Another Controversial Episode, Skipped Content - Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation II Episode 7

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @altoguy16499
    @altoguy16499 Рік тому +203

    Honestly, everything they're doing with Julie is perfect in this season. In the novels, she's just kinda there in many of these scenes. In the anime, she has so much more personality even in just the few scenes she's been in

    • @seprotide4163
      @seprotide4163 Рік тому +14

      Yeah they did a great job with facial expressions and stuff lol I was dying the whole episode at her faces

    • @craigpeoples9883
      @craigpeoples9883 Рік тому

      ​@@seprotide4163Who knew you could make a little girl cry with a pair of underwear

    • @Emilis2023
      @Emilis2023 Рік тому +5

      I was thinking the same thing when I watched it. She really felt like an after thought in the LN who just got included in mental lists of who is located where now and then. I mean it is only the next episode with her, but at least getting to visually see her in places she'd be gives her a lot more presence than you'd get from reading about events where Rudy just wouldn't have all that much reason to mention her.

  • @BuddyChy
    @BuddyChy Рік тому +156

    I don’t think it’s really that comparable to the way he was bullied in his previous life. This isn’t to say he handle this situation entirely appropriately. He went overboard for sure, but that’s no excuse to incorrectly compare it to something completely different. Luckily he deescalated the situation, that he started, and resolved it rather fairly. Those two bullies did deserve SOME form of punishment after all. Also, he didn’t “strip them down” in the way your insinuating. They ended up wetting themselves when tied up. Removing, cleaning, drying, and returning their soaked and smelly clothes was the appropriate and considerate thing to do rather than make them leave his dorm in that gross state. He’s no less a pervert than we know he is, of course, but that’s separate from the reality of cleaning them up for THEIR sake so they can travel back across campus in clean clothes. Imagine the embarrassment of getting caught in the middle of campus wearing piss soaked clothes, especially those who can smell it like their fellow beast folk.

    • @gerarddicairano4974
      @gerarddicairano4974 Рік тому +42

      I agree. Being an anime only person, I would reason that him being bullied probably added to his anger towards these bullies, but that's it. He reopened the wound, but he didn't start something with someone unprovoked, or seek to humiliate someone because they were trying to do the right thing (as what happened to him in his past life). I also think it was jarring to people because Rudy's been pretty apathetic/timid this whole season until now. Though I'll admit, I didn't know he went THAT hard for Roxy (In a way, she was his savior in this world bringing him out for the first time).

    • @jebes909090
      @jebes909090 Рік тому

      ah yes for 'thier' sake .............WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!? read what you just said man. come on. the guy beat unconcious two women. tied them up, brought them to his room. sexually assaulted one of them. starved them and made them soil themselves because he left them tied to chairs for a day. that would get him put in jail for like 10 years(at least) in our times. and all over a stupid figurine that he could easily fix. oh and he did this all infront of a 6 year old.

    • @TheUndefeatedMeat
      @TheUndefeatedMeat Рік тому +11

      @@gerarddicairano4974our lil homie rudeus is definitely a hardcore religious believer. Sort of spoiler coming up but sort of an obvious one but if you dont wanna know then dont continue reading.
      \/ \/ \/ Spoiler Below!!!!!! \/ \/ \/
      Homie in the future creates a full religion with 3 holy relics and 3 goddesses( his wives) and worships them his entire life. Its hilarious but honestly wholesome if you disregard the holy relic 😂. I dont know if his future wives know about the relics though.

    • @xqzqcv7950
      @xqzqcv7950 Рік тому +3

      ​@@TheUndefeatedMeatHopefully thats kept and these two girls become the first followers
      Boss can be the title of the high priest or something lol

    • @TheTurtlebot
      @TheTurtlebot 11 місяців тому

      Agree and disagree. The actual actions were somewhat different but u could definitely see how it could have a similar effect of being absolutely humiliating. Also the 2 incidents had similar start points where the girls did something that pissed Rudy off the same way he pissed off the bullies in his previous life. In neither case was the offense the end of world (as Rudy realized himself he could just fix the figurine) and the retaliation was so above and beyond dehumanizing and humiliating in a very similar (albeit slightly different) manner. Gotta think it would ring some bells for Rudy at some point, but given that it didn't, it at least showed the reader/watcher just how much Rudy was not thinking straight in this moment due to the figurine being destroyed, zanoba being bullied, and his ED

  • @tiagomudkip
    @tiagomudkip Рік тому +82

    Props to the animation production, s2 anime has been on rising trend for a while and this ep was on par with S1.

    • @48cxy2
      @48cxy2 Рік тому +4

      I noticed that too! I was like, "We peak again!"

    • @yariyuusha3213
      @yariyuusha3213 Рік тому +4

      for real the animation quality on this episode was on par with the 1st season

  • @crytac
    @crytac Рік тому +65

    I went into this episode knowing what was going to happen but Studio bind did a good job with this episode, easily one of the funniest episodes of an anime i have seen. From zenobas reaction to rudy asking about the roxy figure to linia and pursenas interactions with each other. Amazing episode.

    • @Aivur.Marshmallow
      @Aivur.Marshmallow Рік тому +1

      You clearly haven't watched Daily Lives of Highschool Boys

    • @_KillerD_
      @_KillerD_ Рік тому +7

      ​@@Aivur.Marshmallowyou clearly haven't 🤓

    • @kurokishizx
      @kurokishizx Рік тому +1

      Bro did not watch enough funny eps

  • @pauandres6815
    @pauandres6815 Рік тому +34

    My only complaint about the ep is that when Ariel planed to beat the bullies (or was it sylphy plan? cant remember) to gain favour from the students it was Sylphy who took down the beast minions and Linia and Purusena all by herself. When shes in the room and they talk back she seems scared for a second. Although they are questioning why is Fits there "this is none of your bussiness" Sylphy is not scared, the beast girls are more scared of "him" than the other way around and i didnt like that... Everything else was on point imo... Also they did amazing with Julie, shes the best. The scene where they start chanting "Roxy, Roxy!" and she joins is priceless, i was dying laughin...

  • @nokts3823
    @nokts3823 Рік тому +50

    He would only be doing the same thing that was done to him if he stripped them naked and tied them up for the whole school to see. Which he didn't. 'Groping experiment' aside, he only had them change clothes because they were soaked in pee, which is quite possibly way more humiliating than the alternative.
    So no, he didn't act like the bullies from his previous life acted at the time at all. And even if he did, it would still make sense for his character because Linia and Pursena ARE bullies. The anime doesn't show much, but these two can get quite nasty. It wouldn't be particularly strange if that triggered Rudeus' trauma and he wanted to pay them in kind. That didn't happen though, and here everything was portrayed mostly in a lighthearted fashion.
    At this point I feel like people are just desperately looking for controversy where there is none. But of course, if you look hard enough, you might even see Jesus' face on the piece of toast you had for breakfast.

    • @abd123bd8
      @abd123bd8 Рік тому +4

      It's controversial because the anime didn't give context. Unlike the LN, the anime didn't give the viewers enough reasons to make them deserve the humiliation.

    • @konvex69
      @konvex69 Рік тому

      ITS NOT THAT DEEP, not every anime has to be a fuckin literature or a reflection of social science in the real world. At the end of the day its a fucking guy who got reincarnated as a kid then started being op af. if you dont draw the line on the event that happened prior then how tf did you get up to this point in the 2nd season. The only reason ive watched this show this long is its funny af although i dont condone any of the shit that gets brought up, that doesnt mean i cant like the show since it has somewhat of a world bullding and a comedic effect. If you take life advice or just use anime as a reflection of the real world then grow up, anime isnt supposed to be consumed that way and when it does then GREAT but for the vast majority of shounen anime or at least the ones in the mainstream are not particularly supposed to be taken seriously even if they show the slightest bit of emotion like sadness theyre still far off from reality. I will also remind you that anime is an exaggerated form of media, if you take a line from an anime and genuinely say it irl, chanced are its gonna be hella cringe, i mean imagine a fucking kid reciting the entire moveset of thunderbreathing and acting out the fucking poses and that is cringe.

    • @magistersolis.3750
      @magistersolis.3750 3 місяці тому

      Rudeus is flawed when it comes to revenge as we see many times.

  • @skyshatter3633
    @skyshatter3633 Рік тому +10

    Pursena trying to throw Linia under the bus and Linia reactions were 2 of my favorite moments ever
    Also when Rudy showed the holy idol you can see both Pursena and Linia being scared but then they turn their heads and see how scared Zanoba is and their look just changed from being scared to terrified

  • @7sevin7
    @7sevin7 Рік тому +11

    In the light novel they dig into Rudeous's thoughts a bit more, and there's this question. As soon as Rudy catches them he doesn't know what to do with them. They show this when he goes to Fitz, but from the start he really doesn't know what to do. The groping bit is bad, but Rudy's a perv always has been, we all know that, and he's looking for the cure that he was promised by Hitogami at the school. The scene that Rudy and Fitz come back to looks really bad too but what had happened was they tied them up and then left them there, (doing nothing else I might add,) as they tried to figure out what to do with them. Rudy threatens to strip them and all that, because of what the Doldias did to him but he doesn't do it. It's brief in the anime but the reason Fitz is washing their panties is because they were tied up so long without being able to go to the bathroom that they wet themselves. it wasn't like they were abused or anything, they're really just that messy. I'm pretty sure in the LN he actually does choose to kidnap them because he doesn't want to make it public like was done to him in a previous life.

  • @shamelblack4559
    @shamelblack4559 Рік тому +20

    To be fair, it was presented in a way that Sylphie was the one who took their panties off and only did so to clean them (not to purposely humiliate them like what was done to Rudy). While tying them up was a parallel for sure, they weren't really stripped down by Rudy according to the presentation of the anime. It might've been presented to look like Sylphie did it to lessen the controversy of the whole dilemma, since Rudy tying up and groping Pursena's boobs was already bad enough.

  • @BigBadDogIV
    @BigBadDogIV Рік тому +9

    I support Rudeus bullying bullies to stop them from bullying. Rudeus bullied them that way because they were already bullying others that way. They even said at the start of the fight that they were going to strip Rudeus naked and throw water all over him. But thanks to Rudeus they ain't doing that kind of shit anymore. His actions were justified not only by their own actions but also by his results.

  • @ainz0oalG
    @ainz0oalG Рік тому +32

    I enjoy watching the different perspective of knowing 100% its Sylphie. Feels like a remix of song or something. Still as enjoyable with a different twist.

    • @BuddyChy
      @BuddyChy Рік тому +12

      Absolutely, it think this is the best way to adapt it. Instead of trying too hard to fool the audience, especially in a visual medium where you actually have to show the character and hear their voice, they can focus on the important part which is that this is Sylphie and this is her perspective and they don’t have to shy away from showing everything going on and her interactions with Ariel and Luke,

  • @johnnyxxxv
    @johnnyxxxv Рік тому +15

    I may be remembering it wrong, but I believe that the figurine was so detailed, that the holy relic was recognised as the same one the figurine had, which adds to the credibility that it is indeed, an image of his goddess

  • @julioakamine
    @julioakamine Рік тому +19

    Imouto-deshi is actually a denomination to refer to newer female disciples. It does not necesseraly mean that she isn't being treated as if she was zanoba's sister; she can be imouto and imouto-deshi at the same time. Of course, the anime did not expand upon that if that was on the novels

    • @lenayx
      @lenayx Рік тому +5

      Yeah, the translation was on point with the Japanese dialogue.

  • @andrewsheppard1940
    @andrewsheppard1940 Рік тому +29

    Hillarious episode though

    • @deathsreapers94
      @deathsreapers94 Рік тому +5

      I really loved this episode it was great.

    • @geozred4560
      @geozred4560 Рік тому +2

      I was dying laughing at so many parts lmao

  • @kristoffer2250
    @kristoffer2250 Рік тому +6

    It's still so funny seeing light novel readers trying to explain that Roxyism is not something perverted but is literally, in all sense of the word, Rudeus' religion.

  • @CainLupus
    @CainLupus Рік тому +6

    On the Julie "junior disciple" vs "little sister" deal. In the east there's this dynamic between masters and disciples where that relationship is considered a bond as strong as the bond between a parent and child. Likewise, the bond between disciples is a similar bond between siblings (in West Virginia, cause there's usually not much restriction on them becoming romantically involved) so for "imouto" to be translated as "junior disciple" in this case is probably pretty accurate.

  • @justinwiththebadconnection1218

    Great content man!! I loved these 2 controversial episodes and like you said “I can’t defend Rudy”, but I’m glad we can experience his human moments.

  • @BuddyChy
    @BuddyChy Рік тому +19

    Ooooooooh, shoot! I almost forgot! The other little detail that some anime only people won’t know is that these two girls have been the ultimate bullies terrorizing the entire school ever since they enrolled. As far as the viewers know, all they did was beat Zanoba in a duel and break his Roxy figure. I don’t think the extent of their bullying was quite made clear in the anime yet. Yikes, they probably should’ve set them up a little better in that case. I think the only mentions were that they were antagonizing Zanoba when they met in home room and when they had lunch and talked about them.

    • @Mirality
      @Mirality Рік тому +4

      Yeah, so far the anime has only shown them being mildly bratty in homeroom, plus the figurine (which was mostly Zenoba's fault anyway since he wagered it). So it seems like a completely unjustifiable overreaction.

  • @Carbon_Soda
    @Carbon_Soda Рік тому +6

    They're really nailing all of the moments involving Julie, and doing a banger job of Fitz (I mean, as good as it can now without the identity thing), but I do have a small gripe that I kinda wished they'd try to get a recreation of the illustration we get in the LN of Fitz trying the pillow

  • @garyandchicahoff9739
    @garyandchicahoff9739 Місяць тому

    Found your channel 2 days ago and I'm on 22/50 of this playlist. You are doing a great job sharing your passion with us making these videos. Thank you!

  • @user-gs8pf3sc3x
    @user-gs8pf3sc3x Рік тому +10

    Another episode that Western viewers gonna get trigger.

    • @Primal5416
      @Primal5416 11 місяців тому

      So f them

    • @magistersolis.3750
      @magistersolis.3750 3 місяці тому

      @@Primal5416Agreed but I think story wise it makes sense but also it isn’t right.
      And that is made very clear by the characters in said story.

  • @MrDaveSky
    @MrDaveSky Рік тому +12

    After watching your video, i believe that the reason why rudeus did exactly the same things he experienced in high school, is maybe because of exactly that: retribution.
    On his mind, all he knew was that they were bullying, that they defiled his religion, his friend, and that at one moment, they even ganged up on "his" master fitz.
    I agree that he should have been more minded about feelings.
    But i WANT to believe that it might have been because he thought they were really deserving of the same treatment he had to go through.

    • @BuddyChy
      @BuddyChy Рік тому +16

      Difference also is he kept this situation private and purposely DIDNT want them to be publicly humiliated which is the opposite of what happened to him. If anything, that’s pretty considerate to show a pair of bullies that much respect. The only thing made public was simply the silly paint on their face so people know they lost to Rudy. He could’ve took all of their clothes off and then force them into the hallway of the men’s dorm where they would’ve had to make their way through the dorm, out onto the open campus and to their dorm completely naked. I know this sounds like justifying something bad by comparing it to something worse, but we simply can’t ignore the reality that Rudy isn’t evil. He hates bullies, he wants them to stop being bullies, but he doesn’t want them to be bullied either. If it were up to him, everyone would be able to live peacefully and treat one another with kindness and respect without being bullied. That’s a pretty admirable dream.

    • @alexucon
      @alexucon Рік тому

      He didn't

  • @13thGeek
    @13thGeek Рік тому +6

    The anime hasn’t taken the time to show that Linia and Pursena are “bad girls” that are known bullies, almost gang leaders, to the student body not just to Zanoba and needed to be humbled. Then they discover they’re dealing with a ridiculously strong psychopath who worships a pair of panties. Zanoba I think understands the gravity of the situation where Rudy reveals just how DEEP his devotion to Roxy truly goes and is horrified at the implication of placing the figurine in jeopardy as he did. Zanoba humps statues naked, a pair of panties is mild compared to the stuff nobles got up to in Shirone.

  • @BluRacer7
    @BluRacer7 2 дні тому

    14:27 Looking back at that scene with the still you showed, I just realised that Rudeus' is doing Eris' pose arms folded and widen leg stance with the cold expression. 🤣

  • @jamie4993
    @jamie4993 Рік тому +7

    As I said elsewhere, Rudeus is capable of being extremely impulsive and he acts without thinking through the consequences. That same tendency has gotten people killed in the past. Here he *just* kidnapped two girls, molested one and completely disregarded their physical needs and limits while keeping them. I find it entirely within character for him here, unfortunate though it may be.
    And I thought the Sylphie-centric prologue was well crafted exposition and frankly made me tear up a bit seeing her struggle with her feelings over Rudeus.

    • @brunolopes2205
      @brunolopes2205 Рік тому +5

      lol... I can understand what u're saying but.... the weay you described it, anyone who hasnt watched it would assume something much worse than what actually happened. Rudeus completely de-escalated the situation. She touched a boob and left them without food for less than 24 hours.

    • @jebes909090
      @jebes909090 Рік тому +3

      @@brunolopes2205 'thats all i did officer'
      officer "oh you ONLY touched her boob after knocking her out, tying her up and kidnapping her. thats totally ok man"

    • @komi___
      @komi___ Рік тому +1

      @@jebes909090 Anyone would have done the same in his place (both the ED and wanting to teach bullies a lesson).

    • @brunolopes2205
      @brunolopes2205 Рік тому

      @@jebes909090 That's a fallacy... I didn't downplay the seriousness of anything. I just pointed out that he was overreaching with the description. Not to mention the conduct of both girls themselves serve as mitigators. They are bullies.

  • @kristoffer2250
    @kristoffer2250 Рік тому +4

    I feel like this was a setup to a payoff that was Rudeus realizing that Power = Confidence. Which almost lead to his bully arc. There was a payoff, but it was a monologue where he realized that maybe this isn't the right way to go.

  • @fran13r
    @fran13r Рік тому +10

    I'm not saying he was justified, I'm just saying they fucked around and found out. 😂😂😂

  • @sub2ampio
    @sub2ampio Рік тому +2

    In this episode (s2 e7), it looked like to me that it's not that Rudy is not adverse to forced servitude, but that it's that he does not recognize Julie as being in "forced servitude" at this point of the story. Here is the related quote of Rudy's thoughts from this episode: "Most sl*ves are branded or marked with special spells so they can't escape. Julie isn't a sl*ve, though. She's my apprentice, and Zanoba's junior disciple."
    A couple other important parts of this episode were 1) regarding the reverse bullying--something I think people forget is that Fitz may be looked at as part of the Student Council, since she reports to Princess Ariel, so Linia and Pursena should have really given Fitz respect for that reason alone (though perhaps it's understandable they were not in a good state of mind to do so); 2) we finally get confirmation in the anime here that Fitz is hiding her identity under Princess Ariel's orders (assuming she's telling Rudy the truth).

  • @Ezrosh
    @Ezrosh Рік тому +4

    By the way about sister - didn’t seen it in japanese, but in chinese novels they call pupils of same master brother/sister.

  • @1stMolten_Alchemist
    @1stMolten_Alchemist Рік тому +1

    Absolutely enjoyed your breakdowns of this series and thank you for understanding the Manga. yes Rudeus actions are deplorable in what he does but there part of the development of his character, the negativity that exploded in the comments section on CR was mind-blowing. So again ty for making me become an instant subscriber. looking forward to your next one.

  • @invictacaelus6737
    @invictacaelus6737 Рік тому +3

    Slavery is legal in that world, He was sexually assaulted by the beast people and several other instances that have happened indicate that our world's morality does not apply there. In no way am I justifying his actions, and it's important to note the stark contrast in cultural tolerances. The story is written this way in order to provoke thought and discussion. It's quality story telling.

  • @orelzlevi7751
    @orelzlevi7751 Рік тому +4

    I Loved the scene where They both jump out the windows "sorry rudeus" "bye boss" YEET OUT

  • @PatientEnd
    @PatientEnd Рік тому +2

    thank you for this video and because of you I am strongly thinking about reading the novel

  • @RichyCapy
    @RichyCapy Рік тому +1

    I think one of the main reason in to why a lot of people think this and the previous episodes are very controversial, is because the anime is skipping A LOT of important content.
    Both Linia and Pursena were basically gang members, since they are kinda “important” in their village (Linia been the daughter of the chief), they bullied and mistreated all other students, the only ones they didnt mess with is the princes Ariel and company, because when the princes Ariel enrolled, Linia and Pursena try to beat her but Fitz beat them both, to which they try ganging up on the princes again, this time with a lot they subordinates, but Fitz beat them again. (Fitz is REALLY a powerhouse, which isn't shown in the anime). They ignored Rudeus when he enrolled because they knew that Rudeus had meet with her father in the past.
    So, when Rudeus beat them, they stop bulling other people. He stopped this harassment that had been going for years.
    BTW, in the novel, Pursena did cast her movement magic, to which Rudeus overpower it and broke free. In the anime, he stopped Pursena from casting it.

  • @Soulwrite7
    @Soulwrite7 Рік тому +1

    So even with the given context, I don't think the two are comparable.
    1) Group battle against a single weaker opponent. Continued harassment. Public and permanent, shaming of their nude, vulnerable, and restrained form. It is not out of the question that he was touched inappropriately, the nature of crowds and public shaming - consider the Marina Abramovic experiment, but if it was a man instead. We don't know how long he was strung up or how he got down.
    2) Honorable 2v2, equal team vs lop-sided team. Private restraint, no full nudity, no sexual assault aside from what clothed chest can tell. Finally the removal of clothing and cleaning is what is done for restrained prisoners, elderly, and infants - while humiliating was not done so with that intent, nor was it done publicly or recorded for distribution. Lastly the 1-day face ink markings, on them when they only have to attend homeroom is a lesser punishment when considered room confinement.

  • @JefferyThomasWritesCode
    @JefferyThomasWritesCode Рік тому +2

    Not to defend Rudeus, but to me this was a straight up revenge fantasy. Tying up and humiliating bullies is revenge for what the bullies did to him. I don’t think it’s a deliberate choice on Rudeus’ part, but in his rage, it was permissible (in his own mind) because his past experience. Zanoba’s reactions shows how far out of line it is. At every point Zanoba is confused at first, but then decides to blindly accept his master’s choices.
    By the way, on Mushoku Monday, you didn’t seem to know why Linia and Pursena acted like that when meeting Roxy. This incident is why. They’ve seen the figurine, they heard Rudeus chanting “Roxy,” they saw the holy relic. They knew who Roxy was.

    • @TheConarai
      @TheConarai Рік тому

      ah! spoiler warning my guy!

  • @JoseLopez-gi9sf
    @JoseLopez-gi9sf Рік тому +2

    I read the web novel so I may be confused. You said she smelled his SA but what I remember is that the beast folk can smell excitement. And to them excitement means hornyness. And humans can go any time while beast only have the mating season. So she was freaking out her chest was being groped but calmed down a bit because she couldn't smell excitement from him. So she was the first to know without being told that he has ED and no drive to do that. And she offers cat girl because her chest is smaller so she is worth less in that part. But yeah that's why Rudy was kidnapped by the beast because they smelled his excitement of petting the dog and took that as hornyness. But humans can be excited without being horny.
    And they only made him his boss because he did see them at their most vulnerable. To the Beast folk being wet and naked is the same as when you are born. Which is when you are most vulnerable. And if he was able to do that to them that makes him the boss. Because he choose not to kill them at the most vulnerable.

  • @reignmans
    @reignmans Рік тому +3

    not comparable with his previous life and what happened to him.
    he wasnt a bully that got humbled. he was a dude that just told some other dudes to follow the rules and etiquette... and they went out of their way to make his life miserable. public humiliation etc.
    on the other hand linia and pursena were bullies that terrorized the whole academy and he humbled them.
    i also think (i havent read the novels so its just a guess) that he treated them that way because he lived for some months amongst beast people and knew how they react to certain things... so i guess dominating them and having them submit to him is gonna make both of them his followers? pursena already calling him boss :p

    • @BuddyChy
      @BuddyChy Рік тому +1

      Yes, though he didn’t really have any intentions for them to specifically be his followers. That part he overlooked, but using what he knows as leverage was definitely intentional and it worked. He simply want them to see the error of their ways and then make sure that they wouldn’t retaliate.

  • @DutchDread
    @DutchDread Рік тому +2

    Sylphie mentally preparing for eris lol

  • @DutchDread
    @DutchDread Рік тому +2

    I'm certain the people who will complain about this didn't complain when the beast folk similarly assaulted Rudeus when they stripped him bare against his will and threw him in a public jail cell, therefore their complaints can safely be ignored as the demented ramblings of hypocrites.

  • @astrojudebob
    @astrojudebob Рік тому +2

    Thanks! I know this was a tough one, lol

  • @yarko9877
    @yarko9877 Рік тому +11

    yeah right. On school gates and in a room is the same, sure my guy. He did what he couldn't do in his previous life with those guys. Just because they cute anime girls doesn't change fact that they bully, u even read source and u defending them lol. If not princess group, situation would be much worse.

  • @Crazael
    @Crazael 10 місяців тому

    My favorite thing about the opening to this episode is Sylphie thinking to herself that she's trying to do what she believes Rudeus would be doing, just as the man himself goes running past in the background, with neither noticing the other and doing basically the same thing she's doing.
    The whole "But you can do it to her" "Yeah, you can do it to me... wait, what!?" dynamic is hilarious and makes me smile every time it happens.

  • @Deadi12
    @Deadi12 2 місяці тому

    When you consider what the beast folk did to Rudy they were probably expecting a much worse punishment to happen.

  • @sajuckkhar8612
    @sajuckkhar8612 Рік тому +4

    Jesus Christ why are u apologizing, not like you wrote it. You just reviewing it.

  • @briandavis7761
    @briandavis7761 Рік тому +1

    Whenever Rudeus’s hands and fingers wiggle around, you know it’s about to get pervy!

  • @TreeStumper
    @TreeStumper Рік тому

    That’s part of Rudeus’ nature. He’s always been like that ever since season 1

  • @robinsonhiciano1586
    @robinsonhiciano1586 7 місяців тому

    It's crazy how much stuff was skipped honestly

  • @AstralSamurhigh
    @AstralSamurhigh Рік тому

    “Another CoNtRoVeRtIAL episode” you wet blanket.

  • @hmmmmname
    @hmmmmname Рік тому

    I just realized we're getting our boy next episode, I can't wait.

  • @cryptokey1986
    @cryptokey1986 Рік тому +3

    It was a really good episode honestly.

  • @superserperioryt3108
    @superserperioryt3108 Рік тому +9

    im so happy with this episode lol, it was great

  • @InstanRamen
    @InstanRamen Рік тому +2

    Zanoba VA great here, Jullie Adorable, Pursena and Linia so funny

  • @nicolaasvanvliet-hg3iu
    @nicolaasvanvliet-hg3iu 6 місяців тому

    21:33 I was laughing my ass off at this scene as well as being weirded out

  • @gamer21gamerboy21
    @gamer21gamerboy21 Рік тому

    it's a good move he wanted to test if he still has ED lol

  • @nimmannapatra6230
    @nimmannapatra6230 Рік тому

    Very good analysis! Thank you!

  • @tahaloutfi8844
    @tahaloutfi8844 Рік тому

    Mushoku Tensei: releases episode 12
    Twitter trying to find controversial topics: there's one! And another! And another!
    If you get the reference, you are a legend.

  • @Sir_Panda007
    @Sir_Panda007 Рік тому

    Each episode that comes out, is my new fav of the season lol. Also Julie is so adorable, love her being part of the the crew and getting to see more of her grow up and have more personality.

  • @E_D___
    @E_D___ 2 місяці тому

    Most people who cry about those kind of stuff probably didn't even watch the episode.

  • @ConsoleFreaked
    @ConsoleFreaked Рік тому

    I was waiting for this video

  • @AzureRadio
    @AzureRadio Рік тому

    Thats how characters grow. Characters have flaws, because PEOPLE have flaws.

  • @MlGHTY1
    @MlGHTY1 Рік тому +15

    I love Rudy 's way of thinking !
    Haters go to your little basement and cry

  • @KyleH20s
    @KyleH20s Рік тому +1

    i agree and i was also surprised he tied them up since that did happen to him , but i can also see him doing that because of how defensive he is over the Roxy figure LOL, i cba with all the controversy claims people have about it, finally we get a real anime where the innocent MC doesn't have a full blown harem in 5 episodes. i really enjoy watching Rudy struggle with finding himself and growing as a person, he knew what he did was wrong and thoughts are harmless most animes would just ignore any kind of bad thought and i find the show a lot more interesting that they don't hold back or shy away with reality in that regard

  • @linhbuihoang1067
    @linhbuihoang1067 Рік тому

    If my memory is correct, the "junior disciple" translation isn't correct, because Zanoba referred to Julie as 妹弟子. The first kanji really is for "little sister", but that's just how a student would refer to a girl that joins under the same school/master later. I'm not saying that they don't treat her like a little sister because they definitely do tho.

  • @SilasSeiler
    @SilasSeiler Рік тому +5

    Don't we all wish we could cope a feel of some beast booba

    • @latarniamorska6336
      @latarniamorska6336 Рік тому +2

      Facts. and i beg every r34 anime artist to do something with those girls

    • @latarniamorska6336
      @latarniamorska6336 Рік тому +1

      and i know them artist would be able to handle it cuz idk if you have seen the ghislaine animation but... its peak

  • @Antonfinger1
    @Antonfinger1 2 місяці тому

    I think it was a personal matter now he had the power to fight back that bullies and he saw this them as a mirror to his old life , it was like he saw himself in zanoba thats why he helped him and did the same to them what they did to him, it doesnt justiy it or make it any better but from a point of view of a bullied person it makes sense

  • @itvirgil
    @itvirgil Рік тому

    One note about the pillow. In Japan there's a common kind of pillow that's filled with buckwheat hulls. They're somewhat malleable to fit your head/neck but once you lay your weight on it the hulls press together and it becomes rigid in that shape. They make a distinct sound as the hulls grind together. I'm guessing rudeus tried to copy that kind of pillow which he was very familiar with.

  • @jaeger7498
    @jaeger7498 4 місяці тому

    Its too bad that they didnt only red out Rudy's demon eye, wouldve been better attemtion to detail. The Julie sneaking around to hide behind Zanoba was great

  • @raymondantoni7
    @raymondantoni7 2 місяці тому

    And another thing that makes him look bad by tying them up their technically princesses from the great forest and the fact he knows the chief

  • @jesusjimenez5888
    @jesusjimenez5888 Рік тому

    Lmao great video man love the way u explain everything funny 🤣 ty man

  • @Ezrosh
    @Ezrosh Рік тому +5

    What good in this series, that its about humans. Not archetypes, but flawed and realistic humans. How they live and change for the better themself and people around. Rudeus started (because of bullying, but still) as total scum. He himself admits it. But he starting to change, step at the time.
    One of facts if isekai - with memories of past life you don’t gain cheat knowledge, you keep your inner problems and world views. So if you take dirty scum otaku, he will not change in day, even in years, even if he wants. But still, he can. Its one of monumental ideas of series. If even Rudeus can, you can do it too.

  • @LloydRyannS
    @LloydRyannS Рік тому

    Kidnapping, sexual assault, illegal confinement
    I rest my case your honor.

  • @johnswegan2112
    @johnswegan2112 Місяць тому

    One thing you forgot was, by rights, Rudeus could have used the beast-folks own form of justice on the girls and they would have understood. After all, he'd suffered the same fate as he woke up naked in a cell for petting their sacred beast. By the rules of the beast tribe, he should have stripped them, and dowsed them with cold water. He would be required to feed them and provide a bucket for body functions. It's just a good thing he had ED and it wasn't mating season. His harem would have started early.
    Rufujin did well, I feel in limiting it to a couple of boob grabs. As you stated, I think that was because of his own humiliation in his previous life. His cleanup after their accidents? Pursina was aware he wasn't turned on. She has a great nose for that sort of thing.😊
    As controversial as this episode was, it actually shows Rudy being conservative in not following beast-folk laws, but actually going low key.

  • @elganso1000
    @elganso1000 Рік тому

    100% of people who think this is "wrong of Rudy" wouldn't bat an eye if the prisoners were male. The only thing Rudy did wrong here is grope her.

  • @SeismicWolf
    @SeismicWolf Рік тому +1

    To be fair...Much of this Information (Linia and Pursena backstory )may have been included in a future episode....

  • @warlordhax5995
    @warlordhax5995 Рік тому

    Thank you for the context that's not obvious(for me at least ) in the ep

  • @xqzqcv7950
    @xqzqcv7950 Рік тому +1

    As i saw someone else mention.. leaning into what was said in this vid on when she smelled Rudy first time met.
    Pursena would also be able to smell that Rudy wasnt aroused or excited in anyway when touching her so that also played into her thoughts in that whole thing

  • @sladewilson9273
    @sladewilson9273 Рік тому

    Remember another aspect is the beast peoples way of punishment is stripping the person naked and splashing water on them. So thats sonething contextual to remember.

  • @peachibread1983
    @peachibread1983 Рік тому

    Very good episode, agree with a lot of your takes
    Was interesting to see Rudy actually get angry for once

  • @nicholashortonjustice4rebe378

    I can Relate to Rudeus & Sylphy, because I was Bullied as a Kid...

  • @duhalt
    @duhalt Рік тому +2

    Excellent episode, great adaptation, don't follow any of the outrage.
    Happy Mushoku Sunday's!!! Great job Andrew.

  • @justheretolook170
    @justheretolook170 Рік тому

    It's not the same he stood up too someone from cutting in line and he got stiped and tied up and they took pictures, it's completely different the beast girls got provoked and attacked him , and broke the Roxy thing , he just wanted to teach them a lesson after all that

  • @171sako
    @171sako Рік тому

    Anyone caught on to the intent stare cat girl was giving to doggo girl when Rudeus groped her? Almost as if jealous. Or was that just me

  • @sidneyrodrigues2238
    @sidneyrodrigues2238 Рік тому

    Tourist being tourists

  • @brandonshelp4682
    @brandonshelp4682 Рік тому

    Personally, I find it hilarious how harsh people judge Rudy despite him being FAR more merciful than the vast majority of the world he finds himself in. In a harsh world, one must be more harsh to survive.
    Further, Rudy is not being the bully he was terrorized by. Other media makes it much more clear what bullies the girls were. Rudy got sick of trying to lay low and took down the bullues. The primary reason people have issues with it is that they were girls and he got handsy.

  • @xqzqcv7950
    @xqzqcv7950 Рік тому +2

    Normal Doldia punishment is stripped naked and splashed with water, thats not really anything out of ordinary for them
    And as seen with when We saw they also show their bellies and ask to do anything.. touch is also normal
    Geis and the woman who threw water on Rudeus volunteered that.

    • @xqzqcv7950
      @xqzqcv7950 Рік тому +2

      Same as when Phillip with no complaints or hesitation walked up to Sauros and took a hit. Thats just the name of the game
      Phillip had no animosity to his father

  • @JamesChristie88
    @JamesChristie88 Рік тому

    I think one other thing to keep in mind...
    Before I do say it, no matter what I say, it is not not ever will be a real life justification for doing something like this. This is a crime irl, and is a n anime so we shouldn't conflate fantasy and reality.
    Anyways, so the thing to keep in mind is that they are beastfolk. When he was imprisoned in the village he was stripped and had water doused on him for a week straight. Grant it he had his potty hole and was fed because the Pupper said to. So in his mind he sees this as a fitting punishment since he was fasley accused of violating their sacred beast and received this, essentially, as a punishment. He doesn't go so far as to throw cold water at them, so even in his warped sense of self-justification, he realizes that they don't deserve "the worst thing possible".
    He just sees stripping them naked and capturing them as the same thing if you have a child smack you you light lightly smack them back to show em that "it's not nice when you do that to other people".

  • @dongleRUST
    @dongleRUST 3 місяці тому

    ngl rudeus mad real for this one not even that wrong no cap

  • @Reacts2Reaction
    @Reacts2Reaction Рік тому +1

    To be able to hate a part of the show and still continue to watch it .. not hating the entire show is amazing.
    Mushoku does contain weird, messed up and morally wrong things that is keeping it away from being best of the best. But it's still one of the best, well written isekai/fantasy outhere

  • @Delvernacc
    @Delvernacc Рік тому +1

    Sigo pensando que lo que Rudius hizo no es tan grave como lo que le hicieron, a el lo expusiceron a todo el colegio, el solo lo hizo en su habitación, no digo que este bien, pero no las expuso al escarnio de toda la gente.

  • @JamesChristie88
    @JamesChristie88 Рік тому

    Also, while I'm thinking about this..
    In the scene where Fitz almost sees The Holy Relic™️ I do wish it went slightly different, especially in the books.
    Knowing what we know and who Fitz is it would have been much more interest if she managed to open it before Rudy could stop her. Fitz then asks about them, Rudy does his best to explain how he feels and this give Fitz/ Sylphie the opportunity to accept this side of Rudy. After having it explained Fitz just asks him how they're suppose to pray to them and Rudy shows her and then she claps her hands together and thanks Roxy for being there for Rudy all this time.
    Just thinking about it honestly almost brings a tear to my eye. Lmfao

  • @zoltorortegus6259
    @zoltorortegus6259 Рік тому +17

    @Otaku Spirit There's nothing controversial about this episode, the beastling princesses needed to be humbled. You can tell they are princesses though, really they couldn't last 1 day without eating/drinking lol. Also it shocks me that sylphie didn't wear her sunglasses when going on her jogs, what if someone actually saw her.

    • @HeavyTopspin
      @HeavyTopspin Рік тому +10

      The point here is that the beastgirls originally bullied Zanoba, so technically it's not Rudeus being a bully, it's him putting bullies in their place. As for his treatment of them, the initial squeeze was out of place, but everything else fits in with people whose culture's view of punishment is "strip you naked and splash water on you".

    • @BuddyChy
      @BuddyChy Рік тому +2


    • @zoltorortegus6259
      @zoltorortegus6259 Рік тому

      @@HeavyTopspin Yea exactly, any yea he even was showing respect for their culture, be it going easy on them.

    • @addidaswguy
      @addidaswguy Рік тому +2

      YES! They are bullies! I bet while they were destroying the figure Zenoba was crying and miserable.

    • @smolggenguffenfugs7844
      @smolggenguffenfugs7844 Рік тому

      @@HeavyTopspin still nothing controversial but whatever

  • @awanderer4033
    @awanderer4033 4 місяці тому

    Most people won't try to justify Rudy's actions here. I will. Linia and Pursena were bullies, they did to several other people things just as bad and sometimes worse than what Rudeus did to them. The reason Rudeus doesn't have the same "I'm a bully now" reaction is because he was giving bullies their just desserts. Keep in mind that Linia and Pursena said outright they were going to strip Rudeus naked and hang him where all the other students could see him. So he does something slightly less bad to them then what they said they were going to do to him if they won. They didn't win, and couldn't follow through with it, but they almost certainly had done that to other students before. Linia and Pursena deserved it 100% and even worse. In my eyes Rudeus went easy on them.

  • @bernabegarcia786
    @bernabegarcia786 Рік тому +1

    Bad Rudy move? The reason why I personally like this anime is because the main character is real … a real human being, these ladies disrespected the person that in Rudy eyes saved him from his old self. Also remember that back in season 1 the same was done to him on false charges it’s mentioned in the eps. So he just acting out the same Justice that beast ppl do to criminals.

  • @demoulius1529
    @demoulius1529 22 дні тому

    I dont think Rudeus getting back at the beastfolk princes is the same as his real life torture. For one, its not done publicy. Aside from the groping he also dident do anything to them either. Yeah he held them prisoner for a while but he dident r*pe them or something like that. Stripping them and washing them when they messed themself up is like... Come on. Whats the alternative? Let them sit in their own piss? If anything, that would be worse... Is it appropiate? No ofcourse not. But it dident lead up to this with intent.

  • @rallaa941
    @rallaa941 Рік тому

    Can't wait for the beastgirls to start their extortion racket in the name of their new boss.

  • @Brianworldwide_7
    @Brianworldwide_7 Рік тому

    Still enjoyed the episode a lot it was very fun to watch and funny too! Zanoba running behind pursena and juliette made it a lot better

  • @zachrohler1047
    @zachrohler1047 Рік тому

    It wasnt even that bad. Like the worst part was him forgetting to let them use the restroom. Nobody got this pissed about meliodas from 7 deadly sins literally gropping liz the entire series. Hell he even called a baby "his girl" lmao. Rudy did a grab for 2 seconds. He didnt really bully them. If you remeber the doldia tribe, their punishments were stripping people and dousing them in water. Oh dont forget the name calling. Rudy also didnt expose them to the whole school. Fuck kazuma sneaking into megumines bed in the konusouba movie is arguably worse

  • @abarette_
    @abarette_ Рік тому


  • @GamerFromJump
    @GamerFromJump Рік тому +1

    They did have it coming for a good while there, though.