🇫🇷 REE CM 004 SNCF CC 7107 World Record 1955 331km digital Pantograph Stromabnehmer SNCF Weltrekord

  • Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
  • ✅🟢
    Modélisme ferroviaire français à l'échelle 1:87
    trenulete electrice
    Two things are certain about this REE set.
    It's the anniversary of a historic speed record.
    REE and ARTITEC have a common 3D printer somewhere in China. But, this printer seems to work well in the plastic category if we look carefully at the work from the bogies.
    The ESU 4 sound is quite well calibrated and the package also seems to be identical to the one used by ARTITEC on their locomotives. The only defect of the sound package is the lack of characteristic noise if you change the direction of travel and the pantographs ring, in which case the imitation of the contact network does not exist.
    Pleasant color for the locomotive but extremely pleasant for the wagons following the original scheme. Unfortunately REE has produced the priority set for the showcase and the lighting of the wagons is difficult but not impossible. And it's a bit of a shame because if you notice the detailing of the interior of the compartments, you tend to go up and leave with it. I was captivated by the "mirrors" in each compartment.
    Praiseworthy fact for observing the details of the locomotive control station, the side windows have a comfortable magnifying glass effect.
    The locomotive lighting is standard but also brings an intermittent pulse on headlights defined by REE as emergency lighting.
    Traction tires and a significant weight of the locomotive. The wagon turnover is very fine.
    Speaking of running, it is the most suitable frame for finding out the "shortcomings" of a diorama circuit. Both the locomotive and the wagons are incredibly fussy even for a 2mm level gap. In an elegant way, as I met at ESU, the bogies of the wagons let you adjust the balance with respect to the level of the slopes and ramps.
    Related to this, this frame was dedicated to an important historical railway record, but, after special torments, it also set the impossible record on the H0 scale to rotate on the Diorama "Infama" where it has constructively passed the technical book. For six days I worked on the tracks of the big circuit ...
    I recommend watching to the end to go through the REE set certificate data.
    Două lucruri sunt certe la acest set REE.
    Este aniversar pentru un record de viteză istoric.
    REE și ARTITEC au o imprimantă 3D comună undeva în China. Dar, imprimanta asta pare că lucrează bine la categoria plastic dacă e să analizăm atent lucrătura de la boghiuri.
    Sunet ESU 4 destul de bine calibrat pachetul părând a fi de asemenea identic cu cel folosit de ARTITEC pe locomotivele lor. Singurul defect al pachetului de sunet este lipsa de zgomot caracteristic dacă schimbi direcția de mers iar pantografele fac rocadă, caz în care imitația rețelei de contact nu există.
    Culoare plăcută pentru locomotivă dar extrem de plăcută pentru vagoane respectând schema originală. Din păcate REE a produs setul prioritar pentru vitrină și iluminarea vagoanelor este dificilă dar nu imposibilă. Și e nițel păcat pentru că dacă observi detalierea interiorului compartimentelor ai tendința să te urci și să pleci cu el. Pe mine m-au cucerit „oglinzile” din fiecare compartiment.
    Lăudabil fapt pentru observarea detaliilor de post de comandă locomotivă geamurile laterale au efect confortabil de lupă.
    Iluminatul locomotivei este standard dar aduce și un puls intermitent pe faruri definit de REE ca fiind iluminat de urgență.
    Gume de tracțiune și o greutate semnificativă a locomotivei. Rulajul vagoanelor este foarte fin.
    Apropo de rulaj, este cea mai indicată ramă pentru aflat „neajunsurile” circuitului unei diorame. Atât locomotiva cât și vagoanele sunt incredibil de mofturoase fie și pentru o diferență de 2mm de nivel șină. În manieră elegantă cum am întâlnit și la ESU boghiurile vagoanelor te lasă să reglezi balansul față de nivelul pantelor și rampelor.
    Legat de asta, această ramă a fost dedicată unui important record istoric de cale ferată dar, după chinuri aparte a mai stabilit și recordul imposibil la scara H0 de a se roti pe Diorama „Infama” acolo unde constructiv are trecut imposibil pe cartea tehnică. Șase zile am lucrat la șinele circuitului mare...
    Recomand vizionare până la final pentru a parcurge datele certificatului de set REE.
    Vizionare plăcută!
    Track: Ardent - Pratzapp [Audio Library Release]
    Music provided by Audio Library Plus
    Watch: • Ardent - Pratzapp | Fr...
    Free Download / Stream: alplus.io/ardent


  • @niculaienicoara4853
    @niculaienicoara4853 4 роки тому +3


  • @mrksausau
    @mrksausau Рік тому +1

    Quelle pièce de collection ! Déjà que ces loco sont de belles machines, mais cette CC7107 en 'spec record du monde' comme je l'appelle est d'une beauté... agressive et véloce !

    • @electrain
      @electrain  Рік тому

      entièrement d'accord. c'est aussi la raison pour laquelle j'ai en quelque sorte économisé mon portefeuille pour l'achat en sacrifiant d'autres plans. un monument historique si complexe reproduit à l'échelle 1:87 à ne pas manquer même si vous n'aimez pas la France. même si vous ne pouvez pas vous empêcher d'aimer ce pays et ses habitants. merci beaucoup d'avoir regardé. nous t'attendons.

  • @michelmorioux6869
    @michelmorioux6869 2 роки тому +2

    Bonjour, superbe reproduction très fidèlement détaillée.Bravo REE.
    Très belle vidéo qui montre chaque détail de cette rame si singulière.
    Vous n'avez pas laissé les soufflets ainsi que le carénage de la loco à cause des courbes du circuit je suppose.

    • @electrain
      @electrain  2 роки тому +1

      Bonjour et merci pour votre commentaire.
      Oui, REE précise poliment et décemment dans le manuel du jeu que ce joint en H0 ne fonctionne pas sur les petites poutres.
      Notre obstination était de le filmer en train de tourner sur ce terrain accidenté comme le diorama de tournage et nous l'avons en quelque sorte adapté pour pouvoir tourner sans compromis techniques. Avec le soufflet en caoutchouc, il ne peut de toute façon pas courir sur des dioramas d'aucune sorte car il est très rigide. Ce soufflet est strictement destiné à la présentation en vitrine. Tout le meilleur en Roumanie!

  • @GérardPacthod
    @GérardPacthod Рік тому +1

    il faudrait des rayons de grands diametre

    • @electrain
      @electrain  Рік тому

      que veux-tu souligner avec ça ? merci

  • @defilippijeanlouis8820
    @defilippijeanlouis8820 Рік тому +1

    On dirait une caisse de RIVAROSSI non ???les 7100 ...je les aime qu'un petit peu : j'ai joué avec la grosse JEP en zero le cul par terre jusqu'à 10 ans ...j'ai la Hornby la plus belle mistral avec essuie glaces , la Pocher italienne , la RIVAROSSI , la JOUEF première Serie verte claire Une Lima recorrigée...et malgré tout ca je cherche la GERARD TAB tout metal deux rails ...je veux pas de Roxy c'est la carrosserie de la Hornby en metal ,faite avec les plans de la motrice de Bobigny envoyés à Lausanne....la TAB n'est pas très fidèle mais 1955 c'est une légende mille stone dans l'histoire des trains HO comme la BB 9001 VB Et la BB 9200 ...ou la Marklin ou HAMO BB 9200 De 1963 qui marchent toutes comme sorties du fabricant ....respect ☝️👏👍👍👍👍👍Si vous avez une CC 7107 TAB à vendre j'achète uniquementbtres bon etat Et deux rails Tel 06 80 37 99 32 ca sera la dernière ...les REE très belles ne m'intéressent pas à quoi servent des partographes fonctionnelles sans caténaire sur la majorité des réseaux clubs compris ...

    • @electrain
      @electrain  Рік тому

      Bonjour, nous vous remercions d'avoir regardé et commenté.
      En ce qui concerne les modèles mentionnés, nous aimerions connaître certains codes de produits afin que nous puissions nous aussi les rechercher et les admirer.
      Les pantographes fonctionnels ont un certain charme lorsque le produit est recommandé non seulement comme le modèle le mieux représenté mais aussi comme un cum fonctionnel miniature. Bref, à un moment donné on installera la caténaire mais il y a encore tellement de choses à faire sur ce diorama que maintenant les éléments caténaires deviendraient des obstacles pendant les travaux.

  • @창순이-f2x
    @창순이-f2x 2 роки тому +1

    Hi. I ordered the REE modeles TGV PSE, but I’m not convinced of the type of material used in pantos. I’m worried about the materials are likely resin or plastic, not metal. May I ask what kind of material used in pantos? Thank you.
    Bonjour. J’ai commandé le REE modeles TGV PSE, mais je ne suis pas convaincu du type de matériel utilisé dans les pantos. J’ai bien peur que les matériaux soient en résine ou en plastique, pas en métal. Puis-je savoir quel type de matériel est utilisé dans les pantos? Merci

    • @electrain
      @electrain  2 роки тому +1

      Hi, your observation spirit is well calibrated. It is resin. The patented idea of REE is used also by Artitec (we have a video with as well). Compared with ESU or TRIX solutions their digital pantograph is an independent concept applied on the carved roof. It is nicely done but it is what it is.
      It is resistant to the first uses but I have no idea about the resistance in time. I've seen catenary uses of this pantograph on the net and it runs smoothly. But this does not guarantee the resilience of the ensemble over time. Therefore, the pantograph as a device is supported under the roof by a mechanism similar to that of battery-powered wall clocks. Somehow the electronic sprocket assembly manages to create a fine motion of the pantograph itself. Honestly, in my personal opinion, I am more afraid in time of the mechanism under the roof than of the visible one of the pantograph. Thanks for watching

    • @electrain
      @electrain  2 роки тому +1

      방문, 댓글 및 시청해주셔서 감사합니다. 😉

    • @창순이-f2x
      @창순이-f2x 2 роки тому +1

      @@electrain thank you so much. I’m disapponited in material which is not metal :( but i expect REE TGV is going to be unrivaled one. I saw some REE modeles ‘s electric locomotives such as CC7102, BB9232 i was surprised at details especially boggie and pantos. Seeing that the pantograph details were quite sophisticated, I guessed it wasn’t metal. Because of this, i was worried about durability. Owing to your answer, i’ve terminated this curiosity. But i’m worried yet.😂

    • @electrain
      @electrain  2 роки тому +1

      @@창순이-f2x I think it is nothing to be worried about. As models it will be resistant. Perhaps the badly handling or to much effort from catenary system can produce some damage

    • @창순이-f2x
      @창순이-f2x 2 роки тому +1

      @@electrain i usually treat any models carefully. Fortunately, there's no catenary system on mine, so there's less fear of damage. The fact that the pantograph is made of resin was a big help. Thank you.