Lore of Middle-earth: The One Enemy; Melkor



  • @XraynPR
    @XraynPR 7 років тому +33

    And while every Ainur was singing some nice fairy song, Melkor mosh-pitted his way through the room to the tunes of Death Metal

    • @columbo1988
      @columbo1988 6 років тому

      More like black metal. Even some folk love Death Metal. No body loves black metal except black metal.

    • @seekingabsolution1907
      @seekingabsolution1907 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, but it's amateur metal, repetitive and self indulgent.

  • @Soapasaurus
    @Soapasaurus 7 років тому +56

    Please continue making these lore videos. I listen to them every day at work. Ive tried listening to other youtube lore videos and no one speaks the way you do.

  • @curiouscatalyst
    @curiouscatalyst 6 років тому +12

    "It's like Melkor gave Eru a massive middle finger" and "they manage to steal a Silmaril and then bugger off!" Howling. Earned a sub with that alone. Brilliant video.

  • @jmitterii2
    @jmitterii2 7 років тому +48

    Ungoliant is a creature of the void, something that followed Melkor back when he was exploring the void searching for the secret fire of creation, he returned and went into Arda as he realized the secret fire is with Eru, it is Eru. Ungoliant and the void basically a personification of nothingness. Hence why it consumes everything, and last mentions "it is said" Ungoliant consumed her self.
    The void is always empty and consumes itself in emptiness.
    At least that's what I get from the Silmarillion.
    Ungoliant isn't something created by Melkor. And how it's mentioned it came from the void, it likely didn't come from Eru either. It's the personification of the void-- opposite of something, it is nothing. And evidently this nothing consumes everything into nothingness. It's why Ungoliant is powerful enough to destroy the two trees. Melkor couldn't destroy the two trees himself.
    So it's stronger than a Vala or Mai, and not mentioned to be a Vala. It's basically something else from the void.
    It has cheats in both ability and limitations... the Balrogs scare it away, but it nearly destroys Melkor.

    • @timefluidscribbler
      @timefluidscribbler 3 роки тому +5

      I find the end of her story too open ended for that interpretation personally

    • @seekingabsolution1907
      @seekingabsolution1907 2 роки тому +1

      Other explanations say she's one of the Maiar that served Melkor.

    • @APalebloodSky
      @APalebloodSky 2 роки тому +2

      My headcanon is that she is one of the beings that would be called Nameless Things, like the Watcher in the Water and the other things really deep down.

    • @Digital_Necromancer
      @Digital_Necromancer 5 місяців тому

      something to point out, Ungoliant's weakness is the opposite of emptiness, so the fullness of life and so when she attack Melkor and he calls on his Balrogs for aid, what defeats her isn't the fire as such but what fire represents to the void. The light that fills up the void with the fullness, volume and colour. This is what scares her away, something that can dominate her blackness. Light = Life. Eru Illuvatar's imperishable flame is the contrast to the void, so the Balrogs fire wards off her darkness. Really kinda amazing when you think about it.

  • @mikasuper1871
    @mikasuper1871 7 років тому +79

    When u said,
    "It's like Melkor gave eru a massive middle finger "
    I fell off my chair XD
    And also happy new year

  • @joaquinsouto
    @joaquinsouto 2 роки тому

    I was a fan during my years working in a factory, listening continously this podcasts of yours to improve my english, now 4 years later I tried to find this podcasts again and finally I made it. Happily there are new videos.

  • @Rhae_of_Sun
    @Rhae_of_Sun 7 років тому +24

    that vast shadow once of yore Fingolfin stood: his shield he bore
    with field of heaven's blue and star of crystal shining pale afar. In
    overmastering wrath and hate desperate he smote upon that gate,
    the [Elvish] king, there standing lone, while endless fortresses
    of stone engulfed the thin clear ringing keen of silver horn on
    baldric green. His hopeless challenge dauntless cried Fingolfin
    there: 'Come, open wide, dark king, your ghastly brazen doors! Come
    forth, whom earth and heaven abhors! Come forth, O monstrous craven
    lord, and fight with thine own hand and sword, thou wielder of hosts
    of banded thralls, thou tyrant leaguered with strong walls, thou foe
    of God and elvish race! I wait thee here. Come! Show thy face!' Then
    Morgoth came. For the last time in those great wars he dared to climb
    from subterranean throne profound, the rumour of his feet a sound of
    rumbling earthquake underground. Black-armoured, towering,
    iron-crowned he issued forth; his mighty shield a vast unblazoned
    sable field with shadow like a thundercloud; and o'er the gleaming
    king it bowed, as huge aloft like mace he hurled that hammer of the
    underworld, Grond. Clanging to ground it tumbled down like a
    thunder-bolt, and crumbled the rocks beneath it; smoke up-started, a
    pit yawned, and a fire darted. Fingolfin like a shooting light
    beneath a cloud, a stab of white, sprang then aside, and Ringil drew
    like ice that gleameth cold and blue, his sword devised of elvish
    skill to pierce the flesh with deadly chill. With seven wounds it
    rent his foe, and seven mighty cries of woe rang in the mountains,
    and the earth quook, and Angband's trembling armies shook. Yet Orcs
    would after laughing tell of the duel at the gates of hell; though
    elvish song thereof was made ere this but one - when sad was laid
    the mighty king in barrow high, and Thorndor, Eagle of the sky,
    the dreadful tidings brought and told to mourning Elfinesse of old.
    Thrice was Fingolfin with great blows to his knees beaten, thrice he
    rose still leaping up beneath the cloud aloft to hold star-shining,
    proud, his stricken shield, his sundered helm, that dark nor might
    could overwhelm till all the earth was burst and rent in pits about
    him. He was spent. His feet stumbled. He fell to wreck upon the
    ground, and on his neck a foot like rooted hills was set, and he was
    crushed - not conquered yet; one last despairing stroke he gave:
    the mighty foot pale Ringil clave about the heel, and black the blood
    gushed as from smoking fount in flood. Halt goes for ever from that
    stroke great Morgoth; but the king he broke, and would have hewn and
    mangled thrown to wolves devouring. Lo! from throne that Manwë bade
    him build on high, on peak unscaled beneath the sky, Morgoth to
    watch, now down there swooped Thorndor the King of Eagles, stooped,
    and rending beak of gold he smote in Bauglir's face, then up did
    float on pinions thirty fathoms wide bearing away, though loud they
    cried, the mighty corse, the Elven-king; and where the mountains
    make a ring far to the south about that plain where after Gondolin
    did reign, embattled city, at great height upon a dizzy snowcap white
    in mounded cairn the mighty dead he laid upon the mountain's head.
    Never Orc nor demon after dared that pass to climb, o'er which there
    stared Fingolfin's high and holy tomb, till Gondolin's appointed

    • @lordandsaviour5666
      @lordandsaviour5666 6 років тому

      Easily one of my favourite parts of the Silmarillion.

    • @shamuschannel682
      @shamuschannel682 4 роки тому

      Thank you for sharing this - this is my favorite part in any of Tolkien’s works- hail Fingolfin!

  • @Juztice85
    @Juztice85 6 років тому +1

    I have to say, I’ve been a lore buff for awhile now and a Tolkien fan for even longer. This channel is an example of knowledge and passion for lore. Absolutely love it

  • @pizzaman1016
    @pizzaman1016 7 років тому +140

    A good video but something's you did get wrong and that the dragon that Earendil kills is not Glaurung for Glaurung was killed by Turin Turambar. Earendil kills Ancalagon the black. I just wanted to tell you that but I loved this video and pls do a video on Turin Turambar.

    • @zacharyjohnson4733
      @zacharyjohnson4733 7 років тому +1

      AnimeDrawer 101 i agree he is one of the coolest characters

    • @Umael84
      @Umael84 7 років тому +2

      Your correct, but I think Hurin is the most intresting character:P
      Captive of Melkor/Morgoth in 28 years, I can be wrong thoe on the years.
      But thats only me, Turin is intresting to, the bane of Glaurung)

    • @Umael84
      @Umael84 7 років тому +2

      Hurin the most powerfull human in Tolkiens story

    • @brianferry4653
      @brianferry4653 7 років тому

      Umael84 nah your mum waa

    • @Umael84
      @Umael84 7 років тому

      Brian Ferry
      or you sister

  • @MasterBombadillo
    @MasterBombadillo 7 років тому +49

    Actually, Melkor didn't want to enslave everything, he wanted to destroy everything. In HoME X: Morgoth's Ring, we read about his motivations:
    "Thus, as Morgoth, when Melkor was confronted by the existence of other inhabitants of Arda, with other wills and intelligences, he was enraged by the mere fact of their existence, and his only notion of dealing with them was by physical force, or the fear of it. His sole ultimate object was their destruction. Elves, and still more Men, he despised because of their weakness: that is their lack of physical force, or power over matter; but he was also afraid of them. He was aware, at any rate originally when still capable of rational thought, that he could not annihilate them: that is, destroy their being; but their physical life, and incarnate form became increasingly to his mind the only thing that was worth considering. Or he became so far advanced in Lying that he lied even to himself, and pretended that he could destroy them and rid Arda of them altogether. Hence his endeavour always to break wills and subordinate them to or absorb them in his own will and being, before destroying their bodies. This was sheer nihilism, and negation its one ultimate object: Morgoth would no doubt, if he had been victorious, have ultimately destroyed even his own creatures, such as the Orcs, when they had served his sole purpose in using them: the destruction of Elves and Men. Melkor's final impotence and despair lay in this: that whereas the Valar (and in their degree Elves and Men) could still love Arda Marred, that is Arda with a Melkor-ingredient, and could still heal this or that hurt, or produce from its very marring, from its state as it was, things beautiful and lovely, Melkor could do nothing with Arda, which was not from his own mind and was interwoven with the work and thoughts of others: even left alone he could only have gone raging on till all was levelled again into a formless chaos. And yet even so he would have been defeated, because it would still have existed, independent of his own mind, and a world in potential."
    The one that wanted to enslave the inhabitants of the world was Sauron. He didn't object to the world being there, and he did not share Morgoth's nihilism. The above quote is a piece of a whole comparison between Morgoth and Sauron.
    Great video despite that though.

    • @Rhae_of_Sun
      @Rhae_of_Sun 7 років тому +8

      Damn, I almost feel bad for Melkor.

    • @TheSourcePlayer
      @TheSourcePlayer 7 років тому

      MasterBombadillo isn't that game or whatever it is not canon? Like that could just be fan fiction essentially

    • @MasterBombadillo
      @MasterBombadillo 7 років тому +9

      This is what I'm quoting from. A book series based on notes and drafts from Tolkien himself, edited by his son, who also edited The Silmarillion. In some aspects HoME is more reliable than The Silmarillion because although I doubt Christopher has implemented big changes, there are some things he changed to publish The Silmarillion, and it's not clear which parts. In HoME, it is made clear what's written by Tolkien and what's written by his son.

    • @stoneryoda9377
      @stoneryoda9377 7 років тому +3

      bigpollett n also curiosity he wants to create his own being but he doesn't have the flame imperishable so must resort to twisting and corrupting he's just jealous of éru

    • @jmitterii2
      @jmitterii2 6 років тому

      The letters are nice, but not cannon. They're concepts in creation at best. Cannon is what is finally put in the book. Nihilism doesn't fit with the story of Melkor at the beginning. He really wanted to have it his way. Destroying things was his way at saying that wasn't my way, or you're not honoring me with saying is this good ol' lord of chicken shit sweet sunshine?
      Problem with looking at pencil scratching of concept work of authors is that you'll just get lots of brainstorming, together completely contradictory to any story line. A divide by 0. Undefined. BLah. You can make anything from it, so why even bother citing the letters to begin with, because at that the author hadn't even decided the definitions and labels and what not and so not and whatever butter bean. :)

  • @James11111
    @James11111 4 роки тому +3

    Valar: *Perfect church choir singing*
    Melkor: *Aggressive heavy metal*
    Eru: "I can make a remix out of this."

    • @starlightsystem4065
      @starlightsystem4065 4 роки тому +1

      shadowthehh2 This comment needs more likes

    • @seekingabsolution1907
      @seekingabsolution1907 2 роки тому

      Doesn't have to be a church choir. There's a lot of shit that it could be. River dance perhaps.

    • @James11111
      @James11111 2 роки тому

      @@seekingabsolution1907 It's angels singing to god. A church choir is the most fitting thing.
      *But you're not wrong though*

  • @giokun100
    @giokun100 6 років тому

    You have a proper voice for medieval story telling. I listen to your videos like podcasts and sleep while listening to these fairytails. Sleeping after "being" in Tolkien's universe is the best.

  • @TjDarkFallenLH
    @TjDarkFallenLH 7 років тому +5

    30:30 quick criticism Fingolfin and his host DID take part in the Kinslaying, although in his defense Fingolfin couldn't have known that Feanor had engaged the Teleri first. Both Feanor and Fingolfin, their sons, and the rest of the Noldor (minus Finarfin) took the ships until they arrived at the Helcaraxe. Feanor ordered Fingolfin's ships to be burned and subsequently abandoned Fingolfin in the Helcaraxe.
    This has been said in other comments, but Earendil did not slay Glaurung in the War of Wrath. Glaurung had been dead for decades at that point, killed by Turin Turambar.
    Good video though, subbed and liked.

    • @tomquirk6767
      @tomquirk6767 Рік тому

      Yeah Earendil did kill Ancalagon during this time, he just got the names mixed up

  • @danec8223
    @danec8223 7 років тому +2

    Great way to kick off the new year! great work, love the lore series.

  • @LeeGall333
    @LeeGall333 4 роки тому

    I have literally watched every single one of your lore videos more than once, and have learned sooo much of one of my favorite topics! Thank you so much for making these video’s!!

  • @markosf09
    @markosf09 7 років тому

    Thanks for this narration. I read The Silmarillion back in the late 70's, I think, and it was a bit over my head, but hearing this story again is remembering myths from my childhood. Well done.

  • @squidgyfishy
    @squidgyfishy 7 років тому

    Long time LOTR fan and have really enjoyed watching your lore videos. Your passion for the material always comes through (especially when you're talking about Prince Imrahil 😁) and I'm very impressed that you do these by memory! Thankyou for taking the time to do them all.

    •  7 років тому

      Thank you very much. :)

  • @JcubeJcube
    @JcubeJcube 7 років тому +19

    This was basically the Silmarillion without all of Elf-bureaucracy.

    •  7 років тому +8

      Hahaha, pretty much! Take out the stories of the Elves and nothing really happens save for the whole Húrin thing.

  • @BernddasBrotB7
    @BernddasBrotB7 7 років тому +2

    Good work Galu, very much enjoyed the video! :)

  • @smidgemyster
    @smidgemyster 7 років тому

    I throughly enjoy your videos. any more new information on Middle Earth and Tolkien's is always a welcomed one so Thank You 👍🏼

  • @rzahynacz
    @rzahynacz 6 років тому +17

    I always thought of Melkor as a necessary evil, his discord enriches the world, although this is done painfully. Without Melkor you have a bland world without evil, but also without joy. How can joy exist without a counterpart so as to recognize it. He takes this mantle on himself without understanding, illuvatar points this out to him two times in the song. Consider this, without Melkor the lamps would have stood, the trees would not have been created, the jewels would have not been created, the hold or would have not undergone their journey, the sun and moon would have not been created etc. These are all responses to his discord.

    • @columbo1988
      @columbo1988 6 років тому +10

      Necessary evil is a young point of view. Why would you need to pain to see glory? Appreciation. Saying that the world wouldn't be as beautiful as first sung by the valar is like saying that Building a house after it's been destroyed brings more joy.
      No it doesn't, it just means you have to struggle through that which wants it destroyed and then persevere afterwards in completing the original design. Melkor at most was the contrast to creation, destruction. Can't have one without the other. What Morgoth proves is that with more destruction than creation, you are left with darkness, or Melkor's origin.
      For example, very lightly, I love toast, but the toaster loves toasting things as long as it has power. I'm Eru and the toaster is Melkor, If I let the toaster burn my toast, there is nothing to eat. I let the toaster char my bread lightly and then I can eat something more delicious than it was before.

    • @hrperformance
      @hrperformance 3 роки тому +7

      Eru certainly took your opinion because obviously Melkor wouldn't exist and carry out the actions he did (unless Eru himself was "complicated" in his intentions, which I personally doubt).
      But in reality, I don't think you need a "Melkor" to have joy and beauty as counterparts. Hardship?...maybe...but I don't think you need an entity like Melkor...that for me is a little extreme.

    • @KarusMBII
      @KarusMBII 2 роки тому

      @@columbo1988 But does one not appreciate a house more AFTER it's been destroyed? That was his point, I believe. Without destruction, perhaps there is less or no appreciation for the lack of it. I don't believe this is a naive or young way of looking at it. It's rather logical, in fact. If he was putting forth the idea that things SHOULD be destroyed... now THAT'S a young point of view, for sure.

  • @alexwest426
    @alexwest426 7 років тому

    Thank you Arachir for all your lore videos. I found them very helpful in understanding the underpinnings of Tolkins world . I do plan on reading the books myself of course but I wanted to find something or someone who could explain more and give their thoughts on what was going on. I found your videos very helpful in any case . Thank you for what you do.

  • @jmitterii2
    @jmitterii2 4 роки тому +3

    Watching this again, after 3 years...
    I have reread several times AINULINDALË and it makes sense now why Eru doesn't just snuff out Melkor completely.
    The Ainur are the offspring of Eru's thoughts. And he gave to them the secret fire, a type of self-awareness consciousness.
    Anything with sentient ability seems ultimately to be immortal even after death in Arda. So nullifying anything once gifted with the flame imperishable seems impossible or rather pointless: Eru gives the offspring of his thoughts the secret fire in order to give more variation, to create beyond even his own imaginations that he would be able to achieve if on his own; hence why he has the Ainur join into the theme and to add their own devises and he would sit and listen.
    He warns Melkor or any other Ainu that changing the music in Eru's despite would only lead to things more wonderful.
    Eru explains this twice to Melkor specifically and generally to the Ainur.
    During the vision when Eru speaks to Ulmo, it becomes clear the purpose of allowing Melkor to be a pain in the neck: Eru tells Ulmo that yes, I see Melkor being a turd basket, he's making cold that's extreme and fires that are extreme... but check out what happened: beautiful frost and snow! And look at the heats, they created clouds and mists and this has invented the fall of rain which is beautiful more wonderful than even Melkor has imagined.
    And Ulmo finds these coincidental creations more wonderful than even he imagined: reveals that the snow and frost and clouds and rain falling was not something that even he had in all his music nor secrete thoughts. Ulmo gets a spoiler bonus as he seems to understand the point of Melkor, not to join him, but why he is allowed to run-a-muck.
    So basically, the clashing and discord while being destructive making ugly, can also make new beauties beyond the imaginations of either the victim of or maker of the discord.
    It makes the world even better in a round about way.
    And why the round about method, only logical satisfying reason I can come up with is that Eru really is seeking other ideas to the creation beyond his own imaginations; in order to do this he creates things with freewill.
    Thus pointless to just end sentient creatures he dislikes or doesn't quite understand; and Eru does intervene at times to stop too much ruin or to interject explanation or council or inquisitor as to the motives to discord from his own purposes: Aulë in the creation of dwarves, which is very interesting as Aulë doesn't even have the power to give sentient life, so Eru could have just told him that you just created puppets, but after the passionate explanation Aulë gives to Eru, he grants Aulë's dwarves the secret fire; Aulë asking Eru to bless and amend his work, Eru says he will not amend anything of Aulë's work on the dwarves as they were made so shall they be... of course Eru advises of strife between the humans and Elves among the dwarves; they do add more the glory of Arda.
    Eru seems to be a being that is allowing freewill for a purpose, to make things more wonderful that even Eru could imagine on his own.
    And to me that's satisfying; some logical consistency. Tolkien never says Eru is all powerful.
    1) And thou, Melkor, shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite. For he that attempteth this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined.'
    2) And thou, Melkor, wilt discover all the secret thoughts of thy mind, and wilt perceive that they are but a part of the whole and tributary to its glory.'
    3) And Ilúvatar spoke to Ulmo, and said: 'Seest thou not how here in this little realm in the Deeps of Time Melkor hath made war upon thy province? He hath bethought him of bitter cold immoderate, and yet hath not destroyed the beauty of thy fountains, nor of my clear pools. Behold the snow, and the cunning work of frost! Melkor hath devised heats and fire without restraint, and hath not dried up thy desire nor utterly quelled the music of the sea. Behold rather the height and glory of the clouds, and the everchanging mists; and listen to the fall of rain upon the Earth! And in these clouds thou art drawn nearer to Manwë, thy friend, whom thou lovest.'
    Then Ulmo answered: 'Truly, Water is become now fairer than my heart imagined, neither had my secret thought conceived the snowflake, nor in all my music was contained the falling of the rain. I will seek Manwë, that he and I may make melodies for ever to my delight!' And Manwë and Ulmo have from the beginning been allied, and in all things have served most faithfully the purpose of Ilúvatar.

  • @RJ1J
    @RJ1J 7 років тому +1

    Love this one. Really good stuff. I'd love to hear one about what the various rings can actually do for their bearers in detail.

    •  7 років тому +1

      We don't really know. There are so many ares of the lore that are vague and incomplete.

    • @AnnaMarianne
      @AnnaMarianne 7 років тому +1

      Rich Google "Oak Road Systems FAQ of the Rings". That site has a truly exhausting collection of the whole known ringlore.

  • @Jenny22gtv
    @Jenny22gtv 7 років тому

    please never stop making these I LOVE them

  • @andrewwon9068
    @andrewwon9068 7 років тому +2

    Great video, and hope you have a wonderful 2017!

  • @keyboarddancers7751
    @keyboarddancers7751 7 років тому

    I've been an avid/voracious reader of Tolkien's work since 1974. One is always searching for new "iterations" as it were, of the man's magnificent writings and of course the Jackson films from the early noughties were seminal works in that regard (no complaints at all that you've used Shore's eternally evocative and amazingly apt score in the background). This is one of the best summary series I've come across which casts a new and appropriately modern angle on the histories. e.g. I liked the reference to winter being a construct of Melkor; I'd never really thought of it that way.

  • @lercameron4297
    @lercameron4297 7 років тому

    Arachîr Galudirithon, Great to see another one of these lore videos! I subscribed a couple of months ago and in that time have watched them all many times over since then. They are possibly my favorite videos on UA-cam. Cant wait to see what you choose to cover next. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

  • @armeldir4569
    @armeldir4569 7 років тому

    these videos are great. you really make the lore of middle earth, more like, understandable. good job, as always.

  • @timpolchow8395
    @timpolchow8395 7 років тому +1

    Happy new year. :-) Seeing this video pop-up has made my holiday season. Hope you have a good 2017.

  • @conoratwood1067
    @conoratwood1067 7 років тому

    Very much enjoyed this! Helped me try to shake off this New Years hangover!

  • @astranaithes6818
    @astranaithes6818 6 років тому

    Now that was epic!! Wonderful narrating!

  • @ashleyrabone5600
    @ashleyrabone5600 7 років тому

    love these videos they clear up so many questions i had about the history and you explain it all in such a great way. keep up the fantastic work!

  • @onesec8005
    @onesec8005 4 роки тому

    I am very humbled and not informed enough to say anything else but Thank You and offer highest of praise on your work. If I may... Mr. Tolkien would certainly approve of your respect and dignity to his creation. Well done.

  • @julio_scissors
    @julio_scissors 7 років тому

    Just discovered your channel; these lore videos are amazing! They're great to listen to while at work or just relaxing at home. Well done.

    •  7 років тому

      Thank you very much. :)

  • @LeeGall333
    @LeeGall333 3 роки тому

    My favorite channel for the best lore video’s!!

  • @st.hannibal7313
    @st.hannibal7313 7 років тому

    I really love these videos. I hope they are as fun to prepare as they are to watch. Keep up the good work !

    •  7 років тому +1

      They are a ball-ache to prepare and take me ages. :P However the pay off is worth it because I love the myth beyond the story.

  • @q0w1e2r3t4y5
    @q0w1e2r3t4y5 6 років тому +1

    'animals attacking each other .. disease ... " all that with the good old Shire theme :D

  • @23StudiosSports
    @23StudiosSports 7 років тому +9

    Happy New Year my dude great vid!!

    •  7 років тому +9

      Happy New Year also sir!

  • @belegaranchampionofarnor8906
    @belegaranchampionofarnor8906 7 років тому +33

    Turin slays Glaurung. Earendil kills Anchalagon I think it is spelt.

    • @tiredraven4668
      @tiredraven4668 7 років тому +6

      Gil Galad13 Remove the "h" and you have it!

    • @markmoore4079
      @markmoore4079 7 років тому

      I never understood how Ancalagon actually got slain. The dragon is bigger than mountains

    • @egoalter1276
      @egoalter1276 7 років тому

      Lotr is written in the style in the ancient epics. Scales and relative power dont make sense.

    • @lordandsaviour5666
      @lordandsaviour5666 6 років тому

      It took a whole day as well if I remember correctly.

    • @jakealter5504
      @jakealter5504 6 років тому +1

      Mark Moore elronds father was assisted by the eagles and he had a silmaril

  • @BenSmith-od8fc
    @BenSmith-od8fc 6 років тому +1

    They manage to steal a silmarill and then just sorta bugger off 😂😂 love these videos

  • @gregsmith6935
    @gregsmith6935 6 років тому

    Just re watching your series. Awesome mate

  • @TroutBoneless
    @TroutBoneless 6 років тому +1

    I love that little rant about how Melkor is objectively evil and "your contrary lifestyle needs to end"
    So very clearly directed at a friend or colleague that Arachir argues with about LOTR all the time

    •  6 років тому +2

      It was directed at certain people who love to try and argue that Melkor was technically the 'good guy'.

  • @TransformersTalkRAW
    @TransformersTalkRAW 7 років тому

    Excellent. Quite informative. With a solid , descriptive vocalization to accompany the topic, I highly recommend this vid for LoTRs fans!

    •  7 років тому

      +IhsantheDemon Thank you very much! :-)

    • @TransformersTalkRAW
      @TransformersTalkRAW 7 років тому

      Arachîr Galudirithon Thank you sir. Keep them coming. I'd love to see some basic run downs of various stories contained within the Book of Lost Tales (both parts) , with commentary and your thoughts.

  • @zachstorm92
    @zachstorm92 7 років тому

    God (Eru?), I love these videos. Makes me wish I had a PC capable of running the mod. Keep up the amazing work!

  • @alexandur55
    @alexandur55 7 років тому +1

    No better way to start the new year than one of your lore vids! Happy new year!

  • @mrrstarrk
    @mrrstarrk 7 років тому +1

    Melkor is a professional troll lol
    I truly enjoy these videos. I love them so much and never want them to end.
    Also, do you have any suggestions on how/where to become fluent in elvish?

  • @BenSmith-od8fc
    @BenSmith-od8fc 7 років тому +1

    they steal a simarill and bugger off 😂 hahaha .... Your videos are great mate on the lore of middle earth! keep up the good work

  • @aoifearies1977
    @aoifearies1977 7 років тому

    fantastic video bud, keep em coming, been a while since i last read the silmarillion, great to have a refresher :)

  • @jjpp791
    @jjpp791 7 років тому +1

    This is the best kind of video I've seen about Lotr lore

    •  7 років тому +1

      Well thank you very much. :D

  • @Bastardson_
    @Bastardson_ 6 років тому

    Arachîr! I just discovered your channel this morning and was immediately captivated by it. Have you ever done or considered doing a video about the Flame Imperishable? It's one of those cool, ambiguous aspects of the Legendarium that seems like a great subject for discussion and speculation.

  • @mistman1977
    @mistman1977 7 років тому

    Just subbed today. Awesome work pal. Much appreciated.

  • @coryallen6818
    @coryallen6818 4 роки тому +1

    I have been a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien since I was a little kid. My Mom introduced me to the animated films of the Hobbit and the LOTR, when I was 9 years old and I was instantly hooked. Then the first of the newest films of the LOTR, the fellowship of the ring came out when I was 12, and I can’t tell you how many times I watched the 3 films in my teenage years. Sadly I was totally ignorant of the Silmarillion, unfortunately no one in my family or friends had ever heard of this epic work. So I have only found the Silmarillion very recently, and I absolutely love the book. I have only gotten through 1/8 of the book so far, unfortunately life tends to be ever hectic and so I have started listening to the audio book because I can never get enough time together to make a meaningful push into the book. I have also found these wonderful videos, like this one that give for lack of a better term a “readers digest” of many topics of Tolkien’s wonderful world. Thank you so much for taking the time to put these videos together! I really appreciate hearing from other fans of the work, and getting these awesome thorough videos. It’s easy to hear the passion and great amount of knowledge you have on these myriads of topics. By getting to hear these as I read through the books I find I am able to get a even higher understanding and appreciation of the story’s, that I wouldn’t be able to get just reading it through on my own probably multiple times. I get to stand on the shoulders of content makers like you, giving me a wonderful view I couldn’t achieve on my own.
    TLDR: Thanks for your wonderful work! You help me achieve greater views into the wonder world of Tolkien! Keep up the good work!

    •  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for taking the time to write this Cory. Often, on these old videos, if anybody comments nowadays it is to tell me that I made a minor error here or there and it becomes very draining. So to know that this video has been enjoyed, even after all these years, is much appreciated.

    • @coryallen6818
      @coryallen6818 4 роки тому

      I am thankful that you took the time to respond, and that despite the small novel you enjoyed the comment. I can imagine how frustrating it can be to get nit picked, especially when you obviously put a lot of thought and effort into making the video. Don’t let the haters get you down, you do good work and I’m sure for every negative troll theirs plenty of people like me who enjoy your work and are thankful for the effort you put into making these. I find it funny how trolls can have the nerve to say the things they do when 99% of the time they have never and will never make content. Thanks again for the hours of content, keep up the good work and fuck the haters. Now that I know you are available to respond, do you mind if I pose any questions if I end up having any? I would be great full if you would, and I promise not to drown you in stupid questions or any other annoying behavior. Look forward to your response and I hope your having a good day.

    •  4 роки тому

      @@coryallen6818 Please do ask any questions you have and I'll do my best to answer. :-) Thanks again!

  • @emillemberg4952
    @emillemberg4952 7 років тому

    Your are very good at explaining the lore. I love it! ;) Keep on the good work.

  • @datdragonslaya
    @datdragonslaya 7 років тому

    A great way to start off the new year. Happy new year!

  • @zlinedavid
    @zlinedavid 7 років тому

    Excellent way to start the new year!

  • @barad-dur9236
    @barad-dur9236 6 років тому +5

    i wish you wouldve added that as morgoth lived on in middle earth...his strength and power was dispersed into his realm, followers, and middle earth itself, so as he became weaker as time went on

    • @DocHoliday18810
      @DocHoliday18810 6 років тому

      Barad-dûr huh I didn’t know that, I had always wondered why that one elf, I miss remember his name, was able to hold his own against Morgoth even wounding him

    • @fatimaiqbal7965
      @fatimaiqbal7965 6 років тому +1

      Doc Holliday Fingolfin you mean?

    • @DocHoliday18810
      @DocHoliday18810 6 років тому

      F Iqbal ya that guy

    • @seekingabsolution1907
      @seekingabsolution1907 2 роки тому

      @@DocHoliday18810 entropy is the underlying theme of the Tolkien legendarium. All the Valar, even Melkor, lose their power over time; this is why Yvanna cannot recreate the two trees and Feanor is unable to recreate the Silmarils, they haven't the strength in them any more because they put so much of themselves into their creations.

  • @Moller86
    @Moller86 7 років тому +2

    Where is the music from (15:59 - 20:00)? BTW: Keep making these lore videos. They are good :)

  • @baldmanevil
    @baldmanevil 7 років тому +2

    I guess Illuvatar's view of Melkor is that he is just part of his own work. Melkor views Illuvatar as his opponent, but Illuvatar just views Melkor as a doodle he had drawn.

    • @jmitterii2
      @jmitterii2 7 років тому

      I'm stuck on Melkor's also fear and alarm that no other creature including Eru doesn't find the void a taunting potentially a threat to all existence. At least to his own existence.
      "He had gone often alone into the void places seeking the Imperishable Flame; for desire grew hot within him to bring into Being things of his own,
      and it seemed to him that Ilúvatar took no thought for the Void, and he was impatient of its emptiness."
      Melkor dislikes most of the pages in the sketch book of Eru or empty, as well as potentially fading in time, perhaps the sketch book could be thrown away at any time.
      I think this gives the prime motivator to Melkor's the opposition to Eru.
      Melkor hates and fears the void; impatient for more creation faster than Eru's creation strategy, and Eru's apparent dismissal to the potential danger of a void.

  • @krichardj
    @krichardj 7 років тому

    Happy New Year. Love the Lore. Thanks for a year of entertainment.

  • @Yami1300
    @Yami1300 7 років тому

    Great Video I love your lore videos.
    Just one mistake i noticed Earedil kills Ancalagon.
    Just that
    great video Happy new year.

  • @Belthal
    @Belthal 7 років тому

    I enjoy these so much. Happy new year Arachir and thanks for the great content

  • @nebularsrift
    @nebularsrift 7 років тому +9

    Didn't Turin Turambar kill Glaurung?Earendil killed Ancallagon the black, didn't he?

  • @LeRoiDuFresne
    @LeRoiDuFresne 7 років тому +16

    So sorry but earendil kills ancaligon the black first of the winged dragons not glaurung he was killed by turin turambar it really is a minor nit pick but lovely video

  • @levydeez
    @levydeez 7 років тому


  • @Telarius
    @Telarius 7 років тому

    love your videos dude subbed. Very descriptive, very well said. I see you going far.

    •  7 років тому

      Well thank you very much. :) I appreciate the support sir.

  • @Mikebrowski
    @Mikebrowski 7 років тому

    I have a suggestion for you have you considered doing third age mod on the warhammer engine?

  • @MrDuck-dw5yb
    @MrDuck-dw5yb 7 років тому

    Hey! Really enjoyed the video. Your lore videos are much better than other ones which go by quickly. I've got 2 questions; Whih villain do you like more, Melkor or Sauron? Would First Age Total War or perhaps Second Age Total War mod be possible?

  • @ramses3445
    @ramses3445 7 років тому +3

    you know, I've seen the halls of Mandos like a big chamber with thousands of chairs where then if you go there have to like ''pick a number'' and wait untill they like call you to come and be judged xD

    • @Rhae_of_Sun
      @Rhae_of_Sun 7 років тому +1

      Jesus, that sounds more like Hell to me xD

    • @jmitterii2
      @jmitterii2 7 років тому +1

      So, whenever I'm at the DMV or other places where I take a number and wait, I will know I am in the Halls of Mandos.

  • @H.Hardrada
    @H.Hardrada 5 років тому +5

    I like to imagine all of the Valar in a boring choir singing the song of creation while Melkor is in the back just shredding on the guitar and pissing everyone off

  • @dougmphilly
    @dougmphilly 7 років тому

    these are brilliantly good.

  • @aaran24
    @aaran24 7 років тому

    Amazing series as always! Can you add this to your playlist? Can we see a Beren/Luthien lore video or a Turin video?

    •  7 років тому

      It is in the playlist.

  • @vincentcrabbe177
    @vincentcrabbe177 7 років тому +3

    What happened to the Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrod after their cities were cast into the ocean?
    The Dwarven king u forgot was Azaghal btw

    • @BernddasBrotB7
      @BernddasBrotB7 7 років тому +6

      They emigrated to Kazad-Dum mostly, though some established new mansions in the Ered Luin.

    • @BernddasBrotB7
      @BernddasBrotB7 7 років тому +1

      Not quite gone, just not significant to the stories Tolkein told. It is known that by the end of the Third Age Dwarves still lived in the Ered Luin, since large numbers passed through Bree on their way back and forth.

  • @TalosBjorn
    @TalosBjorn 7 років тому

    You make great lore vids. Wish you would do some about some other franchises but so far I've yet to come across any. I don't suppose you're a Warhammer fan as well as a Tolkien fan?

  • @TCreel
    @TCreel 7 років тому

    I love your content man keep it coming 👍

  • @dissident4226
    @dissident4226 7 років тому

    Arachîr, I am enamored by this your latest lore video, as I always am with your releases but one question if I may: is Ungoliant the parent of Shelob, or are they one and the same? Thanks for posting these and I anxiously await the next installment.. :)

    •  7 років тому +1

      Shelob is some form of spawn of Ungoliant but the direct lineage is unlcear. :)

  • @Fenrir_8
    @Fenrir_8 7 років тому

    Great video! Just a little correction: the elves awake during the age of the trees, which spans in a period prior to the first age. The first age then starts after the destruction of the trees and the creation of the sun and moon, which occurs in coincidence with the awakening of men. This is why it is also called first (and following) age of the sun. Keep it up!

  • @Axeltonn
    @Axeltonn 7 років тому +6

    I want Melkor to be real. He could fix all of our worldly issues with his karaoke skills.

    • @seekingabsolution1907
      @seekingabsolution1907 2 роки тому

      That's stupid. He'd replace all your anime openings with dumb edgy versions.

  • @rakaman27
    @rakaman27 7 років тому +1

    Tulkas you had one job.
    One. Job

  • @figulus1
    @figulus1 7 років тому

    Found this very interesting sir and am also enjoying DaC ! Thanks.

  • @gotiyamunda
    @gotiyamunda 7 років тому

    The silmarillion is truly a great book,along with the unfinished tales and the Children of Hurin.

  • @outfit5103
    @outfit5103 7 років тому +1

    a book about the story of beren and luthion? damn me wants!
    loved that story of forbidden love between a man and a elf

    • @jmitterii2
      @jmitterii2 7 років тому

      It's not really forbidden. You just get a cute cuddly baby with one ear pointy and the other not pointy.

    • @outfit5103
      @outfit5103 7 років тому

      jmitterii2 the vision from arwen in the movie lied to us.......that was clearly a human boy

    • @outfit5103
      @outfit5103 7 років тому

      i pick the nut i suck myself thank you very much

  • @biornr.4031
    @biornr.4031 7 років тому

    I really like your lore vids, but I was wondering, since you say this is more like a podcast why don't you make it one on itunes or some service like that?

  • @Geraduss
    @Geraduss 6 років тому +1

    I think the whole purpouse of Melkor weather he was aware of it or not, was to be the enemy, for without strife, suffering and challenges you have no growth, evolution or advancement, you end up in stagnation. You need an enemy to chage and evole to be better to be better to grow and improve.
    Imagine a world without Morgoth and his succesor Sauron, it would be dull and boring, nothing would change, eternal light and stagnation would be the norm.

  • @ulmo5536
    @ulmo5536 7 років тому

    I don't ever want this serie to end

  • @TS2dethmonkey
    @TS2dethmonkey 7 років тому +4

    Arachîr Galudirithon, who would you say is your favorite of the two Dark Lords: Melkor or Sauron?

  • @enrac
    @enrac 7 років тому

    What is the music playing at 40:00? It's a woman chanting something, I think. Sounds good :)

  • @Mesjach
    @Mesjach 7 років тому +8

    Morgoth disliked this video.

    • @noahplays7619
      @noahplays7619 7 років тому

      dovahslayer lol

    • @obaolori
      @obaolori 7 років тому

      naah he has taken over the internet so thats no longer a problem for him

  • @p00x39
    @p00x39 6 років тому +1

    Don't fear the eyes of the dark lord
    Morgoth I cried
    All hope is gone but I swear revenge
    Hear my oath
    I will take part in your damned fate

  • @TheBrotherdarkness9
    @TheBrotherdarkness9 5 років тому

    Even a low Budget Production Show , as long as it honors the source Material, would amaze the shit out of me. I love the Story of melkor and ungoliant stealing the silmarill.

  • @musicilike69
    @musicilike69 7 років тому

    Melkor did initially want to posses Arda but came to the realisation that he couldn't..According to my understanding, at some point he did attempt to negate Arda with his own power, and the failure drove him crazy at his own limitations. He was the one that understood the atom and "matter", maybe even more than Aule..It is his loss of personal force that interests me and I found the notes of Tolkien most interesting, in essence he attempted the domination of all "matter" and his loss of force was due to him transferring his power into the atoms and stuff or Arda. C Tolkien goes into the subject in one of his works titled-Morgoth's Ring..and that's what Arda became, the matter of the, if you will, periodic table all had an Melkor element...It's where Sauron got his own idea but he concentrated on the Children of Eru and the domination of their "fea and hroa" the houses of their spirits..the body and soul.
    Melkor wanted the absolute domination of all the matter of the world..and the life in it would have served it's purpose once his wars against the Elves and men were finished..it was the realisation that the 2nd and 3rd themes were on the verge of destruction that drove the Valar to the War of Wrath and it was when they finally confronted him and were utterly shocked and confused at his loss of force. They debated this at the Manahaxar where they finally understood what he had done and that even though he had been forced through the Door of Night, his power remained in the atoms, all of them, that made up Arda.

  • @ineffablemars
    @ineffablemars 6 років тому +2

    His voice is so familiar to me. He sounds like my friend.

  • @aaroncarlson1162
    @aaroncarlson1162 6 років тому +1

    "In the beginning was the flame, and the flame was with Eru, and the flame was Eru"

    • @seekingabsolution1907
      @seekingabsolution1907 2 роки тому

      Not sure what convinced Tolkien to make his biblically inspired creation story a song rather than words but I like the decision. Music is dope.

  • @arsalmustafa3705
    @arsalmustafa3705 7 років тому

    Your mod dac is very good man

  • @eric.ko.
    @eric.ko. 7 років тому

    Keep up the great work!

  • @strongsuccessfulweeb1400
    @strongsuccessfulweeb1400 2 роки тому

    its been a while since i read the Silmarillion 01:28 but the Ainulindale or the Music of Ainur happened in the "Timeless Halls" where Eru himself abode. after their Song and when they descended into the physical world then called the "the Void" because literally nothing is there yet.

  • @AlienZizi
    @AlienZizi 6 років тому

    lmao when it sounded like you said smellkor drag him

  • @The_Vible
    @The_Vible 6 років тому

    The way melkor’s mind works is that he and eru was mainly responsible for arda and since eru left the rest for the valar, he thought that Arda should belong to him

  • @tylerh2548
    @tylerh2548 7 років тому

    as i listen to this, im thinking about Time Stands Still (at The Iron Hill) by Blind Guardian. Also, please talk about Maeglin and his father the Dark Elf (who may be the only elf to have committed the crime of rape? I have read different opinions) and all that. It confuses me and you simplify things without the Tolkeinesque prose 😁. Anyways I think it all plays into Maeglin's betrayal of the city to Melkor.

  • @lucasengel6443
    @lucasengel6443 7 років тому

    Great video! I loved it!