they aren't mimics, those Meekmix dabbles in the multiverse (with the popular mods being the different universes) so those are the real TD Stewie and synthoil. also we could see all three at the same time as Glutton Peter so that's a debunk
Well, how can you explain that Stewie and Synthol can travel trough the PFG universes without knowing that after DT aftermath Stewie does not get corrupted or that's Stewie from the demo Darkness Takeover?
@@danikplay7664 Meekmix is a different universe multiverse, it has it's own versions of other songs. one of these is aftermath, it goes as usual until the end where Stewie is corrupted by Brian. (Meekmix calamity is right after aftermath iirc)
this is such a good concept wtff
Bro why is Bertram trying he’s fucked💀💀💀
Why is no one talking about how badass Synthol,Stewie and Peters designs look? like he absolutely cooled with these designs
Shit what's bertrams gonna do he's fighting
Sythol,Adam we,extinction,dt seth,brian
It’s gonna be impossible fighting Seth because he’s a actual human-
the blueok1 peter pose goes hard
adam = Cleveland
seth and brian = Quagmire
Joe: oh my God I can walk BRING IT ON!!!
Still love the part where Joe get's kidnapped.
I still think that's a Mimic Stewie and Synthol
they aren't mimics, those Meekmix dabbles in the multiverse (with the popular mods being the different universes)
so those are the real TD Stewie and synthoil.
also we could see all three at the same time as Glutton Peter so that's a debunk
No it’s dt Stewie and Synthol from aftermath meekmix
I just realized-- Spider-Stewie (Name I call him) Is almost the same height of synthol
Well, how can you explain that Stewie and Synthol can travel trough the PFG universes without knowing that after DT aftermath Stewie does not get corrupted or that's Stewie from the demo Darkness Takeover?
@@danikplay7664 Meekmix is a different universe multiverse, it has it's own versions of other songs.
one of these is aftermath, it goes as usual until the end where Stewie is corrupted by Brian. (Meekmix calamity is right after aftermath iirc)
Holy shit the glow up
Great job
Fr 💀
Now Stewie is much better XD
i got to say, Stewie looks significantly better while Synthoil looks like he permanently have a cringe face
目前我玩鬼魂公寓通关:123484次 学校通关:4346787次 下水道通关:11346 医院通关:114649😮😮😂😅
Cleveland's face tho bro it looks like this 😑
Hrhh4fhyhyhfyyyrfyhexryhfryvyhfrfhyy4fyrfhhyfhyff4hyrh4hf4h4fhyhy4hytfyhtfyhyryhchuyhrfrhuuhgryhf4yh4fyhyf44fyhyhu 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❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤jjuxrxubrxbrubyrbxubyxbytbuyrbxybybuxfbubuxtbuburxburbubxtbiurcubbubg5utcubrgubcgg ijtcif knifkng kniiknknjnnjbjbjbjbu
Why you copy peter and Stewie wesday's character
@@mstssdandan because we all use 企鹅's sprite,and i'm early than Wednesday💀(and Wednesday is my friend)