TRAINWRECKORDS: "Two the Hard Way" by Cher and Gregg Allman

  • Опубліковано 29 чер 2020
  • Doomed couple Cher and Gregg Allman made a doomed collaboration album, a teamup that went about as well as mixing toothpaste and orange juice. (Support Todd on Patreon! / toddintheshadows )
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 2 тис.

  • @KramerKontained94
    @KramerKontained94 3 роки тому +2953

    This album didn't kill any careers after their divorce because Cher believes in life after love

    • @FernieCanto
      @FernieCanto 3 роки тому +218

      I really don't think this album is strong enough, no.

    • @phastinemoon
      @phastinemoon 3 роки тому +39

      This thread gives me life

    • @_Only_Zuul
      @_Only_Zuul 3 роки тому +70

      dO YoOu BeELiIeVe iiN LiiFe AfTeRr LoOVe??

    • @thwiftlythwept7023
      @thwiftlythwept7023 3 роки тому +47

      Der yer belEEEbe in herr after durr?

    • @josephtelegen8754
      @josephtelegen8754 3 роки тому +12

      Best comment ever.

  • @piratapequeno
    @piratapequeno 3 роки тому +2702

    My mom is a huge Cher fan and both my parents are both huge Allman Bros. fans. I've never heard them mentioned that they were married or this album happened. I think that says a lot.

    • @JennaLeigh
      @JennaLeigh 3 роки тому +219

      My dad is a MASSIVE fan of the Allman Brothers and actually loves Cher- though I think it's a respect more for her longevity and fortitude. Either way, we talk music all the time and he has NEVER mentioned this connection between the 2.

    • @tafua_a
      @tafua_a 3 роки тому +109

      You know a couple isn't good when people who like the music and Cher and the music of Greg Allman don't like Cher and Allman.

    • @MF-fd2ug
      @MF-fd2ug 3 роки тому +81

      I asked my mum about it. She told me, she bought the record, listened to it once and literally never again.

    • @johnrife7134
      @johnrife7134 2 роки тому +37


    • @TexMexGenX
      @TexMexGenX 2 роки тому +1

      I think you are right.

  • @TetsuDeinonychus
    @TetsuDeinonychus 3 роки тому +1652

    ...when Cher has better chemistry with Beavis and Butthead than with her one-time husband...

    • @Chattosaurus
      @Chattosaurus 3 роки тому +44

      I think Butt-head was finally going to get some, but the I'm guessing Beavis totally cock-blocked him.

    • @53subscribersnovideos35
      @53subscribersnovideos35 3 роки тому +30

      @@Chattosaurus Well, it was only VR Cher, anyway.

    • @patchchrist
      @patchchrist 3 роки тому +22

      When that clip came up, I said the exact same thing to myself.

    • @Demiglitch
      @Demiglitch 3 роки тому +42

      Beavis and Butthead are just conscientious lovers is all.

    • @ajpoopfucker
      @ajpoopfucker Рік тому

      @@Demiglitch nice cerati pfp

  • @TheDukeofMadness
    @TheDukeofMadness 2 роки тому +236

    Alice Cooper tells a story of going out to dinner with Cher and Gregg Allman not long after they got married. They were chatting when Gregg faceplanted unconscious into his meal. Cher grabbed the back of his head, pulled him up and said "Isn't he great!"

    • @patoren3gou653
      @patoren3gou653 5 місяців тому +19

      Alice Cooper seems so based

    • @gregdeandrea1450
      @gregdeandrea1450 4 місяці тому +39

      Alice Cooper, Gregg Allman and Cher all at the same table... I think if Barry White had shown up the four pillars of seventies music would have been complete and it would have formed the Orb of Time.

  • @JoshuaFagan
    @JoshuaFagan 3 роки тому +2655

    I still can't believe they were called "Allman and Woman." That's an all-time terrible band name.

    • @BenCol
      @BenCol 3 роки тому +274

      Sounds more like a sitcom than a band.
      And not even a particularly good sitcom either.

    • @theloverlyladylo9158
      @theloverlyladylo9158 3 роки тому +119

      BenCol it would be about a man who had the experiences of all men combined into one living with Eve from the Bible in a 2-room apartment in Milwaukee.

    • @the-NightStar
      @the-NightStar 3 роки тому +90

      The more you think about it, the most stunningly misogynistic it becomes. "I'm ALL man... and her? She's just the Woo man. I'm the awesome one here, she's here to be that lady and bring the lady things to it."

    • @ModdedMischief
      @ModdedMischief 3 роки тому +32

      ᵗʰᵉNight★Star I mean it’s just a pun, but I guess it could mean that too...

    • @andrewgwilliam4831
      @andrewgwilliam4831 3 роки тому +62

      Over the years most of us have probably heard some random or quirky phrase and said "that'll be my band name". Until today it had never occurred to me that there would be a counterpart of a phrase that nobody in their right mind would use as a band name. I guess every yin must have its yang, though...

  • @SEAZNDragon
    @SEAZNDragon 3 роки тому +3500

    Wow Todd finally got a sponsor. Either he’s really hitting it big or he’s doesn’t want to sell another round of one hit wonder requests.

    • @periflores1002
      @periflores1002 3 роки тому +299

      My theory is that the pandemic made all his Patrons too poor to give him anything :/

    • @moritzzz1
      @moritzzz1 3 роки тому +148

      Those keyboards are not gonna eat themselves

    • @bonecanoe86
      @bonecanoe86 3 роки тому +243

      It was probably do sponsor reads or finally cover You're Beautiful.

    • @dimentiorules
      @dimentiorules 3 роки тому +79

      Insert Road to El Dorado "Both" gif here.

    • @cityboy2092
      @cityboy2092 3 роки тому +103

      I just know that there are hoards of people requesting One Hit Wonderlands for bands and artists that weren't one-hit wonders to begin with like Smash Mouth and C+C Music Factory

  • @widnawz
    @widnawz 3 роки тому +1278

    “It’s better than having a kid to try and save the marriage” thing is they did try that, and said kid went on to front a goth industrial band called Deadsy

    • @OsKarMike1306
      @OsKarMike1306 3 роки тому +81


    • @Redrally
      @Redrally 3 роки тому +216

      You just know that makes perfect sense

    • @kibrika
      @kibrika 3 роки тому +103

      They had a "Family Values Tour"... ouch :D

    • @scottygilmer691
      @scottygilmer691 3 роки тому +150

      Deadsy was a pretty decent band, very creative, but I think they got lumped in with the nu- metal crew. They were on Family Values Tour after all. The singer, Elijah Blue Allman, actually covered Crimson and Clover with Cher.

    • @NJGuy1973
      @NJGuy1973 3 роки тому +95

      @@scottygilmer691 And in the "If I Could Turn Back Time" video, 14-year-old Elijah is playing guitar.

  • @CameronMetrejean
    @CameronMetrejean Рік тому +305

    Hate to say it but Cher and Greg Allman sound like one of those “….but the sex is great” couples.

    • @calmbbaer
      @calmbbaer 5 місяців тому +33

      Judging from the album cover, it's only great if there are no mirrors in the room.

    • @Falxifer95
      @Falxifer95 5 місяців тому +14

      12:19 this pretty much confirms it.

  • @snoopsq.527
    @snoopsq.527 Рік тому +339

    Honestly, being a “boring” couple to me seems like the best thing you can hope for when your a celebrity that’s dating another celebrity. The public doesn’t care, so to a certain extent your personal business gets to stay fucking personal.

  • @LindsayEllisVids
    @LindsayEllisVids 3 роки тому +3340

    oh man "when loving lovers love" is such a deep cut

    • @bespectacledheroine7292
      @bespectacledheroine7292 3 роки тому +136

      I never could conceptualize the exact equivalent song to it, just an array of similar ones. Until today. Move Me is clearly what they were going for whether they knew it or not.

    • @JarrodBaniqued
      @JarrodBaniqued 3 роки тому +105

      Really sells it, at least compared to Malcolm McLaren’s “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Gals”

    • @dimentiorules
      @dimentiorules 3 роки тому +19

      Are you still dating him? Not that that's any of my business, just wondering.

      @BATCHARRO 3 роки тому +133

      No. She's married and everything.

    • @heliophoner
      @heliophoner 3 роки тому +27

      It could be the greatest love story ever written.....for the internet

  • @ashleyneku5432
    @ashleyneku5432 3 роки тому +661

    Lesson learned: What works in the shower DOES NOT work in a sound stage.

    • @NEEDbacon
      @NEEDbacon 3 роки тому +53

      Doesn't help that putting a brain cell or two forward that the songs opening lyrics are "I DON'T LIKE YOU, I DON'T WANT YOU" comes off poorly like Todd pointed out.

    • @mccperin
      @mccperin 3 роки тому

      Who would've guessed?

    • @gregorymelissinos337
      @gregorymelissinos337 3 роки тому +2

      @@NEEDbacon I heard that as I don't like you, but I love you

    • @nikitaknyazkov2179
      @nikitaknyazkov2179 3 роки тому

      @@NEEDbacon читччтсьибиичиьчиибьчиюьчьчьчьььччсчюччсчьбсбьььььььбьчбьььььббьбььюььччьььччсччьббчьичччсьчючбчючичбчсчтчичьччьчимчбьччьчььчььючссьчьььчбмччьючсчччьибьчьюччччбььбчбибчииьбьььчьиььбьььььбиьчьиьббьиььюьиюььбььбиьюбчьбььььсиьььббььььбьььбьиььбиььбьибььбьбььььььбьбьбььиььбюибьбььььбьььбьььбььбьббьььюьбььбььииьььюььбььбьбьббььюььббььиьььибиббьюььбьбьбьбьбььььььььюььбьиььбьбьиьиьибььбьбьииьиььиьббььбиьбььббьбьььбььььиььбььбььбьььюиььбьюбььььььььььбьььььбьиюьбььиьббьбьььюььбьбьббььбиьььбььбьбьбьььбьиььиьиььиьььььььььбьььььььбьььиььбььбььбььиььтбибииььбьььбьбььбиьббьюьььбььбьбььььюиььиььбьиюььбьиюььбьбибььььббььиьбиььююььбьюььиьбиьиьббььбтбььбьььиььбььбьибььььбьбььььбьбььиббьььььььюьбсьььььиьбьбььюьбьььбиьььььбьбььбьььььбььбььбььбьиььбьььбььььььььбьчииьбььиььббььььюибььюььььиьбььььбьбььбибьььиььиббиььбьибибььиьбчиьбьььььбсьииьбьчбииььььббьььбььибьььюьчбьбььььбььбиьюсььбььиичьюьбьбчьиьььчьььььььибччбчбчьььььчючбсььььбьчьбььтчьбььььчьичбььчьбиььчььччььччбьчььбьчбьбьььббьчьчьбьиичичььсььиччьььчьчььичччбььббььиьчичьчиьбььчиюьичбчичбиьбььсиьчиибьчьбиччиьчьмььчбьчььььиььььччьчьчьчбиьиьмььчиььчюььььььюьиьмсььчсбсьчьччбьчьььбчьбьььбьючбииьиььбьчиьчиьбьчиьььчббчьчччччьбььччбчьччччьичсчьчбьсььччюьччьччиьбьчбььбьбчьбибььььбьичььбчючбььчьчьчсбьчччьчиьччбьючььььььььчибиччььбьбьмьчьииььбььчьььчьчьчбььиььчбьчюибьбчььчьбсччюььчьбьььиьььччьбьььючьччьючьбччьчбььсмиютичсбьчьчьючьччичбьмчьчиьчччьчиичичьчьччмчччбчьчьччччьчьчьббчььчюсьчсбчичичьчиьчсьичьбььчбьььььььбьччьиччччччьччиибчбчьичьчччччьччбььчюьчьччььбсччьчччччбичьчьччьчьсьчььчьбчбсьччччьььмбчбмиччьчбччьичьчьчьччичььбчиьчичючичьччьччььчччьиччччччччьчьчччьччьччччьчьччюччьчбсьчьичбчьччччмччьччмчьчьчичччьичьччччьччччмчьччьччсчьчьччбчьччьчбььчччьчьчбчьчччичиччсчччьчччьчччьчьчьччмчччбчьчччьччьчччбьчбичьчччьчбьчсиччьччбичичччччььчччччьчччьчьччмьччьчичьсчььччьчьбчьччччсчьчччьбсбччсьчьччьбчччбччмчбчсьчьччччччсчььччьмччьчччььччсьччччьчьччьчьчьчьичччбчьмччичичччььчьчсчччччччьччччсчбччьччбчьмичсььиичиччьчьчьбччмьчисбиьчьчччччьчьбччьччьчбичььччбиьчбььччччьччьчбччьбчччьчччччччччьчбьччьчьчючьччбьчьчбчбчччьиьчбчччьчюччсчичьюьчччччььччьчччььччбичччбчччьчичьчмчччсчьччичччимчьчсбччсбчьччьюччичччььчьььичьччьчичьсчччьчючибчмчьчччччььчьчььььччьичсчсьчччичбьчючччччьюьчсчьчччьччччиччбчьчччьччччьючмбчсьччьчбчьчьчсмчььчьчьччбьмччбчьчччьччччььчччьчььючьчьччичььчьччьччьььччьчиьчбчбчьчььччччьчььюьчьчььббьььчьььчьччьььчььььбьччььььчбсчьчьбьюььььчьчььбььчьюьсььььььчьчьчбьчььььсбьччбиььбьчььбьчччььичьььбьььчьььчсььюьбьбчььбчьчььбьмчььььбььбььььььььючбьчьбььбьььюььььчььбььчььььчьчьььчьчбчбьчьббьбьчьчьььььььььбббчббььчьчбьсьььььььбьбььььььбчььчбььбьбьььььббььбьььчьььюьььььььбььььбьььбььььььььььбььбьбьсиьсючюютчиюьчитиииитииититииьииититититиииьиииьиииттитиииититииьииъииититиитииъитииъиитииъттииииииитиитититиъииъитиииъиъиииъиъитиъиътииииъьиъииииттиъиътиьиъьиититиъиъиитииииъиитиъиииитииъиъииътиъитиииитииититииииьччччччччч

    • @shawnfields2369
      @shawnfields2369 3 роки тому +15

      @@mccperin Not me; that's for sure. Damn... guess my all shower covers were for nothing after all, dude. Now who's gonna release all these shower cover albums?!?

  • @icysnow9459
    @icysnow9459 3 роки тому +1211

    Greg has more courage than most people on this show. He actually speaks more than one sentence about the album.

    • @edwardphilibin3151
      @edwardphilibin3151 3 роки тому +260

      I think it's safe to say by that point Gregg had long since distributed his lifetime supply of giveable fucks.

    • @thejorgieverse1501
      @thejorgieverse1501 3 роки тому +11


    • @littlekingtrashmouth9219
      @littlekingtrashmouth9219 2 роки тому +55

      Like the Family Guy skit - “Greg Allman, what did you do when life got you down?”
      “Me? I took a lot of drugs, married some broad named Cher. I won’t recommend either of them.”

  • @TheUnspokenKibbles
    @TheUnspokenKibbles 3 роки тому +1769

    The factoid about how Cher has nine of the biggest flops of all time implies that she _came back_ from at least eight of those. Move over Achilles, Superman, and all others who play at being indestructible. This woman is on another level.

    • @teddyhaines6613
      @teddyhaines6613 3 роки тому +151

      So the conclusion here is that if she'd sung about how she rises from the dead all the time, it would actually check out.

    • @baxterbrown8088
      @baxterbrown8088 3 роки тому +127

      Two of them were Sonny and Cher, one of which was a career ender for them. Additionally, one of the seven Cher solo albums was a followup to another entry that had been lower on the list.
      However that still means she came back from SIX of those

    • @Snarl616
      @Snarl616 3 роки тому +49

      If you got money or contracts or sponsors to keep you in game, who cares about albums quality? Cher to me is like Maroon5 for Todd: always there for inertia, never convincing, never infuriating.

    • @wingracer1614
      @wingracer1614 3 роки тому +95

      @@Snarl616 Interesting point but I'd take Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves over anything Maroon5 has ever done.

    • @AnaMaria-wt3ix
      @AnaMaria-wt3ix 3 роки тому +98

      @@Snarl616 maybe. But Maroon 5 aren't icons to anyone. Cher is though

  • @twilightjoltik3151
    @twilightjoltik3151 Рік тому +261

    The part about there being no fascination with Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis and them seeming perfectly happy had aged… interestingly

    • @MrGared22
      @MrGared22 Рік тому +75

      Yeah... looks like Toddstradamus isn't limited to music anymore.

    • @emmettyoung7603
      @emmettyoung7603 2 місяці тому +13

      gonna ask todd to predict my failure so i don’t ever fail

  • @TJTheEmperor
    @TJTheEmperor 3 роки тому +861

    “We’re Gonna Make It” sounds like the theme song of a sitcom from 1978 that was cancelled midway through its first season.

    • @NJGuy1973
      @NJGuy1973 3 роки тому +27

      You mean like an 1979 ABC sitcom starring David Naughton?

    • @chicagoakland
      @chicagoakland 3 роки тому +16

      @@NJGuy1973 No no, that one had it's own awful theme song that I'd much like to forget.

      @ACETYGRA 3 роки тому +2

      You win UA-cam today!

    • @DBEO23
      @DBEO23 3 роки тому +10

      Aw, Why is that so true and why do I feel like Norman Lear said fuck no to trying to save the show?

    • @Ingestedbanjo
      @Ingestedbanjo 2 роки тому +3

      Might have to eat BEES every day

  • @B.Arthur
    @B.Arthur Рік тому +139

    Cher was really just getting started here. It’s wild to think that her WHOLE film career came after this, including an Oscar. You can never count her out.

  • @kittyess
    @kittyess 3 роки тому +1338

    This sounds like what would happen if grimes and elon musk made an album together

    • @samdragonborn5864
      @samdragonborn5864 3 роки тому +95

      Don’t give them ideas

    • @sbel6626
      @sbel6626 3 роки тому +133

      Always watching it will be called QVANTVM ENt4ng⛓ement and will be entirely about the plot of Neuromancer where two AIs fuse together. It will be as pretentious as possible and they will claim it came from their own genius when in fact it came from her taking peyote and him throwing money at whatever will make people talk about him

    • @SomeDumbKid1
      @SomeDumbKid1 3 роки тому +68

      Mother of god that would actually be the worst album ever

    • @patrickracer43
      @patrickracer43 3 роки тому +29

      That's gonna be the chimes in the Cybertruck

    • @chaddevlin8545
      @chaddevlin8545 3 роки тому +51

      Thank christ they just made a baby instead.

  • @TheTygre
    @TheTygre Рік тому +392

    There are two things that keep me coming back to this video:
    1. The phrase “enough junk coursing through him to kill a sperm whale”.
    2. Cher’s wild outfits. You can say whatever you want about her singing on this album, but nobody had style like Cher.

    • @ratedr7845
      @ratedr7845 Рік тому +9

      lady gaga

    • @Thor-Orion
      @Thor-Orion 2 місяці тому +6

      She was so attractive.

    • @elizabethm8982
      @elizabethm8982 2 місяці тому +5

      Yeah, she was very attractive and had the presence (and body) to wear the hell outta those outfits

  • @jmann6130
    @jmann6130 3 роки тому +413

    Cher and Gregg actually had a lot of parallels to A Star is Born Gregg is the struggling addict rocker and Cher is the vibrant Starlet who thinks she can save him and both ultimately cant

    • @braydenfitzsimmons6824
      @braydenfitzsimmons6824 3 роки тому +85

      This is funny because the Streisand/Kristofferson version of A Star Is Born was originally supposed to star Cher and Warren Beatty.

    • @DBEO23
      @DBEO23 3 роки тому +44

      Except Gaga and Bradley are both great singers, attractive, got great chemistry and charismatic while Cher is left with all of that and Gregg has none. Tho, that’s just for the newer one at least

    • @ECKohns
      @ECKohns Місяць тому

      @@DBEO23Watch the older version with Judy Garland and James Mason.

  • @SarahElisabethJoyal
    @SarahElisabethJoyal 3 роки тому +425

    "Gregg Allman and Cher" sounds like one of those improbable duet pairs they make up on new Whose Line episodes.

    • @HSMiyamoto
      @HSMiyamoto 3 роки тому +38

      "Ryan and Colin, you are Ray Charles and Pia Zadora."

    • @shawnfields2369
      @shawnfields2369 3 роки тому +1

      @@HSMiyamoto You mean; they're real? And that they're still making new Whose Line episodes?

    • @SarahElisabethJoyal
      @SarahElisabethJoyal 3 роки тому +13

      @@shawnfields2369 There have definitely been new episodes this year. A batch aired back at the start of quarantine and Jonathan Mangum hosted livestreams to celebrate. I believe there's been more since then but I'm uncertain of the details.
      As for the unlikely duets, it's the new gimmick for 'Greatest Hits'. Memorable pairs include "Neil Diamond and Kanye West" and "Lil Wayne and Pavarotti".

    • @shawnfields2369
      @shawnfields2369 3 роки тому +3

      @@SarahElisabethJoyal Wow, that's great to hear. Glad there's new episodes of "Whose Line". Great show. I wasn't that interested in the show as a kid, I thought it wasn't that funny, until I saw a few episodes, and I liked how funny it was. I'd definitely like to see how unlikely the pairs get. I'm sure Lil Wayne had collaborated with literally everyone. He was doing collabs with both Conan o'Brien, and Tony Hawk himself, all to promote Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5, a terrible game. I think hearing "Lil Wayne and Pavarotti" sounds hilarious. And "Neil Diamond and Kanye West" sounds hilarious too. What's next, "Eminem and Cher"? Or maybe... "Eminem and David Hasselhoff"? Or even, "Eminem and the Beach Boys"? Sorry, Eminem's my favorite rapper. Thanks for the extra info, ma'am.

  • @rasmusdegn9690
    @rasmusdegn9690 3 роки тому +918

    Congratulations on being one step closer to a RAID: Shadow Legends sponsorship.

    • @OliverHeikkinen
      @OliverHeikkinen 3 роки тому +83

      Todd in the shadow legends

    • @YayapLives
      @YayapLives 3 роки тому +53

      Don't joke about that man.
      _they can hear you._

    • @53subscribersnovideos35
      @53subscribersnovideos35 3 роки тому +4

      I'm sure all million people who advertise that game actually play it.

    • @EpicB
      @EpicB 3 роки тому +20

      But Todd's already a shadow legend.

    • @Ene-Chan
      @Ene-Chan 3 роки тому +9


  • @AnomalyArcadie
    @AnomalyArcadie 3 роки тому +504

    Yeeeaaars ago, while I was in my mid teens, I met their son after a Deadsy show. He's actually an incredibly kind dude and even offered to hang out with my friend and I so we weren't alone while we were waiting for my mom to pick us up. Good dude.

    • @dizzle1119
      @dizzle1119 3 роки тому +6

      The "Key To Gramercy Park" guys?
      Forgot about them....

    • @Thomasmemoryscentral
      @Thomasmemoryscentral 3 роки тому +7

      Sounds nice, did the son ever bring up this record?

    • @upstating
      @upstating 3 роки тому +105

      Hey, me too! Weird story about that... after the show there was radio station party where we met then, and he went back with us to my friend's apartment to see some of her reptiles and have coffee and chat. Later, I stood with him outside while he waited to be picked up and he asked how long my friend and I had been dating. I explained we'd known each other for years and she was a lesbian, and he replied "Really? That's good then," almost like he was a touch skeptical but didn't care either way. I told her about it when I went back up and we had a chuckle.
      18 years later, she and I have been married for 16 years, and together for almost 17. It seemed inconceivable at the time, but I sometimes wonder if that innocent aside planted the seed.

    • @Yemmi
      @Yemmi 3 роки тому +6

      @@upstating Wow, that is really cool. I did not expect the ending of that story at all.

    • @DOSRetroGamer
      @DOSRetroGamer 3 роки тому

      Hmm, I'd hang out with attractive young females too if given the opportunity 🤔

  • @andysee6996
    @andysee6996 3 роки тому +1450

    I did it! I finally got a playlist together for Trainwreckord Survivors! These are the songs Todd liked from his Trainwreckord episodes.
    1. 2 Find U - Jewel (0304)
    2. Heavy Metal Poisoning - Styx (Kilroy was Here)
    3. Pumps and a Bump - MC Hammer (The Funky Headhunter)
    4. My Big Mouth - Oasis (Be Here Now)
    5. Fire in the Hole - Van Halen (Van Halen III)
    6. Someday Never Comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival (Mardi Gras)
    7. Shock to the System - Billy Idol (Cyberpunk)
    8. The Opposite of Me - Robin Thicke (Paula)
    9. This is England - The Clash (Cut the Crap)
    10. Hot Fun in the Summertime - The Beach Boys (Summer in Paradise)
    11. Ease My Mind - Arrested Development (Zingalamaduni)
    12. Do what You gotta Do - Allman and Woman (Two the Hard Way)
    Do you think I did a good job picking out this playlist?

    • @ghostofabulletproducciones5748
      @ghostofabulletproducciones5748 3 роки тому +221

      I would replace "The Opposite of Me" with that song about New York, but it's a great playlist!

    • @Cthulu1985
      @Cthulu1985 3 роки тому +224

      Excellent playlist you got there, and very accurate to boot. However, I can't help but observe that you found NOTHING salvageable in Lauryn Hill's Unplugged 2.0. Nothing wrong with that, mind you. I found nothing there either.

    • @TheAndradeCS
      @TheAndradeCS 3 роки тому +91

      He didn't liked anything from Van Halen III. He didn't even played a song from that in the Outro. That album sucks 100%.

    • @MrMike855
      @MrMike855 3 роки тому +132

      @@TheAndradeCS Not true, he did say "Fire in the Hole" was the best song on the album, but it was the equivalent to a "second tier Sammy song or a fourth tier David Lee Roth song". But I don't think he liked anything from Summer in Paradise, he even said the Beach Boys version of Hot Fun in the Summertime wasn't that good, but comparing it to the rest of the album... yeah.

    • @Cthulu1985
      @Cthulu1985 3 роки тому +25

      @Blackberry! You mean "Fairweather Johnson"? That's already been done.

  • @johnrife7134
    @johnrife7134 2 роки тому +139

    That look on Greg's face he had when she introduced him was the definition of forced smile.

    • @annamaria9073
      @annamaria9073 Рік тому

      He looks like a baby that still tries to figure out how to smile. While also having a shit that is just slightly too hard to be comfortable.

  • @rossothelioma
    @rossothelioma 3 роки тому +259

    they kinda make me think of those romcoms where the mediocre guy falls in love with a manic pixie dream girl

    • @kazihiree1843
      @kazihiree1843 3 роки тому +12

      It’s like a Spanish novela then

    • @michaelkeller5927
      @michaelkeller5927 3 роки тому +4

      She's so ugly though. If that's someone's dream girl, they must have grown up in a burn victims unit

    • @Gabe413
      @Gabe413 3 роки тому +31

      @@michaelkeller5927 man stfu cher is beautiful

    • @emailing
      @emailing 2 роки тому +18

      Manic Pixie Dream Cher is my dream gender

    • @squeallymaniac
      @squeallymaniac 2 роки тому +4

      @@michaelkeller5927 tasteless.

  • @chuckbatman5
    @chuckbatman5 3 роки тому +155

    These clips of Cher and Gregg Allman together feel like watching two aliens from different planets struggling to communicate while also both pretending to be humans. There's truly something otherworldly about how awkward they are

    • @foxandbarrettshow6916
      @foxandbarrettshow6916 11 місяців тому +5

      Damn I laughed entirely too hard at that had to suppress the manly boyish titter of giggles long enough to write this reply

  • @insertusernamehere51
    @insertusernamehere51 3 роки тому +761

    You bringing up Elvis made me realize how much I want you to cover Elvis' career slump in the 60s. Maybe, it's not quite Trainwreckords material, but maybe a Cinemadonna style marathon of his movies?

    • @sagecolvard9644
      @sagecolvard9644 3 роки тому +144


    • @TheAndradeCS
      @TheAndradeCS 3 роки тому +38

      Elvis got brought back in the end of the 60's tho, didn't he? That's where his best career material came even, From Elvis in Memphis
      and all.

    • @insertusernamehere51
      @insertusernamehere51 3 роки тому +58

      That's why I mean it's not really trainwreckords material. But it still an interesting period with plenty of opportunity to make fun of

    • @TheAlexSchmidt
      @TheAlexSchmidt 3 роки тому +26

      I think he might not want to do the Elvis movies, given that others have suggested he cover them, but it could be a good idea. I also heard that there was a bootleg record called "Elvis's Greatest Sh*t" of his worst performances.

    • @grahamkristensen9301
      @grahamkristensen9301 3 роки тому +30

      That's a good idea on paper, but would be terrible in execution. Elvis's movies of course are turds across the board, but they're also really repetitive and tend to blend into each other. At least with Madonna's filmography, there's a variety of things to talk about. Todd would probably give up before he gets to "Elvis Beach Movie #8."

  • @Radlum
    @Radlum 2 роки тому +172

    I love when Todd's videos age poorly, but I didn't expect this one to do so in the first 2 minutes with the Wilde/Sudeikis couple

    • @vinnym5607
      @vinnym5607 Рік тому +44

      2 full years later and Kelly Clarkson made a "Kellyaoke" album...(might be an ep, but close enough).

  • @wendynerd1199
    @wendynerd1199 2 роки тому +466

    "This record is the equivalent of having a baby to save the marriage. It's not going to save the marriage and it fucks up the baby."
    ...They did that too.
    Gregg was literally going to leave Cher, but then she got pregnant with their son, Elijah. On one hand, Elijah did grow up to lead the band Deadsy, which is pretty cool and he is apparently a pretty nice person. On the other, he had severe abandonment issues that ultimately led to heroin addiction. So....

    • @godslittlecrayola
      @godslittlecrayola Рік тому +32

      And when he said that, i was glad they didn't have one or else that wouldn't have been pretty. Poor Elijah

    • @TacticusPrime
      @TacticusPrime Рік тому +24

      P. Exeter Blue is Cher and Greg Allman's kid? Holy crap.

    • @jojoversus1100
      @jojoversus1100 Рік тому +3

      Not nearly as screwed up as Chaz lmao

    • @smogity
      @smogity Рік тому +1

      Like father like son.

    • @jeromelove9529
      @jeromelove9529 Рік тому +3

      Deadsy is actually one of my favorite bands

  • @PunkExMachina
    @PunkExMachina 3 роки тому +576

    Cher’s voice is very distinct and I can see why someone wouldn’t be into it...but I seriously wouldn’t call her a bad singer.

    • @koelael2660
      @koelael2660 3 роки тому +37

      Her voice is weird to me, it just sounds forced.

    • @anarchohannibalism
      @anarchohannibalism 3 роки тому +82

      i think it's because she's more of a belter. people tend to prefer female vocalists who sing with their head voices, rather than their chest voices.

    • @lucasoheyze4597
      @lucasoheyze4597 3 роки тому +36

      Whenever she sang backing vocals in Phil Spector sessions he would get her to stand well back from the mic because her voice was so forceful

    • @hannemanart
      @hannemanart 3 роки тому +10

      Stars album is PROOF that she has singing chops!

    • @MrSkerpentine
      @MrSkerpentine 2 роки тому +7

      Just don’t put super early and poorly wrangled autotune over it

  • @jimhjortsberg2990
    @jimhjortsberg2990 2 роки тому +326

    Cheer on their relationship and record: "Well we had a good time while it lasted, but in the end it just wasn't meant to be."
    Gregg on their relationship and record: "Boy was that an embarrassing phase of my life, glad it's over!"

    • @HiGlowie
      @HiGlowie Рік тому +15

      Cher seems to have more tact, but I like Greg better. Cher always seemed so manufactured and phony.

    • @louisduarte8763
      @louisduarte8763 Рік тому +14

      How weird is it I know they were a couple from A Family Guy joke? Peter asks his Allman Brothers poster "Gregg, what did you do when life got you down?" And Greg pops out of it and answers, "Me? I did a lot of drugs, married a chick named Cher, and I don't recommend either one."

    • @Demiglitch
      @Demiglitch 9 місяців тому +11

      @@HiGlowie She's definitely "manufactured", but I never saw her as being phony outside of her aesthetic and music. She seems like the physical embodiment of a pop star to me.

  • @PrinzPassionsfrucht
    @PrinzPassionsfrucht 3 роки тому +375

    This has Lisa Simpson/Nelson Muntz vibes all over it.

    • @DerekPower
      @DerekPower 3 роки тому +24


    • @SonofMrPeanut
      @SonofMrPeanut 3 роки тому +24

      Marge: Oh, Milhouse doesn't count.

    • @TELMEman
      @TELMEman 3 роки тому +11

      Hm, maybe TheRealJims will like this album then…

    • @stefanfilipovits21
      @stefanfilipovits21 3 роки тому +2


    • @stefanfilipovits21
      @stefanfilipovits21 3 роки тому +7

      @@DerekPower “he can’t hear you. We had to pack his ears with gauze”

  • @raaid22
    @raaid22 3 роки тому +454

    Cher isn't a bad singer but her tone isn't for everyone. Her voice is so distinct she needs big or voices with a lot of personality to keep up. I don't know Greg's voice that well, but she over powers his voice when they sing together. His voice seems to be too soft and light to even be heard when they sing.

    • @DBEO23
      @DBEO23 3 роки тому +40

      Yeah. But I think that’s why some people like her voice. She’s not like Linda Ronstadt or Tina Turner and has the big range to go for multiple genres. She’s not everyone’s singer, just a singer who kind of sounds real I guess you can say

    • @raaid22
      @raaid22 3 роки тому +57

      @@DBEO23 I like her voice. It's a bit a masculine and deep. It's not what's expected in pop music. Plus she has her harsh vibrato. All those things come together to make her iconic. Not an exact comparison, but Ethel merman, Pattie lupone, and Bernadette petters are all iconic, but have extremely unique voices. The more unique the voice, the more people will be polarized on it.

    • @Syfoll
      @Syfoll 3 роки тому +20

      @@raaid22 Same. I like her voice quite a lot, just not most the singing. I find her exaggerating or trying too much most of the time. But she has a very interesting timbre, that's for sure.

    • @SonofMrPeanut
      @SonofMrPeanut 3 роки тому +8

      It might be fair to call her the Mainstream Nico, in that respect.

    • @Syfoll
      @Syfoll 3 роки тому +1

      @@SonofMrPeanut Weird comparison, I kinda see it, but I also don't. Honestly, I find Nico better than Cher in almost any category voice-wise, not counting songwriting/career.

  • @yhnbgtrfv100
    @yhnbgtrfv100 3 роки тому +260

    This album is like putting gravy on skittles.

    • @amazingandrew4328
      @amazingandrew4328 Рік тому

      They put FALLING DAMAGE in my motherfuckin’ 2-D platform game!?

    • @brendanb2982
      @brendanb2982 Рік тому +7

      It's like the SNL sketch for Crystal Gravy.

    • @daelen.cclark
      @daelen.cclark 2 місяці тому

      Crystal Gravy… That sounds like a 60’s or 70’s band!

  • @MegCazalet
    @MegCazalet 2 роки тому +359

    I’ve seen Cher in person from across a Borders bookstore. She was doing a book signing or album signing or something, probably for Believe. The line was unbelievable. So my best friend and younger brother and I went over to the children’s section and stood on chairs to get a view of her from afar. She. Was. Radiant. A goddess. She glowed from across the room, sitting on a throne on a dais, floating above everyone like the queen she is. It was an entrancing experience for teenage me.

    • @meumnomen
      @meumnomen 2 роки тому +23

      That's exactly how I'd picture her, too

    • @HiGlowie
      @HiGlowie Рік тому +9

      lol calm down. She’s a human like everyone else. Is she beautiful? Without a doubt. Goddess? Eh..

    • @MegCazalet
      @MegCazalet Рік тому +15

      @@HiGlowie “Calm down”? Why would you just casually shit all over someone’s subjective opinion describing a special memory from their youth about seeing a cultural icon in person? You wanna go ahead and tell me my husband’s not handsome while you’re at it? Just such a stupid approach to comments, I don’t get why people act like that.

    • @perfectallycromulent
      @perfectallycromulent Рік тому +8

      @@MegCazalet because that's a frightening view to have of a person. she's not a glowing goddess, and that makes you sound deluded. it's the sort of thing people say about Donald Trump, and it's scary to people who aren't in the cult. your husband may be very handsome, but he's not a god either. that's the problem people have with what you said, likening a celebrity to god.

    • @MegCazalet
      @MegCazalet Рік тому +16

      @@perfectallycromulent Do any of you know that “goddess” can just mean she looked powerful, confident, and beautiful? I’m not saying she’s literally a DEITY to be worshipped. You sound deluded to react that way over a word like that. To my young teen eyes it was a very memorable moment. FFS.

  • @maxwipson147
    @maxwipson147 3 роки тому +406

    "Cher was on the list of flop albums nine times."
    "Nine times?"
    "Niiine tiiiiimes"

    • @Betta66
      @Betta66 3 роки тому +66

      "I can do it. I can do it nine times."
      - Cher, probably

    • @merlinyesreally
      @merlinyesreally 3 роки тому +6

      Rooney! Rrr!

    • @MrMcKane
      @MrMcKane 3 роки тому +10

      ferris bueller's day off reference?

    • @Betta66
      @Betta66 3 роки тому +7

      Deano Johns Homestar Runner reference, actually

    • @maxwipson147
      @maxwipson147 3 роки тому +8

      @@MrMcKane It was Ferris Bueller

  • @JasSpy
    @JasSpy 3 роки тому +291

    Cher's career is still after 50 years legitimately alive and something people care about, and Scooby-Doo is doing celebrity crossovers again with Guess Who?. And in fact Cher is the only non-fictional, still alive celebrity from the original Scooby-Doo crossovers that still has a high profile career. I mean, the Today Show ain't asking Dick van Dyke how he's surviving the 'Rona, but they definitely asked Cher. She should totally crossover with Scooby again, that'd be so cool! I mean, if she’s willing to sing with Beavis and Butt-Head, she should be down for Scooby again.

    • @Demiglitch
      @Demiglitch 3 роки тому +24

      They're just asking Dick Van Dyke in general if he's alive.

    • @byakuyatogami2905
      @byakuyatogami2905 2 роки тому +6

      @@dontdiscriminatehateeveryo9263 as a lesbian who cries hearing the original version of "I will always love you" Can confirm

    • @kingofthegundam7974
      @kingofthegundam7974 27 днів тому

      Well, you got your wish. Cher was in Season 2 of Guess Who?

  • @iandawson6461
    @iandawson6461 3 роки тому +412

    "I would make sure this album didn't exist" I never knew this existed until now. I never knew Allman and Cher were a thing. That's how bad this was, time has erased a marriage!

    • @gdkeen3307
      @gdkeen3307 3 роки тому +21

      The irony is people HAD forgotten this and by doing the video Todd turned back time and brought it back into existence.

    • @dacypher22
      @dacypher22 3 роки тому +12

      I had no idea this was a thing either. I am familiar with both, at least to some degree and my first thought was ".....what?"

    • @TetsuDeinonychus
      @TetsuDeinonychus 3 роки тому +6

      I only knew because of a joke from Family Guy.

    • @ywahhhhhssus
      @ywahhhhhssus 3 роки тому +3

      For a reason! Cher has a number of albums she doesn't allow on streaming services. She hates almost all of her music

  • @EvilSandwich
    @EvilSandwich 3 роки тому +191

    As much as it is fun to rag on a really shity album, both Gregg Allman and Cher had been through some fucking shit in their lives. For all of their faults, it's nice to see that they both separately ultimately had something resembling a happy ending and rekindled their individual successes in later years.
    With Gregg Allman's final incarnation of the Allman Brothers being pretty damn decent and well-received by fans before he tragically passed away in 2017 and Cher being the Mega rich and successful goddamn force of nature that she is today.
    I'm happy for both of them, but God damn they were terrible on this album.

  • @annamaria__
    @annamaria__ 2 роки тому +117

    Little side note : it's sad but at the same time a bit funny that all the stable-but-non-interesting couples mentioned by Tood have now split up 😅
    love this show btw

    • @jojoversus1100
      @jojoversus1100 Рік тому +10

      Classic Tood. Always calling the breakups.

    • @MrGared22
      @MrGared22 Рік тому +12

      Yeah, Toddstradamus isn't just for music anymore

    • @Annie._.Sham03
      @Annie._.Sham03 Місяць тому

      Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are still together... for now

  • @chefbanjo8139
    @chefbanjo8139 3 роки тому +227

    The Blazing Saddles joke was perfect. That’s about the hardest I’ve guffawed at a Todd joke in a while.

    • @Scorpia161
      @Scorpia161 3 роки тому +42

      Seriously, as someone who started watching Todd when he was still with That Website: his humor has aged like a fine wine.

    • @SuperJNG18
      @SuperJNG18 3 роки тому +29

      @@Scorpia161 He's always been more deliberate about which relevant film/TV clips he uses than certain other creators who just do it for pop culture knowledge flexing.

  • @KylieWilson
    @KylieWilson 3 роки тому +361

    For the record, I don't think Cher is a BAD singer per se, she just has a very unusual alto voice. There's a difference between having a clean voice for pop music and having a more unique style of singing. I have to put up with dumb poptimist friends accusing singers of other genres of not being able to sing. She might not have an eight-octave range but she can hold a tune at least.

    • @edwardphilibin3151
      @edwardphilibin3151 3 роки тому +3

      @Rudy Overlord Which might mean something if most people were even vaguely aware that he'd done anything in the decades since he left Chicago. (The band, not the city.)

    • @berkeleyisonline160
      @berkeleyisonline160 3 роки тому +50

      yeah kinda the way that some ppl may be turned off from artists like bjork or kate bush. they aren't bad singers, they just have a unique vocal quality/delivery that they prioritise over ability

    • @Uniboros
      @Uniboros 3 роки тому +7

      berkeley is online Bjork has a gorgeous singing voice imo... it sounds like an intergalactic fae goddess is screaming into my ear, much akin to another one of her contemporaries, Kate Bush... or Grimes....

    • @Demiglitch
      @Demiglitch 3 роки тому +22

      I don't think anyone related to the pop music scene has any right to accuse someone else of not being able to sing.

    • @musyarofah1
      @musyarofah1 3 роки тому +7

      Cher's vocal is so deep, it's closer to bariton than soprano

  • @snarkbotanya6557
    @snarkbotanya6557 3 роки тому +158

    "This album feels a lot like having a baby to save the marriage. It's bad for the both of you and it fucks up the baby."
    Considering they did have a baby the year before this album dropped, I will consider this album the unintentional musical expression of exactly how that went for them: terribly, no matter how much they pretended to still be happy together.

  • @mcolville
    @mcolville 3 роки тому +570

    Todd your presentation is so good, it makes shit we don't know anything about fascinating, and shit we DO know about fascinating.

    • @coolroachbugs
      @coolroachbugs 3 роки тому +31

      Further proof that everyone on the internet likes Todd

    • @ninjabluefyre3815
      @ninjabluefyre3815 2 роки тому +2

      I'd never heard of Arrested Development, but I love watching the Zingalamaduni video.

  • @vaelethun
    @vaelethun 3 роки тому +116

    Seeing Gregg Allman's forced "oh god I do NOT want to be here" smile at 2:38 just says it all.

    • @chuckbatman5
      @chuckbatman5 3 роки тому +21

      That whole clip is just bizarre. Her space alien hair, his awkward almost-smile, the way she calls him her "good friend", it's so incredibly awkward

    • @smergthedargon8974
      @smergthedargon8974 3 роки тому +18

      It looks like the smile of an autistic child who's being TOLD to smile yet doesn't really understand what a smile is or what it expresses.
      Source: Am autistic

    • @SunyCartoons
      @SunyCartoons 3 роки тому +19

      Cher: And this is my good friend Gregg Allman!
      Crowd: *cheers*
      Gregg: *screams in introvert*

    • @progrocker666
      @progrocker666 3 роки тому +3

      @@SunyCartoons Gregg looks like the kind of man whose only 'genuine smile' appears when he's raising hell in a bar lol

    @ANNEMARIE.K236 3 роки тому +70

    Watching his knowing that six months later Olivia Wilde would leave Jason Sudeikis for Harry Styles is so funny

    • @KrisRN23935
      @KrisRN23935 2 роки тому +6


    • @xX_MC_OvU_PvP_YT_Xx
      @xX_MC_OvU_PvP_YT_Xx 8 днів тому

      you can tell who's realllllly invested in pop culture by who comments shit like this

  • @BeeKay5150
    @BeeKay5150 3 роки тому +223

    This makes me sad Cher and Gene Simmons never made an album while dating. That would be a Todd in the Shadows multi-part extravaganza.

    • @Demiglitch
      @Demiglitch 2 роки тому +49

      Excuse fucking me, but Gene Simmons?

    • @soulbrother5435
      @soulbrother5435 2 роки тому +11

      Yeah she could contribute on his solo album much more. Even tho Gene's an a-hole his solo album is my favorite among all four kiss released in 78

    • @BeeKay5150
      @BeeKay5150 2 роки тому +13

      @@Demiglitch Idk why I'm just seeing this reply now, but yes...THAT Gene Simmons lol

    • @BeeKay5150
      @BeeKay5150 2 роки тому +2

      @@soulbrother5435 I'm partial to Ace's, if for nothing else "Rip It Out". I can take Gene's in parts. I'm good on Peter's 🙂

    • @thescott7539
      @thescott7539 2 роки тому +2

      @@soulbrother5435 I do like "Living In Sin" which features Cher playing a groupie. I think they would have meshed pretty well on a record.

  • @WaitingtoHit
    @WaitingtoHit 2 роки тому +122

    This story has a happy ending. Gregg got married four more times. By the seventh wife, he had marriage completely figured out.

    • @daishoryujin95
      @daishoryujin95 2 роки тому +24

      If at first you don’t succeed….

    • @mrcliff3709
      @mrcliff3709 5 місяців тому +3

      Well, he did die not too long after it, so I guess you can call it a success.

  • @roguishpaladin
    @roguishpaladin 3 роки тому +230

    Between her super-long hair (which I'm sure some is fake but some has to be real) and his pretty long for a guy hair, how much money do you think the Greg and Cher Allman household spent on hair product while they were together? I theorize that it possibly exceeded the military expenditures of some small countries like Luxembourg.

    • @53subscribersnovideos35
      @53subscribersnovideos35 3 роки тому +20

      Plus, it looks like Gregg dyes.

    • @alicecollins9918
      @alicecollins9918 3 роки тому +21

      I can guarantee their carpets were covered in hair, even a day after hoovering! I have long hair and my boyfriend does now as well (just below shoulder length, he hasn't had a haircut since before the pandemic). It feels like the second I hoover, more hair appears wherever I look. I don't get where it's coming from as neither of us are balding but jfc.
      Anyway, probably spent a good portion of their budget on haircare products I reckon! Well, if celebs like that even budget.

    • @2-d_in_a_bag
      @2-d_in_a_bag 2 роки тому +5

      as someone with long hair (to my ribs) probably quite a bit. i shed all over the place.

    • @justinbremer2281
      @justinbremer2281 2 роки тому +6

      There's also the hidden cost for all the Dran-O to keep the shower unclogged

    • @mrcliff3709
      @mrcliff3709 Рік тому +2

      I hope they didn't try to light up in there haha

  • @Davidwash3r3
    @Davidwash3r3 3 роки тому +182

    It really is saying something that Cher and Nic Cage had more chemistry together in Moonstruck than Cher and her then husband had when making Two the Hard Way

    • @standardofexcellence
      @standardofexcellence 3 роки тому

      Rebound screw, chicks are more succeptible n guys just cash in

    • @jbiehlable
      @jbiehlable 3 роки тому +3

      @shotonshitteo Beavis and Butthead, of course. ;)

    • @EM-ol6rb
      @EM-ol6rb 3 роки тому +24

      Cher slapping Nic Cage had more chemistry than Cher and Gregg

    • @kate_cooper
      @kate_cooper 3 роки тому +1

      Cher also had more chemistry with Chris Evans (the English one) in TFI Friday.

  • @RyanStorey1231
    @RyanStorey1231 3 роки тому +303

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton as a couple.
    It's like going to your high school reunion and discovering that the cool rebellious punk girl somehow ended up with the football team's backup quarterback who's really let himself go.

    • @prismaze
      @prismaze 3 роки тому +33

      She's too good for him, i know thats mean but nobody is gonna say it so... and if they get married and have kids she gonna take like 10 years to make a fucking album. *sweats in gay*

    • @RyanStorey1231
      @RyanStorey1231 3 роки тому +38

      Honey Lemon - Well, she's like 50 now and already has three kids from a previous marriage, so I think that ship has sailed.

    • @Ramblinman26
      @Ramblinman26 3 роки тому +38

      I really don't get what the problem is, why can't people just leave them alone and stop judging. So far, everybody I've seen who hates Blake and Gwen together is people who think He's ugly, which is just incredibly shallow and stupid to me.

    • @eamonndeane587
      @eamonndeane587 3 роки тому +4

      @@prismaze They're now engaged.... Sorry.....

    • @Demiglitch
      @Demiglitch 3 роки тому +5

      I don't think anybody cares about Gwen Stefani or knows who Blake Shelton is.

  • @rocketgeek96
    @rocketgeek96 2 роки тому +30

    Fun fact: I nearly ended up with this album, and on vinyl, no less.
    My hairdresser learned that I had a budding vinyl collection, and decided to give away some of her old records. While I did see both Boston's and Dire Straits' self-titled debut albums in there, hidden behind a Seals and Crofts greatest hits was Allman and Woman.
    I had legit no idea that Cher and Gregg Allman made an album, much less that they were married for a time. I asked her about it, and she said that it was one of those couples that you only heard about through the rancid drama surrounding them. They didn't have good chemistry, or for that matter any outward enjoyment of each other's presence.
    Here's the kicker: She seemed sad to hear that I wasn't taking A&W off her hands. A woman who lives and breathes 70s-80s cheesy pop rock, to the point that she was actually shocked and offended that I had never heard of Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show before, thought it was better to give away that album instead of it ultimately ending up in the dump.
    That should tell you everything you need to know about this record.

  • @emdiar6588
    @emdiar6588 2 роки тому +45

    Robert Fripp and Toyah Wilcox always amazed me as an unlikely pairing, but they seem incredibly happy.

    • @kennydnolan
      @kennydnolan Рік тому +5

      I guess it's because they didn't release an album how much they lovey doveyed each other, and even if they did...Robert wouldn't have sang on it.

  • @edifiedreader
    @edifiedreader 3 роки тому +52

    🎵 SomeBODY ONCE TOLD ME - 🎵

  • @NJGuy1973
    @NJGuy1973 3 роки тому +72

    By 1983, this album was out of print. It was never released on CD or iTunes. Cher owns the master tapes, so that's that.

    • @RobertJRoman
      @RobertJRoman 3 роки тому +12

      The 3rd track on the album, "Can You Fool," appeared on the 4CD Allman Brothers "Dreams" box set in 1989.

    • @jackolanternaudio372
      @jackolanternaudio372 2 роки тому +3

      And she probably doesn't want anyone to hear it again.

    • @dannserv
      @dannserv 2 роки тому +3

      @@jackolanternaudio372 She actually did release the album on her official UA-cam page in October.

  • @mightyfilm
    @mightyfilm 3 роки тому +229

    No matter how hard I try, I'll never NOT hear "You Really Got a Hold on Me" without immediately visualizing Smokey Robinson trying to escape the clutches of a VERY creepy Muppet letter U. And frankly, that's an apt metaphor for this couple.

    • @SuperJNG18
      @SuperJNG18 3 роки тому +5

      Yeah but “U Really Got a Hold on Me” is a banger

    • @edwardphilibin3151
      @edwardphilibin3151 3 роки тому +35

      That time a children's show populated by demented puppets interpreted your breakup song more accurately than two professional singers who were actually married. To each other.

    • @SugaredViolette
      @SugaredViolette 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you for the visual, lulz

    • @SuperJNG18
      @SuperJNG18 3 роки тому +9

      @@edwardphilibin3151 "Understanding begins with U/So lend me a hand and say 'Toodle-oo'..." Smokey Robinson was a champ for committing wholeheartedly to the parody.

    • @mightyfilm
      @mightyfilm 3 роки тому +6

      Kid's TV show that's been on the air for 50+ years, or blink and you'll miss it marriage. Which one would you trust?

    @PLAGUE-KARM 3 роки тому +709

    I have no idea who some people on trainwreckords even are but Todd makes the topics interesting enough for me to watch anyway
    Edit: I know who Cher is lol. I just clicked on the video and didn’t pay attention to the title.

    • @leesfamilybreaks6089
      @leesfamilybreaks6089 3 роки тому +43

      One Hit Wonderland is the one that always gets me! I had never heard of songs like "fire", but, somehow, a 20 minute video about it seemed somehow too short lol! Genius :)!

    • @mmrw
      @mmrw 3 роки тому

      Same bro

    • @darioshame
      @darioshame 3 роки тому


    • @Karmy.
      @Karmy. 3 роки тому


    • @reid3031
      @reid3031 3 роки тому +15

      How do you not know who Cher is, and how do I become you

  • @freeparking301
    @freeparking301 3 роки тому +177

    Gregg Allman’s book title seems like a first line to some lyrics he wrote one day...
    My cross to bear,
    Her name was Cher,
    We made an album,
    I never pretended to care.

    • @screechingowl7613
      @screechingowl7613 3 роки тому +16

      Actually it is derived from the 1969 Allman brothers song "It's Not My Cross to Bear".

    • @freeparking301
      @freeparking301 3 роки тому +1

      I’ll have to check that out

  • @vincentvangogodancer
    @vincentvangogodancer 3 роки тому +63

    You managed to walk the tight rope of insulting and complimenting both of them equally.
    That must have taken a lot of work.

    • @gregorymelissinos337
      @gregorymelissinos337 2 роки тому +6

      It helps that he is not insulting them but the idea of them producing art together. They are two great tastes that just do not go together like ketchup and peanut butter.

  • @denisdrozdoff2926
    @denisdrozdoff2926 3 роки тому +18

    Best thing about this -- while both of them are descent singers they managed to sound like aunt&uncle singing karaoke at a wedding.

  • @mrlevinielsen
    @mrlevinielsen 3 роки тому +253

    This whole album is like 99% novelty and 1% songwriting

    • @saintdane05
      @saintdane05 3 роки тому +11

      I'm pretty sure most of this album was just covers

  • @ryan1976
    @ryan1976 3 роки тому +108

    I'm convinced that the look for Sabretooth in the first X-Men movie was based on Gregg Allman.

    • @carybeweary7209
      @carybeweary7209 3 роки тому +4

      They do look similar

    • @jmann6130
      @jmann6130 3 роки тому +8

      @@carybeweary7209 i think i remember hearing John Byrne was an Allman bros fan so he could have been his physical inspiration

  • @FSEThompson
    @FSEThompson 2 роки тому +86

    Something about Cher being on a list of biggest flop albums NINE TIMES is just so incredibly perfect

    • @kaitlin9288
      @kaitlin9288 4 місяці тому +1

      I love that FOR her honestly

    • @atlassolid5946
      @atlassolid5946 2 місяці тому +2

      there's a reason she's called the goddess of pop. she's basically immortal at this point

    • @dieterdelange9488
      @dieterdelange9488 2 місяці тому

      Some of her flops gained cult followings and were re-evaluated and considered better than originally thought.

  • @thedumpsterdaddy5692
    @thedumpsterdaddy5692 6 місяців тому +10

    "Jason Sudekis and Oliva Wilde seem perfectly happy" True peak Toddstadamus.

  • @MrSkerpentine
    @MrSkerpentine 3 роки тому +271

    11:57 I curse you for making me think of this:
    Cher: “Honey! It’s time for our 4 pm album recording!”
    Gregg Allman: *yes honey...*
    Also I love how even when you get big enough for sponsors to notice you, your ads aren’t blown out or anything. Just Todd’s base voice, little jokes, and his iconic slideshow editing. Never change, man. (Well if you do, change for the better, but your call ;])

    • @carybeweary7209
      @carybeweary7209 3 роки тому +7

      Damn,now I want someone to make a meme of that!

    • @RobertJRoman
      @RobertJRoman 3 роки тому +7

      I don't usually call out spelling errors, but a "base voice" would be a voice that is foul and depraved. Reading your comment that way makes it funnier.

    • @chuckbatman5
      @chuckbatman5 3 роки тому +8

      Yeah as soon as he said that I could see an image in my mind of Gregg Allman with that meme template saying "Yes dear..."

  • @bespectacledheroine7292
    @bespectacledheroine7292 3 роки тому +81

    Cutting to When Loving Lovers Love during the first song made me choke on my dinner. Thanks Todd.

  • @Malkmusianful
    @Malkmusianful 3 роки тому +26

    I'm amazed that Todd never mentioned Deadsy/Elijah Blue once during this episode.
    That's how I keep reminding myself that Cher and Gregg Allman were a thing - that their son was the "Key to Gramercy Park" dude.

    @ATBPRODUCTlONS 2 роки тому +14

    Todd mentions this album would've done better if it leaned more into Cher and Gregg's marriage collapsing and their sadness and I agree with him, especially since I do find it funny that an album about love and a happy marriage was rejected by the public the same year that Fleetwood Mac put out Rumours, an album about marriage and romances completely falling apart which is now considered one of the best albums ever made.

  • @theloverlyladylo9158
    @theloverlyladylo9158 3 роки тому +396

    It’s super weird that they keep introducing each other as “good friends”. You’re married. Everyone knows you’re married. Why are you not opening with “this is my wife/husband”? Are you trying to convince each other that you still like each other?

    • @ZJP
      @ZJP 3 роки тому +149

      Possibly, but honestly, when I (as a dude in his younger thirties with an older mother, with heavy influence from my grandmother growing up) think of the humor and sensibilities of that generation -- the "joke" is underplaying your relationship/skills.
      They're speaking to, assumedly, a crowd that is aware of their marriage, and the "joke" is that "oh, we're friends!". It'd be like saying, "this guy knows a thing or two about basketball, it's Lebron James!" or "This person has dabbled in writing, it's George RR Martin!"

    • @oaktree__
      @oaktree__ 3 роки тому +61

      It's a kind of coy wink, like how couples (especially famous ones) often kind of wink-wink-nudge-nudge the public and the tabloids when they're not ready to go public about their relationship. So once everyone already knows, it becomes an ironic usage. But it's super lame.

    • @jbiehlable
      @jbiehlable 3 роки тому +6

      @@oaktree__ It was lame when Duchess did it to Thomas O'Malley.

    • @Belgand
      @Belgand 3 роки тому +12

      @@ZJP Except saying that Martin has only dabbled in writing is pretty accurate. Can we start referring to him as "Pro Football Blogger, George RR Martin" yet?

    • @rebeccat.6134
      @rebeccat.6134 3 роки тому +12

      I believe those were introduction clips from her tv show ("Cher" 1975-76) not from promo for this album (1977), so there's two options: she may have introduced most guests that way and it was just standard. Or, it was part of the program from before they were officially married- the show began in February; her divorce from sonny was finalized and she married Gregg on June 30.

  • @DayPlayer_CB
    @DayPlayer_CB 3 роки тому +17

    Todd bro every time you use MST3K footage you add years to my life. Congrats, you are now my health provider!

  • @RoyStorey
    @RoyStorey 3 роки тому +142

    the one trainwreckords i'd like to see is 'carasmatic' by irene cara. she went from being a breakout 80s pop act with six top 40 singles to a legal mess of an album that ended her singing career for over twenty years.

    • @auldthymer
      @auldthymer 3 роки тому +17

      I want to know that story.

    • @christoddur
      @christoddur 3 роки тому +13

      too many producers on the album, including John Farrar, the man behind Olivia Newton-John. When there's no cohesive sound behind an album, it can go off the rails pretty quickly.

    • @saj8
      @saj8 3 роки тому

      @@christoddur That the problem when you have too many producers on one album: no cohesive direction. Pick one direction and stick to it.

    • @christoddur
      @christoddur 3 роки тому +3

      @@saj8 sometimes it works: Carly Simon's "Coming Around Again" comes to mind - but, most times it does not.

    • @saj8
      @saj8 3 роки тому +4

      @@christoddur That's because the executives want the artists to chase different audiences at once. Appetite For Destruction is an album that had one direction and stuck to it.

  • @ihackedmyself
    @ihackedmyself 3 роки тому +74

    To be fair to Cher, Greg had been married 7 times before he died.

  • @pardonthemusic
    @pardonthemusic 3 роки тому +37

    i still think back to the time i was in macon for gregg allman's funeral procession. it was sad seeing people worry more about trying to take pictures of cher in a tinted limo than recall the memories of listening to the allman brothers. it was exhausting...

    • @SunyCartoons
      @SunyCartoons 3 роки тому +11

      Ugh, are people serious? That's so disgusting. People were there to mourn him, including Cher, and there were idiots there taking pictures and shit? Wow.

    • @thebowiththemost119
      @thebowiththemost119 3 роки тому +2

      @@SunyCartoons that’s fucking horrible.

  • @ECL28E
    @ECL28E 2 роки тому +19

    You ain't a superstar until you either solve a mystery with Scooby-Doo, interact with the Muppets (including Sesame Street), or Weird Al makes fun of you

  • @wyattcorbin1629
    @wyattcorbin1629 3 роки тому +160

    Definitely not a Trainwreckord for Cher herself, though. She’s showed rubber-band like resiliency for decades, as well as just being plain likeable.

    • @NJGuy1973
      @NJGuy1973 3 роки тому +51

      It's been said that if nuclear war broke out, all that would survive would be cockroaches, Twinkies, and Cher.

    • @RLucas3000
      @RLucas3000 3 роки тому +28

      NJGuy1973 I’d love to think that Dolly Parton and Betty White would join her.

    • @TheHappySpaceman
      @TheHappySpaceman 3 роки тому +6

      It arguably wasn't a Trainwreckord for Gregg, either. He continued having hits and the Allman Brothers had a successful reunion.

    • @roguishpaladin
      @roguishpaladin 3 роки тому +2

      Well, but it was a Trainwreckord. Cher's career did die. It's not Todd's fault that apparently Cher is David Dunn.

    • @DBEO23
      @DBEO23 3 роки тому +7

      Cher will have outlived us and have more comebacks than humanity. Well all have nuked our selves and she’ll have her 97th comeback and that’ll give humanity its 48th Cher aided human comeback

  • @hiimemily
    @hiimemily 2 роки тому +29

    Gotta say, "Shadow Dream Song" is pretty beautiful. Easily the best song on the album.

    • @MichaelKurse
      @MichaelKurse 8 місяців тому

      Came across it on You Tube last year. Now it's one of my favorite songs 🤗😆😆😆

  • @Crablemet
    @Crablemet 3 роки тому +137

    I hope one day you will make a series about landmark albums, kinda like the opposite of trainwreckord.
    I would love to hear you talk about "good" bands because there is no way some of those bands will ever make any of your series sadly

    • @snapchatsnacks3154
      @snapchatsnacks3154 3 роки тому +7

      What would a good name be. The first thing I can think of would be star trecords

    • @roguishpaladin
      @roguishpaladin 3 роки тому +30

      Well, remember that he started OHW because he felt that the good bands were already getting way too much coverage and that someone had to reveal the stories of the other artists. Trainwreckords kinda falls in the same vein - a piece of art that not a lot of people talk about. That's not to say I wouldn't mind hearing more about bands I like from him also, but I'm not sure it would fit his mission.

    • @RDV333
      @RDV333 3 роки тому +26

      I mean, that kinda defeats the point of Todd's channel, because every single other music outlet and music reviewer does that, unlike Todd, that sifts through the obscure trash.

    • @Crablemet
      @Crablemet 3 роки тому +2

      @@RDV333 in that case could you recommend some other music channels on youtube? most of them I find are devoid of any personality
      I am already subscribed to spectrum pulse and double agent and buckley, they are main music channels I watch and would love some more

    • @periflores1002
      @periflores1002 3 роки тому +3

      All good albums are the same; all bad albums are bad in their own way.

  • @awzthemusicalreviews
    @awzthemusicalreviews 3 роки тому +72

    Every look on Gregg's face showcases disgust, and I can clearly see why. This might rank up there with Duane dying as the worst thing to happen to his career.

  • @terminallumbago6465
    @terminallumbago6465 2 роки тому +25

    If I could turn back time
    If I could find a way
    I’d make sure this album
    Never saw the light of day

  • @AlexSpalex1
    @AlexSpalex1 3 роки тому +62

    For the next Trainwreckords on Garth Brooks in...The Life Of Chris Gaines. Essentially it was Brooks trying to pull off Bono's The Fly shtick, but failing miserably.

    • @ThierryRocksTV
      @ThierryRocksTV 3 роки тому +17

      I'm surprised Chris Gaines never became a big meme

    • @prismaze
      @prismaze 3 роки тому +9

      I really hope he does this.

    • @NEEDbacon
      @NEEDbacon 3 роки тому +6

      I too wish for this simply so I can fully understand Regular Car Review's joke of "Cadillac's Chris Gaines album"

  • @Drogon7102
    @Drogon7102 3 роки тому +306

    Congratulations on the sponsorship todd.

    • @daneray9594
      @daneray9594 3 роки тому +14

      It happens to everyone, I suppose. Still, I'm glad he could find a way to keep the channel going.

    • @heliosfromacrossastar878
      @heliosfromacrossastar878 3 роки тому +2

      I am so happy for him!

    • @achair650
      @achair650 3 роки тому +3

      It's about time this talent gets some real adventure time pirating money😄🤘

    • @Drogon7102
      @Drogon7102 3 роки тому +3

      @@achair650 that is a deep cut.

    • @Aster_Risk
      @Aster_Risk 3 роки тому +1

      @@Drogon7102 Seriously.

  • @jimmyl27
    @jimmyl27 3 роки тому +99


    • @dwc1964
      @dwc1964 3 роки тому +4

      and he seems overjoyed

  • @asurlybarber3620
    @asurlybarber3620 3 роки тому +18

    Cher went on to win an Oscar.
    Gregg Allman went on to a successful career as Wolverine's archenemy Sabretooth.

    • @dw89music73
      @dw89music73 3 роки тому +3

      No, Gregg Allman kept playing with the Allman Brothers Band and on his own until his death in May 2017.

  • @SithCats
    @SithCats 3 роки тому +18

    Whenever a couple releases an album about how much they're in love, it makes me think they're really doing terribly. See: Lita Ford's Wicked Wonderland album, which she has since completely disowned.

  • @KingHiki
    @KingHiki 3 роки тому +145

    OHW: Face down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus would be the perfect opportunity to talk about 2000's pop punk/emo.

    • @snapchatsnacks3154
      @snapchatsnacks3154 3 роки тому +19

      I have heard about Red jumpsuit apparatus. I have never heard a song of theirs. I heard about them through a drama they had where they posted a picture without permission and acted like dicks about it.

      @HYBRIDZHQ 3 роки тому +10

      @@snapchatsnacks3154 adoseofbuckley?

    • @UBvtuber
      @UBvtuber 3 роки тому +4

      @@HYBRIDZHQ Never forget #RohanisaTool

    • @jbiehlable
      @jbiehlable 3 роки тому

      Then laugh at Saints Row 2's dated soundtrack.

    • @rubberwoody
      @rubberwoody 3 роки тому

      @@jbiehlable i know that song from MX vs ATV untamed

  • @dibs0equiped
    @dibs0equiped 3 роки тому +8

    I just learned of his brother yesterday and what a guitarist he was. None of this would've happened if a truck wouldn't have suddenly stopped in front of Duane Allmans Harley-Davidson.

  • @glyph1869
    @glyph1869 3 роки тому +25

    I continue to think Trainwreckords is your absolute best work. I get more excited by you uploading a Trainwreckords than anything else, I must have watched all of them a hundred times.

  • @knightwing5169
    @knightwing5169 3 роки тому +11

    The reason it wasn't a Trainwreckord for either of them was that both of them did a good job of pretending it never happened.

  • @TheDrugOfTheNation
    @TheDrugOfTheNation 3 роки тому +449

    Leonid Brezhnev was OK until he went through that reggae phase.

    • @liamjay6844
      @liamjay6844 3 роки тому +43

      I'll have you know Kremlin in Dub is an underrated gem.

    • @SuperJNG18
      @SuperJNG18 3 роки тому +55

      @@liamjay6844 Eh, it's fine, but once Gorbachev came along, it was all over for old-school Soviet reggae. Once you hear Toke Down This Wall, you can never go back.

    • @dantheman6441
      @dantheman6441 3 роки тому +12

      era of stagnation, mon!

    • @jamiekamihachi3135
      @jamiekamihachi3135 3 роки тому +5

      Or until he has that stroke or was convicted an invasion of Afghanistan was a good idea.

    • @SuperJNG18
      @SuperJNG18 3 роки тому +22

      @@jamiekamihachi3135 "An Invasion of Afghanistan" was by far his worst album. Todd ought to cover that one!

  • @MjauNightcore
    @MjauNightcore 3 роки тому +157

    Ehhh, the video is available now

  • @Shorai_3
    @Shorai_3 3 роки тому +18

    Gregg Allman, how did you handle it when life got you down?
    "Me? I did a lot of drugs, married some broad named Cher, and I wouldn't recommend either one of them".

  • @marcg2106
    @marcg2106 2 роки тому +9

    from my memory, Cher went from Sonny to If I could turn back time... I did not know anything about her in between... until today.
    He does look like he's phoning in his performance in parts and, as pointed out, he's there for the music and she's there to prove their love. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @tisFrancesfault
    @tisFrancesfault 3 роки тому +31

    I mean I love Cher. But when it comes to this album all I can say is ...Cher I love you, we all make mistakes.

  • @user-ellievator
    @user-ellievator 2 роки тому +7

    _Third Cher-Gregg Split Announced_

  • @cartilagehead6326
    @cartilagehead6326 Рік тому +8

    that Jason Sudeikis comment aged about as well as the marriage in this video

  • @glynnthomas1328
    @glynnthomas1328 3 роки тому +8

    Never knew about this either. Watched so many music documentaties relevant to the era and never a mention.
    They both have strong fanbases, the energy of their shame must have willed it out of existence.

  • @SirLightsOut99
    @SirLightsOut99 3 роки тому +146

    it sounded like he was so mad that he had to do that express VPN sponsor.

    • @the-NightStar
      @the-NightStar 3 роки тому +13

      No one is "mad" that they're making money just for saying a few words on a video, dude.

    • @daigneauray7087
      @daigneauray7087 3 роки тому +64

      Maybe more like painfully resigned to an unpleasant reality.

    • @anamelessyoutuber1462
      @anamelessyoutuber1462 3 роки тому +25

      Once a UA-camr sells out by sponsoring awful shit that I bet you 20 bucks they don't actually use, there's always a part of them that dies inside. Todd just choose not to hide it.

    • @SirLightsOut99
      @SirLightsOut99 3 роки тому

      Daigneau Ray yeah that’s a better description.

    • @SirLightsOut99
      @SirLightsOut99 3 роки тому +28

      A Nameless UA-camr I wouldn’t call this selling out. UA-cam doesn’t pay well, so I can understand why some smaller UA-camrs take sponsors. Anyway, it’s not like we have to watch that part of the video , and you’re right, absolutely no one is unironically paying for express VPN right now, or at least none of the people sponsoring it. But from what I’ve heard they pay well, so as much as it sucks to see people taking sponsors from them, as I said I don’t blame them.

  • @MariktheGunslinger
    @MariktheGunslinger 3 роки тому +180

    Refreshing to know that 70's music sucked as much as it rocked.
    Hey Todd, have you considered covering more music-related movies? Would be a nice way to fill the Cinemadonna-shaped hole in our hearts.

    • @Belgand
      @Belgand 3 роки тому +21

      I was going through a project of listening to every Billboard Hot 100 #1 from 1960 to the present and I had to stop when I hit the early '70s. It was always a bit spotty, but that was just a miserable era where soft rock and saccharine easy listening pop took over almost completely. There was a ton of great rock happening, but it wasn't the forefront of the culture. It was actually kind of fascinating to watch how rapidly things began to splinter more and more into specific niches.

    • @rockingbirdey
      @rockingbirdey 3 роки тому +2

      @@Belgand it was at the forefront of culture. Just not really on the pop charts. Look at the Billboard 200. Rock music dominated the album chart in the late 60s and all of the 70s, since FM radio became a thing

    • @markhalm9889
      @markhalm9889 3 роки тому

      His Song vs Song podcast does that for patreon subscribers

    • @rockisheaven
      @rockisheaven Рік тому +3

      I would love a series on Elvis or Bowie’s film careers. Granted, there’s a LOT less crap when it comes to Bowie…

  • @WesCoastPiano
    @WesCoastPiano 3 роки тому +11

    Omfg that clip from Mystery Science Theater 3000 is my favorite moment in the history of the show! Thanks for reminding me of it!

  • @ruthmeow4262
    @ruthmeow4262 3 роки тому +238

    "Young, hot and in love." I am sorry, but 'hot' is not a word I would use for Gregg. Cher yes, but no, not Gregg. Not at all.

    • @iandawson6461
      @iandawson6461 3 роки тому +23

      I guess "hot" to other guys? I mean, some of those pictures have him looking like the coolest dude in the room... and a lot of girls are into dad bods, which makes no sense to most guys. Unless those guys have dad bods... I've backed myself into a corner. Help!

    • @scottlarson1548
      @scottlarson1548 3 роки тому +55

      At my ten year high school reunion I swear there were around twenty guys that had that exact Gregg Allman dazed look on their faces. We didn't have to ask what they had been doing for the past ten years.

    • @dw89music73
      @dw89music73 3 роки тому +21

      Although Gregg was considered a sex symbol in the 1970s, according to Wikipedia.

    • @ADADEL1
      @ADADEL1 3 роки тому +47

      @@dw89music73 Meatloaf was considered a sex symbol for a while. That's a low bar to jump.

    • @bat4280
      @bat4280 3 роки тому +53

      It was easier for guys in the 70s. In the 80s, Prince and Duran Duran showed up and really raised the bar.