TOP 21+ Mini Build Hacks and Ideas in MInecraft!

  • Опубліковано 3 чер 2024
  • In this Video I Build TOP 21+ Mini Build Hacks and Ideas in MInecraft!Minecraft decaration!This video contains Build hacks using 1.20 blocks!These Build Hacks can be used Java and Badrock Edition!These Build Hacks will decorate your home, base, and your Minecraft world!
    #BuildHacksIdeasinMinecraft #buildminecraft #minecraftideas #minecraftdecoration
    ❤️Shorts Channel - @LoDonShorts
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    ---=TIME STAMPS=---
    00:00 - Beginning
    00:14 - Milk
    00:24 - Pits after a truck
    00:37 - Door is closed
    01:11 - Easel
    01:38 - Pizza
    02:08 - Sofa
    02:36 - Mini well
    02:54 - Decoration of the river
    03:26 - Azalea Decorations
    03:43 - Chair
    03:58 - Picnic
    04:13 - Torch
    04:28 - Target
    04:51 - Chandelier
    05:12 - Window
    05:27 - Old TV
    05:43 - Coconut
    05:58 - Ore
    06:25 - Office computer
    07:09 - Camera
    07:28 - Thermos
    07:37 - End
    Command on the invisible frame - /give @s item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}} 1
    5)Pizza head - /setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:player_head[rotation=0]{SkullOwner:{Id:[I;652940873,1666992979,-1916535933,1491203851],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWVmYzM4NTgxZWM1YjJkOGNlM2U2YTBkZTIzNDM3MzgxMGQ2YzU5YjYxNzA5YmQwMjc0OTM2YzAwMzA3OTc4NCJ9fX0="}]}}} replace
    19)Office computer Armor stand - /summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {ShowArms:1b,Pose:{LeftArm:[181f,0f,0f]}}
    If you enjoyed the video, leave a like and to not miss anything in the future, subscribe to my channel. Let me know in the comments what I could show next!
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