AWS - EMLÉKSZEM - Road Movie Guide

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @Kasunagi
    @Kasunagi 2 роки тому +144

    i think i speak for a lot of people, but i was too late for this band and the art they have created. i dont have the money to buy their albums but i listen to them through spotify a lot. the passing of Örs is something this community will never forget, but not due to the sadness it brings, it's because these men brought us together through a mutual thread, an unbreakable bond through their music and passion. i am actively learning Hungarian becuase of this band, im the metalhead i am today because of them.
    Egy igazi legenda, egy ember, nem kevesebb. Nyugodj békében barát (sorry for any mistakes here, i had to use a translator for some of it)

    • @osziapugameing
      @osziapugameing 2 роки тому +7

      True words mate it is good to hear this band motivated you to learn our language Big respect for you as well. Keep up for the learning and for everything else Metalhead Bro :D (Metál tesó)

    • @imkun8681
      @imkun8681 2 роки тому +4

      Thats soo soo beautifull... Im very happy that have listemers in outside

  • @esztermrazik4402
    @esztermrazik4402 2 роки тому +22

    English translation - Part 2
    BENCE: Here are the graduation photos [of Örs and his classmates]. I’m curious whether you can find him.
    TILLA: Oh, I see. “The class of superlatives bids farewell?” [T/N: For every person in this class, there is a sentence to describe them like “the most …”]. 2002-2010. Oh, he’s here, of course. “Örs Siklósi, the most promising star of the Carpathian basin.” So it doesn’t say “musician”.
    BENCE: They did think that he was surely going to achieve something. He also did theater, played music, truly everyone knew who he was. Even if they didn’t know him. He was a household name here. Whenever someone asks his family what Örs was like, they say “he liked being the center of attention”.
    TILLA: And where are you guys? Is everyone featured on a different one?
    BENCE: Roni is on a different one, Dani and I were classmates.
    TILLA: Can you show me those as well? I’m curious, let’s check everyone’s photo.
    TILLA: When did you graduate?
    BENCE: Dani and I graduated in 2009, Örs in 2010, Roni in 2011.
    TILLA: Is this the one?
    BENCE: Yep, this is it.
    TILLA: I’m gonna try to find Roni…
    RONI: That’s gonna be difficult.
    TILLA: Yeah, it’s not so easy…
    RONI: The hair color isn’t the same, that much I can tell you.
    TILLA: Yeah, ‘cause….?
    RONI: Well, I had a bad phase.
    TILLA: Wait, is that you?
    RONI: Yes, yes, unfortunately.
    TILLA: You had red hair...and it was long.
    SOMA: So “Vörös Áron” (T/N: This is a pun: “vörös” is Hungarian for “red” and Roni’s last name also means “red”, it’s a dated/dialectal form of the same word.)
    TILLA: Yeah, yeah, Vörös Áron, Veress Áron...but why did you have red hair?
    RONI: Well, you know, it was a “you wouldn’t dare” kind of thing.
    TILLA: Okay, and then where are your photos?
    BENCE: Those are on the floor below us, we can go down here, through the old part of the building.
    BENCE: Here they are.
    TILLA: Oh, here, it’s harder to find you. (…) Oh, here’s Bence.
    BENCE: What about Dani?
    DANI: I am the one who’s harder to find.
    TILLA: I can’t see Dani at all… wait, let me take a look at you, what do you look like?
    DANI: That won’t help.
    TILLA: Did you already have a beard?
    TILLA: Oooh, I’ve got you. You looked really cute, you still had a baby face. Bence pretty much looks like a young lawyer.
    BENCE: Yeah, I really do.
    RONI: Dr. Bence!
    TILLA: Dani, you’ve changed a lot.
    DANI: Well, yeah.
    TILLA: So Soma, you didn’t know the guys at this time. When did you join the band?
    SOMA: In 2017...16?
    TILLA: When they had already made it. You joined for the successful part.
    SOMA: No, no, no, that’s not how it works. I joined and THEN came the success.
    TILLA: And when you weren’t studying or playing music, what else did you do?
    BENCE: Well, practically anything, so that we could avoid studying, but football was also one of the things we enjoyed. Or rather, Dani and I did, Roni and Örs not so much.
    RONI: We were really bad at it.
    TILLA: I’m not a great footballer either, but we could play a little.
    BENCE: That’s what I was thinking.
    TILLA: Like a nostalgia party.
    BENCE: Okay.
    [sitting on the bench]
    TILLA: So how did this football thing work? (looks at Soma) You weren’t even here, you couldn’t have played football with them.
    SOMA: Yeah, but they’re better off like that.
    TILLA:Why, are you such a great a football player?
    SOMA: No, no… just that aggressive.
    TILLA: What was your sport?
    SOMA: Ice hockey and basketball.
    TILLA: And Roni, you being the greatest footballer…
    RONI: I am the greatest footballer… to tell you the truth, Dani and Bence have always been the great footballers of the band. We actually used to be afraid of them, because of the 1-year age gap and Örs would always say that Dani gave him a grumpy look whenever he walked past him.
    TILLA: Who is the best player among you?
    BENCE: There’s no such thing. We have one common identity, together we make one good footballer.
    TILLA: How are we going to play? It’s not so simple, having to divide 5 people.
    SOMA: I haven’t played with them, so I don’t know how good they are. Though I’m sure that Roni sucks at football.
    RONI: Yes.
    DANI: I haven’t played football in 10 years, so I have no idea.
    TILLA: We can do the following… (talking to Bence and Dani) you two can be together, like in the old days, and the three of us will try to beat you…
    RONI: I’m in.
    TILLA: No getting scared of them.
    BENCE: So be it.
    TILLA: Ready?
    [football match]
    TILLA: Congrats, congrats… we went a little easy on you, it would have been awkward if the three of us had beaten the two of you. But it was great.
    TILLA: So let’s move on. Will you show me some spots in Budakeszi that are important to you and where you used to meet Örs often?
    RONI: Sure.
    TILLA: Let’s get changed then.

  • @esztermrazik4402
    @esztermrazik4402 2 роки тому +23

    English translation - Part 1.
    INTRO: In memory of Örs Siklósi
    TILLA (the host): The saddest thing that happened in 2021, music-wise, was the loss of Örs Siklósi, the frontman of AWS. It was before his illness that we asked the band to join the Road Movie project, and the song was born not long after, however, we didn’t get around to making the music video as everyone was hit hard by his death in February 2021. In the end, the band and the team behind the Road Movie project decided that both a special music video and a Road Movie Guide should be filmed to commemorate Örs’ unique talent and personality.
    BENCE: This morning, when I woke up, I too had this strange feeling… I knew that we were shooting a music video and that it wouldn’t be like the ones that we were used to making… but it has helped a lot that so many dear friends and Örs’ family were here. These are steps that we have to go through and what we did today, I think that’s a pretty big one.
    [The man tells the kid to run.]
    ÖRS KOBLICSKA (director of the music video): Örs and I had quite a good relationship… I won’t say that he was my absolute closest friend, but we often had a lot of fun together, we met and worked together lots of times, I once made a music video for them. It’s really difficult to separate the personal, like my feelings and my relationship with this person and this situation from the professional. I didn’t manage to do that, but I think that it’s not a problem. While I was working on the concept for the video, I kept thinking: “It’s not good enough, it’s not worthy, that’s dumb, he wouldn’t like this, we need something more primal, more original, more striking,” and the way I could get him to help was that I watched a huge amount of material featuring him. For example, he always performed barefoot, that was a defining characteristic of him and that’s a motif that appears in various interpretations throughout the music video.
    Where we are now is the last pillar basically, the church ruins of Zsámbék, which is a wonderful place in itself, and where we thought we’d have a choir, let’s call it that, made up of Örs’ family and closest friends, his wife and his band, the innermost part of the milieu that surrounded him. Since the end of the song features a choral part, we’ll create that choir here.
    The emotion, all that has happened and is happening, that is a strong influence and of course it’s difficult to deal with, it’s difficult to work as if this was an everyday shoot, however, if I’m not focused and in the right mindset, that could hurt the balance and negatively affect the end product.
    SOMA: It hits me again that the number’s all wrong, how many we are, as if someone was just late again and then there is always that wall that proves that this is not a miscalculation. These feelings are also there during rehearsals, there’s always one in-ear monitor that remains turned off.
    [Woman’s voice while they are posing for a photo: “Stay like that for a little more time”, to which Soma replies: Should we stay together?]
    ÖRS KOBLICSKA: The band is going to play beside the sequoias and of course that’s also something intimate, them being without Örs. By the way, this is where Örs’ memorial ceremony was held, so it’s also a relevant and defining point of connection.
    Anyone listening to this beautiful song and watching this video will experience incredibly deep feelings.
    TILLA: Those who have followed the Road Movie project know that we always shoot a short film to go along with the song and its music video where the participating musicians guide us around the area their song is about. That is why I’m about to meet Bence, Dani, Soma and Roni so that they can show us the places in Budakeszi and in the Zsámbéki basin that are important to the band and are notable features of the region. First up is the high school where AWS was founded.
    TILLA: Here we are at the Ottokár Prohászka Catholic High School. Will you show me this place? If I’m not wrong, this is where the band was founded.
    AWS: That’s true.
    TILLA: Let’s go.
    RONI: Let’s check it out.
    [They enter the school building.]
    TILLA: So this is a central area within the school, a hall, I can see… by the way, this school isn’t even that small.
    BENCE: This was where they held school ceremonies, like the 15th of March one, and morning prayers on Mondays, ‘cause we had those too…
    TILLA: And you started school here in 5th grade? (T/N: = age 11)
    AWS: Uh-huh.
    TILLA: [points at Soma] Except for you.
    SOMA: Except for me.
    TILLA: You’re being really quiet. Where did you go to school?
    SOMA: I went to the Fészek Waldorf School in Solymár from the 1st grade…. and before that, I was a kindergartener there as well.
    TILLA: And you’re younger than them, right?
    SOMA: I am 4-5 years younger.
    TILLA: So you became a part of the story later on. [Turns to the others.] So if we go back to your childhood, when was the moment where you decided to form a band?
    BENCE: Here, in the school, there were, I think, about 20 musicians and everyone played with everyone in some sort of a lineup, everyone had at least 4 bands, but the one where WE played together [points at Roni]… we had a punk band named Konnektor, Roni, Örs, and me.
    [Videos from the Konnektor era:
    ÖRS: Roni is the best drummer in the band.
    BENCE: Roni...well, he’s certainly a drummer. He makes noise, that’s all he knows how to do.]
    TILLA: Back then, how old were you and who was the classmate of whom?
    RONI: Örs and I were classmates and I think we were around 14 when we founded Konnektor. [Points at Bence and Dani] And they were a year above us, so they were 15 and they were members of the band Konkvisztádor.
    TILLA: You two?
    BENCE: Yes, we were the heavy metal guys and they were the punks.
    TILLA: That’s so interesting. It’s a Catholic high school that we’re talking about, you would expect that everything’s all about order and discipline, it’s not a place where students are likely to form punk bands.
    RONI: That’s what we wanted to counterbalance, the order and the discipline, by founding a punk band.
    TILLA: So there were a number of bands, it was in the air that this is something that you can do.
    BENCE: Yes, but there was a Sports Day, where we performed and the headmistress came up to us afterwards and said: “Well...the kids enjoyed it, I guess.” That was the praise we got.
    DANI: And they took issue with our skull-patterned T-shirts.
    BENCE: Yes, we had a band T-shirt with a skull on it and the theology teacher was like “This...this I never want to see again.”, pointing at the skull.
    TILLA: How do you remember Örs? What was he like as a child?
    RONI: Really naughty.
    DANI: We actually met in that corridor, because both of our classrooms were there and teachers would always send us outside because of our misbehavior, so we hung out in the corridor.
    BENCE: He was a big rebel, because his mom is a teacher…
    RONI: And she used to teach here, “Kati néni” (T/N: Néni is how young children commonly address their female teachers.). She taught German.
    BENCE: He had this in him, this total rebellion against the system. That really was a characteristic of his. By the way, here at school, everyone knew who Örs was, even if they didn’t know him. And next to his graduation photo, it says “the Carpathian basin’s most promising musician” or “singer” or something like that. Because even back then, everyone thought that this was what he was supposed to do.
    TILLA: Can we see this graduation photo, is it still on display?
    BENCE: Of course, it’s here.
    TILLA: Will you show me?
    BENCE: Uh-huh.
    RONI: Let’s take a look.
    TILLA: It’s here, in the stairwell?

    • @kingakeri289
      @kingakeri289 Рік тому

      Olyan kedves vagy🥰
      Valószínű a srácok a képkockák alá szerették volna a magyar leírást.Én sem értek hozzá, szóval ne ostorozd magad! Csak tudod ez olyan, mintha levetítenének egy filmet, ami végén marardj ott megnézni a hozzá tartozó felírást.
      De tényleg nagyon kedves gesztus volt😘

    • @thatflemishdude4034
      @thatflemishdude4034 10 місяців тому +1

      You’re a legend brother!

  • @tamaspapp1997
    @tamaspapp1997 2 роки тому +120

    Már egy éve😢 Es még mindig nem sikerült feldolgozni teljesen👣

    • @vivienantal4974
      @vivienantal4974 2 роки тому +8

      Nekem sem sikerült feldolgozni, hogy most szombaton lesz 1 éve, hogy meghalt.

    • @balazsbalogh6648
      @balazsbalogh6648 2 роки тому +9

      Ugyan ez nálam. Még chester is aztán már 5 éve lesz lassan az is az is olyan mintha tegnap történt volna megy az idő rendesen de ugyan ez örsnél hogy egy év lesz.. 😐😢

    • @Gardenstate88
      @Gardenstate88 2 роки тому +1

      Ezt nem is lehet... Nekem se megy.

    • @Gardenstate88
      @Gardenstate88 2 роки тому +1

      @@balazsbalogh6648 pontosan ugyanez. :-(

  • @CsigerVintagelab
    @CsigerVintagelab 2 роки тому +15

    Apaként, rock zene kedvelőként, egykori reményteljes gyermekként is nehéz könnyek nélkül végig hallgatni ezt a számot és megnézni ezt a részt. De meg kellene mindenkinek legalább egyszer, hogy láthassa, milyen kevés idő is elég ahhoz, hogy egy fecske nyarat csináljon!

  • @jankovicsr
    @jankovicsr 2 роки тому +58

    Elképesztő, hogy ismeretlenül is, de mennyire megérint ez a történet engem. A szárnyalásotok, a töretlen barátságotok, az összetartás, és majd a zuhanás. Annyira látszik rajtatok, hogy szó szerint ketté tört bennetek ez a tragédia és még mindig keresitek a helyeteket. Nincsen más szó erre, mint az hogy borzasztó... Valóban hiányzik Örs karizmatikus személyisége a csapatból. Ez egy tragédia, de minden tiszteletem előttetek hogy nem adjátok fel és mentek tovább! Kívánok nagyon jó sikereket és remélem megtaláljátok az utatokat, illetve az erőt magatokban. Nyilván semmi nem lesz olyan, mint régen volt, de én úgy érzem, együtt képesek lesztek a jövőbe továbblépni. Sok sikert uraim, respekt!

  • @nordiskhjerte3107
    @nordiskhjerte3107 2 роки тому +59

    I regret that I was not a few years earlier in the AWS fandom when I knowed before which tragic fate will happening to Örs.💔 In Eurovision 2018 was AWS one of my favorite entries, I had a short term phase for listening AWS songs so much but a short time later was it over and I don't why😔 I never had the chance to see him live or to meet him💔🖤 Rock In Piece Örs🤘🏻👣🙏

    • @corpsehusband3766
      @corpsehusband3766 2 роки тому +4

      I talked to Örs once he was a very nice guy 😥

    • @nordiskhjerte3107
      @nordiskhjerte3107 2 роки тому +4

      @@corpsehusband3766 Everyone told me that about him

  • @esztermrazik4402
    @esztermrazik4402 2 роки тому +17

    English translation - Part 3 (The last one)
    TILLA: Here we are, in the outskirts of Budakeszi, by the giant sequoias. How old are these trees?
    RONI: We read that they were several hundred...NO!… (&SOMA): more than a hundred years old.
    TILLA: That’s still a lot.
    RONI: But they’re still teenagers because we also read that they could live for 3000 years.
    TILLA: These trees are going to be here in 3000 years?
    SOMA: Unless they get struck by lightning….
    RONI: Like this one.
    TILLA: There used to be another one here? And they were this close to each other?
    TILLA: Why is this place important to the band?
    RONI: When we were kids, we used to come out here a lot to do all sorts of rowdy things.
    TILLA: Everybody? Does everybody have these experiences?
    RONI: Yeah, it’s a Keszi thing… so yeah (waves at the others), they too.
    BENCE: Yes, “being rowdy” is a good way to describe it.
    TILLA: Is this place featured in the music video?
    RONI: This was one of the locations, yes.
    TILLA: And why? Because of the memories?
    RONI: Because of the memories and because I think this is quite an… (BENCE: iconic) iconic spot within Budakeszi.
    TILLA: Did Örs also spend a lot of time here?
    RONI: Yes, he actually lived really close by, they used to live in Felkeszi street.
    TILLA: What else can you do around here?
    BENCE: Among other things, you can build a campfire and sit around it, in a really romantic way….
    TILLA: Let’s build a campfire, who knows how to do that? It’s not so easy…
    BENCE: Roni and Örs were scouts…
    RONI: I can try… (TILLA: Do you have the materials?)… but I’m going to ask the guys for help.
    TILLA: We’re going to get some firewood and build a fire. Where is the campfire spot?
    BENCE: That way.
    TILLA: This turned out to be a really great campfire.
    RONI: Thank you very much. It was teamwork.
    TILLA: And it’s already quite warm. What did shooting this video feel like?
    BENCE: Well, it was hard.
    SOMA: Hellish.
    BENCE: Of course, we expected it to be difficult, but to some degree, we also considered it a task, something that we absolutely had to do, because that was the only way it was going to be good enough [T/N: Bence uses the word “szép” here, which in general means “nice/pretty”, but in this context, it means something more like “worthy/touching/beautiful” - so what you would want a piece of art created in someone’s memory to be like], if we truly poured ourselves into it. And looking at the end product, I think that we managed to achieve that and all the minutes spent working on this were worth it. The concert had been just as difficult… and then making this music video… but we know that these are all things that we have to work through…
    TILLA: It’s a long period of mourning, that is for sure. And about this song (Emlékszem)… Örs did not only write the lyrics, he was also the composer, he wrote the entire song… how did that happen? Because normally, the four of you also compose music…
    BENCE: What you have to know that all 5 of us used to write songs for the band, but then Örs said that he wanted to focus on the lyrics, so after that, it was only us four. But somehow, he took it upon himself to write this one, because he had a good idea, a chord progression that you can hear throughout the song. He came up with the basic instrumentation too, we just tweaked it a little bit.
    TILLA: And what was this song about originally? Roni, Dani? I assume its meaning has changed since then.
    RONI: I don’t think it changed in Örs’ lifetime, it changed a lot after his death. It was about this “Budakeszi feeling”, what it must have been like to live here…
    DANI: … and the fact that he’d had to move away from here and that he’d loved living here.
    BENCE: He’d always wanted to move back here as an adult, possibly with his family…
    TILLA: What about the memorial concert? Did that turn out the way you’d planned? In the end, was it a celebration or more like a funeral ceremony? What mood were you in? Dani?
    DANI: Well… how we had planned it, that’s difficult to say, because I think none of us knew how we were going to feel while on stage… obviously, there were some mixed feelings… it felt good, doing this whole thing, but of course, there were also quite a few moments when it was rather difficult to be standing there, on stage, doing this. But in the end, I think it was a beautiful celebration that we created for Örs.
    BENCE: I think it was only after the concert, not so much while we were on location, that we really thought about this. Of course, there were some moments there as well, when certain emotions suddenly overcame us, but I think this is why that feeling of emptiness hit us afterwards, because we suddenly understood what had happened. Like oh my god, why had we been there, why had over 7000 thousand people been there…
    RONI: And what we were supposed to do afterwards… before the concert, we’d had something to do and now this is the question, this is the difficult part, finding something to do. I mean, we do have things to do, we just need to get started.
    TILLA: Well, yes, this is quite a complex type of mourning, since you didn’t only lose your friend, your bandmate, your frontman, you also lost your vision of the future, like “What is AWS? What is it without Örs?” I’m guessing these are questions that you’re constantly thinking about.
    BENCE: This one is the easiest to answer because to us, it’s not a question. It actually came to light quite soon that we all feel that this is something that we must do, we owe this much to Örs and to ourselves. We have all put 15 years of work into this, we can’t give up on it. The personality of Örs was shaped to a great extent by us and the band and vice versa, so this is how it must go on.
    TILLA: Is there anything you regret?
    BENCE: I think that when someone passes away so suddenly, that’s unavoidable… because, of course, there are many times when we think of how many things we could have said and how many things we didn’t say often enough and such… and I think that’s normal...even if it’s hard to go through, we have to accept that it’s normal.
    TILLA: Which one of you was the closest to Örs? Or were you all your friendships with him of the same quality?
    BENCE: We sometimes say… somewhat jokingly, but it’s true nonetheless…. that this band is like a singular identity and I think that describes how we used to operate and our relationship quite well. I believe that the reason why this band could exist for 15 years and keep moving forward is that we haven’t been only bandmates, but best friends too.
    TILLA: This is, of course, something that you will always carry with you, an everlasting wound, but have you thought about what will happen if you never find a new singer and only the 4 of you remain, having to sing the songs?
    BENCE: I think that this is a position that needs to be filled by a person who can focus on this entirely and the people, they need a frontman. We all have our roles within the band, which we try to fulfill to the best of our ability, and the audience deserves a frontman who can interact with them… I think that’s something that can’t be done “on the side”.
    TILLA: So there will be a new singer… like in AC/DC and all those bands who’ve lost a charismatic singer and a new era began afterwards…
    SOMA: We wouldn’t declare that, nor its opposite. I mean… going back a little bit, even if we did learn how to sing, no one can become a frontman from one moment to another. I simply don’t think it works that way. It’s what we have talked a lot about today, about Örs’ and what kind of person he was… I think that in this role, personality is perhaps even more important than someone’s voice. This was a great thing about Örs, that showed through his lyrics and his stage presence, in the interviews he gave…
    TILLA: What do you think Örs represented? Who was he on the current Hungarian music scene?
    BENCE: Without exaggeration, I can say that Örs was a truly defining figure of the Hungarian metal scene, both for our generation and the ones who’ll come after us, especially those who sing in Hungarian. People could learn a lot from him and not only those who are younger than us, but some who are older too, I’m sure of it. Because I think that with his lyrics, he had reformed things a little bit, proved that you could play modern, up-to-date metal music and have meaningful Hungarian lyrics at the same time.
    TILLA: Well, you have a difficult journey ahead of you… right now, your friendship is your biggest treasure that you can build on, so don’t let that disappear… Thank you for this conversation and now, let’s watch the music video for Emlékszem…

    • @melie954
      @melie954 2 роки тому +3

      Thank you so much for translating the whole video. That's so kind of you.

    • @kidatanakafan
      @kidatanakafan 2 роки тому

      Thank you so much for the translations!

  • @diomedkrajcsik2748
    @diomedkrajcsik2748 2 роки тому +57

    Már egy éve lassan míg élek nem felejtem el barátom, hiányzool a dalaid mindenre vigaszt nyújtottak. És mindig hihetetlen és felfoghatatlan hogy már egy éve hogy az égi zenekarral játszol. Nyugodj békében Örs a szívembe örökké helyed van

  • @two-six989
    @two-six989 2 роки тому +37

    Ugyan úgy könnyes szemekkel néztem ezt a videót, mint amikor egy éve az első infókat olvastam Örs haláláról. Hosszú és üres egy év volt ez nélküle. Hiányzol csodafiú! 👣🖤

  • @yarovadaria8002
    @yarovadaria8002 2 роки тому +16

    miss him so much.. one of the best people I've ever met. Örs egy csoda🖤👣

  • @Surokkh
    @Surokkh 2 роки тому +29

    This band surprised me a lot when I heard them. I was drawn into their music and couldn't stop listening.
    From the very start, I could hear a true passion behind every word and note, even though I had no idea what they were saying, or who they were.
    Örs felt like a brother and a friend. His words felt like a hand reaching out in the dark and helping me stand up. And boy, how Roni, Bence, Soma and Daniel never failed to make the right instrumentals for the message.
    Thank you for everything you have done. Words could never express how much your work means to me. If there's ever a reunion concert like the one a few months ago, nothing is gonna stop me from seeing you!
    Lastly, I hope you and your families are doing well. Sending love and good wishes from Serbia❤❤❤❤❤

    • @meridasgyerek
      @meridasgyerek 2 роки тому +3

      Hey David,
      your words are top! I feel the same. It will be some remember-reunion concerts in the spring and I think in february too. Some of these are already sold out or 80%-90 % full, so hurry up with buying the tickets! See you there! Good to see, fans from Serbia!
      Greetings from Hungary!

    • @Surokkh
      @Surokkh 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you so much for the info! I hope to see you there😁

  • @matekodaj4419
    @matekodaj4419 2 роки тому +3

    Szavakkal nem lehet azt kifejetni amit még most is érzek 1 év után. Örs halálával megszakadt a szívem és még soha senkit nem sajnáltam ennyi, mert Örs nem csak egy ember volt ő egy igazi csoda és példakép volt mindannyiunk számára s még élek nem felejtem azt a pillanatot amikor koncert után hulla fáradtan ránk szánt pár percet pár fotó kedvéért. Mert ő ilyen ember volt, egy önzetlen, szeretnivaló, közvetlen tiszteletre méltó példakép. Szia Örs a te emlékedre csináltattam egy tetoválást az emlék koncert dátumával, ha most itt lennél biztos azt mondanád hogy ez lett a legrondább tetkóm és megbánom de büszkén viselem mert tisztellek! Szeretek és nagyon hiányzol te mezítlábas csoda💔🖤👣

  • @janoskarolyi318
    @janoskarolyi318 2 роки тому +3

    Egyszerűen még így egy év után se tudom mit is mondhatnék. Örs túl jó,túl tehetséges volt ebbe a világba. Az egész zenekart egy 4 éve találtam meg és azóta a kedvenceim vagytok. Nincs hozzátok fogható csapat. Így amit le raktatok az asztalra azt több nemzedék is tudni fogja. Bármi is történik majd Örs fent büszke lesz rátok és elkísér titeket és mindenkit az életünk során. Nyugodjon békében.

  • @1010-o9v
    @1010-o9v 2 роки тому +4

    Nem ismerek senki, a zenekart is csak az eurovizio kapcsan, de melyen megerint a szamtol, a klipen keresztul, a helyszinek es az emberek. Szerintem a magyar tortenelem egyik legikonikusabb dala az Emlekszem. A 21. szazad legjobbja. Tartsatok ki!

  • @kiscilinke56
    @kiscilinke56 2 роки тому +16

    A korosztályom gyermekei közül nagyon nagyon hiányzik, elvesztése az én lelkemnek is fáj.Szeretem hallgatni a számait akkor újra itt van.

  • @kristofu7183
    @kristofu7183 2 роки тому +3

    nekem és egy két barátomnak az volt az egyik legjobb érzés hogy elolthattuk utánatok a tüzet a mamutfenyők alsó padjánál❤😊

  • @markhorvath7399
    @markhorvath7399 2 роки тому +5

    Tereld el a gondolatot oda ahol nem látszik 😔 Nem voltam koncerten de van egy AWS poszterem és középröl valaki hiányzik. Kitartást 👍 könnyek nélkül nem lehet végignézni

  • @gergoigaz9735
    @gergoigaz9735 2 роки тому +4

    Kétezer tizes évek talán eleje, számomra ismeretlen AWS zenekar Kecskeméten a Technika Házában. Néhány vodkanarancs már a szervezetben. AWS koncert indul, Örs mondja, mi vagyunk az Aws zenekar Budakeszirőőől! Koncert lement, arcunk leszakadt. Én a koncert végén: DUNAKESZIIII HELLYEAH! Örs: Budakeszi az, köszi :D Sajnálom nagyon, nem ezt érdemelte.

  • @НикитаЯкубёнок-й8п
    @НикитаЯкубёнок-й8п 2 роки тому +11

    Make english subtitles, please. Not only in Hungary man is interesting about AWS.

  • @viktorvarju5853
    @viktorvarju5853 2 роки тому +3

    emlékszem mikor először meghallottam őket zenélni...Örs hangszíne azonnal megtetszett...
    tipikus kemény karcos metál férfi hang!
    akkor úgy voltam vele, végre egy olyan zenekar amely pont úgy szól, mint amilyennek én szeretném hallani...erre tessék!!
    nagyon jó ez a kis film!
    Köszönet érte!

  • @anikoszeghalom
    @anikoszeghalom 2 роки тому +8

    Hát ezt sírás nélkül nem lehet végignézni! :'( Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Örs fentről mérhetetlenül Büszke rátok! ❤️

    • @kittiboldog7430
      @kittiboldog7430 2 роки тому +2

      ezt én is pontosan így gondolom❤❤🖤💔💔

  • @macskasdorina
    @macskasdorina 2 роки тому +3

    Nagyon meghato volt. Hosszú idő után zúdult a könnyem.

  • @MrZsolti00
    @MrZsolti00 2 роки тому +3

    Úristen 😇🙏🙏🙏🙏 köszönöm szépen! Nagy zene.!

  • @dorahorvath6782
    @dorahorvath6782 2 роки тому +14

    Sosem feledem!!!🖤🖤🖤Igazi csoda volt, marad!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🤍🤍🤍🤍🙏👣

  • @DshnrdBlade
    @DshnrdBlade 2 роки тому +13

    Nemsoká a bőröm alatt is ott leszel, Örs!🖤 Sosem fogom elfelejteni, amit adtál a zenén keresztül!

  • @simplyAnita
    @simplyAnita 2 роки тому +3

    Ölelés nektek, srácok.
    Még mindig elszorul a torkom, amikor ez a dal megszólal. Fáj látni is. Annyi jó érzés, sok őrült perc a bulikon.... réginek tűnik már, pedig pár éve volt nekem. Sosem fog elmúlni a szeretet irántatok. Örs, feledni nem lehet.

  • @zsuzsavadasznebene6985
    @zsuzsavadasznebene6985 2 роки тому +12

    Olyan szívszorító ez az egész....Amellett, hogy milyen klassz zenészek a srácok,nagyon intelligens emberek. Sajnálom, hogy ilyen fiatalon ilyen óriási veszteség ért benneteket, kívánom, hogy találjátok meg az utatokat!

  • @freddyke91
    @freddyke91 2 роки тому +9

    Nyomnám a likeot1000szer is ha lehetne. Jó volt betekintést nyerni a multba és ez, hogy már 14 évesen is nyomtátok a zenét nem semmi. Gratula. Így tovább ❤️

  • @mrdragmester
    @mrdragmester 2 роки тому +2

    Hiányzik nagyon,imádom az aws 😭❤❤ olyan szomorú hogy már több mint egy éve 🖤 nyugodjon békében🖤

  • @AnikóMenyhart-w3g
    @AnikóMenyhart-w3g 5 місяців тому

    Bárcsak Mindenki értené...♥️

  • @Velvet780402
    @Velvet780402 2 роки тому +6

    2015. Január. Kazincbarcika. Előzenekar voltatok Leanderék előtt. Utána a backben együtt buliztunk. Sosem feledem azt az önfeledtséget. Mikor azon nevettünk, hogy Leanderék voltak a fő fellépő, mégis az AWS kapta a rekeszben a jobb sört. Nyugodj békében, Örs

  • @tundebedics5542
    @tundebedics5542 2 роки тому +3

    Egy éve szerintem nincs olyan nap, hogy ne járnátok a fejemben. Minden jót kívánok és legfőképp kitartást 🙏🏻🦋💫

  • @zsomborjakab4663
    @zsomborjakab4663 2 роки тому +7

    Úr isten lassan egy éve🖤👣

  • @petraszabo6325
    @petraszabo6325 2 роки тому +8

    Lassan egy éve de még mindig nem fogadtam el teljesen 🖤👣😔

  • @napkLteh
    @napkLteh 2 роки тому +10

    Nem sírok, de szerintem valami csodálatos ember emléke a szemembe ment.

  • @esztersimon5051
    @esztersimon5051 2 роки тому +1

    Már egy éve ,hogy nincs velünk ,hihetetlen ,ő egy csoda volt !

  • @imkun8681
    @imkun8681 2 роки тому +5

    Egy éve higy nem szol a hang, mem ragyog a csillag.
    Hiányzik. Hiányzik a hangja, hiányzik a nevetése, a mosolya, a mézése, a személye. HIANYZÓL ÖRS!😔

  • @equinox5224
    @equinox5224 2 роки тому +4

    Ez gyönyörű lett. Szép munka, srácok!
    Tényleg kíváncsi vagyok, hogy ki lesz az új frontember. Ez egy örökség, amit át kell vennie, és nem lesz egyszerű feladata.

  • @biankalajdi3571
    @biankalajdi3571 2 роки тому +3

    Gombóccal a torkomban néztem végig a videót . Kitartást kívánok srácok , elmondhatatlanul hálás vagyok nektek.

  • @Fetza_youtube
    @Fetza_youtube 2 роки тому +2

    0:00-1:05-ig tekergetem vissza folyamatosan a videót, annyira el lett kapva. Hihetetlen ember, zenész, hang.

  • @bencesomlai6188
    @bencesomlai6188 2 роки тому +2

    Tilla még mindig irritál, de a srácok imádnivalóak, Örs pedig pótolhatatlan .🖤

  • @alparbellovics
    @alparbellovics 2 роки тому +8

    Örs egy Csoda!! 🖤🖤👣

  • @Yenkovich
    @Yenkovich 2 роки тому +3

    Szuper film lett, a zenétek még mindig, minden szinten nagyot üt :) jó lenne, ha több emlékkoncertre nem kellene menni. Kitartás srácok! Jó lenne még Titeket színpadon látni, bár Örs feladta a leckét énekesként bárkinek. Hatalmas karakter volt.

  • @egylany8000
    @egylany8000 2 роки тому +5

    Nagyon szeretem a dalait jó ember volt hihetetlen

  • @mikisarkany298
    @mikisarkany298 2 роки тому +5

    Hát megkönnyeztem🥺🖤 hiányzol te csoda 😍

  • @elizabetfazekas1194
    @elizabetfazekas1194 2 роки тому

    Még mindig felfoghatatlan..nyugodj békében 🖤

  • @sandor97
    @sandor97 2 роки тому +3

    Sosem feledünk 🥺🖤 Örs egy Csoda 🖤🖤👣

  • @tundeherczeg2410
    @tundeherczeg2410 2 роки тому +3

    Számomra annyira hihetetlen hogy már nincs köztünk. Miközben néztem rázott a hideg. Hiányzol nekünk Örs.

  • @szoboszlaiannu-pilates
    @szoboszlaiannu-pilates 2 роки тому +3

    Megsirattam. Ismét 🖤

  • @gyuluskatrabant
    @gyuluskatrabant 2 роки тому +3

    Örökké Ő marad az AWS frontembere! Bárhogy is lesz ezután! Tartsatok ki srácok!

  • @barbikulcsar9882
    @barbikulcsar9882 2 роки тому +1

    Még mindig nem fogom fel,hogy nincs köztünk! 😢😭👣🖤

  • @valkokettua
    @valkokettua 2 роки тому +3

    как же вас люблю 💛

  • @VolkyNikto
    @VolkyNikto 2 роки тому +3

    Hihetetlen nagy tehetséget vett el tőlünk az élet

  • @andreahornok3685
    @andreahornok3685 2 роки тому +1

    Köszönöm ezt a videót...többet hozzá tenni nem lehet...

  • @koppanybottyan1408
    @koppanybottyan1408 2 роки тому +3

    Nagyon Hiányzol Örsi🖤👣

  • @vargaviki666
    @vargaviki666 2 роки тому +2

    Nagyon hiányzol! 🖤👣

  • @gratzollmartin7771
    @gratzollmartin7771 2 роки тому +2

    Drága barátom sohasem felejtelek el amíg élek! Zengjen hangodtól a menyország kapuja! Hiányzol! :( #Örsegycsoda

  •  2 роки тому +2

    sírva kirázott a hideg!

  • @finomsagkis6352
    @finomsagkis6352 2 роки тому +2

    Akire emlèkeznek örökre velünk marad!!!

  • @richardgiczi344
    @richardgiczi344 2 роки тому +2

    Örs egy csoda! 👣

  • @mynameislily4401
    @mynameislily4401 2 роки тому +3

    miss you🖤👣

  • @csajszi45
    @csajszi45 2 роки тому +4


  • @Namtillaku
    @Namtillaku 2 роки тому +4

    Nagyon erősen indul már az elején a Távolodóval....

    • @Fetza_youtube
      @Fetza_youtube 2 роки тому +1

      Nagyon kifejező az első 1 perc. Visszajárok újranézni. Pár évvel vagyok idősebb nála, a harcunk majdnem egy időben indult, igaz nekem más problémával és a mai napig harcolok... Ő az egyik, aki motivál... a Csoda már megpihent. Azt hisszük örökké élhetünk és sajnos e szerint is éljük életünket, de a baj bárkit, bármelyik pillanatban elérhet, nem számít ki vagy, mit tettél és milyen terveid voltak az életben. Az amikor nem élsz, hanem túléled a mindennapokat rájössz mindenre. Ennek a csodálatos embernek itt kellene még lennie köztünk, nekem pedig a koncertjén az első sorban megélni a pillanatot... az élet kiszámíthatatlan.

  • @notcontentwithlosing
    @notcontentwithlosing 2 роки тому +6

    Can we get some English subs here pls?

  • @csillagorzoluna
    @csillagorzoluna 2 роки тому +2

    Egy év így eltelt, de annyira hiányzik, mintha csak tegnap ment volna el.

  • @knnthfrmn
    @knnthfrmn 2 роки тому +2


  • @Reav4n
    @Reav4n 2 роки тому +3


  • @silence9452
    @silence9452 2 роки тому +2

    Szép Volt Fiúk!!!

  • @zsuzsamihalik3518
    @zsuzsamihalik3518 2 роки тому +1

    Még ugyan úgy fáj!!

  • @majormate5237
    @majormate5237 2 роки тому +3


  • @peterfrona5523
    @peterfrona5523 2 роки тому

    Engem az érdekel hogy a srácok már nem zenélnek? Vagy igen de csak maguknak? Vagy szétszéledtek? Vagy mi van velük

    • @peterlingua6405
      @peterlingua6405 2 роки тому +1

      Tavaszi 5 állomásos vidéki turnéra indulnak rövidesen, ami látható az AWSofficial oldalán

  • @Wixder
    @Wixder 2 роки тому +4


  • @kittiboldog7430
    @kittiboldog7430 2 роки тому +1


  • @marin.fer.
    @marin.fer. 2 роки тому +5


  • @WasaFilms
    @WasaFilms 2 роки тому +9

    Pls translate it 😭😭😭😭

    • @esztermrazik4402
      @esztermrazik4402 2 роки тому +6

      I am working on a translation. :) Hopefully I'll be able to finish it tomorrow and then I'll post it here. :)

  • @balazssebestyen9455
    @balazssebestyen9455 2 роки тому +2

    R.I.P Örs

  • @akr0
    @akr0 2 роки тому +1

    hiányzol, te Csoda!

  • @corpsehusband3766
    @corpsehusband3766 2 роки тому +3


  • @bl00dymist
    @bl00dymist 2 роки тому +3


  • @nametheeurocircuschannel
    @nametheeurocircuschannel 2 роки тому +4


  • @matemarksebok5535
    @matemarksebok5535 2 роки тому +3

    viszlát örs nyugodj békéban siklósi örs

  • @iampatrikhevizi
    @iampatrikhevizi 2 роки тому +1


  • @viragvoros2190
    @viragvoros2190 2 роки тому +1

    Sohasem feledünk! 🖤🥺

  • @peterbertalangyenes9282
    @peterbertalangyenes9282 2 роки тому +2


  • @deneskanizsay
    @deneskanizsay 2 роки тому +5


  • @petervaradi1384
    @petervaradi1384 2 роки тому +2

    Nem aze, de 3x probalom vegig nezni es neeeem megy!!!! Majd 4x talan....

  • @a_robi_
    @a_robi_ 2 роки тому +2


  • @ninjon_kextekercs
    @ninjon_kextekercs 2 роки тому


  • @miklosszigeti4704
    @miklosszigeti4704 2 роки тому


  • @cintiamihalik8865
    @cintiamihalik8865 2 роки тому


  • @hungarianroleplay2117
    @hungarianroleplay2117 2 роки тому +1


  • @ferenckover1639
    @ferenckover1639 2 роки тому +1

    Ha egy meg hallgatást csinálnának esküszöm meg próbálnám tudom soha nem lenne olyan a hangom de legalább a segítség érezete meg lenne bennem

  • @imkun8681
    @imkun8681 2 роки тому +1

    Amúgy ez nem fair hogy Magyarorszagon ilyen kalss s szuper iskolak s gimik vannak. Romaniaban meg... iylet higy tablon egy saját megjegyzés a szemlyről, vagy ilyenek. Eh.....

  • @bencefarkas880
    @bencefarkas880 2 роки тому +1


  • @gyulapanszky7805
    @gyulapanszky7805 2 роки тому +1

    Tudom hogy ez az enekesrol szolt elsosorban, de azert Marcellt megemlithettek volna.

    • @peterlingua6405
      @peterlingua6405 2 роки тому

      Akkor már Varga Gergőről, Petrik Bencéről stb is beszélni kellett volna.......

    • @dorianhahl8415
      @dorianhahl8415 2 роки тому

      Ők kicsodák?

  • @fallenslave6684
    @fallenslave6684 2 роки тому

    igaz az, hogy igaz ami igaz? ám de nem?

  • @corpsehusband3766
    @corpsehusband3766 2 роки тому +3


  • @Keszagi
    @Keszagi 2 роки тому +4


  • @zsu82
    @zsu82 2 роки тому
