Illustrated Word Module 8 SAM Project 1a | Argos Financial

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
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    1. You are a financial analyst at Argos Financial, a full-service bank and insurance institution. You and a colleague are collaborating on a memo to your manager that summarizes the data collected in a recent series of customer surveys. You have already received revisions from your colleague. Incorporate changes from your manager as follows: a. Combine the revisions from the document Support_WD19_8a_DK.docx. b. Show the changes in the original document. c. Turn off Track Changes when you are finished.
    Combine two documents.
    2. Resolve the tracked changes in the document as follows: a. Accept the first tracked change from Deanna Kahn, which inserts the company name and removes the placeholder text. b. Accept the next tracked change, which is from Julie Batista and changes "e-surveys" to "surveys" to remove a redundancy. c. Reject the next tracked change, which inserts "via email", because it is repetitious. d. Accept the remaining changes in the document because they improve or correct the writing.
    Accept a change.
    Accept a change.
    Reject a change.
    Accept changes.
    3. In the doughnut chart, use Account Types as the chart title.
    Enter a chart title.
    4. Embed data from an Excel workbook as follows to include a table Julie created: a. Open the workbook Support_WD19_8a_Trust.xlsx. b. Copy the data in cells A2:C10. c. Use Paste Special to embed the worksheet data as a Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object in the blank paragraph in the "Drivers of Trust" section. d. Close Support_WD19_8a_Trust.xlsx.
    Embed a worksheet from Excel.
    5. Insert a chart as follows to comply with the request Deanna Kahn inserted below the "Customer Problems" table: a. Select the text "[Insert a chart showing the table data]" below the "Customer Problems" table, and then insert a Clustered Column chart. b. Copy the "Customer Problems" table and then paste it in the chart spreadsheet window. (Hint: If prompted, click OK to continue.) c. Remove the Percent Changed data series from the chart, and then close the chart spreadsheet window. d. Delete the "Chart Title" placeholder object, since the placement of the chart makes the title unnecessary.
    Insert a chart.
    Copy and paste data into a chart.
    Modify a data series.
    In the Clustered Column chart, the Percent Changed data series should be removed.
    Delete a chart title.
    6. Format the chart as follows to improve its appearance: a. Apply Style 6 to the chart to display wider data columns. b. Change the colors to Monochromatic Palette 1 to coordinate with the rest of the document. c. Add a Gray, Accent 5 border to clearly separate the chart from the table.
    Change the chart style.
    Change the chart colors.
    Change the color of a chart border.
    The Clustered Column chart should be formatted using a Gray, Accent 5 border.
    7. Link a chart from an Excel workbook as follows to compare customer responses about problem resolution: a. Open the workbook Support_WD19_8a_Resolution.xlsx. b. Copy the "Problem Resolution" pie chart, and then paste it as a link using the destination theme in the blank paragraph at the end of the document. c. Close Support_WD19_8a_Resolution.xlsx.
    Insert a chart from Excel as a link.
    8. Change the chart type of the "Problem Resolution" chart to a Doughnut chart, which is a type of pie chart, to match the "Account Types" chart.
    Change the chart type.
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