【ゲーム実況】シリーズ完全初見!JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 Remastered実況プレイ!#06 ※配信内容にネタバレ含みます【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

  • Опубліковано 14 гру 2024


  • @雪カワウソ
    @雪カワウソ Рік тому +18

    個人用Time Stamp
    02:41 start
    03:23 3Dライブを見ながら待ってたら…
    04:12 裏作業の進捗&タラシていきたいラミィ
    06:00 松金組長の場所を聞きに東の所へ
     08:40 ロストジャッジメント&如くシリーズに興味が出たラミィ
     11:05 こんばんワイフに行こうとするラミィ 42:10
      11:33 マリン先輩のものまね 12:12
       12:40 こんばんワイフは~?
    13:50 料亭で松金組長からの話
     19:34 VS東
      22:16 組長の昔と今&決別
    35:07 マップを見てても迷子になるラミィ
    35:47 俺のさなちゃん
    38:10 九十九氏から盗聴器購入
     40:10 タバコを吸うラミィ
    49:11 さなちゃんとのデートを楽しむラミィ
    58:00 盗聴器ゲット
    1:00:10 事務所を見てほしいラミィ
    1:00:53 盗聴器の仕掛けの打合せ&突然の人物に困惑するラミィ
     1:04:30 折り紙さんと謎の競争をするラミィ
     1:05:25 キャラの挙動に色々ツッコむラミィ
     1:08:15 目的の人物発見
    1:11:00 変装完了
     1:13:00 この人たちバ〇だ&ここぞとばかりに喧嘩を売りまくるラミィ
    1:14:17 松金組に侵入開始
     1:18:03 VS松金組組員
     1:20:10 羽村の居場所
    1:22:18 カジノで丁半博打の賭場探し
     1:26:34 場所を知ってる人発見&ポーカー勝負
      1:30:57 合言葉を覚えようとするが混乱するラミィ
    1:35:07 賭場へ潜入
    1:36:10 羽村発見
     1:37:53 VS 羽村
     1:41:57 意外な黒幕
    1:46:49 chapter9
    1:51:20 急に始まるサブクエミッション
     1:57:50 尾行相手に超接近するラミィ
    2:02:08 服部記者の取材が終わるまで店を荒らすラミィ
     2:03:25 夢の新薬
    2:15:33 事務所で情報整理&仮説
     2:20:27 3年前の事件と生野の動機について
    2:31:32 終了挨拶
     2:32:27 Cパート

  • @ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ
    @ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ Рік тому +20

    10:28 高木ぃ!       
    12:04 竹内ぃ!
    12:08 岸田ぁ!
    31:33 岡田ぁ!
    31:50 岩瀬!
    31:52 佐々木ぃ!
    31:55 杉原ぁ!
    43:58 大城ぉ!
    44:05 竹内が!
    44:10 森田!
     44:17 森田!
    44:13 小野!小野!小野!
     44:25 こいよ小野ぉ!
    44:50 藤原ぁ!
     45:06 藤原っ!
    44:51 臼井ぃ!
     44:04 この臼井がっ!
    44:52 中野ぉ!
     44:57 中野っ!
    44:54 横山ぁ!
     44:02 横山っ!
    48:39 近藤ー!
    48:41 太田!
    48:41 遠藤!
    1:21:50 おいこいよ石井ぃ!
    1:21:53 青柳ぃ!
    1:26:01 上原ざっこ!l
    1:38:00 皆川 関根 
    1:38:10 奥田
    1:38:13 塩田
    1:38:19 横田ぁ!
    1:38:46 尾崎でもいい
     1:39:40 尾崎まて、まて尾崎、はい尾崎
     1:40:50 やるんか尾崎
    1:38:56 加藤!加藤!
     1:39:05 加藤め!
    1:39:00 稲垣!(いなば!)

  • @X-Kill
    @X-Kill Рік тому +3

    [Timestamps & Story Summary Part 1] 6th part of the Judgement walkthrough with Lamy-chan!
    On this time we'll continue on with the main story from the point we left at, that is, the beginning of chapter 8!
    Let's uncover the truth behind the crime!
    2:40 Start!
    2:50 _"Sorry i was watching the 3D collab"_ 👀
    3:02 _"I have to go to the hospital in the evening so i thought about playing until the very end"_ Tweeting the [Start tweet]
    3:24 _"Please listen, i was waiting in here while watching the 3D collab (Volume check), and then my goodness... This town i swear... I got into a fight 9 times. It's such a bad town! This is a 70% dangerous town, as soon as i defeated one the next one was already here"_

    4:12 _"So, today i'd like to continue the main story, but before, actually after finishing yesterday, i played a bit offstream after stream, and continued Sana-chan's subquest" _
    4:38 _"What was with that movement it was gross... But anyway, Sana-chan was scouted by an entertainment agency, but then turns the agency wanted Sana-chan for something else, so i had to get into that agency and beat the agency's CEO, so i guess that Sana-chan liked me somewhat, look"_ ❤
    5:17 Showing Sana's message. [Yagami-san, this is Mihama Sana :D Thank you for the other day. Thanks to Yagami-san i think i continue to do my best from now on!]
    5:40 Affection points with Sana increase.
    5:59 _"Let's go meet Gasshi (Higashi)"_
    6:02 _"[Higashi: What now, something bothersome again?/Yagami: I'd like to know where's the boss Hamura though/Higashi: He's disappeared/Yagami: Then where is the old man, at the group's office?/Kaito: He isn't there, in't it obvious? The old guy is just like the boss in range, if his whereabouts were known, he'd be target to the kyorei clan]"_
    6:30 _"[Higashi: He should've went at a safe place for now, but where could that be is]/L: Is there a safe place in this Kamurocho?"_
    7:21 _"L: By the way when they mean the Kashira Hamura, they mean = sewer rat/[Kaito: I wonder if the old man knows the kashira/boss's whereabouts.../Yagami: Well, let's wait for Higashi to contact us]"_
    7:39 _"So to spend time, we have to spend some time huh, let's do some quests?"_
    8:04 First fight of the day. 👊

    8:22 _"I could've finished it now, read the mood you! (To Kaito)"_
    8:37 _"Once i'm finished with Judgement, I want to play Lost Judgement and Yakuza too! These series are so fun! Even though it's my first game i'm playing i mean, it's real fun, i want to play them all"_
    9:05 _"L: Every week i'd become a gang member, saturday and sunday/C: So hoodlamy?/L: Yup, saturday and sunday i'd be a thug Lamy and go bad, i'm being sullied gradually by Kamurocho. Ah yeah, because i had a lot of money i bought a lot of items in the conbini!"_
    10:10 Showing her food items.
    10:37 _"It was a rich goon with 5k Yen"_ 🤑
    11:00 _"I'd like to play around while waiting for Gasshi to cotnact me, but is there no place to play around? Let's go someplace while waiting for him"_
    11:15 _"Where should i go guys, Konbanwife? To Queen Rouge?"_
    11:32 _"Will we finally get to meet Marine-chan? Marine-desuuu"_ *Impression*
    12:11 _"C: it was a bit similar/L: Really? You're so kind~ I'm Marine, Houshou Marineee"_ *Higashi calls her* 🏴‍☠
    13:05 _"And what about my visit to Konbanwife?!"_
    13:43 _"Ah well... Let's go, even though i felt like going to Konbanwife"_
    14:11 _"[Higashi: Please take a seat]/L: So mysterious.../[Matsugane: Been a while Tabo, hah, ever since Kaito left the group?]/L: Yeah! It's been a while since i last saw him"_
    14:27 _"[Yagami: Old man, i heard from Higashi but i thought i'd ask you.../Matsugane: Before that, wouldn't you have a toast with me?]/L: is it nihonshu?/[Yagami: Certainly/Higashi: Here you go]/L: It's a pretty nice traditional japanese restaurant!/[Yagami: This is a good place/Matsugane: Because it's been a while since i last drank with you guys]"_
    14:59 Another serving. _"Ahhh thanks.../[Matsugane: Hey Tabo... After all, wouldn't you back off from Hamura?/Yagami: What was that?/Maatsugane: Because he is of the Matsugane group, he is one of ours/Yagami: That's what i asked the other day, where is Hamura?/Matsugane: I don't know, i don't have contact with him everyday/Yagami: Then why are we here then? Were that the case, you wouldn't have gone out of your way to meet us...]/L: Why? Is he trying to persuade us?"_
    15:40 _"[Matsugane: Now...]/L: Eh?! It's a lie isn't it?! No... This is to make us desist huh..."_
    15:56 _"[Higashi: Old man... When did it turn like this?/Matsugane: Tabo, don't put a hand on Hamura any more/Yagami: He's not my opponent, it's the mole, i just want to ask him about that/Matsugane: It's the same, you know it right? Hamura and the mole are connected, so forget about it/Yagami: And if i refuse?/Matsugane: It's dangerous to touch them, believe me!/Yagami: What is so dangerous?! If i don't hear a reason i can't desist...]/L: Well yeah.../[Matsugane: In the background, there's a group of which even i don't know about, but i can't say anything more than that... So if you won't desist, then i'll have to {Immobilize} you for a while]/L: This is getting surprisingly violent/[Matsugane: That way you won't die...]"_
    17:07 _"[Yagami: old man...]/L: This is kindness in a way, too.../[Matsugane: I've been always been looking after you ever since you were brats... Up until now, i've never berated you, have i? So that's why this is the first and last time... Get out of the town, if you feel the very least gratitude towards me... I want to ask only this]/L: If he asks it this way... Honestly..."_
    17:42 _"[Yagami: The mole incident... Involves the drug development center, it's connected to the incident 3 years ago... No matter how much even you old man, tell me i'm {ungrateful}... It's nonnegotiable.../Matsugane: Fool...]/L: Oh no... Old man... You're kind aren't you?"_
    18:09 _"[Kaito: Old man... Your orders were always absolute to me but... Right now, i'm part of the detective agency Yagami]/L: Uwahhh, it's too dramatic though... If you think about the old man's feelings... It's painful for him, he was too kind/[Matsugane: Higashi.../Higashi: Yes?!/Matsugane: Cut their stomachs]/L: Eh?!/[Matsugane: You're one of the Matsugane aren't you?/Higashi: Of course!/Matsugane: Then prove it *Hands him a wakizashi*]/L: NO!"_
    19:04 _"L: You can't do it, can you Gasshi?/[Kaito: Idiot, What face are you making? You have to do it... When you have to, you have to prepare to kill or be killed... That's what being a man is!/Yagami: Is it time to preach like that?/Higashi: ... LET'S GO!]"_

    19:32 Cutscene vs Higashi.
    19:54 *Toru Higashi boss fight* _"No, i don't want to fight Gasshi! I leave the rest of the weaklings to you Origami-san, i'll fight gasshi"_
    20:33 _"No, the one i hate is the sewer rat, not you Gasshi!"_
    22:03 _"I don't want to heal against you Gasshi!"_ *Kicks and victory* _"Ahh i didn't want to fight you..."_
    22:21 _"L: It's painful isn't it... For the people in your own group to... And while you still kept thinking about the lives of these two, you could only do this much.../[Matsugane: You're the big deal, aren't you? Compared to this wicked opponent, i'm just a rotting man, aren't i, Tabo?]/L: You've just mellowed out.../[Matsugane: Entirely different from when we first met, isn't it?]"_

    23:08 _"This feeling of being left behind, it's pretty tough..."_
    23:21 20 years ago. _"[Kaito: Cut it out fucking kid?! *Punch*/Yagami: It's... Not over yet.../Matsugane: You sure did it Kaito.../Kaito: Old man?/Matsugane: Is he the guy named Yagami you mentioned?]"_
    23:42 _"So young! Was he so young 20 years ago?! He's absurdly young... He aged 40 years from this more like... Also he's cool/[Matsugane: Are you out of your mind?/Yagami: Who's the crazy one, fucking Yakuza.../Matsugane: So there it is, the words of a stinky rotting brat/Yagami: You're the one who's rotten?!/Matsugane: Don't get carried away kid!]/L: He has a strong stare.../[Matsugane: Truth be told, there was a time when i was like you. I was like a stray dog, getting beaten for being indiscrete and angry at everyone. But then, before long, this garbage pile-like of a town became the only place i could have. Aren't you like that too?/Yagami: Shut up!... Don't say it like you understand.../Matsugane: But i understand it. Because ever since i was young i kept piling up mistake after mistake i couldn't make amends for. That's why, i can tell people like you at first glance]/L: Uwahh.../[Matsugane: Am i wrong? But... When i noticed, i could only become a Yakuza, but at your age, it's too early to get rotten]..."_
    25:52 _"L: He's so kind!/[Matsugane: Earlier i said {This garbage pile-like city}, but the reality is different. This city, is a place where people struggle to climb up when they know the bottom. If you feel like it, next time, i'll tell you about it]/L: And so cool too!/[Matsugane: So don't fight our Kaito ever again]"_
    26:04 _"You'd feel like following this person for sure... And origami turned to be the ordinary Origami we know"_
    (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill Рік тому

      [Timestamps & Story Summary Part 2]
      *Back to present time*
      26:26 _"[Matsugane: What you call this {Mole}, is the killer that Hamura is keeping safe/Yagami: A killer?!/Matsugane: Aye, It seems that everytime Hamura needs someone killed, he uses the same person. It's that person for sure]/L: I see.../[Yagami: Who is that guy?/Matsugane: Who knows... It's just that, to be able to find it it'll take a lot. Even though he uses the same method to kill countless times, there's no evidence left behind]"_
      27:03 _ "[Yagami: have you seen the mole's face?/Matsugane: No, it's only Hamura who knows its face]/L: I really shouldn't have released him/[Matsugane: Tabo, you really won't back off/Yagami: yeah.../Matsugane: But, even if you go after Hamura or the mole, they're just tools, in the deep, there's a dark organization whose face you don't see, once you get in trouble with them, there's no turning back... Do you understand that?!/Yagami: If i'm to have any regrets, that'd be after i've done it/Matsugane: They always ignore the advice of the elderly...]/L: Ahh... If it was me i'd listen to him... I can't rebel to the old man's emotion..."_ 😥
      28:15 _"[Yagami: Old man, could you tell me one thing?/Matsugane: What is?/Yagami: The Matsugane group i knew, wasn't the kind that would calmly tolerate killing. After all, the Matsugane group that Hamura made is/Matsugane: Don't make me say it over and over! Times have changed... The matsugane group right now is Hamura's division]/L: It's tough for him! He wouldn't want to be told this on his own pride/[Matsugane: Other than leaving it to you, i won't meddle any longer. This is what i decided as the boss/Yagami: Old man... Thank you for helping me all this time]"_
      28:58 _"This image of him being left alone is painful, it's hard for him too... I can't, i feel too empathetic for the old man..."_
      29:26 _"L: He really thinks of these two as his own children"_ Kaito explains how they may be able to find out Hamura.

      31:04 Still low on health so eating pizza buns to heal before fighting the goons. 🍕
      32:19 Sakakiba fight. 👊
      32:44 _"Somehow these weapon attacks are the strongest"_
      33:52 _"You're eating again?!"_

      35:47 _"Sana-chan! There's more people, move aside? She's my Sana, ah sorry... Oh, that old man is taking a picture! Let's say [I came because i wanted to listen to your singing]"_
      36:13 More affection points. 🥰​
      36:20 _"There was somebody who made a bad face just now though, oh, Sana-chan disappeared?"_
      36:48 Message from Sana. _"L: What is this time, my Sana?/[Sana: Yagami-san, did you know that my videos are on the internet?/Yagami: Do you upload them yourself?/Sana: Yeah, ever since back at home, i'd feel like sharing my songs with everybody/Yagami: I didn't know, anything wrong with that?]/L: That's pretty cold, you!"_ *Sana has been contacted by a talent agency after seeing her videos* _"I'm happy but a bit worried"_
      37:29 _"Ahh it keeps increasing, this is love huh"_
      36:52 _"Sana-chan loves me too much"_

      38:10 _"Tsukumosshi! I have nothing to envy from you anymore, because i have my Sana now!"_ *Yagami asks him for a wiretap device*
      38:41 _"[Tsukumo: These are {Made in tsukumo}! Nothing more reliable than this, and what's more, at a good price for you alone]/L: How much?/[Yagami: Alright, leave it to me, then what about for the wiretap device's materials? I'll gather them for you right away/Tsukumo: _*_scoffs_*_ You won't need to do that, i don't have them but i can get them here, it's something like that, rings a bell?/Yagami: No?/Tsukmo: Odering them by internet! And if you pick an express delivery it'll arrive right away, so you just have to prepare the money]"_
      39:15 _"[Yagami: How much?/Tsukumo: The materials, and including the cost of my work, it's 100,000 yen]/L: THAT'S EXPENSIVE!/[Yagami: And... That's the friend offer huh/Tsukumo: Of course, it's a great price!]"_

      39:43 _Giving the money "Ahh my money's disappearing"_
      39:57 _"Also it's because i bought healing kits offstream"_
      40:35 Smoking Wamy. _"[Smoking Goon 1: The person sleeping next to me snored so loudly i couldn't sleep, even if i knocked the door or so he didn't wake up/Smoking Goon 2: You get used to it when you live a year there, i've been living for what now, 5 years? And i've gotten used to the snoring and the stench]"_
      40:49 _"Fire years?! _*_giggles_*_ You'd live for 5 years in a manga cafe, really? These guys must be experts at manga cafe then... They're residents of this place already, what about their house o appartments?... Yeah, really you'd be able to live for a week in a manga cafe, maybe, but there's also those that live for several months, what happens with their belongings, do they leave them at a coin locker or something?"_
      41:39 _"There's that too right? Plans for 24 hours or 1 week as well... Let's go to the arcade?"_
      42:09 _"Can't be helped, at times like this we have to go to Konbanwife right?"_
      42:33 _"Also i want to show you my office right now, i've sorted lots of them! (her figures and plushies)"_ + Sana message.
      43:18 *Getting a date with Sana* _"[Yagami: Right, before the date, should i go purchase a present for Sana-chan?]/L: OI OI that takes money! Really?! Can't help it! Let's set up, Let Marche, let's go purchase that for Sana?"_
      43:44 _"Well sana is just 19 yo, so i don't think i need something so pretentious for her"_
      44:31 _"You're getting in the way of my sana and me! Alright, let's go purchase her gift"_
      45:27 _"What should i buy? Something not too pretentious would be fine"_
      45:40 Yagami in suit and Lamy scoff.
      46:50 _"Let's go to the date with my Sana?"_
      47:49 Tsukumo Call. _"L: Ah, the goons in front of me disappeared/[Yagami: Hello?/Tsukumo: Kept you waiting huuh? I prepared your items for you/Yagami: That was real fast.../Tsukumo: But before i can give them to you, you'll need to come pick them up/Yagami: go it, i'll be there]"_
      48:02 _"Okay, i'll go after the date with Sana (After Sana's date) wait for me, my Sana! I'm going now!"_
      48:43 _"I'm going to my date with Sana, don't get in the way! _*_gets money_*_ oh, a Date fee"_ 💸
      49:15 Meeting with Sana. Going Ikemen voice.
      49:33 _"Sana-chan, these heart earrings, i think they match you well"_

      49:54 _"Let's go to the game center? alright, i'll show you what i'm good at in the crane game"_
      50:44 Gets doggie plush. _"I'll offer this present to you Sana-chan"_
      51:44 Happy Sana and Lamy sounds.
      52:00 _"My heart's beating fast at how Date-like this is, it's more than i expected"_
      52:26 [Sana: So Yagami-san, do you prefer younger or older?/Yagami: younger!/Sana: Ehh?! Is that so? Then...] Lamy losing it.
      53:06 Asking for her hobbies. _"Eh? You like cooking? You're so homely then!"_
      55:03 _"Kasai?! You're a fan of Sana-chan?! And moreover you support her?!"_
      55:44 _"Make peace Sana-chan?! Alright!"_
      56:24 People taking photos without their permission and angy Lamy.
      57:03 _"We're lovey-dovey! She loves me for sure doesn't she?! Wahh she waves to me until the end, so cute!"_
      57:52 _"Leave a lady's heart to me, i'm also a lady, after all!"_
      59:04 _"Tsukumo-san is typing at a screen with nothing on it though"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill Рік тому

      [Timestamps & Story Summary Part 3]
      1:00:10 Showing us her cute office. Everybody's here.
      1:00:27 _"I put a lot of them here, isn't it amazing? Also, wanna listen to the BGM?"_
      1:00:53 _"[Fumiya: So we're talking about wiretapping the Matsugane group huh?/Yagami: Did you hear it?/Kaito: yeah, then please Sugiura-kun, explain to him/Fumiya: That, sorry but it's impossible, even if you infiltrate the group's office it's always under surveillance isn't it? Plus a camera sees how gets in and out. If you're caught you'll be left half dead? Not joking/Kaito: Yeah, looks like/Yagami: That's now it! What do we do Kaito-san?/Kaito: Come now, don't angry, so we thought about something else... If sneaking in can't work, then we'll come in disguised]/L: There's not much difference though?"_
      1:01:41 _"[Kaito: Tabo, do you remeber this guy?/Fumiya: Who's this guy?]/L: I don't know him! No really, who is this guy? I don't know this Tashiro-kun!"_ *Kaito proposes Yagami dresses like him since they have a similar build*

      1:03:49 _"Oh, it's time to go to the Cabaret huh, it's named Emerald Hills huh, that's quite the luxurious name"_
      1:04:27 _"[Kaito: You're too fast!]/L: Can you keep up with my speed Origami-san?!"_
      1:05:01 _"Ohh, Origami-san warped! That's unfair!"_
      1:05:30 Laughing at how they're talking at a distance.
      1:06:00 _"Also i can hear Origami-san's voice, but he's not here, where is he?!"_
      1:06:36 _"So far... They'd have to be talking in super loud voice like [WHAT DID YOU SAY?!] and raise their voice"_
      1:07:11 _"Ahh no good, this game doesn't stop showing funny things, the faces, the girl's face from yesterday with the half open eyes was super fun"_
      1:08:10 Found Tashiro.
      1:08:40 _"Amazing, he's dressed in full gold"_
      1:09:12 _"He talked like a kid, adding [mon] at the end of everything or [For realz?!]"_
      1:10:00 _"Wanna fight Tashiro-kun? Our Origami is too strong you know!"_
      1:10:38 Victory with a concrete brick.
      1:11:25 _"He's all pompous! Wait, how did they do his hair?! And this doesn't suit him at all!"_
      1:11:48 Feeling sorry for Tashiro-kun.
      1:12:16 Fumiya laughing at his getup. _"L: www You should be the one doing this!"_

      1:13:01 _"I totally look like a goon like this_
      1:13:21 _"They think i'm their ally and won't fight me?! Are they idiots?!"_
      1:13:40 Messing with thugs on purpose but they won't fight. _"L: Hey i'm part of your same group/[Goon: Looking for a fight?x6]/L: Looking for a fight! They keep saying that but won't come"_
      1:14:27 Meeting with Fumiya. He's overcome by laughter. _"[Yagami: Kept you waiting Sugiura/Fumiya: ... Aren't you mistaking me for somebody else?... _*_pffffft_*_ No I can't www]/L: You're the worst!"_
      1:14:44 _"L: Whose fault is that i'm dressed like this?!/[Fumiya: Can't help it, that outfit has too much destructive power!]/L: Yeah it doesn't fit him at all"_
      1:15:17 *Hitting [Ready]* _"Shut it, don't laugh!"_
      1:17:01 3 Power outlets total, finding them to tap them.
      1:17:37 _"It'd be pretty suspicious that the outlets are tapped like this right?"_
      1:17:54 Kitty found. 🐈

      1:18:38 Fight against Goons after being found out.
      1:19:29 _"Fleeing in the dark? Wait, but he'd stand out a lot in the dark dressed like that, he wasn't found out?"_
      1:20:35 _"[Fumiya: We did it, it's Hamura on the phone, he's being given a report on the disturbance/Yagami: Can you tell where is he?/Fumiya: Hold up a bit... Hm? Chou-Han? (Dice game, known as even & odds)] There's a gambling hall in Kamurocho, where do they do Chou-han?/L: Amazing, we've won then!/[Yagami: For mochi, ask the mochi shop... (It's a saying that means, to find something, ask for those on its trade) so if we want to ask where a gambling place is, we have to ask a gambler...]/L: Ohhh!"_

      1:21:59 Zako tskr. 🙏
      1:22:22 _"Maybe this casino has that once again but, there's that table that's down even though i did nothing, it's broken just like that"_ *Into L'Amant*
      1:22:51 _"It's not down! My usual table that's topped down isn't there!"_
      1:23:37 _"Who messages me at this time?! Sana-san i'm busy!"_
      1:25:50 Fighting them. _"What a small fry! It took a single hit!"_
      1:26:25 _"[Man: That lady, she has a nice rear!]/L: Is this guy?/[Yagami: Can i ask you something?/Man: What?/Yagami: Would you happen to know a place in Kamurocho where i can play Chou-Han?/Man: Ahh, that place on champion street, it's truly not a place for the commonsfolk/Yagami: So you know it? I'd like if you could tell me where it is/Man: I can tell you but, don't you think that lady has a nice derrier?]"_
      1:27:02 _"L: Oh, she was next to the guy i just beat/[Yagami: okay, what of it?/Man: I want to drink with her! Bro, can you go ask her up?/Yagami: Eh? Why me?]/L: Ask her yourself!/[Man: Well the success rate is higher when a handsome guy asks right? I'm a bit low on that/Yagami: tch, can't be helped, if it goes well please tell me?]"_
      1:27:41 Talking to the lady. _"L: Ah this person is too knowledgeable, he's a pick-up expert/[Yagami: Can i sit up besides?/Lady: yeah/Yagami: Do you come here often?/Lady: Yeah, i like drinking and gambling, or perhaps, cause of good men?]/L: Ahhhh, he's an expert on good women/[Lady: I'd like to be wooed at least once, with lines like those in movies/Yagami: What are you drinking?/Lady: Martini, always drink that before a match/Yagami: So you shake but not stir the vodka martini?]/L: The hell are you saying? I don't know, not stir but shaked?/[Lady: _*_giggles_*_ Yeah, you're well versed in movies huh/Yagami: Would you allow me to treat you? I have a friend too, let's have fun together/Lady: just alcohol? I told you, i love gambling, i enjoy games that make you tingle... If you can beat me at poker i'll go with you]/L: Ehh?! Impossible!"_ 🃏​
      1:28:49 _"We have to do this huh, Let's play Poker... What is that though?"_
      1:29:37 _"Is this a game of matching pairs? I don't know"_
      1:29:57 _"C: Remember Jojo!/L: Somehow i didn't get it..."_
      1:30:19 _"[Lady: It's my victory/Yagami: Can't be helped, games are timing of luck]/L: I lost though!/[Lady: My, you're pretty sportsmanlike aren't you?/Yagami: If you can read the flow, even if you don't win you won't lose as much right?/Lady: Aren't you knowledgeable? I feel like i'll be able to play with you for long! Good, i'll ]/L: It looks that even though i lost it's fine, but i really can't be as kowledgeable as her"_

      1:31:03 _"[Man: Ah true, in champion street there's a single shop that doesn't have a sign, you'll know which it is right away/Yagami: So a shop without a sign/Man: Then, at the shutter, knock slowly 3 times, then they'll ask you {What can i do for you?} Then you have to say the password {How's Ootsuki doing?}, get it?/Yagami: Knock, give the password/Man: Then when he says {Looks like he'd like some steak} you respond {Chateaubriand, blue rare}]/L: *cutely repeats*/[Yagami: Thank you/Man: Let's cheer then!/Yagami: I'll abstain, i have to get going/Man: you're not coming? Even though there's such a good rear there/Yagami: Oh by the way, for her, it's not a stirred vodka martini, but shaked]"_ 🍸​
      1:31:54 _"Stop it, please don't say it in Katakana, i won't be able to remember it!"_
      1:33:23 Reading the password [Chateaubriand Blue rare], trying to remember it. 🥩​
      1:34:50 Found the place. _"It looks so normal!"_
      1:35:17 Giving the first password.
      1:35:34 Giving the Steak password. _"[Keeper: We've received your order, please enjoy it/Kaito: Alright, we did it Tabo!]/L: Shut up for a second Origami-san/[Yagami: Once this is done, i'll have some steak...]/L: Will you eat a Chateaubriand blue rare?"_

      1:36:20 Into the chou-han dice place. _"Amazing, they're showing them like a movie!"_
      1:37:02 _"Hamu! The sewer rat's there! And he's playing like nothing"_
      1:37:15 _"Lose! Shut it and lose!"_

      1:37:33 Confronting Hamura. _"[Yagami: I've found you chief, sure had a hard time finding you!]/L: He's scared! Are we going to fight in this narrow place? Alright let's do this"_
      1:37:56 *Fight against Goons and Hamura* _"Let's end up the weaklings first"_
      1:39:21 _"Can you eat Oden in these circumstances?"_
      1:40:02 _"Take that sewer rat! Take this concrete brick!"_
      1:40:33 Piledriving Hamura.
      1:41:49 Victory! 🥳
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill Рік тому

      [Timestamps & Story Summary Part 4]
      1:41:58 _"This rat, weakling"_ 🐀
      1:42:45 _"[Yagami: The mole, is the one killer you covered for, wasn't it? How many people did you kill in total? The Kyorei clan guys and Shintani, i suppose there's more to add? Before he was killed, Shintani told me, that the mole had nothing to do with merely a yakuza conflict]/L: he said it"_
      1:43:15 _"[Yagami: So he had enough information to say only that... And that's why you had to shut him right? By telling the mole to use Ayabe's gun/Hamura: I don't know]/L: He has to know!/[Yagami: What Shintani found was that the murders were connected to the Drug development center, is this also something related to the AD-9's own interests?!/Hamura: I tell you i don't know!]/L: No, he knows"_
      1:43:39 _"[Hamura: Let me go Kaito, i'll kill you!/Kaito: Listen quietly to what Tabo is saying...*Hamura*]/L: Ohh he called him by name!/[Yagami: Dr. Kido, of the DDC, is he the one person who moved your strings?]/L: Eh?! He didn't seem THAT smart though.../[Hamura: *laughs*/Yagami: Am i wrong?]"_
      1:44:16 _"[Kaito: Why don't you answer?! If you don't feel like talking then you don't need air!] _*_chokes him_*_ [Yagami: Kaito-san!... So is it not Kido?/Hamura:...]/L: Why won't you answer?!"_
      1:44:41 _"[Yagami: When shintani called the DDC... It wasn't for Kido, but Shono, who he was calling for...]/L: It's not Kido?! No way it's Shono right?!/[Yagami: Hashiki too, just before he was killed, he also asked Shono for information...]/L: True true! It's all involving Shono..."_
      1:45:11 _"[Yagami: Is the mastermind, Shono?!]/L: Really?! Can he do that?!"_ *Fire and sucker punches to Kaito and Yagami*
      1:45:52 _"From guns to that, you guys have everything..."_
      1:46:40 Chapter 8 cleared. 👏
      1:46:54 Chapter 9: The dream drug. _"This is the summary of the story so far"_
      1:47:40 _"[The Dream drug/Medicine]"_ 💊
      1:48:03 News of the incident at the Chou-han place.
      1:48:48 _"[Hoshino: well, i came here in hopes that i could help you in some way./Yagami: Help me?/Hoshino: I found a person who knows about AD-9. If we are to pursue this case further, it's something we need to do. Yet even though we look into scientific paperwork, we couldn't understand them]/L: Eh?! Oh but he said he'd search into it/[Hoshino: Well, there's someone who can explain it in simple words/Yagami: So you found them huh/Hoshino: Just, don't get angry.../Yagami: Why?/Hoshino: It's just that that person is Hattori-san, the magazine journalist]"_
      1:49:25 _"Ahh this guy, i hate him..."_
      1:50:19 _"No i don't wanna, i hate that guy..."_

      1:51:27 _"We suddenly started an inspection though..."_
      1:52:18 Tailing begins. _"Can't be helped, let's track him"_
      1:53:24 _"He wants to drink sake but he's afraid of black clothes, i don't know what happened to get this subquest though"_
      1:53:44 _"Ah i remember now, he went to a fortuneteller, and they told him something like [You'll be caught in a loop of mishap after mishap], and he was skeptic, but then he had an accident while riding his bike, and he went [Oh it's true then!] and then when an old guy came he said something like [Black is the key] and then it felt like an omen for him so now he's afraid of anything black colored"_
      1:54:57 _"If he wants to drink sake he could do so well at home, don't you think so?"_
      1:55:59 _"[Guy: Must have been my imagination]/L: yes it is!"_
      1:56:17 _"[??: Hey you, what are you doing?!/Yagami: The police, now of all times?/Friend catcher: He turned, thanks!/Yagami: Ha?/FC: Don't worry, i'm not the police... Hey man, what do you think of 🅱 oobs? Even the police has mellow Boo 🅱s!]/L: he asked that super straight! What does he mean? Ah, i lost him..."_
      1:57:44 _"Coming here to drink sake, for real, just go back home!"_
      1:58:31 After almost losing him, came obviously across him and hid right away.
      1:58:59 Tailing completed.
      1:59:31 _"A single Beer is 100k yen?!"_
      2:00:04 _"I feel sorry that a single beer is 100k yen, let's help him"_
      2:00:23 Fight against Scammer.
      2:01:50 _"Kim-san again, no thanks"_
      2:02:06 _"L: I'm he- www what is he-Ahh he's taking pictures! I thought that he was eating while in that position, uwah, it looks delicious!"_ *Hattori taking pictures of the food for article*
      2:03:35 _"[Yagami: Are you becoming a gourmet reporter?/Hattori: I have a motto of being through with anything i'm interested about so]/L: Mentai rice is good..."_ 🍜
      2:03:04 *Lamy breaking stuff* _"You can't ignore me anymore right?! As long as you keep ignoring me i'll keep breaking this shop, you okay with that?"_

      2:03:28 _"[Hattori: It's strange, to think the day would come where i'd eat Ramen with you on the other side of the table]/L: Amazing, so while they're smoking... At least eat and then smoke after/[Yagami: Are you still in contact with the Kajihira chairman?/Hattori: Rather than that, he calls me when he wants to call me. Well he's somebody that as a reporter i'd like to get along with, so i'd at least like to try and make use of it. I'd like to try and get along with Yagami-san too]"_
      2:04:04 _"[Hattori: Because you see, for Attorney shintani who was killed the other day, you were the first-hand witness]/L: His way of speaking is really gross... It's true though/[Yagami: Didn't you come here today to tell me what AD-9 is? Else i don't have a reason to chat with you/Hattori: Understood, then i'll do this one for you today...]/L: Anyway, aren't you eating the Ramen?"_ 🚬
      2:05:41 _"L: I see!/[Yagami: i see]/L: Oi, don't copy me"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill Рік тому

      [Timestamps & Story Summary Part 5]
      2:05:45 _"[Hattori: Nowadays, in Japan one of every 4 people over the age of 80 suffer from dementia, for instance, if you had a married couple in their 50's, for each of their children, one out of every 4 would develop symptoms, so, 30 years later, there's a 1 in 2 chance that either you or your spouse would develop dementia]/L: And it's not like a cold, it's hard to tell the symptoms when you're sick"_
      2:06:14 _"[Hattori: Dementia isn't something particular to specific people, even if i were to experience symptoms, i'd look for medical attention right away. Some people have been able to stop the progression of the illness and keep working. Dementia is an illness that you shouldn't fear, but prepare for. The problem is that people as a society don't understand it, like you probably right now... But first i'd like to give you an overview on Alzheimer, would you listen?]/L: of course!"_ 👂
      2:07:00 _"[Hattori: Albeit there's several different types of demential, about 70% of them is caused by Alzheimer]/L: Ehh today i learned/[Hattori: It's also said that the symptoms are developed due to an accumulation of a protein known as Amyloid Beta in the brain. As a result, the brain cells die and the brain shrinks in size/Yagami: In short, the trash that accumulates in the body does in turn make it shrink?/Hattori: To say in a blunt way]"_
      2:07:39 _"L: So basically, the dead neurons don't get replaced by new ones huh?/[Hattori: Even that is still a hypothesis. There's still plenty we don't know about Alzheimer/Yagami: What happens when the brain shrinks?/Hattori: Then you get memory problems. In the first place, the process to memorize is divided in three steps: Encoding, Storage and Retrieval. The first step then becomes impossible to do, so you can't make new memories]/L: This is so informative.../[Hattori: Shall i give an example of something that i found amazing? When a patient was asked about {What date is today?} They weren't able to give any right response. And also, if you were to ask them about what year are we on, they'd sometimes answer things like {Maybe 1952?} Or something decades ago]"_
      2:08:33 _"L: So the processing gets all iffy huh/[Hattori: These foggy memories are often seen in patients with Dementia]"_
      2:08:45 _"[Yagami: I get the big part of it, so how does the AD-9 affect Alzheimer?/Hattori: According to the report on paper of the AD-9, the medication administered on mice allowed them to do a process called Autophagy, which is a cell consumption process/Yagami: Regeneration?/Hattori: In short, when your body decomposes on its own proteins or {Eating itself}]/L: I see, so those amynosomething from before, it'd be decomposed? That's amazing then"_ 🧠
      2:09:32 _"[Hattori: The mice's alzheimer was completely stopped from progressing. But the surprising part is that apparently, some of the brain cells that should've been dead regained their function. One scientist said that {It was like providing an emergency power supply to the brain}]/L: So that means... But yeah, it's a stretch to think it can do that though... It's scary, it's too much of a dream medicine"_
      2:10:03 _"[Hattori: Yeah, there's tens of millions of patients across the globe, the number keeps increasing. If the AD-9 is completed it'll make enormous profit]/L: Dementia is kind of like Cancer isn't it? In the end it's after all an error in the cells, but cancer isn't just that in the end while aging it keeps accumulating and eventually it explodes, also like pollen allergy. But making one feed on itself and moreover being able to revive dead cells, it's too suspicious isn't it?"_

      2:10:49 _"[Yagami: Isn't it too good of a story? For instance, the deputy director of the DDC, suspected that there was something in the AD-9, and as a reward to that, for the sake of keeping that secret, somebody killed him... Making it look like it was a fight with a passersby]/L: Isn't his jaw broken? Scary..."_
      2:11:15 _"L: But to think it has a regenerating effect on brain cells is too much of a stretch/[Hattori: The AD-9 has been tried on mice over and over, ever since the papers were published, there's no such thing as a hoax. That new medicine has already been scientifically proven/Yagami: Confirmed?]/L: So it means the clinical experiment keeps being under trial? But yeah, while Mice may have that, what about humans?"_
      2:12:12 _"L: Clinical testing?! But they're already doing that though! In that place, the Alzheimer hospital... They're definitely doing that/[Yagami: So the AD-9 really has no problems?/Hattori: Yeah, well this is just a story but, Dr. Kido is said to be the one leading the AD-9 project, but in reality, it looks like he only lent his name for the paper]"_
      2:12:50 _"L: That's Shono for sure right?! I knew it!/[Hattori: The actual researcher is someone besides, a guy by the name of Shono, whom you may know]"_ 😮
      2:13:12 _"So it may have been Shono who messed up the data in the first place!"_
      2:13:41 _"[Yagami: Shono Yoiji, your name comes up again...]/L: This guy is too suspicious! How is the AD-9? Honestly it looks too capable, you may know it but for instance, there's no medicine for the flu, none that acts against it at least... There's no medicine that suppresses all the symptoms, cough or runny nose, they haven't made a flu medicine yet"_

      2:15:08 Kaito, Fumiya and Hoshino were waiting for him. Hoshino proposes to sort the information they have.
      2:15:43 _"[Fumiya: So after all the AD-9 had no trouble whatsoever?!]/L: We don't know that yet/[Yagami: According to Hattori/Fumiya: yet it's the first time i hear that Kido's name is just for show/Hoshino: So after all Shono has something huh]/L: There has to..."_
      2:16:03 _"[Yagami: There was a word that troubled me when talking with Hattori... Human Experimentation...]/L: The Clinical trials right?!/[Yagami: It was said that the AD-9 would enter the human experimentation phase/Fumiya: So human experimentation, reminds me of something, something with the eyes gouged out/Kaito: Are you a fool?/Fumiya: What intrigued you about that term?/Yagami: I was thinking, what if the people the mole was killing were secretly test subjects of the AD-9?/Kaito: Are you serious?/Yagami: Supposing shono is the one pulling the strings]"_
      2:17:02 _"[Hoshino: Even if they did human experimentation, would he really go out of his way to kill people to test his drug for dementia?]/L: Well yeah"_
      2:17:09 _"[Fumiya: Here, what if there's some side effects? You wouldn't be able to just let people die/Hoshino: But the mice for the experiment were totally fine]/L: But the bodies would react differently to the medicine..."_
      2:17:29 _"[Hoshino: So do you mean that AD-9 was very effective on mice, yet dangerous for humans?/Yagami: Yeah, and for the sake of making those side effects disappear, they need to test on several people, so, they then killed the members of the Kyorei clan]/L: Yet they chose to kill those people in that peculiar way? really?/[Kaito: Hold up, if you're going to try the medicine, wouldn't you try it on people with the disease? The people who the mole killed is not like they had alzheimer]/L: I think the same too!"_
      2:18:06 _"[Hoshino: Not really, clinical trials for new medicine are also tested on healthy patients, to make sure that they're safe for humans/Kaito: That may be at the later stage, but at the beginning it'd have to be on patients right?/Yagami: But/Kaito: Give me a break, let's talk about this seriously/Hoshino: I'm being serious now!/Kaito: Human experimentation is one way or another no way to talk about it seriously, idiot!/Hoshino: Idiot? The idiot is the one who doesn't pay attention to all possibilities!]/L: www, Ahh these two have a bad compatibility/[Kaito: So then the old man Waku and Kashiki were killed for human experimentation?! Hmph!]/L: Well... That may be!"_
      2:18:49 _"[Kaito: What?/Fumiya: The incident that Yagami represented, it was at the DDC, Waku-san who was killed at that time, he had Alzheimer right?/Hoshino: So, are we right?/Kaito: Huh?!/Yagami: Waku, the victim of that incident did have Alzheimer... And though i acquitted Okubo shinpei, in the end, who was it that killed Waku, and for what?! We didn't know that/Kaito: Calm down now, that was 3 years ago right? So was AD-9 already there?/Hoshino: It's true that it was just announced 1 year ago but, in reality research starts from a long time before]/L: It's like 10-20 years wasn't it?"_ 💊
      (Continuing in one last comment)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill Рік тому

      [Timestamps & Story Summary Part 6 + Afterthoughts]
      2:20:02 _"Kim?! You again, just shut it!"_
      2:20:15 Delicious!
      2:20:43 Talking more with the guys _"[Hoshino: Even if Shono did human experiments 3 years ago, what for? Normally one would do more checks before getting into clinical trial]/L: So in the end, it was because they said that they wanted to purchase the center right? So they had to announce it right away"_
      2:21:25 _"[Hoshino: Shono had a lot of patients with dementia, so if it was a little experiment nobody would find out, but if it went well it'd be a great success, and so for the sake of saving the world, he'd take any risk/Yagami: But as a result of that Shono end up with the question {What if the patient died of a side effect?} It does feel like the incident 3 years ago was an accident]"_
      2:21:56 _"[Yagami: However, right now he's doing human experimentation, using the mole. Though it's still on the experimental phase, so far it's working huh?]/L: I feel it's a bit forced though..."_
      2:22:14 _"[Fumiya: Following on what Yagami-san said earlier, then Obuko is innocent after all huh]/L: He's innocent/[Fumiya: But he killed his lover didn't he? So he was given the death penalty]"_
      2:22:36 Hoshino's summary of the information so far.
      2:22:55 _"[Fumiya: But, can Shono really make the Yakuza or the killer act? Regular researches have no money or connections right?/Yagami: What if, Shono had one who did?/Fumiya: Somebody who could make the Yakuza act? Who'd you say?]/L: Is it the sewer rat? Ahh if i have to pick from these... Certainly the chairman Kajihira worked with the yakuza, but i believe it's the Minister Kazami, Kido-san maybe has no relation"_
      2:24:12 _"L: Could it be Kido-san? The Chairman kajihira wouldn't be troubled about that right? So then Dr. Kido/[Yagami: The Director of the center, Kido Ryuusuke/Hoshino: I see, he has the money from the center, and by the way, there was also a talk about a hidden organization wasn't it? That's right, it has to be Kido!]"_
      2:24:44 _"[Fumiya: I wonder about that...]/L: Eh?!/[Yagami: What?/Fumiya: After all, when they did the press conference, don't you remember Kido's face at the time? Didn't he make a pretty innocent confident look?]/L: www Innocent confident face/[Fumiya: If the human experiment was discovered it'd be disastrous, would he be resolved enough to have that face too?/Hoshino: Then, what if Dr. Kido learned about the human experimentation after that press conference? What then?/Fumiya: Ah...]/L: I see, so he didn't have a clue at the time!"_
      2:25:21 _"[Hoshino: First Hoshino tells him about AD-9 and then tells him to take all the credit, and the happy Dr. Kido announced that at the time, then after being told of the people who died for the incident, then he wouldn't be able to wash his hands would he? He may have been dragged by it due to Shono]/L: I see... This guy for real, he's the kind that does all those things with that weak face..."_ 🥺
      2:26:03 _"[Yagami: So the power relationship between Shono and Kido is contrary to what it seems?/Hoshiro: Yeah, after all Shono's the mastermind behind the mole]/L: Wahh, that's why when we went to the center Kido seemed so angry that we met Shono? He even told us to leave/[Kaito: Then when was the first time that Shono used the killer? Since when has the Mole been acting?/Yagami: 3 years ago, when Shono made a patient die, isn't that the incident that connected him to the mole?/Hoshino: But maybe that was an accident that Shono didn't see coming right? Would he have a reason to use a killer back then?/Yagami: Then, maybe a different timing?]/L: Then maybe it was with the girlfriend?"_
      2:27:11 _"[Yagami: I think, it was half a year ago, when Hashiki was killed/Kaito: Why?/Yagami: Because to Shono, Hashiki who was investigating the AD-9 was a bother, yet Shono had the alibi that he was in a taxi at the time]"_ 🚕
      2:27:34 _"[Hoshino: Then, does that mean that the man in the raincoat is the mole?]/L:It looks like/[Yagami: Aye, a skilled killer, there's not that many out there.../Kaito: Certainly, i think the same/Yagami: Had Hashiki not been killed, he'd have found out about human experimentation]"_
      2:28:03 _"So it means that three years ago, Shono used the people to cover it all up? The nerve he has actually"_

      2:28:18 _"[Fumiya: Any talk so far follows the same current right? Isn't it too convenient for you, yagami?/Kaito: What is?/Fumiya: If it was Shono who let the patient die 3 years ago, then Okubo who was suspected would've been innocent for sure right?/Kaito: Yeah, according to the sentence, he was innocent/Fumiya: But Okubo killed his girlfriend after right?]/L: Wasnt it the mole who killed the girlfriend?"_
      2:29:45 _"[Fumiya: But Yagami, wanted to believe in Okubo according to the sentence, and then when Terasawa Emi died, you didn't want to blame yourself, am i wrong?/Kaito: Cut it out, Sugiura! What do you think you're doing delving into people's scars?!]/L: You're so kind Origami-san, thank you/[Fumiya: I've always been aware that i'm easily swayed by my emotions, that's why i always try to be fair/Kaito: What?!/Fumiya: If we go by Yagami-san's hypothesis from earlier, then first we have to demonstrate Okubo's innocence, know if he really didn't kill the old man Waku at the DDC 3 years ago]/L: he didn't!"_
      2:30:09 _"[Kaito: How do you intend to?/Fumiya: Asking Okubo... Ask him if he was really innocent back at the center/Yagami: Meeting Okubo? But visiting somebody in the death row/Fumiya: Lawyers can visit death row immates too, right?]"_
      2:30:32 _"[Kaito: He hates me, he always kept saying he was innocent during the incident of Terasawa Emi, but... I abandoned it, i told him {Just give up already}/Fumiya: Even then, wouldn't you look at Okubo once more on a humane side? If you want to solve this case, that is/Kaito: What do we do?]"_
      2:31:05 _"[Yagami: Hoshino-kun, can you arrange a meeting with Okubo Shinpei?/Hoshino: Understood, i'll contact]/L: But i think he didn't kill the gramps, Emi-chan was important to him right?/[Yagami: Then, i'll see Okubo's court records once again, i'll go to Genda sensei's office]"_
      2:31:21 Eeeeeeeeee.
      2:31:39 Ending. _"I want to continue this next week but, i have recording on sunday so, saturday it'll be! Sorry i know it's interesting, but until saturday it'll be"_
      2:32:00 _"Saturday is soon, so just wait for it... So, subscribe and turn on notifications for sure, let's meet at Kamurocho again later, Bye!"_
      2:31:19 Smoking to end 🚬
      2:32:28 _"The Lucky item, what was there? There was Nihonshu but drinking today would be bad so... Something delicio- RAAAMEN! Today's lucky item is *Ramen*!"_ 🍜
      Wahhh, thank you so much for the 6th episode of Judgement Lamy-chan! And more so, more surprises!
      Who'd have thought that Shono was capable of such evil, i'm honestly surprised!
      But there has to be much more into the matter that we don't know, i wonder if we'll be able to handle the big surprise 💓
      I also feel sorry for the old man Matsugane, he was put into a tough spot where he couldn't do much by himself, yet he's always been an amazing person from what i see.
      I'm eager for the next stream!
      And of course thank you to everyone who watched and read this far, as always for your patience and continuous understanding, may you have a lovelt start of your week! 🕊
      Let's do our best today too! OtsuLamy!

  • @Moon.Star0w0
    @Moon.Star0w0 Рік тому +1


  • @稲島しんじ
    @稲島しんじ 6 місяців тому +2

    落ちてる武器つかうの自分はOKで相手は卑怯ってスタンスも、え?ナニソレ理不尽じゃん・・・・って本編の大筋週末単位でプレイしててあれ?忘れた?って展開でしらみつぶしで会話してもちゃんと話題補正されるのシュールな割、整合性取れてるのスゴイよね! 2024.5.30

  • @fenrir...
    @fenrir... Рік тому


  • @3daydreams
    @3daydreams Рік тому +1


  • @Neusu_ama
    @Neusu_ama Рік тому +2

    1:30:58 ラミィちゃんの007風口説き文句「マティーニを…シェイクせずに…フレッシュで」

    • @横山昌人-w7z
      @横山昌人-w7z 2 місяці тому +1


  • @maru8072
    @maru8072 Рік тому +2


  • @レイ-y8b
    @レイ-y8b Рік тому +2

    2:03:00~ 破壊神ラミィ現る

  • @elo-shironeko
    @elo-shironeko Рік тому


  • @neo1154
    @neo1154 Рік тому

    01:37:34 久々のカシラ

  • @いんどくろさい
    @いんどくろさい Рік тому


  • @soda1205
    @soda1205 Рік тому +1


  • @kururugi_yukima
    @kururugi_yukima Рік тому


  • @darkness_dragon_kira_
    @darkness_dragon_kira_ Рік тому +1


  • @LimeAde_Lamy-chansuki_1115
    @LimeAde_Lamy-chansuki_1115 Рік тому


  • @Clip_bell
    @Clip_bell Рік тому +2


  • @おにぎり君-l7o
    @おにぎり君-l7o Рік тому


  • @liar_rabyrinth
    @liar_rabyrinth Рік тому +5


  • @チャアクック
    @チャアクック Рік тому


  • @稲島しんじ
    @稲島しんじ Рік тому +1


  • @nanodon980
    @nanodon980 Рік тому


  • @nsyuu7
    @nsyuu7 Рік тому


  • @taratara0627
    @taratara0627 Рік тому +1


  • @user-rei_sakuraduki
    @user-rei_sakuraduki Рік тому


  • @YK-uz5mw
    @YK-uz5mw Рік тому


  • @kakiyan_snow
    @kakiyan_snow Рік тому


  • @wrathkal7675
    @wrathkal7675 Рік тому +4

    Otsulamy! Good progress on the main story today, you sure beat up a lot of bad guys too! That shiny disguise was really funny as well. Have a safe trip to the hospital, and hope things go well!

  • @鬼剣舞おにけんばい


  • @ネレウス-e8r
    @ネレウス-e8r Рік тому


  • @うめめ1115
    @うめめ1115 Рік тому


  • @byakkou0427
    @byakkou0427 Рік тому


  • @kitunegazaki-kisato
    @kitunegazaki-kisato Рік тому


  • @sisiou_nyafu
    @sisiou_nyafu Рік тому


  • @K87rg
    @K87rg Рік тому


  • @Stern64
    @Stern64 Рік тому


  • @yu-yu99
    @yu-yu99 Рік тому


  • @sasaki0aran
    @sasaki0aran Рік тому +1

    Thank you for the fun Judge Eyes Steram! The story is getting even more interesting! can't wait to see what will happen next!
    Glad you were able to have a cute little date with Sana-chan! and even won her a present at the arcade!
    Happy to see you have so much fun! Throwing bikes around the streets of Tokyo!
    Love you Lamy-chan!

  • @snowball11788
    @snowball11788 Рік тому


  • @Tenebre_Zwei
    @Tenebre_Zwei Рік тому


  • @三毛プロ
    @三毛プロ Рік тому


  • @kzkm9030
    @kzkm9030 Рік тому +1


  • @石見の人雪民
    @石見の人雪民 Рік тому


  • @矢車ゴルベーザ四天王の5人


  • @Kishiro-Kisun
    @Kishiro-Kisun Рік тому +2


  • @ソラン-v3h
    @ソラン-v3h Рік тому


  • @khoonkitlim5963
    @khoonkitlim5963 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for today's awesome Judge Eyes stream, Lamy-chan!
    Cool Versatile Sunglasses!

  • @ミクリア-h8x
    @ミクリア-h8x Рік тому


  • @クロニクルアッキー


  • @トキシック-o5d
    @トキシック-o5d Рік тому


  • @プロコン
    @プロコン Рік тому


  • @なめろう海鮮丼
    @なめろう海鮮丼 7 місяців тому


  • @zyuz
    @zyuz Рік тому +1


  • @writedraw8655
    @writedraw8655 Рік тому


  • @px9516
    @px9516 Рік тому


  • @啓二-f2v
    @啓二-f2v Рік тому +1


  • @mashly
    @mashly Рік тому


  • @Aaron-555
    @Aaron-555 Рік тому

    Thanks for stream

  • @まくわうり先輩
    @まくわうり先輩 Рік тому

    2:02:07 やってることがチンピラで笑ったわ

  • @TakeYuki_Hayate
    @TakeYuki_Hayate Рік тому


  • @user-holo_ramychan
    @user-holo_ramychan Рік тому


  • @宮島隆太
    @宮島隆太 Рік тому +1


  • @cjlee981
    @cjlee981 Рік тому


  • @yukimin_shiro
    @yukimin_shiro Рік тому


  • @tougenkyou1203
    @tougenkyou1203 Рік тому


  • @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur


  • @kuro_sai
    @kuro_sai Рік тому


  • @出柳
    @出柳 Рік тому


  • @murasame_setsura
    @murasame_setsura Рік тому


  • @iintyo21
    @iintyo21 Рік тому


  • @ツトム-b5t
    @ツトム-b5t Рік тому


  • @雪花たまごドッグ
    @雪花たまごドッグ Рік тому


  • @Hyena2006
    @Hyena2006 Рік тому +1


  • @askayukimin
    @askayukimin Рік тому


  • @ズオウかける
    @ズオウかける Рік тому


  • @高崎修美
    @高崎修美 Рік тому


  • @ルナティック鬼島
    @ルナティック鬼島 Рік тому


  • @タヌキ-q7h
    @タヌキ-q7h Рік тому


  • @uuym2813
    @uuym2813 Рік тому +1


  • @kapabio
    @kapabio Рік тому

    라미 너무 웃겨 ㅋㅋ

  • @5210702
    @5210702 Рік тому


  • @しき-d4o
    @しき-d4o Рік тому


  • @abdulkadirculha1995
    @abdulkadirculha1995 Рік тому

    とても美しい ありがとう 愛してる Lamy

  • @Yukich4n_
    @Yukich4n_ Рік тому +2

    Otsulamy~ thank you for the judge eyes stream today! We got even further and even had a cute date with Sana-chan! The fire and grenade was certainly a big surprise where did they even get those someone even had a gun too! I hope your appointment goes smoothly! I love you so much!

  • @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou
    @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou Рік тому
