Why Many Christians Are Deceived - David Platt

  • Опубліковано 8 кві 2013
  • Free book by David Platt - The 4 Marks of a True Disciple. Click here to download: www.vergenetwork.org/lp/4-mar... David Platt discusses why many Christians are deceived.
    He says, "Everything would be different in these mens lives, because this encounter with Jesus-everything! Which is why we know that people who profess to be Christians, but who's lives look just like the rest of the world are deceived. All kinds of people who supposedly made a decision-prayed a prayer, signed a card, walked an aisle, accepted Jesus into their heart-but their lives don't look any different. They say they're a Christian, but the reality is they don't know this Christ. Because when you know this Christ, everything begins to change in your life. I heard one preacher put it this way: Imagine I got here late this morning...then all of sudden I come running out on the stage and I say, 'I'm sorry I'm here late...I was driving over here on the interstate and I got a flat tire and got out and fixed the flat tire, but I accidentally stepped out into the middle of the interstate and this Mac Truck hit me head on. And it hurt, but I got up, finished fixing the tire and got back in the car and drove here. So, I apologize for being late.' If this was the story I told you, you would know one of two things: 1. I'm lying 2. I'm very deceived. And you know that, because when somebody gets hit by a Mac Truck, they look different than they did before.
    Based on that reality, I'm pretty sure I'm on safe ground in saying when a person comes face-to-face with God in flesh the Savior King and Sovereign Lord and He reached down into your heart and saves you from the clutches of sin and self you're going to look different. You're going to look really different. Everything changes when you follow this King!"
    For more resources visit: www.VergeNetwork.org


  • @chrisbrown-jw1fz
    @chrisbrown-jw1fz 2 роки тому +8

    I was talking to a man who was not a Christian. When I asked him why he was not a Christian he remarked that he had never met a Christian who acted like one.

    • @bailujen8052
      @bailujen8052 Рік тому +1

      That's why i got rid of my christian title.
      Only if i was a follower or Christ

  • @BarLy97
    @BarLy97 10 років тому +5

    He's not talking about physical appearance. He's talking about how we live our lives...who we are as people.

  • @Amgirl03
    @Amgirl03 Рік тому

    We are Israel either grafted in or by blood waiting to accept the covenant of Yahuah through Yahushua! ❤️🙏🏼🙌☺️

  • @revitalizedbornagain4418
    @revitalizedbornagain4418 2 роки тому +1

    Very Big Amen
    From Contrition
    Newness of Life
    Born Again
    Old is of yesterday
    Today's are allll so New each
    New Today
    Living a God Honoring Lifestyle
    Empowered by this Glorious Wonderful Treasure living inside this earthen vessel God's Holy Spirit
    Abundant Life Is
    Burning 🔥 Zealous Lifestyle
    Holy to Please The Father
    God Almighty

  • @whfbiz1
    @whfbiz1 2 роки тому +4

    Interesting how Paul Washer used this same example.

  • @simonjohnwright5129
    @simonjohnwright5129 Рік тому +1

    When you already believe and accept Christ as your saviour, but are then put through the oven to cleanse you and come out the same as you were, then you know your faith has foundation.
    To all Christians, I ask you to repent and follow the Law of God, even breaking the least of those laws is a failure of the whole Law.

  • @robertstaal2230
    @robertstaal2230 2 роки тому

    Did u get the number of the truck, He hit me too and left a oil streak down my head and back, over 40yrs ago, it's oil that last forever, Its mixed with water and blood

  • @feargodandlive8352
    @feargodandlive8352 2 роки тому +1

    One of the main reasons so many professing Christians are deceived today is because there are so many false teachers - like David Platt - teaching falsely today... Jesus is willing to forgive David Platt - and all his admiring fans - but He will not do so in a manner that is counter to His Word... Jesus will not forgive sin that is not first forsaken. Fear God, repent and live!

    • @feargodandlive8352
      @feargodandlive8352 2 роки тому

      @@rylanharris2038 No. Why would you ask such a nonsensical question? I do sin, but according to the context of God's Word I am not labeled a sinner...

    • @feargodandlive8352
      @feargodandlive8352 2 роки тому +1

      @@rylanharris2038 God does not forgive sin that is not hated and forsaken.... in other words, God does not forgive sin that comes without godly sorrow leading to repentance...

    • @feargodandlive8352
      @feargodandlive8352 2 роки тому

      ​@@rylanharris2038 You may have heard someone say, "such and such are two sides of the same coin..." meaning that you cannot have one side without the other. In that understanding, Justification and Sanctification are not two sides to the same Coin.... It is possible to experience regeneration but not experience sanctification or glorification. God's Word is clear.... 1) there is no life apart from God and 2) without holiness, no one shall see the Lord. When a sinner, under the conviction of the Fear of the Lord, dies to sin and self, Satan and the world... through faith by grace trust in Christ... the Holy Spirit then gives life by His Presence into the person being born-again... likewise, when a Christian (already having experienced the saving power of the Holy Spirit in regeneration), under the conviction of the Fear of the Lord and the love of the abiding Presence of Christ in Him, dies to sin and self, Satan and the world.... through DAILY faith by grace and DAILY trusting submission - that God is God and His Word is True - in Christ Jesus.... the Holy Spirit then gives life - DAILY and CONTINUALLY - by His Presence in the Christian.... the reason so many people are confused about the reality of eternal security is because there are so many false teachers operating business enterprises - making merchandise of men's souls - within Mystery Babylon - the college-degreed pastors working in all the institutional churches... professing Christ with their lips but denying Him with their disobedient hearts.... God's Word is clear.... it is not those who are born-again who will spend eternity with God in heaven.... no. It is those who are 1) born-again and 2) who finish the race and remain within God's abiding Presence until dying breath.... God's Word is clear that a Christian can willingly forsake God's Presence (as did Adam in the Garden of Eden. Adam was created without sin and had direct and intimate fellowship with God in the Garden and he forsook it all.... God's Word says that Eve was deceived but Adam was not deceived.... Adam chose to sin willingly!) and quench the Spirit so that if the person, as a Christian being guided by the Spirit.... returns to once again be guided by the flesh.... resembling a pig as returning to the mire or a dog as returning to its vomit.... the Holy Spirit can become so grieved by the disobedience of the carnal Christin that He gives him up to be devoured by the lusts of his flesh.... such that one day the born-again Christian will suffer a fate worse than had he never been born-again.... all of this is well stated in the well known verse John 3:16.... quotation marks are added and are not part of the original text... 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever "believes" in him shall not perish but have eternal life.... this cannot be overlooked.... the tense of the verb "believes" is the Present Perfect.... so the verse could perhaps also be more clearly written into the Present Perfect tense as follows.... 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever "believes and goes on continually believing"" in him shall not perish but have eternal life... it is true that a person is never saved apart from faith in Christ Jesus, lest he should boast (see Ephesians 2:8-9)... but it is also true that a man is justified by works, and not faith alone (see James 2:4).... The same "singular" ACTING of the Holy Spirit that gives life to the sinner (regeneration) thereafter becomes a "continual and on-going" ACTING of the Holy Spirit giving life to the believer (sanctification)....

    • @feargodandlive8352
      @feargodandlive8352 2 роки тому

      @@rylanharris2038 1) God is Creator of all. 2) Fear God or burn in hell for all eternity. 3) Once fearing God, turn from sin and trust Jesus with the faith of a child, and 4) Walk in holiness doing good works as guided by the Spirit all the remaining days of your life and even through the end of your final breath.

    • @feargodandlive8352
      @feargodandlive8352 2 роки тому

      @@rylanharris2038 OK... so now your hypocrisy is revealed.... at first I spoke to you as an adult.... and I specifically referenced Ephesians 2:8-9.... and even told you to look it up... here it is as I don't think you did as I requested...
      Ephesians 2:8-9 8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- 9not by works, so that no one can boast.
      This verse clearly says that for it is by grace a person is saved, through faith (understood to mean faith in Christ Jesus)... and this [faith] is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.... and in response to that, you ask to be spoken to as a child.... as a 5 year old child no less.... and I do. And in response to my instructions written as to a 5 year old child, you ask a question I have never in all my years heard a 5 year old child ask.... so when spoken to as an adult you desire to be spoken to as a child.... and when spoken to as a child you desire to be spoken to as an adult.... you are exposing yourself as being double-minded...
      Are you an unregenerate academic theologian - talking out of both sides of your mouth? Do you even truly desire to be holy?

  • @sheriffcrandy
    @sheriffcrandy 3 роки тому +1

    Bro what's the name of the song in the intro its dope!

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 3 роки тому +1

      Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE is The Savior
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

    • @Lisasavedbygrace
      @Lisasavedbygrace 3 роки тому

      It's an instrumental: "Raise the Bridge" by Beautiful Eulogy (they make really good music, especially hip hop)

  • @AwesomePlaylists888
    @AwesomePlaylists888 Рік тому

    They call the holy spirit a liar and lobby the teachings of their favorite mentor. Sin is a great deceiver and Christians think they can save the lost by acting wordly

  • @SSJCyan
    @SSJCyan Рік тому

    Like platt?

  • @barbaud5920
    @barbaud5920 2 роки тому

    what about king david and his father who was king also having a 1000 wives. were they saved.

    • @Sika-sj2if
      @Sika-sj2if 2 роки тому +1

      At that time Jesus Christ wasn't yet born to save the world , But having a relation with God was termed at their salvation at that time
      That's why David said God was the God of his salvation because he was saved by the relationship he had with him.
      God doesn't condone polygamy because he said the Israelites should not multiply wives in Deatronomy they were punished for their polygamy lifestyle
      David-lost his son out of his adulterous polygamous life
      Solomon-God took the kingdom away from him as a result of his polygamous marriages leading him to apostasy
      They all suffered the consequences but God showed them mercy
      Just like he shows to you and I
      If we confess our sins he's faithful and just enough to forgive us😁❤️

  • @ElevateLife4027
    @ElevateLife4027 Рік тому

    Does God Hate Sinners?
    There are many Old Testament (old covenant) verses that talk about God hating sinners. Leviticus 20:23; Psalm 11:5; 26:5; Proverbs 6:16-19; 16:5; Hosea 9:10-15 and Malachi 1:2-3. These passages teach that God hates sinners or evil and wicked people.
    In contrast the New Testament (New Covenant) scriptures also teach that God loves everyone.
    Romans 5:8
    “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”
    John 3:16 New King James Version
    16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    1 John 4:8-9
    Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.
    Luke 6:35-36 New King James Version
    35 But love your enemies, do good, and lend,hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. 36 Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.
    Many teachers that hold to the notion that God hates sinners tend to use Old Testament verses to justify their theology. Yes, the whole Bible is the inspired word of God, But again let us be reminded that we are under a new covenant.
    Our main example of God loving sinners is found in Jesus. Jesus showed the world God’s love when He came to earth and healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, delivered the demon possessed, fed the multitudes and Died for all. How many of them where sinners? All of them, because Jesus had not died on the cross yet.
    God loves the sinner (the person who is sinning) and wants to save them from their sin. On other words, He loves the person apart from thier sin.
    Romans 5:8
    “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”
    Romans 5:10
    New Living Translation
    10 For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son
    The Word of God loudly screams that God loves everyone. He rescued the wicked city of Nineveh through a reluctant prophet called Jonah. Jesus died for the sins of the world. But in contrast to the holy believers, God is not very pleased with those who reject Him. Yet, God loves the world.
    God will leave the 99 to rescue the 1 that is lost.
    He loves you apart from your sin. He loves the sinner enough to die for the sinner. He wants to rescue the sinner from thier sin. The fact that Jesus died for the world shows us how much He loved sinners by going to a cross and dying for them.
    Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”
    So yes, God loves the sinner and wants to rescue them from thier sin.

  • @psusteelersfan
    @psusteelersfan 2 роки тому

    Can I point out that Paul Washer gave this exact example way before Platt??

    • @rylanharris2038
      @rylanharris2038 2 роки тому

      The problem with that?

    • @psusteelersfan
      @psusteelersfan 2 роки тому

      @@rylanharris2038 no citation or credit. That's weird, almost as if he's passing it off as his own illustration

    • @rylanharris2038
      @rylanharris2038 2 роки тому

      @@psusteelersfan how is he passing it off as his own when he said “I heard one pastor say”

    • @psusteelersfan
      @psusteelersfan 2 роки тому

      @@rylanharris2038 oh did he say that before? Lol

  • @josephmetts5658
    @josephmetts5658 2 роки тому +6

    I would like to remind this pastor that the pharisees followed all the commandments but Jesus called them the sons of the devil. Judas also was a trusted disiple. So stop judging men's hearts only God can do that. There is a reason we are called believers, not workers.

    • @rebeccasmith7439
      @rebeccasmith7439 2 роки тому

      Amen, well said. Praise Jesus 🙏✝️

    • @high-speedfreighttrains934
      @high-speedfreighttrains934 2 роки тому +8

      A tree is known by it's fruit. Twist ye not scripture, lest you be like the devil.😉

    • @hogansheroes2793
      @hogansheroes2793 2 роки тому

      @ Joseph Metts:
      Amen to that brother and please keep up the good work.

    • @hogansheroes2793
      @hogansheroes2793 2 роки тому

      @@high-speedfreighttrains934 The fruit inspectors get it Wrong every time.
      The fruit being referred to is not the fruit of the Spirit,but rather your doctrine; can your gospel message save anyone?

    • @josephmetts5658
      @josephmetts5658 2 роки тому

      @@hogansheroes2793 thanks

  • @marl4472
    @marl4472 7 місяців тому

    I will even go a step farther then you did and say that most of the Christian world is deceived by not believing the word of God over church doctrine.
    Jesus said in Revelations 3. Poor, blind, naked and wretched and NOT EVEN KNOWING IT.
    Most denominations believe the Catholic Church is wrong and teaches deception.
    Yet most denominations follow some of her doctrines that are not in the Bible.
    Such as water baptism in the three titles Father, Son and HS, instead of His Name.
    It is Not in the Bible, it is a deception, they are daughters of her because of it.
    Jesus said, come out of her and be not partakers of her deceptions.
    God Bless

  • @thegospelmessenger1corinth634

    Are you preaching the gospel or a self-improvement program?
    David Platt and followers - are you saved? Please examine yourself if you are really saved or not!!!
    The final payment for the world's sins was made!
    The wages of sin was death, and Christ died that death for our sins, making the way clear for us to be saved. Now after believing that He died for our sins, was buried and has risen, Ephesians 1:13 assures us that we were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise. Meaning we never have to worry about our salvation again.
    You have tried all the gimmicks. You've jumped through all the hoops. You've gotten fairly good at doing spiritual gymnastics, but have you ever just tried resting? Resting in Christ and His finished work?
    Regardless of what the evangelicals and denominational churches tell us, the gospel is not repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. (Acts 2:38)
    It is not keeping the commandments and selling all your possessions (Matthew 19:16-21.)
    It is not he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved (Matthew 24:13.)
    The gospel of your salvation is: "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel... By which also ye are saved,... how that Christ died for our sins... he was buried, and that he rose again the third day..."
    The word "gospel" means GOOD NEWS. And the good news of how God was "in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;" has been overshadowed by the "Gospel Buffet" for far too long!
    It's time you ignore the buffet table and rest in this good news.
    Truth Time Radio is here to help you better understand your bible and better articulate your faith to others.
    Remember, you only get two educations: The one you're given, and the one you give yourself.

  • @alwinchristo
    @alwinchristo 3 роки тому

    This example Paul washer has given

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 3 роки тому

      Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE is The Savior
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

  • @honeyspoonbeewrangler4550
    @honeyspoonbeewrangler4550 3 роки тому

    If your king is of the Triune God, you don't know the real Jesus Christ. He isn't God, only the Father is. Jesus came to do the will of the Father. You have all made Jesus an Idol if you believe he is part of this Triune three person deity. Youve denied his Sonship. If one is immortal then you are not found dead at any point, no matter the "nature". Jesus was the Son of God but not immortal. He was risen up so that we can too. You can't try to be God, there is only One, Jesus' Father, Jesus' God, our Father, our God. Stop parroting the protestant lies. Time is running out. I am of no denomination. I am a child of God, through the sacrifice of a Priestly King, he made it possible.

    • @Nobody-zs1ip
      @Nobody-zs1ip 3 роки тому

      Hello... can I ask something?
      Do you believe it is possible to be free from sin? How?
      Why do you say "Time is running out"?
      Did you belong to a denomination before? If yes, what?

  • @timothyhodges705
    @timothyhodges705 2 роки тому

    David Platt, you accuse people who don't fit your cookie cutter model of what a Believer looks like, your dress code standing behind that pulpit in blue jeans, really? You don't fit my model of what a preacher looks like either. How can you possibly know if a person is saved? It is much easier to know if a person is a true man of God. He preaches from the Bible and is able to teach exegetically the Word of Truth.

  • @mattr.1887
    @mattr.1887 7 місяців тому

    Maybe Christianity is the problem. Since it seems to be a breeding ground for so much deception.

  • @CaptainsneakyMk5
    @CaptainsneakyMk5 11 років тому +2

    Very well put. Amen!

  • @almowit683
    @almowit683 11 років тому +2

    No. Is there a time limit on sanctification? No. Are there carnal Christians? Yes. But carnality is the exception, not the rule. A true born again believe will become increasingly spiritual and decreasingly carnal.
    2 Corinthians 5:17
    "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."

    • @thegospelmessenger1corinth634
      @thegospelmessenger1corinth634 Рік тому

      Our salvation is not described as being born again into a second covenant, but being made alive into a new creature (Eph 2:15). This new creature, called the Body of Christ, is neither Jewish nor Gentile, and operates not under the law (Rom 6:14; Gal 3:28).
      The new creature is the subject of the mystery of Christ and could not have been known by Nicodemus, the prophets, nor any of the apostles in John 3.
      Born again language is a denial of the mystery of Christ revealed to the apostle Paul.
      People who think they are born again must also think they are in some way Israel.
      Being born again is something for Israel to partake. Since Israel is fallen, you couldn’t be born again if you wanted to.
      What you can be is saved by God’s grace through faith in his finished work on the cross. At the moment you believe, the Holy Spirit seals you in Christ making you part of a new creature.
      Trusting the cross of Christ is what will save you today. Trusting your experience, devotion, or changed life will not. Being saved is far better than being born again.
      For solid Bible study, please visit ''Truth Time Radio'' - also on youtube - learn the truth and unlearn the many lies!!!

  • @veganath
    @veganath 11 років тому

    Whats to say that my/our experience after death is not unlike what it was before we were born.

  • @daveytube
    @daveytube 11 років тому

    He did say prior to the illustration, "I heardone preacher say..."

  • @veganath
    @veganath 11 років тому

    U are right I don't care what I believe, but I do care abt the welfare of all living beings in so much that I would do anything to protect them from having to suffer unnecessarily, the best justification we humans have 4 causing unimaginable suffering to 15 billion other beings not unlike ourselves in terms of physiology & therefore potential to suffer is that they taste good an example of unnecessary suffering. The only thing we have that is real & therefore so very precious is this moment..now

  • @veganath
    @veganath 11 років тому

    To Theist & Atheist, a growing number of people like myself don't really care what you believe, & we care even less what we believe -lol.
    THE ONLY TIME THE LINE NEEDS TO BE DRAWN ON BELIEF is when what you believe is the impetus to cause ANY OTHER BEING(human or non-human) to suffer unnecessarily!
    The ONLY MORAL IMPERATIVE that will see a paradise, not just for humans, is when humans embrace the following:-

  • @LiveImmanuel
    @LiveImmanuel 11 років тому

    Brother BigglesFlyAgin, Pastor Platt is referring to the apostles in the New Testament. He isn't lying.

  • @drphilPCT2008
    @drphilPCT2008 11 років тому

    I love this guy... Pastor David is right on... There are lots of people who think they are saved but they aren't. Pastor James MacDonald from Walk in the word. com says "If your faith hasn't changed you.. it hasn't saved you"... You're not saved just because you say you are, it's what you do not what you say, it's not works, it's faith that saves you, but there has to be some fruit or some change in your life once The Lord comes into your life. Thanks Pastor David... :)

  • @fharrell100
    @fharrell100 11 років тому

    Essence of God is the aroma from Christ which flows from how you love others to Jesus Christ! fah #ProfoundLifeLived4Jesus @FaithWhitfied @DavidPlatt @WisdomHunters @btea.org

  • @frankherman3
    @frankherman3 11 років тому

    Since he cites Paul Washer, why don't search a pair of sermons with him, or try Leonard Ravenhill

  • @veganath
    @veganath 11 років тому

    Actually I was referring to Jim Carey...lol

  • @cooldog60
    @cooldog60 11 років тому

    Never believe anything anyone says. Just look at their actions.

  • @missmykael
    @missmykael 11 років тому

    Paul Washer is the "one preacher" he heard this from.

  • @paulmcwhorter
    @paulmcwhorter 11 років тому

    I like David Platt, but wow, this is sooooo close to Paul Washer sermon, with almost verbatim illustration. So close that it makes me uncomfortable that in a secular setting this would be borderline plagiarism.

  • @The2012west
    @The2012west 11 років тому

    can u blame him? when u have a good formula, dont change it.

  • @jorgealberto1983a
    @jorgealberto1983a 11 років тому

    The thing is that hundred's if not thousands of people have ¨made a prayer¨ and there lives do not reflect that Christ is in them. But they are ok with that because before the lord they will tell them hey I made the prayer you have to let me in. WRONG. When GOD saves some one he is new creature with evidence..
    I made the sinners prayer, but my life did not reflect Christ, I knew I was missing something. Then CHRIST SAVED me and since then my world is upside down.

  • @plightweisgoff
    @plightweisgoff 11 років тому

    This seems to simply be a case of a No True Scotsman (Christian)... that only if you've REALLY been 'saved' will the changes appear in your actual christian life. Could it be that no such transformation is occurring at all, or will ever occur?

  • @forgodsolovedtheworldjohn3898
    @forgodsolovedtheworldjohn3898 11 років тому

    I honestly don't understand this man with the prayer issue. How are they being deceived by the prayer? THE FACT THAT THEY CHOSE NOT TO FOLLOW JESUS AND NOT TO DO HIS WILL AFTER THE FACT OF ACCEPTING JESUS AS THEIR SAVIOR ONLY DECEIVED THEMSELVES........

  • @andyroberts6810
    @andyroberts6810 11 років тому +2

    Well, first off His name was never Jesus Christ. He was and is Jesus who is the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah. Second, I am certain Jesus is far more concerned about how we show extreme disrespect by ignoring Him, forgetting His Word, refusing to love one another, negating His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Keep a balance bro!

    • @paulschwarz406
      @paulschwarz406 3 роки тому

      So far your comment is the first one I can be comfortable agreeing with

    • @sk8nchill52
      @sk8nchill52 2 роки тому

      Finally someone that speaks truth against these radical Christian pastors

  • @MrJdom24
    @MrJdom24 11 років тому

    Don't be like that. Ya know, there is a character limit. It doesn't make Jesus any less significant calling Him "JC." No disrespect CJB.

  • @jorgealberto1983a
    @jorgealberto1983a 11 років тому +1

    The thing is that hundred's if not thousands of people have ¨made a prayer¨ and there lives do not reflect that Christ is in them. But they are ok with that because before the lord they will tell them hey I made the prayer you have to let me in. WRONG. When GOD saves some one he is new creature with evidence..
    I made the sinners prayer, but my life did not reflect Christ, I knew I was missing something. Then CHRIST SAVED me and since then my world is upside down.

    • @bailujen8052
      @bailujen8052 Рік тому

      I am a false convert yet i knew sinner's prayer is a joke

    • @thegospelmessenger1corinth634
      @thegospelmessenger1corinth634 Рік тому

      @@bailujen8052 - did you know that Heaven is a free gift from God? Billions of people go to bed every night wondering if they have been “good enough” to go to heaven. There is no need to live in fear and doubt. Jesus taught that you can “know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
      There are many passages in the Bible that teach the truth about Heaven being a free gift from God because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, not by our own good works. One of the most clear and important passages is from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians:
      Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
      Most people think that Heaven is a riddle which can never be solved. This is not true! The Bible is very clear about how you get to Heaven, and how it comes by faith in Jesus Christ, not by trusting in our own good works.
      We are living in the dispensation of the grace of God, by believing and trusting the gospel of salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) given to our Apostle Paul by Jesus Christ you are saved and sealed with the holy Spirit of promise till the day of redemption!!!
      Ephesians 1:13 - King James Version
      13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
      Romans 2:16 - King James Version
      16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. (Paul's Gospel - 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-4).
      Do you no longer see the wood for the trees or are you curious about what another bible study channel has to offer you? "Truth Time Radio", for solid Bible study!

  • @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh
    @ChaplainBobWalkerBTh 10 років тому +3

    Deceived due to the fact they are too busy with TV and cares of this world to bother to study the words of God found in the Geneva and King James Bibles....

    • @KUBZEE
      @KUBZEE 3 роки тому

      Cmon, man...

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 3 роки тому +2

      Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE is The Savior
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 2 роки тому

      @Servant of Christ
      Isaiah 43:11
      I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.
      Isaiah 45:5
      I am YaH, and there is none else.

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 2 роки тому

      @Servant of Christ
      So your god jesus, caused a virgin human girl to give birth to himself and arrives through the bloody process of childbirth covered in amniotic fluid. That’s your god?
      HERE is Salvation and YES, it is this simple
      1. YaH is The Heavenly Father
      2. YaH arrived to be Crucified for the sins of man, via The Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7-11, Isaiah 54, 55)
      3. YaH The Heavenly Father HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins (Hebrew Book of Isaiah)
      NO human female involved WHATSOEVER
      Praise YaH The Father and ONLY YaH The Father

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 2 роки тому

      @Servant of Christ
      HERE is Salvation and YOU better understand this
      1. YaH is The Heavenly Father
      2. YaH arrived to be Crucified for the sins of man, via The Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7-11, Isaiah 54, 55)
      3. YaH The Heavenly Father HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins (Hebrew Book of Isaiah)
      THAT’S IT, NOW, how simple is that and no ones “virgin daughter” is getting pregnant by their “god”
      From The Hebrew Book of Isaiah
      Isaiah 42:8
      "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
      Isaiah 43:11
      I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.
      Isaiah 45:5
      I am YaH, and there is none else.

  • @veganath
    @veganath 11 років тому

    Interesting how people of faith get caught up with giving more importance to the container & not it's content. As a christian u should model ur life on Jesus Christ (the container), he taught love as his most important commandment(the contents)
    Another example is Muslims who are supposed to model their live on the teachings(contents) of the Quran ie PEACE, rioting when the Quran(the container) is flushed down the toilet, personally I'd call a plumber
    UTube imposed 500 char limit, sorry 4 offendi

  • @classicjukebox
    @classicjukebox 11 років тому

    Calling the Lord Jesus Christ "JC" is extremely disrespectful. What, are you too busy to type His full name and title?

  • @windowsscreen
    @windowsscreen 11 років тому

    thats a paul washer quote :D

  • @almowit683
    @almowit683 11 років тому

    One of the motive of TRUE Christians is to help keep humans from unnecessarily suffering eternal damnation. We not only believe in God, His Spirit dwells in us and testifies to the Truth. The truth is, Hell exists and many will go there because of their unwillingness to believe the Truth. If you don't care what you believe, why are you he proclaiming what you believe? Irony.

  • @BigglesFlysAgin
    @BigglesFlysAgin 11 років тому

    Who has come face-to-face with God in flesh the Savior King and Sovereign Lord. nobody. He's lying.

  • @plightweisgoff
    @plightweisgoff 11 років тому

    So your response to me pointing out a no-true-scotsman is... another no-true-scotsman?

  • @tinman1955
    @tinman1955 11 років тому

    Funny how every religion is convinced that they get it, they understand the truth and all the other churches are more or less deceived. Only Roman Catholics have "fullness of truth", other churches only have partial truth - if any. Only LDS is the true Restoration church. Only Jehovah's Witnesses are the true church. All the various flavors of Islam are the true church. Ditto Judaism, etcetera ad nausium.
    Pretty much what you'd expect if religion is man made. Isn't it?

    • @Idksomenameqw
      @Idksomenameqw 2 роки тому

      There is a creator we didn't come from nothing

    • @brentschmoeckel1420
      @brentschmoeckel1420 2 роки тому +1

      See here lyes the problem everyone calls it religiously true Christianity is not religion it’s relationship that’s why it differs from every other belief not to mention Jesus is resurrected man takes what God meant as relationship and they religionize it

  • @EllenSmackdown
    @EllenSmackdown 11 років тому

    Christians are deceived because they buy things made by overseas penny wage labor. Jesus gets pissed and beats Wal Mart shoppers

  • @veganath
    @veganath 11 років тому

    JC taught that the kingdom of heaven is within, where does God live, well Heaven, so JC taught that God is within all beings. Some algebra, the bible says God is Love, therefore JC taught Love as his greatest teaching, therefore we don't need to believe in God(unfortunately this label = cultural baggage) I do believe in Love, anyway the "Labels" we give things are not as important as the reality they point too. We don't need to die to go to heaven/hell, as for eternal damnation there is no proof

  • @raj1991.
    @raj1991. 11 років тому

    you will get proof after you die

  • @Relativisticism
    @Relativisticism 11 років тому

    "Why many christians are deceived"
    I know the answer to that, because they are delusional and don't actually use their brains to reason out their beliefs.

  • @yenfour
    @yenfour 11 років тому

    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic, Jewish zombie can make me live forever if I symbolically cannibalize his flesh and telepathically accept him as my master so he can remove a force of evil from my soul for merely being born, put there by a rib-woman who was convinced by a talking snake with legs to eat the fruit of a magical tree. I'm now slowly backing away toward the door, smiling, with both my index fingers pointing at you, gently saying, " Hokay, okay." (with apologies to Jim Jeffries)

    • @Driven1981
      @Driven1981 2 роки тому

      What are your thoughts 8 years later?

  • @harleyadams4551
    @harleyadams4551 11 років тому

    science takes all the credit for the international space station.No credit to prayer no church in space station as well.Prayer brings no value when rational thought is required