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Seriously, noone remembers or misses Athenes Unholy Grail? I used it on every single support and loved it. Getting Ap for mana regen and extra heals from dmg was great.
Athenes was so much better than moonstone, you had to apply it and it felt great giving a teammate half there health back instead of the moonstone trickle.
At some point it was a permanent blue buff and you were a complete idiot if you didn't build it on literally any mage with a mana bar... Such a big power spike when you got it, felt really good
@@charlieflight6124GP, who received his VGU during a bilgewater event at the time, had a game breaking bug involving his barrels giving massive XP unintentionally (Tryndamere spinning over barrels). This bug started getting reported right at the time GP “died” during the event. Now idk if Riot had planned to disable him for the event or did it because of the bug but regardless, they disabled him for a few days with the tech note “GP is dead and has been removed from the game”
@@Lonewolfproductions0i think it was intentional, he died and came back with a new skin when he came back(the curent ver) and the old version became a free skin for those who played league when the event was up
Everyone talking about Zz'rot and Shojin, but I'm over here remembering how absolutely impossible it was to stop a Shyvana that was given enough room to farm her Feral Flare.
It allowed a few jungle champ to be able to scale to be able to solo baron which kinda defeats the purpose those powerful neutral objectives to require more team play to secure.
Rod Of Ages is an item that needs to return. It essentially carried the AP bruiser class and went well with so many champions. Anivia, Swain, Ryze, Cho'Gath, and Kassadin using it the best. Definitely deserved to be turned into a mythic.
@@codebracker It doesnt give any ap, and its passive is for melee champ only which only Kassadin or Cho Gath are Kassadin needs ap scaling too and is an assassin with a dash every 2 seconds, so the big shield is kinda worthless
Frozen mallet was extremely unfun to play against, but I absolutely loved it on champions like trundle, voli and gnar Zz'rot was alsoreally fun to use, back then it was one of the only items in the game to give both armor and mr and it's active was great
Frozen mallet literally still exists, it's just seryldas grudge. Only difference is Grudge is actually a really good item where as mallet was built 1 in 100 games
@@BigMuskachini mallet was good for off-tanks, and grudge gives you only a slow on ability. they new mallet is frostfire gauntlet, and its not as good as the mallet
Imo, Shadowflame fails at the niche it was advertized to fill: I.e. an item that helps mages against shields. It doesn't. It's a great flat pen item that gives great damage, however any worth it has against shields is almost entirely in damage being done *after* the shield disappears. The item itself tracks the total extra damage done against shields, and rarely does it ever get into the 3 digit marker... And this is tracking cumulative dmg.
and serpents fang is just so much better, with the anti shield passive that completely destroyed shields and stopped that champ from being able to generate shields again
the other problem is that you don't actually get any additional value against shield items like IS,Sterak since if the enemy has less than 1k health you already get full value of m pen. Like in the clip of syndra killing karma everyone uses syndra gets 20 mpen before karma uses her shield , so nothing really changes.
I miss Gunblade, it was my fav item in the whole game. (It was also overpowered at one point to the point where you could legit build 6 Gunblades and just 1v9)
While Spear of Shojin and Axiom Arc together sound like hell, Navori Quickblades isn't that impactful, especially in that build. Relying on 20% crit chance for the passive to proc sounds like something only Tryndamere would be able to pull off. Not even Yasuo or Yone build it
I don't think a lack of ambiguity is a good thing in terms of items, personally I preferred all of the more fun and game-like stuff you could do with the old item system, no matter the clank and jank. Probably just a little thing, but I feel that having a bunch of random shit you could do with the other items made them more fun.
The thing is... LOL is not made to be fun anymore... It is made to be "balanced" to "professional gameplay"... And it ruins a lot of fun from the game... And it's probably one of the reasons that the game is slowly dying. Hope they realise it soon.
@@DanielMontenegroBass I think the main problem with LOL is not people leaving the game, but how hard it is to pick up. Old players tend to forget how enormous the amount of info you need to learn is to play effectively. Players want games to be linear, to have a routine. I think the game is balanced around that, there are less and less random shit (both items and champs).
@@theomaffioletti4670 new player here and i agree. If i didnt have a knowledgeable friend, i would be pretty lost. Tbh though, the recommended item system is really nice. Instantly showing the enemies it would be effective on helps alot. The unique/niche yet still viable items would be really confusing to keep track of.
@@elfireii328 I agree they made it better with season 11 (I started in season 6 and it was AWFUL). The recommended is very helpful, but you still have to learn every Item to understand what you and the enemy can or cannot do. It's still tedious, although a little bit easier now
Honestly, while I do think there are some items that are difficult to balance do to other classes (Normally assassins or fighters) making better use of them, the AD side is mostly fine. The Big issue is the AP side their trying to make it so all AP champs share an item pool so you get stuff like Battlemages, Artillery Mages, Assasins and Juggernauts all trying to itemize their own unique playstyles with the same items. Voidstaff is the only percent based Mag Pen item in the game, so its often needed in most AP builds.
Yeah, even though it gets a bit better now that there is another pen item it's still not great. As a Ryze and A Sol player myself I miss roa and glp so much. especially after they removed Ryze's shield, the shield from archangel's and the infamous A Sol rework ( rito pls revert)
As a kayle main, while shes still strong late, our mid game isnt as good since we fit in a very specific mage category that is ranged dps that works like an adc. Nashors is the only item left for us. Guinsoo(old one) and hextec gunblade were all core to us.
@@duc2133 i just go onhit with either riftmaker or kraken slayer and then do all the necessary onhit items that game. I might miss on some ap but I still shred ppl late game :|
However, ap champions also have more access to pen than any other class, even this season's adcs. Because sorc shoes and void staff exist, at two items you can already avoid almost all of an opponent's magic resist. Void staff is supposed to be an anti-tank item, but it's so effective at what it does that it is pretty much core on every single mage, excluding maybe mordekaiser because he has one built in, and vel'koz because he does large amounts of true damage. 40% magic pen is more than any other class has access to, and it's combined with boots that also provide magic pen and mythics that provide magic pen
As someone who one-tricked Anivia for a long time, seeing Rod of the Ages get removed really hurt. It was a hyper-efficient stat stick that the blue bird really needed.
morellonomicon wasnt the only anti heal item, Executioner's Calling also had this feature but was a low cost item that at the time didnt build into anything.
i still think it's ridiculous that riot decided to remove RoA, considering they removed it because it was a niche item, yet isn't that the point of a lot of items? i keep realizing that protobelt is a niche item, think about the mages that run that item, and that it's basically locked to mages. it has the same niche as RoA. i wouldn't even be mad if they locked RoA to mythic and kept it in the game
I dont actually think they removed RoA because it was a niche item. it was the exact opposite. it was a good item on every AP champ. Items now are much more purposeful when built. instead of just going RoA, Archangels on anyone and having it work
Late reply, but IIRC, they removed RoA because you have to build it early for it to be worth it (so it can stack quickly). The problem is that with the inclusion of mythics items, RoA users would have to choose between building RoA early to stack it, or building their mythical. This is the same reason why there is no dedicated jungle item other than those daggers you buy at the begining. If not, junglers would have to choose between finishing their jungle item or building a mythical. I think they explained that on the video were they introduced those changes.
Its the same dumb reason for why they removed Adaptive helm. Thankfully we have the new Force of nature now, but Adaptive helm was stronger. The funny thing is people didnt buy it because they were dumb meta slaves and dont know how to read. Everyone thought it reduces DOT dmg, even though it CLEARLY said ''dmg from the same source''. So it also reduced pet dmg, channeling abilities, aura dmg and spam spells. It countered sooo many champs, and no one even knew that :D
@@Theogemail thats why i just wanna se a nerf in mele champs,we have lots o items and runes that are worst if you are ranged,having only 1 bad item if you are mele is the most reasonable nerf
Yeah nah, riot definitely has a favoritism towards assassins and bruisers. Serpent's fang is a shield nerf item. Shadowflame was *expected* to be an AP version of it. Instead what we got was a magic pen item, which in no way nerfs or breaks shields. You just get magic pen, which is of no purpose if the enemy is sitting behind a shield. Not to mention, Serpent's fang scales with shield power, which shadowflame does NOT do. So if the enemy has a big enough shield (or even just a shield paired with high damage output) they can quite literally make shadowflame irrelevant. Whereas you can't do that against serpent's fang because the better your shield, the more it's being debuffed by the percentage reduction.
Riot is clearly biased towards mages. Just look at how insane mage items are: Zhonyas which is built on every ap champion, Rabadons which has the best stats in the game and Dark seal which at some points had so much base stats people would buy multiple, on top of the passive which is broken considering this is a snowballing game already. Mages destroy every class except assassins, which is the other class riot loves (because it is flashy)
And then there's me, knowing Statik Shiv, Rod of Ages, and Hextech Gunblade in Wild Rift and wondered where those items were in League PC when I shifted to there couple of months ago.
Aha aha aha aha Lmao so many ap champs with 52% plus win rate and you mage players are still crying its crazy. In the mid lane like 70 percent of the OP and s tier picks are AP. Lux , viktor, annie, sylas , kassasin, anniva, kayle, vex. Dont even need to win lane with them to climb , just don't go 0/3 and you will hard carry the mid to late game team fights. Also mid lane is the only lane where you can fairly compare AP and AD champs since there are way more AD champs in the game, mid is the only role with a similar amount of AP and AD champs. Support has way more ap champs and is dominated by AP.
@@epic1053 The original comment is about AP bruisers, and you mentioned a bunch of AP burst mages or AP marksman like Kayle. They're not the same. Maybe read and comprehend first before you go on your little tangent and cry about mages? In case you need clarification because you seem like someone who is only pretending to know what they're talking about, AP bruisers are champions like Malphite, Mordekaiser, Rumble, Swain and Lillia.
Definitely agree that items are not given to classes equally. The fact that tanks have to build armor and on-hit protection (Thornmail) if they want Grievous, even against the numerous magic damage healers (Mordekaiser, Gwen, Vladimir, Swain, Sylas, Sylas, Sylas...) is a complete shame. It's way too situational. Bruisers don't have to consider the enemy team comp when they want Grievous. If they need it, they buy it. Tanks don't have that luxury.
Of Swain and ww. I miss my easy ass click ult ww. You know how dumb I look flying by someone completely missing while malzhar can still click on someone and completely take them out the game.
3 things i miss 1. Old rilay - you could slow dudes with basics, not just abilities 2. old swain - the way u could use beatrice (crow) to zone opponents 3. ZZ portal - it was fun
Spear of Shojin worked on pre-rework Tahm even if you cancelled the ult, so if you were willing to cancel the ult every time, you could have its passive up virtually always.
on mention of sword of the occult you kind of missed the third snowball sister item.. Leviathan.. it gave like 160 flat hp and gave like 15% damage reduction and up to 640 hp at 20 stacks
Love that they removed adaptive helm for being too situational yet added another burn item, so now double burn exists and they removed the one tank item to counter to dot damage.
@@jeroenverschaeve3090 while i agree that the changes to it are nice It still is a worse option than adaptive helm with adaptive helm not being broken op or anything It made you tankier in a time where riot didnt try to make every oneshot everyone
The problem is that Adaptative helm counters the very few dot champions in lol too hard like Teemo, Cassiopeia, Brand, Malzahar and Swain, they straight up become useless against those that they are supposed to counter and the extra AP also helps against any other AP brust they might receive, it was just too powerful.
there are some massive flaws in league item system. i have played every role and every class, and every season one of them is gutted into uselessness. they removed ROA, murdering anivia and kassa for a solid year, they removed a lot of items like brtualizer that made some champs bearable early. season 12 mage items also suck because they removed a lot of ap and most burst mages feel ass in season 12, they changed glacial augment, so it doesnt apply on aa's... they were thinking about those ice rays that cant be applied using twin shadows, but they didnt think about senna having 0 meta keystones now.. she somwhat works with grasp... but tank senna was nerfed, she kinda works with first strike, but early she doesnt have the range to use it properly, and she kinda works with PTA but no one uses it on her because it feels meh. same happened with GP, they nerfed his grasp page, but they forgot that he has no other runes he can use, other than DH that rly isnt optimal for his playstyle. some champs having 20 optimal items and 5 rune pages isnt healthy, when other champs have 4 optimal items and no optimal rune pages. GP is a burst bruiser, but he builds... adc assasin and tank items.
I like the idea and philosophy behind the Season 11 item rework. Yes, the items were old the game existed for 10 years by then, many new champions came out, it is nice to overhaul the system and bring it up to par, to make well designed items for each class, for each item to have a clear purpose, to fulfill certain requirements and needs that different gamestates put forward. I loved them uniforming grevious wounds, a problem in the past that felt like you have situations you could not solve because of "missing" answers. Even the idea of mythics, not only are they powerful, but their function of locking off only 1 purchase helps to keep certain builds uniformed for certain classes . However with overhauls like these where everything is made new from the ground up, there are always those unnecessary additions that designers are excited to try just because. Items that serve no purpose to the aforementioned balancing other than just to be overpowered or interesting. Like Collector. That item is an execute as an item. As of writing this comment, I believe there are about....4 or 5 champions with a true execute in the game; Pyke, Urgot, Draven, and Zigg's (on towers only.) There are other abilities that are finishers, not true executes, like Cho'Gath ult. So how come, let's say these 3 champions in all of League (excluding Ziggs because its towers only) have a very specific and powerful effect, is now given to an item that just anyone can buy? The idea of the item rework is great, but the execution (hehe) leading to an entire year's meta of shifting between the strongest "toy" of the month is frustrating to deal with as a player. Its a cycle of nerfs and changes and eventually we'll be right back to where we started where each item is a shell of its former self.
Ohmwrecker literally needed just stat change. Its active was great purely for splitpushers, who had advantage in lane, but was giving stats of a tank, rather than bruiser/assasin which could actually make use of such item. Make it give ad instead of armor and boom, item fixed.
Hextech Gunblade got removed because they were play testing Riftmaker, realized how fucking boring it is to use, and wanted to make sure Gunblade didn’t completely overshadow it for being an actually entertaining item. God I hate Riftmaker.
I started playing LoL in S5 and since that moment nothing, at least to me, was so broken as the Death's Dance. When you saw Riven, Kayn and Yasuo especially buying it they would become unkillable. The only disadvantage of the item was the true dmg stored but the item itself compensated for that giving omnivamp! Even Katarina or Akali with it and the gunblade would be "almost" unkillable, but not as much as ad bruisers/skirmishers as Yasuo, Yone or Riven
For me, the most broken item is Duskblade. Now, if the enemy turned invisible because they landed a kill, that'd be one thing, but the fact the item activates whenever they get an assist, it makes it near impossible to fight Champions like Shaco and Master Yi, who are already a pain to deal with. And unlike items like Chemtank or Zhonya's, Duskblade's cooldown is nonexistent, so it can be easily abused despite how overpowered it is.
At it's peak, atmas gave like 50 armor, 18% crit chance and the favorite 2% of max health as attack damage. I think I build atmas + HP items a couple times, it was ok, it was so long ago and only did it a few times, so I cant remember. I think it's theoretically busted at higher elos since u can all in, then walk away, heal up from warmogs, repeat. Sometimes you're just not allowed to think your own builds and only play how the devs wants you to play, and they get paid while doing it.
Magic pen item against shields don't even help fighting shields. Maw, sterak, shieldbow activate under 1k hp threshold, while stoneplate give way too much mr(with other items too) for pen to be worth using. Even then you get increased pen from 10 to 20, so only 10 at most. Any squishy target, specially below 18 lvl have under 2500hp.
I remember when Tank items actually felt good to buy and use in the game where the defensive stats did something then you added on RoA for a few like Ryze, Gragas, Kass where AP bruiser was a thing that didn't rely on Riftmaker
@@Lightscryx I'd do that but on Warwick, to make his ult a 1shot on squishies. And even some tanks. Was more fun on Twisted Treelines when dragon was the "boss" monster on that map
While not talked about much in this vid, Deathfire Grasp's purpose was to help mages burn a tank if they had to by amplifying damage to a target. What actually happened was squishies being deleted even faster.
Brutalizer did use to build into Youmuu's up until its removal, iirc. Good times. Though I don't miss ZZrot and banner (especially banner, that one was too strong) they offered different macro strategies that didn't necessarily include teamfighting to win. I liked the idea of it.
Banner was ok and a fun usefull item for many supports. The problem arose when they buffed the cannon minion to godlike proportions and made mages weaker than it with baron buff. Then riot proceeded to remove the item instead of nerfing or reverting it...
Big issue with the item rework is that AD champs have way more options to address a specific issue. U showed Guardian angel vs Zhonyas but forgot the several Lifeline AD items which also stall out. AP have morello's while AD have 2 options. AP have Void Staff but AD have Lord Dom's, Serylda's, Black Clever, a slew of flat AR pen, and % hp damage (true damage as well). Each time an AD champ picks an item that can pick one that both helps their build goal while hurting the enemy's build. AP champs are forced to decide between either helping their build goal or hurting the enemy's build. Either Riot has to remove several AD items or almost double the number of AP items.
By definition, they is quite a few people qualified as ad or ap, who worked with the oposite, if you had the game knowledge, ap gp, ap shy also came later, wasnt her original go to build, the very old akali prerework was viable ad, even ap carry jax had it time, ap xin was the must broken bs, before his nerf
Thats because riot is balancing around AD fighters/bruisers and AD assassins. Because it is so hard to balance champions that are tanky and do a lot of damage. Most of the absolute shitshow in this game is traced back to this problem. Tanks doing more damage the adc, goredrinker being build on every AD champ including assassins, adc had to get nerfed or they would all go off tank too etc. While AP champions dont have so many problems because they lack auto attacks and thus are easy to balance. Thats why they cant make AP items too unique or mages would be played in top lane. Riot is still scared to shit about repeating a tank meta thats why lethality exist and true damage isnt nerfed and healing is ramapnt so they had to insert massive antiheal. They should just delete the idea of damage and tankyness together and make it either or. (Hecarim nerf, Aatrox nerf all the same base problem)
I do agree about adding more ap items in the game, the item pool is too small for the number/type of champs. I don't like the interactions of ap champs either, an example would be Void staff as it makes mr a bad stat and it was taken out most ap mages would be useless. And they killed seraphs embrace.
@@amilo5 and still a new Tank meta would be the most healthy Thing the Game could get Edit* Let alone because people would finally be forced to learn Micro-Management und Map-play and evaluate wincons
No hate but how are the items mostly balanced right now??? Why would you go triforce over sunderer? Why would you go kraken over shieldbow? Why would you go mandate over moonstone or shurelyas? Why would you go banshees over zhonyas, even vs a heavy ap comp? There are items that are literally direct upgrades from others in the game right now
Triforce is better than sunderer against towers. So splitpushers can take it to put more pressure on the map rather than sunderer which takes longer to be a threat for champs not named "Camille"
Triforce is better against kiting , does more damage overall. Kraken does more damage to tanks , not bad against squishies tho , if you have enough AS Mandate ups the damage on everyone against that target basically. Great for champs that access to a Easy and acessible slow , like """sup""" Lux , Maokai , Nami , Karma etc Zhonyas and banshees are not interchangeable , both are Ap defensive items but are not the same. On one you want to defend yourself agains a burst or stall for your team to Act , example Zed , Diana , Talon etc. And the other you want to protect against a single but critical ability , Veigar Box , Zoe Sleep , Morde Ult , Blitz Q and etc
This man did not just say that Shiv was a "Fringe purchase" that nobody bought. It was literally meta for every adc to build it first 2 seasons before it got removed, and even when it got removed there were a few adcs building it.
It really was, though, because once Runaans built crit (which it kinda had to since otherwise it itself was a fringe weapon), it supplanted Shiv as the AS/crit waveclear item for ADCs. Those who used Shiv the most were basically AD casters like Yasuo and Tryn but was otherwise just really redundant.
i think the reason lethality users were the only ones with access to anti shield is because they’re the only class that doesn’t have a grievous wounds item made for them. chempunk chainsword is really meant for your ad bruisers like camille, riven, or rhaast. it’s not very good for characters like qiyana who want lethality. i want riot to give ad assassins a grievous wounds item that applies 60% grievous wounds for the first 3 seconds of combat. when you play an assassin in mid you can at least take ignite, but in the jungle you don’t get that privilege typically
@@Keln02 yeah i understand that but when you first pick an assassin, especially in the jungle when you usually don’t get to run ignite, and the enemy team is full of champions like warwick, irelia, rhaast, aatrox, etc. it would be nice to be able to build a grievous wounds item that feels like it doesn’t screw over your entire build. sometimes your teammates just won’t build it for you, or you have to 1v1 someone
*Riot:* Sword of the occult is too powerful we should remove it instead of nerf the item. *Also riot:* Every new champion has stealth, hard cc, at least one movement ability and some kind of reset
Dude i miss frozen mallet so much, it was really useful and versatile, tho not essential at all, and that should not be a problem. I would prefer having a filler item that no one uses instead of the lack of options that I feel sometimes... it's removal was unnecessary for me.
Gnar with that Item was aids (sorry to say that, but I really hate ranged champs and yordles in general), since I play Sion, Cho, Ornn, Malphite etc and everyone who picked that forsaken Yordle build it.
Every week I have a game where I go "Imagine if I had Zz'Rot right now..." either winning or losing. I loved that item, it was so unique and it allowed so much creativity for macro play.
@@yegor576 I don't remember a single patch where Zz'Rot was considered meta. It gave awful stats and the only ones building it consistently were Singed players. I mostly used on supports and wasn't even that good. Still loved it.
@@Vinicius-Bigode Both ZZ and Banner were meta in pro play for a while, which was part of why they were removed. Pressing a single button which forces an enemy champion to a lane, or risk losing a tower, was much more broken in proplay than in soloq. They were also honestly decent picks in soloq at times, before being nerfed, and going both ZZ + Banner was a fun/moderately effective cheese strat on some toplaners, where you could either hard punish enemy roams/enemy being botlane, or set the items to push while you roamed and forced an enemy to go top. The movespeed and defensive stats on ZZ made it hard/annoying for anyone to shut down that a cheese ZZ strat, especially on Singed of course, but it was also ran on things like Heimerdinger (who could go both banner and zzrot) and i used to go zzrot + deadmans as a cheese build on Nidalee top sometimes, where you don't fight but just outroam/run your enemies and use the timewindows you get to push towers. Super anti-engaging gameplay for the enemy, unfortunately. Both items were removed because if they were balanced in soloq they just became meta-defining in pro play where free sidelane pressure was op. Imo, it was fine to leave them balanced in pro play and weak in soloq, they were fun niche items that had situational use if done well, but i guess item clutter and "bait" items like that could be bad for new players.
Oh man I miss Spear of Shojin it was so much fun, playing urf in Ranked, same with Zz`Rot, just being spliting 24/7 with ur littel suicide voidspawns :D
When I started playing LoL it was the Gp5 meta. Even though everyone tears up over Heart of Gold, I was a Nasus main and mana was limiting my infinite stacking but I didn't want to waste a slot on any mana items. Eleisa's Miracle you will be missed. A mana and HP regen item that built from a Gp5 (Philosopher's Stone) and after a few levels would disappear from your inventory while still providing its effects. AFK farming was never so relaxing. I wonder who would take this over a tear/mana mythic nowadays?
gp/5 items were just too universally good. They would instantly be required in top lane and jungle for a lot of champs. Heart of gold/philosophers stone, and wasn't there a third one for awhile? Its been too long. Anyways, those 2 items, especially at the gold breakpoints that they were at, were just too efficient at guaranteeing your relevancy.
Ok, can we talk about the new anti shield item for mages, it is only used for champs that want the 10 basic magic pen it gives at all points and is not used to much as an anti shield item it just doesn't work even closly as good a the AD version it should cut shield like the AD Item or the AD should give lethality like this one give magic pen
the farthest you can lifesteal is the reach of cait, tristana and senna, spell vamp there's like global ults traps that can be laid many times, Singed poison trail that can be left like 2 screens away, but that's just my take, a you say, they are a hypocrite as if the devs are making changes while the PR department who doesn't know anything about gaming, makes the reasons for the changes as noble as possible
@@MangaGamified Singed poison trail is not nearly that far, as an AOE it would only get 33% of spellvamp, and spellvamp was always weaker than lifesteal even when it existed. Auto attacks are also on like a 1.5 second cooldown at max while spells are on a 2 second cooldown at minimum. Very few AP champs could use spellvamp to leave a fight, hit a few minions or jungle camps, and then come back into the fight at full health and the ones that could were typically the ones who spellvamped anyway and were short range like Ahri and Vlad. Pretty much any AD champ can do that. Almost no AP champ could use spellvamp to survive duels and come out with more HP than when they went in unless they were already doing that, like Fiddle and Swain. Pretty much any AD champ can do that. The fact that a few champions like Xerath can spellvamp at long ranges, who werent building spellvamp anyway, does not justify its removal. Nor does their actual stated reason that spellvamp was making champs who naturally vamped hard to balance, because champs like Darius, Olaf, and Nasus still exist but so does lifesteal.
@@baval5 yeah, idk exactly either, maybe because lifesteal is easy to track cause it mostly only works on auto-attacks, omni vamp works on almost everything, as you can imagine spallvamp/omnivamp can just explode in healing unexpectedly. I dun try to think too much about it too much, I gave up trying to decipher how they think, it gave me the impression their balance team and their reasons are made by entirely different and far departments, the reasons are mainly by the PR team.
Shoutouts to all the aura items that got removed for providing too much value: Stark's Fervor, Aegis of the Legion, old Frozen Heart, Shurelya's, and I'm probably forgetting a couple others. Also Feral Flare and all its different iterations, and GP5 items.
"Collector is for marksmen and assassins". Can't wrap my head around the fact that Collector is still in the assassin section of the shop while LDR isn't. The passive is worthless and the 20% crit are 800 gold down the drain if you aren't playing a hybrid with attack speed steroid and auto-resets like Rengar.
The passive is useless? Tell that to my games where I went 4/1/15 as kha zix with a 7/0/17 yuumi support. This shit happens way to often to me so collector is my go to item for any ad assasin/adc
@@afox5319 even if the enemy adc reaches lv18 (2000 health), The Collector execute is still only a 100 health worth. If you get to already have a meaningful lead (which you should as an assassin) then there's no world in which a Yuumi can steal more than a single kill.
Wait what? They didn’t “remove” Aatrox unless I missed a period where they actually took him out of the game like they did to GP, I thought they just reworked him? Like Voli & Morde they didn’t remove them they reworked them
@@Crona_Gowther_Kanato Well yes and no. They reworked Aatrox but left very very little of what made old Aatrox himself, essentially creating a new champion rather than upgrading an old one. Because of this, its common to hear that riot 'deleted' Aatrox.
"Limited by their cooldowns" I fucking wish. In actuality, late-game cooldowns, ESPECIALLY ON ASSASSINS, are so low that basically anyone can do cleanup duty Characters whose job is single-target assassinations and escape should have no business repeating the thing 3+ times in a single fight. That just makes anyone a better diver assassin than actual divers FFS. Way too much safety in rito's favorite little class.
Hextech gunblade was so much fun to build on Tristana and Teemo, i miss the days of all these different items. It's amazing to be able to watch vids like these and get a sense of nostalgia
I miss both spellbinder and zephyr. They weren't very good but having increased movespeed could be insanely powerful on some champions. Like I used to build Zepher on Vi and i'd sometimes get a lot of shit for it until they saw that it worked REALLY well in helping her stick to people. It was also dumb on old Rek'sai
The nerve somebody has to have to even suggest that gunblade wasn’t degenerative. As soon as champs like Kat/Akali got that item is was legit over for any adc within a screen of them. No squishy champion in the game could survive a katarina even if her only item was gun blade and they had 3 full items
Oh, no1 mentioned the Malady Both original with life steal and % chance to make enemy take extra magic damage and the later version which reduced MR per hit. Also, Ionic Spark? the HP + AS item with every 3rd or 4th aa procing lightning similar to shiv just fewer targets, eventually got replaced with shiv since almost no1 built it
I used to scrim with some no name team long time ago (but they all Master-Challenger). I play Nunu against Zoey and win with those item 🤣. If they, exist nowadays, I think it will be midlane worst nightmare.
@@poom323 I used to do this same thing with both nunu and zac mid, just laugh as the enemy does negative damage to you while your army takes their turret. Emperor nunu is one of the builds I miss the most
@@dizzyheads as a person that has been playing since season 2 I have no recollection of buying that item lol. For a brief season it became meta all tanks and supports used to buy it but still I have never get my hands on that item not even once lol its funny when you think about it. Athma's impaler was removed a lot sooner than that but I remember buying that item every now and then
I think Season 11's Item Update was a universal good, but I'm talking about the Systems more than the Items themselves. They really dropped the ball with a lot of items just being either absent or really OP. Battle Mages that didn't have their own built in Health or Resistances just didn't get to play the game in Season 11, and now they at least have like, 2 or 3 options for items but still no really good mythic option. Edit: I also think that their removal of all Generalist items was a distinct blow to the system's quality. There is no harm in having items that don't do super special or interesting things, because not every champion wants something like RoA. Generalist Items benefit a small subset of champions to such a degree that well, Ryze was all but unplayable in Season 11 for a reason. The champions that need those stats rely on them almost entirely and removing the items that give all those stats doesn't imporve the game since not many champs built RoA outside of Ryze, Kassadin, and Anivia. There were a few but all removing that item did, was make those 3 champions lose their main options without giving them anything in return.
Cho'gath with RoA into Liandrys and then old Gargoylestoneplate, was a weird build and a bunch a people pinged it, but damn was it fun ulting people at almost full health XD
What riot seems to forget is that not all champs fit into their neat little boxes of champion classes, nidalee is one of my favorite junglers but I haven’t even bothered playing her in s11
Yeah, it was such a fun item on early game marksmen. Not the most efficient of items, but gave a really nice distribution of stats, and granted much needed survivability against assassins, while also having a fair amount of counterplay to it.
Back in Season 9 and 10, I used to main Swain toplane with ROA, even with the boom of Support Swain with Liandry's, I still played my tanky and bursty Swain, he was a literal battle mage After the items rework, I just can't play him anymore. Literally, I got a Mastery 7 champion with more than 200K points and I CAN'T PLAY HIM BECAUSE HE IS SO GODDAM SQUISHY
Aatrox was deleted from the game. Anyone can see that new and old Aatrox are completely different. I'm still salty because I played Aatrox for his old self.
I would really like to have RoA back, I played anivia and ryze a lot more when RoA was around and if I felt I needed more health on an ap champion I'd build it too. Also with the new iteration of seraph's embrace those champions feel even worse to me. I still need my tear item but now I have even less ap to work with and I only get around 22 ability haste while having archangel's and a mana mythic, it just feels bad. It's hilarious seeing people build muramana on ap champions cause trying that kind of thing just makes sense at this point cause you want the damage.
I kinda hate how they changed glacial augment. Senna loved that rune and it was literally one of the only runes that you could reliably go every game. Now she's in this weird state where no one knows what to build on her,
They said that 'neither side should have privileges withheld from the other'? Given the whole Shadowflame thing (which, as others here have said, doesn't even work all that well for its intended purposes) and the fact that Assassins seem to tend to get a lot of extra toys (Collector even though some Marksmen do make use of it, the new Axiom Arc...) I have to question that logic...
I think removing items has been healthy for the game overall. I started in s2, I could handle learning all the items riot introduced. For a player starting in s10, imagine staring down a menu with 100+ items to choose from. Where would they even begin? Riot made a brave decision to not allow power creep in terms of items, though they failed spectacularly regarding feature creep on champions. Damn passives are an entire paragraph now…
Season 11 was an overall positive change for the game but god damn it I miss Hextech gunblade. Not very many champs used but like cmon, it’s a FUCKING GUN BLADE. IT’S A GUN, THAT IS ALSO A SWORD. That’s just cool as hell. Another thing I miss is the unique actives the Tiamat items had. As a Shen main using the titanic hydra active was kind of a big and incredibly satisfying ability to use… and now it’s gone. Now I’ve gotten used to it but there was just something about it that was just soooo satisfying for some reason, and I question why they got rid of it. Another item I kinda miss is adaptive helm, it was a big part of the Shen build I used to climb out of bronze and low silver, and I’m just nostalgic for it.
Also, there are 2 champs that were completly balanced around the gunblade. Akali and Katarina, both with hybrid scaling. People complain about Akali and Katarina being broken but at the end of S9 Akali was a solid b-tier and A/S tier depending on your skill and katarina was pretty ok too, but then with the on hit katarina bs and the 0 energy cost akali Q they completly broke the balance of both champs. They also erased the hybrid kai'sa and one of the coolest build paths that kayle used to have.
I just hate how the new items felt like they exist to patch weaknesses. Immobile ADC? Just buy Galeforce! Bruiser without a ton of sustain? Goredrinker! Ult has a lot of influence on a game but set on a long cooldown? Axiom Arc! Stridebreaker used to be *the* Darius item when it gave him mobility, because when your champion's biggest weakness is immobility, just fix it with a gap closer item! Also they really fucked over supports. Support items are terrible for income so you really don't have a means of getting money on that role anymore, which sucks when mythics drive the meta and are the most expensive items, and their power partly comes from their ability to empower legendary items but you can barely afford anything after your mythic.
4:04 WotA also would grant double bonus to the holders if multiple members of a team have the item, like all other aura items (back before they changed how spell-vamp worked). Also back in the old days True Damage (like smite) would heal you through Spell Vamp. This lead to my favorite shenanigan of just building it on Jungle Nunu (old design days) and healing for literally all your life when you consumed anything. 5:25 Executioner's Calling was your alternative for grievous wounds back in the long ago. It changed from passively doing it, to you needing to activate it for it to apply wounds, to going back to passive, to going back to active, to being removed, to being the Executioners we have now. 8:55 I miss Leviathan. It'd stack health the same as those two stack AD/AP, 30-ish per, and at full stacks it'd reduce damage by 15%. For a while you'd get 2 stacks per kill OR assist but that made it bonkers.
I think the stridebreaker change was like an entire item change. It went to being a useful item for immobile brusiers to only useful for brusiers who have mobility but no lockdown/hard to land lockdown. I find it kind of dumb it went from a brusier version of galeforce/prowler/rocketbelt into what it is now. I find it kind of silly how some things, like you mentioned, rod of ages as a tankier option for mages was removed but steraks was left. How zhonyas, an active stasis for mages is still around, but nothing for ad (GA isnt rlly comparable as you need to die and its a 5 min cd). Similarly, stridebreaker could have been changed to stay as it was intended, a way for immobile brusiers not to be kited. I don't think it was that broken, it was just like how galeforce and prowler are now but for some reason it also slowed and did damage (where gale had an execute magic dmg, and prowler had dmg and a damage increase). Instead of removing the dash and increasing the dmg, I think the better alternative was to adjust the dash range, make the cd much higher, and either remove or decrease the slow/damage (one of those depending on what the new cd is). I think riot was just overall lazy when in came to balancing this item.
I miss RoA too, but I wouldn't compare it too Steraks, since RoA had no active that gave you a shield when you ate a lot of damage, it was just a lot of HP/Mana.
As a mage main (Liss, Cassio and Ori), I think mage items are pretty dogshit compared to AD items. They have many options to build depending on the situation, and the access to insane amounts of lethality early game on assassins is absurd compared to flat magic pen, and also they can build more % armor pen, which helps them to burn tanks and squishies alike, making them way stronger than a mage, who is almost forced to follow a path of a few viable items. For example, I would love to see a qss ítem for mages, a black cleaver-like item for mages (especially for dps mages), a sterak ítem for mages, and so on. Chapter apart are fighter items, those are absurd. AD items are busted compared to AP, making that classes stronger than they should be.
If mages get qss, ad champs get zhonya's (GA doesn't count) . Seriously tho I vote to remove zhonya's and stopwatch from the game and give mages more defensive options
I also regret the deletion of Frozen Mallet, though the Serylda's Grudge is a great option for assassins, some champs don't rely too much on spells and could use an option to stick to their target, especially with all the mobility that was added into the game with s11 changes.
I know this is probably an unpopular opinion. Stat sticks are the BEST and MOST healthy items in the game. It is my belief that most items should be stat sticks, with their effects mostly dictating how you access those stats. Utility should come from a champions kit primarily, with secondary effects or late game effects everyone should have access too coming from items.
I honestly feel like Shadowflame does not work as an antishield item. It gives magic pen then more magic pen vs shields. But unlike serpent's, it doesn't reduce the shield by itself. It's just helps you deal more damage after the shield is broken. It's like a massive magic pen stat stick with the passive slapped on it last minute to say "hey, look, antishield for ap champions"
I miss philosopher's stone. Don't ask me why, I was a support main way back in the day and I just really liked that item. Also I personally loved sightstones , although I get why they were removed.
Atmas Impaler was the best item for tanks. Especially on Sion who's HP never ends in growing. This allowed him to scale like Nasus or Veigar, as the game got longer, the stronger he got. Removal of that item 'killed" him.
i remmeber using Death Fire Grasp, way back then it was one of my go to, with that massive ap boost it provided not to mention, the extra dmg you dealt with its activation clunky for sure, but it was in my opinion of of the best ap items back then also, sword of the occult was something ive completely forgot
I used to play AP Tristana back before her rework and DFG was great because you could get to the point where you could split your combo and blow up 2 targets instead of one.
As a support main, the Glacial Augment, Twin Shadows and GLP build was one of my favorite and most obnoxious strat to play on Morgana, Veigar, Swain and Yuumi.
4:27 This argument is pretty bad. "Mages need it because they need more AP then ad champs need AD" What part of that couldn't be solved by just making AP items all give more AP. Or increasing every AP ratio. If your argument would be something like "AP champions need some form of quadratic scaling, even if its less so than AD" That would make a half decent argument. Im not saying I want it removed, im just saying that argument is like saying "they need a stat stick because they need stats"... like what?
I love how you add Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh reference in your video it makes me really happy to see stuff like that on a channel like this. Thanks for making the Pokémon reference and making another solid video for League of Legends.
By the way, this video is sponsored by me! I recently became partnered with Facebook Gaming and I'll be posting exclusive content over on my Facebook page along with the content I post on Vars and Vars II! Please support me on Facebook I would appreciate it a lot
Sponsored by you?! Epic
I will be missing all those videos 😜
please list the music you use I NEEED TO KNOW
@@hotlinekrapfen lmao I don't know if that's autocorrect but it says tsundere which is not divine
It's at 111 likes!
Seriously, noone remembers or misses Athenes Unholy Grail? I used it on every single support and loved it. Getting Ap for mana regen and extra heals from dmg was great.
Athenes was so much better than moonstone, you had to apply it and it felt great giving a teammate half there health back instead of the moonstone trickle.
When lux was an actual support.
At some point it was a permanent blue buff and you were a complete idiot if you didn't build it on literally any mage with a mana bar... Such a big power spike when you got it, felt really good
@@jeroenverschaeve3090 Now supports just can't run out of mana anymore to make up for Unholy Grail being gone...
Yea, man. Playing Yuumi with Athenes Unholy Grail vs playing now with Moonstone can't be compared. F for Athenes Unholy Grail :(
Gangplank being disabled Because he "died" had to be the best gameplay/lore crossover Riot did.
Can you explain? I don't understand
Once gp was disabled and due to lore for 1 or 2 days
@@charlieflight6124GP, who received his VGU during a bilgewater event at the time, had a game breaking bug involving his barrels giving massive XP unintentionally (Tryndamere spinning over barrels). This bug started getting reported right at the time GP “died” during the event. Now idk if Riot had planned to disable him for the event or did it because of the bug but regardless, they disabled him for a few days with the tech note “GP is dead and has been removed from the game”
@@Lonewolfproductions0i think it was intentional, he died and came back with a new skin when he came back(the curent ver) and the old version became a free skin for those who played league when the event was up
Everyone talking about Zz'rot and Shojin, but I'm over here remembering how absolutely impossible it was to stop a Shyvana that was given enough room to farm her Feral Flare.
@Noah P I miss the times when Sated Devourer made Vayne jungle viable. Every single jungler I played with back then was running it.
It allowed a few jungle champ to be able to scale to be able to solo baron which kinda defeats the purpose those powerful neutral objectives to require more team play to secure.
@Noah P feral yi still gives me nightmares
@Noah P that was the best jg meta that we ever had tbh
At least this Shyvana was an AD juggernaut as supposed to be. Current Shyvana is a Cheese Nuke.
Rod Of Ages is an item that needs to return. It essentially carried the AP bruiser class and went well with so many champions. Anivia, Swain, Ryze, Cho'Gath, and Kassadin using it the best. Definitely deserved to be turned into a mythic.
isn't that what fimbulwinter is for?
@@codebracker no you cant directly compare the two
@@codebracker It doesnt give any ap, and its passive is for melee champ only which only Kassadin or Cho Gath are
Kassadin needs ap scaling too and is an assassin with a dash every 2 seconds, so the big shield is kinda worthless
the new seraph give heal , health most ap item give health
Frozen mallet was extremely unfun to play against, but I absolutely loved it on champions like trundle, voli and gnar
Zz'rot was alsoreally fun to use, back then it was one of the only items in the game to give both armor and mr and it's active was great
Frozen mallet literally still exists, it's just seryldas grudge. Only difference is Grudge is actually a really good item where as mallet was built 1 in 100 games
@@BigMuskachini mallet was good for off-tanks, and grudge gives you only a slow on ability. they new mallet is frostfire gauntlet, and its not as good as the mallet
@@BigMuskachini The thing was is that they removed mallet for a while before adding Seryldas
@@bevvvy1374 also there is a big difference if you slow with abilities or aa's - the former is faaar more unhealty imao
@@BigMuskachini - 700 hp though
My only real issue with season 11's item changes is the fact that the two items I built the most got removed.
(ROA and Athene's Unholy Grail)
Imo, Shadowflame fails at the niche it was advertized to fill: I.e. an item that helps mages against shields. It doesn't. It's a great flat pen item that gives great damage, however any worth it has against shields is almost entirely in damage being done *after* the shield disappears. The item itself tracks the total extra damage done against shields, and rarely does it ever get into the 3 digit marker... And this is tracking cumulative dmg.
and serpents fang is just so much better, with the anti shield passive that completely destroyed shields and stopped that champ from being able to generate shields again
On the other hand it also magnifies ap assassins roaming and bullying bot lane with level advantage because of its interaction with health
@@houseofmurder tbf, I have no idea why it gives health as well
the other problem is that you don't actually get any additional value against shield items like IS,Sterak since if the enemy has less than 1k health you already get full value of m pen. Like in the clip of syndra killing karma everyone uses syndra gets 20 mpen before karma uses her shield , so nothing really changes.
It is basically a better void staff if you think about it since the magic pen scales with of the difference between your and thier current health
I miss Gunblade, it was my fav item in the whole game. (It was also overpowered at one point to the point where you could legit build 6 Gunblades and just 1v9)
Imagine Spear of Shojin, Axiom Arc, and Navori Quickblades existing at the same time.
We have that, it’s called URF
I wouldn't mind a game mode with all broken and removed items
While Spear of Shojin and Axiom Arc together sound like hell, Navori Quickblades isn't that impactful, especially in that build. Relying on 20% crit chance for the passive to proc sounds like something only Tryndamere would be able to pull off. Not even Yasuo or Yone build it
I don't think a lack of ambiguity is a good thing in terms of items, personally I preferred all of the more fun and game-like stuff you could do with the old item system, no matter the clank and jank. Probably just a little thing, but I feel that having a bunch of random shit you could do with the other items made them more fun.
Damn...I remember when Shaco's core build was Trinity + Infinity Edge + Duskblade. Fun times.
The thing is... LOL is not made to be fun anymore... It is made to be "balanced" to "professional gameplay"... And it ruins a lot of fun from the game... And it's probably one of the reasons that the game is slowly dying.
Hope they realise it soon.
@@DanielMontenegroBass I think the main problem with LOL is not people leaving the game, but how hard it is to pick up. Old players tend to forget how enormous the amount of info you need to learn is to play effectively.
Players want games to be linear, to have a routine. I think the game is balanced around that, there are less and less random shit (both items and champs).
@@theomaffioletti4670 new player here and i agree. If i didnt have a knowledgeable friend, i would be pretty lost. Tbh though, the recommended item system is really nice. Instantly showing the enemies it would be effective on helps alot. The unique/niche yet still viable items would be really confusing to keep track of.
@@elfireii328 I agree they made it better with season 11 (I started in season 6 and it was AWFUL).
The recommended is very helpful, but you still have to learn every Item to understand what you and the enemy can or cannot do.
It's still tedious, although a little bit easier now
Honestly, while I do think there are some items that are difficult to balance do to other classes (Normally assassins or fighters) making better use of them, the AD side is mostly fine. The Big issue is the AP side their trying to make it so all AP champs share an item pool so you get stuff like Battlemages, Artillery Mages, Assasins and Juggernauts all trying to itemize their own unique playstyles with the same items. Voidstaff is the only percent based Mag Pen item in the game, so its often needed in most AP builds.
Yeah, even though it gets a bit better now that there is another pen item it's still not great. As a Ryze and A Sol player myself I miss roa and glp so much. especially after they removed Ryze's shield, the shield from archangel's and the infamous A Sol rework ( rito pls revert)
As a kayle main, while shes still strong late, our mid game isnt as good since we fit in a very specific mage category that is ranged dps that works like an adc. Nashors is the only item left for us. Guinsoo(old one) and hextec gunblade were all core to us.
@@duc2133 i just go onhit with either riftmaker or kraken slayer and then do all the necessary onhit items that game.
I might miss on some ap but I still shred ppl late game :|
However, ap champions also have more access to pen than any other class, even this season's adcs. Because sorc shoes and void staff exist, at two items you can already avoid almost all of an opponent's magic resist. Void staff is supposed to be an anti-tank item, but it's so effective at what it does that it is pretty much core on every single mage, excluding maybe mordekaiser because he has one built in, and vel'koz because he does large amounts of true damage. 40% magic pen is more than any other class has access to, and it's combined with boots that also provide magic pen and mythics that provide magic pen
@@aaronscott7467 The thing is, the percent magic pen doesn't stack very well. It's multiplicative, meaning a 40% and a 10% don't actually equal 50%
As someone who one-tricked Anivia for a long time, seeing Rod of the Ages get removed really hurt. It was a hyper-efficient stat stick that the blue bird really needed.
Exaaactly her sustain used to be way better
How we feeling now?
It's back
morellonomicon wasnt the only anti heal item, Executioner's Calling also had this feature but was a low cost item that at the time didnt build into anything.
Executioner's calling was added at season 9, before that morello was indeed the only antiheal item.
@@luameduardo9611 it was litteraly in the game since 2009
@@luameduardo9611 you had to complete the mortal reminder for the anti heal same with marrelo before season 10
@@dankmemes8254 Thats true, I forgot about Mortal Reminder, before executioners calling was added you really had to complete the whole item.
@@alexg4711 Not really, check the wiki.
i still think it's ridiculous that riot decided to remove RoA, considering they removed it because it was a niche item, yet isn't that the point of a lot of items? i keep realizing that protobelt is a niche item, think about the mages that run that item, and that it's basically locked to mages. it has the same niche as RoA. i wouldn't even be mad if they locked RoA to mythic and kept it in the game
"think about the mages that run that item, and that it's basically locked to mages" well duh, it's mage item
@@Zare122 true as fuck. "think about the assassins that run eclipse" um half of the 40 assassins in the game?
I dont actually think they removed RoA because it was a niche item. it was the exact opposite. it was a good item on every AP champ. Items now are much more purposeful when built. instead of just going RoA, Archangels on anyone and having it work
Late reply, but IIRC, they removed RoA because you have to build it early for it to be worth it (so it can stack quickly). The problem is that with the inclusion of mythics items, RoA users would have to choose between building RoA early to stack it, or building their mythical. This is the same reason why there is no dedicated jungle item other than those daggers you buy at the begining. If not, junglers would have to choose between finishing their jungle item or building a mythical. I think they explained that on the video were they introduced those changes.
Its the same dumb reason for why they removed Adaptive helm. Thankfully we have the new Force of nature now, but Adaptive helm was stronger.
The funny thing is people didnt buy it because they were dumb meta slaves and dont know how to read. Everyone thought it reduces DOT dmg, even though it CLEARLY said ''dmg from the same source''. So it also reduced pet dmg, channeling abilities, aura dmg and spam spells. It countered sooo many champs, and no one even knew that :D
They maybe intend the items for specific roles, but Yone/Yasuo with Shieldbow are still the worst thing to ever hit the rift...
Their passive is also the worst thing that ever happened to the game.
Almost all items have reduced usefulness if you are ranged,shieldbow should give less shield if you are mele
@@ian77444 100% agree
@@ian77444 they will gut the item for everyone so adc's will have only 2 items now
@@Theogemail thats why i just wanna se a nerf in mele champs,we have lots o items and runes that are worst if you are ranged,having only 1 bad item if you are mele is the most reasonable nerf
Yeah nah, riot definitely has a favoritism towards assassins and bruisers. Serpent's fang is a shield nerf item. Shadowflame was *expected* to be an AP version of it. Instead what we got was a magic pen item, which in no way nerfs or breaks shields. You just get magic pen, which is of no purpose if the enemy is sitting behind a shield. Not to mention, Serpent's fang scales with shield power, which shadowflame does NOT do. So if the enemy has a big enough shield (or even just a shield paired with high damage output) they can quite literally make shadowflame irrelevant. Whereas you can't do that against serpent's fang because the better your shield, the more it's being debuffed by the percentage reduction.
At least you have an "anti shield" item - adc
Riot is clearly biased towards mages. Just look at how insane mage items are: Zhonyas which is built on every ap champion, Rabadons which has the best stats in the game and Dark seal which at some points had so much base stats people would buy multiple, on top of the passive which is broken considering this is a snowballing game already. Mages destroy every class except assassins, which is the other class riot loves (because it is flashy)
@@sonwig5186 what are you talking about, before the addition of Crown mages were cucked for 2 years.
@@voilvelev6775 Don't care try playing any top laner into mages. Hashinshin is right.
@@sonwig5186 Ye, because thats degenerate pick, just like playing vayne or top. That doesnt mean there's a problem with the class itself.
kinda wished that Zzrot wasnt removed since I used that item whenever the enemy team destroyed an inhibitor pretty good for stalling enemy minions tbh
I miss zzrot, I wish they’d add a few items with more interesting actives like zzrot
ZZ'rot :(
ZzRot was a great purchase once you were full build. Sell any item, buy zzrot, place it, sell zzrot, rebuy original item
the legendary Singed 420 triple proxy will live in our hearts forever
@@PlanADidntWorkOut almost forgot about him, man those were the days
"Riot has never removed a champion from the game"
The *real* Aatrox would like a word...
Me, a relatively new player who only knows half of these items from TFT: that’s gonna be interesting
Bro same… 😭😭😭
And then there's me, knowing Statik Shiv, Rod of Ages, and Hextech Gunblade in Wild Rift and wondered where those items were in League PC when I shifted to there couple of months ago.
I know the feeling, I’m only about a year or two older than tft
Hope you’re enjoying the game :)
AP Bruisers need better itemization, simply as that. AD have everything they could ever want at the moment while Mages just continue to be nerfed.
Aha aha aha aha
Lmao so many ap champs with 52% plus win rate and you mage players are still crying its crazy. In the mid lane like 70 percent of the OP and s tier picks are AP.
Lux , viktor, annie, sylas , kassasin, anniva, kayle, vex. Dont even need to win lane with them to climb , just don't go 0/3 and you will hard carry the mid to late game team fights.
Also mid lane is the only lane where you can fairly compare AP and AD champs since there are way more AD champs in the game, mid is the only role with a similar amount of AP and AD champs.
Support has way more ap champs and is dominated by AP.
@@epic1053 Did you seriously not mention akali? xD
@@epic1053 The original comment is about AP bruisers, and you mentioned a bunch of AP burst mages or AP marksman like Kayle. They're not the same. Maybe read and comprehend first before you go on your little tangent and cry about mages?
In case you need clarification because you seem like someone who is only pretending to know what they're talking about, AP bruisers are champions like Malphite, Mordekaiser, Rumble, Swain and Lillia.
@@calem6470 the virginity is strong with this one
@@epic1053 Just admit you were wrong, lmao. Such fragile ego
Definitely agree that items are not given to classes equally. The fact that tanks have to build armor and on-hit protection (Thornmail) if they want Grievous, even against the numerous magic damage healers (Mordekaiser, Gwen, Vladimir, Swain, Sylas, Sylas, Sylas...) is a complete shame. It's way too situational.
Bruisers don't have to consider the enemy team comp when they want Grievous. If they need it, they buy it. Tanks don't have that luxury.
Exactly! Never knew why there are grievous wounds items in every type (2 ap, 2 ad, armor) but no mr one
Ey i think you frgot sylas ny guy
If you want to see grievous wounds handled better look at Smite. Tank grievous items reduce healing through an aura and exist for both armour and mr
"Riot has never outright removed a champion from the game"
Laughs in old Aatrox
Pray for him :(
old yorick and old urgot smh
Of Swain and ww. I miss my easy ass click ult ww. You know how dumb I look flying by someone completely missing while malzhar can still click on someone and completely take them out the game.
laughs in old sion
@@lukewarmice8292 And himself too. He doesn't even get the heals that Warwick gets.
Vars : "Seldom are things ever removed"
Riot : *Laughs in Aatrox*
*Sad Mordekaiser noises*
lmfao u beat me to it
@@SpookSkellington Sad swain noises
@@carbonbeaker409 I think Swain wasn't as bad but now that I took a look at the comparisons it was still pretty terrible
@@TheChristmasWarrior New Swain is just shitty version of Vladimir. His rework was huge fail.
3 things i miss
1. Old rilay - you could slow dudes with basics, not just abilities
2. old swain - the way u could use beatrice (crow) to zone opponents
3. ZZ portal - it was fun
Spear of Shojin worked on pre-rework Tahm even if you cancelled the ult, so if you were willing to cancel the ult every time, you could have its passive up virtually always.
Truly 5head
Holy shit
on mention of sword of the occult you kind of missed the third snowball sister item.. Leviathan.. it gave like 160 flat hp and gave like 15% damage reduction and up to 640 hp at 20 stacks
Not to mention SotO gave MS at max stacks too.
Love that they removed adaptive helm for being too situational yet added another burn item, so now double burn exists and they removed the one tank item to counter to dot damage.
Yea, with almost every ap champ building Liandrys these days...I really miss adaptive...
adaptive was the perfect item
i still dont understand why they removed it and wish to buy it in certain games
@@HolyShitNew Updated force of nature kinda fills the niche now IMO, I'm glad they changed it
@@jeroenverschaeve3090 while i agree that the changes to it are nice
It still is a worse option than adaptive helm with adaptive helm not being broken op or anything
It made you tankier in a time where riot didnt try to make every oneshot everyone
The problem is that Adaptative helm counters the very few dot champions in lol too hard like Teemo, Cassiopeia, Brand, Malzahar and Swain, they straight up become useless against those that they are supposed to counter and the extra AP also helps against any other AP brust they might receive, it was just too powerful.
there are some massive flaws in league item system. i have played every role and every class, and every season one of them is gutted into uselessness. they removed ROA, murdering anivia and kassa for a solid year, they removed a lot of items like brtualizer that made some champs bearable early.
season 12 mage items also suck because they removed a lot of ap and most burst mages feel ass
in season 12, they changed glacial augment, so it doesnt apply on aa's... they were thinking about those ice rays that cant be applied using twin shadows, but they didnt think about senna having 0 meta keystones now.. she somwhat works with grasp... but tank senna was nerfed, she kinda works with first strike, but early she doesnt have the range to use it properly, and she kinda works with PTA but no one uses it on her because it feels meh.
same happened with GP, they nerfed his grasp page, but they forgot that he has no other runes he can use, other than DH that rly isnt optimal for his playstyle.
some champs having 20 optimal items and 5 rune pages isnt healthy, when other champs have 4 optimal items and no optimal rune pages. GP is a burst bruiser, but he builds... adc assasin and tank items.
i miss zz'rot portal , it was my favorite portal and i ran it in literally every game no matter the character/build
It was also my favorite portal. None of the other portals come close in my book. Definitely the best portal.
definitely was a fun item to use, but I usually kept it on the cloak thing that boosted your MS
I like the idea and philosophy behind the Season 11 item rework. Yes, the items were old the game existed for 10 years by then, many new champions came out, it is nice to overhaul the system and bring it up to par, to make well designed items for each class, for each item to have a clear purpose, to fulfill certain requirements and needs that different gamestates put forward. I loved them uniforming grevious wounds, a problem in the past that felt like you have situations you could not solve because of "missing" answers. Even the idea of mythics, not only are they powerful, but their function of locking off only 1 purchase helps to keep certain builds uniformed for certain classes .
However with overhauls like these where everything is made new from the ground up, there are always those unnecessary additions that designers are excited to try just because. Items that serve no purpose to the aforementioned balancing other than just to be overpowered or interesting. Like Collector. That item is an execute as an item. As of writing this comment, I believe there are about....4 or 5 champions with a true execute in the game; Pyke, Urgot, Draven, and Zigg's (on towers only.) There are other abilities that are finishers, not true executes, like Cho'Gath ult. So how come, let's say these 3 champions in all of League (excluding Ziggs because its towers only) have a very specific and powerful effect, is now given to an item that just anyone can buy?
The idea of the item rework is great, but the execution (hehe) leading to an entire year's meta of shifting between the strongest "toy" of the month is frustrating to deal with as a player. Its a cycle of nerfs and changes and eventually we'll be right back to where we started where each item is a shell of its former self.
Ohmwrecker literally needed just stat change. Its active was great purely for splitpushers, who had advantage in lane, but was giving stats of a tank, rather than bruiser/assasin which could actually make use of such item. Make it give ad instead of armor and boom, item fixed.
I used to build ohmwrecker on hard snowball trynd games. Wasn't necessary at all but it was funny to ensure that they had no hope
Hextech Gunblade got removed because they were play testing Riftmaker, realized how fucking boring it is to use, and wanted to make sure Gunblade didn’t completely overshadow it for being an actually entertaining item.
God I hate Riftmaker.
they got rid of gunbalde , ccuz they wanted to change how it work and remove every mix item item .
I started playing LoL in S5 and since that moment nothing, at least to me, was so broken as the Death's Dance. When you saw Riven, Kayn and Yasuo especially buying it they would become unkillable. The only disadvantage of the item was the true dmg stored but the item itself compensated for that giving omnivamp! Even Katarina or Akali with it and the gunblade would be "almost" unkillable, but not as much as ad bruisers/skirmishers as Yasuo, Yone or Riven
For me, the most broken item is Duskblade. Now, if the enemy turned invisible because they landed a kill, that'd be one thing, but the fact the item activates whenever they get an assist, it makes it near impossible to fight Champions like Shaco and Master Yi, who are already a pain to deal with. And unlike items like Chemtank or Zhonya's, Duskblade's cooldown is nonexistent, so it can be easily abused despite how overpowered it is.
Frozen Mallet and Atma's Impaller are two items that didn't needed to be removed, I loved doing both in renekton.
At it's peak, atmas gave like 50 armor, 18% crit chance and the favorite 2% of max health as attack damage.
I think I build atmas + HP items a couple times, it was ok, it was so long ago and only did it a few times, so I cant remember. I think it's theoretically busted at higher elos since u can all in, then walk away, heal up from warmogs, repeat.
Sometimes you're just not allowed to think your own builds and only play how the devs wants you to play, and they get paid while doing it.
Magic pen item against shields don't even help fighting shields.
Maw, sterak, shieldbow activate under 1k hp threshold, while stoneplate give way too much mr(with other items too) for pen to be worth using.
Even then you get increased pen from 10 to 20, so only 10 at most. Any squishy target, specially below 18 lvl have under 2500hp.
I remember when Tank items actually felt good to buy and use in the game where the defensive stats did something then you added on RoA for a few like Ryze, Gragas, Kass where AP bruiser was a thing that didn't rely on Riftmaker
Yep now you have to worry about 3 fucking kraken slayers
@@lukewarmice8292 and bork
I still remember Madreds Bloodrazor being the Blade of the Ruined King back in the day, or how items were balanced differently in Dominion.
Man seeing bloodrazor mentioned brought back memories of teemos going malady wits end and bloodrazor.
@@Lightscryx I'd do that but on Warwick, to make his ult a 1shot on squishies. And even some tanks. Was more fun on Twisted Treelines when dragon was the "boss" monster on that map
omg bloodrazer on shaco with 4 attack speed items was so stupid. i remember numing full tank build mundos in like 2 seconds
While not talked about much in this vid, Deathfire Grasp's purpose was to help mages burn a tank if they had to by amplifying damage to a target. What actually happened was squishies being deleted even faster.
No AP QSS is the biggest crime imo for not existing, you can easily also throw AD hourglass into that conversation
Mikhails? Plus its better than qss.
@@williamsmith6364 its no longer beyter than qss and it doesn't give ap
@@williamsmith6364 It does not cleanse supression, does not give AP.
Brutalizer did use to build into Youmuu's up until its removal, iirc. Good times.
Though I don't miss ZZrot and banner (especially banner, that one was too strong) they offered different macro strategies that didn't necessarily include teamfighting to win. I liked the idea of it.
C'mon :( I had ton of fun with Trinity + Zz'rot Yorick bonking towers on few hits :(
Banner was garbage what r u talking about? They removed banner because it was useless.
@@Sidiciousify they removed banner because it was increadibly overpowered and broke pro play for like 3 weeks
Banner was ok and a fun usefull item for many supports. The problem arose when they buffed the cannon minion to godlike proportions and made mages weaker than it with baron buff. Then riot proceeded to remove the item instead of nerfing or reverting it...
I used to build Youmuu + Brutalizer on Pantheon for max flat pen :)
Big issue with the item rework is that AD champs have way more options to address a specific issue. U showed Guardian angel vs Zhonyas but forgot the several Lifeline AD items which also stall out. AP have morello's while AD have 2 options. AP have Void Staff but AD have Lord Dom's, Serylda's, Black Clever, a slew of flat AR pen, and % hp damage (true damage as well). Each time an AD champ picks an item that can pick one that both helps their build goal while hurting the enemy's build. AP champs are forced to decide between either helping their build goal or hurting the enemy's build. Either Riot has to remove several AD items or almost double the number of AP items.
Ad champions can go crit, go flat dmg, off tank, lethality and AS build. AP champions you build AP or Off tank AP and that's it.
By definition, they is quite a few people qualified as ad or ap, who worked with the oposite, if you had the game knowledge, ap gp, ap shy also came later, wasnt her original go to build, the very old akali prerework was viable ad, even ap carry jax had it time, ap xin was the must broken bs, before his nerf
Thats because riot is balancing around AD fighters/bruisers and AD assassins. Because it is so hard to balance champions that are tanky and do a lot of damage. Most of the absolute shitshow in this game is traced back to this problem. Tanks doing more damage the adc, goredrinker being build on every AD champ including assassins, adc had to get nerfed or they would all go off tank too etc. While AP champions dont have so many problems because they lack auto attacks and thus are easy to balance. Thats why they cant make AP items too unique or mages would be played in top lane. Riot is still scared to shit about repeating a tank meta thats why lethality exist and true damage isnt nerfed and healing is ramapnt so they had to insert massive antiheal. They should just delete the idea of damage and tankyness together and make it either or. (Hecarim nerf, Aatrox nerf all the same base problem)
I do agree about adding more ap items in the game, the item pool is too small for the number/type of champs. I don't like the interactions of ap champs either, an example would be Void staff as it makes mr a bad stat and it was taken out most ap mages would be useless. And they killed seraphs embrace.
@@amilo5 and still a new Tank meta would be the most healthy Thing the Game could get
Let alone because people would finally be forced to learn Micro-Management und Map-play and evaluate wincons
No hate but how are the items mostly balanced right now???
Why would you go triforce over sunderer?
Why would you go kraken over shieldbow?
Why would you go mandate over moonstone or shurelyas?
Why would you go banshees over zhonyas, even vs a heavy ap comp?
There are items that are literally direct upgrades from others in the game right now
Mandate is great on a few champs, like Nami. It’s more niche but it has its purpose.
Triforce is better than sunderer against towers. So splitpushers can take it to put more pressure on the map rather than sunderer which takes longer to be a threat for champs not named "Camille"
@@brohham3078 Kraken > Shieldbow against tankier comps. Should be self explanatory.
Triforce is better against kiting , does more damage overall.
Kraken does more damage to tanks , not bad against squishies tho , if you have enough AS
Mandate ups the damage on everyone against that target basically. Great for champs that access to a Easy and acessible slow , like """sup""" Lux , Maokai , Nami , Karma etc
Zhonyas and banshees are not interchangeable , both are Ap defensive items but are not the same. On one you want to defend yourself agains a burst or stall for your team to Act , example Zed , Diana , Talon etc. And the other you want to protect against a single but critical ability , Veigar Box , Zoe Sleep , Morde Ult , Blitz Q and etc
@@antonypistachio5476 I didn't talk about Kraken though lol
This man did not just say that Shiv was a "Fringe purchase" that nobody bought. It was literally meta for every adc to build it first 2 seasons before it got removed, and even when it got removed there were a few adcs building it.
It really was, though, because once Runaans built crit (which it kinda had to since otherwise it itself was a fringe weapon), it supplanted Shiv as the AS/crit waveclear item for ADCs. Those who used Shiv the most were basically AD casters like Yasuo and Tryn but was otherwise just really redundant.
i think the reason lethality users were the only ones with access to anti shield is because they’re the only class that doesn’t have a grievous wounds item made for them. chempunk chainsword is really meant for your ad bruisers like camille, riven, or rhaast. it’s not very good for characters like qiyana who want lethality. i want riot to give ad assassins a grievous wounds item that applies 60% grievous wounds for the first 3 seconds of combat. when you play an assassin in mid you can at least take ignite, but in the jungle you don’t get that privilege typically
Healing=slow regen
Shield=burst of hp
Assassin's aren't countered by healing as hard as by shields, because healing is capped at max hp
@@Keln02 yeah i understand that but when you first pick an assassin, especially in the jungle when you usually don’t get to run ignite, and the enemy team is full of champions like warwick, irelia, rhaast, aatrox, etc. it would be nice to be able to build a grievous wounds item that feels like it doesn’t screw over your entire build. sometimes your teammates just won’t build it for you, or you have to 1v1 someone
@@derek8228 an assassin, by design, isn't supposed to win against a juggernaut
The jugg needs sustained damage, so mages or adc.
*Riot:* Sword of the occult is too powerful we should remove it instead of nerf the item.
*Also riot:* Every new champion has stealth, hard cc, at least one movement ability and some kind of reset
were you thinking about pyke while writing this
Dude i miss frozen mallet so much, it was really useful and versatile, tho not essential at all, and that should not be a problem.
I would prefer having a filler item that no one uses instead of the lack of options that I feel sometimes... it's removal was unnecessary for me.
Serylda grudge
@@peridaplatypus sometimes you need HP instead of armor pen, so why not both?
Gnar with that Item was aids (sorry to say that, but I really hate ranged champs and yordles in general), since I play Sion, Cho, Ornn, Malphite etc and everyone who picked that forsaken Yordle build it.
Frozen mallet was the epitome of the underrated item
Every week I have a game where I go "Imagine if I had Zz'Rot right now..." either winning or losing.
I loved that item, it was so unique and it allowed so much creativity for macro play.
I don't remember a single patch where Zz'Rot was considered meta. It gave awful stats and the only ones building it consistently were Singed players.
I mostly used on supports and wasn't even that good. Still loved it.
@@Vinicius-Bigode Both ZZ and Banner were meta in pro play for a while, which was part of why they were removed. Pressing a single button which forces an enemy champion to a lane, or risk losing a tower, was much more broken in proplay than in soloq. They were also honestly decent picks in soloq at times, before being nerfed, and going both ZZ + Banner was a fun/moderately effective cheese strat on some toplaners, where you could either hard punish enemy roams/enemy being botlane, or set the items to push while you roamed and forced an enemy to go top. The movespeed and defensive stats on ZZ made it hard/annoying for anyone to shut down that a cheese ZZ strat, especially on Singed of course, but it was also ran on things like Heimerdinger (who could go both banner and zzrot) and i used to go zzrot + deadmans as a cheese build on Nidalee top sometimes, where you don't fight but just outroam/run your enemies and use the timewindows you get to push towers. Super anti-engaging gameplay for the enemy, unfortunately.
Both items were removed because if they were balanced in soloq they just became meta-defining in pro play where free sidelane pressure was op. Imo, it was fine to leave them balanced in pro play and weak in soloq, they were fun niche items that had situational use if done well, but i guess item clutter and "bait" items like that could be bad for new players.
@@Vinicius-Bigodeit was never meta cause macro plays were never meta, but champs such as Yorick and Sion used a lot
Oh man I miss Spear of Shojin it was so much fun, playing urf in Ranked, same with Zz`Rot, just being spliting 24/7 with ur littel suicide voidspawns :D
Spear was so situational but holy shit the champs that could build it became so broken
@@phoenixflamegames1 jax..
1:15 "Riot never removed a champion from the game"
*Cries in Aatrox*
When I started playing LoL it was the Gp5 meta. Even though everyone tears up over Heart of Gold, I was a Nasus main and mana was limiting my infinite stacking but I didn't want to waste a slot on any mana items. Eleisa's Miracle you will be missed. A mana and HP regen item that built from a Gp5 (Philosopher's Stone) and after a few levels would disappear from your inventory while still providing its effects. AFK farming was never so relaxing.
I wonder who would take this over a tear/mana mythic nowadays?
I miss rushing PS, Kage's, and runes.
It was rough being a support back then and getting money!
gp/5 items were just too universally good. They would instantly be required in top lane and jungle for a lot of champs. Heart of gold/philosophers stone, and wasn't there a third one for awhile? Its been too long. Anyways, those 2 items, especially at the gold breakpoints that they were at, were just too efficient at guaranteeing your relevancy.
@@protestthebread1046 Two more: Kage's Lucky Pick and Avarice Blade.
Hearing “Shield and Sword” instead of “Sword and Shield” was the most jarring thing I think I’ve ever heard him say.
Ok, can we talk about the new anti shield item for mages, it is only used for champs that want the 10 basic magic pen it gives at all points and is not used to much as an anti shield item it just doesn't work even closly as good a the AD version it should cut shield like the AD Item or the AD should give lethality like this one give magic pen
RoA being removed also took Karthus out of midlane for almost half of the last year outside of super safe match ups.
> Riot has never deleted a champion
Aatrox would like a word with you
The biggest hypocrisy in league itemization: why was spell vamp so OP it had to be removed but lifesteal is on like six items now.
And lifesteal also apply on some cancer champion skill....
the farthest you can lifesteal is the reach of cait, tristana and senna, spell vamp there's like global ults traps that can be laid many times, Singed poison trail that can be left like 2 screens away, but that's just my take, a you say, they are a hypocrite as if the devs are making changes while the PR department who doesn't know anything about gaming, makes the reasons for the changes as noble as possible
@@MangaGamified Singed poison trail is not nearly that far, as an AOE it would only get 33% of spellvamp, and spellvamp was always weaker than lifesteal even when it existed. Auto attacks are also on like a 1.5 second cooldown at max while spells are on a 2 second cooldown at minimum. Very few AP champs could use spellvamp to leave a fight, hit a few minions or jungle camps, and then come back into the fight at full health and the ones that could were typically the ones who spellvamped anyway and were short range like Ahri and Vlad. Pretty much any AD champ can do that. Almost no AP champ could use spellvamp to survive duels and come out with more HP than when they went in unless they were already doing that, like Fiddle and Swain. Pretty much any AD champ can do that. The fact that a few champions like Xerath can spellvamp at long ranges, who werent building spellvamp anyway, does not justify its removal.
Nor does their actual stated reason that spellvamp was making champs who naturally vamped hard to balance, because champs like Darius, Olaf, and Nasus still exist but so does lifesteal.
@@baval5 yeah, idk exactly either, maybe because lifesteal is easy to track cause it mostly only works on auto-attacks, omni vamp works on almost everything, as you can imagine spallvamp/omnivamp can just explode in healing unexpectedly.
I dun try to think too much about it too much, I gave up trying to decipher how they think, it gave me the impression their balance team and their reasons are made by entirely different and far departments, the reasons are mainly by the PR team.
Shoutouts to all the aura items that got removed for providing too much value: Stark's Fervor, Aegis of the Legion, old Frozen Heart, Shurelya's, and I'm probably forgetting a couple others.
Also Feral Flare and all its different iterations, and GP5 items.
The aegis passive is still in game mi it's Just now picked Behind a mythic passive
"Collector is for marksmen and assassins". Can't wrap my head around the fact that Collector is still in the assassin section of the shop while LDR isn't. The passive is worthless and the 20% crit are 800 gold down the drain if you aren't playing a hybrid with attack speed steroid and auto-resets like Rengar.
The passive is useless? Tell that to my games where I went 4/1/15 as kha zix with a 7/0/17 yuumi support.
This shit happens way to often to me so collector is my go to item for any ad assasin/adc
@@afox5319 even if the enemy adc reaches lv18 (2000 health), The Collector execute is still only a 100 health worth. If you get to already have a meaningful lead (which you should as an assassin) then there's no world in which a Yuumi can steal more than a single kill.
Honestly we need a video of how useful/useless the removed items will be in modern LoL
I do and will miss Static Shiv until the end of time.
"there was no champion removed from the game"
meanwhile old aatrox: am i joke to you?
Wait what? They didn’t “remove” Aatrox unless I missed a period where they actually took him out of the game like they did to GP, I thought they just reworked him? Like Voli & Morde they didn’t remove them they reworked them
@@Crona_Gowther_Kanato Well yes and no. They reworked Aatrox but left very very little of what made old Aatrox himself, essentially creating a new champion rather than upgrading an old one. Because of this, its common to hear that riot 'deleted' Aatrox.
@@doublereel-real Aatrox became so much stronger with him being reworked however, broken at times
@@altide8784 While that is true, I don't see how that's pertinent to the discussion of why people say old Aatrox was deleted.
"Limited by their cooldowns" I fucking wish.
In actuality, late-game cooldowns, ESPECIALLY ON ASSASSINS, are so low that basically anyone can do cleanup duty
Characters whose job is single-target assassinations and escape should have no business repeating the thing 3+ times in a single fight. That just makes anyone a better diver assassin than actual divers FFS. Way too much safety in rito's favorite little class.
...i miss zzrot portal so much, it had so much fun ways to be used, one of the few items that creates smth and isnt just stats and statbuffers
Hextech gunblade was so much fun to build on Tristana and Teemo, i miss the days of all these different items. It's amazing to be able to watch vids like these and get a sense of nostalgia
I miss both spellbinder and zephyr. They weren't very good but having increased movespeed could be insanely powerful on some champions. Like I used to build Zepher on Vi and i'd sometimes get a lot of shit for it until they saw that it worked REALLY well in helping her stick to people. It was also dumb on old Rek'sai
The nerve somebody has to have to even suggest that gunblade wasn’t degenerative. As soon as champs like Kat/Akali got that item is was legit over for any adc within a screen of them. No squishy champion in the game could survive a katarina even if her only item was gun blade and they had 3 full items
Curious how nobody remembers Ohmwrecker
Oh, no1 mentioned the Malady
Both original with life steal and % chance to make enemy take extra magic damage and the later version which reduced MR per hit.
Also, Ionic Spark?
the HP + AS item with every 3rd or 4th aa procing lightning similar to shiv just fewer targets, eventually got replaced with shiv since almost no1 built it
Don't forget its old mana burn too!
I wish we still had ZZ'Rots and the Canon Minion Banner of Command. They would pair so well with the new Hullbreaker!
I used to scrim with some no name team long time ago (but they all Master-Challenger). I play Nunu against Zoey and win with those item 🤣. If they, exist nowadays, I think it will be midlane worst nightmare.
Banner of command was so fun to get
@@poom323 I used to do this same thing with both nunu and zac mid, just laugh as the enemy does negative damage to you while your army takes their turret. Emperor nunu is one of the builds I miss the most
@@dizzyheads as a person that has been playing since season 2 I have no recollection of buying that item lol. For a brief season it became meta all tanks and supports used to buy it but still I have never get my hands on that item not even once lol its funny when you think about it. Athma's impaler was removed a lot sooner than that but I remember buying that item every now and then
I think Season 11's Item Update was a universal good, but I'm talking about the Systems more than the Items themselves. They really dropped the ball with a lot of items just being either absent or really OP. Battle Mages that didn't have their own built in Health or Resistances just didn't get to play the game in Season 11, and now they at least have like, 2 or 3 options for items but still no really good mythic option.
Edit: I also think that their removal of all Generalist items was a distinct blow to the system's quality. There is no harm in having items that don't do super special or interesting things, because not every champion wants something like RoA. Generalist Items benefit a small subset of champions to such a degree that well, Ryze was all but unplayable in Season 11 for a reason. The champions that need those stats rely on them almost entirely and removing the items that give all those stats doesn't imporve the game since not many champs built RoA outside of Ryze, Kassadin, and Anivia. There were a few but all removing that item did, was make those 3 champions lose their main options without giving them anything in return.
Cho'gath with RoA into Liandrys and then old Gargoylestoneplate, was a weird build and a bunch a people pinged it, but damn was it fun ulting people at almost full health XD
What riot seems to forget is that not all champs fit into their neat little boxes of champion classes, nidalee is one of my favorite junglers but I haven’t even bothered playing her in s11
Sanguine Blade being replaced by Hullbreaker was a huge slap to my face, since I was playing a lot of Quinn at the time. I honestly felt betrayed.
Yeah, it was such a fun item on early game marksmen. Not the most efficient of items, but gave a really nice distribution of stats, and granted much needed survivability against assassins, while also having a fair amount of counterplay to it.
mf you played Quinn top you deserve to be betrayed
Mage and tank items still need so so much work. I really wish we could get some changes to Tforce and Stridebreaker as well.
I miss building Hextech Gunblade on Mordekaiser.
Back in Season 9 and 10, I used to main Swain toplane with ROA, even with the boom of Support Swain with Liandry's, I still played my tanky and bursty Swain, he was a literal battle mage
After the items rework, I just can't play him anymore. Literally, I got a Mastery 7 champion with more than 200K points and I CAN'T PLAY HIM BECAUSE HE IS SO GODDAM SQUISHY
I build swain full tank / full support because I can't play squishy, immobile champions.
Lack of DMG hurts tho ;/
Aatrox was deleted from the game. Anyone can see that new and old Aatrox are completely different. I'm still salty because I played Aatrox for his old self.
I would really like to have RoA back, I played anivia and ryze a lot more when RoA was around and if I felt I needed more health on an ap champion I'd build it too. Also with the new iteration of seraph's embrace those champions feel even worse to me. I still need my tear item but now I have even less ap to work with and I only get around 22 ability haste while having archangel's and a mana mythic, it just feels bad. It's hilarious seeing people build muramana on ap champions cause trying that kind of thing just makes sense at this point cause you want the damage.
I kinda hate how they changed glacial augment. Senna loved that rune and it was literally one of the only runes that you could reliably go every game. Now she's in this weird state where no one knows what to build on her,
"riot never removed a champion from the game", as a former Aatrox main, I would like to disagree with this statement.
They said that 'neither side should have privileges withheld from the other'? Given the whole Shadowflame thing (which, as others here have said, doesn't even work all that well for its intended purposes) and the fact that Assassins seem to tend to get a lot of extra toys (Collector even though some Marksmen do make use of it, the new Axiom Arc...) I have to question that logic...
I think removing items has been healthy for the game overall. I started in s2, I could handle learning all the items riot introduced. For a player starting in s10, imagine staring down a menu with 100+ items to choose from. Where would they even begin? Riot made a brave decision to not allow power creep in terms of items, though they failed spectacularly regarding feature creep on champions. Damn passives are an entire paragraph now…
"Not allow power creep on items"
Bro do you even mythic? That's literally what that is.
Season 11 was an overall positive change for the game but god damn it I miss Hextech gunblade. Not very many champs used but like cmon, it’s a FUCKING GUN BLADE. IT’S A GUN, THAT IS ALSO A SWORD. That’s just cool as hell.
Another thing I miss is the unique actives the Tiamat items had. As a Shen main using the titanic hydra active was kind of a big and incredibly satisfying ability to use… and now it’s gone. Now I’ve gotten used to it but there was just something about it that was just soooo satisfying for some reason, and I question why they got rid of it. Another item I kinda miss is adaptive helm, it was a big part of the Shen build I used to climb out of bronze and low silver, and I’m just nostalgic for it.
Also, there are 2 champs that were completly balanced around the gunblade. Akali and Katarina, both with hybrid scaling.
People complain about Akali and Katarina being broken but at the end of S9 Akali was a solid b-tier and A/S tier depending on your skill and katarina was pretty ok too, but then with the on hit katarina bs and the 0 energy cost akali Q they completly broke the balance of both champs. They also erased the hybrid kai'sa and one of the coolest build paths that kayle used to have.
I just hate how the new items felt like they exist to patch weaknesses. Immobile ADC? Just buy Galeforce! Bruiser without a ton of sustain? Goredrinker! Ult has a lot of influence on a game but set on a long cooldown? Axiom Arc! Stridebreaker used to be *the* Darius item when it gave him mobility, because when your champion's biggest weakness is immobility, just fix it with a gap closer item!
Also they really fucked over supports. Support items are terrible for income so you really don't have a means of getting money on that role anymore, which sucks when mythics drive the meta and are the most expensive items, and their power partly comes from their ability to empower legendary items but you can barely afford anything after your mythic.
Talk about a transparently biased comment lmao
4:04 WotA also would grant double bonus to the holders if multiple members of a team have the item, like all other aura items (back before they changed how spell-vamp worked). Also back in the old days True Damage (like smite) would heal you through Spell Vamp. This lead to my favorite shenanigan of just building it on Jungle Nunu (old design days) and healing for literally all your life when you consumed anything.
5:25 Executioner's Calling was your alternative for grievous wounds back in the long ago. It changed from passively doing it, to you needing to activate it for it to apply wounds, to going back to passive, to going back to active, to being removed, to being the Executioners we have now.
8:55 I miss Leviathan. It'd stack health the same as those two stack AD/AP, 30-ish per, and at full stacks it'd reduce damage by 15%. For a while you'd get 2 stacks per kill OR assist but that made it bonkers.
I think the stridebreaker change was like an entire item change. It went to being a useful item for immobile brusiers to only useful for brusiers who have mobility but no lockdown/hard to land lockdown. I find it kind of dumb it went from a brusier version of galeforce/prowler/rocketbelt into what it is now. I find it kind of silly how some things, like you mentioned, rod of ages as a tankier option for mages was removed but steraks was left. How zhonyas, an active stasis for mages is still around, but nothing for ad (GA isnt rlly comparable as you need to die and its a 5 min cd). Similarly, stridebreaker could have been changed to stay as it was intended, a way for immobile brusiers not to be kited. I don't think it was that broken, it was just like how galeforce and prowler are now but for some reason it also slowed and did damage (where gale had an execute magic dmg, and prowler had dmg and a damage increase). Instead of removing the dash and increasing the dmg, I think the better alternative was to adjust the dash range, make the cd much higher, and either remove or decrease the slow/damage (one of those depending on what the new cd is). I think riot was just overall lazy when in came to balancing this item.
I miss RoA too, but I wouldn't compare it too Steraks, since RoA had no active that gave you a shield when you ate a lot of damage, it was just a lot of HP/Mana.
"Riot never removed a champion"
As a mage main (Liss, Cassio and Ori), I think mage items are pretty dogshit compared to AD items.
They have many options to build depending on the situation, and the access to insane amounts of lethality early game on assassins is absurd compared to flat magic pen, and also they can build more % armor pen, which helps them to burn tanks and squishies alike, making them way stronger than a mage, who is almost forced to follow a path of a few viable items.
For example, I would love to see a qss ítem for mages, a black cleaver-like item for mages (especially for dps mages), a sterak ítem for mages, and so on.
Chapter apart are fighter items, those are absurd.
AD items are busted compared to AP, making that classes stronger than they should be.
If mages get qss, ad champs get zhonya's (GA doesn't count) . Seriously tho I vote to remove zhonya's and stopwatch from the game and give mages more defensive options
I also regret the deletion of Frozen Mallet, though the Serylda's Grudge is a great option for assassins, some champs don't rely too much on spells and could use an option to stick to their target, especially with all the mobility that was added into the game with s11 changes.
I know this is probably an unpopular opinion. Stat sticks are the BEST and MOST healthy items in the game. It is my belief that most items should be stat sticks, with their effects mostly dictating how you access those stats.
Utility should come from a champions kit primarily, with secondary effects or late game effects everyone should have access too coming from items.
I honestly feel like Shadowflame does not work as an antishield item. It gives magic pen then more magic pen vs shields. But unlike serpent's, it doesn't reduce the shield by itself. It's just helps you deal more damage after the shield is broken. It's like a massive magic pen stat stick with the passive slapped on it last minute to say "hey, look, antishield for ap champions"
It's like a horizen focus with a magic pen passive .
I miss philosopher's stone. Don't ask me why, I was a support main way back in the day and I just really liked that item. Also I personally loved sightstones , although I get why they were removed.
Atmas Impaler was the best item for tanks. Especially on Sion who's HP never ends in growing. This allowed him to scale like Nasus or Veigar, as the game got longer, the stronger he got. Removal of that item 'killed" him.
The name is Titanic...
Miss the armour n crit though... But riot had pushed crit away from bruisers and tanks
i remmeber using Death Fire Grasp, way back then
it was one of my go to, with that massive ap boost it provided
not to mention, the extra dmg you dealt with its activation
clunky for sure, but it was in my opinion of of the best ap items back then
also, sword of the occult was something ive completely forgot
The satisfaction I got when I threw death fire grasp + point and click veigar Q + point and click veigar ultimate 🤠
I used to play AP Tristana back before her rework and DFG was great because you could get to the point where you could split your combo and blow up 2 targets instead of one.
@@mudswamp3334 I'd rather have that than a wall of text.
(in my opinion) aatrox is technically removed since they did a 100% rework to all of his kit
As a support main, the Glacial Augment, Twin Shadows and GLP build was one of my favorite and most obnoxious strat to play on Morgana, Veigar, Swain and Yuumi.
Actually Randuin’s also procs it
4:27 This argument is pretty bad.
"Mages need it because they need more AP then ad champs need AD"
What part of that couldn't be solved by just making AP items all give more AP. Or increasing every AP ratio.
If your argument would be something like "AP champions need some form of quadratic scaling, even if its less so than AD" That would make a half decent argument.
Im not saying I want it removed, im just saying that argument is like saying "they need a stat stick because they need stats"... like what?
God, Raptor Cloak(it builds into Zzrot), why did riot take you from me, I miss you
Fun Fact: Edge Of Night was added to Wild Rift few days ago
(Didnt find nobody using it)
I honestly, hate the entire new item system. Its an incredible turn off for me with how much standardised everything has become.
I used to think ss10 is the worst, but now ss11 is the worst. Next might be ss12 as well.
I love how you add Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh reference in your video it makes me really happy to see stuff like that on a channel like this. Thanks for making the Pokémon reference and making another solid video for League of Legends.