre question (11 min 25) : Le son des cloches des églises retentit à plusieurs occasions, comme lors d’un mariage, d’un enterrement ou à la fin de la messe, une pratique qui demeure courante. Dans cette vidéo, c’est un mariage que l’église annonce. Si la cloche sonne trois fois, cela indique un enterrement, et si elles sonnent trois coups espacés suivis d’une volée d’une minute, cela signifie que la messe commence. Bon voyage à vous et heureux de découvrir votre chaîne.
Bonjour, juste un petit conseil en tant que français, le vin c'est bon mais en consommer c'est vraiment pas bon pour la santé tu le sais. Maintenant c'est normal de se faire plaisir mais je trouve que vous buvez vraiment trop quand je regarde vos vidéos et ça peut avoir de graves répercussions à l'avenir. Buvez modérément! Vous buvez du vin comme si c'était de l'eau 😂 je dis ça pour vous pas pour moi :)
Leave him alone. It is their passion and their life!
Le mont d’or se mange generalement au four avec des pommes de terres on met de l’ail et du vin blanc puis on le laisse fondre dans la boite et on trempe comme une fondue 😊❤
Force à vous deux.
You’re true hédonistes !
불량상인이 예견했네요
많이 먹을 관상이다!!!
타프나드 줄어드는 속도가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
부르보네(알리에 주 + 사우스 니에브르)로 오세요. 번식지입니다. 훌륭한 고기(소고기, 돼지고기, 양고기)를 찾을 수 있고, 생푸르상 포도원도 발견할 수 있습니다.
또한 프랑스에서 가장 많은 성이 있는 지역이기도 합니다.
오랜 경험에서 나온 빅 데이터!
AI도 울고갈 정확도!
Sacré coup de fourchette le frerot
Allez faire un tour à la Clusaz, un joli village de montagne, elle est à 30 km d'Annecy, il y a aussi de bons restaurants pour déguster une bonne fondue, tartiflette et croziflette
My family we all love tartiflette. Especially good when paired with other dish like sausage or beef. I don't know if it's supposed to be paired with other dish though.
Sur les marchés, les vendeurs ont des petites astuces. Ils ne sont pas riches, c'est pas bien grave. J'espère que votre séjour en France a été agréable néanmoins. J'aime beaucoup vos vidéos, vous semblez être une belle personne.
Ce n'est pas une excuse pour arnaquer les clients.
이 사람은 해외 나간게 개재밌음 ㅋㅋ
couscous looks quite good and price is ok, olives for 35 eur a kilo is a scam indeed, and they are definitely overselling it, too bad
문득 궁금한게 생겼는데요 와인킹님은 아끼는 와인을 다 마신후에 병을 그냥 버리시나요 보관하시나요?
Venez à Val d’Isère !!
고구마 영상이었군.
35€ for those ?// ripped off 😮
Yes, they are real scammers! I'm so sorry for them.
@ my husband being a French being scammed too in his own country France "Nice" I don't speak the language if I do , I would step up cos I'm Asian from spore 😜😜😜 .
@@cinziabeck954 😁
Point commun entre la France et la Corée du sud. Tant qu'il y a du vin je ne dormirais pas ....
Which city is this in France pls?
Je suis vraiment désolé que tu ais pu vivre cette mauvaise expérience, on les déteste aussi ces arnaqueurs.
어후 저도 파리 통신사 매장에서도 요금 39유로짜리 49.90유로에 팔고 50유로 주니 잔돈 없다하해서 그대로 받아왔는데 바가지 알고나서 다음날 미개봉 상태로 환불해달라고하니 따지니 환불 불가한다고 안내해줬다면서 안해주고 녹음을 안했으니 증거도 없고 저와 같이 있던 친구는 law enforcement라 그날 또 올림픽 순찰중이라 오지도 못하고 파리 몇년살면서 이번 올림픽 이후로 더 심해진 것 같네요.
Why cant i just ask from the price beforehand lol
2,90€ le demi gros pain 😦 c'est du vol , je paie le mien entier 2,20€ et il pèse 1kg.
럭키비키 정석
15:48 아무리봐도 와인에 파리 들어가있던거 같아요... 날개가 보여,...
다좋은데 장갑좀 꼈으면
tourist trap for immigrants by immigrants
shut up
Bruh why go through the stress all the time, just leave France 😂