Pigeons Feather an Informative Video

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Pigeon’s flights represents the flying style . In its natural style pigeon when starts flying put its wings upwards first & it appeared small gaps in the outer flight & it is different as compared to every different pigeon. Air entered in the armpits from these gaps & when pigeon force its wings to downwards. The gaps gradually closed & the gathered air under the wings push him upwards during each wing beat. It is like hollow in the armpit which works like a Parachute. That is why we fancier like slightly longer & stronger secondary flights & which has lesser gaps between body & the secondary flight. The arm of the wings not good if it is straight but it is good if it is like “^” because its Parachute is working effectively. And by this it is easier to fly in the height & for longer time. In hotter areas, it is better to fly on the high attitude to avoid hotter & difficult condition faced in the lower heights. So it depends on the breeder to change the criteria of their pigeon flights. The pigeon who fly comparatively higher altitude. It keeps & feels easy to fly due to increased distance from the centrifugal forces & its weight goes lighter. Its arm must be dry & not very much flesh on it. As soon as the wings start beat, the style of the flight represents the formation of the flights feather & the shape of the tail.Few pigeon don’t have gaps is there flights & the outer wings are not so long & the pigeon when flying close its tail. These type of pigeons do not fly on very high attitude or nor all the time fly on the roof top. This type of pigeon can fly in a straight line like a seagull & not fly in small circles. And when it returns home, can again fly (before landing) in cross lines. We called these pigeon “chatrey wahlay” which I post previously about their details in which explaing their flying style.
    In few cases pigeon ninth flight is longer than eight & tenth flight. There is gap in the wings & the wings are either longer than tail . While flying the bird keep the tail open/spread/round. This style is called eagle style means very slow flight.
    It also fly in circle & after each circle go higher up to the higher depths of sky & vanished from the eyes. These type of pigeons can fly most of the time above our eye reach & re-appeared from the point height & slowly come down in circles.
    In the other case the outer three flights are equal in length & the gap in the flight is not big nor less, while flying keep the tail open. This type of pigeon can fly its first two hours above the point height & the rest of the time it can fly in its specific area. It means when you try to find out him, you can see him in the point height.
    In other type pigeon tenth flight is smaller in length with its ninth & eights flight & there is small gaps in the wings. This type bird fly with open tail. This type of pigeon can do many times a day that ,while flying come down to the roof top & go again into the point height. This pigeon fly in close tail action & also fly longer distance while flying at point height & come up & down several times.
    Those pigeon whose outer three flights are same in length & its wing is slightly bigger than normal & sometimes its wings are longer than the tail. And the gaps between the flights are prominent & fly in the open tail style. This type of pigeon always go into the depths of sky within seconds. And all the time fly above the point height . This type of pigeon fly easily up to evening in the normal days & sometimes fly in the night & come next morning.
    In other case sometimes tale is smaller or longer. Some pigeons while flying keep the tail close or spread. Normally the fancier like pigeons of smaller tails . This may be good thinking but this was not the end of the world. Because in practical speaking long tail pigeons are also having good worth . In my experience I saw the champion birds ,all have bit long tails .Especially like during strong winds & in bad weather the pigeon who have small tails in length & spread tail during flights are couldn’t perform well & lost in this bad weather. And as compared with the pigeons of longer tails can fly in a close tail style they are good enough to cross strong winds ,bit easily & come back home.
    Those pigeons are thorough breeds whose wings are just like velvet. The wings are also soft & shinny. The pigeon’s strength depends on its powerful flexible feather bone. You are watching this video under the banner of you tube channel pigeons master.If you like this video share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe my you tube channel pigeon master.