Let Your Glory Fill This House - Bern and Bob 🙌🏾

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • You alone are Holy
    You alone are Worthy
    You deserve the Glory
    Jesus, You Alone.
    Stay Blessed Fam 🙏🏾✨🙏🏾
    *song by Rodney Howard-Browne


  • @jonathanlagang1613
    @jonathanlagang1613 10 місяців тому

    This is one of my favourite songs!!!.....
    God bless you Bern & Bob!!....

  • @lesegomowaisix2210
    @lesegomowaisix2210 10 місяців тому

    Thank you for such a song like this, I'm praising God right now.
    The Lord is with you and what ever you desire according to his has already come to pass. This is confirmation of how faithful he is to his Word. The Lord loves you dearly just fellowship with him like Mary did and forget about anything else ok.
    Be still and trust
    May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The love of God and the Sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you no and forevermore In Jesus Name

  • @royalprincessofthemosthigh5479
    @royalprincessofthemosthigh5479 2 місяці тому

    Praying the glory of YAHAWAH ALAHAYAM fills our temples, to give him all the praise and honour which he deserves. Holy High Priest Yahawashai write your LAW (Love at Work) on our hearts. Thank bro & sis Bob & Bern love you both ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @eugeneyegambaram8994
    @eugeneyegambaram8994 6 місяців тому

    Amen, beautifully sung with reverence!

  • @reginaldjones2056
    @reginaldjones2056 10 місяців тому

    Very pleasant... This works for me in quite time and travel.... Thanks and stay the course.

  • @-chiesadellaviacrucis3851
    @-chiesadellaviacrucis3851 Рік тому +1

    In the cross, in the cross
    Be my glo-ry ev-er;
    Till my rap-tured soul shall find
    Rest be-yond the riv-er.

  • @josueraquinard9550
    @josueraquinard9550 9 місяців тому

    Amen 😇

  • @superman4575
    @superman4575 9 місяців тому

    Psalm 145:1-7
    I will extol You, my God, O King;
    And I will bless Your name forever and ever.
    Every day I bless You,
    And I will praise Your name forever and ever.
    Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;
    And His greatness is unsearchable.
    One generation shall praise Your works to another,
    And shall declare Your mighty acts.
    I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty,
    And on Your wondrous works.
    Men shall speak of the might
    of Your awesome acts,
    And I will declare Your greatness.
    They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness,
    And shall sing of Your righteousness.