Must Married Couples Have Children? | Mingling of Souls

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @Rachellesmusic29
    @Rachellesmusic29 4 роки тому +31

    They forgot to mention God let’s you have free will it’s not law or commandant to have children. God does not give everybody the same desires. Neither do I find it selfish to be child free. People to take consideration some have A disability or genetic do not want to pass along. Maybe they’re just not Kid person like me. I want to be married but I don’t want children and I know God will give me the husband that meets my needs. 🙏🏻☺️

    • @davidbassjr.7909
      @davidbassjr.7909 2 роки тому +4

      Amen. And let me just encourage you sister, that there are Christian men who do feel the same way.

    • @Maxmellow94
      @Maxmellow94 2 роки тому +4

      I have this same thing going on I’m too indifferent about having kids of my own because I don’t feel I’ll give 100 percent into them and I don’t want to risk putting children through that. I like kids but I don’t know if I can say I like them enough to breed them

    • @Jgoofing
      @Jgoofing 10 місяців тому

      Free will is supposed to be used to be obedient to God

  • @MollyF86
    @MollyF86 2 роки тому +6

    He's like to his wife: "are you going to disagree?!"
    Glad I'm not married to that guy.

  • @user-xd4rs6vr4n
    @user-xd4rs6vr4n 4 роки тому +19

    I have never enjoyed being alive except for fleeting exceptions. Why should I impose the suffering I have experienced on an innocent child?

    • @Android-ds9ie
      @Android-ds9ie 4 роки тому +7

      Chapter 4
      2 And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive.
      3 But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.
      Chapter 23
      28 Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.
      29 For the time will come when you will say, 'Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!'
      30 Then "'they will say to the mountains, "Fall on us!" and to the hills, "Cover us!"'
      31 For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?"

  • @lydiep6814
    @lydiep6814 Рік тому +1

    Choosing not to have children even a d a Christian is perfectly fine,I do think churches need to stop putting so much pressure on couples to chance children.
    I know a few Christian couples who don’t want children and that’s ok!
    Personally I don’t want children and I’m a Christian, I’m going to struggle to have children so why try? Plus I’ve got a long history on medical trauma which scares me when it comes to birth and pregnancy.
    Plus the planet is over populated, climate change is impacting all of us. we can’t guarantee they’ll be enough animals and plans to eat in the future. Plus we already have a failing healthcare system snd multiple wars so why bring a child up in this world??

  • @catlady3147
    @catlady3147 2 роки тому +1

    Wow. What a sexist thing to say. His wife is miserable.

  • @Mysticbladegod
    @Mysticbladegod 2 роки тому +4

    I disagree. Christian couples can choose not to bear children for whatever reason and that is perfectly fine. They aren't sinning or living outside of the word by making that choice.

    • @someone-ji2zb
      @someone-ji2zb 2 роки тому

      Well whether it is sin or not is between you and God. If the reason is wholly selfish, then it is sinful. Doesn't mean you are going to be sent to hell for it, but sin is sin regardless.
      We are called to glorify God; spread the gospel and grow spiritually with Him. Having kids is a selfless act of glorifying God as a married couple. A single man can do a lot more ministry than a married man. A married man who forgoes having kids not only has less time due to having a wife, but he also now is far less likely to do much of anything in regards to ministry.
      Not our place to judge those who make these decisions, as only they and God know the true reasons. Though from what I have seen, the reasons are usually because people desire a more pleasurable and easy life and have no plans to improve their relationship with God at all.

  • @GeneralSirDouglasMcA
    @GeneralSirDouglasMcA 4 роки тому +16

    Children are called a “gift” and a “reward”. Most people always wanted to have them; there was never discussion about not wanting them. Making having them mandatory when not wanted doesn’t seem like much of a gift or reward to me (so long as the desire doesn’t come from being able to indulge in fornication or adultery without getting pregnant).

  • @Jgoofing
    @Jgoofing 10 місяців тому

    He was completely right. She was wrong.

  • @lesleyoreilly1311
    @lesleyoreilly1311 5 років тому +10

    It wasn't a command but a blessing God said over Adam and Eve. Genesis 1: 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number. A command and a blessing are two different things. Some people shouldn't have children. Andrea Yates comes to mind. Her husband and pastor kept telling her have another baby and she would "feel" better. She drowned all 4 of her kids because she was suffering for Post Partum Depression.
    There are more then one way to have children. More then one way to help shape children's lives. More then one way to disciple children and build up body of Christ. Yes you can have your own. But you can adopt or you can sponsor a child from World Vision. You can volunteer at Big Brothers/Big Sisters or at your local church.

  • @asteelphoenixable
    @asteelphoenixable 9 місяців тому

    What I find interesting in all this discussion about this supposed requirement to have kids (which I don't believe) is no one addressing the elephant in the room, namely no fault divorce and its effect on kids and their desire to have kids of their own later.
    It’s no secret divorce is profoundly damaging to a child’s psych, especially no-fault divorce. In a particular multi-year study I’m familiar with, half of those kids coming from divorced families had themselves decided not to have kids by the time they reached age thirty. Their counterparts from intact families didn't display the same feelings for becoming parents.
    Some even well adjusted people can take a period of decades to process and move forward from a divorce. So how can we expect a young child to begin to fathom it, especially when the adults in the picture tell themselves kids are resilient and don’t consider the kids’ need for making sense of what’s happening and how to heal?
    Sometimes it isn’t as easy as a snap judgment against people unknown to you.

  • @oldmama8929
    @oldmama8929 Рік тому

    Why do people equate not wanting children with selfishness???? God has given everyone a gift to use to make this beautiful world a better place for all. Parenting is no joke and is not to be considered lightly. There are people who recognise that parenting isn't their gift. They should be celebrated for their self awareness rather than criticised, ridiculed or demonised. It takes a village to raise a child. Childless people are the community support that many parents need.

  • @jackcarraway4707
    @jackcarraway4707 2 роки тому +2

    Nowhere in the Bible does it state married couples MUST have kids.

  • @SomethingSomethingg
    @SomethingSomethingg 3 роки тому +4

    Selfishness? Um, how about having barely any money to keep yourself alive let alone a child?

    • @spurzo-thespiralspacewolf8916
      @spurzo-thespiralspacewolf8916 2 роки тому


    • @rebirthofgodrics907
      @rebirthofgodrics907 2 роки тому

      @@spurzo-thespiralspacewolf8916 how about being celibate instead. If having children ain't mandatory neither is getting married. If all you want is sex or to not feel lonely You shouldnt get married anyway.

  • @olgarodionova27
    @olgarodionova27 7 років тому +19

    Well let's see, financial instability, I can barely support myself and my husband. I think it's irresponsible and selfish for me to choose to reproduce if I'm not comfortable with my finances. The potential kids deserve to be raised by loving parents that want them and that could support them financially, mentally, etc. There are too many people on this Earth, we have what about 7 billion people. I think that's plenty. It's a huge responsibility and I actively make sure I do not produce any children every month (birth control).

  • @ianhooper8609
    @ianhooper8609 3 роки тому +8

    1:36 - I love how he not only acknowledges her hesitation to fully agreed to what he said, but welcomes her disagreement. The man isn't always right. We need help, girls. His humility towards her is something that i strive to have towards my wife one day.

    • @jelayachyanne3509
      @jelayachyanne3509 2 роки тому

      Yeah I liked that

    • @Jgoofing
      @Jgoofing 10 місяців тому

      The Bible doesn't say a husband should welcome a wives public disagreement with him.

  • @patricksaxon3983
    @patricksaxon3983 5 років тому +33

    You do not have to complete a marriage by having children and the commandment to be fruiteful and multiply was given only to Adam and Eve, as they were possibly the only man and woman on earth. So no, you do not have to have children and it should be a choice, not a religious obligation.

    • @patricksaxon3983
      @patricksaxon3983 4 роки тому +9

      @i hate life Simple as that That is not what I said, I said that you do not have to complete a marriage by haviung children. That should be between the married couple, and having children should not be a religious obligation, but a choice between the married coulpe. There are reason for family planning, such as can I afford children, how many can I afford, is it the right time, again, you do not have to complete a marriage by having children.

    • @Jgoofing
      @Jgoofing 10 місяців тому

      There is not a single commandment in the Bible that was only applicable to one group of people and not another.

  • @thenameofthegame4037
    @thenameofthegame4037 3 роки тому +4

    Maby god just meant it this way
    Be fruitfull (know Jesus/be good Christian)
    And multiply (tell people about jesus/ spreaking about jesus and to help people get in the place to meet god)

    • @rachelscottspeaks8097
      @rachelscottspeaks8097 2 роки тому

      Nope, He meant create REAL people and then multiply your love for God by teaching your kids to love Jesus. For example: if from 2 people came 6 kids and if those 6 kids were raised to love God, those parents would create 6 NEW Christians who love God. If those 6 Christian kids all marry a Christian spouse. If each of the 6 Christian couples had 6 kids, there would be 36 grandkids. If they are raised to love God then those 2 Christian parents would have inspired 36 people to love God and be good Christians. If those 36 Christian grandkids each marry Godly people, the family would now have 72 who love God. If those 36 couples each have 6 kids and they all love God, there would be 216 great-grandkids who love God. In 3 generations, the couple (2) people would have inspired 216 people to become Christians and to follow God and that is what "Be Fruitful and Multiply" is really all about...inspiring and producing generations of Godly people to roam the earth, to influence society, to CHANGE the world. Singleness and childlessness can not even HOLD a candle to the accomplishments of 2 Godly people who obey God's plan to Be Fruitful and Multiply. Childlessness by choice (meaning by a fertile person who doesn't want to bother with kids), is neither Godly nor an accomplishment. It's for losers.

    • @someone-ji2zb
      @someone-ji2zb 2 роки тому

      I mean he told it to adam, eve and the israelites essentially, and it was to populate the planet, way before there was ever a gospel to be spread.

  • @judithwithlov3
    @judithwithlov3 2 роки тому +2

    At first I was adamant that I did not want kids. I was and still not very maternal or maybe I need to adopt later on not sure.The more I get closer to God and our relationship gets better now I am okay whether I have a kid or not. The fact that I am in this point has been a long way. Gods will, Gods way.🙏

  • @tabithadaniella197
    @tabithadaniella197 4 роки тому +4

    Is it sinful to be married but only adopt children (and not give birth to any)?

    • @swietosawagromowadna7957
      @swietosawagromowadna7957 3 роки тому +6

      No, I don't think so.

    • @spocklover110
      @spocklover110 3 роки тому +4

      I think that is a good idea, actually. Probably a lot of children don’t have homes.

    • @thamiadams1306
      @thamiadams1306 Рік тому +1

      Nope, you are giving those kids an opportunity to grow up in a warmth home. It's almost like taking care of pauper widows

  • @patricksaxon3983
    @patricksaxon3983 5 років тому +14

    Children are not for everyone, and my father wanted me to be the first to make him a grandfather. Even in my 20s, I still did not want to get married and did not feel it was not my obligation to the lord. As today, I am 56, never married, but now looking, but happy to be child free and no one should be forced to procreate or breed for God. There are cost to consider, are you ready to start a family, how many can you afford, is it the right time? No one should be forced to have children or breed! Again, I say that children are not for everyone and should not be a religious obligation.

    • @someone-ji2zb
      @someone-ji2zb 2 роки тому

      Well there is absolutely nothing wrong with being single and not getting married/having kids.
      I think the bigger discussion comes in when a person wants to be married but also wants to be willfully childless. Since the fall and the curse of man, the world has been evil and times have always been tough to varying degrees. Yet having children is the greatest way to glorify God for a married couple. Singleness affords a man far more time to dedicate himself to the pursuit of wisdom through God's word and allows you to more opportunity for ministry. When you decide to get married, your free time is cut down massively and that includes time for ministry. So what do those willfully childless couples think they are doing that is glorifying God?
      The easy life is not what he asks of us, and raising kids is never easy and it takes great sacrifice. Choosing to be married and just indulge in sex with birth control isn't exactly what God had in mind. With that said, you have the freedom to choose to do whatever you want... it just isn't God glorifying at it is usually selfish.

  • @kilawattkidd
    @kilawattkidd 4 роки тому +27

    But even if it's seen as being selfish, doesn't a husband and wife have a right to choose NOT to have children? What if neither have maternal instinct and simply don't want the financial burden of raising a family? Do they not have a right to sleep late, not have to worry about 3am feedings, lack of sleep, etc., and simply not have to deal with the stresses of parenthood and be able to go anywhere at anytime whenever they please? Don't they have that right??

    • @thomasshort1784
      @thomasshort1784 3 роки тому +6

      @Joshua Rialto Not only do I think they have that prerogative (provided they're childfree, of course!) but, I also think it's nobody else's business except theirs and God's AND that ONLY God Himself has ANY right to judge them! In fact, if I should marry, that IS the way I want to live myself!

    • @someone-ji2zb
      @someone-ji2zb 2 роки тому +3

      At the end of the day, we are always sinners. God is not going to send you to hell for going against his design, and you can still glorify Him in other ways that are meaningful.
      However, that doesn't change the fact that a married couple willfully remaining childless are doing so because it is an easier life. God does not call us to live an easy life, and in fact that exact opposite is expected of us at all times. Raising God fearing children who will be added to his kingdom is the most powerful thing a couple can do, so if a couple doesn't want to have kids... I have to ask... what exactly are they doing for the glory of God? Merely existing isn't really doing anything, and you wont have much time as opposed to you being single (which of course Paul says singleness is a great thing in the pursuit of ministry).
      God gave you the choice to choose anything you want. That doesn't mean your choices are always biblical though. You have the "right" to do anything, including denying God if that is what you wish. If your desire is to glorify God, then it is another story.

    • @Andrea92_91
      @Andrea92_91 Рік тому +1

      @@someone-ji2zb Christian couples can serve God and still not have children. Simply having children will not add to God’s kingdom because when children become of age, they will have to decide whether they want to accept Christ or not. Sadly, many children have been raised in God-fearing Christian homes and still reject Christ and end up in Hell. Also, please consider couples who are infertile or have life-threatening complications in which pregnancy will kill them.

    • @oswaldcobblepot502
      @oswaldcobblepot502 Рік тому +1

      ​@someone-ji2zb "Because they want an easier life." So what? It's their choice if that's what they want. What glory does God get out of people over-burdening themselves with too many responsibilities? Each person has their own unique circumstances in life and is not obligated to join the "quiverfull" crowd in their mutual fellowship of misery.

    • @ericwilliams8647
      @ericwilliams8647 Рік тому

      If you don't want children don't get married it is that simple.

  • @markb7311
    @markb7311 7 років тому +13

    I have depression, and also some genetic issues. I absolutely do not want kids, ever. If that makes me selfish, then good call on your ignorant judgement.
    "But you could adopt!" I could, but I have zero desire to be a parent. Wouldn't it be more selfish to bring a child into the world I don't want? The foster system is already drowning in unwanted kids.

  • @CraftyZanTub
    @CraftyZanTub 6 років тому +12

    Children are expensive and a burden. Intelligent people know that there is too much work for too little reward in raising brats.

    • @xxxmmm3812
      @xxxmmm3812 5 років тому +2

      did your parents say that to you?

  • @0326hkim
    @0326hkim 7 років тому +7

    Some things Matt chandler says is really good but some other things he says makes himself look like he's full of crap. Sorry Matt, but I think you ought to have seen this issue in other perspectives as well. This issue seems like it's just out of your own opinion and you're using biblical reference to support your statement.

  • @cliffli798
    @cliffli798 7 років тому +10

    Being fruitful and multiply in my opinion is not a command from God. More like a suggestion, in the bible if you really commit a sin, there is always a consequence, like a liar cannot inherit the kingdom of God. However, there is no consequence for being childfree or childless on purpose.
    Children now a days cost more than 500,000 USD to raise, that kind of money could have gone to lots and lots of vacation, and even half way through a house mortgage. And its not money we are talking about, how about the time to teach them the right value, the time to be with them. You know time is money. Therefore, it is not worth it to have children nowadays.,

    • @xxxmmm3812
      @xxxmmm3812 5 років тому +4

      youre absolutely right, nobody should have kids and the human race should end within the next 100 years. good plan

  • @scrolltestimonial
    @scrolltestimonial 6 років тому

    What if you have previously had two children who have cancer.

    • @someone-ji2zb
      @someone-ji2zb 2 роки тому

      If you believe in the word of God, then you should know that our entire calling is to spread the gospel and grow spiritually with God. Even if you bear children who are born with and illness or defect, they can still be saved and add to God's kingdom. After all, we are not mean to live for ourselves or this world, but for God and the purpose he has for us.

  • @Tashaenyo
    @Tashaenyo 7 років тому +2

    I agree with the woman totally

  •  4 роки тому +3

    OK, so let's imagine a childfree couple is using birth control. Is birth control stronger than God's will? If God wants that couple to have children (even if they don't), then surely God has the power to give them children? Yes/no?

    • @sapphire8644
      @sapphire8644 3 роки тому

      @Monal Fisher what if the couple still doesn’t want the child and gives it up for adoption?

    • @sapphire8644
      @sapphire8644 3 роки тому

      @Monal Fisher I think Christians couples should be free to choose whether they want children or not. The more free they are with their choices about deciding the better it is for their mental health and everyone bc children isn’t for everyone and also I don’t think we should measure selflessness either when it comes to that bc it can get too complicated. Also I believe in people donating charity for better healthcare for those women who end up unwillingly giving birth to be more comfortable and painless in delivery. And easier access to adoption for childless and foster parents who want the adopted kids too. It would make people’s lives music easier. Also children are expensive and child willing couples are better off being financially capable of raising them. And I also think they should be free to choose how many children they want to have even though Imo, one child is enough. I don’t think it should be forced on people to give birth or for child free couples to have children bc I feel that it is wrong. That’s my thoughts and views on this subject. I also think that children deserve to be raised and have their mental health taken care of by financially and emotionally stable and ready parents adoptive and bio. It’s not fair for unwilling mothers to be forced to raise kids they don’t want so it’s better for the child to be given to adoption.

    • @sapphire8644
      @sapphire8644 3 роки тому

      @Monal Fisher it sure is great having this discussion, thank you for talking to me about it.

  • @user-tw1ku9ei6g
    @user-tw1ku9ei6g 3 роки тому


  • @rachelscottspeaks8097
    @rachelscottspeaks8097 2 роки тому

    So much of how people view Christianity today is about their own opinions. God wouldn't want "ME" to have a child or God never gave "ME" a desire...etc People go to the Bible with their opinions and forget that the Bible is the inspired Word of God which is a holy instruction manual for how to live our lives. It doesn't matter that in 2022 a person "does not think" they would be a good parent or that a person does not think they would enjoy having a baby...none of these opinions matter to the time-tested word of God...and if a person is truly a believer what God says in the Bible should matter. Now, it is true not all married couples are to be parents. Infertility is sad. Often those who would like to be parents find themselves infertile and they long for the opportunity to become parents., Ironically those God has allowed being "fertile" are now in 2022 desiring to follow the new trend of childlessness by trying to say the Bible does not say they need to be parents....and because they don't "feel" it, IT MUST BE TRUE....but the Bible does not support sterility void of family and instead, it supports the opposite which is "creation" OF the family. The Bible did not change course because fertile couples in 2022 suddenly do not want to follow God's plan for their marriage anymore, all this childlessness is, is rebellion against God and His plan by trying to find justify a reason.

  • @brotherfred2669
    @brotherfred2669 8 років тому +10

    Our culture views children as a burden rather than a gift and blessing as the Bible does. Prior to modern scientific methods to chemically and physically prevent conception, parents who were intimate would most likely have children. In the Old Testament are many examples of God opening and closing the wombs of women. In those days a closed or barren womb was considered a curse. Malachi 2:15 reveals Gods heart about the "most holy institution which He loves ( marriage)" was instituted that He may receive children from the act of marriage. Lies about the earth being over populated and exhortations that we should do our part for the sake of humanity by restricting the # of children we have, are false teachings that have no basis in scripture. Preachers try to extort people to give by saying they are robbing God by not "tithing" will never say that parents are robbing God of the children He wants ignore the 2nd chapter of Malachi while preaching the third. Having large families will limit the amount of $ these same preachers can receive from the married couples; hence their silence on the subject. I am a father of 10 ( from the same woman after marriage) and would have received as many as the Lord would bless me with; so I have lived this truth.

    • @rachelscottspeaks8097
      @rachelscottspeaks8097 2 роки тому +2

      @@Android-ds9ie OH BROTHER! you're using that verse completely out of context! That will be during the Apocolypse at the end of time when no one will be having children.

  • @Johnrosswillliams
    @Johnrosswillliams 3 роки тому

    Read the start of 1 Corinthians 7 and the if you are married and fulfilling your duty the natural result is children if God chooses to bless you in that way. As it's God who opens and closes the womb. God always talks of children as a blessing and why wouldn't you want to be blessed. If God gives you children, He is well able to provide for you. Just as he does the Sparrows. Before the last 100 years, this was obvious. But we think we can take God's place in choosing whether we have children or not. Leave it to God, He knows what's best

    • @Andrea92_91
      @Andrea92_91 Рік тому

      What if someone’s wife has a life-threatening condition in which a pregnancy would kill her or give her a plethora of health problems for the rest of her life? If women are supposed to be the primary caregiver, then their state of well-being should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, what if the husband was involved in an accident that left him permanently handicapped? I trust God and put my faith in Him, but there's no denying that these are valid possibilities.