I get chills listening to this song. It came across me while I was at the hospital recently diagnosed with stage 3 aggressive ovarian cancer. I sang it everyday to our Lord. Suddenly I wasn’t scared anymore because I knew Jesus would get me through. He’s a miracle worker. I’m in remission now two years. He’s The faithful One Almighty. Glory be to God🙏🏼
Catholics were doing this before you were born! Unfortunately, we took a pause during WW2 and didn’t have another National Eucharistic Congress in the US until now. The last time this happened was 1941!
@uikmnhj4me was it done with the same corny music/songs in 1941? This is atrocious. Anyone who supports this has no idea of the Eucharist. Why would this gay form of soft rock music help appease the anger and wrath of God? Do you think this music eases the pain and suffering of our Lord on the cross? If I was next to Jesus suffering on the cross and I heard this music trying to ease my suffering I would be upset. God the Father who is the Lion of Judah is going to roar and bite the hearts of people right out of their chest for this type of silliness.
Was Christ divided? When you see the signs do not be deceived. Run to higher altitude and latitudes. Beat your swords into homesteader plowshares. Be like the 5 prepper bridesmaids. Seek shelter under rocks or in caves. Pave the streets with magnets & put copper coils underneath cars trains. Take up your 1 day is as 1,000 orbits cross. Believe & profess the word warnings of God our Father to all the world do that some might be saved for with faith in the word warnings of God our Father we can move mountains to block divert Noah's SE to NW tidal Tsunamis to come.
Orthodox Christianity is the only true religion. Canonical & Eucharist scripture teachings from Jesus and the Apostles have NOT changed in the Orthodox Christian religion as opposed to the Roman Catholic great Schism of 1054.
@@JoBiden-ib8nm all religions are man made,.. Jesus is not a religion! Jesus said deny yourself and follow me,.. follow Jesus! Why would you put Jesus along with religions.. Does the Bible say anything else but Christian ! No it doesn't..
The only true faith is fulfilled Judaism-Messianic Judaism. Roman Catholicism wasn’t invented until 325 CE by Roman Emperor Constantine. He was trying to control his army that was becoming more and more Messianic Jewish!
I'm a Christian and Every time I hear this song in my car I feel the presence of God and tears run down my face praise God for the presence of the holy spiry
Im not catholic , I'm non denomination. I love the Lord and I love Jesus. This is so comforting to see , especially now. Things are so crazy in the world. Its refreshing to see so many who love the lord and sing his praises. I loved watching and Thanks for sharing
Galatians 1:8-12 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. Those words of Augustine are only his opinion.
@@juliemckenzie5960 In John 6 : 25 - 69 Jesus said what He meant and meant what He said. There is no " other gospel " being preached here. Check out the early Church Fathers on what they believed about the Eucharist. Not symbolic, but real. Hundreds of Eucharistic miracles through out the Church's history attest to His Real Presence, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist. Our Bread of Life be praised now and forever more. Vivo Christo Rey.
No we don’t ! Catholics have a different Gospel . Sacraments. Not biblical . Faith in Christ - is the true salvation . Roman’s 4:5. John. 3:18. John 6:47. John 5:24. Jesus words . Catholics are not my brothers / sisters .
😅Another Jesus another Spirit Another Gospel my friend read the word .....there is only one high priest his name is Jesus everyone of these poor People go through a human priest and pray to graven images .....they are adoring thier eucharist not Jesus .....
Ask the satanic group,they only want a consagrated Holy Eucharist to mock Jesu,entsea cause it's a real the Body and blood of Jesus,have you ever seen the miracle.of Eucharist turn into a heart muscle the blood AB positive search in the Google there are many around the world God bless you
@@MySOBER-Life Revelation 17 describes the Roman Catholic Church. 17:5And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.” -who do you think her daughters are?? All believers in Yeshua were Messianic Jews until 325CE when the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine created the pagan infused Roman Catholic Church.
It doesn't matter if you are a member of the catholic church, a baptist or amish...if you believe Christ to be the son of God, who died for your sin and rose again after 3 days to defeat death....you are a child of God and a member of His Heritage. We are brothers and sisters in Christ.
@@francescocosentini9264 Catholic simple means the universal visible church, to whom Christ gave authority to preach in His Name. Closest verses I could find is Mat 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," Rev 7:9 "After these things I saw, and behold! a great multitude which no one was able to number, out of every nation, and (all) tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches in their hands."
@@francescocosentini9264 I read Mat 23:9 and then read 1 Cor 4:15. Did you read 1 Cor 4:15? Rev 22:19. Protestants take away from the Bible...no cherry picking.
Thank you for sharing, Father. I was honored to be with a group from my Parish. It was so beautiful to see tens of thousands of brothers and sisters worshiping Our Lord in the Eucharist! Lining the streets, adoring Him, praising Him! May the grace He bestowed on every one who sees the Eucharist spread throughout our troubled world. May every Catholic receive the commision to Walk With One!
I am Catholic Charismatic and this is beautiful. I wish alot of Catholic churches gave such adoration in their singing such as this. Most are just playing what i call traveling music to accompany the priests movements. You might get one verse in and a chorus twice. There is such a difference in singing just to fill the dead space and then there is praise and worship singing such as THIS! This was beautiful. God Bless and fill your hearts with His wonderful presence.
proving once again Charismatic can mean Bible illiterate .. The Papacy promotes false peace and unity signed w/ the Abu Dhabi headquarters promoting world Interfaith for decades.. It is not the true Church and never will be .. There is No " Interfaith " There is One Faith Ephesians 4-5 One Lord One Faith One Baptism ~ ... There is One Faith .. It's Not Islam Buddhism or Hinduism ~
Thank you, oh Lord for the blood you shed on that cross for my sins those many years ago. Thank you for being my precious Lord and Savior. I praise your Holy name and whorship only you. The only way to the Father is through the Son, Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen!
What a wonderful day for the catholic chruch.God bless you and your family. I am Evg.robin from tuticorin, tamilnadu, India.Our lord JESUS christ coming soon be ready & prepare others also.🎉❤🍏💚🌹🥰🙏
@@TerryF-ht4qfif you believe in and appreciate Jesus'ultimate sacrifice for us all. Ye shall be saved brother Terry! Jesus aka GOD REVEALED IN THE FLESH SAYS SO! ask and ye shall receive. Knock at The Lords door, and He, will answer. Become convicted of your wicked sinful ways feel guilty, because you should. Kneel ow stand and form praying hands in private in your room.. Say: Heavenly Father Who Art in Heaven I hereby surrender my will to The Holy Trinity and welcome The Lord Jesus and The Holy Spirit into this temple (your body that's not yours it's the Lords already we have been deceived by satan) and I believe in your sacrifice and I am thankful Lord and i am a God fearing man please, show me the light God this I pray in Jesus Name Amen Say this prayer. And you will no longer be able to debate The Lord. You shall be saved! Jesus loves you! [Folks remember to open prayers with: "Heavenly Father Who Art in Heaven" , and close with "In Jesus Name - Amen "] always.. Never forget proper opening and closing of prayers God works in particular ways.. Not how we want! Jesus wants to hear you all! Praise Him. Thank Him. Welcome Him in Jesus Name Amen! 🕊️Praise-be to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ ALMIGHTY in Jesus Name - Amen🕊️
I cry whenever I play and hear this worship song. I’m surprised that Catholics are using this song in their worship service. This is an awesome gathering and I’m so happy that the Catholics are worshiping in a venue like this . Just amazing. Thank you for the video.
There is a beautiful statement attributed to St. Augustine that says: “The one who sings prays twice”. True prayer comes from both the heart and the mind! Adoremus in aeternum sanctissimum Sacramentum!
Just come across this.....wow. beautiful. Powerful. Reaches inside in a way i have rarely felt in my life. Im not even religuous by most definitions...😢😮❤😊
AMEN. Thank you Lord Jesus❤, for All your kindness and presence in the Holy Eucharist. Please, bless us All God. We All, need you. Holy Spirit❤, please guide us All. Our Lady💙, Mother of God and our Holy Mother, Mary please protect us All. 🙏🏾 Au nom de Jesus Christ.
I am so happy and proud to be a catholic from cradle to grave, Jesus helped through tough times and now im so blessed bcos i know He's with me always, i dont worry about anything else, but just pray and focus on Him alone ! Thank you Lord Jesus for everything, amen 🙏
Very Protestant in the midst of the Eucharist Adoration. I'm sure the music appealed to the people's emotions but unfortunately it's the music not God making the people feel good about themselves. This is playing along the wisdom of this world. Keep protestantism away but stick to the Catholic Faith Culture and Tradition as taught by Jesus Christ.
@@JesusChristIsKingIsGod just because a song is written by a Protestant doesn’t make it sinful or the message wrong. Jesus is, in fact, a Way-maker, no? Most contemporary christian songs are based on or directly taken from bible verses. Also, most traditional hymns in the church were written by Protestants. I go to Franciscan University of Steubenville, and know many students - trad and charismatic alike - who enjoy both traditional hymns/chant AND praise & worship music. Much of this music is used during mass, and is played in mass very reverently (limited to piano, acoustic guitar, and strings…no drums or bass). While it is more modern, It is infinitely better than the 70s folk “hymns” in mass we are forced to hear.
This made my heart swell with so much emotion it was almost overwhelming. Wish I could have been there but in a way I really was there. I felt every word. We serve such an amazing God. Thank you to whoever posted this video .
Thank You my Lord, my God for bring The Catholic Family back together. As dear Padre Pio said, we would do much better without the sun. Than You King I f Kings far from us. We are lost without Your Presense Jesus. I love & missed you !!! Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen ❤️
I get chills listening to this song. It came across me while I was at the hospital recently diagnosed with stage 3 aggressive ovarian cancer. I sang it everyday to our Lord. Suddenly I wasn’t scared anymore because I knew Jesus would get me through. He’s a miracle worker. I’m in remission now two years. He’s The faithful One Almighty. Glory be to God🙏🏼
Your witness and miracle from God brings us great joy. God is good. 😊
Praise be Jesus Christ!
Praise God 🙏🏼
Viva Cristo Rey! 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️ 🙂
I love you my Lord, please forgive me if I have ofended you.. bless us all your children 🙏
Amen 🙏
This song gives me chills. Every single time. God is working even when we don’t see it or feel it!
I’m 70 years old and remember when the Catholics didn’t do this. Praise God. Glory to his holy name. 😊
Catholics were doing this before you were born! Unfortunately, we took a pause during WW2 and didn’t have another National Eucharistic Congress in the US until now. The last time this happened was 1941!
@uikmnhj4me was it done with the same corny music/songs in 1941? This is atrocious. Anyone who supports this has no idea of the Eucharist. Why would this gay form of soft rock music help appease the anger and wrath of God? Do you think this music eases the pain and suffering of our Lord on the cross? If I was next to Jesus suffering on the cross and I heard this music trying to ease my suffering I would be upset. God the Father who is the Lion of Judah is going to roar and bite the hearts of people right out of their chest for this type of silliness.
@@ramuelingibraltar802 you’re dumb. I hope not stupid. Read the Bible and pray.
@@ramuelingibraltar802 - Go with what resonates with you and let others have theirs.
@@uikmnhj4me - I’m glad they finally pulled their finger out and started this up again. It’s a long time coming.
I am proud to be Catholic. Angels above rejoiced 🎉
Was Christ divided?
When you see the signs do not be deceived.
Run to higher altitude and latitudes.
Beat your swords into homesteader plowshares.
Be like the 5 prepper bridesmaids.
Seek shelter under rocks or in caves.
Pave the streets with magnets & put copper coils underneath cars trains.
Take up your 1 day is as 1,000 orbits cross.
Believe & profess the word warnings of God our Father to all the world do that some might be saved for with faith in the word warnings of God our Father we can move mountains to block divert Noah's SE to NW tidal Tsunamis to come.
Just say proud to Christian
Meant to be Christian
Angels above rejoiced hearing Catholics singing a song produced by "lesser" Christians - the protestants?
Catholic Church is the Christian @@Mandy-zq9dj
Tears of joy for being a Roman Catholic
Tears of joy for having Jesus in my heart and life.
Are you born again into the spirit??
Orthodox Christianity is the only true religion. Canonical & Eucharist scripture teachings from Jesus and the Apostles have NOT changed in the Orthodox Christian religion as opposed to the Roman Catholic great Schism of 1054.
@@JoBiden-ib8nm all religions are man made,.. Jesus is not a religion!
Jesus said deny yourself and follow me,.. follow Jesus!
Why would you put Jesus along with religions..
Does the Bible say anything else but Christian ! No it doesn't..
I’m crying with joy.😅it’s not about denominations it’s about Jesus Christ and His love and mighty power. Stunning sound.
Yes I am an Evangelical born again but this is amazing we need to unite its all about Jesus and HE IS COMING SOO😢❤🙌🙌🙌🇺🇸🇺🇸🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️N
To God alone be the glory forever!!!
Amen 🙏🏻
As a Nigerian Catholic, I am super happy. The song is by a Nigerian artist: Sinach. Glad that we are globally enjoying a talent exchange
She definitely had the Holy Spirit in her with this song because in any language it’s beautiful any language.
My wife and I were there for all 5 days.
It is great to be catholic.
me too and agreed
Jesus wants disciples not Catholics
Where and when was this??? 😊
Is it an annual conference? I would love to attend.
God was truly here
A Glimpse of Heaven on Earth! To God the Glory.
I was there and heaven did come down to Earth! Praise be to Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament!!!
I was there and it was absolutely breath-taking. I am so blessed to be Catholic, from cradle to grave. ✝️
There is a sense of Holiness attached to this video. Wow.💖
@@idaayala6359 How beautiful you are blessed.💖🙏🏾
God bless you! Same here, I have been blessed!! Please pray for the Christian’s of the Middle East and for global peace
@DaisyDay.-pm2cf because it is charismatic song, it is not Catholic church song.
@DaisyDay.-pm2cf Well Matt Maher is popular with Catholics as that is his upbringing. So yes many are aware of his music.
We can only imagine how beautiful this world would be with only the true faith in our Lord Jesus Christ would be the only faith on earth.
The only true faith is fulfilled Judaism-Messianic Judaism.
Roman Catholicism wasn’t invented until 325 CE by Roman Emperor Constantine. He was trying to control his army that was becoming more and more Messianic Jewish!
The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is coming!🙏🏼
@@cristinabryan7098 Kein Mensch ist und war ohne Sünde !!!!!
Das ist die Irrlehre der katholischen Kirche .
There is tough history of Christians of the west fighting against christians of the east..these fights never end
I'm a Christian and Every time I hear this song in my car I feel the presence of God and tears run down my face praise God for the presence of the holy spiry
Absolutely awesome. So beautiful to see so many coming together in praise and worship. To God be the Glory ➕🙏🥺🌹❤️
Hallelujah! Come, Holy Spirit, renew Your Church as on the Day of Pentecost!!!
AMEN!🙏 ❤
Im not catholic , I'm non denomination. I love the Lord and I love Jesus. This is so comforting to see , especially now. Things are so crazy in the world. Its refreshing to see so many who love the lord and sing his praises. I loved watching and Thanks for sharing
" When you sing to God, you pray twice. " St Augustine. Vivo Christo Rey.
Jesus is the only way
Galatians 1:8-12 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Those words of Augustine are only his opinion.
@@juliemckenzie5960 In John 6 : 25 - 69 Jesus said what He meant and meant what He said. There is no " other gospel " being preached here. Check out the early Church Fathers on what they believed about the Eucharist. Not symbolic, but real. Hundreds of Eucharistic miracles through out the Church's history attest to His Real Presence, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist. Our Bread of Life be praised now and forever more. Vivo Christo Rey.
It's idolatry to pray to saints the bible tells us . Only pray to Jesus christ
I’m a Prostestan, but it’s beautiful to see them singing a new modern praise / we believe in same god
Only one judge
Lord n savior Jesus
No we don’t ! Catholics have a different Gospel . Sacraments. Not biblical . Faith in Christ - is the true salvation . Roman’s 4:5. John. 3:18. John 6:47. John 5:24. Jesus words . Catholics are not my brothers / sisters .
@@douggauzy6258 you all have lot of man made rules
I’m happy being Prostestan
Thank you
😅Another Jesus another Spirit Another Gospel my friend read the word .....there is only one high priest his name is Jesus everyone of these poor
People go through a human priest and pray to graven images .....they are adoring thier eucharist not Jesus .....
Ask the satanic group,they only want a consagrated Holy Eucharist to mock Jesu,entsea cause it's a real the Body and blood of Jesus,have you ever seen the miracle.of Eucharist turn into a heart muscle the blood AB positive search in the Google there are many around the world God bless you
@@MySOBER-Life Revelation 17 describes the Roman Catholic Church.
17:5And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.”
-who do you think her daughters are??
All believers in Yeshua were Messianic Jews until 325CE when the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine created the pagan infused Roman Catholic Church.
We are so hungry for God and His tender mercies
It's so true...
He is really Light in the darkness! No more fear, sadness, or hopelessness!
I will Never Forget❤ Will Cherish this Forever. Felt like a Little Taste of Heaven. PRAISE BE OUR LORD IN THE HOLY EUCHARISTIC 🙏 ✝️🩸💘💒📿
A glimpse into Heaven!!!
It helps ... we are not alone.
Way maker is the best song. I cant sing it without crying. Thank you Lord.
It doesn't matter if you are a member of the catholic church, a baptist or amish...if you believe Christ to be the son of God, who died for your sin and rose again after 3 days to defeat death....you are a child of God and a member of His Heritage. We are brothers and sisters in Christ.
All Praise to God Our Heavenly Father🙌💖✝️
Praised be Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar 🙏🙏🙏💕❤️
Hallelujah. Keep singing and praising Jesus dear Catbolics.. He alone is the author and perfector of our faith.
Can you show me in the bible where it says to be catholic???
@@francescocosentini9264 Catholic simple means the universal visible church, to whom Christ gave authority to preach in His Name.
Closest verses I could find is Mat 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"
Rev 7:9 "After these things I saw, and behold! a great multitude which no one was able to number, out of every nation, and (all) tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches in their hands."
@@therighteousrighthand revelation 22:18-19
Catholics ad to the bible ,... you follow a man that called himself father ,...
Go read Matthew 23:9
@@francescocosentini9264 I read Mat 23:9 and then read 1 Cor 4:15. Did you read 1 Cor 4:15?
Rev 22:19. Protestants take away from the Bible...no cherry picking.
@@therighteousrighthand your taking it out of context,.typical of catholics.
Let's go live stream and debate ,..
The Unity of all Christians in the world about to begin
Yes! It has begun, may it forever continue.
I so, so hope🙏
Thank you for sharing, Father. I was honored to be with a group from my Parish. It was so beautiful to see tens of thousands of brothers and sisters worshiping Our Lord in the Eucharist! Lining the streets, adoring Him, praising Him! May the grace He bestowed on every one who sees the Eucharist spread throughout our troubled world. May every Catholic receive the commision to Walk With One!
BEAUTIFUL my God iLove you.
God is moving❤
I'm proud to be a Catholic. May Almighty God bless all Catholic in this world. Amen 🙏.
Amen 🙏
Proud is sin, be happy
@@ic7967 Saint Paul to Galatians 6:14. As for me, may I never BOAST, except in the cross of our lord Jesus Christ.
Can you show me in the bible where it says to be catholic??
@@francescocosentini9264You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
I’m beyond words,oh Jesus how much I love you and adore you,there is no other place that I rather be
We should pack every stadium in the world this way.
Yes. And walk the streets, where there have been riots and protests.
Gänsehaut‼️Wunderbar,großartig, zur Ehre Gottes ‼️❤️‼️
I am Catholic Charismatic and this is beautiful. I wish alot of Catholic churches gave such adoration in their singing such as this. Most are just playing what i call traveling music to accompany the priests movements. You might get one verse in and a chorus twice. There is such a difference in singing just to fill the dead space and then there is praise and worship singing such as THIS! This was beautiful. God Bless and fill your hearts with His wonderful presence.
Joy Joy Joy in singing PRAISE to God. Just filling up space in the pews with a somber face makes worship 😢sad
My church does Ogle Street, London.
I love both, We shouldn't pick one over the other. Both can have there purpose and place.
proving once again Charismatic can mean Bible illiterate .. The Papacy promotes false peace and unity signed w/ the Abu Dhabi headquarters promoting world Interfaith for decades.. It is not the true Church and never will be .. There is No " Interfaith " There is One Faith
Ephesians 4-5 One Lord One Faith One Baptism ~ ... There is One Faith .. It's Not Islam Buddhism or Hinduism ~
This brings me hope!!! Nothing like the presence of God!!
Proud to be a Catholic - the perfect path to God. I cherish this event with great Joy.j
So Wonderful to see,, keep your Catholic Faith in this disturbed World. ✝️.
From UK 🇬🇧. ❤❤❤❤❤❤.
Hi am catholic from UK to God bless ❤❤❤
When we praise God we be blessed in Jesus name
Our Founder, Our Faithful Loving Founder! We Worship You! We Follow You. We Adore You! Our Waymaker, Jesus Christ! ❤❤❤🙏🏼
Thank you, oh Lord for the blood you shed on that cross for my sins those many years ago. Thank you for being my precious Lord and Savior. I praise your Holy name and whorship only you. The only way to the Father is through the Son, Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen!
I have only heard this song once on TV. I've never heard in a Catholic church in England. It is very beautiful.
In this time we are living, it’s so beautiful to witness all of this people praising Jesus 🙌🏻
This experience was beyond anything I’ve ever seen. So magnificent is our Lord.
AMEN!!! Beautiful!!
We worship you our almighty God our Lord Jesus Christ forever & ever.
This is the Perfect way to worship God.Singing from the heart and soul with perfect concentration,so cool and calm.
It’s NOT the Catholic Way and it doesn’t belong in the Catholic Church!!
I only call myselt a CHRISTIAN, washed in the precious blood of Jesus........ On Christ the solid Rock i stand, all other ground is sinking sand....
What a wonderful day for the catholic chruch.God bless you and your family. I am Evg.robin from tuticorin, tamilnadu, India.Our lord JESUS christ coming soon be ready & prepare others also.🎉❤🍏💚🌹🥰🙏
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ amen Amen.. God bless you all❤❤❤❤❤. . Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Worshipping King Jesus is so beautiful! ✝️🙏🙌❤️
How Wonderful, Beautiful
Thank you for posting this! Center stage worship of Our Lord - true food, true drink! Praise be to Jesus Christ 🙏☦️
Our Trinity truly loves this song 😊
No matter what church, what denomination, catholic or protestant, we are all singing the same song to the same Father. In Christ we are one.
Just because you are singing a song that makes you Christian and you are saved. So deceived!
@@TerryF-ht4qfif you believe in and appreciate Jesus'ultimate sacrifice for us all. Ye shall be saved brother Terry! Jesus aka GOD REVEALED IN THE FLESH SAYS SO! ask and ye shall receive. Knock at The Lords door, and He, will answer. Become convicted of your wicked sinful ways feel guilty, because you should. Kneel ow stand and form praying hands in private in your room.. Say: Heavenly Father Who Art in Heaven I hereby surrender my will to The Holy Trinity and welcome The Lord Jesus and The Holy Spirit into this temple (your body that's not yours it's the Lords already we have been deceived by satan) and I believe in your sacrifice and I am thankful Lord and i am a God fearing man please, show me the light God this I pray in Jesus Name Amen
Say this prayer. And you will no longer be able to debate The Lord. You shall be saved! Jesus loves you!
[Folks remember to open prayers with: "Heavenly Father Who Art in Heaven" , and close with "In Jesus Name - Amen "] always.. Never forget proper opening and closing of prayers God works in particular ways.. Not how we want! Jesus wants to hear you all! Praise Him. Thank Him. Welcome Him in Jesus Name Amen!
🕊️Praise-be to our Lord and Master Jesus Christ ALMIGHTY in Jesus Name - Amen🕊️
100% 🍓😊
¿Tu quien te crees que eres para juzgar? @@TerryF-ht4qf
Father in Christ we are one. Thank you so much. I pray with you. Beautiful worship.
The singing helped me open up. I love this song. It says it all.
It moves me to tears!
Praise the name of Jesus Christ forever 🙏 hallelujah
This is incredibly beautiful. God bless you all
Jesus is not a dead man on a cross,he was brought down of the cross and is sitting at the righthand of God.
I BELIEVE - bless to be a catholic..
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine. All Praise and All Thanksgiving be every moment Thine. Alleluia.
I cry whenever I play and hear this worship song. I’m surprised that Catholics are using this song in their worship service. This is an awesome gathering and I’m so happy that the Catholics are worshiping in a venue like this . Just amazing. Thank you for the video.
Only thing not to many had their hands up praising our Lord and savior Jesus Christ 🙌🏻!! Praise his name always!
God is good 😊
Thank you so much, that was awesome!!
So beautiful🙏
We adore You Jesus! All your people is united to Glorify Your Name! ❤
PRAISE GOD AND PRAISE TO YOU LORD 👑 JESUS CHRIST!!! 👑🗡️🛡️✝️🕊️ Amen! This is absolutely beautiful!!! ❤
I wish I had been there! Looks amazing
❤ praise the Almighty.and thank him for all our blessing.❤❤❤Peace to all.
Thank you for posting Father.
This was moving and am sense the presence of Our Lord enjoying what was being done for him.
God Bless
Oh God you are so worthy to be praise! I love you my Lord ❤️🙏
There is a beautiful statement attributed to St. Augustine that says: “The one who sings prays twice”. True prayer comes from both the heart and the mind! Adoremus in aeternum sanctissimum Sacramentum!
So Beautiful ThankYou father ❤🙏🏼😇
All born again believers are priests to God , who offered up sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving. HALLELUYAH!!!! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!!!
Just come across this.....wow. beautiful. Powerful. Reaches inside in a way i have rarely felt in my life.
Im not even religuous by most definitions...😢😮❤😊
To God Be The Glory.Alleluia…..Alleluia…….Alleluia…
Thank you Father for all the blessings we have in our family..🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
AMEN. Thank you Lord Jesus❤, for All your kindness and presence in the Holy Eucharist. Please, bless us All God. We All, need you. Holy Spirit❤, please guide us All. Our Lady💙, Mother of God and our Holy Mother, Mary please protect us All. 🙏🏾 Au nom de Jesus Christ.
Love the song. Immediately my heart and mind goes directly to God's love.
It’s a Protestant song! Does not belong in the Catholic Church!
I am so happy and proud to be a catholic from cradle to grave, Jesus helped through tough times and now im so blessed bcos i know He's with me always, i dont worry about anything else, but just pray and focus on Him alone ! Thank you Lord Jesus for everything, amen 🙏
I wish we were sing Catholic Adoration songs like Tantum Ergo. That's what we should be promoting. God bless the Catholic Church.
They did sing Tantum Ergo at evey Adoration.
Very Protestant in the midst of the Eucharist Adoration. I'm sure the music appealed to the people's emotions but unfortunately it's the music not God making the people feel good about themselves. This is playing along the wisdom of this world. Keep protestantism away but stick to the Catholic Faith Culture and Tradition as taught by Jesus Christ.
@@JesusChristIsKingIsGod just because a song is written by a Protestant doesn’t make it sinful or the message wrong. Jesus is, in fact, a Way-maker, no? Most contemporary christian songs are based on or directly taken from bible verses. Also, most traditional hymns in the church were written by Protestants. I go to Franciscan University of Steubenville, and know many students - trad and charismatic alike - who enjoy both traditional hymns/chant AND praise & worship music. Much of this music is used during mass, and is played in mass very reverently (limited to piano, acoustic guitar, and strings…no drums or bass). While it is more modern, It is infinitely better than the 70s folk “hymns” in mass we are forced to hear.
This made my heart swell with so much emotion it was almost overwhelming. Wish I could have been there but in a way I really was there. I felt every word. We serve such an amazing God. Thank you to whoever posted this video .
Glory be to God. Praise to Jesus Christ our Saviour.🙏
This is what we all should be doing at our protest marches surely they can't arrest s for that only a suggestion to Paul Thorpe and co❤❤
When we evangelicals sing this we all lift up holy hands to God. Catholics need to learn how to show some joy in their worship!
Catholics are fine.. lifting your hands has nothing to do with belief. You need to learn about the Eucharist.
Thank You my Lord, my God for bring The Catholic Family back together. As dear Padre Pio said, we would do much better without the sun. Than You King I f Kings far from us. We are lost without Your Presense Jesus. I love & missed you !!! Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen ❤️
Glory only to Jesus Christ.... King of the kings. Lord of the lords.... My Walking Talking Living God Haleluyah ❤
WONDERFUL to hear Catholics praising God w main stream Christian songs🎉 Gave me Holy Spirit goose bumps as well😁✝️🙏🏼✝️JESUS 1 GOD 1 Lord
Amen, loving and praising God through Christ. Amen.
Praise Jesus. Thank You Lord Jesus