The Resurrection of Jesus--What Really Happened?

  • Опубліковано 20 січ 2025


  • @elizabeth_777
    @elizabeth_777 2 роки тому +12

    I have only been subscribed for a few days and I’ve already listened to several of your videos. Thank you Dr. Tabor🥰😘🎄♥️🤗

  • @batine1398
    @batine1398 Рік тому +8

    How did Paul see the resurrection of Jesus when he never met him?

    • @neclark08
      @neclark08 9 місяців тому +1

      Since Saul/Paul had Never met Jesus -- had never seen him close-up -- and there was No means to accurately produce a life-like posthumous image of J.H. Christ -- (S)Paul could have envisioned ANYone...and convinced himself that he had been in the presence of the mythic Jesus... (of course, in a subsequent 'audience' with Jesus (S))Paul describes interacting with a 'light'...

    • @geralddyer8934
      @geralddyer8934 12 днів тому +1

      Paul knew Jesus, he was the Pharisee assigned to persecute the sect, he knew what was being preached and would have been with the other Pharisees when Jesus was being questioned.

  • @michaelpusateri394
    @michaelpusateri394 Рік тому +4

    Yes, His humanity and glorification are real.

  • @stevenwall1964
    @stevenwall1964 Рік тому +10

    For a large part of my life I wanted to quash in my mind that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. I didn't want to be religious. My father was a scientist and an atheist and I wanted to be like him. But in the Old Testament no matter how vague they are; there are predictions about some type of Messianic figure that will come in the future. Sometimes I can even make a case that there is a prediction of two different figures or at least it could be translated that way. But nonetheless that is the essence of the whole Old Testament. The looking forward to some type of Savior or King or Prophet. Now just suppose all those authors are just lying. Many claim to be prophets, they write "The Lord said..." Now if they wrote "The Lord said.." and that is not true then clearly they are just liars. So, if all the Old Testament writers are lying about this coming figure ... it just seems incredibly lucky that in the first century AD here comes a whole new set of liars or myth makers in the New Testament era and they decide to make the claim that this predicted figure from the Old Testament is now here in Jesus Christ.
    So these authors of the New Testament documents for some reason or somehow gather together and decide to tell a bunch of stories or myths about this Jesus with the claim that he rose from the dead etc. and whatever really happened; one thing is for sure they created the most well know figure in all of world history. And not only that, the New Testament authors were also able to put words in this Jesus' mouth that are very unique to other types of alleged gurus. If these authors were liars or myth makers they were liars and myth makers whose overall message seemed to be "Love your neighbor" help the poor, take care of children, take care of widows, feed the hungry etc. So we end up with a set of liars in these New Testament documents who fooled billions of people in world history. And while there are many people who call them Christians that are complete frauds and immoral creeps and pedophile priests there are billions of others who did follow the message of love your neighbor, help the poor etc.
    So at the end of the day a bunch of New Testament authors who were really just a bunch of liars (if you don't believe what they wrote) who were able to make Jesus the most famous personality in the world and billions of people who followed his alleged teachings. That just bugs me. It is difficult to fathom that a bunch of liars in the Old Testament authors somehow predict this coming figure who will change the world and then a whole group of new liars come along in the first century and claim this special person is here and then they are somehow able to make this figure become the most famous figure in history all by chance. It just bugs me.
    Beyond that when I read the New Testament this Jesus makes predictions. He says that he will build a church and the gates of hades will not prevail against it. He predicts that this church will be persecuted and its members would be killed. And this was strange because Rome was very tolerant of religion. Why would Rome persecute Jesus' church when they didn't persecute Jews or any other religion. Jesus also said that his church would go to all nations. And third Jesus said that one would be able to identify his church because of its unity; that it would be like a city on a hill and everyone would recognize it. And so if Jesus was just normal person, or a renegade, or a lunatic, or a religious zealot, or just a myth then you would expect that when he is dead that his claims and teachings would just fade away. There were many who claimed to be this Messiah and when they died their movement died.
    But in a way all of Jesus' predictions did come true. The Christian Church was severely persecuted for 300 years; and yet it still grew rapidly and actually did go to all nations. And for the first 1000 years at least the Christian Church did stay unified. The Catholic Christian Church held together as one organization holding Councils, establishing doctrines and staying together despite even having immoral and corrupt leaders. Then a group in 1054 split from the original church and then that splinter group just kept splinter within itself. Then the "Protestant" revolution from the 1500's brought much more hope to my skepticism because that group just splintered into hundreds maybe even a thousand different churches with contradicting beliefs. So much for that promised unity Jesus. But my question is "is that enough?" That original church that existed for the first 1,000 years is still there. There is one church that meets exactly what Jesus allegedly said in the New Testament about the church being recognized light a light on a hill.
    If you go to anyplace in the world and ask someone to direct you to that church that baptizes babies, have special priests, that think their communion bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Christ and who has a leader who lives in Rome, as strange as all that sounds everyone in the entire world would point you to the nearest Catholic Church.
    I must say it's bugged me to try to honestly believe that a bunch of Old Testament liars would predict some coming figure and then a whole new bunch of “New Testament liars” could come along with myths and stories that make their alleged candidate for that figure the most famous personality in the world. It is plausible that the New Testament writers could write a bunch of lies and make up a bunch of things about Jesus' life that fabricates a story that Jesus was that promised figure. It is possible that they could have colluded to do all that. But then making predictions about “a Church” those would have been much harder for people to collude and pull off. And yet as weird as some of the teaching of the early Christian church may seem; those predictions essentially came true as well.
    I think skeptics have done as much as they can to attack the textual evidence for Christ’s alleged resurrection I would like to see more about the rise of Christianity. The New Testament writers predicted a church that would be persecuted; but would go to all nations and would stay unified. And that basically happened and that bothered me.
    Thank you for making these videos I just really soak them up and find them interesting.

    • @Aliali-vc3pk
      @Aliali-vc3pk 10 місяців тому +1

      Jesus said the word will end .did it happen 😅

    • @sitornyIK
      @sitornyIK 8 місяців тому +1

      Also it is an obvious claim. I mean, thats what I would love to see when I am convinced that my message is so important. I would also conclude that it will be spread around the world. So just because this assumption kinda came true doesnt mean it is something supernatural. As @Aliali-vc3pk mentioned, some predictions did not come true (like the kingdom of god in the first century). What are your thoughts about that? You even cannot say for sure which parts were added by whom and when. I think we can agree on that.

    • @stevenwall1964
      @stevenwall1964 8 місяців тому

      ​@@sitornyIK Well I agree with you, all of the people who claimed to be the Messiah also claimed some type of world dominance but the predictions that Christ allegedly make in the New Testament documents predict more than just going to all the world. Yes, maybe that just happened by luck. But he also predicted that the church would be persecuted, and its members killed. And that was almost ridiculous to think of because the Romans were religiously tolerant. They didn't kill people for religion as long as they did not usurp government authority. They tolerated the Jews until the Jews tried to revolt. So why would the Romans kill and persecute the early Christians when Jesus allegedly said "give to Caesar what is Caesars?" Christians were told to obey the government authorities. And yet the Christian Church was in fact the most persecuted cult of the Roman times.
      But also the New Testament predicts that there would be one united church. And that more or less happened. I can trace the Catholic church from the writings of Ignatius of Antioch in 107 AD. He writes that the church has gone to most of the Roman Empire by then and in every city there is a structured church with Bishop in every city and priests and deacons underneath the Bishop; with the Bishop of Rome serving as "the unifying president." That three- tiered structure can be traced from there to now in the Catholic Church. The unity of the early church has been the subject of several atheists who try to explain it way. Will Durrant's 3rd volume of his History of Civilization tries to claim that the Papacy duplicated the Roman power structure and succeeded in grabbing for power and creating a unity that amazingly held. Durrant said that where the Romans failed the Catholic Church succeeded. But to be honest that is just damned hard for me to believe that the Pope with no army and no supernatural help could manufactured a unified church. And not just one Pope; a whole series of them for 500 years. Not only did they stay unified they convinced the Huns not to wipe out the church. And then the church converted them! I mean that Catholic Church grew to go to all nations despite the withering persecution and it stayed unified to boot. So to your point:
      Is it supernatural?
      I am nervous to say no. Because as you point out a religious leader would say that his idea would naturally spread and would believe it and hope for it and then maybe an idea could reach a tipping point and take hold and spread. But that was only one of three specific predictions. But I just don't think it would have been able to grow so fast along with staying unified when the most powerful government in world was trying to kill it. So I don't want it to be "supernatural" as I don't want the world to be that way. But I can only take so many instances of just blind luck having things work out like that.
      To face such withering persecution and also being able to stay unified at the same time? I find that hard to stomach that was all luck and was manufactured by hook and by crook through dishonest operators who spreading a message of love God and love your neighbor. The Church became the largest charitable organization in world history. So could that come from dishonest operators who somehow manufactured unity by political intrigue and skillfully executing on its perceived power? I really have a difficult time believing that.
      I might be able to write the New Testament predictions off, but all of it? I have to believe that the Old Testament writers were myth writers who made predictions. And then the New Testament writers were clever enough to manufacture evidence to make it look like those predictions came true. Then the New Testament makes predictions and those come true as well! It is difficult for me not to consider it is supernatural. It is easy to take any piece of the evidence and just laugh it off. But when you add it to all the other evidence for the resurrection it just gets harder and harder for me. And what is especially hard for me to just laugh off the predictions of unity in the New Testament.
      I was a frustrated person because I was bent on looking at the early Christian church and trying to prove how quickly it split into factions so that there would be no way to establish which church Jesus really established because the New Testament says there will be one unified church. And so if you could show that the Church split into equal competing factions so quickly there would be no way to know which one Christ started. That would disprove the unity prediction made in the New Testament. But that did not happen. There was one Christian Church that I can trace in history. It's obvious. There was one unified church. Those who disagreed with it split off, then split up,, then quickly disappeared. The Catholic Church dominates history for 1,500 years.
      And in the Protestant reformation so many different churches with different doctrines showed up but that was in 1500. I was hoping to see Christianity fracture into dozens of sects so that there would be no way to know which is really the church started by Christ. But clearly you can see that it was the Catholic Church that was started by Christ, and it has lasted as an organization with one set of doctrines for 2,000 years. There is some development of doctrine over time but there is in fact one church that did stay unified.
      I read Hugh Schoenfeld's books the Passover Plot where he comes up with theories about how the resurrection was faked. But even he was very bothered by the fact that the New Testament predictions come true. He wrote a book to try to explain how the Catholic Church which he calls the "Church of Rome" was able to face persecution, grow so fast, and stay united. But to me he just makes assertions; he somehow claims that underneath a facade of the spiritual teaching of love and charity that the Roman church used political intrigue, dishonest document manipulation and heavy-handed authority to keep the church growing and unified despite persecution. The book is even called "Those Incredible Christians." But he doesn't give evidence. He just makes assertions.
      As for your comment about that fact that Christ predicted the coming of the Kingdom of God with the claim that it did not come true. That is what Bertrand Russell hung his hat on. And yes I would like that to be a failed prophecy. But the first century Christians write that that prediction was about the destruction of the Jewish temple. The Catholic Claim is that the prediction was the coming judgment that would come on the world for the destruction of the Jewish Temple.
      And that prediction is another dagger through my skeptic heart because Christ predicted the destruction of the Temple! That is just yet another prediction that I would have to say was just luck.
      You Tube doesn't give me room; but if you read Josephus description of the destruction of the temple is sounds like the same wording in Matthew 24. The Kingdom of God in Catholicism is the presence of Jesus in the world. When Jesus came he said that the Kingdom of God is at hand. The Catholic Church sees the Kingdom of God as the community of believers which through its mission of evangelization, service, and fellowship, brings the Kingdom of God to the world. So to answer your question the claim would be that Jesus was not predicting the end of the world. He was predicting the destruction of the temple, the judgment for that destruction which was the following destruction of Rome while the Catholic Church survived.
      Jesus predicted that the temple would be destroyed; that those that destroyed it would eventually be destroyed through their own pride and his church would then usher a period of time when it tries to bring the Kingdom of God to the world. And all of that happened. I have a very difficult time believing ALL OF THIS from the Old Testament to the New Testament to the first 1,000 years of Christianity had so many predictions come true by accident, or by people just manufacturing and being extremely lucky along the way. I really struggle to believe that.

    • @harrylime9611
      @harrylime9611 8 місяців тому

      ​@@Aliali-vc3pk Jesus predicted the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD. All his other predictions will come to pass in their due time. Stay tuned.

    • @trebledog
      @trebledog 7 місяців тому

      One must be able to separate literature from history when reading the Bible. However to do that requires committing a lifetime of research and scholarly work, not to mention the need to read, speak and understand 3 or 4 ancient languages. Thank God for Dr Tabor and Dr Eisenman for doing 99.9999 percent of the legwork. Until I started following these YT videos by Dr Tabor, my entire philosophy and beliefs as regards "religion", "the church", etc was so based on ignorance, I am ashamed to admit because the "truth" to me is what is sacred. Thank you Dr Tabor. Is it too late for a 73 year old to settle these big questions that bounce around inside the soul.

  • @genocanabicea5779
    @genocanabicea5779 2 роки тому +8

    He allowed himself to be killed to show that we are not bound by death. He said we are the same as he and are not bound to death either.

  • @spirituallevelofbeing7308
    @spirituallevelofbeing7308 2 роки тому +7

    Love the topics your discussing keep up the amazing work 👏 👌 💙

  • @homerunrally02
    @homerunrally02 6 місяців тому +1

    great video!

  • @scottkunghadrengsen2604
    @scottkunghadrengsen2604 2 роки тому +6

    It sounds a lot like the Rainbow Body in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

  • @tazz_web_consultant
    @tazz_web_consultant 2 роки тому +8

    Love and respect for brother Paul Williams and sir James.

  • @creative.jon.2024
    @creative.jon.2024 Рік тому +6

    I am really more confused than ever. Thanks

    • @OneMan-wl1wj
      @OneMan-wl1wj Рік тому +1


    • @tractordriver8950
      @tractordriver8950 7 місяців тому

      Me too and hopeless

    • @fcastellanos57
      @fcastellanos57 5 місяців тому

      James, Jesus’s body transformed to immortality, check the Shroud of Turin latest. Everyone else will be regenerated because those dead 2000 years ago, their bodies do not exist. If we are alive and we have the Spirit of God in us, we will be transformed from mortals to immortals. Jesus is still a human even though his body does not die any longer since he became immortal.

    • @tractordriver8950
      @tractordriver8950 5 місяців тому

      @@fcastellanos57 did he revive as a physical body or as a hologram?

  • @GilbertFleming
    @GilbertFleming 2 роки тому +8

    I’ve been reading these resurrection storage for over 40 years. It never occurred to me what your guests just said, that some of the true believers that saw him actually doubted it. After they saw him

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 2 роки тому +5

      That was because Jesus after his resurrection took on various human forms to be seen. It was something that he said or did that triggered a recognition.
      Mark 16:12 King James Version
      12 After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country.

    • @davidseverance5077
      @davidseverance5077 2 роки тому

      No. Wrong.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Рік тому +2

      Jesus resurrected Friday from off the cross. Sunday morning Jesus rose/QUICKENED back to life. One who has been quickened is cured of all diseases and ailments, some think even stops aging. Jesus would have appeared more youthful and vibrant from his quickening, and that is why one wouldn't recognize him off the bat.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Рік тому +1

      @@tongakhan230 Jesus resurrected Friday from off the cross. Sunday morning Jesus rose/QUICKENED back to life. One who has been quickened is cured of all diseases and ailments, some think even stops aging. Jesus would have appeared more youthful and vibrant from his quickening, and that is why one wouldn't recognize him off the bat.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Рік тому +4

      @@termination9353 : No one recognized Jesus because he was taking various human forms to be seen. I quoted the scripture earlier. Please read it.
      God resurrected Jesus back into his angelic spirit form.
      Jesus was no longer a human being after his resurrection.
      (1 Peter 3:18) For Christ died once for all time for sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, in order to lead you to God. He was PUT TO DEATH IN THE FLESH (ie as a human) but MADE ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT (ie as an angel spirit being).
      1 Corinthians 15:45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a LIVING PERSON.” The last Adam (ie Jesus) became A LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT.
      Jesus is now a mighty Spirit being.

  • @obrianwashlaters8749
    @obrianwashlaters8749 2 роки тому +4

    I love Dr. Tabor his books are treasure trove.

  • @wdmfan
    @wdmfan 2 роки тому +6

    I would like to know James's view on:
    parting of the sea to walk through? sun pausing for six days of war? woman giving birth in old age? woman turning into pillar of salt? cities burning in hellfire? voices from burning bush? ship carrying every animal? hearing voices in dreams and everywhere?

    • @louannbyrd2653
      @louannbyrd2653 Рік тому

      Are you familiar with Isreael Anderson's work?

    • @nobunaga240
      @nobunaga240 Рік тому +3

      Easy. It’s all makebelieve

  • @carlharmeling512
    @carlharmeling512 2 роки тому +7

    ‘’The flesh profits nothing; the spirit quickens the flesh…’’ That’s enough explanation for me.

    • @slik00silk84
      @slik00silk84 Рік тому

      If you want to believe shit........any excuse will do!

    • @carlharmeling512
      @carlharmeling512 Рік тому

      @@slik00silk84 Is that how you operate Mr smoothly?

    • @bluwng
      @bluwng Рік тому

      What does that mean?

    • @slik00silk84
      @slik00silk84 Рік тому

      @@bluwng Its just vague crap that you can take to mean whatever you want it to. Since there actually are no spirits, except for alcohol ..... eating meat will not get you as high as drinking booze .

  • @tbishop4961
    @tbishop4961 2 роки тому +3

    Last temptation of christ has an epic scene where Paul meets Jesus and gets scolded. Paul's response is gold

    • @DonAllenScott
      @DonAllenScott 2 роки тому

      LOVE that scene..😅

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 2 роки тому +1

      Actually Paul never saw Jesus. No human can ever see Jesus again (1 Timothy 6:16).
      All that Paul encountered was a blinding light and a voice.
      Jesus appoints Paul for a special ministry.

    • @hermithefrog629
      @hermithefrog629 2 роки тому +3

      @@tongakhan230 and his story changed too. Initially pauls companions saw the light but did not hear what he heard. Later, they did not see the light or hear the sound. Something doesn't add up.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 2 роки тому

      @@hermithefrog629 :We live and learn.
      Always best to check.
      Matthew 18:3 and said: “Truly I say to you, unless you turn around and become as young children, you will by no means enter into the Kingdom of the heavens.

    • @Isaac5123
      @Isaac5123 2 роки тому +1

      @@tongakhan230 or did he appoint him at all?

  • @henrysponsel853
    @henrysponsel853 8 місяців тому +4

    old man now,at a young boy of 12-13 yrs remember the the moment God came in my life.. Our Pastor was carving a Jesus on the Cross in our new church as it was being built. my uncle was taking me into the new church to see it under construction. as we where walking past Pastor hard at work. I looked down as Pastor was carving the face of Jesus . as i lookked at there was a bright light was made on His face . i looked and no light was present... as we walked away ,ask my unncle ,didn't know Pastor could carve ? His answer was the He has never carved before... I knew that was God work

  • @Dethfeast
    @Dethfeast 2 роки тому +19

    The most likely hypothesis is probably not a never seen before supernatural event. The Resurrection is about as likely as the most unlikely events in Mormonism or Islam or Scientology or any other religion.

  • @trilithon108
    @trilithon108 2 роки тому +1

    The Gospels were written anonymously and given the names Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Paul was supposed to have written 13 epistles but most scholars of Religion now believe he wrote, Galatians, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Philemon, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians. Back then it was common to attach an important name to your work to get it read. So the floating Jesus going behind the clouds was another story?

  • @chrismaloney7562
    @chrismaloney7562 Рік тому +1

    There is very simple answer to the question “why does Jesus appear to Paul as a vision but to the disciples as flesh and blood after the resurrection?” Paul’s vision was after the ascension.

  • @10yoss
    @10yoss 2 роки тому +2

    It was more important for Jesus to appear to those who rejected him after the claimed resurrection than to his followers or disciples.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 2 роки тому +1

      Followers are disciples. Maybe one means Apostles.
      Jesus only appeared to his disciples after his resurrection. The apostles included.
      1 Corinthians 15:3 For among the first things I handed on to you was what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; 4 and that he was buried, yes, that he was raised up on the third day according to the Scriptures; 5 and that he appeared to Ceʹphas, and then to the Twelve. 6 After that he appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time, most of whom are still with us, though some have fallen asleep in death.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Рік тому

      Jesus resurrected Friday from off the cross. Sunday morning Jesus rose/QUICKENED back to life. One who has been quickened is cured of all diseases and ailments, some think even stops aging. Jesus would have appeared more youthful and vibrant from his quickening, and that is why one wouldn't recognize him off the bat.

  • @mver191
    @mver191 2 роки тому +4

    How common was it for a female and non family member to visit a tomb and wash a male corpse in the Jewish faith?.

    • @asdaisy7759
      @asdaisy7759 2 роки тому

      In modern times no Jewish funeral home would allow to handle female body. It would make sense for one or several of his male followers to wash and wrap his corps

    • @asdaisy7759
      @asdaisy7759 2 роки тому

      A male.

    • @phlarg2
      @phlarg2 2 роки тому

      Crusified where not burried to begin with. That was part of the punishment.

    • @iCupTV247
      @iCupTV247 4 місяці тому

      It was unheard of. Moreover, a rotting corpse would not be unburied to be anointed, for any reason, as this was done to prepare for a funeral to mask the smell of decaying flesh. It's like exhuming a corpse to embalm it. It's pure nonsense. As Rabbi Tovia Singer has pointed out, this is inarguably a plot device, a pretext to explain why someone would be doing at the tomb to begin with

  • @xifangyangren9997
    @xifangyangren9997 2 роки тому +4

    He’ll tell Dr. Tabor all the details in heaven. Tabor, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus are gonna have a field day!

    • @canbest7668
      @canbest7668 Рік тому

      No proof of that at all

    • @xifangyangren9997
      @xifangyangren9997 Рік тому +1

      @@canbest7668 if you read the writings of St. Teresa of Avila, you’ll either conclude she was insane or you have strong evidence. I believe she was perfectly sane and a reliable firsthand witness.

    • @canbest7668
      @canbest7668 Рік тому

      @@xifangyangren9997 Please. This isn't decent evidence.
      Certainly not first hand.
      Logic points to Jesus being dead.

    • @xifangyangren9997
      @xifangyangren9997 Рік тому +1

      @@canbest7668 then you conclude St. Teresa was a pathological liar, which is your right. But if she was telling the truth, you have your evidence

    • @canbest7668
      @canbest7668 Рік тому

      @@xifangyangren9997 Lot's of options. A liar. Insane. A psychotic episode. An actual god experience.
      Do you believe all religious based claims?

  • @jefflister7890
    @jefflister7890 2 роки тому +1

    Recognize that your actions have implications; forever, what you do rolls along collecting and creating. The new Adam is us being aware and respectful.

  • @MrAustrokiwi
    @MrAustrokiwi 2 роки тому +8

    I have always wondered if Paul's vision was a hallucination caused by Ergotism( vision problems are a known side effect).

    • @davidm1149
      @davidm1149 2 роки тому +1

      Paul experienced a spiritual awakening resulting from encountering (I think) the christed form of Jesus of Nazareth. It's a much more transcendental experience than is related in the scripture. The attainment of the "christ mind" is what every human being is striving for - if it was only a story, it's still very exciting.

    • @cabot100
      @cabot100 2 роки тому +3

      @@davidm1149 That is not in Scripture.

    • @cabot100
      @cabot100 2 роки тому

      You sound like you are simply making things up?
      I suppose that is one way to interpret things.

    • @TankUni
      @TankUni 2 роки тому +1

      @@davidm1149 Or Paul was a religious zealot who saw a chance to lead his own breakaway sect and his mind gave him what he needed.

    • @kevinwhilock1457
      @kevinwhilock1457 2 роки тому

      Which is unbiblical, not what the Bible says, Jesus, as the resurrected Anointed messiah appeared to many people, and could do so today if he wished!

  • @Chandransingham
    @Chandransingham 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks. Always good to hear academics views & reviews. New Jerome Commentary (t&tclark, Feb 2022) also needs to be read to understand what happened there to keep in context.

  • @krishnamurtiism
    @krishnamurtiism 2 роки тому +3

    I get the transformed body bit, but what accounts did the disciples give of the resurrected Jesus? And would they not have wanted to stay loyal to what they saw? Another thing is the empty tomb tradition is old and surely wouldn’t have evolved from a tomb with a body in it. I’m no Christian but naw mate.

  • @xXJonnyJamboXx
    @xXJonnyJamboXx 7 місяців тому +1

    there are many errors in your speculations:
    1. Isaiah 53 doesn't mention that the Messiah will buried in a rich man's tomb, instead of this it says that he will burried with ungodly and evil-doers. So Matthew has no reason to made up the story, it's the oppositve: Matthews story contradicts Isaiah 53 in that case. That makes Matthews account more trustworthy, he has no intensions to match his story with Isaiah 53. the reason why he didn't do it because of living eyewitnesses, who knows Joseph and the apostles and the truth story, that he was indeed in the tomb of a wealthy man. That would be disrespectful to Joseph to say that Jesus was in the tomb with evil people. Joseph was good to Jesus and his apostles, so they they didn't want dishonour him with the argument that Joseph brought him to a tomb where evil people had laid.
    2. the mention that Jesus was burried in an empy tomb where nobody laid before has also theoligical reasons. A dead king came alive after his dead body accidently falling into the tomb of Prophet Elisha and came in contact with his bones. so it was important that Jesus laid in a tomb where never had been laid before, so nobody can come to the conclusion "he resurrected just because they laid his body into the tomb from from a holy or righteous man.."
    3. when Joseph removed his body he is responsible to inform his family and show them the location of the real tomb, because it is god's law that family members must burry their dead family member properly, otherwise the dead person will maybe not find peace in the other world.
    also Joseph and Nicodemus would never alow to spread the resurrection lie, because that is not respectful to the dead person.
    And why should Joseph remove the linen from his body and let the shroud in the tomb? those who came in touch with a dead body got unclean, so they would carry away his body with the linen , so they didn't came in directly contact with his nacked body.

  • @sharonhall2277
    @sharonhall2277 2 роки тому +1

    A tent / Temple represents the body. Clothing represents character and nature that is supposed to be being transformed/ changed as we give in to the righteousness of Jesus.

    • @sharonhall2277
      @sharonhall2277 2 роки тому

      Revelation 3:18 in regards to white garments/raiment/ clothes: 1 Peter 5:5 humility to Spiritual Authority Isaiah 61:3 praise and worship Isaiah 6170 salvation = righteousness and new growth. It represents the way. By the way gold equals the word / wisdom Proverbs 16:16 faith 1st Peter 1:7 obedience 2nd Thessalonians 3:14 righteousness Proverbs 8:19 and 20 instruction Proverbs 8:33 and eyesalve represents the light/ understanding that opens your eyes/ Enlightenment to truth. This means we need vision and focus 2 Corinthians 3:14 1st John 2:11 proverbs 29:18 Ephesians 4:18. Anointing means to see through Christ's eyes- - see what he sees be blind and let him lead. Let him be in charge first and foremost of your thought life.

  • @thepitn1376
    @thepitn1376 Рік тому +1

    The question is about the theory that Paul was the very first to witness Jesus resurrection, if I have understood that correctly. He certainly was NOT the first eye-witness to see the resurrected Jesus. HIS apostles were.
    Jesus appeared to them on the FIRST day he was resurrected and he gave them Holy Spirit personally. John 20v19-24. Jesus appeared to them three times before leaving the earth, and he sent them out as a "Faithful Steward" to finish his work.
    There were at least 10 eye-witnesses to this and Mary whom Jesus spoke to.
    Paul does NOT say he saw Jesus but a bright light that blinded him. Acts 9v1-17. We have only Pauls words NOONE ELSE.
    It has also been said that it was Paul that first mentioned the symbolism of Jesus body as the bread, again, this is not so.
    It was Jesus himself that taught this in JOHN 6v49-59 where he referred himself as the "LIVING BREAD" that represents his body. This was Jesus FIRST PASSOVER. So the breaking of the bread Jesus did at his first Passover, something Jesus did regular.

  • @6enate
    @6enate 2 роки тому +1

    Could the story in Genesis be leaving a clue? Is Paul drawing from the Genesis story when God made a covering for Adam.

  • @spitfirered
    @spitfirered 7 місяців тому

    I Believe That Those Who Saw Jesus Really Wanted The Strong Faith Of Jesus For Them To Be Able To See Him If They Believed In Him!

  • @AlbertIsraeli
    @AlbertIsraeli 8 місяців тому +1

    What’s the difference brethren, what these two, or for that matter, if the whole world doesn’t believe the Gospel preached to us. We do know without a slight doubt, that our Lord and Saviour, Messiah Yeshua, died on the cross (for our sins), according to the Scriptures, was buried and arose from the grave on the third day (for our justification), according to the Scriptures ? Those who deny the Gospel and teach others likewise, let them be unto you “accursed”, unless they repent.

  • @peahummer2360
    @peahummer2360 2 роки тому

    When Paul said the dead in Christ will rise first, the "we who are alive" that are caught up and meet them, are those brought into the wilderness from the 4 corners of the earth in Isaiah 11:11-16, Ezekiel 11:17-21 and Jeremiah 32:37-44 after the 2 day "storm of the LORD", Isaiah 28:2, 28:18-19.
    They will remain there UNTIL, the last day, when their "bodies are changed" and those who dwell in the dust, wake up, as the earth will give birth to her dead. Isaiah 26:19, Ezekiel 37:9-14 and Micah 2:12-13 Time Counselor

  • @carlharmeling512
    @carlharmeling512 2 роки тому +2

    Why is it that Mary Magdalene thought the risen Jesus was the cemetery gardener?

    • @jody6851
      @jody6851 2 роки тому +3

      Because he presented her with a monthly invoice?

    • @notanemoprog
      @notanemoprog 2 роки тому

      He carried a hoe?

    • @davidm1149
      @davidm1149 2 роки тому +1

      He did not allow her to see who he was, same as those on the road to Damascus.

  • @TheLookingOne
    @TheLookingOne Рік тому

    Was resurrection a common motif of Greek theology?
    How likely is it that christian Greeks evolved a bodily resurrection out of: the failure to find a body, followers' post-death visions, and the supernatural ideas of the creator of christianity?

  • @douglasgrant8315
    @douglasgrant8315 2 роки тому

    Can someone please in dummy terms explain to me what Dr. Tabor is saying.
    The way Im taking his primise is that Jesus never physically ressurected but spirirually resurrected.
    Am I right? Did I understand correctly?
    If this so then much is misunderstood today..

    • @timmoleft7147
      @timmoleft7147 2 роки тому +2

      My understanding of the whole thing based on my research is that Supernatural 'entities' can take on a physical form if God allows them to. There are numerous examples in the Bible of Angelic beings appearing in a physical form in order to interact with Humans (I'm thinking of Angels appearing to Abraham, Angels appearing to Lot in Sodom and Jacob literally wrestling with an Angel) and I've listened to testimonies of people who believe in Aliens that have been visited by what they believe to be their 'Guardian Angels' and these Angelic beings have eaten food with them, so I take from all that that Spirit beings can take on a physical form and interact with the physical realm.
      I think that this is exactly what happened to Jesus when he was resurrected - he transformed into a Supernatural 'Angelic' form that was able to present himself as a physical entity when required, and that physical form was able to eat food and also retain his death wounds so that the doubting Apostles could inspect him and verify that he is the same person that had died a few days or weeks before.
      I hope that makes sense - to summarise: Jesus became a Spiritual creature (I presume he went back to being 'The Word') that was able to take on a physical form in order to show that he was no longer 'dead' and had been resurrected.

    • @douglasgrant8315
      @douglasgrant8315 2 роки тому

      @@timmoleft7147 so no physical, dead flesh and blood body resurrection only a spirit being ressurection.. the body is and remains dead but the spirit is given life everlasting. Is this correct?

    • @timmoleft7147
      @timmoleft7147 2 роки тому

      @@douglasgrant8315 Well, if you look at Revelation 21 verse 1 it says that after the 1000 year reign of Christ and once Satan is thrown into the Lake Of Fire that God will reveal a "New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away and there was no longer any Sea". So God has an entirely new realm or plain of existence waiting and ready to go, so exactly what form our bodies are in when we are resurrected from death into that new realm I don't know, but we can presume that we will have a physical form of some sort because in Revelation 22 verse 2 it says that the Tree Of Life will make a reappearance for us to eat from so we can presume that we will be able to eat in our new bodies, just like Jesus was able to eat in his resurrected body.
      It is speculated that before Adam and Eve fell into imperfection their bodies were akin to bodies of light, and that when they fell this 'light' departed from them and they saw themselves in their physical form and realised that they were naked and used leaves to cover themselves. I know all this sounds convoluted but I guess that we will be 'beings of light' that are spiritual but also with a physical element to them. I hope that makes sense.
      Honestly, my view is that this current existence that we are in is a false or fake existence that God began with because he knew that we would ultimately fall into sin and imperfection and we needed to have bodies that would deteriorate and crumble to dust, before we could receive our real bodies after Satan and death had been vanquished. I hope that all makes sense, ask me if you have any more questions. Cheers.

    • @douglasgrant8315
      @douglasgrant8315 2 роки тому +1

      @@timmoleft7147 just a yes or no to my question would be direct and simple..
      Thanks for trying.

  • @jefflister7890
    @jefflister7890 2 роки тому +1

    The meditative experience is coherence detection. The new Adam is the community that will respect the physiology and process of "witness", or coherence detection.

  • @mikewilliams235
    @mikewilliams235 Рік тому

    What about Lazarus or Jairus' daughter? The chief priests wanted to kill Lazarus. If he wasn't a real person then what was he?

  • @CR-yd4qe
    @CR-yd4qe Рік тому

    Am I wrong Or was Paul the only witness to the resurrection?

  • @openedscrolls
    @openedscrolls 2 роки тому +4

    I think the best way to approach these mysteries can be found in the peripherals of Biblical culture. Ie: Jewish mysticism that Jewish elite inject into an original faith, yielding a more mystical Britchadasha (so called new testament) culture. Ie: Spirit (Ruwach in Hebrew) can also mean, and I would argue - what the Prophets - including Messiah defended, an 'expression of a rational being'. Yet even our most respected minds still define 'these words in a peripheral mindset, a 'ghost' or 'energy'. The word 'soul', is another example, (nephesh: life, mind) of who? one might ask? of the prophets, including YH'shua. I'm grateful to Dr. Tabor and the host here for their life pursuits of truth. In many ways that we may back out the periphery and get back to core tenants of our faith letting the true Biblical narrative come alive using etymology, history, culture, archaeology, etc.. in essence seeking that we may find, an intended Biblical narrative. Or closer to same. Thanks for putting yourselves out there! Thank you Dr, Tabor!

    • @iCupTV247
      @iCupTV247 4 місяці тому

      Christianity is a mystery religion full of pagan themes and symbolism, not the least of which is hell, (Hades), a product of Hellenization. Jews don't believe in hellfire and brimstone, their concept of the afterlife is more like purgatory

  • @Archetype73
    @Archetype73 9 місяців тому +2

    I STRONGLY urge you to read the Research conducted by Giuseppe Maria Catalano on the Shroud of Turin. He is with the International Institute for Advanced Studies of Space Representation Sciences in Palermo Sicily. Quite possibly the most fascinating research ever conducted image wise on the Shroud.

  • @christopherzell277
    @christopherzell277 2 роки тому +3

    Doesn't really answer the question, at least in terms of the claim of large numbers who saw him.

    • @amandadassonville4043
      @amandadassonville4043 Рік тому

      People claim lots of things, still do to this day. Do you believe it? I am a let me see it, let me taste it, let me feel it person and maybe that is why I haven't been scammed yet. 🐝

    • @christopherzell277
      @christopherzell277 Рік тому

      @@amandadassonville4043 All that is OK but I have yet to read any clear explanation of the matter. The Passover Plot attempted to do so but was not credible in the least. The puzzle remains.

  • @TheWhyIsThatSo
    @TheWhyIsThatSo Рік тому +1

    LOL.......the scripture where Jesus says, " the time is coming when all who are in their graves will
    hear the voice of the son of man, and come out...." is metaphorical, as almost ALL of prophetic
    scripture is.
    The "grave" or "tomb" in this verse is our "flesh".....or "this body of death" ( Romans 7:24 )
    The "flesh" in scripture is a metaphor for the "carnal mind" that causes us to sin . ( Romans 8:6 )
    To "hear His voice" means to "understand His Word" , which is "Spirit" and "Life" . ( John 6:63 )
    We are spiritually "dead" in this flesh if our carnal mind is leading and controlling us. (Luke 9:60 )
    We are "resurrected from death" when we "change our MINDS" ( repent ) and believe and live
    as Jesus taught and lived. ( Colossians 2:12 )
    Then we are just waiting for our new "bodies". ( 1 Corinthains 15:44 )

  • @jsgehrke
    @jsgehrke Рік тому +4

    This is the most depressing stuff I’ve ever heard in my life. I can’t believe people devote the years of their precious life to debunking the hope of the resurrection.

    • @nonyadamnbusiness9887
      @nonyadamnbusiness9887 Рік тому +2

      I hope you realize that they do it because of the way the faithful are manipulated and used. Jesus has been used continuously since the time of Paul to fleece people.

    • @jsgehrke
      @jsgehrke Рік тому

      No, I actually believe Dr Tabor would like to believe the whole thing. The milieu he operates in is steeped in scientism, which is actually a cult of denial predicated on human authority and enforced by social and economic sanctions that make faith a choice between prosperity and independent thought. @@nonyadamnbusiness9887

  • @genocanabicea5779
    @genocanabicea5779 2 роки тому +5

    Lazarus rose from the dead in his original body

    • @slik00silk84
      @slik00silk84 Рік тому


    • @gregkimveihdeffer4656
      @gregkimveihdeffer4656 Рік тому

      Near death experience

    • @genocanabicea5779
      @genocanabicea5779 Рік тому +1

      @@gregkimveihdeffer4656 we were not there to know the facts but as the story goes he was dead 3 days.

    • @iCupTV247
      @iCupTV247 4 місяці тому

      "But Lord, he stinketh."

  • @orirjokullorsteinsson5250
    @orirjokullorsteinsson5250 Рік тому

    The course of events presented by John and the teaching that came to be accepted as true doctrine has this resurrection-interval between the death/burial of Jesus and his ascension to the father. I have always understood the appearance of Jesus to Paul at Damascus as that of the ascended one and absulutely not the risen one fresh from grave. John makes Jesus say to Mary Magdalene at the tomb: “Do not touch me (cling to me) for I have not yet ascended to my Father.” Then he tells her to report what has happened to his “brethren” and that his ascension is imminent! This resurrection interval between death/burial - and the ascension together with the other appearances of Jesus has in a way been the explanation for the different mode by which Jesus revealed himself to Paul compared to others immidiately after the empty tomb discovery. Was there a difference between the risen Christ and the ascended Christ in the minds of those clinging to him?

  • @BobSmith-lb9nc
    @BobSmith-lb9nc Рік тому

    Tabor is speaking in consideration of only the most narrow aspect: How does he explain the LORD and two angels showing up at Mamre (Gen 18), and having a meal with Abraham? Transformation or apotheosis would certainly include the tabernacle of flesh (of Paul) raised incorruptible, who could eat a meal with his disciples. There is of course no way to prove any such claims, but speaking of a "resurrected corpse" is in no way actually a different assertion from the Pauline transformation.

  • @jakeaurod
    @jakeaurod 2 роки тому +5

    Why not both? If he was divine, why not appear in the flesh to some and as a vision to others. Maybe the body does turn to dust as he mentioned in this video, and that could explain the cloud they saw around him at his ascension, a cloud of his own dust.
    My own experience colors my thoughts on the matter. Three years ago I was tired of life and asked the Almighty to take me home, or show me a sign, or send the messiah. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes... When I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital. They told me that I had had a heart attack and cardiac arrest and 40 minutes of CPR and had spent the last couple days in a coma. I looked at the calendar and did the math. I had died and risen on the third day. I could hear that comedian in the back of my head saying, "here's your sign!" The day I awoke was also Halloween, the day when the veil between life and death is claimed to be thinnest. I had been thinking about archeoastronomy (quarter and cross-quarter days) and Genesis in the days and months leading up to this and thought that might be an interesting coincidence. I had also been looking at constellations and Genesis and so I looked up the constellation at the zenith when I died. It was Cygnus, the Swan, within which is contained the smaller asterism known as the Northern Cross. So, apparently I died and came back under the sign of the Cross. 🤷‍♂
    Anyway, I started wondering if Jesus could have been in a coma instead of fully dead, and then woke up a couple hours after they had taken him down from the cross, after they had closed the tomb. I don't know if it would necessarily change the story or the theology. But, I've heard some skeptics talk about resurrection not being physically plausible, and I have to point out that it does and can happen, because it happened to me.

    • @rogerandjoan4329
      @rogerandjoan4329 2 роки тому

      You weren’t dead.

    • @kevinwhilock1457
      @kevinwhilock1457 2 роки тому

      The Pharisees were experts in the Jewish Scriptures but knew nothing, it was all useless head knowledge!

    • @rogerandjoan4329
      @rogerandjoan4329 2 роки тому

      @@kevinwhilock1457 That wasn’t their problem. When I read about the interactions they had with Jesus, it’s clear that Jesus did not believe that “following custom “ or the “rules” was the point of the tanakh. I think Jesus had a very liberal understanding of the Old Testament and that didn’t sit well with the Pharisees and Sadducees.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 2 роки тому

      After Jesus' return to heaven, God bestows immortality on Jesus. Jesus would never be seen by humans again.. Paul stated this fact at 1 Timothy 6:16.
      The appearances of Jesus after his resurrection were prior to his return to heaven.
      As an angelic son of God Jesus had to take on various human forms to be seen.
      Mark 16:12 King James Version
      12 After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Рік тому

      Jesus resurrected Friday from off the cross. Sunday morning Jesus rose/QUICKENED back to life. One who has been quickened is cured of all diseases and ailments, some think even stops aging. Jesus would have appeared more youthful and vibrant from his quickening, and that is why one wouldn't recognize him off the bat.

  • @jefflister7890
    @jefflister7890 2 роки тому +4

    I was gonna be an atheist and go on atheist rants, to help progress and have some fun. I figured I should have a look first, to make sure there was nothing I would offend. Well, after some 13 years I had a week long meditative experience! I was inside the Trojan horse, buried under Roman cobblestones; lots of stuff, for seven days! I find it curious that Judas allegedly had "seven days of secret sayings" and Judas "Didymous Thomas" started the Mar Thoma Church in India around 54 CE. To take the NT as any kind of history is a big mistake: Ralph Ellis found Barabbas; Christ is the meditative experience. The NT is so much political pacification with the truth hidden inside.

    • @jefflister7890
      @jefflister7890 2 роки тому

      @MuMuWu Not so; it demonstrates that an experience like that can last seven days. Did you know that a meditative experience can last one full week? I didn't; now I do. So, trivialize as you like. I'll do likewise.

    • @jefflister7890
      @jefflister7890 2 роки тому

      @MuMuWu Hopefully you'll get over you problem soon. One week, in 60+ years, on and off like a tap; it was physiologically sound.

    • @jefflister7890
      @jefflister7890 2 роки тому

      @MuMuWu Believe what you like. It's been suggested that you live by what you believe to be true; I try to do likewise.

    • @Reinhard_Schneider
      @Reinhard_Schneider Рік тому

      Seems like you where hallucinating bro.

    • @dadedowuh
      @dadedowuh Рік тому

      @MuMuWu you make that obvious

  • @salama510
    @salama510 2 роки тому +3

    11:05 great commentary and insight by Paul Williams

    • @E.K.2424
      @E.K.2424 Рік тому

      Psa 25:14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.

  • @geralddyer8934
    @geralddyer8934 12 днів тому +1

    Everybody raises from the dead, big deal, the soul leaves the body upon physical death.

  • @elizabeth_777
    @elizabeth_777 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you, gentlemen. Your information is fascinating . I just enjoy intellectual stimulation of this sort, and you are masters at tickling my brain.

  • @emoran5875
    @emoran5875 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you…

  • @7Truth7Wins7
    @7Truth7Wins7 Рік тому +3

    These 2 so-called "Professors" are just like Nicodemus after Jesus tried to explain "Spiritual" things to him and answered with, "How can these things be ??", and Jesus responded with, "Are you a Teacher of Israel and you don't know these things ??". Which was a nice way of Jesus telling Nicodemus that he was in the wrong profession !!
    The English "professor" said that he thought it was "suspicious" that Jesus only appeared to His Disciples and those close to Him but NOT the Pharisee's or anyone else.
    I thought these "professors" were supposed to know the Bible ??
    Jesus clearly tells us why He only reveals Himself to those close to Him...
    "Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, “Lord, how is it that You will MANIFEST YOURSELF TO US, and NOT TO THE WORLD ?”
    Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. HE WHO DOES NOT LOVE ME, DOES NOT KEEP MY WORDS; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me." (John 14:22-24)
    The Literal Resurrection of Jesus Christ was BOTH PHYSICAL / SPIRITUAL, GLORIFIED BODY, it was BOTH, and that is exactly how Believer's in Jesus will be resurrected.
    Jesus had His SAME BODY, (because He still had the nail prints and gash in His side), YET IT WAS GLORIFIED and different.
    In other words, Jesus still had His BONES that He had before He died, but they were NEW and GLORIFIED.

    • @Aliali-vc3pk
      @Aliali-vc3pk 10 місяців тому +1

      Stop this bullshit 😅

  • @TheXaminedLife
    @TheXaminedLife 2 роки тому +1

    I think (IMHO) of the resurrection of Jesus as "the church." The church is "the body of Christ." He is where ever "two or more are gathered in His name." So the resurrected Jesus is those who continue to follow his teachings - not a flesh and blood resuscitated human body.

  • @decentlyandinorder
    @decentlyandinorder 12 днів тому

    Dr Tabor said . "He doesn't need that tent in heaven." Where exactly in the Bible. does it state that heaven is the reward of the saved - the eternal home of saved mankind? True, the old hymns may gush about mankind winding up in heaven, but I don't need an expert reading things into the Bible verses that are not there. I could do that myself.

  • @pharaohcaesar
    @pharaohcaesar 7 місяців тому

    Very imaginative.

  • @thuscomeguerriero
    @thuscomeguerriero Рік тому

    If Resurrection is Apotheosis..
    ...if it isnt the return of life to the same body that was dead..
    where did the Gospels get the idea that Jesus' dead body was made alive again in the first place?
    Tabor says "It developed".
    Well...why??? Why would there be a development if Paul's idea was simply Apotheosis?
    Clearly resurrection CAN, (and probably does) mean there is a 1 to 1 correspondence between the body that dies, and is raised to life.
    Nothing in Paul precludes the idea that he believed the body that was buried is the self-same that was raised.
    If I'm me where
    Also, doesnt the resurrection of Lazarus prove the concept that the body which has died is the same which is made alive again?

  • @xifangyangren9997
    @xifangyangren9997 5 місяців тому

    Christ got transformed and resurrected at Bible Hill. What was left of his dust got put in East Talpiot.

  • @tazz6328
    @tazz6328 Рік тому

    What constitutes life I mean ther has to be a measurement and ther is its in Gen and Ezekiel 37.

  • @royalcreations3970
    @royalcreations3970 Рік тому

    According to the traditional view from the Near East the resurrection was spiritual, not physical.

  • @pamcatello9136
    @pamcatello9136 Рік тому +2

    Mary of magdala was the first to see the resurrected tabor fills in the scriptures with his own opinion. And to his advantage in saling books

  • @notanemoprog
    @notanemoprog 2 роки тому

    Oh this is going to be LIT

    • @notanemoprog
      @notanemoprog 2 роки тому

      Oh yeah this is from the BloggingTheology talk, very much worth seeing all of it!

  • @ericmathena
    @ericmathena 2 роки тому +4

    What really happened was some people thought up some bullshit and then, because people are stupid, made everyone else believe it.

    • @amandadassonville4043
      @amandadassonville4043 Рік тому

      It still happens today. People are so gullible. 🐝 So many scams so may gullibles. 🐝

  • @edvaneckert2348
    @edvaneckert2348 2 роки тому +2

    Fascinating! Well there is the story that Jesus survived since he was in India for a long time and had Yogi medidation skills that made him able to surviive. There is a footprint of his in Srinagar /Kaschmir of him... haha... i like the story. Obviousely something must have happened after he was brought to his tomb... or his body was taken by his disciples? An enigma forever!

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 2 роки тому

      There is a mission to downplay Jesus's resurrection.
      The Muslims believe that he didn't even die.
      There are some Buddhists that believe that Jesus went to India and was taught by the Buddha.
      Various stories which in fact go to show that Jesus was someone special.
      Jesus' body like that of Moses' was disposed off by God. That is why only the wrappings were found.

    • @trilithon108
      @trilithon108 2 роки тому

      @@tongakhan230 The Bhudda story could be a far stretch as Bhudda was born 500 years earlier.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 2 роки тому +2

      @@trilithon108 : It just goes to show to what lengths people will go to stop Jesus being resurrected.

  • @thuscomeguerriero
    @thuscomeguerriero Рік тому +3

    Tabor has a bad blind spot on this resurrection topic.
    The young man in the tomb from Mark's gospel says to the woman "You seek Jesus. He is not here. He is risen".
    Anyone with half a brain can see that Mark's gospel defines resurrection as the body that was dead is made alive again.
    ..and that's Mark.. the earliest gospel. Seriously..what is Tabor talking about?

    • @MrZORROish
      @MrZORROish Рік тому +1

      Paul is very clear - if there was no resurrection of Jesus then we are all deluded. I find it funny that so many want to deny the resurrection yet make a living out of this field of academia. If it's all not true why not make a career out of something they can believe in? Could it be that there is a nice income to be made pretending to honour Christ (in some kind of self-defined way) while drip-feeding controversial, daring, novel theories that help the income stream. I'd respect, even though I disagree with, the Tabors and Ehrmans of this world more if they said, "I've proved to my satisfaction that Jesus is not God or rose from the dead, His death does nothing for our sins - I'm now going to do something more useful for mankind.

    • @secretgoldfish931
      @secretgoldfish931 Рік тому +1

      @@MrZORROish A lot of former believers, like me, remain fascinated with how this religion could have started and then spread.
      If the likes of Tabor & Ehrman did as you suggest, then people like me would never have access to their knowledge and would never have the opportunity for ideas to be challenged and minds changed.
      You’d rather deny people the opportunity to be presented with different ideas and allow them to make their own minds up?

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Рік тому

      Jesus resurrected Friday from off the cross. Sunday morning Jesus rose/QUICKENED back to life. One who has been quickened is cured of all diseases and ailments, some think even stops aging. Jesus would have appeared more youthful and vibrant from his quickening, and that is why one wouldn't recognize him off the bat.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Рік тому

      A resurrection is defined as one who returns to exist as an 'angel of God in heaven.' - Life is defined as existing with God in Heaven "for God is not a God of the dead but of the living, for all live unto him". ... From the point of view of the Host of Heaven, it is we that are the dead, "Why seek ye the living from among the dead" "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt SURELY DIE.

    • @CRoadwarrior
      @CRoadwarrior Рік тому +2

      Exactly. These people come up with ludacris theories and inane ideas that are found nowhere in the Bible, and then try to claim "that's what Paul said" or "meant." Nonsense. Pure and utter. I don't take the claims of people like Tabor seriously. They do eisegesis and speculative, subjective interpretation, ignoring the plain meaning of the text.

  • @apotropoxyz6685
    @apotropoxyz6685 10 місяців тому +1

    Applying Occam's Razor: 1. Jesus was caught preaching to a crowd in Jerusalem that he was the king of Israel. And he preached it just before Passover, the most politically fraught moment in the Hebrew calendar. 2. He was grabbed immediately and executed the next day. 3. His body, just like everyone else who had claimed to have been the "messiah", was left up on the cross to waste away, thereby serving as a powerful reminder that Rome took insurrection seriously. 4. The body was eventually brought down and tossed into the same mass grave that everyone else who did what Jesus had done. 5. Jesus believers, in their grief, began to hear rumors about him being seen alive. This led to the assumption that, since Yahweh had brought Jesus back to life, he must have been the messiah after all.

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant2 2 роки тому

    This video has convinced me that a god exists.
    When I've figured out which god that is, I will set my alarm clock to wake me early on Sunday.
    Or Saturday, or Friday depending on which god. Then I will give him or her some money.

  • @dakrontu
    @dakrontu 2 роки тому +1

    Had a vision or made it up. Visions are curiously convenient. Like Joseph's vision that (preposterously to anyone who has heard of DNA) God was Jesus's dad, saving Mary from ridicule, saving her reputation, and possibly saving her life. So he was kind of motivated, wasn't he! Why do we take seriously any of these folks, when we would be deeply suspicious of the same thing from anyone today, ie of anyone claiming 'convenient' visions?

  • @jody6851
    @jody6851 2 роки тому +2

    Not included in Acts is the comment from Mary Magdalene to Paul reminding him not to eat any strange mushrooms he finds along the way to Damascus.

  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley Рік тому

    Only in Jesus Land
    where all your imaginings are true.

  • @geoattoronto
    @geoattoronto Рік тому

    Paul sees Jesus in a vision - hardly a meeting in with the resurrected Jesus in his resurrection body. Be aware that the resurrection can be interpreted as Jesus in his physical earthy body same as before his death or as his spirit appearing in a materialized form. The mistake is to think of it as resurrected corpses. The spirit ALWAYS leaves the body at death for EVERYONE. So we all resurrect. However Jesus can dematerialize his physical body and can temporariliaze his spirit.

  • @moesypittounikos
    @moesypittounikos 2 роки тому +2

    Build a time machine and we can go and look.

    • @ronashman8463
      @ronashman8463 Рік тому

      No point. Tabor and Singer already have. How else do they know so much 😏?

  • @platzhirsch4275
    @platzhirsch4275 Рік тому +2

    Everyone believes what he wants to and listens to whatever pleases his soul... the good thing is one day every knee shall bow and confess Jesus is Lord. Every knee. Also YOU!!!!!!! AMEN.

    • @iCupTV247
      @iCupTV247 4 місяці тому

      “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."

  • @TankUni
    @TankUni 2 роки тому +1

    Tabor seems to put a fair amount of stock in the Gospels. To me, they seem to be conglomerations of transmitted stories mixed with heavy doses of mythological embellishment.
    But our dependence on them as historical sources, generates an expectation that something unusual must have happened. I don't think something unusual necessarily must have occurred at all - beyond a small cult of personality losing their leader unexpectedly and rationalizing his future return.

    • @Cor6196
      @Cor6196 2 роки тому +2

      To me, it helps to think of the gospels we have (and the dozens that didn’t make the canonical cut) as the results of decades of fan fiction developing around the core story and being assembled, edited, and polished in the decades towards the end of the first century. And all of this does indeed take place in the middle of an extraordinary mythological stew - Middle Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, Roman.

    • @kevinwhilock1457
      @kevinwhilock1457 2 роки тому +1

      The form of mythology you describe would not have transformed the known world, it would have disappeared into nothingness! This argument is examined by one of the Pharisees in Acts 5:34 to 39: "But a Pharisee in the council named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law held in honor by all the people, stood up and gave orders to put the men outside for a little while. 35And he said to them, “Men of Israel, take care what you are about to do with these men. 36For before these days Theudas rose up, claiming to be somebody, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him. He was killed, and all who followed him were dispersed and came to nothing. 37After him Judas the Galilean rose up in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him. He too perished, and all who followed him were scattered. 38So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; 39but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!” So they took his advice"

    • @Cor6196
      @Cor6196 2 роки тому

      @@kevinwhilock1457 Hi Kevin - I’m not able to join you in your faith or in treating the New Testament as a source of historical truth unfiltered by decades of human reflection and imaginative reinterpretation. A just-posted video on how the human brain adapts to a crushing turn of events like the execution of Jesus will tell you way better than I can how the followers of Jesus and their first-century converts (just like more modern apocalyptic cults) resolved the contradictions between their expectations and the real events that kept disappointing them:
      For me, this gentleman explains a lot (I even wrote a comment about how I think the same analysis can be applied to Evangelical apocalyptic expectations/disappointments re Donald Trump).
      You and I have such a different experience of religious belief, however, that I don’t think there’s any point arguing. I truly wish you well and hope that this religious season brings you joy.

    • @TankUni
      @TankUni 2 роки тому +2

      @@kevinwhilock1457 Theudas and Judas the Galilean led armed revolts which were crushed by the Roman authorities.
      In contrast, it seems that once Jesus had been executed, Pilate apparently did not pursue Jesus's followers in any serious way.
      I would say this was probably because in Pilate's view it was just a minor oddball group; a problem for which executing the leader was sufficient solution. And likely Pilate had other issues more pressing at the time, such as keeping the peace in Jeruselem during Passover.
      So the sect survived, until Paul arrived, convinced James that gentiles didn't need to follow Jewish Law to become Christians, effectively allowing Paul to start spreading the religion into the Roman population.
      If Pilate had been more assiduous in pursuing Jesus' followers or Paul had failed to gain a dispensation regards Christian Gentiles, I doubt Christianity would be anything more today than a historical footnote.

    • @davidm1149
      @davidm1149 2 роки тому

      The bible was never meant to be considered a source of historical accuracy or record. It contains profound spiritual truths for those who can find them. I admit it takes a fair amount of understanding or spiritual insight to see them. Most don't due to a literal interpretation. Neville Goddard is a wonderful source of the secrets hidden in the scriptures, I'd also suggest Manly P Hall for truly understanding the metaphors and symbols in the Bible (I don't know what is meant by "Torah")

  • @biblestudent4726
    @biblestudent4726 2 роки тому

    Here we run into a problem with spiritualizing his resurrection as Professor Tabor does, this flies in the face of orthodox belief in the incarnation of Christ as both spirit and body. This spiritualization of the incarnation is typical of Calvin and his descendant theologians. Calvin taught that the person of the Logos, the second person of the Trinity, was of such an "immeasurable essence" that He could not be restricted to the human nature of Christ. With Professor Tabor we see nothing new here. Same old same old, wrapped in new clothes. I wonder what Professor Tabor believes about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Welcome to Zwingli world.

    • @isaaclosh8082
      @isaaclosh8082 2 роки тому

      There is zero presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

    • @biblestudent4726
      @biblestudent4726 2 роки тому +1

      @@isaaclosh8082 Isaac, the historical church from the time of Justin Martyr, on are witness against you. It wasn't till Zwingli and John Kelvin started questioning it. But your entitled to your opinion.

  • @zyxmyk
    @zyxmyk Рік тому

    you know, the native American prophet Wovoka was taken up to heaven, too. there his dead ancestors told him what was about to happen, god would intervene on earth within three years. some of what he was told he had to keep secret, as it turns out, because it would make the white people too angry. likewise, Paul said some things he couldn't reveal--my guess based on these parallels is that what he had been told would have made the Romans angry.
    i think the parallel between the native american prophets and jesus and john the baptist are closest we'll ever get to understanding how this all got started. the people back then weren't any more evolved than the native Americans of the 1800's.

  • @media-rn6zc
    @media-rn6zc Рік тому

    What gives you the reason to believe that Jesus was the son of God and the Christian God is the only one??

  • @numbernine8571
    @numbernine8571 Рік тому

    3:00 skip to 3 min to avoid listening to the interviewer ask a question for 3 mins

  • @Darisiabgal7573
    @Darisiabgal7573 2 роки тому

    If the later gospels are embellished, and if the testamonium flavium is interpolated why cannot the epistle of James also be interpolated. Is there any reason to believe that Yacov the just could write, let alone greek. There is no "James" movement with for to preserve his writings.
    In the story of inanna's descent into the underworld she has to go through seven gates. At each gate she should remove one article of clothing by the time she gets to the seventh gate, she has removed the last item and she is dead, hung on a hook like some kill. So the idea that death is a kind of garment removal is old school.

  • @JamesSundarajoo
    @JamesSundarajoo Рік тому

    nobody took the tourists trails..

  • @kevinwhilock1457
    @kevinwhilock1457 2 роки тому +1

    You are mistaken, the Roman soldiers witnessed the resurrection, they were paid to shut up, and the question #Why not, is not relevant to the argument, as many others may have seen it, it's just not recorded! To call the miracle of resurrections a #zombi apocalypse is just plain wrong!

  • @orsonzedd
    @orsonzedd 2 роки тому +2

    He stayed really super dead

  • @PC-vg8vn
    @PC-vg8vn 2 роки тому +3

    He is risen!

    • @Isaac5123
      @Isaac5123 2 роки тому

      Lol 😂

    • @PC-vg8vn
      @PC-vg8vn 2 роки тому

      @Pico Jebus Nope. Jewish authorities insisted even criminals were buried, not left hanging on crosses. Even Josephus testifies to that. And youre confusing magic with reality.

    • @PC-vg8vn
      @PC-vg8vn 2 роки тому

      @Pico Jebus Where did I say the Pharisees crucified Jesus? Bizarre statement. The Romans crucified Him, at the behest of the Jewish authorities. And you hang on a cross from the nails in your hands/wrists and feet.

    • @PC-vg8vn
      @PC-vg8vn 2 роки тому

      @Pico Jebus When your assertions are negated, you resort to name calling. Speaks volumes about you.

    • @sirrevzalot
      @sirrevzalot Рік тому

      So is Osiris, Romulus, and others. So what?

  • @banba317
    @banba317 2 роки тому +3

    First off, all the tomb talk is probably nonsense; the Romans didn't grant 'favors' to the followers of executed criminals by allowing them to remove their bodies from crosses and second, the tomb is allegedly loaned by a 'rich guy' names Joseph of Arimathea; which a made up name! There is no place in antiquity called Arimathea! The entire story reeks of fabrication.

    • @babisbabinos8075
      @babisbabinos8075 3 місяці тому

      But Jesus wasn't a criminal. He was innocent. The Jews didn't care about his burial. They cared about his death.

    • @banba317
      @banba317 3 місяці тому

      @@babisbabinos8075 Jesus and his followers were Jews. Burial is extremely important under Jewish Law; it must take place within 24 hours of death. His followers would have cared a great deal about his burial. That is the reason crucifixion was was so ignominious to them. The bodies of crucified persons were left to rot and be devoured by vultures and vermin. It was the ultimate humiliation and pure intimidation. Under Roman Law, by claiming to be 'King Of The Jews,' he was a criminal. If you know anything about Mr. Tabor's research, you'd know he has put together a highly credible argument for the case of a real Messianic Jesus, who was a MAN, not a god and who led a 'political' movement. The Messiah in Jewish scripture is NOT a god, he is an earthly king; a literal king. Furthermore if he attacked the 'Money Changers' in the Temple Courtyard as alleged, he would also be a criminal under Jewish Law. And If, as alleged he claimed to have forgiven someone's sins, that would also have been a crime under Jewish Law. So, he wasn't innocent, he wasn't a god, and he certainly didn't rise from the dead.

  • @phillipgolden2180
    @phillipgolden2180 Рік тому +4

    I don't know how you can skip the Shroud of Turin. That piece of cloth is absolutely astonishing. It cannot be explained in a naturalistic way and it sure matches what I would think of as the resurrection. To me that is the strongest evidence of all.

    • @slik00silk84
      @slik00silk84 Рік тому +2

      Suggest you do more research then on that item.

    • @phillipgolden2180
      @phillipgolden2180 Рік тому +2

      @@slik00silk84 The more I look into the subject the more astonished I become. If you are suggesting that the carbon dating of the shroud is from the middle ages, that seems like a pretty feeble argument. If there are other indications that the shroud is a fake then I would like to see those arguments.
      I would like someone to state how exactly the shroud was made. From what have seen, so one has any idea how it was made. The most plausible idea is that a massive burst of light came from a body that had recently been crucified.

    • @canbest7668
      @canbest7668 Рік тому +2

      Because it has been debunked.

    • @slik00silk84
      @slik00silk84 Рік тому +1

      @@phillipgolden2180 The most plausible idea?? You have seen other examples of this occurring? What the hell makes it plausible? Your wishful thinking? The same wishful thinking you also use for religion?

    • @phillipgolden2180
      @phillipgolden2180 Рік тому +1

      @@slik00silk84 The shroud itself is not plausible. No one can explain how it was made. How did it get there. There is not explanation.

  • @michelhaineault6654
    @michelhaineault6654 3 місяці тому

    I believe Jesus resurrect from the dead as Lazarus did , il was a bodily resurrection and he was eating and drinking but it's only later when he disappear in the clouds that he was transform into is eternal state.

  • @josephturner7569
    @josephturner7569 2 роки тому

    Eleusinian OOBE/NDE. And, a bit of storytelling.

  • @peahummer2360
    @peahummer2360 2 роки тому +1

    Don't let anyone tell you the resurrection IS NOT in the Torah or Tanach.
    Read Genesis 49:8-10 a couple of times.
    He is the 'son of Judah, that lions whelp' who escaped the prey at the cross! He is the one GONE UP.
    He also comes forth "to Me", aka YHVH as the one to be ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from old, from everlasting!
    Therefore, he SHALL GIVE THEM UP (he has for 1989 years) UNTIL she who is in labor has given birth.
    Then the remnant of his brethren shall return to the children of Israel and HE SHALL STAND and feed them in the strength and majesty of the Name of the LORD, his God.
    Peace and blessings, Time Counselor

  • @davidseverance5077
    @davidseverance5077 2 роки тому +1

    What?! You people still don't know? 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @petersteel1542
    @petersteel1542 2 роки тому +1

    Was Paul on magic mushrooms?

    • @fieldsleeper
      @fieldsleeper 2 роки тому

      Was John on magic mushrooms?

    • @kevinwhilock1457
      @kevinwhilock1457 2 роки тому

      What a load of rubbish!!

    • @kevinwhilock1457
      @kevinwhilock1457 2 роки тому +1

      @@fieldsleeper beware lest you fall into the hands of the living God!

    • @gregwhitmer2513
      @gregwhitmer2513 2 роки тому

      No , and anyone who considers that has never eaten magic mushrooms. It's just not like that.

    • @amandadassonville4043
      @amandadassonville4043 Рік тому

      I reckon that would explain it. 🐝

  • @jamesstephenemery2681
    @jamesstephenemery2681 2 роки тому +2

    Shroud of Turin is a itemized receipt for the Resurrection, Paid in full !

    • @rogerandjoan4329
      @rogerandjoan4329 2 роки тому +2

      Too bad it’s from the 13th century.

    • @rogerandjoan4329
      @rogerandjoan4329 2 роки тому +1

      Too bad it’s from the 13th century.

    • @notanemoprog
      @notanemoprog 2 роки тому +2

      @@rogerandjoan4329 You can certainly say that again!

    • @The3Stooges
      @The3Stooges 2 роки тому +2

      @@rogerandjoan4329 Actually, it turns out those who cut away the piece of the cloth for carbon dating took it from an area of the shroud that has now been shown to have been a repaired portion where a more recent fabric had been added/woven into the shroud, thus corrupting the possibility for an accurate carbon dating result.

    • @rogerandjoan4329
      @rogerandjoan4329 2 роки тому +1

      @@The3Stooges Actually, I know that story and it isn’t true. And, even if it were, you still have no proof. Moreover, the person depicted has bizarre proportions.

  • @lawyerlib
    @lawyerlib 2 роки тому +2

    Paul did not have an encounter with Jesus because Jesus made it clear that the next time he returned, the heavens would part and he will return in the clouds. Jesus also warns not to be deceived by anyone who performs miracles and wonders. Paul does not teach the same gospel as Jesus taught. The Evangelical church is caught in the Pauline deception. Yehusha rose from the dead and is sitting at the right hand of Yahuah.

    • @drey3948
      @drey3948 2 роки тому +1

      What gospel did paul taught?

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Рік тому

      I reject Paul also - and that quote that Jesus won't return again until.. is a good one. Paul lied about being met by Jesus' spirit.

  • @succulentsfun
    @succulentsfun Рік тому

    Poor souls

  • @tongakhan230
    @tongakhan230 2 роки тому +1

    Paul never actually met Jesus. He encountered the resurrected Jesus.
    Paul himself stated that Jesus will never be seen again by humans (1 Timothy 6:16).
    Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, he, now back to being an angel, took on various human forms to be seen.
    Once back in heaven God bestows immortality on Jesus and appoints him to a superior position (Philippians 2:9).
    Jesus' various human form appearances after his resurrection by God were literally seen prior to his return to heaven. Paul wasn't privy to these physical appearances.
    1 Corinthians 15:3 For among the first things I handed on to you was what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; 4 and that he was buried, yes, that he was raised up on the third day according to the Scriptures; 5 and that he appeared to Ceʹphas, and then to the Twelve. 6 After that he appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time, most of whom are still with us, though some have fallen asleep in death.

    • @isaaclosh8082
      @isaaclosh8082 2 роки тому

      Nothing more than a literary device. Leaders of false religions are only seen by their followers, which is indication it’s made up. If Jesus wanted to prove his resurrection he would have gone to the the Pharisees or any other group of people who would have independently verified. The accounts of people seeing Jesus after his resurrection are not credible or believable. It’s mythology.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 2 роки тому +1

      @@isaaclosh8082 : Why not read the account. Speculating and assuming is neither here nor there.
      The Religious leaders knew that Jesus had been resurrected.
      Matthew 28:11 While they were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests all the things that had happened. 12 And after these had gathered with the elders and had consulted together, they gave a considerable number of silver pieces to the soldiers 13 and said: “SAY, ‘HIS DISCIPLES CAME IN THE NIGHT AND STOLE HIM WHILE WE WERE SLEEPING.’ 14 And if this gets to the governor’s ears, we will explain the matter to him and you will not need to worry.” 15 So THEY TOOK THE SILVER PIECES AND DID AS THEY WERE INSTRUCTED, and this story has been spread abroad among the Jews up to this very day.
      (It is what is called a cover-up conspiracy)
      Jesus had made clear earlier that his resurrection from the dead would not budge the stubborn Religious leaders from they stance and hold on power.
      Luke 16:31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead.’”
      That Jesus would be rejected by the Religious leaders was prophesied.
      Psalms 118:22 The stone that the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone.
      Peter speaking to the Jews said:
      Acts 2:32 God resurrected this Jesus, and of this we are all WITNESSES.
      Jesus being resurrected cannot be a myth because he is alive and actively gathering God's worshipers together before the end of this wicked system (Micah 4:1-5).

    • @amandadassonville4043
      @amandadassonville4043 Рік тому

      Or made it up. Who's to say. It's all he says she says. 🐝

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 Рік тому

      @@amandadassonville4043 : Made up stories by one individual or by many. Why would they risk their lives for a scam which they would know they made up?

  • @dannyinaus
    @dannyinaus Рік тому

    A lot of people absolutely, positively saw Elvis weeks after he died on the toilet. But we didn't make a religion out of it.

  • @pamcatello9136
    @pamcatello9136 Рік тому +1

    Tabor. They were weeping because they loved and missed him don't fill in the blanks your wrong

  • @jdaze1
    @jdaze1 2 роки тому

    Jesus was resurrected in the garden of gasthemene when he died to his own will. It had nothing to do with anyone's physical body dying. Its the carnal flesh that must die. The old man. So the new man can arise. The new creation. That happens in this life not the next life. The 2nd death has no power over a believer because we've already been raised from death. We never die if we have already died to Self. Same as it was for Jesus, Romans 1:3-4. Rev. 21:7.

  • @TheWayOfRespectAndKindness
    @TheWayOfRespectAndKindness 2 роки тому

    “True believer” = False prophet

  • @stephenrandell7152
    @stephenrandell7152 Рік тому

    It don't believe it!😇