MagicDr Look up the word "pretentious". A 7-year-old may walk up to a 3-year-old and say, "You thought that was complex?" and insinuate their intellectual superiority. An adult may do the same to another adult. The difference is an adult should know better, even if you are intellectually superior. In your superiority you should recognize the empty nature of proclaiming such a thing. If you disagree, I can understand why you'd feel defensive as that's perfectly natural. Peace.
IIllytch321 Oh, the irony of your Tumblr level pseudo psychoanalysis wisdom. You attach too much meaning to words that do not have it. Look up the term, "armchair psychologist". "Peace"
I think perhaps people are okay with oppression is because they grew up with it in a particularly oppressive household. Some people are afraid to face the idea that perhaps their parents were wrong. It's a harsh, difficult step. Sometimes, it's just too hard for people to handle.
+Seth Sith There's something to be said for that, but the fact that the national Academy of Sciences says that the rate of innocence of executed felons is 4.1% means that saying your only killing killers is fallacious.
+Ricardo Santos Self defense is immediate, not to mention the fact that they will either be sent to prison for life, or committed to a mental institution for 10-15 years (and that's the mandatory, the doctor can keep him longer if necessary)
epictuna4 Im saying the whole series would be better without the whole 8-bit theme. Trying to explain complex philosophical ideas that require a high level of concentration would be better explained with less graphics and less background sounds. Watch any of theory videos from 'school of life' to see how simple yet effective the audio and visuals are.
Saf Sum As an individual who spent their youth playing the 8-bit games used to assemble these videos, the details of those graphics are quite informative and humorous. Check 1:55. That is an Indora God shrine from Rygar, so the author is implicitly indicating that Freud is, literally, a God. At 2:06 the family portraits are from the Addams Family, hardly a bastion of traditional values. There are other 8-Bit Philosophy videos that do this aspect better, and it's all for fun, of course, but these elements actually add a rich, meta-contextual layer to be read as well. It's what *I* like about them, actually. Sorry if you disagree but those irritating graphics and sounds are at least half the point.
Peter S Thats fine, were all entitled to an opinion and I see how they could be seen as a fun addition, but still personally find the sounds to be too loud. :)
Saf Sum This is not meant as an aggressive reply to you, but you are right we are all entitled to our own opinions, but could you share any insight as to why it's only socially acceptable to share your negative opinions? If people go around actually proclaiming the things they like it is seen as quite strange. I imagine it's something to do with provocation, If you dislike something it naturally provokes a response but if you like something you are content just being content, so to reply would literally be to react without provocation and be rather strange. Perhaps I just answered my own question, but really negative opinions are really the only ones openly shared for no decent reason.
Freud simply says that society and church and parents create a super ego, a conscience, that oppresses the ego, or, you yourself. And the Oedipus complex, Freud claims, happens to every young child in the id, or the irrational, passionate side of the mind, and the id overshadows the ego, until the super ego conquers the id and it's bestial desires, and we are then able to control ourselves and our passions. This video does not do Freud justice.
Crispy Toast This video had pretty much nothing to do with Freud and Psychoanalysis; which is why I'll say from the get-go to ignore this channels interpretation of Deleuze and Guattari just presented to us. This video was more about the critique of psychoanalysis (and Marxism) done by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their book Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trying to explain their theories in literally 5 minutes is horrible; yet their books (they wrote 4) are notorious for their level of difficulty even at the level of professors in philosophy.
If I remember correctly, guattari attended the seminars of Lacan and was trained by him. The french psychoanalyst Lacan attacked the popular psychoanalysis branch "ego psychology", which focused on strengthening the ego to successfully navigate (social) life. This approach, as Lacan saw it, was overly socially conforming - a thread which Deleuze and Guattari seem to have picked up and developed in their own theories. As Lacan himself saw his work as a "return to Freud", not a departure from him, I do guess its unfair to characterise Deleuze and Guattari schizoanalysis as set up against Freud. After all, they still operate within the same framework and share many underlying assumptions about the human mind.
We crave the strong, dominating, strict, father figure. It brings many comfort to be controlled because we can reject responsibility and allow our "Father" to guide us and control us and punish us if we step out of boundaries. It feels comfortable to conform and follow a set routine. Deviation leads to anger most extreme even if the deviant is correct. And so, fascism becomes a self sustaining cycle controlled by the "Father" and backed up by the populous. Extreme force is the only way to break that bond.
GenerationVideoGamer individual responsibility and knowledge is the only way to break the bond. Your wording 'extreme force' seems to imply things like revolutionary opposition, social unrest, etc.. but abrupt revolutions are usually followed by authoritarian regimes...
Auildere AE going against it without trying to understand the complexities of our society is likely to be inefficient. What can save us isn't a new small ruling class to replace the current one (which is what revolutions usually end up doing in practice no matter they're stated goals are). I'm not saying it isn't a positive thing overall in some cases. But the long term solution is the strengthening of individual awareness of our responsibilities and roles to play in the maintenance and betterment of our civilization. On guaranteeing our own rights and those of others, of everyone else. There would have been no Hitler without followers...
"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It is the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel." -Loki, "The Avengers" (2012)
Fascism≠Authoritarianism Fascism is authoritarian, for sure, but they aren't the same thing. The same way every animal isn't a dog, every authoritarian ideology isn't fascism.
they're called fascist because its an easy way to portray despotic regimes with despotic tendencies, and will obviously have similarities with fascism. and fascism is corporativism taken to an extreme level, that's why it's considered right-wing nowadays by most people, even though it portrayed itself as a third-wing
@@theavidgamer6213 "The first point we shall have to settle, therefore, is that fascism is a defense of capitalist society, an attempt to make it function."👇 "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini
@@theavidgamer6213 You are right, nationalism and heritage fuel fascism and superiority is pivotal but fascism is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people. Fascism comes from the Latin fascio, meaning “bundle, or political group.” In fascism, the people are looked at as a bundle - one body that must be controlled with absolute force. A fascist economy aims at the strengthening of the nation, at the propagation of nationalistic principles, and at the enhancement of national superiority. We can safely say that fascism is (1) a capitalist type of economic organization, (2) in which the government accepts responsibility to make the economic system work at full energy, (3) using the device of state-created purchasing power effected by means of borrowing and spending, and (4) which organizes the economic life of the people into industrial and professional groups to subject the system to control under the supervision of the state. Whether it was capitalist or anticapitalist, labor or antilabor, corporatist, no one could say until the leaders themselves decided upon a course of action. It was improvised as the movement went along. Therefore we cannot define Fascism as a movement committed to the collection of principles enunciated in its formal proclamation of principles and objectives - the Eleven Points of San Sepolcro. Mussolini, being in pursuit of power, made that objective the mold by which his policies were formed. Behold now the erection of the great Fascist edifice. State intervention in economic production arises only when private initiative is lacking or insufficient, or when the political interests of the State are involved. This intervention may take the form of control, assistance or direct management. - Benito Mussolini
Freuds conclusions about humanity and sexuality were wrong though. His theories and conclusions were swayed by his ego and his own repressed perverse sexuality. Guy was a sick cat. A ground breaking pioneer in the field no doubt, but not someone we should look to for his conclusions
This sounds very much like what Foucault warned against in The History of Madness/Madness & Civilization. He warned that psychology could be abused to enforce conformity, and stressed the difference between this and treating serious mental illness.
I love the presentation of these videos: a reserved, yet inherently intellectual-sounding British voice spelling out Freudian philosophy, contrasting nicely with 50 Shades references and retro video game visuals.
Another problem for all three thinkers is that Oedipus did not actually have an Oedipal complex. He did not desire (and therefore did not repress his desire) to kill his father and marry his mother, he never met them!
I think being completely free to do whatever you desire is just as bad as being overly regulated and dominated. The middle ground between both seems to be a good place to strive for.
At the same time, this idea of "everything is fine, normalcy is wrong" is kind of dangeous too. Frankly, we NEED norms to be a society. If people are so far off from each other that they can barely relate, it sows the seeds of societal collapse, right? Not saying that diversity is bad, but that diversity ought to be based off a shared societal values and norms.
This is far and away the best video of this series (which is saying something since this video series has been very very good). Great video one of the best i have seen on youtube keep up the good work!
The video falsely equates Fascism with Authoritarianism or Totalitarianism as if they were one in the same thing when in fact Fascism is just another political ideology just as any other and was no more authoritarian than communism was and in fact communism was much more authoritarian in practice. What the maker of this video is really asking is "Do We Crave Authoritarianism?". If you are going to use words, use them correctly or don't use them at all.
Cat Alunya it's UA-cam mate. you could watch a video on how to make cupcakes and there'll be some wanker trying to start an argument or troll in the comments
The video game aesthetic that this informative video has, that's designed to be facetious to undermine the seriousness of the topic discussed at hand, makes this all the more terrifying and unnerving
Freud was wrong about everything. Even when he was right, he was still wrong. This video highlights this perfectly. If we use the modle that deviance is what needs to be fixed than a society can only stagnate. Treatment is only necessary when the individual poses a threat to themselves or others, or their deviance is hurting their satisfaction with life. Both collectors and hoarders are still "hoarding" but a collector of pop tops has their compulsions uner control while a hoarder with 3000 news papers and a pile of banana peals is hurting their ability to function. I think Freud had interesting observations on the appeal of control, but that's simply the appeal of comfort, something Freud was hardly the firsr thinker to opine on. Ultimately the only anxiety grated by deviant behavior comes from a society that doesn't accept the deviance. We don't need otherd to control our desires, again if they aren't hurting ourselves or otheres, so much as we need to accept that deviation exists regardless the system it deviates from. If the system cannot adjust to the deviance, the fault lies in the rigidity of the system. If a system needs to be rigid to sustain itself, the fault lies in the mores of its people. To phrase it another way. A body can't control weather or not it will ever have a cancerous tumor. In a weak body the growth will destroy the system. Unfortunately we have no way to fix this but to remove the deviation, however, if the tumor is benign the surgery to remove it may pose more harm to the body than leaving it be. Of course societies aren't individual bodies though, and they have one advantage bodies don't. Where a human body can't stop being human in order to accommodate the burdens of a tumor, a state can change itself to accommodate deviant groups within. Historically it is the states that don't accommodate that ultimately get destroyed by their tumors.
***** Well I mean of course it was somewhat more nuanced than that but the question might be posited that due to the patriarchy in which Freud contructed his ideas he may have neglected to fully attempt to understand the female psyche, using the Electra complex and "penis envy" as the harsh equalizer. In many ways his failing were similar to that of Rudyard Kubling and the author of Tarzan when both attempted to simplify African culture from their own largely biased perspectives, thus allowing the creeation of the "White Man's Burden" trope.
Koseiku I have always found Jung's fascination with dreams and the concept of the "shadow" side of others intriguing and more relevant to the heart of phychoanalysis than the majority of Freud's theories.
Great episode, as always. Some suggestions: Adorno's / Horkheimer's - Dialectic of Enlightenment Foucault's - Discipline and Punish Nicos Poulantza's - State, Power, Socialism Herbert Marcuse's - The One Dimensional man or Eros and Civilization
it's because family and teachers treat us so crap as kids we become desirous of those horrible things - if we got brought up with love and compassion we wouldn't crave fascism.
That's the simplest explanation of Deleuze & Guattari I've ever seen. I'd like to see you guys try it with one of the essays from A Thousand Plateaus. Granted, you'd have to build up a solid background in phenomenology in later episodes through Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, de Beauvoir, etc. But seeing your take on the "body without organs" would be really dope.
It's our desire for order and quick action that inspires us to lean to facism. Facist governments are the way to go. A single party means no one to prevent your actions from getting done (unlike the painfully polarized American model). Sure this may lead to opressions and suffering for some, but looking at facist governments in the past we see that the majority supported and benefited from the system.
Illier1 in other words, it's our desire for not dealing with the complexities of the real world that leads us to fascism? It's a condescending explanation for a patronizing worldview... Non-demonstration of opposition isn't the same as support( even though the effect in the perpetuation of status quo may be the same). And acceptance of what is given or imposed isn't the same as being/feeling benefited.
That opinion on what governments ought to do ignores human life. Fascist governments are bred from strife, and with strife comes a lot of broken promises, dead, etc. They tend to focus on uplifting the majority and progress with very little in the way of moral checks. Is it worth benefiting the majority (and kidnap parts of the majority to make the majority better) if this is at the cost of the imprisonment and gassing of the minority (who still number millions strong), or making some of the greatest advances in medical history if it's at the cost of insulting just about every medical application of humanity and decency? Most of the world disagrees with that idea.
Natasel Are you trying to imply that China is fascist? China does indeed disregard a lot of environmental and health standards, but that doesn't mean their growth is sustainable or moral. An asteroid with a terminal orbit around a planet gets very fast, but that doesn't mean it is going to end in sunshine and rainbows. Sort of like humanity's current rate of growth.
Natasel Firstly, I never said anything denying that fascist countries can grow. Merely that they ignore standards and morals. Second, how the hell is China fascist? Communism and fascism are on opposite ends of the extremist spectrum. China is indeed a growing (COMMUNIST) country. I fail to see how that contradicts anything I've said.
wooow this video literally doesn't explain why people crave fascism. fascism has nothing to do with being subjated into an dominant relationship. all it is, is a political ideology that values the State or National over the individual not because of some sexual fantasy but rather have a strong power country in which everyone can benefit if they give up their individual pursue. honestly this is some cow shit right here I expect wisecrack to do better.
This video completely leaves out the science of mans true tribal nature. Humans have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years in tribal units. Fascism is man giving in to his tribal nature. This piece of garbage video was more than likely trying to skip over the actual science behind the phenomenon as to not make Fascism look normal. F*cking Liberals.
***** It was mainly centered on dictatorships as a whole. Nothing relating to Fascism in particular,which is about conquering foreign lands in order to expand your own population. In a Fascist society,if you're a male,you were born to serve the military. Humanity loves fascism because it works.
***** Agreed. Honestly,it would make more sense if they replaced "Fascism" with "Imperialism" or "Totalitarianism". The National Socialist imagery can stay,but the entire video needs to be rewritten.
>"Humanity loves fascism because it works." If it works, howcome the world is dominated by non-fascist states? (modern) Fascist states only "worked" for a couple of decades at best. It's more of a failed model than communism.
soon-to-be abandoned username Fascism lasted up until the mid-70s in Portugal and Spain. Fascism in Europe ended due to WW2, and the subsequent outlawing of Fascist parties. Many of the ideas present in Fascism continued on though in countries like Chile and Argentina, where there saw massive amounts of economic growth and development.
I don't think we crave to be ruled. We would like to have power for ourselves, if it weren't for: a) The inability to deal with our problems, fears and anxiety b) A need for acceptance and conformity c) Pushing our responsibility onto someone else and thus avoiding guilt
Philosophically, the fascist thinkers parted from a very similar premise to the nietzschean anarchism, the hero who establish his own morality through his strength of will. The strong man, hero and artist, is builder, creative, warrior, doesn't wait to be freed, he seeks his liberty. The weak man, unable to be free (not by an inherent weakness, instead, by his predilection for lazy life and weakness), must follow the strong ones will. The capacity of be free and strong is within every man. They obey because they have chose to be weak, not because the strong ones repress them. Fascism doesnt mean conformism, by the contrary, it means making your dreams come true, of course, through power, will, and liberty (true liberty, conquered liberty). When the weak ones become strong, every man will be a fascist, and there won't be need of a State or a established order. Men will be able of defend themself. True anarchy.
Over these first 29 years of my life, I have developed a furious and murderous hatred for people who are drawn to and chase power. One of the most harmful human concepts in existence.
@maso mig kinda like how sjws is a cannibalistic ideology that will incorporate any and all ideologies and ideas into it then destroy it then when nothing is left it will turn on itself it colectivises only the things it wants to controle and unifies only that which it will protect at the expence of the rest in short every time fascism has a turn a huge chunk of itself is canabilised before it even starts
***** ok so what? if reality is an illusion weve been fooled by it for thousand of years till recently so its real enough to make us guess if reality not being real isn't really real secondl weather we have free will or not it dosnt matter we all have the same thing ither we all have or don't have free will its not likes some have it and some don't so we all have to face the consequence of our actions regardless and the standard is measured against others
Jaqen H'ghar lol I wouldn't go0 that far but it is shown that people who take a more extream and absolutist stance on anything they tend to be more stupid...or simple in terms of extrapilative thaught (empethatic thinking theorising ectr)
0:24 Why is it always "your mother's basement" as if the father didn't pay for the house and most of the bills while the mother was giving birth? If we are going to generalize to the extent that all "basement dwellers" live in their mother's basement, why not go the full step and refer to said basement, rightly, as their father's basement. Statistically if we are going to be consistent most homes with basements are either bought and paid for by middle and upper class males, or two parent families. This myth that a single mother who babies her basement dwelling man-child can somehow afford to take care of a grown man who does not contribute yet consumes enormous amounts of money and resources, AND herself while also paying for a 3-4 bed room home with a basement, with a high speed internet connection so he can surf the net, watch porn and play video games is laughably in-accurate. Even if the mother divorced the father and was awarded the house in the ensuing court drama, it is not hers, at least not completely. IT IS STOLEN PROPERTY which the courts pilfered and redistributed to her during the Divorce settlement. I motion that if we are going to chastise basement dwellers (something I am not against) we remain consistent in our insulting and stick to accurate representations of reality. All in favor of changing the out-dated and cliche phrase " in your MOTHER'S basement" to the more accurate and all together more appropriate " in your FATHER'S basement" say AYE all against say NAY. Its high time that father's be given the acknowledgement they deserve in providing that single mother with the basement to coddle her man-child. The father's work paid for the house including the basement, the mothers coddling created the man-child, and the courts involvement redistributed the house that the father paid for over to the mother. So logic dictates that the correct phraseology should be "FATHER'S basement". I believe this will net positive results in all fields in which the phrase "living in your mothers basement" was previously used most abundantly. Addendum: I would like to note that the phrase "living in your Parents Basement" is also more accurate statistically and would also be a suitable replacement for the aforementioned in-accurate phrase using the word "mother's".
I'm not sure the misconceptions about Sigmund Freud's work are from Deleuze and Guattarri or from you guys, but Freud didn't write that the repression of the sexual drive is something good, or rather something that should be encouraged even more than it already was at his time. On the contrary, his work was dedicated to treat the psychic suffering caused precisely by the extremely high demand of renounce imposed by the society at that time. He wrote that some decree of repression is necessary for the existence of the conscient mind and the civilization, but even then it has it's costs. Apparently this whole notion about Freud's work comes not from his work itself, but from the distorted psychoanalysis, or rather the psychology of the ego, that was difunded after his death by his successors, especially in the USA.
These theorists are obviously anti-fascist as fascism doesn't actually involve oppression of any kind, being a nazi does, it just turned out that the nazis ruined the image of it. Not saying I support it though.
Fascism involves oppression because of the fact that it panders to a majority that feels resentment towards minorities. It promises that majority that they'll be empowered (again) and deal with those people they look down upon.
can you do one on: "there is one good knowledge, one evil ignorance" Vs "ignorance is bliss" or on "D&D alignments" on the whole "lawfull/order/opression" vs "chaotic/freedom/anarchy" i am sure it oculd bei nteresthing to see, or "lawfull-evil vs chaotic-good" ?
+Concerned Geek but isn't what we desire desirable because it is good for us for one reason or the other? Isn't tending our needs a good deed as well? We're after all treeting someone well regardless if it's us or someone else. I think it's not that we need a balance between virtue and desire but rather we need to reevaluate what is desire and virtue to us.
I don't think what we think what we want is really what we need sometimes, but that's what we need desire for. A strong desire so that we get what we want so we can realize more quickly that it may or may not be what we need. Like getting wealth so that you can realize that its not what you need.
Simple truth: Do not do anything you will regret. What does that mean? You are allowed to do things that deviate from the norm, but should you? Is it serving your needs, or just alienating you from others? Is there a law your breaking? Is it worth the risk, and is the reward great enough? I will only say this, you will have to pay the consequences, so know that going in. No regrets, God speed.
>you will never have an impossibly restrictive set of rules that you can't possibly hope to follow as a janitor, on pain of being sentenced to public use if you break any of them >while mopping up the mess someone would inevitably have made to spite you, you will never have shitcurity dunk your head into your water bucket while they're slowly unzipping your jumpsuit (groping at your crotch all the while) >you'll never be dragged into maintenance to be "searched for contraband" >you'll never be fucked and beaten in a central hallway >you will never accidentally misplace your nullification certification in time for a random search, and so will never be sent to the brig (to be raped and absorbed by a changeling Syndicate operative who prior to being searched himself had forgotten that he was carrying Syndicate contraband) on account of being a sexual threat to the station >even having not misplaced your nullification certification, it will never be identified as a cunning forgery by the officer inspecting it, who won't as just punishment for a scheming lizard like you strip and beat you in an unlit maintenance corridor before then tidying you up to be hauled to the brig >an active stun baton won't ever be probed inside your slit (if you even have one) for the horrible lizard cock that must be hiding somewhere within >a shitcurity officer won't ever, on inspecting (but certainly not on having personally made use of) a deep, bleeding hole in your groin that he may or may not have created himself, declare you an unnullified cuntboy and hence a threat to the station's moral well-being >you will never be held against a wall in maint and violated roughly until the officer inspecting you is confident that you've accepted your proper place on the station >said officer won't be vigilant afterwards of the constant danger of your returning to your natural beastly state, and won't be ever ready with stun baton and lube for your next round of corrective treatment >a shitcurity officer will never perform a nullification inspection (maybe with extras) on you himself, then despite a positive result report you as an untreated sexual threat because you're a cold-blooded job taker who deserves to be taken down a notch (imagine if the shitcurity officer inspecting you had become a scalerot carrier from defending the station against the lizardman threat all the time :3 ) >everyday procedures for you (getting your nullification certification renewed, getting your hormone supplements and suppressors injected, getting your ration stamp payments) will never start to require increasingly depraved service to your masters >you will never have your urethra dilated to be used as an additional service hole by station crew >you will never be hobbled and made a station pet >you'll never be fed to a slime, used to test viruses, or used to test genetic alterations >you will never receive your rations (which will never be prepared as often by the geneticist and virologist as by the chef) directly at work's end, to be eaten from a dog bowl >you won't ever be forced to eat nothing but clones of yourself that you have to kill, gut and eat raw >you won't ever be given rewards (less frequent beatings) if you play with your dead clone (make out with it, finger it, eat it out) every time before you eat it >publicly available recordings of some pathetic nullo lizard rutting against its own corpse won't ever become an anti-lizard propaganda smash hit >you will never be bled and mutilated regularly, knowing that you can be easily replaced should you bleed out >you will never be used as a source of meat by the chef >a xeno will never impregnate your ass as it tears out your throat >lizard execution by plasma injection into the slit/peehole will never be space law recognized (assume you'd be suspended upside down during the process) >you will never be put in your proper place in life
This channel doesn't know what fascism is. This video downplay fascism just to great authority and opression. I think most people actually think that's true. Fascism is a whole political ideology that the economy, culture and leadership. To summarize fascism: it's an ideology between communism and capitalism with strong unelected leadership. A fascist society allows private property and a free market but wants to protect its people and workers from undesirable economic outcomes caused by some foreign countries and rich people. Fascist societies are also really nationalist and promotes merotocracy.
If one subliminally desires oppression because they have learned to self-repress, does that mean that if he gives into said desires and defeat fascism, then he would be giving into their desire of oppression? Would people have to learn an entire new set of values and adopt a new order of social structure and conduct in order to reject and condition against fascism?
repression is bad when it's used for marginalizing members of society but at the same time an anarchist utopia ruled by desire would devolve into utter chaos. to repress one self is important for taking part in society and to avoid repressing or marginalising those around you. one has to be ones own harshest critic as to not allow for racism, sexism and other xenophobia
The moment you accept *"my personal desires are right, may the oppressive world go to hell, I am entitled to fulfil my desires"* as a part of your belief system, then its a very slippery slope from there. This video is so full of bullshit, it isn't even funny.
Gaurab Chatterjee Your reaction. Your irrational hang-up on that subject. We talk about desire and taboo desires, and you panic, you said it's a very dangerous thinking, you denying everything. That's a caricatural reaction. And that's funny.
i believe that Freud explained how ignoring your desires and our healthy perversions led to all of our psychological problems it's not true what you said about psychoanalysis wanting you to act against your desire it's quite the contrary
Rather than a desire to be ruled I feel it's a kind of learned helplessness caused by living under a powerful figure. The reason oppressors aren't constantly over thrown is the ability to maintain power through strength; political, marshal, or otherwise. Why do you think children rebel just as they start to gain their height, those oppressors aren't so big anymore.
TheLastGentleman Well that's a shame. I'd suggest some books, but your comment gives off the impression that you're a victim of propaganda. Which is alright, many people are. Everyone has their own concept of 'freedom' but I can assure you, a capitalist knows nothing of the definition.
So, people desire to be controlled because they lack confidence in their ability to succeed on their own, and thus are wary of both freedom and consequences?
2:40 "who killed his father and f... hmm married his mother" LMFAO XD Who ever could give me the name of the 8-bit game at 2:20 I'll give him a cookie, This is an ORDER from your SUPREME Fascist LEADER
I'm going to have to point to the elephant in the room... According to this logic people DO have what they desire, or at least what they ask for, if what they ask for is indeed restrain. Psychoanalysis and the Oedipus complex have been reguarded by Deleuze and Guattari as the instauration of such desire for restriction which leads to the restriction of desire. This, as you see is problematic, first of all because it does not prohibit desire, under such logic what it does is manufacture desire, in terms of economy it holds supply and builds demand. In second place if Psychoanalysis was funded on an unrestrained paradigm how was it that it became the rule, that it got accepted in the first place? The same can be said by any form of fascism, if it was not truly what we desired, if what we desired was different then how did it turn the tables? This is why we need to look at Zizek and what he has to say on the subject of desire and psychoanalisis. If anything he does not moralize such things as the genealogy of self (another subject of psychonalisis despised by both Deleuze, Guattari and their rizomatic hypothesis), pathology (which more than sickness is that reguarded as to what we carry, the affection of our history) and even perversion. For god sakes, him being one of the biggest advocates of psychoanalisis has an essay called "Enjoy your symptom!" and a documentary called "The pervert's guide to cinema." On the problem of genealogy which has the risk to be interpreted as generality we need to look to Derrida, and all he has written upon the problems of limit, constitution (on the broadest sense of the word, yes, all of it, political, judicial, empiric, categoric, lingüistic, and philosophical sense), particularity, sameness (or Ipse in his terms), difference, and of course differance. Biggest flaw in Deleuze's part which is one of Derrida's milestones? The problem with otherness and hospitality. Otherwise Deleuze and Guattari can get me on my nerves, their work is way too biased, too driven, they truly had the need to brake down that which preceded them, instead of realizing that it still precedes them and thus defines them wether they like it or not.
People normally fall apart when given absolute power and freedom; give any average man on the streets a billion dollars and, on average, he will crumble under the pressure to act wisely with his newfound gifts and, instead, begin to spend his money wildly and act without thought for his own well being. What a man will do when given absolute control over his life can be truly frightening. The truth is, we all want structure; we all desire an authoritative figure to replace the chaos that free will implies with a set of laws that order our lives into a simplified, dogmatic lifestyle. Individualism is a hard moral principle to swallow in its entirety; whereas communalism and dogmatism are much easier to adhere to. For me, this seems to be why many people look to God. God acts as this structuring figure, this strict father figure and nurturing mother, that we all crave. God, thereby, determines who we hang out with, the people and things we hate, what morals we follow, and many of the daily activities and hobbies we partake in. God offers us a safe haven from the chaos that is our own ability to self determine and gives us something to belong to. This is the pragmatic solution that is God. P.S. Don't take what I say seriously. I am merely an engineering student looking for a way to shrug off my own responsibilities, i.e. FINAL EXAMS!!!
I'm pretty sure what people actually crave is Anarchy. Humans desire two things above all else, growth and freedom. While Facism is the undermining of the growth and freedom of all for the benefit of the ruler. As such it should be a miracle to find a person that doesn't instinctively gag at the idea of being ruled over by the same strong beings that everybody instinctively seeks to surpass. It should be no surprise that Anarchy is the state everyone is constantly trying to reach, a state of voluntary self governance where the world is run by the people, for the people; free from even the remote possibility of a tyrant who seeks their own ends coming into existence that would control others for their own sake, regardless of if said tyrant was elected or took power by force. The only thing worse than a Tyrant... Is the Idiocracy.
Anti oedipus doesn’t blame everything on Freud, but rather says “look what Freud discovered”. Freud more or less showed the Oedipal complex as a force of repression. Deleuze doesn’t just say “Freud bad”. Read the book.
This connects the two greatest things in my life: thinking way too much and games.
You think to little
@@guntherbeethoven4895 oh yeah?! well you kant spell
@@rub3n410 very tru
I know some of those words.
Narukami Yu
You thought this was complex? Your joke would be funny if this wasn't already presented at a HS level.
MagicDr I guess I'm going back to HS then. Thanks for guiding me to the right path good man/woman.
MagicDr Look up the word "pretentious".
A 7-year-old may walk up to a 3-year-old and say, "You thought that was complex?" and insinuate their intellectual superiority. An adult may do the same to another adult. The difference is an adult should know better, even if you are intellectually superior. In your superiority you should recognize the empty nature of proclaiming such a thing. If you disagree, I can understand why you'd feel defensive as that's perfectly natural. Peace.
Oh, the irony of your Tumblr level pseudo psychoanalysis wisdom. You attach too much meaning to words that do not have it. Look up the term, "armchair psychologist". "Peace"
MagicDr Oh, look - you are attacking a straw man. Boy, let adults do the job, you study and go back after you are wiser person.
I think perhaps people are okay with oppression is because they grew up with it in a particularly oppressive household. Some people are afraid to face the idea that perhaps their parents were wrong. It's a harsh, difficult step. Sometimes, it's just too hard for people to handle.
People crave stability and security. And as Ben Franklin said that any man who would surrender his freedom in exchange for security, deserves neither.
To be a degenerate or not to be a degenerate?
That is the question.
Is a murderer more of a degenerate than the society that demands he be executed?
+Ricardo Santos so you're arguing an untestable principle as a means of choosing whether someone lives or dies?
Riley Jarvis
There is nothing degenerate about killing a killer.
+Seth Sith There's something to be said for that, but the fact that the national Academy of Sciences says that the rate of innocence of executed felons is 4.1% means that saying your only killing killers is fallacious.
+Ricardo Santos Self defense is immediate, not to mention the fact that they will either be sent to prison for life, or committed to a mental institution for 10-15 years (and that's the mandatory, the doctor can keep him longer if necessary)
I really wish the shitty sound effects and graphics were played down slightly so its easier to focus on whats being said
What did you expect from a series entitled "8-bit philosophy"?
epictuna4 Im saying the whole series would be better without the whole 8-bit theme. Trying to explain complex philosophical ideas that require a high level of concentration would be better explained with less graphics and less background sounds. Watch any of theory videos from 'school of life' to see how simple yet effective the audio and visuals are.
Saf Sum As an individual who spent their youth playing the 8-bit games used to assemble these videos, the details of those graphics are quite informative and humorous. Check 1:55. That is an Indora God shrine from Rygar, so the author is implicitly indicating that Freud is, literally, a God. At 2:06 the family portraits are from the Addams Family, hardly a bastion of traditional values. There are other 8-Bit Philosophy videos that do this aspect better, and it's all for fun, of course, but these elements actually add a rich, meta-contextual layer to be read as well. It's what *I* like about them, actually. Sorry if you disagree but those irritating graphics and sounds are at least half the point.
Peter S Thats fine, were all entitled to an opinion and I see how they could be seen as a fun addition, but still personally find the sounds to be too loud. :)
Saf Sum This is not meant as an aggressive reply to you, but you are right we are all entitled to our own opinions, but could you share any insight as to why it's only socially acceptable to share your negative opinions?
If people go around actually proclaiming the things they like it is seen as quite strange.
I imagine it's something to do with provocation, If you dislike something it naturally provokes a response but if you like something you are content just being content, so to reply would literally be to react without provocation and be rather strange.
Perhaps I just answered my own question, but really negative opinions are really the only ones openly shared for no decent reason.
Freud simply says that society and church and parents create a super ego, a conscience, that oppresses the ego, or, you yourself. And the Oedipus complex, Freud claims, happens to every young child in the id, or the irrational, passionate side of the mind, and the id overshadows the ego, until the super ego conquers the id and it's bestial desires, and we are then able to control ourselves and our passions. This video does not do Freud justice.
That. Thanks for that comment.
Crispy Toast This video had pretty much nothing to do with Freud and Psychoanalysis; which is why I'll say from the get-go to ignore this channels interpretation of Deleuze and Guattari just presented to us. This video was more about the critique of psychoanalysis (and Marxism) done by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their book Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trying to explain their theories in literally 5 minutes is horrible; yet their books (they wrote 4) are notorious for their level of difficulty even at the level of professors in philosophy.
If I remember correctly, guattari attended the seminars of Lacan and was trained by him. The french psychoanalyst Lacan attacked the popular psychoanalysis branch "ego psychology", which focused on strengthening the ego to successfully navigate (social) life. This approach, as Lacan saw it, was overly socially conforming - a thread which Deleuze and Guattari seem to have picked up and developed in their own theories.
As Lacan himself saw his work as a "return to Freud", not a departure from him, I do guess its unfair to characterise Deleuze and Guattari schizoanalysis as set up against Freud. After all, they still operate within the same framework and share many underlying assumptions about the human mind.
+Crispy Toast The aforementioned social institutions are simply a greater projection on a larger scale, of family units and family hierarchies.
Freud also viewed the ego as a sort of mediator between the id and superego. You musnt forget that
We crave the strong, dominating, strict, father figure. It brings many comfort to be controlled because we can reject responsibility and allow our "Father" to guide us and control us and punish us if we step out of boundaries. It feels comfortable to conform and follow a set routine. Deviation leads to anger most extreme even if the deviant is correct. And so, fascism becomes a self sustaining cycle controlled by the "Father" and backed up by the populous. Extreme force is the only way to break that bond.
GenerationVideoGamer that many religions are made? To deny responsibility?
GenerationVideoGamer individual responsibility and knowledge is the only way to break the bond. Your wording 'extreme force' seems to imply things like revolutionary opposition, social unrest, etc.. but abrupt revolutions are usually followed by authoritarian regimes...
***** Going against it vain? is that what you imply?
Auildere AE going against it without trying to understand the complexities of our society is likely to be inefficient. What can save us isn't a new small ruling class to replace the current one (which is what revolutions usually end up doing in practice no matter they're stated goals are). I'm not saying it isn't a positive thing overall in some cases. But the long term solution is the strengthening of individual awareness of our responsibilities and roles to play in the maintenance and betterment of our civilization. On guaranteeing our own rights and those of others, of everyone else.
There would have been no Hitler without followers...
***** Quite true,so that you mean we should raise awareness and try to be independent about what to do and not just lay responsibility to others?
"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It is the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."
-Loki, "The Avengers" (2012)
Not to men like you.
-German old man, "The Avengers" (2012)
TheKersey475 You should avoid life lessons from someone who lets a goat play tug of war with his testicles
Canaan Hero
"There are always men like you"
-German old man, "The Avengers" (2012)
NIELS MICHIELS Why does it matter that he is German? Fascist asshole
dragonlord2461 Go back to your hugbox, away from all those nasty factual triggers. :)
Fascism is authoritarian, for sure, but they aren't the same thing. The same way every animal isn't a dog, every authoritarian ideology isn't fascism.
they're called fascist because its an easy way to portray despotic regimes with despotic tendencies, and will obviously have similarities with fascism. and fascism is corporativism taken to an extreme level, that's why it's considered right-wing nowadays by most people, even though it portrayed itself as a third-wing
@@theavidgamer6213 "The first point we shall have to settle, therefore, is that fascism is a defense of capitalist society, an attempt to make it function."👇
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini
@@theavidgamer6213 You are right, nationalism and heritage fuel fascism and superiority is pivotal but fascism is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people. Fascism comes from the Latin fascio, meaning “bundle, or political group.” In fascism, the people are looked at as a bundle - one body that must be controlled with absolute force. A fascist economy aims at the strengthening of the nation, at the propagation of nationalistic principles, and at the enhancement of national superiority.
We can safely say that fascism is (1) a capitalist type of economic organization, (2) in which the government accepts responsibility to make the economic system work at full energy, (3) using the device of state-created purchasing power effected by means of borrowing and spending, and (4) which organizes the economic life of the people into industrial and professional groups to subject the system to control under the supervision of the state. Whether it was capitalist or anticapitalist, labor or antilabor, corporatist, no one could say until the leaders themselves decided upon a course of action. It was improvised as the movement went along. Therefore we cannot define Fascism as a movement committed to the collection of principles enunciated in its formal proclamation of principles and objectives - the Eleven Points of San Sepolcro. Mussolini, being in pursuit of power, made that objective the mold by which his policies were formed. Behold now the erection of the great Fascist edifice.
State intervention in economic production arises only when private initiative is lacking or insufficient, or when the political interests of the State are involved. This intervention may take the form of control, assistance or direct management. - Benito Mussolini
"Corporatist ideas are common to ideologies including absolutism, fascism and liberalism."
@@theavidgamer6213 Sorry, it's not up to me, it's up to the dictator. He sets the essence.
this one is so spot on and accurate! when this came out a few years ago who would have guessed it would exactly explain what is happening today!!!
Freuds conclusions about humanity and sexuality were wrong though. His theories and conclusions were swayed by his ego and his own repressed perverse sexuality. Guy was a sick cat. A ground breaking pioneer in the field no doubt, but not someone we should look to for his conclusions
@@TheMiist @Charles Harding Wow, you did... Not watch the video.
I listened to it brushing my teeth and even I got that this is not a pro-freud video.
@@TheMiistanti oedipus is an extreme critique on freud
This sounds very much like what Foucault warned against in The History of Madness/Madness & Civilization. He warned that psychology could be abused to enforce conformity, and stressed the difference between this and treating serious mental illness.
I love the presentation of these videos: a reserved, yet inherently intellectual-sounding British voice spelling out Freudian philosophy, contrasting nicely with 50 Shades references and retro video game visuals.
Another problem for all three thinkers is that Oedipus did not actually have an Oedipal complex. He did not desire (and therefore did not repress his desire) to kill his father and marry his mother, he never met them!
this is absolutely brilliant!! SO glad I subscribed :D
I think being completely free to do whatever you desire is just as bad as being overly regulated and dominated. The middle ground between both seems to be a good place to strive for.
At the same time, this idea of "everything is fine, normalcy is wrong" is kind of dangeous too. Frankly, we NEED norms to be a society. If people are so far off from each other that they can barely relate, it sows the seeds of societal collapse, right? Not saying that diversity is bad, but that diversity ought to be based off a shared societal values and norms.
This is far and away the best video of this series (which is saying something since this video series has been very very good). Great video one of the best i have seen on youtube keep up the good work!
The video falsely equates Fascism with Authoritarianism or Totalitarianism as if they were one in the same thing when in fact Fascism is just another political ideology just as any other and was no more authoritarian than communism was and in fact communism was much more authoritarian in practice.
What the maker of this video is really asking is "Do We Crave Authoritarianism?". If you are going to use words, use them correctly or don't use them at all.
Spider58x The first causality in the war for viewers is appropriate language.
that was "communism". i dont think real communism is authoritarian.
@@JohnSmith-1066 It was, look: Nazi Germany.
Jesus, I shouldn't have read these comments. They are cancerous.
Lukethehedgehog1 they're all pretty spooky
Cat Alunya it's UA-cam mate. you could watch a video on how to make cupcakes and there'll be some wanker trying to start an argument or troll in the comments
Why would I leave my family just because they're hideous? Sure they may not be lookers but they're really lovely people.
The video game aesthetic that this informative video has, that's designed to be facetious to undermine the seriousness of the topic discussed at hand, makes this all the more terrifying and unnerving
Um...I'm sorry but I don't desire to be controlled or submit to power.
Cycling in Edmonton from the Eyes of a Teen That sounds like becoming a slave with better benefits
Isn't working a 9 to 5 job that you hate just to pay the bills similar to being a slave, just with much better benefits?
Freud was wrong about everything. Even when he was right, he was still wrong. This video highlights this perfectly.
If we use the modle that deviance is what needs to be fixed than a society can only stagnate. Treatment is only necessary when the individual poses a threat to themselves or others, or their deviance is hurting their satisfaction with life. Both collectors and hoarders are still "hoarding" but a collector of pop tops has their compulsions uner control while a hoarder with 3000 news papers and a pile of banana peals is hurting their ability to function.
I think Freud had interesting observations on the appeal of control, but that's simply the appeal of comfort, something Freud was hardly the firsr thinker to opine on. Ultimately the only anxiety grated by deviant behavior comes from a society that doesn't accept the deviance. We don't need otherd to control our desires, again if they aren't hurting ourselves or otheres, so much as we need to accept that deviation exists regardless the system it deviates from.
If the system cannot adjust to the deviance, the fault lies in the rigidity of the system. If a system needs to be rigid to sustain itself, the fault lies in the mores of its people.
To phrase it another way. A body can't control weather or not it will ever have a cancerous tumor. In a weak body the growth will destroy the system. Unfortunately we have no way to fix this but to remove the deviation, however, if the tumor is benign the surgery to remove it may pose more harm to the body than leaving it be. Of course societies aren't individual bodies though, and they have one advantage bodies don't. Where a human body can't stop being human in order to accommodate the burdens of a tumor, a state can change itself to accommodate deviant groups within. Historically it is the states that don't accommodate that ultimately get destroyed by their tumors.
Okay Oedipus, daddy was wrong!
Finally someone admits what a hack Freud was. Oedipus this, Oedipus that, everyone's a pervert!
Jenifer Joseph this comment really displays how little you know about psychology.
***** Well I mean of course it was somewhat more nuanced than that but the question might be posited that due to the patriarchy in which Freud contructed his ideas he may have neglected to fully attempt to understand the female psyche, using the Electra complex and "penis envy" as the harsh equalizer. In many ways his failing were similar to that of Rudyard Kubling and the author of Tarzan when both attempted to simplify African culture from their own largely biased perspectives, thus allowing the creeation of the "White Man's Burden" trope.
***** Freud is the ridiculous side of psychoanalysis. His obsession of phallicism can go to hell. Jung on the other hand is the real psychoanalysis.
Koseiku I have always found Jung's fascination with dreams and the concept of the "shadow" side of others intriguing and more relevant to the heart of phychoanalysis than the majority of Freud's theories.
Koseiku jungs badassness and absolute awesomeness over freud can be summed up with one phrase: the red book. enough said.
Great episode, as always. Some suggestions:
Adorno's / Horkheimer's - Dialectic of Enlightenment
Foucault's - Discipline and Punish
Nicos Poulantza's - State, Power, Socialism
Herbert Marcuse's - The One Dimensional man or Eros and Civilization
"How many levels of Talmudism are you on, bro?"
"I dunno, like 5 or 6."
"You are like little baby. Watch this."
oh look a fasho fetishist feeling called out lol
I've had a Deleuze and Guattari obsession for the duration of the quarantine.
We need to have to have emperors and kings and dictators
it's because family and teachers treat us so crap as kids we become desirous of those horrible things - if we got brought up with love and compassion we wouldn't crave fascism.
That's the simplest explanation of Deleuze & Guattari I've ever seen. I'd like to see you guys try it with one of the essays from A Thousand Plateaus. Granted, you'd have to build up a solid background in phenomenology in later episodes through Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, de Beauvoir, etc. But seeing your take on the "body without organs" would be really dope.
It's our desire for order and quick action that inspires us to lean to facism. Facist governments are the way to go. A single party means no one to prevent your actions from getting done (unlike the painfully polarized American model). Sure this may lead to opressions and suffering for some, but looking at facist governments in the past we see that the majority supported and benefited from the system.
Illier1 in other words, it's our desire for not dealing with the complexities of the real world that leads us to fascism? It's a condescending explanation for a patronizing worldview...
Non-demonstration of opposition isn't the same as support( even though the effect in the perpetuation of status quo may be the same). And acceptance of what is given or imposed isn't the same as being/feeling benefited.
That opinion on what governments ought to do ignores human life. Fascist governments are bred from strife, and with strife comes a lot of broken promises, dead, etc. They tend to focus on uplifting the majority and progress with very little in the way of moral checks. Is it worth benefiting the majority (and kidnap parts of the majority to make the majority better) if this is at the cost of the imprisonment and gassing of the minority (who still number millions strong), or making some of the greatest advances in medical history if it's at the cost of insulting just about every medical application of humanity and decency?
Most of the world disagrees with that idea.
Natasel Are you trying to imply that China is fascist?
China does indeed disregard a lot of environmental and health standards, but that doesn't mean their growth is sustainable or moral.
An asteroid with a terminal orbit around a planet gets very fast, but that doesn't mean it is going to end in sunshine and rainbows. Sort of like humanity's current rate of growth.
Natasel Firstly, I never said anything denying that fascist countries can grow. Merely that they ignore standards and morals.
Second, how the hell is China fascist? Communism and fascism are on opposite ends of the extremist spectrum.
China is indeed a growing (COMMUNIST) country. I fail to see how that contradicts anything I've said.
Natasel The level of wrong in that is incredible. Can I use this quote for satire? It's too good.
wooow this video literally doesn't explain why people crave fascism.
fascism has nothing to do with being subjated into an dominant relationship. all it is, is a political ideology that values the State or National over the individual not because of some sexual fantasy but rather have a strong power country in which everyone can benefit if they give up their individual pursue.
honestly this is some cow shit right here I expect wisecrack to do better.
This video completely leaves out the science of mans true tribal nature. Humans have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years in tribal units. Fascism is man giving in to his tribal nature. This piece of garbage video was more than likely trying to skip over the actual science behind the phenomenon as to not make Fascism look normal. F*cking Liberals.
That's nationalisme, not fascism
Well, since you asked, I desire for you to check out my narrated original short stories!
This is a video on Fascism that has nothing to do with Fascism.
***** It was mainly centered on dictatorships as a whole. Nothing relating to Fascism in particular,which is about conquering foreign lands in order to expand your own population. In a Fascist society,if you're a male,you were born to serve the military. Humanity loves fascism because it works.
***** Agreed. Honestly,it would make more sense if they replaced "Fascism" with "Imperialism" or "Totalitarianism". The National Socialist imagery can stay,but the entire video needs to be rewritten.
One might argue that it was more about social fascism than about political fascism.
>"Humanity loves fascism because it works."
If it works, howcome the world is dominated by non-fascist states? (modern) Fascist states only "worked" for a couple of decades at best. It's more of a failed model than communism.
soon-to-be abandoned username Fascism lasted up until the mid-70s in Portugal and Spain. Fascism in Europe ended due to WW2, and the subsequent outlawing of Fascist parties. Many of the ideas present in Fascism continued on though in countries like Chile and Argentina, where there saw massive amounts of economic growth and development.
I desire more channels be as good as this channel. I adore all of you!
The same reason we crave communism.
The desire to be apart of the collective, it’s human instinct.
I don't think we crave to be ruled. We would like to have power for ourselves, if it weren't for:
a) The inability to deal with our problems, fears and anxiety
b) A need for acceptance and conformity
c) Pushing our responsibility onto someone else and thus avoiding guilt
I desire to get 2 strokes of my golf game (anyone get the reference?)
Rick and Morty.
Caaaan do!
Philosophically, the fascist thinkers parted from a very similar premise to the nietzschean anarchism, the hero who establish his own morality through his strength of will. The strong man, hero and artist, is builder, creative, warrior, doesn't wait to be freed, he seeks his liberty. The weak man, unable to be free (not by an inherent weakness, instead, by his predilection for lazy life and weakness), must follow the strong ones will. The capacity of be free and strong is within every man. They obey because they have chose to be weak, not because the strong ones repress them. Fascism doesnt mean conformism, by the contrary, it means making your dreams come true, of course, through power, will, and liberty (true liberty, conquered liberty). When the weak ones become strong, every man will be a fascist, and there won't be need of a State or a established order. Men will be able of defend themself. True anarchy.
Over these first 29 years of my life, I have developed a furious and murderous hatred for people who are drawn to and chase power. One of the most harmful human concepts in existence.
can you do one on "what is fascism"?
as long as i'm entertained and can eat well i could not care less
i hate tacos if you said hamburgers i would care
Tagxo platnumberg What if you can't eat hamburgers anymore?
I desire power, not political, or over other people, but of myself and my craft.
I definitely crave it.
Brian Glover it isn't 😂
Spectacular episode!
What do I desire...
"For my Ennemies to Drown in their own Blood!!!"
No, but Seriously though, I want knowledge.
No people don't like submitting to authority they are just conditioned to think they like it.
Like a drug. We crave it, but know it will destroy us.
A man is wise
***** How? Are you talking about nationalism as opposed to fascism?
@maso mig kinda like how sjws is a cannibalistic ideology that will incorporate any and all ideologies and ideas into it then destroy it then when nothing is left it will turn on itself it colectivises only the things it wants to controle and unifies only that which it will protect at the expence of the rest in short every time fascism has a turn a huge chunk of itself is canabilised before it even starts
***** ok so what? if reality is an illusion weve been fooled by it for thousand of years till recently so its real enough to make us guess if reality not being real isn't really real secondl weather we have free will or not it dosnt matter we all have the same thing ither we all have or don't have free will its not likes some have it and some don't so we all have to face the consequence of our actions regardless and the standard is measured against others
Jaqen H'ghar lol I wouldn't go0 that far but it is shown that people who take a more extream and absolutist stance on anything they tend to be more stupid...or simple in terms of extrapilative thaught (empethatic thinking theorising ectr)
0:24 Why is it always "your mother's basement" as if the father didn't pay for the house and most of the bills while the mother was giving birth? If we are going to generalize to the extent that all "basement dwellers" live in their mother's basement, why not go the full step and refer to said basement, rightly, as their father's basement. Statistically if we are going to be consistent most homes with basements are either bought and paid for by middle and upper class males, or two parent families.
This myth that a single mother who babies her basement dwelling man-child can somehow afford to take care of a grown man who does not contribute yet consumes enormous amounts of money and resources, AND herself while also paying for a 3-4 bed room home with a basement, with a high speed internet connection so he can surf the net, watch porn and play video games is laughably in-accurate. Even if the mother divorced the father and was awarded the house in the ensuing court drama, it is not hers, at least not completely.
IT IS STOLEN PROPERTY which the courts pilfered and redistributed to her during the Divorce settlement. I motion that if we are going to chastise basement dwellers (something I am not against) we remain consistent in our insulting and stick to accurate representations of reality. All in favor of changing the out-dated and cliche phrase " in your MOTHER'S basement" to the more accurate and all together more appropriate " in your FATHER'S basement" say AYE all against say NAY.
Its high time that father's be given the acknowledgement they deserve in providing that single mother with the basement to coddle her man-child. The father's work paid for the house including the basement, the mothers coddling created the man-child, and the courts involvement redistributed the house that the father paid for over to the mother. So logic dictates that the correct phraseology should be "FATHER'S basement". I believe this will net positive results in all fields in which the phrase "living in your mothers basement" was previously used most abundantly.
I would like to note that the phrase "living in your Parents Basement" is also more accurate statistically and would also be a suitable replacement for the aforementioned in-accurate phrase using the word "mother's".
I choose fascism
I'm not sure the misconceptions about Sigmund Freud's work are from Deleuze and Guattarri or from you guys, but Freud didn't write that the repression of the sexual drive is something good, or rather something that should be encouraged even more than it already was at his time. On the contrary, his work was dedicated to treat the psychic suffering caused precisely by the extremely high demand of renounce imposed by the society at that time. He wrote that some decree of repression is necessary for the existence of the conscient mind and the civilization, but even then it has it's costs. Apparently this whole notion about Freud's work comes not from his work itself, but from the distorted psychoanalysis, or rather the psychology of the ego, that was difunded after his death by his successors, especially in the USA.
These theorists are obviously anti-fascist as fascism doesn't actually involve oppression of any kind, being a nazi does, it just turned out that the nazis ruined the image of it. Not saying I support it though.
+grapesman515 "Oppression" is not limited to any political worldview.
yup, but my point is it is not inherently part of fascism
grapesman515 Indeed.
Fascism involves oppression because of the fact that it panders to a majority that feels resentment towards minorities. It promises that majority that they'll be empowered (again) and deal with those people they look down upon.
fascism is a large scale economic policy, you can easily be a socially liberal fascist
The fact that for the most of people freedom is to hard to be handled, doesn't make fascism a good solution
I choose authority against the nihilism of mankind.
can you do one on:
"there is one good knowledge, one evil ignorance" Vs "ignorance is bliss"
or on
"D&D alignments" on the whole "lawfull/order/opression" vs "chaotic/freedom/anarchy" i am sure it oculd bei nteresthing to see, or "lawfull-evil vs chaotic-good"
I think it's like in portrait of the young artist, a life completely filled with desires or good deeds is bad, you need to have a balance of both.
+Concerned Geek
but isn't what we desire desirable because it is good for us for one reason or the other? Isn't tending our needs a good deed as well? We're after all treeting someone well regardless if it's us or someone else. I think it's not that we need a balance between virtue and desire but rather we need to reevaluate what is desire and virtue to us.
I don't think what we think what we want is really what we need sometimes, but that's what we need desire for. A strong desire so that we get what we want so we can realize more quickly that it may or may not be what we need.
Like getting wealth so that you can realize that its not what you need.
the basic of success someone said is the cutting of short term desire in pursuit of long term
Facsism sounds for the coward isnt it?
If everyone was brave to believe in themselves, than our society doesnt need fascism.
Yes to Fascism
🥤🥤🍨🍨 have some milkshakes :P
I liked how the narrator Oedipalizes himself in the last two lines.
You may have completely misunderstood what fascism is
I desire power
What do I desire? NO! I can't say that!
Come on you know you can 😏. Just spit it out. Say it out loud
+Zacc I forgot. :(
+Aron Featherf00t god damn it. I was this close >,
+Aron Featherf00t Don't worry, everyone else has too.
Simple truth: Do not do anything you will regret. What does that mean? You are allowed to do things that deviate from the norm, but should you? Is it serving your needs, or just alienating you from others? Is there a law your breaking? Is it worth the risk, and is the reward great enough? I will only say this, you will have to pay the consequences, so know that going in. No regrets, God speed.
Fascism isn't just a love of power, it's a love of rigid disciplinarian power over others.
>you will never have an impossibly restrictive set of rules that you can't possibly hope to follow as a janitor, on pain of being sentenced to public use if you break any of them
>while mopping up the mess someone would inevitably have made to spite you, you will never have shitcurity dunk your head into your water bucket while they're slowly unzipping your jumpsuit (groping at your crotch all the while)
>you'll never be dragged into maintenance to be "searched for contraband"
>you'll never be fucked and beaten in a central hallway
>you will never accidentally misplace your nullification certification in time for a random search, and so will never be sent to the brig (to be raped and absorbed by a changeling Syndicate operative who prior to being searched himself had forgotten that he was carrying Syndicate contraband) on account of being a sexual threat to the station
>even having not misplaced your nullification certification, it will never be identified as a cunning forgery by the officer inspecting it, who won't as just punishment for a scheming lizard like you strip and beat you in an unlit maintenance corridor before then tidying you up to be hauled to the brig
>an active stun baton won't ever be probed inside your slit (if you even have one) for the horrible lizard cock that must be hiding somewhere within
>a shitcurity officer won't ever, on inspecting (but certainly not on having personally made use of) a deep, bleeding hole in your groin that he may or may not have created himself, declare you an unnullified cuntboy and hence a threat to the station's moral well-being
>you will never be held against a wall in maint and violated roughly until the officer inspecting you is confident that you've accepted your proper place on the station
>said officer won't be vigilant afterwards of the constant danger of your returning to your natural beastly state, and won't be ever ready with stun baton and lube for your next round of corrective treatment
>a shitcurity officer will never perform a nullification inspection (maybe with extras) on you himself, then despite a positive result report you as an untreated sexual threat because you're a cold-blooded job taker who deserves to be taken down a notch
(imagine if the shitcurity officer inspecting you had become a scalerot carrier from defending the station against the lizardman threat all the time :3 )
>everyday procedures for you (getting your nullification certification renewed, getting your hormone supplements and suppressors injected, getting your ration stamp payments) will never start to require increasingly depraved service to your masters
>you will never have your urethra dilated to be used as an additional service hole by station crew
>you will never be hobbled and made a station pet
>you'll never be fed to a slime, used to test viruses, or used to test genetic alterations
>you will never receive your rations (which will never be prepared as often by the geneticist and virologist as by the chef) directly at work's end, to be eaten from a dog bowl
>you won't ever be forced to eat nothing but clones of yourself that you have to kill, gut and eat raw
>you won't ever be given rewards (less frequent beatings) if you play with your dead clone (make out with it, finger it, eat it out) every time before you eat it
>publicly available recordings of some pathetic nullo lizard rutting against its own corpse won't ever become an anti-lizard propaganda smash hit
>you will never be bled and mutilated regularly, knowing that you can be easily replaced should you bleed out
>you will never be used as a source of meat by the chef
>a xeno will never impregnate your ass as it tears out your throat
>lizard execution by plasma injection into the slit/peehole will never be space law recognized (assume you'd be suspended upside down during the process)
>you will never be put in your proper place in life
This channel doesn't know what fascism is. This video downplay fascism just to great authority and opression.
I think most people actually think that's true.
Fascism is a whole political ideology that the economy, culture and leadership.
To summarize fascism: it's an ideology between communism and capitalism with strong unelected leadership.
A fascist society allows private property and a free market but wants to protect its people and workers from undesirable economic outcomes caused by some foreign countries and rich people. Fascist societies are also really nationalist and promotes merotocracy.
I feel like this episode was made by Loki himself. He went on like this during the first Avenger's movie...
Fascism is delicious.
Diet Fascism has all the same taste, without all the calories of genocide.
lol :D
One-time offer! Try fascism today and get a militarism for free!
Санжар Акаев hoi4?
"This world is nothing but the will to power and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power and nothing besides!" - Nietzsche
Alrighty, then... But what the hell does this have to do with Fascism?
If one subliminally desires oppression because they have learned to self-repress, does that mean that if he gives into said desires and defeat fascism, then he would be giving into their desire of oppression? Would people have to learn an entire new set of values and adopt a new order of social structure and conduct in order to reject and condition against fascism?
“Um actually, fascism is okay because of my fantasies of everyone bowing to the ideology I like.”-The comments.
repression is bad when it's used for marginalizing members of society but at the same time an anarchist utopia ruled by desire would devolve into utter chaos. to repress one self is important for taking part in society and to avoid repressing or marginalising those around you. one has to be ones own harshest critic as to not allow for racism, sexism and other xenophobia
The moment you accept *"my personal desires are right, may the oppressive world go to hell, I am entitled to fulfil my desires"* as a part of your belief system, then its a very slippery slope from there.
This video is so full of bullshit, it isn't even funny.
+Gaurab Chatterjee you are so caricatural, you, you're funny.
Snarckys You mean in my language? Yeah, sure I am.
Gaurab Chatterjee not your language, your reasoning.
Snarckys How so? Or have you only got baseless, cheap snark to offer?
Gaurab Chatterjee Your reaction. Your irrational hang-up on that subject. We talk about desire and taboo desires, and you panic, you said it's a very dangerous thinking, you denying everything. That's a caricatural reaction. And that's funny.
i believe that Freud explained how ignoring your desires and our healthy perversions led to all of our psychological problems it's not true what you said about psychoanalysis wanting you to act against your desire it's quite the contrary
This is what happens when You overthink things.
Dudes, why not to take Hannah Arendt's work as a main reference? She literally based her work upon the experience of fascism.
This has nothing to do with what Fascism actually is.
What is it then?
I've always tried to fight this but it's hard because fighting this is freedom and freedom usually means you'll be alone most of the time.
This was the most convoluted depiction of psychoanalysis that I've ever seen.
Yes. Yes we do. Thank you based fascism man
From this comment, I'm guessing:
- you didn't watch the video
- you're 12
- you have watched PewDiePie at least once
Rather than a desire to be ruled I feel it's a kind of learned helplessness caused by living under a powerful figure. The reason oppressors aren't constantly over thrown is the ability to maintain power through strength; political, marshal, or otherwise. Why do you think children rebel just as they start to gain their height, those oppressors aren't so big anymore.
I desire fascism.
As do I. We could go for a bit of a return to rigid social norms now that our democracy has become corrupted to the core and our culture is in decay.
Me to brother.
Swolemund Freud
I desire a Marxist world.
I prefer freedom.
TheLastGentleman Oh cool. So you're a Marxist too.
Непобедимые и легендарные Not necessarily.
TheLastGentleman Well that's a shame. I'd suggest some books, but your comment gives off the impression that you're a victim of propaganda. Which is alright, many people are. Everyone has their own concept of 'freedom' but I can assure you, a capitalist knows nothing of the definition.
+Непобедимые и легендарные ^ talk about victim of propaganda.
So, people desire to be controlled because they lack confidence in their ability to succeed on their own, and thus are wary of both freedom and consequences?
2:40 "who killed his father and f... hmm married his mother" LMFAO XD
Who ever could give me the name of the 8-bit game at 2:20 I'll give him a cookie, This is an ORDER from your SUPREME Fascist LEADER
Doctor Mario?
Innugamiproductions If I was not a Fascist I would've say thank you :p
Matt--You are awesome! I remember debating you my first year of college debate.
Who won
TIL that the Noid is schizophrenic
I'm going to have to point to the elephant in the room... According to this logic people DO have what they desire, or at least what they ask for, if what they ask for is indeed restrain. Psychoanalysis and the Oedipus complex have been reguarded by Deleuze and Guattari as the instauration of such desire for restriction which leads to the restriction of desire. This, as you see is problematic, first of all because it does not prohibit desire, under such logic what it does is manufacture desire, in terms of economy it holds supply and builds demand. In second place if Psychoanalysis was funded on an unrestrained paradigm how was it that it became the rule, that it got accepted in the first place? The same can be said by any form of fascism, if it was not truly what we desired, if what we desired was different then how did it turn the tables?
This is why we need to look at Zizek and what he has to say on the subject of desire and psychoanalisis. If anything he does not moralize such things as the genealogy of self (another subject of psychonalisis despised by both Deleuze, Guattari and their rizomatic hypothesis), pathology (which more than sickness is that reguarded as to what we carry, the affection of our history) and even perversion. For god sakes, him being one of the biggest advocates of psychoanalisis has an essay called "Enjoy your symptom!" and a documentary called "The pervert's guide to cinema."
On the problem of genealogy which has the risk to be interpreted as generality we need to look to Derrida, and all he has written upon the problems of limit, constitution (on the broadest sense of the word, yes, all of it, political, judicial, empiric, categoric, lingüistic, and philosophical sense), particularity, sameness (or Ipse in his terms), difference, and of course differance. Biggest flaw in Deleuze's part which is one of Derrida's milestones? The problem with otherness and hospitality.
Otherwise Deleuze and Guattari can get me on my nerves, their work is way too biased, too driven, they truly had the need to brake down that which preceded them, instead of realizing that it still precedes them and thus defines them wether they like it or not.
This is so interesting ! Thank you for this video .
2:47 Those visuals are too funny. LOOOOOOOL
Those philosophers could have been brothers by years.
In the words of Ben Franklin: "Those who sacrifice freedom for security, will not receive and do not deserve either." (Not the exact wording)
People normally fall apart when given absolute power and freedom; give any average man on the streets a billion dollars and, on average, he will crumble under the pressure to act wisely with his newfound gifts and, instead, begin to spend his money wildly and act without thought for his own well being. What a man will do when given absolute control over his life can be truly frightening.
The truth is, we all want structure; we all desire an authoritative figure to replace the chaos that free will implies with a set of laws that order our lives into a simplified, dogmatic lifestyle. Individualism is a hard moral principle to swallow in its entirety; whereas communalism and dogmatism are much easier to adhere to.
For me, this seems to be why many people look to God. God acts as this structuring figure, this strict father figure and nurturing mother, that we all crave. God, thereby, determines who we hang out with, the people and things we hate, what morals we follow, and many of the daily activities and hobbies we partake in.
God offers us a safe haven from the chaos that is our own ability to self determine and gives us something to belong to. This is the pragmatic solution that is God.
P.S. Don't take what I say seriously. I am merely an engineering student looking for a way to shrug off my own responsibilities, i.e. FINAL EXAMS!!!
I'm pretty sure what people actually crave is Anarchy. Humans desire two things above all else, growth and freedom. While Facism is the undermining of the growth and freedom of all for the benefit of the ruler.
As such it should be a miracle to find a person that doesn't instinctively gag at the idea of being ruled over by the same strong beings that everybody instinctively seeks to surpass.
It should be no surprise that Anarchy is the state everyone is constantly trying to reach, a state of voluntary self governance where the world is run by the people, for the people; free from even the remote possibility of a tyrant who seeks their own ends coming into existence that would control others for their own sake, regardless of if said tyrant was elected or took power by force.
The only thing worse than a Tyrant... Is the Idiocracy.
Anti oedipus doesn’t blame everything on Freud, but rather says “look what Freud discovered”. Freud more or less showed the Oedipal complex as a force of repression. Deleuze doesn’t just say “Freud bad”. Read the book.
Freud's all over it, every time I reject him I catch myself in the lie. Worst/best stuff I've ever read.
Wisecrack, you are my new favorite channel. I want to bear your children.