Terminus item isn’t typically an optimal choice for Ezreal his core strength lies in mobility, poke, and burst, so items that amplify his damage and cooldown reduction are more important.
terminus maybe good if enemy team have lots of tanks with a lot of def, but you cant buy antiheal so your team should buy it. vs tanks you can build riftmaker, terminus and botrk and do 80000+ dmg in game
Is teeminus item is good foe ezreal or not?
Terminus item isn’t typically an optimal choice for Ezreal his core strength lies in mobility, poke, and burst, so items that amplify his damage and cooldown reduction are more important.
terminus maybe good if enemy team have lots of tanks with a lot of def, but you cant buy antiheal so your team should buy it. vs tanks you can build riftmaker, terminus and botrk and do 80000+ dmg in game
С каких пор клузя топ 1 эз? Сам про себя видос снял.
это не я.