180 Minutes Pour Vivre MAP30: Celui Qui Voit Les Mondes uvmax in

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • Beats the previous record by 20:37. I wanted to get a start with speedrunning Doom II somehow (I've already done a bit with Doom 64), so I tried to find a map I liked that hadn't really been optimized much yet, and went with this and map 30b (which, other than mine, doesn't have a demo yet to my knowledge). It's still got a few avoidable time losses but, after well over 300 attempts and 4 exits, I'm done for now. I wanted sub 45 and got it, with a whole 6 seconds to spare!
    FranckFRAG's section: Most attempts die here, but that's probably because it's early in the run and I take a lot of risks. This time, it went pretty quick,but I almost died a lot. Because I know I can come back and clean up, I only kill as much as I need to so I can clear a path to exit the first half, and I target only the archies, bosses, and whatever gets close in the second so I can clear the exit without too much interference.
    Roofi's section: I couldn't for the life of me find a consistent strategy for the end. Luckily, because of a south glide to the exit, I didn't really need to (Wilou mentioned his Doomguy is "too wide and muscular" for that. Thankfully, mine is a bit of a screw-up and can do it no problem, albeit a bit slower than I'd like.) This one is a lot easier with the BFG, and I clean it up last because the flying enemies tend to get lost, and having all 1643 kills here (final boss notwithstanding) lets me know I'm not missing any of those. I used to drop into the pit immediately after walking over the trigger to start the final fight, but that trapped baron makes it a lot quicker to kill it and the cyber before dropping, even if that is a lot more dangerous.
    JCDorne's section: The first time I play through this, I only really kill what I have to so I can clear a path so I can do a more thorough job with the BFG at my disposal (this is probably the section that saves the most time with the BFG other than maybe Roofi's). I nearly died way too many times during the cleanup, but it's not too bad otherwise, and I only had that many close calls because I was rushing. Also lost a bit of time at the end of cleanup looking for kills and cells
    that aren't there.
    Oxyde's section: Pretty straightforward, even if it is one of the longer mini-maps. I don't really try to skip much here other than the final 2 fights (the one in the pit with 2 cybers and the one right at the exit). Could probably be done faster, but, with the hardest parts of the map over, dying here is a waste, so I don't risk it (even if there were a couple of close calls). One idea involves using an AVJ to skip part of the level, but I don't think that it provides enough of an advantage for me to consider re-recording unless this time is beaten, as it introduces too many risks.
    Datacore's section: Nothing much really worth talking about, other than those pinkies in the lava cave can take a running leap off a cliff without a parachute.
    [WH]-Wilou84's section: Again, just trying to stay alive here. Had a really stupid close call right at the start because I forgot about the arachnotrons. Later on, I was really scared of getting blocked by lost souls and killed by a cyberdemon or nightwatch caco, but, thankfully that didn't happen. I was also probably a little wasteful with the megas, especially the one I grabbed when I was at like 120/120 or something, and ammo management could've been a bit better. I also missed my jump to the final boss: normally it only takes 2 bfg to kill it, but, because I failed the jump, it took more like 7. Honestly, I think this section is more nerve-wracking than difficult, and that's mostly because it's the final fight of an almost hour long demo. Overall, happy with getting through it as quickly as I did.
    Overall, I think this is a pretty fun map, as each section is so distinct, and getting the BFG early makes it a whole lot more palatable difficulty wise. For a run that's nearly an hour long, I'm quite happy with it, especially since a uvmax demo that long on a map this tough is bound to have a few hiccups anyway. Hope you enjoy!
    #Doom2 #Speedrun