Anime Abandon: Judge

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Thanksgiving may be over, but every time is a good time for a turkey like Judge. See more anime goodness at www.benthesage....


  • @kyarachan
    @kyarachan 6 років тому +42

    Sage you bypassed the best part of this anime, the part where the parrot irritates the girlfriend by repeating all the sex noises she made, ;)

    • @harperkarsyn7402
      @harperkarsyn7402 3 роки тому

      I know Im randomly asking but does anybody know of a method to log back into an Instagram account..?
      I was stupid lost my password. I love any help you can give me.

    • @cruzwestin4261
      @cruzwestin4261 3 роки тому +2

      @Harper Karsyn instablaster ;)

    • @harperkarsyn7402
      @harperkarsyn7402 3 роки тому

      @Cruz Westin I really appreciate your reply. I got to the site thru google and Im waiting for the hacking stuff atm.
      Takes a while so I will get back to you later with my results.

  • @drakkenmensch
    @drakkenmensch 6 років тому +12

    Bug-eyes boss would have also warranted a Harry Plinkett "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FAAAAAAAACE" in addition to the spit take montage.

  • @rangeraero
    @rangeraero 6 років тому +25

    Minor nitpick: It's an unkindness of ravens, not a murder. A murder is for crows and magpies.

    • @FFKonoko
      @FFKonoko 3 роки тому +6

      Does it help that the unkindness maybe actually murdered him

  • @MforMovesets
    @MforMovesets 6 років тому +151

    Judge Fudge would watch this anime but he's too busy being delicious.

    • @Awsomeisimo
      @Awsomeisimo 6 років тому +2

      MforZorro | Movesets this post has too many likes (and im one of them)

    • @adrianrokokujundzic7975
      @adrianrokokujundzic7975 6 років тому +3

      I JUST saw you on the new cinema snob episode. You have good taste :)

    • @mathieuleader8601
      @mathieuleader8601 6 років тому +3

      Drawn Together reference

    • @Loader2K1
      @Loader2K1 6 років тому

      @MforZorro | Movesets: In my humble opinion, Comedy Central missed a perfect opportunity to make a spinoff cartoon on Judge Fudge.

    • @mathieuleader8601
      @mathieuleader8601 6 років тому

      their where shorts on Judge Fudge on the web

  • @freedantheeternal
    @freedantheeternal 6 років тому +73

    Jason Vorhees using Jason Bourne as a shield. That's fanart I want to see.

  • @LaydiNite
    @LaydiNite 6 років тому +58

    The demon who takes the clothes from the spirits of the dead IS actually pretty creepy in the original mythology. I'm summarizing, but in essence when you enter the underworld, your actions in life determine where you are allowed to cross a river. Those who live a good life cross a bridge, a mixed life crosses at a ford where they have to wade through waist-deep water, and an evil life makes you swim.
    When you reach the other side, two demons meet you, one of which is the basis for this character. She takes your clothes to weigh them, and the amount of water weight will reveal how your life was lived. However, if you strip naked before the crossing to try to avoid judgement, she will flay you and weigh your skin in place of the clothes.

    • @MeepChangeling
      @MeepChangeling 6 років тому +7

      Jokes on her, a full human skin weighs much less than the standard jeans, sneakers, and tshirt uniform of the typical modern human. It also absorbs no water so it wont soak up anything and thus while you'll experience great pain, you can't die because you're already dead and you're garenteed to not just be okay, but seen as being BETTER than you really are.
      Also, what if someone dies wearing latex or vinyl because they sunffed it mid BDSM session? Or what if they died naked for any number of reasons? Is there a clothing daemon who hands out water-absorbing close to these people? I'm not asking to mock the religion, I'm genuinely curious.

    • @LaydiNite
      @LaydiNite 6 років тому +11

      First, keep in mind that this is coming from my limited knowledge of the subject. I'm not Japanese, and any info I have is a product of my curiosity, rather than a cultural awareness.
      This is a legend from ancient Japan, so latex and vinyl were not in existence yet. I've seen some representations where when you enter the afterlife, you appear as you did normally in life, not necessarily exactly as you were when you died. It's more a representation of you than your physical dead body. Otherwise, someone who died in an explosion would enter as a pile of debris.
      I don't know for sure, but given that this is essentially a "boogeyman" story, (one designed to scare people out of their wicked ways) I'm sure it's meant to be at least partially metaphorical, rather than literal.

  • @westernguywithvediceyes4817
    @westernguywithvediceyes4817 6 років тому +130

    Well, you have to consider that Taoist, Shinto and Buddhist afterlives ARE bureaucratic; I mean in traditional Chinese beliefs the court of the Jade Emperor is referred to as the Heavenly Bureaucracy, lol.

    • @TheRezro
      @TheRezro 6 років тому +3

      @Yogi Deva-Das
      Except heaven isn't an afterlife but land of the gods. Underworld is generally quite chaotic.

    • @westernguywithvediceyes4817
      @westernguywithvediceyes4817 6 років тому +11

      Yes, quiet correct, I mean to say that even the Mandate of Heaven is in the form of bureaucracy, lol. A Taiwanese friend of mine recently said “Well of course the traditional believers know the afterlife is real-because it’s broken, just like Earth. A perfect afterlife? No, too suspect” lol.

    • @westernguywithvediceyes4817
      @westernguywithvediceyes4817 6 років тому +5

      @TheResro Also, I think we can both appreciate the presence of the 10 Kings of Hell, and the declothing hag, huh? Lol The only thing that would have been better is if Jizo Busatsu was called upon during the trial, lol.

    • @TheRezro
      @TheRezro 6 років тому +2

      @Yogi Deva-Das
      Well.. I understand reasons behind the idea that afterlife isn't perfect. Idea of karmic circle is more about reincarnating in forms more fitting to current state of soul what do change over time. But I don't want sound as ignoramus douchebag, but some Asians ideas regard that are nuts. I understand why reincarnating in heaven could be boring as it is domain of absolute order and bureaucracy (Taoism) but some ideas are so forced that I don't understand why people don't see them as obvious hoaxes. Seriously, why deity would need money for example? Also who judge the judge? In fact from I understand about judgment from Buddhism is that "king of hell" has ability to inflict ignorance on judged and that way learn simply the truth. That make holes of usual law systems irrelevant.

    • @ShadowWolfRising
      @ShadowWolfRising 6 років тому +3

      To be fair, that's just one branch of Buddhism.
      Keep in mind the place it was founded was Nepal.

  • @christianninsananda9626
    @christianninsananda9626 6 років тому +22

    Professor X just smashed Starlord in the face with a keyboard!!!

  • @Germania9
    @Germania9 6 років тому +124

    Judge, jury, executioner.
    Sage is the *LAW!*

    • @weathermangohanssj4
      @weathermangohanssj4 6 років тому +6


    • @HORRIOR1
      @HORRIOR1 6 років тому +4

      I am the lawn!

    • @TheRezro
      @TheRezro 6 років тому +2

      @Tchitchouan Inouane
      "that's a pretty one-sided judicial system !"
      No shit. Dredd was satire on fascism.

    • @magatetus
      @magatetus 6 років тому

      And ORDER

    • @Germania9
      @Germania9 6 років тому +1

      magatetus *DUN-DUN!*

  • @shybluehope894
    @shybluehope894 6 років тому +34

    I got an Audi commercial during the middle ad.

    • @djshire1984
      @djshire1984 6 років тому +1

      Me too! I think a lot of people did.

  • @DavidAtomic
    @DavidAtomic 6 років тому +46

    To be fair, South America is indeed a dangerous place

    • @CornishCreamtea07
      @CornishCreamtea07 6 років тому +1

      And some I assume are good people.

    • @Ildskalli
      @Ildskalli 6 років тому

      To be fairer, SA is a whole subcontinent with an extremely diverse geography, ethnicities, and politics. As others have commented, Chile and Uruguay are very safe places, and everything outside of the main cities in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay is also quite safe. Venezuela isn't so dangerous regarding crime, but has become an absolute shithole with famine and medicine scarcity decimating the population.
      Only Colombia is really, truly ravaged by internal war, drug trafficking and corruption. But it looks like Switzerland when compared to El Salvador, Honduras or many parts of Mexico.

    • @Ildskalli
      @Ildskalli 6 років тому +2

      Alexandra: As a Chilean married to an Argentinian, I can straight away tell you that that person was lying, or very confused. Healthcare in Argentina is indeed universal and free; people ride the bus from neighboring countries to get treated there (and there's a lot of disagreement among Argentinians as to whether that's good or bad). Sure, the facilities and technology in most public hospitals isn't up to the levels of Johns Hopkins or the Mayo, but it's still miles better than dying because you don't have insurance.
      BTW, did you know that the first heart transplant was performed by an Argentinian surgeon?

    • @Ildskalli
      @Ildskalli 6 років тому

      I would *not* say that the US isn't a global leader in medical technology - and it's not just boner pills or painkillers. The US still has some of the world's most advanced medical facilities, and publishes more medical research per year than any other country. They definitely do have a problem with *access* to good medicine, though, or even to basic treatments for poorer people.
      As to the quality of drugs in Latin America, in most of the larger countries it's as good or better than the US. All the major pharmaceutical holdings have laboratories and factories in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico (which incidentally provides the American market with a sizable portion of its drugs), and it's quite common that both the availability and price of patented medicines is better in those countries.
      What happens in many places in South America, in particular, is that the distribution of medical facilities is extremely uneven. Urban, population-dense areas have tons of hospitals and drugstores, while remote areas often have squat. I remember hiking in Peru, and we were told to be extremely careful, because the nearest medical station was two hours away on *mule* (no roads), and the closest proper hospital another three hours away on ambulance. This situation is extremely common over the subcontinent, which is covered in rainforests, deserts, and especially mountains (pretty big ones too).

    • @Ildskalli
      @Ildskalli 6 років тому

      I can't correct you with hard data, and it is true that funding is far more scarce these days than it used to be - for basic science. But a country doesn't lose its academic prowess from one day to the next, it takes time, and the US is still very healthy on that front. It's a net brain importer, the #1 destination for doctoral candidates of all fields all over the world. The fact that many of the most brilliant minds currently alive opt to pursue their higher education in the US is telling - as is the fact that many choose to stay afterwards.

  • @shaneattwell2222
    @shaneattwell2222 6 років тому +16

    Maybe it's just cause I'm fresh off of a replay of Ace Attorney 6, but I think I can explain why the mirror wouldn't be the end-all of justice. It reflects the true thoughts of the one who looks into it, but what if the one who looks was simply deceived into thinking they were guilty? Without further proof otherwise, such evidence could be rendered circumstantial at best.

  • @MyT1m3
    @MyT1m3 6 років тому +18

    I guess you can't JUDGE a book by its cover.

  • @turkishvan2
    @turkishvan2 6 років тому +23

    It's a murder of crows, an unkindness of ravens. Yes, I'm a dork

    • @turkishvan2
      @turkishvan2 6 років тому +6

      A business of ferrets and, my favorite, a covey of quail

    • @kabob0077
      @kabob0077 6 років тому +3

      turkishvan2 I prefer a Committee of Vultures.

    • @turkishvan2
      @turkishvan2 6 років тому +6

      I've got a Committee roosting somewhere in the trees around my house. They filled the skies a few days ago

    • @kabob0077
      @kabob0077 6 років тому +1

      turkishvan2 That sounds creepy.

    • @turkishvan2
      @turkishvan2 6 років тому +2

      Nah. It was cool. They have this beautiful gliding thing they do when they fly

  • @CornishCreamtea07
    @CornishCreamtea07 6 років тому +17

    So the main character is a mix between Rock from Black Lagoon and Light from Death Note, yet he is not voiced by Brad Swaile.

  • @vashstarwind36
    @vashstarwind36 6 років тому +7

    Always happy to see a new episode of Anime Abandon with Bennett The Sage, The charismatic, comical host with the most!

  • @Conumbra
    @Conumbra 6 років тому +84

    So a lot of this is just ripped whole hog from traditional Chinese mythology. This includes the courtroom aspect, written down bylaws for the Spirit World, the fact that a ghost would need a defendant, the infallible mirror, and the spirits still requiring cash money to perform services.
    Of course the anime is assuming you're familiar with those aspects, as its original viewers would be, but then it piles on the Christian aspects and other bugfuck stuff to make things confusing for everyone.

    • @Nionivek
      @Nionivek 6 років тому +3

      I always wondered why they need earthly money... Though I guess they could just use it to buy earthly possessions, it isn't like the gods are immaterial. Though it is kind of like being paid in garlic.

    • @naotatheendlessesper
      @naotatheendlessesper 5 років тому

      i wouldnt say ripped like that
      honestly on itself asian culture shares a lot of symbolisms, traditions, deitis. and gods

    • @JohnEusebioToronto
      @JohnEusebioToronto 4 роки тому

      Why the need for a prosecutor and defense when there’s a infallible mirror?

  • @OnDavidsBrain
    @OnDavidsBrain 5 років тому +3

    13:30 Now I can't unhear Droopy saying "shake it baby, daddy likes it."

  • @eythor19
    @eythor19 6 років тому +2

    I must say. Looking back at older content, Bennett has lost some decent amount of weight. Keep it up, Sage. Lookin good.

  • @santarosa393
    @santarosa393 6 років тому +4

    Awesome thank you for uploading on my 23rd birthday no less 🎂🎈🎉

  • @StealthMarmot_
    @StealthMarmot_ 5 років тому +2

    "What's a salaryman doing in the jungle?"
    Black Lagoon?

  • @Equ3strianGam3r
    @Equ3strianGam3r 6 років тому +1

    There was an ad for Audi that came up while I was watching this video, not that I really like the ads but the comedic timing of it was perfect.

  • @ImaginaryTerrie3
    @ImaginaryTerrie3 6 років тому +31

    Is Gabe ever coming back from getting those cigarettes?

    • @zixise
      @zixise 6 років тому +1

      VeronicasTouch he left the show... sooooo no.

    • @1cioda
      @1cioda 5 років тому

      @@zixise did he really?

    • @zixise
      @zixise 5 років тому +1

      cioda yeah she’s gone through a lot since she left actually, as you can tell by my using females pronouns

    • @1cioda
      @1cioda 5 років тому

      @@zixise Are Bennett and Gabe (I dont know what she goes by now, clearly) still friends? Or is this a repeat of what happened with the completionist.

    • @zixise
      @zixise 5 років тому

      cioda I think they’re still cordial, but they haven’t shared anything’s the all. I don’t think it’s worth getting too worried about it’s been over a year and if they had bad blood it’s probably settled by now

  • @golgarisoul
    @golgarisoul 6 років тому +37

    The Japanese word for crab is 'kani', which sounds like the Japanese word for money 'kani'.

    • @CartoonTriper
      @CartoonTriper 6 років тому +20

      Krabby Money

    • @AriaLunaCampbell
      @AriaLunaCampbell 6 років тому +11

      Crab money, crab money, taste like crab, accepted legal tender in twelve countries.

    • @GabyGeorge1996
      @GabyGeorge1996 6 років тому +9

      Suddenly Mr. Krab's M.O. doesnt seem that far out

    • @exceedcharge1
      @exceedcharge1 6 років тому +8

      That explains why the rich guy in kill la kill turned into a golden crab

    • @cheezemonkeyeater
      @cheezemonkeyeater 3 роки тому +1

      Close. The word for money is okane. But that is, indeed, still punnable, especially since there are many ways you could phrase a sentence with crab in it that would have you say "o kini."

  • @SupremeEspio
    @SupremeEspio 6 років тому +5

    I am in the comment section of darkness to say this video of darkness was great.

  • @johnoneil9188
    @johnoneil9188 6 років тому +1

    "I may just be a small town supernatural ghost defense attorney but even I can tell you that somebody tried to pull a fast one on my googly eyed plaintiff here."

  • @Arachnes_Corner
    @Arachnes_Corner 5 років тому +1

    4:30 Okay, sharing pajamas? That's adorable. I don't care what you think; it was a nice touch.

  • @thefatman69dude
    @thefatman69dude 6 років тому +4

    The voice of the defense attorney guy is awesomely goofy.

  • @petertilton7004
    @petertilton7004 6 років тому +19

    Can't wait to Ride with Bean.

    • @hemidas
      @hemidas 6 років тому +2

      From the time when anime MC's actually had a functioning pair of genitalia!

    • @imveryangryitsnotbutter
      @imveryangryitsnotbutter 6 років тому +1

      I'm more familiar with flicking beans.

    @SMAXZO 6 років тому +3

    Hey, the Material Plane may be a fragment of the infinite vast of the cosmos...but a guy's gotta eat, the suit's not cheap and spirit warding material are damn expensive.

  • @theelectricindian
    @theelectricindian 6 років тому +1

    Oh man when you said "Zorbrak" for the first time I damn near passed out laughing.

  • @DollyBelladonna
    @DollyBelladonna 6 років тому +5

    "Crabs .. My God"

  • @MrSullenwinters
    @MrSullenwinters 6 років тому +3

    Is it weird I got a Audi ad after sage talk about Audi’s?

  • @daftbearaveo
    @daftbearaveo 6 років тому

    FINALLY! I've been secretly waiting for you to review Riding Bean for years! Literally grew up on it. Super excited for the next review Sage. I know you'll do me proud.

    @N1CK0FDEST1NY 6 років тому +10

    Why does the Court of Darkness present themselves like the Power Rangers? Also, MST3K, nice.

    • @gorma6443
      @gorma6443 6 років тому +1

      I thought he was gonna use a Power Rangers reference. But MST3K was better.

  • @tannerbruning868
    @tannerbruning868 6 років тому +4

    I think I could help. I’m an expert in “bird law”

    • @TheCrazyTalkKid
      @TheCrazyTalkKid 6 років тому +2

      I know everything in bird culture as related to "dick moves".

  • @Doctor_Sirus
    @Doctor_Sirus 6 років тому +1

    Yes! I've been waiting for Riding Bean forever. Love that movie.

  • @thegayghost872
    @thegayghost872 6 років тому +23

    Wow, I'm the first comment on an Anime Abandon video! Better make this count...
    You should totally review The Qwaser of Stigmata

    • @r.r.n8998
      @r.r.n8998 6 років тому +1

      Ghostwriter no u weren’t I am

    • @CornishCreamtea07
      @CornishCreamtea07 6 років тому +7

      The one where they power up with the awesome power of breast milk? That's well past the cut off date.

    • @kibais
      @kibais 6 років тому +1

      Way passed his cutoff date, try something further back.

    • @guardianx51
      @guardianx51 6 років тому +1

      There's also the fact that he only reviews stuff that's dubbed - even if his cutoff date wasn't an issue, QoS doesn't have a dub. And quite frankly, if he was going to make another exception to his rule about only reviewing dubs, I'd much rather it be something like Millenium Actress than QoS.

    • @alex.thedeadite
      @alex.thedeadite 6 років тому

      Roark, Millennium Actress *IS* dubbed into English.

  • @itsnodawayitustabe5654
    @itsnodawayitustabe5654 6 років тому

    One of the best in a while, this is some Mad Bull 34 level shit

  • @r.r.n8998
    @r.r.n8998 6 років тому +1

    Y am I just noting how hyped ur intro is 🔥🔥

  • @matthewrooney8834
    @matthewrooney8834 6 років тому +9

    Will you release top 20 giant robots again if your still bringing out old videos, I missed that one

  • @gildy77
    @gildy77 6 років тому

    20:22 You have no idea how long I've waited for you to review Riding Bean. Even after 25 years, I still have the VHS.

  • @bakomusha
    @bakomusha 6 років тому

    Oh Bean, you have become the poster Anime for Synthwave videos!

  • @PrismCasillica
    @PrismCasillica 6 років тому

    I remember seeing this on cable once! It was probably on the IFC around 1999-2001. It was so out of left field that I couldn't comprehend what the hell was going on.

  • @silvershocknicktail6638
    @silvershocknicktail6638 6 років тому

    Oh fuck yes, Riding Bean! Holy shit, that was one of the first OVAs I ever saw. Got me into Gunsmith Cats. It's completely bonkers.

  • @KeatonKing
    @KeatonKing 6 років тому +21

    Review the Berserk movie trilogy please!

    • @stoneocean0065
      @stoneocean0065 6 років тому +6

      KeatonKing your going to have to wait a few years and I mean a few as in 9

    • @shaneattwell2222
      @shaneattwell2222 6 років тому +3

      He's already reviewed a Berserk anime adaptation. I doubt there's much more he could say that wouldn't just retread old roads.

  • @benpeterman1565
    @benpeterman1565 6 років тому

    Do not apologize for the Clue reference. Our family made it a point to play Clue, while watching Clue, for Thanksgiving. It is objectively the best movie based on a board game ever made...

  • @jamaldavis831
    @jamaldavis831 6 років тому +57

    Review La Blue girl next.

    • @dusktiger112
      @dusktiger112 6 років тому +15

      Suave does the filthy and lewd

    • @TommyDeonauthsArchives
      @TommyDeonauthsArchives 6 років тому +10

      Jamal Davis No... Not La Blue Girl! That's Suave's stuff!

    • @jamaldavis831
      @jamaldavis831 6 років тому +3

      Tommy Deonauth's Archives. That's the idea.

    • @jamaldavis831
      @jamaldavis831 6 років тому +3

      Leroy Smith. I know that....its just been soooooo loooooooonnnng.

    • @backtoklondike
      @backtoklondike 6 років тому +1

      If that happens it would probably be a con exclusive video. There are so many scenes where the characters are naked or have sex that censoring it would be pointless. It's the reason why Sage has only shown his Bible Black video during cons.

  • @lworthy2518
    @lworthy2518 6 років тому +1

    "Rock 'n Sock Connection" shirt
    The man known as "Zorbrak"
    "... of Darkness" dank meme
    Another good episode, Sage.

  • @Voltergeist
    @Voltergeist 6 років тому

    I am SO excited for Riding Bean holy SHIT that is my anime *RIGHT THERE* right there!

  • @EyeOfEld
    @EyeOfEld 6 років тому

    Thank you for the Clue reference. Underrated movie, that one.

  • @IronllamaZero
    @IronllamaZero 6 років тому +4


  • @Mi_Fa_Volare
    @Mi_Fa_Volare 6 років тому +1

    That one guy looks like from an Invader Zim episode.

  • @freedantheeternal
    @freedantheeternal 6 років тому

    God, I recognize so many of the voice actors in this thing. I don't know if that's something to be proud of or not.

  • @thelinedrive
    @thelinedrive 6 років тому

    4:18 pacha meme from emperor’s new groove says that joke is on point and perfect.

  • @kellychuang8373
    @kellychuang8373 6 років тому +2

    Used to see that a long time ago. True story though it was only sub I think and it was on IFC (Independent Film Channel) and it was a Tim Mr when the channel was good no commercials. No really I saw this

  • @skullknight_5682
    @skullknight_5682 6 років тому

    dude that shirt!! greatest tag team of all time

  • @thezenitsufan1249
    @thezenitsufan1249 6 років тому

    Can't wait for Riding Bean, Sage. I've been waiting for you to review that one for a long time. PS I would love to see Suave review Debutante Detective Corps

  • @captainautobots
    @captainautobots 2 роки тому

    4:44 Remember that episode of Batman: The Animated Series where Eric Cartman from South Park shows up? This anime is that.

  • @TrueBuddhaCat
    @TrueBuddhaCat 6 років тому +1

    "THE MANLIEST ANIME" I believe that would be either Fist of the North Star or Riki-Oh

  • @joholloway8818
    @joholloway8818 6 років тому

    next month is riding bean!? hell yeah! i backed the kickstarter that got it releases on blu-ray!

  • @juneilgoode1022
    @juneilgoode1022 6 років тому +9

    Where did you get that shirt?

  • @zero2o10
    @zero2o10 6 років тому +8

    You should watch the crying Freeman

    • @IrieMangaStudios
      @IrieMangaStudios 6 років тому

      Zero 2o1o followed by Sanctuary (same guys that did Crying Freeman)

  • @iamaunicorn1232
    @iamaunicorn1232 6 років тому +1

    Big-eyed Businessman would still look jarring even if he was in Eon Flux.

  • @JayAntoinette
    @JayAntoinette 6 років тому

    Rock and Sock Connection throwback..
    Never seen this anime but loved your review.

  • @kittyanya
    @kittyanya 6 років тому

    I preferred the subtitles version and thought it was interesting. The music during his change into the Judge was amazing.

  • @tyrant-den884
    @tyrant-den884 6 років тому

    So this is what the 9th Doctor would be like as a shinigami.
    "According to the article of darkness of the Shadow Proclomation, you must drown in a river with wrapped in an American flag."

  • @mathieuleader8601
    @mathieuleader8601 6 років тому +1

    hello darkness my old friend

  • @CoolG97
    @CoolG97 6 років тому

    A group of CROWS is called a murder, a group of raven is called a conspiracy or unkindness.

  • @Kouh_Sijaed
    @Kouh_Sijaed 6 років тому

    Oh god Blockbuster Childhood flashback episode incoming.

  • @TeryJones
    @TeryJones 6 років тому

    20:15 - Oh shit it's Mr. Shake Off Bullet to the Fucking Head. This is gonna get nuts XD

  • @liizzset
    @liizzset 6 років тому

    Good video. Even got this message. Even in spirit world, the cost for a lawyer is a bomb.

  • @d0wnwardsp1ral
    @d0wnwardsp1ral 6 років тому

    I know i'm seriously late to the party here Sage but for what it's worth, was so sorry to hear about the fire ( I cant lie my biggest fear was that the show would stop ) but seriously hope all is well and u can keep doin what u do. I've watched every episode of Anime Abandon at least twice or more, love the show and the best part is u seem to improve with each new episode, sorry to ramble and u prolly wont even see this but I wanted to let you know you are appreciated. peace out bro

  • @alretermerfaldor9927
    @alretermerfaldor9927 6 років тому

    And of course the lawyer has no eyes, the accused has the eyeballs of an ostrich and I'm thinking I need to watch this wonderful anime right fucking now.

  • @Speculativedude
    @Speculativedude 6 років тому

    Was that a "Clue" reference? AWESOME!!

  • @Sonicfalcon16
    @Sonicfalcon16 6 років тому

    Im glad both me and sage thought of zorak when we saw that guy

  • @ZoidFile
    @ZoidFile 6 років тому

    If you ever drove an Audi 80 you wouldn't make fun of it. It was my first car and it clocked over 400.000 km when I had to sell it. Still had it's original exhaust by this point. It's not the car's fault if the owner is a douche bag . ^^

  • @0n1baka
    @0n1baka 6 років тому +2

    So... this is the Japanese version of DC Comics The Spectre

  • @TheCyberwoman
    @TheCyberwoman 6 років тому

    I think the joke is that he's insisting on not a penny more, like he's charitable to do it for such a low price

  • @ZanraiKid
    @ZanraiKid 6 років тому

    Judge and Riding Bean back-to-back?
    Jesus, Sage. As least buy me dinner beforehand, because this is better than sex.

  • @BrontoSmilodon1
    @BrontoSmilodon1 6 років тому +1

    3:33 did I just watch Professor X beat up starlord with a keyboard?

  • @thomasjenkins7506
    @thomasjenkins7506 6 років тому +7

    this is the type of anime that made anime great, even if it is god awful.

  • @jagarcia0705
    @jagarcia0705 6 років тому

    5:45 Vegeta is saying "look at the forehead on that guy".

  • @DLAlucard
    @DLAlucard 6 років тому

    Fuck yeah! Riding Bean. Very good taste my friend. I like Gunsmith cats but I wish Bean had been given the love it was due. T.T

  • @truffles6424
    @truffles6424 6 років тому +4

    Oki, I'm confused. I'm watching this over and over again, and I'm not seeing the answer. Who is the main character in this anime? It's like a long-winded animated way to show different departments, but then.... for what?

    • @kabob0077
      @kabob0077 6 років тому

      Serena Colvin The Judicial System of the Afterlife.

  • @yamikazenokiba5377
    @yamikazenokiba5377 6 років тому

    hmmm, not sure if it was a thing in the States, but how about reviewing Gasaraki? Had some really rad people from the Mecha department.
    PS: Thank you for all the awesome reviews and the puns and sketches. You always make me laugh! XD
    Keep going!

  • @katemock8260
    @katemock8260 6 років тому

    Thank you for the Clue reference!

  • @leemcdonald1342
    @leemcdonald1342 6 років тому +3

    Somebody do those spittakes into two gifs.

  • @sesfilmsllc
    @sesfilmsllc 6 років тому +2

    I AM THE LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @vonshroom2068
    @vonshroom2068 6 років тому

    Aww Steve Bushemi business man feels a bit called out sage ;)

  • @deterlanglytone
    @deterlanglytone 6 років тому

    Being named Peter every time you say Peter I jump to Attention

  • @dwainsimmons3447
    @dwainsimmons3447 6 місяців тому

    4:45 my reaction when all engines go is announced.

  • @brainstormsurge154
    @brainstormsurge154 5 років тому +1

    Excuse me while I type on this keyboard *OF DARKNESS* in this comment section *OF DARKNESS* while staring at my computer screen *OF DARKNESS* !

  • @atmabot
    @atmabot 6 років тому

    Unkindness of ravens, murder of crows.

  • @musicalDrebin
    @musicalDrebin 6 років тому

    Sage, you fool, you forgot the hat of darkness

  • @michaelbootes4822
    @michaelbootes4822 6 років тому

    Dang it When he mentioned MANLY ANIME I thought he’d be talking about the original JoJo’s stardust crusaders

  • @vguyver2
    @vguyver2 5 років тому +1

    That defense spiritual defense attorney is probably voiced in a crappy imitation of a Megachurch Televangelist.

  • @milestrombley1466
    @milestrombley1466 6 років тому

    It's like Judge Judy if she was in Supernatural.

  • @necogreendragon
    @necogreendragon 6 років тому

    I remember seeing this in a video store but passed it up because I Judged the video by it's cover. Also RIDING BEAN WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!11!1!11!!!!1

  • @Official930Studios
    @Official930Studios 6 років тому

    Nice reference there at 3:50
    I bet some of our audience don't have a "clue" where it's from.