More bad driving caught on camera
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- More bad driving caught on camera.
In my previous film posted a couple of years back • Bad driving caught on ... I tried to offer some advise, it had a mixed response; those that make an effort to drive well agreed and liked the video, whilst others took a rather defensive approach, and said that none if it mattered - proving their own lack of skills and getting upset that anyone may point out their faults. So this time I thought rather than trying to help, I'd just take the piss instead. Hope you like.
I couldn't really decide what to call this, there is little that is dangerous here, but certainly careless, ignorant, rubbish and bad.
This is a duel-carriageway, speeds of upto 70mph are permitted, and one of the biggest complaints most of us have about the way people drive is to do with lane dispilne, yet as you can see, here are three cars dordling along on the outside lane at just under 50mph. No wonder some get road rage. The worst bit is this; see the L-plate on the back of this Ford - that's someone being taught how to drive.
As I come off this roundabout I have to stop, because some daft woman has decided to turn around in the middle of the road - there's a roundabout just there! Also, no seatbelt on, she veers across the lane in front of me, and then goes through a red light.
This van driver doesn't have to block the road while waiting to turn right, see, he could have move out of the way and let the guy behind go - would that have been too much effort?
Dabbing the brakes all the way down a hill, it is very stupid. Those are warning lights, they send a message to the driver behind, and message is false. Should this car have to stop suddenly - there will be no warning - come on, think about it, this is how crashes happen!
Why can't bus drivers park without leaving the arse hanging out into the road?
If you're driving up a hill, you don't really need to brake for bends, all you're doing is using up more fuel, and again giving off a false signal. Useless driving that is.
Off to buy some beer, and... what the hell is this - is it really necessary to cut the corner that much?
Some drivers just do not know how to turn off the road. Look at the state of this. Is it a learner driver driving illegally, or another bad driver that's going to pass on their useless skills to their offspring. Whatever, this driver needs some proper lessons.
Coming up, another Mercedes driver that hasn't got the hang of the steering wheel - just as well my brakes work - idiot!
In front of the Punto is a Focus wanting to turn right, it has passed the Peugeot wanting to turn right in the opposite direction and has blocked up the traffic. How brainless is this - if you'd had let the Peugeot go you wouldn't be stuck - you tool!
Smart move there, didn't you notice that massive writing on the road that says 'keep clear'
Hi, I drive a Mercedes SL, I can stop where the hell I like, I don't care about the double yellow lines or the entrance I'm blocking, would you like to see my Rolex?
It's not just Mercedes drivers who stop where ever they like, this one's doing the same, probably for a chat about picnics and baby puke.
Have you ever seen anyone park quite as badly is this, this Golf is straight and inbeteen the lines, although only half of the car is in the space - about 8' of it is hanging out into the road! Amazing!!
When parking on the wrong side of the road, turn your lights off, the beam is angled to the left to avoid dazzling the oncoming traffic - like you are doing right now! And turn those fog lights off too - come on - use your brain!
Driving at 30 along a 50 limit is not only annoying for those behind you, but boring too. I'm keeping my distance still, but those behind me are not, and sadly there's no opportunity to overtake. Even if I double the speed of this clip it doesn't seem that fast. This guy has obviously forgotten that he left his caravan at home.
School run traffic, isn't it just the most irritating thing. The middle-class attitude really hacks me off - they bang-on about environmental issues with closed-minded catch phrases and then clog up the roads with their BMW X5s and Volvo C90s - all just to save their little darlings a half-hour walk.
All of this footage was filmed by me in Godalming, Farnham, Alderhot and Farnborough. g4rdenspoon facebook page:
I am not going to discuss this with someone who clearly has no idea what they are talking about. End of conversation.
no wonder theres so much road rage with so much bad driving and common courtesy/sense. I drive for a profession I see this everyday.
I like that you keep your distance to the cars in front of you, even if you are pissed off because they are going below the speed limit. Thumbs up
@zarrendragon In the UK, most cars have manual transmissions, and those that don't have an option to select a lower ratio. It makes sense to coast in-gear without using the brakes, if brake lights were as you say - get ready to stop - there would be traffic jams everywhere, but without anything at the front having stopped at all.
@zarrendragon Okay. If you are rolling down a hill and maintaining a speed using the brakes isn't a good idea - use the gears instead. The reason is that the drivers behind will see brake-lights; warning lights, that alert the driver behind that the car in front is slowing down. If the car is not slowing down, and the lights are already on, then when the car HAS to slow down quickly the driver behind has no warning of this, often causing an accident.
That's the worst turning off the road incident I have ever witnessed! Awful!
To be fair to the bus driver I think he no choice to leave his "arse" hanging out because of the van parked up in front of him. I'm guess he was leaving himself enough room to pull out.
@HannahKhodary Are you talking about the learner at the beginning of the video, or the one with the L-plates on mid-way?
1st example: I wasn't having a go about the driver, but the instructor.
2nd example: That wasn't a learner, just someone who couldn't drive.
Please understand the video before leaving stupid remarks.
At 1.37 is called the Darwin corner. Drivers in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia are so notorious for it that stopping at the line in that situation could result with the driver making the right hand turn crashing into you..
I run my children to school in the car due to how busy the roads are and the fear of paedophiles. They are the most important people in the world to me and I value their personal safety above my own. The distance we are from school is around 9 miles so too far to walk anyway. I also drive a merc but I am a considerate driver - why slating merc drivers?
@HannahKhodary The instructor is there to point the learner in the right direction, to teach them the rules etc., this instructor let his/her student travel about two miles down the road on the outside lane at under 50mph - that is bad instruction - no excuses.
I've got to say it. Don't you think you were following too close sometimes? Remember, the "Only a fool breaks the two second rule" works at many differnent speeds.
"why cant bus drivers just stop leaving tha ass of their bus hanging out in the road!?"
An acquaintance of mine got recently in a car crash. Stupid bad drivers.
What always surprises me -- is when I just make it through an amber light (which actually turns red by the time I complete the turn) -- I will look in my rear view mirror and see about 2 or 3 more cars making it through behind me. Oh well -- and they complain about blond women drivers like me, I don't get it.
Veronica :-)
Exactly what I wanted to say. The bus made the correct decision.
1 person saw themselves in this montage
Is it required to have dashcam in England or is it just an accessory many people purchase? I noticed there are quite a few videos containing cams on bicycles, scooters, motorcycles and passenger cars and most of them are in Europe. Just wondering.
so, using brakes is a bad thing. i should instead speed around corners and down hills, possibly out of control, just to keep the tailgaters happy. gotcha.
@Vracktal Not sure what you are trying to say here. Are you suggesting that there wasn't any bad driving in this video?
I think America needs to adopt the "L" stickers for our new drivers. Although, some of the "seasoned" drivers would still seem like newbies.
Lovely refreshing stance you take, exactly the same things annoy me too. When I was younger I'd flash people parked on the wrong side with lights on, or just driving badly, but I now realise people probably won't have a clue they were doing anything wrong. Common sense has been replaced by self importance :-(
@winxger That annoys me too, although it also annoys me when they over-use them, pity I didn't get any examples, but I will for the next one. :)
@Vracktal I disagree; your example is of dangerous dickheads that belong in prison. My examples are all of careless, thoughtless and ignorant behaviour - the kind of driving that would fail you in your test. Any driver that keeps their mind on the job will spot these examples and agree, that people should try and drive better.
Just because there weren't anybody getting killed doesn't mean that they are okay with what they are doing.
@HannahKhodary No I'm not, I'm suggesting that the instructor should have been instructing the learner to be in the correct lane. I'm really not sure why you are finding this so difficult to understand.
I'm still not sure where the Really Watch Out I Can't Drive At All School of Motoring is based.
And they're all driving on the wrong side of the road!!
Indeed it was.
what if that car going down the hill on the brakes was an Automatic? Added to the fact it's a 7 seater so if it did have 7 people, plus lugage in, it would pick up speed real fast, and with no help from an Autobox downhill there is only one way to keep it's speed down! You're quick to notice other peoples mistakes but you aint so perfect your self! It's part of driving, deal with it, if u cant, give it up!
@headshothazard You seem to be missing the point here, these are all things that people generally need to improve on because they are being careless. Brake lights can be a real issue, because they are supposed to be a warning to drivers behind that the vehicle in front is slowing down - not maintaining speed. I don't tail-gate anyone btw, don't know what made you say that.
This video only points out what people do wrong, those that want to drive better will understand.
@tomken8dy I'm not going to deny that, but the opposite of right isn't always wrong ...
Wait, it's mile in the U.K.? Cool, I thought we were alone.
@g4rdenspoon That is an option, but I guess it depends on the cars. In my area, you'd be hard pressed to find a car that can do what you say. Most cars here only have manual options for maybe 1st or 2nd gear, which would not be pretty at speed. And then there's those, like mine, that have no such gears at all!
I've always learned that brake lights mean 'prepare to stop', which should cover any sudden stopping in those circumstances.
@jsuttonus Thanks very much.
@LenVallach There must be a lot of perpendicular junctions there.
You are the Marlowe of the frustrated rant, Paul. I second Dibbers' idea for a TV show-but of course this would lead to more, not less, shitty driving, giving you a massive stroke, possibly.
Wipers on and only a two second gap behind the mondeo. Someone's not checked their wet stopping distances in THC.
Not sure why your annoyed at the driver with an L plate at the beginning? they were in the correct lane :S and again complaining about the learner drivers....They've got to start somewhere.
Not every country drives on the right hand side.
The rule is: keep to the left unless passing.
What as that got to do with my comment?
"Not sure why your annoyed...they were in the correct lane"
He's annoyed because they were not in the correct lane.
Fuck. You didn't even re-watch the video to see if the other person could possibly have a point, did you? At 0:25, the narrator sounds like he's complaining about the L plate driver in the correct lane. The left lane.
@@grmpf He was in the right hand lane actually and then moved into the left lane.
@TUCKERZONE Well there are three here including the pickup ... shouts volumes to me.
@roadbikegarden You've really got to keep your eye out while one a bike. I've noticed a hell of a lot more people on phones these days too - much more than the time before it was actually illegal, I guess people think they are too important or something...
Thanks. :)
Was some of this in Farnborough. ?
@BMXBilly97 Yes you're right, with a few bits in Godalming too. Thanks. :)
Your voice is so funny, I could listen to it for hours xD
If a car infront of you has it brake lights on, going down hill or not, you are meant to leave enough room to stop which says to me you were following to closely! And as for the bus 'not parking correctly' go and tell the nob head taxi driver blocking the bus stop which was why the bus couldnt stop properly to move and then there wouldnt be a problem. Or would you have the people trying to get on/off the bus walk in the road?
@morradi10000 I don't really get pissed off with them any more, and tailgating is a stupid thing to do. Thanks. :)
Interesting video. See it all the time. But the sanctimonious commentary is questionable. I doubt the commentator is spotlessly clean in his driving 100% of the time. We all make mistakes.
@haggidubious I certainly hope not. Actually, observing bad drivers doesn't stress me out, I generally find them funny. :)
Great video m8! That really is britain all over! That could be anywhere in the UK!
Your driving isn't much better. Ever heard of the '2 second rule'?
@rtblackwidow What is that about?
I'm sorry, but this would have been a little better without that annoying music. No offense to anyone - it's just my opinion!
As you've started with an insult, I am happy to return by calling you a cretin. You're a cretin.
There was plenty of room for me to pass on this road. Had I have stopped the drivers behind would have got irritated - because - there was room for me to pass. Okay?
@Baddriversoz I wouldn't call them twats, but certainly careless. Thanks. :)
@roadbikegarden I don't know, most cars are fitted with Blutooth as well - why don't they use that...? Having said that though, it still causes a distraction.
Oh yes, you must be really looking forward to that. :)
@g4rdenspoon Then please explain the point.
@jondavis1234 There's always someone doing something stupid, and then blaming someone else.
@juliemusic87 It's what a lot of them do.
You moan almost as much as me when driving lol...
@Display34 Well that's a nice change. Thanks. :)
poor learners, we all had to once. :/
@zarrendragon You've completely missed the point.
That has the most ridiculous comment I've seen on YT in a long time. FFS !!!!
Please can i hire you to come and film my partner driving? I'm trying to convince him that he's an unsafe driver. Those roads look familular (if it was near StAlbans, please get in contact, if he's driving, it's in your best interest!!)
The woman at the start ... how did she get out of the kitchen?
@MadMonkeyBoy08 I don't know, blame Emily Pankhurst. :P
Leaving there ass on the road ha ha very good paul
With respects, even bus drivers can "back in", even if they take there time, they'll be safely out of the way. It's quite possible, and he had the room to do so. (I could have done so, Just get me a spotter in my mirror and i'm set, 1min max).
At least we drive on the right side of the road.
You can't deny it.
@njuham I didn't film anything in Ashtead... :0
I must say, I agree with pretty everything in this video.
You weren't supposed to say that. XD
I love it!... You should do a spot on American drivers.. We are far worse.
great vid, liked the commentary!
@gerdenshed Well I'm not surprised, generally Rover drivers are quite curtious. :)
I hate stupid drivers
very good- the vid not the driving.....Leave the busman alone some twat was parked in the bus stop..... I'm a driving instructor and if I had a dollar for every "My Mum/Dad says do it like this...." Merc drivers.....thats another story !!!
@iwishiwasreal Possibly.
@BILLMCLEANJAZZ I know know what you mean, sometimes you feel you've got to get through otherwise someone is going to run into the back of you. :)
@chinwart Thanks mate. :)
Okay. Fancy a curry?
@headshothazard Another bad driver I guess.
@DibbersPage I want James May's job when he leaves Top Gear, but I don't think he's going to go. :(
Thanks buddy :)
@HarveyEspatchelowe It was a classic bit of useless driving. :)
@haggidubious What a positive way to end your comment ... :0
@tomken8dy That's what I was thinking.
@tomken8dy I'm educated. :P
if i come to power ur the head of transport like the comentry thx
@njuham What, you mean it all looks the same? :)
You are so grumpy! good video though :)
Then you'll go viral and I can get 10,000
views by making fun of you!!
@tomken8dy Typical American answer. :P
@g4rdenspoon Ha ha! Sorry! Probably commenting before I think, again. No stroke for you!
i love you angry xD ,,, you sound so nice haha xD
@roadbikegarden I don't know, most cars are fitted with Blutooth as well - why don't they use that...? Having said that though, it still causes a distraction.
Oh yes, you must be really looking forward to that. :)