Cameras, Phones, Internet: Polish Mediators’ Views on the Distance Mediation, Tomasz P. Antoszek

  • Опубліковано 4 гру 2023
  • Overcoming the Mediation Paradox: Ideas, Challenges, Good practice | International Scientific Conference | Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, 2023 November 21
    Online mediation can be divided into two main categories: online mediation that tackles conflicts which arise in the online environment; and mediation that merely takes place online, irrespective of where the conflict originated. Distance mediation might be considered mediation that occurs - at least partially - without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties and the mediator, as well as with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication. Such processes can be beneficial as they save time, costs and logistical resources, and are appropriate for introverts. The risks arising from this kind of process are mainly procedural, regarding the way in which the mediation agreement must be signed as well as technical and communication risks. Distance mediation has its place in the landscape of mediation, and the key is in striking a balance between applying technology to mediation and keeping the process in its traditional format.