Weeks When Decades Happen

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @tecnoblix
    @tecnoblix 29 днів тому +4

    It's always great to see you post. And yes, suddenly the clouds don't look quite as dark. But there's always next week LOL!

  • @SiriusMined
    @SiriusMined 29 днів тому

    Good video, Peter. The MAGAts have been trying SO hard to get us to fight one another. In the past, it's worked so well for them. I think the existential threat Trump poses has finally sunken in to most of us, and people have been able to put aside whatever minor differences we have to ge this done.
    Still a lot of work to do, but we're on the right road for a change.

  • @ehadmusic7328
    @ehadmusic7328 17 днів тому

    Man... i have been watching you on and off since 2007.

  • @Zaunstar
    @Zaunstar 28 днів тому

    Well done! Glad to see you're back, or somewhat back!

  • @gothatfunk
    @gothatfunk 29 днів тому +1

    Yeah, I too have been pleasantly taken aback by the obviously genuine enthusiasm for Kamala Harris's candidacy. Tim Walz was also the ideal pick for running mate. Everyone knows someone like Tim, avuncular and good humoured, genuinely would love to have a beer with the guy kinda vibe.
    A lot can happen between now and election day, but I'm super encouraged.
    I think the debates will be brutal for Trump and Vance, and I hope so. Lately Trump can't articulate a coherent line of reasoning.

    • @PerpetualTiredness
      @PerpetualTiredness 29 днів тому

      Why did you stop making videos? What happened to the UA-cam atheist community, did they move to another platform?

    • @ChavvyCommunist
      @ChavvyCommunist 29 днів тому

      @@PerpetualTiredness People realised what a toxic reactionary substrate there was beneath the surface and it fractured between pro and anti social justice people. Good riddance I say.

  • @andr0oS
    @andr0oS 29 днів тому

    Well said.

  • @nvjsdvdfjdskfj
    @nvjsdvdfjdskfj 29 днів тому

    great vid. i'll be interested in your thoughts on the next debate

  • @agentofchaos7456
    @agentofchaos7456 27 днів тому

    Notice to know that you're still active after all these years!

  • @Jaykilljoy-tt9tt
    @Jaykilljoy-tt9tt 29 днів тому

    So much stuff going on, so much "This is where we are at now" going on, that I am fairly numb to it. When the Trump incident happen, a part of me was "I can't believe it actually happened." and "This is my opportunity to dish out the type of sh*t MAGA and Trump has been dishing out to everybody else!" so I went on a "Oh, that's fake. That was a blue screen and old school Wrestling tactics." Parroting every single right wing conspiracy theorist/denier I've ever heard my entire life. Biden steps down "I can't believe that actually happened. I thought he was too senile and egoistical and the DNC was too stupid to do it." and now we are seeing Harris competing like Bernie Sanders in 2020, and then she elects Tim Waltz? A progressive like me?! Like Bernie Sanders who they rigged 2016 and 2020 against?!
    And the fact that you think Biden "wow he put his country above him self", that just goes to show how little you actually follow politics. I wake up and the first thing I watch are Secular talk, Breaking points, TYT, and just the general news. So I am always informed and it was clear as day from the get go that Biden had to be forced out. And before the debate....I was not surprised what so ever....because all the red flags were there. The 2020 election: If it was a shoe vs Trump I'd vote for the shoe!" That was 2020. Bernie Sanders also had the entire system rigged against him and the media and donors/elites PICKED Biden. And for 3 years we were all called "crazy" "Conspiracy theorists" "How dare you say that"....and then an elite goes on TV after the debate and blatantly ADMITS IT.
    "Let's remember what happened in 2020. The president DID NOT RUN a great primary campaign. He lost badly in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada [all of which went to Bernie Sanders]. Her came out of Nevada and Bernie Sanders looked like the presumptive nominee and these exact same people [the elites] that Biden is now deriding as elites and by the way they are not [yes they are]. They're democrats, okay? They're party operatives, they're "donors", their volunteers. DECIDED that - they decided they didn't want Bernie Sanders to be the nominee. They decided that Biden would be the better nominee." WELL, THANK YOU FOR F**KING ADMITTING IT after 3 years of DENYING IT and telling us we were all just imagining it.
    And to quote Kyle from Secular talk replying to this "he misses one part of the picture; the media! It was a coordinated effort by the media to prop up Biden and say 'he's the only electable one. Finally there is a real race and Biden is gonna win and he should win and Bernie Sanders is like Hugo Chavez, or Fidel Castro. He's an extremist and he's gonna destroy our economy and he wants to raise your taxes. BLAH BLAH BLAH."
    There is f**king news footage in 2020, during the Nevada poll of a report saying quote "there is real concern right now that Bernie Sanders is so far ahead in the lead here in Nevada and might go to south Carolina FURTHER FRACTURE THAT JOE BIDEN support upon African Americans. Sweep up a ton of delegates in California where he's leading by a large margin in the polls and then essentially become UNSTOPPABLE." MEANWHILE at the SAME TIME CONSTANTLY saying "Bernie Sanders is NOT ELECTABLE." if that is true......then WHY THE F**K WAS HE WINNING?!
    Joe Biden in 2020 was NOT the biggest best candidate. He only won because he was FORCED upon us and "Vote blue, no matter who." Biden was ALREADY showing signs of being far too old in 2020. Then as time went on, it was obvious he was getting worse and worse. Can only be functional during a certain period of time during the day. Highly controlled speeches when he did give one. He even said no to do a 10 minute super bowl interview. So many slip ups. I mean, it was OBVIOUS, BLATANTLY OBVIOUS Biden was not well. So basically....you have a president who only won because the elites forced him upon us, he was ALREADY too old, and now it's 4 years later and he's clearly getting worse and worse.....ya, pretty obvious.
    As for Biden him self as a president...the chips act, largely pro union, and his best accomplishment in my book appoint Lina Khan to the FTC who is finally ENFORCING the anti trust laws. My only issue with "The laws need to be stronger" and the FTC needs to be given far more resources and money.
    And in terms of Harris....she elected Tim Waltz, and it's 2024 and post Biden.....so I am hoping that maybe the time is right to finally move back to the Teddy Roosevelt progressive era, but it's moving very slowly. I will say and I have said this, since several of the elite "donors" admitted on TV that they want Harris [or Trump] to fire FTC Lina Khan and my response is "if Harris ends up firing Lina Khan, then she will lose any and all support from me. That will be the worse thing she can possible do in my eyes." and Tim Waltz being her VP gives me hope that this will be a more progressive era and Lina Khan will be safe and keep going after these scumbags and I think Krystal from Breaking points made this awesome point, which very much reminds me of the Teddy Roosevelt progressive era and the Frank Roosevelt Great depression/New deal era.
    Have to add this part of the quote "Now in 2008 I naively believed in the promise of hope and change. The hope that one guy can come out of no where and be totally transformational charting a new course for the country. Everything about that political lens was dead wrong. Obama was Bill Clinton politics in a cool modern disguise."
    I never fell for it. I was never an Obama supporter. I was for Mike Gravel.
    "And I now believe that the POLITICAL MOMENT is more important than the individual personality. Waltz's descent coming upon the heels of some of Biden's shifts towards domestic populism is evidence that perhaps the era has shifted. That the anti populism practiced by neo liberal technocrats is on the wane and a new logic is on the way in."
    I do believe that definitely has merit...but we'll never know till 2025, 2026 at least.
    So ya....I'm not excited or anything. I'm more "What ever happens, happens" Too much crazy "reality is beginning to warp" since 2020 has occurred. Had my heart broken by Bernie Sanders losing the campaign So overall...I just don't know. I don't know what is going to happen.

  • @PhantomMagician1846
    @PhantomMagician1846 29 днів тому

    Trump has a strong base, but thats it. I don't see him swinging many Ron or Nikki supporters to his side. I could have seen people vote for Trump just to Vote against Joe, but that is no longer an issue. Harris has fired up the Democrats and now the odds are even. Harris has the momentum. But you are right anything could happen between now and November. We will see what happens and have our fingers crossed. On a side note it sucks how much us content creators have to censor ourselves on YT

  • @TheAnGryPOolMaN
    @TheAnGryPOolMaN 29 днів тому +3

    At this point i feel like the only shot trump has at this point is for to kamala to be out as much as possible being in positions where she has to speak of script. I think the debate is going to be a huge advantage for him because she will be forced to make sense of her positions and her record, which we all know she isn't great at doing. She basically had no shot during the primaries because she was so bad at it. I understand a lot of people are never trumpers so they don't care, but the election will be decided by a small few, and the more they see kamala speaking extemporaneously, the harder time the democrats will have securing those votes. They're best off keeping her out of the public eye as much as possible

    • @tooltime9901
      @tooltime9901  29 днів тому

      What amazes me about what you just said is that it assumes that Trump speaking is normal, on message, and substantive. He can drive a few points over and over, but the rest of the time, he veers off into nonsense land talking about sharks and endlessly bringing up his personal grievances. It’s like a college admission where one person is expected to score 1600 on the SAT and the other is asked to perform interpretive dance.

    • @TheAnGryPOolMaN
      @TheAnGryPOolMaN 29 днів тому +3

      @tooltime9901 I think you're right in a lot of what you said but compared to kamala they're on completely different planets. Look at trumps debate performance, he was on point for the most part, was concise, and well tempered. I'm surprised kamala wants to put herself in that situation where she is actually going to be challenged and speak on her toes. You know it isn't going to go well for her.

  • @Hamstray
    @Hamstray 29 днів тому

    Yahoo! Mountain Dew!

  • @hugesinker
    @hugesinker 29 днів тому

    Even local politics tends to attract terrible power hungry people. The President of the United States is such an absurdly powerful position, just given what previous presidents have managed to do unilaterally without any real accountability, that it is ridiculous. Anyone who earnestly wants that job should be disqualified from it for that reason. This fairy tale about Biden bowing out gracefully for the good of the country doesn't hold water. In his most recent interview he still suggests that the pressure he was under from Democrat legislators to drop was unwarranted. Biden didn't willingly give up power. He was blaming "the elites" for trying to push him out and claiming in sparsely coherent interviews that the only way he would drop is if God appeared before him and told him to. Eventually a switch was flipped somewhere and the media who had protected him during his entire presidency turned on him. Pelosi, Obama, and others gave him the "easy way or the hard way" speech-- and the easy way window was closing fast. The original statement of his intent to drop out that was sent on stationary is bizarre. It had reached the point where fighting further would have just destroyed whatever was left of his legacy.

  • @ChavvyCommunist
    @ChavvyCommunist 29 днів тому

    NGL i expected this to contain some something about the racist riots in England.
    Anyway, i'm actually surprised the DNC pulled their heads out of their arses for once and actually realised that their candidate was absolutely poisonous for their election chances. But I really have no enthusiasm for Harris knowing the kinds of things her and Walz are in favour of, so I'm just trying to wash my hands of this whole election so I don't spiral into despair.

  • @Devious_Dave
    @Devious_Dave 29 днів тому

    Here in the UK, we've had problems but we finally kicked out the arrogant, self-serving party. It won't solve everything & trust in politics won't be fixed overnight but it's a start. Trump brings out the worst in the USA so I hope he fails (again).

    • @ChavvyCommunist
      @ChavvyCommunist 29 днів тому

      It won't be fixed at all. Labour have already made it abundantly clear that they're going to continue making things worse for most people, and when combined with a bombardment of racist virtue signalling we are 100% on the road to fascism right now.

  • @Venaloid
    @Venaloid 29 днів тому

    To be fair, I didn't get to vote for or against Harris, and people seem to be forgetting that she wasn't very popular back in 2020. Frankly, I didn't like her back in 2020. In principle, I do kind of have a problem with it, but in practice, she seems to be working out very well, so I'm not upset.

    • @PhantomMagician1846
      @PhantomMagician1846 29 днів тому

      Tons of people hate Trump and Harris will get allot of those votes